t- MftErtT Wv THE EVsWINCrTl. .,--. J5p. ufr&imf' MMrfW wwHHm HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS ..! t. Y ? ' HJ4fr$HHM4i EIGHTH ST. OWNERS PROTEST NUISANCE . (Continued frum Page 1) Wlrti 4uttliiK Ordlnmuv An ordinance, approved by the local itiunnKvrH of tho power, tvlo- phunu mid WtHtuni Union companion. was Introduced, rcgulatliiK tha cut ting of wlri'H to purmlt tho moving of houscH, drndBorH, etc., nlong tho pub lla HtreutH. Among ruiiilrniueiitM nro 48 hourii iintlro to tho company own ing tho wlriH to bo cut and payment of tho estimated cost of tho work of cuttliiK and repairing tho wires. After tho work Ih dnno any balanco duo ono Hldo or tho other on tho estl nato will, bo paid. Dancing I'latfoant . C. K. Pnrkor wuh grnntod porinlB slon for tho erection of it dancu plat form nt tho cornor of Pine and Hov onth stroets, tho corner back of Un dorwood's phariuncy, until October 1, 1920, Tha floor will bo 60 by 95 foot la area and tho cost $1,000, Tho council gave tho matter some consid eration ns protests hnvo boon made MJMSMdkm. .) Gasoline Southern Pacific Company 13 READY TO move promptly to any point in this State or any other State it serves Gasoline Distillate Kerosene and Fuel offered it for shipment and is redy in its power to remedy any existing with good service. Southern Pacific Company against tho establishment of a danc ing pavilion In this residence neigh borhood, but no ono appeared beforo thu council to protest tho potltton. Tho city will havo tho usu of tho platform when wanted for band con certs, Fourth of July exorcises and other public gatherings. IViiuIIm (Sbtiitod I. W, (loodard was granted per mission, nf(ur ii record vote, to movo u Miniill lunch counter from lot 7 i block 38, Main street, to a now loca 'tlon on Main street, east of Hector's Htoro, A permit was Issued to Father 11. J, Marshall for tl(o now Catholic school which will bo oroctcd at a cost of $75,000 ut tha corner of Jefferson and Eighth streets. J. II. Auton, of tho Acme Motor company, was granted a permit for tho now gurago at Sixth and Oalc stroets. Tho building Is to bo brick and concruto construction with a floor space 100 by 204 feet. Other permltB E. K. Johnson, threo room houso on Oregon avenu'o, t$r00; J, C, llethanl, ono room houso, lot 3, block, 53, second Hot Springs . ' Shortage Vf)1 . .10. addition, $200; Arlle Worrell, flvo room bungalow, Crescent avenue, $4,000; F, C. Miller, three room (bouse, Iluena YIbIo addition, $400; .Mrs. E. S. Hideout, three room house, (lllllsldo addition, $1,000; 11. E. Wat tenburg, wnrohouso 40 by 80 feet, lllttllroad addition, $2,000; James H. Crlcklo, threo ono-room and ono threo-room Iioubcs, Klamath addi tion, $1,500; J. P. Haggreon, cottage, jliuenii Vlstn addition, $2,000; Louis llnulford, rvsldenco northwest cornor Tenth and High, $3, SCO. Frod Ilucslng was granted a permit to romnvo n framo building from lot 2, block 39, origlunl town, to lot C, I block 3, Canal addition. Mrs. Mary O. Helms was granted permission to conduct a rooming houso In tho Mary Jackson apart ments at 1177, Esplanade street. Park Hlto Hold 'An ordlnanco empowering tho measure to deliver to Ackley Bros, tho city park site on the Ewauna lako front, partly adjoining the Ackley mill alto, was passed to Its second reading. Tho prlco io bo paid for tho park ground is $10,500, which CHICK FEED, GROWING MASH, BONE FATTENING MASH, ALFALFA MEALr , , v - .WHOLE AND. CRACKED CORN i f J 2 2 2 J 2 i t :. i:t r itt ? Oil to do all shortage jn Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I t .'V . will be used by the city In buying another site. o It Is estimated that difference of ono Inch In tho rainfall orrurlr-K In July In tho six- chlof corn-growing ! states makes a difference of mora than $300,000,000 In tho'valuo of the com crop, Tho only beauty snow for men on record was ono held In