The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 28, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    4f'nv j,
''Si, MAY M, IMM
ening Herald
aty IMMor
Pafcllshed dally, except Sunday, by
Tft Herald Publishing Company ol
lath Fall, at 115 Fourth Street.
tared at the poitofflce at Klam
Falls, Ore., for trammlMlon thru
Balla aa second-class matter.
LOUKLLA, May 28. Sunday
.morning C. T. Parley, In company
Subscription term, by mall to any ,' Commltlng Engineer lienor.
tfrwa In the United States: (rived In Langell valley from Klamath
year ........-......-.......5.0o Falls to luxpoct the Irrigation gstem
month . .60 of ,hal iocntr and the Kites for
. .... , . . Idnms. They .were accompanied by
Member of the Aocluted Pre", ,., ,,. ' ,. ... ... .
The Associated Pre. Is exclusively I Attorney Hetcher. or the firm of
Wtltlcd to the uso for republication Ferguson & Fletcher, nml Archie
( alt news dispatches credited to It wishnrd. se.retory ut the ajsocln
r not otherwise credited In this . , v u ,. hl... of ,...,
iper, and also local news published ,,on- nm " " ,,l- bliul ot '
Bfln, reclnmntlon service It seems the
. All rights of republication of spo- approval ot Knglncor Heney Is nssen
tel dispatches herein are also re- mj to tt.e placing of the bands- At
r'd- 1 30 the entire party returned to the'
""""' '" """' "" most bountiful dinner was served and '
.much enjoyed uy mi. wnner
Telegraph Tabloid
-O rorvril to 16. Mrs. Campbell was as-
I 'sifted by .Mrs. Alfred Keller and Mrs.
SdiiMiK CIokciI
The Lorellu school closed tost Frl-'
-,ll. K
rival ot the Russo-Japanese nrmls
tlte commission.
WASHINGTON, May 28. Dy a
Tte ot S to 3, the senate agricul
tural committee today ordered o fav
rmblc'rcport on the McNary bill pro
vMIng for an export embargo on
WSfX. -!.-'' I i -
S.'i ' --
"WASHINGTON. May 28. A inso
lation which viewed "with crave con
earn" condition! In Ireland and "ex
framing sympathy with the asplra
tleas ot the Irish' people for a gov
ernment of their own choice" waa re
ported out ot the house foreign at
tain committee today by a vote of
11 to 7.
LONDON, May 2S. Hostilities be-1
twAin Hit a In nil Jrmnn In NlhHn .
ewued late Tuesday, according to re- ,la- and h pacn"' MlM Co,e' has
ports from Vladivostok dated Wed.jr,uraB1 to hor homo ln (Sran,,
csday. Paris also reports the ar-'' -MlM CoIe Is a m0ii '
tcacner anu ner wora me pusi year
bas been very satisfactory. It Is
hoped she will return nest year. j
Mrs. William Grelg ot Sterling.'
Cslorado, Is visiting her sister, Mrs.'
II. K. Wlnnard. On last Saturday.
Mrs. Wlnnard entertained at lun
cheon In honor ot her sister. j
Last week Mrs. Alfred Keller
closed a most successful year of
teaching in the Drown district on the.
south side of the valley. The week)
before school closed Mrs. Keller gave'
a party for thu children at her home,1
which was much enjoyed by all'
""" Ladle' .AM Mrrtlnft
Thursday. May 13, the monthly)
meeting Ot the Ladles' Aid society
met with Mrs. W. Fordney.
On Thursday. May 20. Mrs. Gus
Keller entertained at luncheon a
number ot ladles ln honor of Mrs.
William Orelg.
,, Cis Shoelace Felt.
The farmers In this vicinity are
much handicapped by the shortage of
gasoline. Much necessary work Is
delayed and business trip of Import
ance have to be postponed. It la sln-
cerely hoped a supply will be on band
vsjaterence report on the long pend
ing water power bill waa approved
t4ay by the senate and now goes to
Ike president. '
WASHINGTON, May 28. An ef
fect to override the president's vero
et the Republican peace' resolution
In the house today. The vote
Sit In favor of overriding the
fete, and 112 agaiast, or 2 under
ta required majority.
