The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 03, 1920, Image 1

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Fourteenth Year No. 3937
Price Five Cents
s'emm'KsmmW .Ar ML . 1 smmt f , , -i mV '
-feu immit ftifralfl
II . ;
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ma b
Charles H Fee, passenger traffic
manager of (hn Southern Pacific
rnmpnny, I In (hit city to, a ho put
It, "reeducate myself on tho condi
tion! nnit to see what changes have
taken place In thl territory since my
last visit seven years mo." Few men
In the went, or th world, for that
matter; urn an well known by name
a Is Mr. Foe. Million! of traveler!
iaa seen the signature, "Chaa. B.
j' Fee," on the corner of Iba little
pasiiuiuarii ur biubmh --
I they have used In tlielr travel ovar
tb line or the Houthern PacHc
company and many have wondered
what manner of man this mnit be
who direct! the passenger traffic ma
chinery of one of the gratest rail
road systems In the world, Those
who have pictured him a an aus
tere, doicmatlc Individual would
change their mlndi If tliy tlk?il
with him or even met him carnally.
I.lkn all really blK men, ho la ai
plain and wuy an the proverbial old
Kvery yrnr lie goes over all or the
greater part of the 7G00 mllna of
hal li known an the Pacific System
of Houthern Pacific territory so a to
keep ppsted on what U being done
nnd what ahoulil be done to keip the
service cloo to the 100 per cent ef
ficiency point. I '
During the dark age of govern
merit mismanagement, when the
splendid nrgnnlzutlnn of tho notion'
railroad was nil but wrapped, thn
policy of national adwrtlnlng of tho
playground of America wn almwt
entirely nbnuilourd und no section of
the const suffered quite o much m
Klamnlh county. because thj rail
road! were Just beginning to adver
tlne Crater Lake nnd northern Klani
nth. If till advertising bad been
continued, the scenic wonder of tho
county would have become a well
known throughout thu world an la
Yullowstuno nnd tho Yosmnlte Hut
nil till I to bo dunged and once
more thn floodgate of publicity ore
to hn aliened nnd Klamath U !ure to
como In for her share, for deep down
In the heart of Mr. Fee It a warm
-pot for Klamath county.
In discussing the change that
have taken place ilnco ho was laat
here Mr. Foe wui quite cnthus'laatlc.
"My hut you have rattling good
town. I had heard a great deal
About It lately and our department U
receiving an ecr. Increasing number
of Inquiries about tbla aectlon, but 1
wai not quite prepared for the ovl
denre of progress, development and
aolld growth that I ao quickly evi
dent on every hand and especially ao
to one who hni visited tho city from
line to time."
When aaked If hi vlilt had any
apeclal significance ho state It did
not. "1 am Junt up to see what the
seeds are and to lay tho foundation
for the future.. Wo hope It will not
bo long until the railroads will b In
uufu sm iuuak swvavauaMa
va Atkiffc, itAwurr cm s m
UU OU0r cwttfucto, oeM. '
tutcra 'K MUWHUH W, WJ ll
aarot WW tw NMsjri -w
vumo nncNM mmo ooJt m
ftR TsiAtNr own vs
Prosldiut WIIkou tmlny assured !
thn Himiilo Democrats that If thn
present session of roiiKresit iimU 4
' Huturday ho will not call an
intra iti'siilnn during thn coming
4 MitniiHir unlns! soiuu grave em-
urgency nflaus,
Thli doclilon on thn part of
thn president was announced by
Kenator Underwood, who said
he had been authorlted to deny
the report that an extra session
Is contemplated.
