The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 29, 1920, Image 1

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- -sss? yiH ? mnmmt 'tmAWtaW!Nterj
f&lw lEuettte
Fourteenth Year No. 3934
Price Five CeBU
K 'J
M" ?
i ay . - .
Tim mull)' ini'ii ami women, also
.1... I I.... ... I...... I itUli i
l'l MIIKV IHNI."1'! III inijw iiimi ,,i 'a
wlm lit III" ('liunlnuiliu session of
liiNt iilKhl lUti'ixol 10 dipt T Dlns.L
morn Uplim'i. iihln iiiiiI Interest-coin-'
..-I I......... ..- .. .1.1 ........ a.l..M
IH-I..I1K irriuiiT, iir huuii'pii ui M'
for nuinldpiil pln)grnuiids lieanl nml j
Were lllipnmiieil liy tint benefit. III Ixl
achieved froiii mirli nil Institution, ax
perliapn fitw of lliitin wor.t never he
faro lirmiKlit lo a realization of what
It menu, to learh and train tho Klrl
ami Hut hoy to play Hut ilinpln gamo ,,
"of life according to rul; that they
limy get the hahlt ami catch the-real
meaning nml iiplrlt. nl.ii know the
reword for pluyliiK aright tho gain.)
of life.
Ilrlefly, thu ke)notn of Captain Up
ton", speech wru tlio need of appllfu-'
Hon of smiiu extremely mpl" inih
mil of Interesting the noriiml rhllil
hy appealing to hU Instinct to play
uml lo ho rinplo)iiil nt nom.'lhlng,
Kiioil or hud rII tint while; to nee, to
It that hu hun no tlmu left for ilolim .
evil things, hy suppblng fur him tho ;
ineaim nml tho attractive; opporliitilty
of keeping hlimolf busy doing things
thut, although thoy are mere sports,
luivo it temlemy to aid lit moulding i
hU thought, antl hi Ideal of fall
iilnv up klrliliiif Iti uln. lint nf hnlni!
. Reed,..,ler ..t pit) In.: l"" ''"""""
tho K.....0 fairly Vounl AK",,t " Th0I"", ,,M,,r-
Tin. Mioakor. who ha. ..-mil many ' '"' "hPl.;r t.ial.oi, ...
inn on mipoflniemlout of municipal , ,-ak" "" f"'1 ' " ''
rocifntlon pnrkn In Mlehlean. nlo nl'lo,"' l,n" '"" ,lf ,h" l"-,", " r"
nrmy mhlrile tralnrr. IuMmk mlr.a"" A "'r con.orvatlyt .llmaio
).lm In ur!i work thoimumU of aoL "f ,m' ,I"M,"' ",,w M"K ,,on,, ''f 10
,llt.r litua. mid of varloiM Inilanraa nwaUowura In that rr:lon would lw .ofthtpln)Bro..n.U u0 "' '"W n day. If thla
... i.i. ri,.n ..r ii,.. ...... i ...rtlco 'ln'n" " "II I" "" '""'y. ' "UM for rrai..r phy.lml activity
under fTli.d1r..ct.o..t,r,.KroI,.lyhomv
fitted; many of tliem who at first
.. . . . .. .
Hlllkrd irom noinu UlPir siminn cxer- .... .
,!mm (althoiiRh they rfcodc.l'w !. y.U roalUmt tho Uan
hadly) latr iuiuIiik to rnjoy ami to K"r ' ' '"'"B ,on-nppr-clnt..
Mich work. whn thoy as- lullKHona aliow that Rra.hop.