Vienna somo years ago, at which tho Judges wero fourteen ladles. Tho first prize went to n wlno mcrchnnt with a long noso. and tha second to a man with, a mus tache twenty Inches long. Tho old-time press-agent Is now known as n "publicity expert," and his business has greatly developed In recent years. Outstdo of tho reg ular theatrical press-agents, every American city has a small army of mon who And lucrative employment In giving publicity to financial and Industrial enterprises, philanthropic and educational .Institutions, hotels and restaurants, and a wldo variety of other things that depend for their success upon tho Jatronage of tho public. FOR SALE Real Estate IX)R HALE IIOMKS "room faoute on paved street. Has dandy 3-room apartment completely furnished. iFrlce 14400: $1250 cash, o.th ALSO ' . G-room houne, Just ofl the paving. A good bur at $3200; $1000 cash. ALSO G-room plastered houso on pared street, Just being finished, i'rlce 14200; Bomo terms. AUSO 4-roorn modern hotic- on paved street. Out a ways but cheap at J2C00; $1000 cush. J. T. WARD A CO., &34 Main Strf-et 24-25 FOR HALE Lots 1.2-5-7 In Muck 12 Hrtt Addition. Make me a cath offer. Address If. I'lnckert, 731 Chestnut, Long Ileach, California. 24.29 FOR HALE ALFALFA LAND SW U of NV U. Sec. 4, and 8 of NK J and SE i of NV U. Sec. 5, all of Tvp. 41, Hnnge 12, Shasta Vlow Irrigation District; an Improv ed farm. Nolo soil map. $35 per acre, 12500 can remain 3 years, bal. cash. Alio 8 U of NE U of NE and all that part of the BE of NK 4 lying north of Adams canal, all In 8ec. 1, Twp. 41 South, Kongo 11. Borders canal and can Irrigate now. Partly cleared and fenced. $850 cash. Also B Of NE , Bee. 17. Twp. 40 South, Range 10, near Stukel bridge. $1250 cash. Land Is going up everywhere. Above Is bit prices and terms. Agents protected. No better bays outside of Miami, Fla., where you may address me. E. O. Argraves. 19-23 LOTS A few good lots In Hot Sptngs addition. A few left on Shipping- ton pavement but going fast. Lota of lots between the depot and Mills addition. Prices right, terms 10 per cent cash, bal. 36 payments. Phone W. M. Montellus, 1303 Main St. 1-tf FOR SALE Miscellaneous EOR SALE Whits I-oghorn chick ens; all sizes. 1337 Sargent Ave. . 24-2.1 DAY OLD CH1X llarrcd and white rocks, R. 1. Reds, Orpington, An conas, Black Mlnorcas, buff, white and brown leghorns. Order new, the season 'will soon end. Enoch Crews. SWabrlgnt, Cah 24-25 FOR HALE TEXTS TEXTS TEXTS U. S. Government tents. Canvass leather belting, one blacksmith out fit, two spark arresters, one com plete lighting system. Max Weiss. 6th St., near Ewauna Dox Factory, 24-tf TOR SALE or trade for sheep, cattle or nogs, one iordson tractor In best of condition, - one nearly now Krnttirlfir rirlll Ana rfUV ? ft i aa. tlon harrow. 'Also team, wagon nndJ I Harness ana iigm ouggy. J. .v iRramhall, Malln, Ore. 2I-2C" Fon SAt.n on TrtAnp 1 iinmmc. I bile touring In good shape. Mai- lory uarago, 637 Willow Ave. 24-26 Model 0Q Overland touring car. used one season. Freshly painted and ns good as new. A real bareain. .uii uv vvnrui unras;v. m; PETITE I'ltUXKS Have a few sacks left at 15c, de livered by parcol post 16c. Special prlco on 300 pound lots. J. H. Rob inson, Grants Pass, Ore., Rt. 4. 22-25 FOR SALE One Hupmobllo , 5-pas- senger In good shape and cheap. Terms If desired. Mallory Garage Co., 637 Willow Ave. 20-25 FOR SALE Seed Potatoes. Rob erts & Whltmore, 6th and Main 14-tf FOR SALE 1 bed. mattress and springs; ono kitchen cabinet and ono library table. Horace Shldler. 123 Sixth St. 22-tt. FOR SALE Holsura bread lie a loaf. SPOT CASH MARKET GROCERY 822 Klamath Ave. T Why Pay More T May 14-June 14. Special Sale, on grocorles and flour. Spot Cash Casket Grocery. 17 FOR SALE The Herald will place 'your' message In tho hands of over 9,000 readers every night for only flvo cents a line. v GALVANIZED IRON Sky Lights and Cornices made at 1023 Main street L. N. Haines. 