Members of thn Chamber of Com
merce will of course bear In mind
that thn annual meeting occure on
tbo second Tuesday lu June, which
will bo nnit Tuesday, June 6th A
, good attendance Is desired as mat
. ters of much lmorlarice to thn or
jganliatlon and to the county will tie
Thn reorgaultatlon Is now at a
point which argues well for Impnr
tant achievements during tho entil
ing year, Tho financial committee Is
now at work collecting subscription
and securing new members and will
no duubt be, ahln to make a mod sut
Isfnctory report at the annual meet
ing. (They have found members.-so far
tin their cannss ban eitemlcd, ready
to pay up their subscriptions arinuil
ly In full, and taking an ojitomlntlc
vlow of thn purpour nnd prnspi-c
tlve work of the organization
A crowd nurpauslng all uipocta-
tlon gathered last night for thn first
open air dance, on tho new ptutform
at Uuvanth and I'lnu street, under thu
auspices of thu American legion.
Tbo dancers utilized every Inch of thu
7,000 square foot of floor space and
spectators crowded alt tho benches
and stood In crowds In thn street.
Tho music was a splendid feature
of the occasion nnd thu behavior of
the crowd,' aa far as the cauaTob-
server could tell, waa atMecoroua as
tho most exacting critic could wish.
a position to decide upon plans with
out the conditions that the necessi
ties of tho past few y oars' made nee
ejss&ry. If we arc then permitted to
adjust our Income to meet thn de
mands of the territory we have to
serve, as well as meet tba,vcot of
that aenrlco, we will 'bo blL(o brink
about much that has had ib remain
In abeyance during the past live
"I think the people of the country,
particularly the business Interests,
recognize tho absolute necessity .for
an Increase In freight rates. .To
bring tho conditions of the railroads
today to a local 'comparison, let me
point to the scarcity of houses, of
labor, of cars, of everything else that
enters fcto the traaaactlon of busi
ness hero In Klamath Palls, That
same condition enters Into the oper
ation of every railroad In the United
States In tho world, Take the mat
tor of car shortage. It Is Just at real
as tho shortago of homes In Klamath
Kails, The business of tho railroads
has gone, forward Just ns the popu
lation of this city nnd every other
city has Incronsed. Tho same Is true
of tho, cost. Everything la up and Is
going to stay up until tho supply
equals tho demand, nnd thai' may
1 posalbly bo sovornl years In tho fut
ure. This shortago of earn lma n di
rect local Intorost, for and adequato
supply of cars for tho handling of
tho lumber of this territory Is vital
to Its prosperity. If tho railroads arc
given th a Incronso In rates thoy aro
asking for, It will onablo them to
moot tho coat of operation and ro-es
tabllsh thorn In tlio-confidence, of tho
tnvoHtlng public. This onco accom
plished thoy will bo able to go ahead
with thotr development and equip
ment and give to the country that
which they once did a servlco un
equalled by any nation on earth,"
Accompanying Mr, Pee wm C, E
Spear, division freight and paaaenger
.teat, with headquarter Is !
.T'"'' ," 'vj,-4 t
PORTLAND, June 3. Hep-
resentatlves of the city, slate, oil ,
Interests, motor dealers and
motors associations, meeting
hern today, recommended elim-
nlatlng pleasure cars from Port-
laud streets and state highways
until the convention period Is f
psst, aa a drastic measure for
Dreventluc a ahcrtage of gaso-
line during the Shrine conven-
e tlon week. Oil Interests aald
that this Is the only way to guar
anten a supply of gasoline for
thousands of visitors during the
' convention.
While so far the gssollnn shortage
bas proved very annoying and crip
pling to commerce and Industry In
some lustances In this territory, the
peak of thn famine has apparently
not been reached.,
The acute stage Is fast approach
ing, however, with no great amount
of relief la sight. It was reported
today mat tne momiaru nxpecieu
carload of gusolliwi tonight, but theJlurchaM trom tho OWBer7"Tbo con-
local omco sain iney naa no " Mrrat, business men of Klamath
Information. Thn Union Oil " falls were not behind In thelr'keen
pany has nothing In sight for another , am, ,,uclcneJg ln ,rBsplng the
10 Uar
On- carload will not go far and
Industries are beginning to feel thelhaTe a mll n 0eratlolI Mnn the
pinch of famine. Pleasure cars roiUmllll,r.u .-.,. and the ,, 0ery
entirely out of the running and
strict line (s bulng drawn aa to what
constitutes an abnolutvly essential
Tbe question of life and death ap
pears to ho ubout the only recognised,
dividing line. In other words physi
cians aro still able to get a limited
quantity of gasollno.