cirlalncl that It wa aood for them l- ar hatchli.B out aloi.K tho ak.i
lnmnnywa)s "l 10,,, ,,a'1 uml WMl "r. ,'01
Captain Upton mmtn a direct ap- rl.r Airniwinenla were mndu for
pval fcr officials, educators, lorer of, ': mcetltiK at Malln at 1.30
tho square doa! for children nnd par.!'''1'"" Sl""'- """r""0" "' r t0
,.ntH of Klamitlh Kails to catch up orKnnlxo for Immediate work, r our or
with tho times by Working up sulUhl..,"'' " ,,B" ,lo""s a" ,ll0'
municipal pin) grounds for tho hoys' uW toward. flKhtlng tho ih-sI nnd
nml the girls, as many other larger ,'" " 'r' uccea.lul. Tho ll
and Hliinller lutsna In many stales of mice of tho people l.avo been too busy
tho Union nre doing, tils nhlo nrgu- to .-ten goitnd look Into tho situation
mrnt protlug that tho outcome of for them.oU.'s They havo been will
Mich city playgrounds, properly con- lB " ' "" ,wur',', ''I,,K
dueled nnd managed, means IwUnr. ' l,ul ,,avo ,e'1 U u' lo ,0"r
men nml womvn. belter cltlxen. In.'"- vo " " ";
lhn cn, iUnlvas tho people of tho xlclnlty wako
Komethlng of the pleasure nnd tho !' '" ' 'a"8r at onco' thu lrt, '
g.,,.,1 to bo attained from teaching of "f ,,,rl ,hnt U "1 "llhor
pt.ygroun.1 work to tho smaller girls ." '" cro"' or ,he MPenHe of con
and boya ha. been Illustrated during
tho premint week's Chstituunua hero,
a capablo young woman, Mis. Koenur,
specially trained along theso Ilium,
havlng been In clmrgo of tho Junior
C.rituuquan of tho city, on tho
Chautauqua grounds after tho dally
programs ware ended, On each day
of tho present course, ending to
night, Mia Kocnor had a largo num
ber of children In her claasea, 180
nppoarlng on ono ot tbo evening,
and nil greatly enjoying Iho experi
ence, Thnt thla Junior dopartmont
of tho Chnutau'iuu Is ono of tho most
important fenlures, nlnco It start
children to thinking not only about
playing, but toacucH nnd causes llioiu
to piny nccnrdlnn to rule, was aptly
ilcinniiBlrated hero this wook.
Yestorday nflermuin MIbh 1'uullno
I.ucllu Mayo brought Joy to tho
lumrtH of tho lnrgo uudlenco by tho
rending of tho play "rollynnnn."
Miss Mnyo Is uu nrtlst In overy tionio
of tho word. Tho ontlro play was
road, Ml.. Mayo ImperHOiiittlug thu
different chnructors,
A muslcnl ontorlnlnment 'prelude
was given hy J. Wultor Wilson nnd
nccompunlHt, Chalrea Domorlst. Mr.
jWllaon'a character ImporHomitlona
nnd rending)) from lllloy wero vory
clover nnd nntortulnlng. Mr. Domor
tint wna nu ublo uccompmilHt.
Tonight tho concluding concort ot
the Chautauqua will bo tlvon by tho
lloyal I'hlllpplno orchestra. Tbli
company ot six young Phlllpplnos
havo boon playing nnd singing to
gothor tor tho past IS yeara and are
rated na tho hosi stringed orcfiostra
trtjra, our UUud jjo.sejwjoua.i ''-
kt voi:it paper
IViiiii till" .Into on tin old
pulley of Tim Herald of .tup
ping nil imperii on tliu tint.) nf
tlio expiration if tlielr sub
scription will tin resumed )ii.
mine of tlio uncertainty a to
being utilu to make n special
rato till, year, milir.i rlplloni.
expiring during April an J Mny
wore coritlniniil until now.
After June 1 nit milmcrlptlonit
Mill Im taken at tlm npi)clal rate
anil tliu subscription prlcu will
Im uilvanreil to 86 cut a inuntli
nr 10. GO n ymir Tliu ilutn to
wlilch Pitch subscription In pnlil
appear, ufler )itur tianni, nml
wlien that ilulu Ik reached tlm
paper will Mop. iinluwi the sub
Hcrlpllon In renewed Tlm Mer
it I il wish". In tnkn this oppor
t unity (o tliunk It h reader, for
tliu uplimllil aplrlt of falrnos.
nml iiipport manlfetted liy thu
almost line li II nil re J percent of
renewal ami to n.turo tliejn we
apprecliiln It
'' "r ";'' conrlnr., n)on,t,
-! of li.- rral o t
tint Hitmitlon As ncattcri'd out as
III ! mill li.ind.vd of mnall lltt'at.
'" ' '" " " "'""
than It should bo. Kveryons having
crop luteresta In tho Tuln Lnku re
gion should mnko a special effort to
bo present at tho Malln mooting Sun
day. Thoy should also drop other
Interests nnd co-opornto not only In
tho way ot financing but In tho way
nt furnishing labor for tho fighting.
