; i . VI 'J ' ' ,S, ' y. rAOB tovn 'tf JifcfcOAT. WT T. it THE EVENING, HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I w $ ft rr' W'M'M'WWwMWWMMMJJ3Jgg" HECTOR'S The Month End Special Sale on small lots of Seasonable Merchandise. LONG SILK GLOVES 98c Black and While, all sizes and a good value at $1.50. $2.00 GRAY SILK HOSE $1.48 Pine Silk Gray Ho.e in all size?, me dium and lifiht, also a few Field Mouse color. Special Sale price $1.48 $1.00 GRAY LISLE HOSE 75c Light and Medium Gray in fine lisle and a good value at $1.00. Sale price DRESS GINGAMS 39c Standard Quality Dress Ginghams in Fancy and Plain Colors, 27-in. wide. Extra Special 39c yd. l-nnj-uiyvvvirri,i'",",i"i",'""',"J,"""'J,'",,"","i"i" "i" ii"iiiiV lutiN-r i:m.imt ti IHtAW ins .iii HIIKIIIDAN, Wyii.. Ma) 27 - To prove that he waa not enllnted In the xnny for flnanrlnl Rain, IVank IVok (if (llllettr, Wyo., pri-K-uted a auven menicer tourliiK car to the loral re crultlnx illation when ho waa accept, vd for M'rvlcii In the CMh Coaat Ar- II IL-lrCTTTff??.! jy-U"UVV'M'VV'arw'VVVVVVVVVVMV'rVBVN"aafVrraJ1r NOTASEME HOSE zet rWaX r Sf0& SOME OF THESE DAYS YOU'LL COME INTO MY STORE AND WHEN THAT DAY COMES, I BELIEVE THE SHOES I SELL AND THE SERVICE I GIVE WILt MAKE YOU A STEADY CUSTOMER. The Bootery CHAS. P. MAGU1RE 713 Main St h jjUXrVtnjTJXfVVVVnra-VV'a-V'-i" mmmmmmiiiAii la y 44-r For Your Chickens MMMMMMAMMAAAAMWWWMWWWWWWWWWSMMMMM Wometi's Fashion Center ONE LOT CHILDREN'S HATS 98c Odd lots of Hats that sold up to $2.25. Special Sale price 98c ONE LOT WOMEN'S HATS $5.00 Regular prices have been SG.05 to S8.DG. Odd lots, Special Sale price . .... .$5.00 CHILDREN'S HOSE 39c Black and White Ribbed Hose, sizes G to 10. Special Sale price ...39c KAYSER KNIT UNDERWEAR SPECIALLY PRICED A complete line of Cotton and Lisle Vest and Union Suits in all styles. Month End Special 10 per cent Off Regular Price bpecial 75c tlllery I'eck, who lia acted n fore, man on many larRe ranrhea In thl pnrt of the country, aald that he de aired to aecure the advantaRe offered j by the educational claanea und voca-1 tlonnl tralnlnR icboola lu the nrmy i . . Kln Juta of Sweden U aald to be. the only monarch ever known to wear eye-Rlawea on State occaaloo. " --- MONITO STOCKINGS tz& J I "TT' 'i i forJMGmorizl ZQt- riiico u bouituot or wreath of our Frnsh Cut Flowora on tho grnvo of your departed loed ones. Our Floweru aro homo Rfown. Vj' KLAMATH FLORAL CO. Phono JIII7-M 11104 K. Main ' DlSl'iaV WINDOW 014 MAIN 9 T Arrannementa ore complete fo,r the r0RnK rlPrCea of tho Sacred 'Heart 'choo, wn)ch w, b hflIlj Frlriay (lonmrrow) evenlnR at Inoiwnite 'IVIIcnn hotel. The principal nddrca , will be Riven by the Iter, T. J. Ilrady of Ukevlvw. Mlaa Ilu ry Slack. , who Rradnate In munlc, will read an eaaay on "Huaalan Folk 8onRa and Dancea," illtiatrated by appropriate musical aelectlona by tho clan. l'arenta und frlenda of tho achiol tare natured of a hearty wetcomo '.ml uiv) eurneatly urRed to attend Fol low IllK la the preRrnm: i, 'oerturc, Suppe Opal Cnrdollund ' Violet dale. "Uy llendemeer'a Stream." Ilrewer Clna, MooullRbt Sonata Op. 27, No. 2, Dee thoven Klliabeth ItamHby. Intermezzo, Cndman Ada Hall and Itnmoim Hull. Valae In O Flat. Ch-pln Kathryn I'lrlch. "Thou Art I.tko Onto a Flower." Itu benateln Florence Klllott and Clarice Klllott. SonR of thn Lark, Tchalkovaky Clar ice Klllott. Ituntllng of Spring. Slndlng Flor ence Klllott. (a)Nocturne Op. 37, No. 2, Chopin; (b) Kallor'a Song Op. 65, No., 5, MacDowell Kilzubeth Hamaby. "Ave Keglna Coelorum," Plol-CUr-Icc Klllott, Ada Hall, Florence .El liott. Hamona Dull. Blanche Steph en!, Elizabeth Hamaby. "Kuaalan Folk and Folk Lore," Ea aay" lla Fay Slack. Illustrating Music Ruthenlun Folk Song, Elvira Ander son. ItUBBlun Folk Sengs: (n) "Suow flakoa." (b) "Sleep Little Treas ure" Violet Oalo, Hlaucho