The shortage Is not local but ex
tends over tbe coast. California
townn In various parts of the state
report conditions on tbe avcrago as
sorlpus, and In same cases more seri
ous, than exists hern and no one bas
apparently any hope to offer of Im
mediate solution.
Unless thore Is a supply soon forth
coming from a source that Is not at
present apparent industries hero will
be badly hampered this summer for
transportation facilities. The mills
that use trucks In logging, and keep
no large reserve supply of logs on
hand, are hard hit right now.
The Southern Pacific .company is
giving gasoline shipments preference
over other freight, according to an
advertisement running in many of
tho coast papers.
The Shrlners will hold tholr cere
monial In Central Point, near Med
ford, Saturday and a large number
from Klamath Falls expect to attend.
Tbo following expect to leave tomor
rew: Mr. aad Mrs. Jack Kimball,
E,mmltt Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Kip Van
Riper, Oeorge Cbaataln, Mr. and Mrs.
LouU Bradford, Edmund Chllcote,
Dr. Lamb, J, B. Drat ton, Frank Ward
and Mayor Btrubte.
Two more right of way suits, seek
ing condemnation of land on tho
routo of tho Klamath Falls-Malln
stretch of thu stuto highway for road
purposes, wore filed yesterday by
Wilson S. Wiley, attorney for Klam
ath county, against Con Curtln aa ouo
defendant and against Ella Hainnker
Parrlsh, Quy'Hamakor.nnd others, In
annthor action.
This makes sovan, or more, right1
of-way suits now pending beforo tho
court., .
OREOON Tonight and Friday,
fair; warmer in the east; gentle;
easterly winds.
One of the Igeat periodicals, in th
world to a mMthl taper devoted
4lrl to thiisjUftu of rheuma
ulema. J-w' u ij
Another chapter In tho history of.
the industrial development or mam-
.ath Falls waa added yesterday by tho
complotlon of tho organisation of thn
McCollum-G'hrUty Lumber company.
The organization Is, compound of
men of the highest business standing
undjitarts with a capital of J50,000.
tieorge W McCollum and Oeorge
Christy are well known, conservative
and highly successful lumbermen and
mill operators In this territory. They
are associated with local business)
j men and capitalists and the lew con-
l corn has every prospect of hatag an-
other In thn already long list of suc
cessful lumber produclngenterprIses
of this city. '
The launching of the McCollum
Christy company Is largely due to
the foresight of W. E. Seaborn. Mr.
Sechorn has the faculty of finding
opportunities which othermen pass
by unnoticed. In bis 'trips Ihrough
thu Susanvllle, Calif,, territory be
discovered a large trad of fine tim
ber which may bu logged at minimum
co and ne,r rll trjn-,p5rU,on. Ho
u(,non ,.,,,.,,., . Terv, adrantoreous
Th eornoratlon exoects to
,,ro8pcct that under tho control of tho
L t pratUca, lumbermen and busi
ness men the company will, be profit
uble from the first. -...
Tho timber Is located In several
valloys In Plumas county, Calif.
Messrs, McCollum and Cbjrlsty made
nn examination of tbe timber and
surroundings and returnedwth their
unqualified approval.
The organization was perfected
yvatcrday with tho following stock
holders; W. E. Seehorn, ReesiT. Jen
kins, George W. McCollum. Oeorge
Christy. W. J. Roberts,, IVD'. Wblt
more, W. P. Johnson, K. Sugarman
and Earl Whit lock.
The officers elected are: Itees T.