It would only tako a tow days It an
organized effort was put forth.
Controlling grasahoppora by moans
of it polsonod mlxturo Is a proven sue
cess, When tho application Is made
early In tho easp before tho hop
pern Iimo hud timu to spread over n
large territory, tho cost por ncro for
tlm crops protoctod Is vory Blight.
This method has also been proven to
ho entirely snfo so far n livestock la
concerned, I.lko handling nny othor
poison, tho work nuiHt bo done ac
cording tn directions If tho bvf)t of
success is to bo secured.
Articles of Incorpor Ion woro Ill
oil today with tho county clork hy
tho Klnmnth Mint company. Thla la
tho corporntlon ot which John N.
Davis, plonoor mint growor ot tho
Wlllamotto volloyj Capt. J. W, 'sto
mons and Ckas. J, Ferguson nro In
corporators, and which recently ac
quired 3600 acros ot thu Caledonia
marsh. Blxtoen hundred acros ot tho
tract are suitable to mint cultivation
and a portion ot thla ncrcago will be
planted to, mini this, year., .,
w voi;
I msw Pf,ai ',mLy- - .:-js
S-larU IaVi.'! . -. S 1 'yt flVaur aaak -' v
; -u -mm
" (H
A largo crowd of patrons and
acred Heart academy
closluc exercise. In the
inslu dining room of the White Pol-!
lean hotel last oVeuIng
The large
room wns filled.
The Itov. T. J. Ilrnity of I.aknvlow
delitered tliu addreM of the otening.
lie emphailzod his belief In thu need
for greatcrntlcntlon to the spiritual
Hide of tho student's naturo nnd'sahl' Cantnhan. commander of Jho Amerl
that tho Catholic academic wero at-' legion, from Congressman link
tempting to foster tho growth of tho J or ot California, tho President will
.plrll mt well as the intoiioct.
neoined. ho .aid, a', foolish for the
x-hool to neglect tho most Important
part of tho human mako-up, tho
soul, and concentrate only upon In
tellectual development as for nn ath
lete to enter a gymnasium and ex
pect to make himself n perfect physi
cal product by devoting attention to
only ono set of muscles,
Tl.o Iter. Father llr.tdy Is noted
throughout tho state for his oratori
cal talent and his nddrews was elo
quent and convincing nnd aptly Il
lustrated. Miss Hit Fay Slack, tho first gradu
ate ot the local acadomy. slnco tho
high school course was established,
was presontod with hor diploma.
Miss Slack comploted hor course in
thrco years. Sho received tho com
pliments ot tho Ror. Father Marshall
grarotully and In return an graceful
ly thanked tho Sifters ot tho Sacred
Heart and tho pastor for their kind
ness nnd the Interest taken in hor
Miss Slack read nn Interesting es
say on "Russian Folk Songs nnd
Dances,," which was n ronlly finished
proiiuciion. ii wns ii.uniraieu uj
npproprlnto music hy mombora of tho
production. It wns Illustrated by
senior music olnsa.
ttlghth t;ra do diplomas wero pro
scntod to Cecil Matt nnd Miss WnUo
Wlthrow. A stnto diploma in hook
Kooplng was presented to Kdtvard
Hearing ot tho petition' for confir
mation ot tho nets ot directors lend
lug up to tho organization of tho dis
trict nnd tho authorization ot Ita
$1)00,000 bond lasuo, was hoard be
fore n reforoo in tho circuit court
Thorn wag no objection to tho pe
tition nt tho hearing. Previous oh
Joctors, owners ot swamp lands' in
the district, wero ollmlnated by tho
elimination of tho lands from the
area to bo Irrlgatod and no protost
wns raised at tho hearing to a con
firmation lj the' court see nt. . ,
... - r.
mo inner , ntnimi, m uumr
nl "ry some acre.
"round lAiwcr Klamath un in bi-
kltiti nnd Modoc countlei, Cnllfor-
" nml iviamnin coiupiy set nsiuo
under the Itooje'elt admlnlstritlon
as a bird roiorve, lias pasted both
houses of Congress and Is now await
ing tho President's signature. Ac
cording to a letter received by. J. II.
sign the hill nt once
The bill glvos preferential homo
stead right, to ex-scrvlce men. It
directs tho secretary ot the interior
to causo tho survey and opening ot
the lands, providing first, howeror,
that prrvato owners In the area shall
pay tholr proportionate share of
$283,223 charged against it tor rec
lamation work In connection wltn
tho general development ot the
Klamath project.
