..Nil., ,,. 1,,,1-y,, lm m Wep .xxtmx ir Se m OFFICIAL PAI'ICIl OF KLAMATH FALL IS'SXZ GZ. Fourteenth Year No. 3938 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1920 Price Five Cento k I saP -- - '"- Smr ' T i. I m .J..i; ,. i sap-- k.-.' -v. . m Laa'gai w4 44A4 I VI ornciAi.'rAFHiw. FINAL SUMMONS IS ANSWERED BY GEO. T. BALDWIN In tlm cl-'iitli ttil mornliiK ( 'lnorgn T Baldwin, Mute senator iiii'l i,li'guttvnlecl to lint Democratic mi tlonal convention, nu fiiiplrn builder passed on. History In year H come -will ntcprd thn 1 1 fit (tint achievement of Oil unassuming cltlien u ttittlr worth deervo. uml posterity will nnnirliiln Dm work of Oil II wblllM' -very closeness to tlin generation cf j today may niinii in uoi mimuiri fjio l ho grentne of hi success In bin continuous loll anil struggle ovur a ., period morn than two neurit year fur thn upbuilding of Oregon ami I hi de velopment of Klamath county ' Horn was n man! And though today tho Up lhal wore eloquent In tht forum are dumb, ami urn nan.u ,iptllon. irlPI lm.iliictlv.dy to poll that wrought In llm field and lu to ',.,. j,,,,. U,wln for a lifetime workshop ami nu long a life flowr.l W(U H ))(m)r ,( )t) i)(,moeru,c pa,iy In them never cased to bo lifted for ,)f lf ,, ,, r(,t,.. nfortt Klamath county's advancement art ,aimllth divided from Lake pulseless, llm measure that thine rij). ,, .,, ,,.puty slu-rUf of Up advocated and thn development (o ,,,., ,Vion of Lake. tho for which Ihont hand lulled li vatl ,, ll0W Ktnmath, nn of Toallly which death lia no power loJ1(, ffW rjiri..,u,u-.. of law and rouqunr. order scattered orr a aldn frontier. Tho memory of the man who mold- who( Kama,, county wa formed d the law, who dar-d the itnngerou (i wqi of r,r, 0,fr,., hoj. pain or u wniiirnM inui uianway. nml rnltroads might come In dun oure. nmt who aided evory r"',lmmM,nrMt to the nlsil m of the vot atrurllvo effort that ha cau-'d a city ,ft wl(, ,,,,. lip cl0c ,, iho nUtvy to spring forth upon tun foundations of tho small anttlemetit of thn 70's uniio din uml tlrv varn will Ittlllg fresh gurlaml to hi memory. inn perMHKiiw- i too cio.e lor lrluml,.a Th fUmph of prln Ihn writer of today to more than c,0 ,b vttcry for hi btllef In tho -Iwnll hantlly upon the bun- olograph-1 VBralI10un, nt., 0f an educated cltl Icul delnlls of the dereilvia's life, A wnry wa, mied;by III political rtiort. able chronicler, with a greater d(ri.a, , llBXl (.,Jctlon hut ih'oiu Clft for exprelon and a wider vision LU Opp0(M.j ln lhen are the bene will credit the nam., of Onorgo T. f(.ark)( ot ,,,, toriKin anJ they llaldwln with the prulMi that Is ' lailti'ilt It now. '"c' I Kor several terms Judge llaldwln CleorKo Thompson Ilaldln ;,,! at the city council table and the born ul Kt I.OUI-. Mlsvturl. January L, i.yfi,,,.,! ,y n presence In wise 21, lh56 He came lo Oregon In rilmr(., artlj improved conditions. 1872. settling ut Ashland Then, hnl , ,ftH wu ,.,.,.,,., ltuta . miitnded the ucademy for a ear. and L,ur nm WM ,,,.,, , ja,,uar. 1917 then, he learned the tinner's trade. ,, ,prn ,,, haTp uxprcil next There also he was marrfe.l to Ml., Jnrillnr). ,,, ,hl. legislative a-wem-Joslo N. Nail, the widow who aur- by of the people of Oregon his voice -vlvt-shlm wat nwnJm lifted In support of tho In I87f. lie came to Klamath ,, bat Mag M)0U, ,Velopment. Kails, then the little settlement of .belter blghwaja. belter schools, the j.inHvuii', wiin uis win), ana utiau llshnd a home and bu-ine-s In thu community. The business consisted of n small tlnxhop near the Link rlvor bridge, on the site now occupied by tho Klamath Lake and Navigation company. Klumath county at that 1lmo was still a part of Lake county, otntl Ihn Klamath llasln was sparsely populated territory. The early set tlers bought their tinware at tbo llaldwln shop, which supplied prac tically all thu plonoer utonslht and tin table ware of what I now Klam ath county. Toduy there stands on ,Maln stre-tt tho store of the llaldwln Hardware company, carrying a stock that cov ers every need of tho modern home. It la said, probably with truth,' that it Is the peer of any store of Us class In southern Oregon. It la the suc cessor of the little tinshop on the rlvor front, and la one