Jenkins, president; W. E. Seehorn,
vce president; I. O. Whltmore. sec
retarr. and Oeorge W. McCollum,
The directors are: Oeorge W. Mc
Collum, W. E. Seehorn. W. J. Rob
erta, Oeorge Christy. Earl Whltlock.
Mr. McCollum will also be general
manager of the, company In charge of
all operations.
This organization of Klamath men
and Klamath capita!, is' but an evi
dence of Klamath business sagacity
which will inevitably make Klamath
Falls the center of the lumbering
and Jobblnar a vast terri
tory in both Oregon and! California
and. la the forerunner of other, cor
peratioms that will reach oat from
this citr-aa a center aad bring trade
and profits of manufacture to this
center. '
Ed Fraxer, whose candy kitchen
was destroyed In the 'recenr tiro at
Men III and who Is now'logglng on
the Upper Lake, was dismissed on a
larceny charge brought by William
Lashua after hearing bofcru Judge
N, J. Chapman last evening,
Lashua charged Frazer with tho
theft of a motor launch, but it ap
peared from tho evidence that thoro
waa no criminal Intent Involved.
Frazer needed a boat tQ-crpsa tho
luko and In Lashua's absence took
his launch. Ho confided bis plans
for using tho boat to neighbors aud
these assured him it would bo all
right. When Lashua discovered tho
boat waa gone he became Indignant
and tiled a complaint against. Frazer.
PORTLAND, Jan.3. Ben
der, 17, la unconscious In a local
hoepltalaa the. result of'o attack laat
Her ahall waa crushed by a
fcVfrJE. M! i"" i yyjN't iHf
HmmlAmmmmmVssmmmmWmmmmmmmmfcSgmmi gmftmrnMaMasWa
laiwjkht iiatti.khiiii' im
i,.i;.n;iii-:i ai iiiiooklv.v
NEW YORK. June 3. Tho
super-dreadnought Tonnesice,
thu incut formldabln battleship
afloat, goes Into commission to
day at the Ilrooktyn navy yard.
The vessel was constructed at a
coat of $20,000,000 and repre
sents thu last word In battleship
The Tennessee Is tho first
battleship In the navy to recruit
her entire personnel trom tho
state after which she Is named.
CHICAGO, June 3. Senator John-
sen arrived here today and was given
some demonstration between the
depot and the hotel. He made n
speech against the league of nations.
Senator Harding is expected to ar
rive later. Their coming marks the
beginning of the active days of the
prcconvcntlon period.
The national committee still .had
before. It, awaiting decision, Florida,
Georgia and Mississippi cases and
will pass on later to contests In six
other states.
Morehcad, a delegate from North
Carolina, was seated, tho committee
passing on to tbe Oklahoma case and
seating White delegation. '
NEW YORK, June 3. Greater o
operation between local and national
authorities ln the enactment of leg
islation affecting education, public
health and public roads and high
ways la urged In a report made pub
lic today by a sub-committee of the
Republican national committee of.
which Everett Colby, New Jersey, Is
chairman. It Is stated that the re
port will be submitted to tho plat
form committee of the Republican
national convention at Chicago.
The chief cause of Inadequate pub
lic school facilities In many states
and localities, the report states, Is
the financial limitations of small
districts having but little taxable
value, causing under-payment of
teachers struggling to maintain
high standarda of education. Other
conditions which could be remedied
by increased federal and state aid to
the local communities are the Inad
equacy of 'the schools, particularly In
the lower grades, and the shortage
of trained teachers.
Creation of an executive depart
ment, with a secretary education as
a member of the president's cabinet,
Is recommended together with tbe
appropriation by congress of $100,
000,000 to be apportioned among
the states to combat Illiteracy, aid
Americanization of foreign born and
increase teachers' salaries.