The National League of Women
Workers is planning to hold a four
lay conference at Bryn Mawr Col
age In June. It will be the second
ollege convention" which the lea
M has undertaken, the first having
keen held at Wellesley College Jn
to enable these who nave to do
pumping for Irrigation to go ahead
with their work.
The Woman's club met with Mrs.
Will Campbell Thursday afternoon,
May 27.
, Ed of Barnes valley bas
Jus( purchased a new Dodge' car.
Mrs. L.,0rber of Horsefly Is at
tending Chautauqua, this-' week In
Klamath Falls.
Look! Look! Look!
The Macy & Baird
In Their Waterproof Canvas Theater
Presenting a Series of High Class Dramas and
Opening Play, June 1 and 2
"Saints and Sinners"
Ladies Free
Except 5c War Tax
, ADMISSION: Xdults, 50c; Children, 26c
.. including tax
These Tell the Story
CLKAHHIKl.l). I'a. Tho Dally
l'ubllc Spirit him tiMiided, after 20
years' publication. The high cost of
prlut-puper and labor wns given ns
the cause.
TOWANDA. In The llrndford
Slur. IpsiumI for the past 2B years,
Hiisvnilc(l May 1 on account ot news
print and labor troubles. I'uhllc.v
tlon will ho resumed when conditions
return to normal. The Ueporter
Jciirmil, which had been published
for SO yrars, discontinued publica
tion April 29 for tho same reasons.
CHICAGO.. May 20. Several hun
dred dally unit weekly newspapers
were put out of business last year by
the shortage of print papor. It wns
stated Wednesday at the limit confer
ence of members ot the Inland Dally
1'ress association,
"Tho best remedy Is to sit tight
and eliminate non-essentials," Robert
It. McCormlck, ono ot tho editors fit
the Chicago Tribune, advised tho
.members, "such as cartoons and ex
tra Illustration. Wo hnvo to pay tho
price, for It we don't others will, and
they will use print paper for soap and
other wrappers."
WANT lti:UIUTI(). Or I'AfiKH
MC ALKSTKIt, Oklu. Itesolutlons
strongly urging Oklahoma editors to
use every possible means ot conserv
ing print paper, were passed at Un
closing session of the Oklahoma 1MI
lorlnl association hure last week.
The resolutions urged ner publish
er In Oklahoma to not only econom
ise on print paper, but to raise ad
utI.bIub rotet.
JOl'lt.VAIi Hl'SI'liXIK
TORONTO Tho Kwmlntf Jour
nal, tlu oldrst St Catharines news
paper, ban suspended pubtlcutlnii. It
has born tmbllslu'tl an n dally since
Ih.'.t. (he present proprietor, ex
mayor J. M Klftun. liaviug uc'iulrvd
It in 1910.
it. i-'ii.m.'i;h ji:mim
ritici: to smii
TOUONTO. Thsro Is trqiible
again with thu paper mill at Fort
rrnnrcn. Onl. Imiiiid'ately follow
ing the derision of tho Huprenio Court
Hint tli ii lloiud of Coininerca did not
pciM'ss power to ri'gulule the sale ot
non sprint, the Port Trances company
Jumped the price to Its ventern Can
ndlnn ciiHtomern In 1120 It has now
notified a number of llmm that It
(iiniiiit let'them have any mure upr.
Tim Klliliillou In Miiiiltnba ami (Lis
kuti bewail has liciumc arilto. us u
rUult of this nrtUin. i:vi:m.o papciis mi:iuji:
LIMA, Olile. Thij Times-Democrat
was purchased by thu Lima News
I'ubllshlng company un May 1 and
Hie News and Times-Democrat wrre
merged as the News on May 3. V. J.
Oulvln, publisher of tlin Tlmes-Di-m-ocrat,
becomes business manager and
n stockholder In the Hopubllcau-Uu-tette,
morning newspaper.
mav iiniii't'i: i Yi:itui.ti:s
MIlhlEBIi Asnorlallon ol Home Dallies
hns decided to Issue trl-weekly odl
Hens after July 1 nud weeklies ufter
October 1. If the high prim of pnper
rontlnius. This w'll effect 2I dally
nuusp.iptrs with rlrciilatlons of U-ts
than 6.000. Krank II Moses, presi
dent of (lie association, and manager
of the Murshull, Mich., Chronicle,
was delegated tu testify before the
senate coin mil tec Investigating thu
newsprint famine.