After tho assessment ot privately
owned lands la arranged, homestead
er will be asuessed for the remain
der, an Initial Installment ot $1 per
acre, In addition to filing foe., when
application Is made and 11 a year
thereafter until tho assessment Is
Tho majority of the land U In Cal
ifornia, ono-thlrd. porhaps, lying In
Klamath county. ' '
What part of It may bo homoatead
od doponds upon tho Judgment ot
tho secretary ot tho Interior, section
7 of tho act empowering him with
authority to dctormlno what part ot
tho land Is agricultural and what
pnr Is only suitable for bird preser
vation and to open to nomeiieaiior.
-- -- -- - -- --
thnt part which ho finds sultablo to
F. It. Klutts. yard supcrlntondont
of tho Chlloquln Lumber company of
Chlloquln, and Mrs. Eva F. Perkins,
also of Chlloquln, will bo married at
3 o'olock thla nfternoon by tho Rov.
F. C. Trlmblo at his office. 1113
Pine stroot.
CHICAGO, May 29. Governor
Honry J. Allon ot Kansas will nom
inate General Wood at tho Repub
lican convention, it waa announced
at Wood headquarters today.
Judging by the way people aro
buying things, luxuries are now the
ch(ef necessaries ot life.
i:.VI'K.VHi ritOHKI)
"llctneon $1(10,000 and I2G, !
i 000 ' wan mined for the. Callfor- (
nla primary hy the rampalgn '
organization In lohalf of Sen-
4 atnr Johnson, the imnntu cam-
palgn expenditure Investlgut-
Iiik cominlttco wan told today hy 4
Alexnndar McCain) of Callfor-
nln, Htate Inmirnnca conunlmilon-
r, and trcaiiurcr of the Johnson
McCabn declared tho Hoover
mpportoni iipunt "clKht or nine
tlmej as much as we, or, nt tho 4
lowest estimate 1300.000."
Financial reorganization ot the
California-Oregon Power company
will take place at an early date It
recommendations ot thu reorganiza
tion committee, recently appointed
to Investigate and furnish a working
plan, nro satisfactory to tho holder).
of tho corporation's securities,
The great problem of tho com
a) mo report, wmcn.wns rr. ij
today to nil persons Interested, has
been to secure tbo necessary capital
far thu extension.' and betterments.
During tho past three jcars It has
been necessary to devote the net ror
onues of tbo corporation to finance
extensions and dividends havo been
Impossible In consequence. '
The commltjln proposes tho author
ization ofvUOiOO.OOO In new londs,
J1.842.O0O to be sold at once to pro-'
vide capital for nddltions and bet
terments. Thut Is expected to fin
ance all Immediate Improvements
and provide for extension ot busi
ness for n reasonable time In tho
Honda to the extent of $1,158,000
will bo deposited In trust tor tho
purpose ot refunding the underlying
bonds when they mature, leaving a
balance of $7,000,000 ot tho entire!
issue which will not bo marketed for
tho present.
This plan should place the com
pany In a position, says tho report,
where It will not bo necessary to use
more than $lS0,000ot the annual
net revenue for Improvements, and
all Income In excoss ot this amount
will be avallablo for distribution In
Since Juno, 1915, the averago
monthly net rcrcnuo has been about
$40,000, but business and agricul
tural prosperity in the territory In
which tho company operates has
shown a remarkable revival during
the current year and consequently
revenues f&r this year are In excess
ot those ot corresponding months
last year.
The plan ot reorganisation Is has
upon the principle that the holders
ot firo per cent California-Oregon
Power company bonds ot 1952 shall
becomo the owners of the properties
ot tho company, subject to the un
derlying bonds (that Is, the mort
gage securities)' and that the pres
ent common stock will bo eliminat
ed. To accomplish this It Is plan
ned to dlssolvo tho present company
and orgnnizo a now corporation
which will tako ovor tho properties
and assume tho llnbllltlos ot tho
present company, othpr than tho
said tho por cent bonds. Tho pros-.
ent bond holders will rocoivo stock
In tho now company In oxchaugo for
tholr bonds, which will bo usod to
cover tho purchase, $500 par value
of" preferred and $.1000 par valuo ot
common stock In oxchnngo for each
$1000 bond plus nil unpaid coupons.