Flnanctal assistance to states to
build roads under state authority,
conditioned on the state appropria
ting and equal amount, and a system
of national automobile highways are
Tlio Program
The program outlined means to
accomplish a better co-ordinated
public health reprice through the co
operation of civil agendo with tho
medical departments of the army
and navy. A lack of physical .train
ing In tho youth, revealed by the se
lective draft, would bo remedied by
an extensive program of physical
culture In the public schools with
emphasis on the training of girls to
fit thorn physically for motherhood,
says tho sub-committee.
Tho lack of wisdom of enacting
further legislation Intended to curb
peace time sedltton la pointed out In
the report of another sub-committee,
ot whlche Albert J. Beverldge of la
dtama ta chairman.
u The preset crfmlaal cade, Is. ade
IHto' unVsh al treasonable acta
ia Usms et peose. It U heM. This
OtaiM ta gradlftad sttoftttw!
mm show
Realizing the need ot keeping
abreast with the great agricultural
and Industrlarlevclopment of the
county, the stockholders of ihe First
National Bank at a meeting Tues
day night voted to double the capital
stock of tbe bank, giving the Institu
tion a paid-up working capital ot
$700,000. The former capltsjlssv
tlon was $100,000.
The Increase In capitalization In
creases the lending power of the I
bank and makes It possible to extaad
tbe isrger loans now needed by ladl
vlduals and corporations who are
constantly embarking In big eater
prise. The mere chronicling of the actio
of the stockholders does not In Itself
tell tho whole story. It would take
a biographical sketch of the financial'
careers of the men Interested to tal
ly explain the epochal Importance et
their action. To those who know the
personnel of to bank's stockholders,
however, the matter carries weighty
The men behind tho First, National
nre tho ne plus ultra ot conservatism
In finance and none of them are of
tho typo to bo stampeded Into a.
hasty transaction by transient con
ditions ot prosperity. Each one is
familiar from long experience with r
Klamah county and Us resources
and possibilities. Therefore their '
actlon'puts the stamp of well con- v
sldcred Judgment on the general . '
faith In the future growth ot Klam
ath county. It shows that they be
lieve the "awakening to tbe wealth
that awaits development, shown In
the launching- otacores of large , en
terprises la' ineiiaCfew months,- to
not a temporary movement, artifici
ally created" In other words that
Klamath Is not passing through an
unjustifiable "boom" that wilt
shrivel and dlo later on.
In other words, men who hare
watched Klamath county develop
from the swaddling stage, men who
would not wager a penny in any
speculative enterprise, arc staking
$100,000 In cold cash that the pros
perity of tho community Is perman
The dividends from First National
stock aro regular but as an Invest
ment there are. hundreds of other
securities that would bring doable
returns on the capital. It Is not tho
lure of big returns on the capital
that causes the backers of the bank
to double their caah Investment.
They could easily do better with
their money In a dozen different di
rections, but they are convinced that
the time Is here when the develop
ment ot the community requires a.
larger .working capital and they have
confidence that their money Is well
safeguarded by the wealth of a com
munity whose potentialities are sec
ond to none In the nation.
struction iOf ftre special hospitals
costing $10,000,000, for' use ot vet
orans ot the world war was authoris
ed In a bill reported unanimously
today by the house buildings commit
tee. The measure specifies the loon- .
tlon ot the hospitals and Includes one
ot tho north Pacific coast states.
tho common law and general policy ,
In criminal legislation which makes
nets themselves directly Injurious to
tho stato the trust or criminality. It
points out tho wisdom ot any at
tompt to make more opinions or as
sociation with others or membership
In organizations not themselves
criminal and which do not involve
tho commission or solicitation ts
commit criminal acts.
Legislation to make possible the
intervention of the federal courts in
cases 'ot tbe deportation of undesir
able aliens is urged by the sarao smbv
committee. This function ot gv
ernment Is now vested In the depart
ments o( labor and Justice. Uader
legislation suggested hy the, repnhU
eah. sab ssmmlttee tho eonrto .
.hn $dre, authority to review
harfls4 Wttk tt
MiMWttodi c alr lamlgraUM