measure of a atrong man's ucnlcvomont, for Judgo Ilaldwin'H brain and hands built from 'tho 'small beginning to the magnifi cent business cf today. He was Its i foundor and Its guide In Us Infancy nnd took an iicllvo part In It direc tion until Ih death, being presldont of tlm llaldwln Hardware company until the last. Kor two uiinual terms, tip to two years ago, Judge llaldwln 'was president of thu Slnto IJiirdwaro and Implement Dealers' association. Hut today l u far cry from thu 'early 70'b and Judge llaldwln did not escape' tho hardships that bcHot tho pioneer, He know adversity and pov erty, nnd In tho loan duya ot tho tin shop ho oked out tho Incomo of tho ,ahop by mall carrying contracts. Ho rode ponV express from Redding on tho routo (hat carried tho mall and express on horseback to the govern ment poit .at Fort Klamath. He car ried the mall from Klamath Fall on oreb?k to Merrill, to Langetl yal ley'and. Wonama over all sort of .rba$, J( all.j(6rts ot weattier and ';cWj fcaU'pV.hlgh water" the saall WMt i(kTMUlL 'PIONEER OF KLAMATH i uun has PAssrn nrj i j f-m Hrnnlor Uronf T. lUlilwlo N.liirally. ,,,,, r this type, a iui,itr uf . ,, llloM,,r ,lt pultllc U(. , pwl f lrvnilllrcr. no? hit wa elected county Judge A , ,lool hMAinli overlooking the city, Agaliut strong opposition Judge llaldwln foueht for the vstalt llshment of a county high school and fundamental necessities ot develop ment. He brought to the state forum the same earnest service that had marked hi career us a city and coun ty officer, placing the public weal foremost of evury other considera tion. He knew from eiperlonco the value ot efficient transportation and development Ot roads was.hle'.hobay; When Judge Ualdwio first came .to Klamath Falls freight was hauled In wagons from Redding, Calif., or Roseburg, Ore., and three weeks were consumed 'in mtklng the trip. In 101 he launched a movement and contributed lo the fund for a survey of a Southern Pacific branch from Pokegatua. This fell through but undaunted ho set lo work again and as president of the Klamath chamber of commerce he waa lastrtmeptal In securing a $100,000 bonus for the building cf the line from Weed. Tho bonus was voluntarily" relinquished by tlm Southern Pacific on comple tion of the road in 1909, because tbo work wa not finished within the tlmo limit. Judgo llaldwln received tho first carload of commercial freight that enmo ovor tbo road. In company with K, R. Reames, of tho First National bank; C. 8, Mooro and H, II. Gates, Judgo llaldwln es tablished tho Klamuth Falls Light & Power company, tho first utility ot Its kind in tho community, which was lutor tukou over by tho California Oregon Powor company. Judgo llaldwln was onu of tho orig inal founders ot tho First Stdto & Havings bank and was n stock-holder and director and ono of tho vlco presi dents of tho Institution at tho time ot hln death. Earlier still he helped or ganise and establish ttfe banking In stitution that was the forerunner ot the present First National bank. He waa a charter member of the. A. F, A. M. gad had taken all. the degree n Masonry extent the thirty third. He belonged te thelUlgBta feiialar M rtMkr'4 ( Al M ;, o. p. CANDIDATES ARE MATERIALIZING I'MICAOO, Juno 4. Sonth Caro-, NKW YOHK, Juno 4 Tho rnll llmi conttti ovit deli'Rten to tint llonit of Atnitrlcnn women who pxpect 'llttpiihllciin natlonnl convnntlon film - MpiIiimI flmworku tind raudcrllle for to- 'day'it tni'ftlig of tint national com- niltt'w! Tin; lid pamd freely and chargu of "notiiPthlnK rottn nrarr than Denmark" iti inadn by delegate of the Adnms faction, counted for JVood, In thn courm of presenting tbclr cae uloit thn Tolbort dtlega- llomt, counUd for Lowdeo. The Tolberl t)eliatti were aeated. Seine of tho negro delegate chared i politic and religion. y,'e all should that the Tolbert faction bad threat- j study both; how to Improve our gov enetl them with death If they attend-. eminent and make better men and ed a regularly called convention. j CHICAGO, June 4. Line of ac-.tbo religion ct the gospel, the ten Hon mnong the Republican prenlden- commandments and the sermon on tll candidates are beginning to cornel the mount. The world ll money tout of the mtbutous atmosphere of 'mad