Steph ens, llarcnrollo Op. 37, No. 6, Tchnlkov- Bky Florence Elliott, rollchlnollo, Ittichmnnlnoff Uonova (llcun. l'rt'ludu In 0 Sharp Minor, Uuchman- Inoff Wlvo Wlthrow and Opal Cnrdwoll. ItUHsIn National Hymn Class. First violin, Walter Ilannon; second, Anita Lnwrenco; third, lllchurd Hoguo; piano, lla Fay Slack. Address Huy, T. J. Ilrady, Lnko vlew, Oregon. Ornduntlon honors contorred on Miss Iln Fay Slack. Cortlflcato fr hookkooplng,n Ed ward Dervnn. London has 303 theatres, music halls and motion plcturo houses. ffi m nam CHICK FEED, GROWING MASH,, BONE FATTENING MASH, ALFALFA MEAL, WHOLE AND CRACKED CORN CHINESE' STATESMAN FLAYS JAPAN POLICY (Continued from Page 1) province nnd they Mill come by tlio shipload. " Thin, mild Dr. Chow, docs'not )ook llko evidence of Reed fuflh on tho purl of Japsn, which has asserted that Hhantung will bo restored to Chirm tit tho proper lime. And, In - j the nlulnest language, no Mia mni thu Hiutcmuan of China did not ac - cfpt n single Japanese promise worth tint slightest attention,. for Ihol diplomacy of Japan was a proven poi- lev of hint? IntrlRiie. icy or img '"'" We do not believe them, he iiH, "any mory than you people hero would believe the statement of any proved llar.V ino Keynote i me "-- uu..."-. although not plainly expressed, wan necessity for continued support of China by tho United Stale, so that) , ., , , 0,i -,,.. rhlnai when the hour of need conn China muy grappie wiw iir u (.. .....-..- 2r-27 (and obviate tl. alternative of the 'United Stale b-lm: embroiled In n FOR HAM: Oft TRADE 'war with a strongly Ii.trci.ched and J;Ots 33. 391 and 39... block 113. I , . v,nm..n, ( Mill Addition. Will trado for equity arrogant Japanese government. , rrMn0f Cft)f ( ,nipr0Te(, or BnIm'. A more brilliant apeaker has nott,)rove(1 Addrena J. M. PlatU, 112S uddreaced n Klamath Kalla audience IT St., Kreano, Calif. 2C-tf In a Uiir time than this Chlneao atnteamnn. acholnr nnd editor. The lt HALB-Lot, In block large audience of over men and women who a thouaand neam in, ciir.w luat nlitht can not help but be better cltlzona aa a reiult of hlf lecture. The mimic at Chautauqua lost nlitht waa fumlabed by the Morrlaon Rlrl eiitcrtalnera, Th proRram pre aeiited by tbeae four young ladles w one of the finest musical pro grama yet Riven on Chautauqua. Their program la distinguished by an originality seldom found In a musical company. The old fashioned songs and atorlea given by the Morrlaon glrla In the afternoon were equally as pleasing aa the program given last night. Today Taylor's singing band of ChlcaRO under the direction of High C. Taylor will give two concerts J afternoon and evening. Aa an added featuro Tom Corwlne,1 eathcr belting, one black'amltb out the polyphonlst. or Imitator of fit, two spark arresters, oni com- aounda. will appear both this after- . .i-. hum nuu iviiiaiti 1 AT THE THEATERS1 The name of Constance Talmadge, who la universally admired by screen patrons for her fascination, person ality and charm -of manner, will soar even higher Into the milky way of film stars when the public views her performance In tho role of Suzanne Krcoll In her litest Select picture. "Experimental Marriage." which can bo seen at the Star Theatre tonight. She la winsome, cmirmlng out! beautiful and scorea In this pic turn as ono of the screen's cloerest com ediennes. There la something re freshing about her work on the screen, and In "Experimental Marri age," In which ho Is again p-erent-cd by Lewis J. Selznlck. ahe Is ho' suited to the role portrayed. httt the Illusion Is perfect nnd the spectator i almost forgets that he Is lookliiR at a representation of an Imnglr.ary character. Tho story concerns tho advjntit'cs of a young widow, who, fearing to again bind horsolf down by a mairl nge contract und destroy K'r liberty and promising career a a