Nnwsprlut In lUly Is lllng ut 134
tu t3t a hundred pounds.
You will see from the above, all of which appeared during the past week, that the newsprint scarcity and
high price is not confined to Klamath Falls or any particular section it is general throughout the United
States and Canada. The Herald has felt the pinch since last fall. The subscription rate should have been
raised months ago, but it was kept at the old figure in the hone that some other way out could be found.
That hope, however, was useless and The Herald, like all dailies throughout the nation, had to bow to the
inevitable and raise its 'subscription price..
Beginning June 1, the subscription price of The Herald will be :
One Month $ .65
Three Months
Six Months
One'-Year ..
No assurance can be given at this time that these rates will remain in effect for any stated length of time.
Indications now are tqat they will have to be advanced again by October 1, unless some of the plans
under consideration for economizing on the use of paper will result in a decided saving.
The Herald has no desire to place an extra burden upon its subscribers, any more than subscribers have no
desire to place an extra burden on The Herald. For that reason, a special subscription offer is being
made during the month of May, whereby you can effect a big saving for the next year. In order to make
this special offer it will be necessary foe The Herald to invest all of the money paid on these special sub
scriptions in paper. This offer closes May 31. Under this offer the rates will be:
Delivered by carrier within the city, 1 year $5.00 . ,
, ' Delivered by mail within the county, 1 year ..V 1.00
Delivered by mail outside the county, 1 year .' 5.00 .
There Are Only FOUR DAYS Left in Which to
Take Advantage of This Offer.
' V
According to assistant District At-,
torney II. J. Hendricks of New York, '
in a statement Isued recently after
seeing a certuln motion picture, it Ih
proved by criminal records that no
pomon can bo successfully a silent (
O enterprise. Mrs. Jluynrond kuopn ,
hor gambling resort In operation
under the munagoinont of n man
who poses an owner,
i In tho end n dozen different events
bring about tho revolution of tlio wo
nun'H purtnai-Hhlp,
Maurlca To urn cur has a ponchant
en him tho opportunity of making a
pliture wxclusivoly with characters
who lovo passionately, seo red when
they huto, mid nro iiilck with the
trigger nml knife. I.lfo nmung tlin
Kiiroponu wraltlm who havo drifted
to tho South Bonn rovortn to tho nuv
elomcntals and theso nro tho mater
ials out ot which Joseph Conrad
weaves his gripping stories and
Maurice Tournour his cntertnlnnit
pictures. Jack Holt, fieeim Owon,
Lon Cliuney mid Wnlluru lloory nro
In the excellent cast.
A Herald Want Ail will sell It.
partner in crimo. air. iionuricus - -
j stated his opinion 'In reference to the" U,T " ' T ' a ,cat"
. .. i , .i.i ,... i or" and "Tho Llfo Lino" ho demon-
UruillUMU CAajUJi "A .ilia tah itu
sented in Vltagruph's picture, "Tho
Sins of tho Mothers," which will be
presented ut the Mondalo Theatro
on Friday and Saturday,
Anita Stewart is star of this pro
duction. She playa tho role ot TrUle
Raymond, whose" mother Is revealed
as the secrot owner of a.gambllng re
sort. Trixe inherits her parent's
Bumbling instinct, , and' tho latter,
shocked at, discovery at this fact,
sends tho girl to a,cpnvent to euro
her, t ,,
(Tbe, ceso of Mrs.. Ilaymond stands
as testimony to tho assertion that a
person cannot .conceal their secret
connections with criminal or Illegal
Btratod his unusual ability to pro
iluco thrilling scenes of tho ocean In
Its varying moods on tho screen.
Now ho has tuken qna of tho most1
famous stories ot all times, Joseph
Conrad's "Victory," and used It as
tho basis of a motion picture that
portrays In vivid detail tho talo of
love, adventure and revenge In 'tho
South Sea Islands. It is a Para-mount-Artcraft
plcturo and will be
shown at tho Star Theatre tonight
and Saturday,
Mr. Tournour loves to deal with
mankind in the rough. His faithful
reproduction of llfo In tho slums and
low dives on the wharves of London
aro well known. "Victory" has-glv-
J. T. Ward & Co.
834 Main Street'
Phone 375
i -
Triff-i-i miiiTriaRat''"