19-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE Special rates by tha weak. Lake view rooming house. 102 .Main St. 24-26 FOR RENT Space In these columns at five cents a line a day. A line hei Is read' by ihouVauda every night. Murphey Feed & MISCELLANEOUS The partr that, took that sack of iwhcat from roadside on north River Id please return It. as Iiihave bcr.of.your car. 24-15 Printing,. .Stationery 'and office supplies. Pioneer Printing and 8tv tlonery compiny 126 Main Bt, 9-tt PHONE PEYTON for wood. 1ST LOST AND FOUND AMMMMWMMMWMMMMMMMMMMM I.08T On Keno road between Spen cer creek and Klamath, Falls, an overcoat. Howard l( returned to Whlto Pelican Garage.., 22-27 LOST A golden opportunity to sell your home, your farm or anything you wish to dispose of, If you do not us the classified columns of The Herald. ' FOUND A chanty to dispose of any of the Innumerable articles that you have stored away In your cellar, attic or ham. Turn your wasto Into cash. There Is always somcono who wants Just what you have for sale. Find him through tbe classified columns of this paper. WANTED WANTED A mlddler.gcl lady with two children waits position. a cook on ranch. Enquire Con Curt la ranch, Merrill route. 21-25 WANTED All kinds of scrap Iron, old bones, rags, rubber and all kinds of metals. Max Weiss, 6th St., near Ewauna Ilox Factory. 24-tf; WANTED Practical County Infirmary. nurse. Call 22-15 YOUR WEEKLY CHECK Limited only by ability and time devoted to selling our tree. Complete line all varieties backing you. Writ (or terms. 8tart Immediately. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY, 427 Oregon Bldg., Salem,' Oregoau a i-t WANTED Lumber hauling con tract, any aloount. R. H. Mahoney, White Pelican Hotel. 2S-2I NURSE DESIRES engagements, can of Invalid or, children. Phone 12E14. or box v3(.' City. 22-15 WANTED A good residence let la the vicinity of 9th and Mala. Must be cheap; " "11-tf. ,V. ;i WANTED--Man to' drive team oa risKo. PfcMe J5X-J. -'" 17-U . i i ' WANTED 4 or 5 room house far nlsbed or. unfurnished, by reliable party: reference furnished. Xeely Dox M, Herald. ishc WANTED A message from yoa to the readers of Tbe Herald, II 7M hsve anything .far sale, for rest, teat or fouad' ' - NEW FACTORY IICILD1XO Si" PORTLAND, Ore., May 25. Plans are being completed In the east for the fa'ctory building and warehouse of the American Can company, to be erected In Portland. A site adjoin ing the Montgomery Ward property was recently purchased. MANY OREGON PROIH'CTS PENDLETON, Ore., May 25. One hundred and" sixty seven Made-ln-Ore'gon products are handled by lo cal merchants, It has been discover ed through a survey of the stores made by the Portland Cbnmber of Commerce. A similar investigation revealed the fact that Oregon manu facturers have placed In Hood River 104 articles. The latter town la to hold nn Oregon products week from June 7 to 14. VAI.VAHLE DKIHIBIT ESTACADA, Ore., May 25. Alum inum and silica. contained In a de posit of clay-rcenUy discovered la the national forest reserve a few miles south of here are arousing much speculation ns to their value and preparations are being made by Deputy Game Warden Edward 8. Howland to flic upon a claim thore. Ho Is considering forming a com pany to put tho clay on tho market. Tha deposit Is colored yellow, blue, ci earn and red and was exposed by a washout. A Classified Ad will sell It. O. E. 8. NOTICE Thoro will be a rugular meotlnet of Aloha .Chapter No. 61. O. 1; 8. Tuesday evening. May 25, 1920, at 8 o'clock, p. m. Visitors welcome 24-25 EFFIE 8. CHASTAIN, W, M, MASONS ATTENTION Tli ere will be a regular communl cation of Klamath I.odgo No. 77, A. F. ft A. M. Monday ovenlng, May 24, 1920. at 8;oo o'clock p. m, Work lu M. M. Dei-re. ,22-9.-.aEOt CHASTAIN. W.' M. -5 4 Seed Store L't f vt Iwt (