Religion alone will free It from tint preliminary period and move to-1 Its selfishness and unrest." ward form, and things are beginning I Mrs. Crosby, who has been called to tukt on a reul convention atmos- "tin- mother of New )orx women phere i Democrats," a white-haired, dlgnl- There Is hope among the commit , fled matron of more than three scero legmen that they may finish thelr-eat she Is the widow of a Judge work Saturday. The Mulvlhlll deIo-t declared the 300 or1 'more women gallon from Mlstlsilppl was seated, jdclegate would go to the conrentlon It Is iinlmttuclcil hut la counted, with the determination to nominate among the Lowden forces. u MrotiK man and put through, a "con- . striictlvo" program CHICAGO, June I Oencral WmoiI' "Ifwlll be the gntatest rcnrcntlon lue! a statement tcday about tbe ruiuum ut thebreak among his man agftra saylngr "Tbe rumor that there ha been friction and that Colonel Proctor is to cense to manage ray campaign Is false and I can only attri bute It to euerny propaganda." f CHICAGO, June 4. Oovernor Henry Allen of Kansas, who Is to nominate General Wood, arrived to day and announced that he would offer a pWforra plank tor the Judi cial settlement of Industrial disputes as a paramount -Uiuo before the na tion. CHICAGO, June 4. Outlining bis campaign plans, Senator Johnson 'to day declared tbe Johnson forces would pretent a leaguo of nations plank, denouncing tbtt present cove nant; urge a plank on the high cost ot living, and another on labor, which will Be an argument against any movement toward "dehumanising labor. He predicted that prohibition ould not be mentioned. Kader Temple of the Mystic Shrine ot Portland, of which ho was deputy potentate for this district. He was past master of tho local Masonic lodge. Other fraternal affiliations are the A. O. U. W., of which he was a char ter member and the grand master of Oregon tor two terms; the local II. P. O. V... ot which be was a charter member. Hore, hastily gathered and 111 pre sented, with many Important omis sions no doubt. I a record ot achieve ment of which few men can boast. Founder ot a prosperous business, leader ot the best thought of the community, moUer of the laws of the commonwealth, pioneer equally of the wlldorness and of tho financial, transportation and power utilities that opeued up tliut wlldorness, tbo most devotod of husbands, a father whoso greatest monument is the roar ing of sons and a daughter who are worthy to hour his name and carry on his work -hero Is gathorcd ait epltomo ot a llfo worth while. Thr6ugb hardships and vlccleltudos, In poverty and In peaceful affluence ho stood four-squara "And so ho boro, without reproach, That grand old name ot gontlo man; Defamod by every charlatan, And soiled by much Ignoble use. The surviving relative aro the widow, Mr. Joele N. Baldwin who has been ll for some time and who is prostrated far the blow that haa befallen; three aon. Charlea R., Wil liam W. of Klamath Falls, and F. Zlaa Bald wit of mkview; a daughter, MlM-Mande lillwta ef Klajj4tilvj'toia.r.r," UN H BE PRESIDENT 20 YEARS FROM NOW, ' tln.'lr political utatiiN to be changed by fcili-ral nnicndmpnt to citizenship next November ar coins' to beccnio mi potter for good n thn nation, ac- 'cording to Mm, John BhtrwlD Croiby, la dulogatt to tho Democratic national .convention In Han Frtnelico nnit June, A woman prtiltftnf of the United State, ahe aayi' Is "remote but not Impoinlble, ay,'ln 1944." "Tho only tr,o things worth while at present," aald Mrg.'Croibr, "aro women When I spegk-ofrellglon I don't mean any particular creed but eer held," she said, "because women for tbo first timo will bare a volco In It. I expect to see a bitter fight, par-) tlcularly over the question of major ity or unit rule. I can, ot course only speak for myself and what tbe women may do when they enter the con von-i tlon will depend largely upon 'the .. ..in .. -.:.