Tho now company will then nuthor
Izo tho $10,000,000 bond Issue to
provldo now capital for, improve
ments, nnd to flnanco the organiza
tion and payment of dividends to
non-assenting bondholders.
Tho now bond lste must be ap
proved, says tho report, by tho Rail
road commission of California and
Public Service commission ot Oregon
botore any part ot It is marketed.
OREOON Tonight and Sunday,
fair; probably showers In the north
west. .
T 1
It A. Long, head ot tho Long-Dell
Lumber company arrived In tho city
last ovening,.completlng an Inspec
tion trip through the holdings of Jhi
Weed Lumber company, thlch com
pany Is part ot tho Long-Dell organ
ization. Ho was accompanied by J.
D. Tcnnant, of Kansas City, general
superintendent of mills for tho com
pany, E. H. Cox, San Francisco, presi
dent of tho Weed Lumber company,
and J. M. White, manager ot the
Weed Lumber company.
No special significance Is attache
to Mr. Long's visit, it being more or
less ot a routine character. It Is,'
however, Important from the stand
point of the workings ot the man who
is recognized as tho biggest factor 1st
the retail lumbe'r Industry ot the na
tion. His company has been operat
ing for years In the south, but tho
supply of timber In that territory U
diminishing almost to the vanishing?
point. With characteristic foresight
Mr. Long began purchasing timber
In the west and now he Is famlllarlx-.
lng himself with the details prepara
tpr.yUo tho next stop tho erection ot'
mil's for'IU manufacture. When the '
time comes for this TObro he will
tihoVjusl exactly what Is needed aa
he will tell his assistants exactly
what to do. They tell a story about
him that happened at tho tlmo Ptan
were being laid for the dcvelopiaent
of tho Immense holdings ot nlatoanv
pany in tho south. The opening ot
tho'tract was under dIscajwloii.''Aflerv
nil plans were fully considered dur-T
lng whlrltvtline MrlLongsa arutjL
llstoned. he leaned orer and placing -hts
flnccr on tho map said: "Dulld a'a
railroad from hero to hear." His,
assistants later discovered that the
line tapped three cross lines and that
It opened up the tract from one end
to tho other, a distance ot 40 miles.
They then understood what wns la
Mr. Long's mind when he was taking,
tho long trips that he did after the
timber was purchased. ' And it Is pre
sumed that the same thing will hap
pen here and elsewhere In the west
when the final plans are under dis
Detore leaving this morning h
was asked by a representative of Tho
Herald It be bad nny statement t
make to the people ot this city as to
hts plans for the development ot his,
company's holdings.
"No." ho said. "We are simply
buying tho raw material for future
uso after our holdings In the south
are cut out. No definite plans have
been decided upon and jhere la no
Immediate prospects for develop
ment operations, though, ot course,
we may change our minds and begin,
actlvo work earlier than is now con
templated. I think thla section baa
a bright tuture and bids fair to be a
Important factor In the lumber busi
ness. Klamath Falls will no doubt
be a city of considerable stze, but It
seems, to me, without appearing to
act as a critic, that there should b
greater co-operation. It would be
magnificent thing for its welfare It
the different factions would put aside
tholr little misunderstandings and
get back to those things that demand,
united "action for tho greater and
quicker development ot a community.
I havo gieut faith In tho future ot
Klamath Falls and I would llko to
see It, take advantago now ot tho
great opportunities at its door."
Mr. Long, In discussing tho condi
tion ot tho lumber market, said that
bo saw no immediato prospoct ot ft.
change In prices. "It is the sam
olsowhoro as it is here there is a.
great "scarcity of houses and larg
buildings. Until tho supply ovcrlapsu
the demand, I can seo no chance fot
a drop."
Because ot the celebration ot
Decoration day on Monday and
In agreement with' evening
newspapers' throughout the na-
f tlon to conserve on the use ot
newsprint, there will bo no pa-
per Issued' seat Monday. ,
- r ' vi j.' "vin
, A
.' AM