null rag leader, marries a liaii'.somo jouni; lawyer only on the condition turn they live as man and wifo during the time elupslng between Friday night and Monday morning of iMCh week Many Interesting compile itlons de velop from their novel married life. Tho picture Is a corner and woll worth seeing. KLAMATH GENERAL HOSPITAL Is located on The Esplanade away from the noise, sur rounded by one of the most beautiful views in the world. This Hospital is fully equip ped to handle the most diffi cult cases and has a staff of physicians, that insure .the high character, and effi ciency of the institution. STAFF DR. E. D. JOHNSON DR. O. Hi MERRYMAN DR. T. O. CAMPBELL DR. UEORQB I. WR10HT DR. B: D. LAMIl DR. H. D. LLOYD STEWART HEMS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate HIXTll 8T. CXHlNKlt We have a special price on a Sixth St, f.orner near the factories, with ICC. lu on Sixth, 231 ft. on spur, about HO ft. on Market. Thcro Is a UVAIU 11. lUIIUBKiVU I.WM MUllUlltfr on name nnd pavement on two sides, ITho price In 112,500 on' very wf (orifii fll.irl in atinvr Vnti f'nil nf ; W... hi' ihnnii bb. Chilenta . R', 20-27 , l'on SAI.K Neat three-room bung- 0W nnrt hiK Icvc, it on 0ak Ave, ncftr N)nlh Non.rcM(lcnt 0WMr ,g mnknK gpt.cni price of 11900 for i quick salo. Some term. Chllcote - -"- "mn' " ,aln a, jnonc foh ham: S-rooin house and bath on paved direct, 3 block from Main street. I'rlco reasonable. Call at McMllllan ,. - Addreaa i. ' Plnck ert. 7J1 Chestnut, Long lleacb, California. 24-29 LOTS A few good lota In Hot Spinga auumon. a row ten on (snipping ton pavement but going fast. Lots of lots between the depot and Mills addition. Prices right, terms 10 per cent cash, bal. 3 payments. Phone W. M. Montellus, 1303 Main St. 1-tf FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Houehold furniture, Including rugs, china closet, din ing table, oil beater, etc. 103 Pine St., Phone 2GSR. 2C-27 JERSEY COW for sale. Phone 2CCR 2C-27 FOR HALE TEXTS TEXTS TEXTS I TT R (nVAPfimaNf I Ant as Phhh.. Plcte lighting system. Ma Welns, " ne' iswauna not Factor DrjkJ FOR SALBt-I.) C. 8. course com plete. aaaj:Eng1necrlng, new; cost $110. WW sell for less than half, or will trade. Imqulre Pastime Bil liard Parlor. 2C-2S Model 00 Overland touring car. used one season. Freshly painted and as good as new. A real bareain. Call at Central Garage. 24-2? FOR SALE Holsum bread lie a loaf. SI-OT CASH riAHKKT GROCERY 822 Klamath Ave. T Why. Pay More T May H-Juno 14. Special Sale on 'groceries and flour. Spot Cash Basket Grocery. 17 FOR SALE The Horald will place your message In the hands of over 9.000 readers evory night for only five cents a line. OALVANIZED IRON Skv Lights and Cornices made at 1023 Main street , L. N. Haines. 19-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT Space In these columns at five cents a line a day. A line hei Is read by thousands every night. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT FORD and Chevrolet re pairing. I have a tinier that will put Jazz In your Ford . Chas. Sllva. 230 Main St., at Oxceto Welding Works, Klamath Falls. 3S-28 CITY GARDAOE Whan you want garbage removed call 52J. Printing. Stationery and offlci supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company 126 Main St. !Mf EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING All makes of cars. I do my own work and guarantee It. Chas. Sllva, at Oxceto Welding Works, 230 Main St. Klamath Falls. 25-2S PHONE PEYTON for wood. 181 LOST AND FOUND MMMVMNa'MWMMaaarfNa'yM LOST On Keno road between Spen cer crcok nnd Klamath Falls, an overcoat. Howard if returned to iWhlto Pelican Garage. 