- '.iir.. . . j. i ..... ... r action they take In the preliminary caucuses. I believe an effort will be made to put a plank In the platform calling for a modification of the Vol steud enforcement act and permitting tho manufacture and sale of light wines and beer. I bolieve, howcrcr, that everyone should he obedient to law, I oppotn anarchy and socialism. "All American women," she con tinued, "aro sufferers from ! profi teers. We must fight them and I am sure wo have ingenuity enough to devise a way to deteat tbem and, lu other ways, to bring down the cost of living. Inequitable taxation un doubtedly will come in for its share ot attention at the Ban Francisco caucuses and the idea ot Henry George ot stopping ipecujatlon In land and relieving both workers and industry from some of their burdens undoubtedly wilt be ' advocated by women. The worst profiteer 'of all Is tbe profiteer in honsee and land. The 'unearned Increment' of land, the rental value, must be taken for public revenue or tbe people will stagger under their taxes till they drop." The woman leader declared that "with the change in the political sta tus ot women next, fall" there would come, however, no violent change In governmental affaire. It wpuld take women, a long time to become prac tical politicians, she said, but they would become auch eventually. She said the time would come when women would till the most Important offices within the gif Tot tbe people, oven to a woman president ot the United States, supremo, court Justices and members ot congress. ' WKATIIKH ltKPORT ORKGON Tonight and Saturday, fair; colder In tho east; westerly wind. 4', monil, and i threo nopliews, Robert llaldwln ot Klamath Fall, Herbert Baldwin ot Ooldtleld, Nov., and Charles I. Roberts of Klamath Falls. Tho funeral service will tako place Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, under tho auspices ot the local Ma sonic lodge, nt the Presbyterian church. The following friends ot the decedent have been chosen to act as a last escert: Honorary pall bearers B. R. Reames, J, W. Btraat. W. B. Mom ver. F. Li. Armstrong, O. C. Apple gate, C. H. WHfcroir., AMwWatMiiH?' W- Spiker, 0aar'atvvM.-.-., ftrma: ( - I'f H,K QUITM lf)ST OK SKCItl-XlllV OV MTATK WA8HINOTO.V, June 'i Krank I.. Polk today rcnlftncd "an uccrolary of Btato, and hln ' roalgnutlnn wax accepted by I'rcildent WlUon. It In effectivn June IB ll will lcavo Vah Ington and rcitume practice of Ian Polk was appointed to fill the vacancy created by thj res ignation of Robert Lansing, which followed friction between '.arising and President Wilson. Polk has only held office for a couple of months. SEEING m Two revenue agents left Portland for some unknown point in eastern Oregon Tuesday night on an impor tant mission. They are headed Into the sagebrush country to tako Into custody 13 cases of raro wines and liquors. The exact point of destina tion, as well as other facts connected with the Junket, are strangely miss Ing'around the federal building whore nows of tbe projected raid first seeped through. Present ownership of the liquor Is vested In A. h. I-ong." former Port land policeman, who was convicted In federal court seteral months 'ago for 'Impersonating an officer In con nection with an unofficial llqeor raid whlcb.be conducted near Dend last fall. Longtwas to have been -tenceeV (n federal court Tn Malay morning before Judge Bean, but just before he was to enter the court room r le. held a conference with Art-'T' . i nitett states Attorney Humphreys and agreed to disclose the where- abnuts ot the, liquor cache which he made when he took the liquor from other bootleggers. I Xing told Mr. Humphreys that he bad 13 cases of the liquor bidden somewhere near Prlnerllle. and he accompanied the two revenue agents there. Prouncement of sentence on his federal court conviction will bo delayed until they return with the missing liquor. I.ong was convicted mainly on the testimony of L. L. Adcox, who testi fied at the trial that while he was bringing a quantity of liquor Into thn state from California he was met at a lonely spot along the sagebrush highway by Long, who represented himself to be a deputy United States marshal. Long, he testified, took possession of tbe liquor, while Ad cox came on into Portland empty handed and reported the occurrence to the United States attorney's office. Long, when first arrested, admit ted taking the liquor from Adcox, but be denied he had represented himself as a deputy United State marshal. He stuck to the same story throughout his trial, but the jury decreed otherwise and found him guilty. An appeal from this convic tion la. pending. 