22-27 LOST A golden opportunity to sell your home, your (arm or anything you wish to dispose of. If you do not use tho classified columns ot The Herald. ;. FOUND A chance to dispose ot any of the Innumerable' articles that you have stored away In your cellar, attlo or barn. Turn your waste. Into cash. There Is always someone who wants Just what you have for sale: Find him through the classified column of this paper. Murphey Feet) & WANTED . WANTED,. Trucks and teams' to haul lumber. BIO LAKES IIO,X CO. J)l ,r 31-JI MAN AND WIFE wishes posltloa oa Irrigated or.stock'ranCh1.' Addreae Dot, J. Mw Herald office. '''''25.II I ITT I WANTED All kinds odafrlfp Iron. old bones, raga, rubber arrfd all kinds of metals. Maai WeUi. Cth St.. near Ewauna llox Factory. 21-tf YOUR WEEKLY CHECK-Llmlted only by ability and tlmo, devoted to selling our trees. Complete lino nil varieties backing you. Write for terms. Start Immediately. SALEM NURSERY COMPAKY, 427 Oregon Illdg., Salem, Oreou. 31-7 WANTED Lumber hauling con tract, any amount. R. It. Mahoney, White Pelican Hotel. 22-28 WANTED Man to drive ranch. Phone 253-J. , team on 17-tf WANTED A message from you to tho rcadors of Tho Herald, It yon have anything for sale, for rent, lost or found. ESTRAY Came to my ranch after April l&th, one red heifer 2 years old, branded Circle liar on left side. Owner may have same by railing at my place and paying expenses. 26-2S E. L. FRENCH. MADAME IQ1NA KNOW YOUR FUTURE CONSULT OHECO.VH HEHT World's greatest Clairvoyant anal "almfst, Phrenologist and Medium. Horn wltt) double veil. Reads your entire life, past. ent and future; advises on buslne speculations, lovers' quarrels; re unites the separated; when and whom you will marry; how to win the ono you love and also overcome nil enemies; gives secrets how to con trol or Influence any one you love or meet. Tells full names of any on you care to know. Her advlcehaa saved and made thousands, war not you? As a seer and Interpreter of hidden treasures she has no equal. See her at oncc.-thls God-glvea. gifted lady. All business confidential. Dally readings, including aunoay. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. in. Perma nently located I. O. O. F. bulldlag. 43 Main St., Kiamam rant, urn. s 20-M i.t - HOT WITH HEHfS SAN FRANCISCO. May 27. Tele graph companies operating from Saa Francisco are preparing to handle virtually an unlimited amount ot press reports on the Democratic n'a- tlonal convention to be held here be ginning June- 2S. One company alone, the 'Western Union Telegraph company, haa an nounced that it is completing Jit a cost of $500,000 Improvements In It plant that will tako care of 1.000,000 wcrds dally In addition to Its regular, business. The Postal Telegraph Came company Is also Increasing IU facilities and news agencies and as-, soclations are getting ready to move quickly an augmented "load" they will carry over wires leased from telephone companies. Under the multiplex automatic system, that permits four message t to be carried each way, eight alto gether, on one wire, the Western Union is preparing to take care ot 250,000 words of press matter tor evening papers and 760,000 for morn ing papers each day. R. II. Calkin ot the general manager's office here an nounced. No additional wires are being put In, only "channels" for extra sets ot automatic Instruments belfig added. Tho multiplex systotu Is almost twice as fast as the Morse, In which tho message Is ticked oft by hand, and the company now handle 65 per cent of Its business by tho now methods. ,' Tho company will have Installed, hore nt the time ot tho convention 13 miles of pneumatic tubes to carry messages directly into its main oper ating roomtwhero an Intricate system ot belt conveyors makes it possible to get each message sent within ona minute. With its new Improvement, , th-v plant here, (be Western Union6 an-; nounced, will be the most modem la, the world and the third largest 14 he Unsfo'tes -A Classified A will sell It MILL BE QFMM Seed Store ffttmti W ZVTCSAM Vl'-