8iace he waa first arrested,, Long, until Tuesday, refused to divulge the place) where he hid the liquor after he took It from Adcox. , "You could look for a hundred years and never find It." was his challenge to fedoral officials when they sought to find where he had placed the liquor. It was announced at tho federal building that no form ot immunity has been qffered to Long because he has consented to reveal the where abouts ot tho liquor. "I told the truth at the outset when I said I did not Imporsonato a federal ofllcer, and I am giving up the liquor cacho now because I want to prove to thorn that so tar as tho fedoral government Is concerned I am on the square," asserted Long, as his reason for revealing his liquor cache. At the reputed market prlco ot bonded whiskey In Oregon during tho Dresenl days ot aridity, the liquid property which Long Is turn ing over to the government Is valued at 14000. MAJuurr RjVORt PORTLAND, June 4. Cattle, kofla and utter eteadr. vahusftsl; ska wa-fcu'rtt'M tlt.ll; n. IQUOfl CACHE ',"!""'t. Mtbusiv. 4-t "--: FIRST NATIONAL I nronciTC Dice TI M N From approximately $140,600 In 1910 to more than $2,000,000 la 1920 Is a big 'climb In deposits of any banking Institution, but this la the remarkable financial achievement made In 10 years by tbe First Na tional bank of this city. At tbn close ot business Wednes day night the total deposits of the In stitution were $2,087,1(5,72, over topping any bank's deposits a aontk era Oregon. Few banks la the tbe state, and nono sonth of Eugene. equal this record. The history of the bank during the past 10 years Is a remarkable record of financial achievement, and a. glance at tbe 10 pages of the history representing each separate year at the decade Is a clear Index to the steady but phenomenal growth of Klamath county during that period. An advertisement on another pag gives, tho annual figures which are repeated here: 1910 $ 140.624.S5 1911 . -.. "l57.348.66 1912 ... 380.369.1J 1913 400.606.6k 1914 452.311.9J 1915 , 551.095.SJ 1916. 68l,870:iJ 1917 , 1918 1,081.021.80 ' -19,19 1.421,210.30 rrJS?0 Jone 2J2.0S7.1C:.7J BOY SCOUTS OFF ON SHORT "HIKE" Vhc Co. S4tti'ed btlfaaat- master R. S Fry and tbe Rev. S. J. Cbaney and L. W. Hartley, aestot- ants. will leave at 5 o'clock this af ternoon for a "hike" and overnight camping trip They will camp la somo suitable spot, still to be discov ered, on tbe west shoro of the Upper I.ake. After a day spent In' Scout activities they will return late to morrow. Among business men who will accompany them are Lawrence Phelps, R. h. Merrltt, the Rev. C. F. Trimble and the Rev. E. P Lawrence. THOMPSON-REDFIELD NUPTIAL CEREMONY At a pretty wedding at the Palace Rooms Wedaesday evening, Mrs. Fannie Redleld, welt known aad popular resident of this city, waa united la marlage to Clyde Thomp son of Cblloquln, by the Rev. E. P. Lawrence. Mr. Thompson Is em ployed by the Modoc Lumber com pany at Chtloquln. Those present at tbe ceremony were: Mr. and Mrs. a. j. uaaia mente and family; Judd Low, Mrs. Mar Hamilton, Alfred Peterstlaer. Elisabeth Fall, Dorothy Elliott aad William Conkllng. Dorothy Elliott acted as brides maid while the bridegroom wa at tended by William Conkllng. Attar tbe ceremony a bridal supper waa served at the Jewell cafe aad tka bridal party concluded the evealas by participating In the festivities at tbe Legion dance. BOYS COAST INTO CAR AND ARE HURT Johnnie Coleman and Louis Noa woro badly bruised early this after noon when they smashed Into a car belonging to Roberts Whltmors nnd driven by Charley Roberts. The boys wore riding on a bicycle and woro coming down Ninth street at a fast rate', and at the corner ot Ninth and High their progress was stopped by the Roberts & Whttmore car. They were both thrown to the pave ment and the Coleman boy suffered a bad cut on the knee and three stitches were needed to close taa gap.T;Otherwlse they were not seri ously hurt. , POSTAL WOnWUfl PAT Ratp IS FA' , WASHINGTON, AJaas 4, Ta postal par iaerssM 'Ml iwH 'ts saws taday kjr a tBsamHss tka S4S M.htr t w '..i&AVw .-l$i'?Jv. ,... - v-zv-Awnx ?? . fV , , V k: ,f, F