THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Tiri:M.V, MAY 25, 1M "POLLYANNA" TO BE PRESENTED T PAflH TIIHKH A Chief Topic OF THE TIMK IS THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. AND IT APPEARS TO HE A PROBLEM THAT IS DIFFI CULT TO SOLVE. DO NOT-DESPAIR; YOU CAN SAVE NOW IF YOU HAVE THE COURAGE AND DETERMINATION TO DO SO. AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST STATE & SAVINGS BANK GIVES THE PROPER INCENTIVE. 1 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. The First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Paulino Luells Mayo Gives Popular Play ot Chautauqua. i I No lioolc or piny of recent yours 'M" " "iit iiii'iiiii iiini muwirrro limn KlfiiiHir II. l'mr'N "l'ollyiitnin." On tln llfili iifirniooti of C'lintitnniim I'niilltio I.ucllu .Mnyo, ono of tho fori"- Yes Sir-ee! W mafia tits jva n t, ..., u., viBo- rette to meet your taste! Inter-1 most renders and dramatic prefers of tin, American titntfonn. la I to present tlila atory of "the glad I game in monologue, portraying every I character with the roniumata artistry for w lilclt nlm Ii noted. 1 Are you from fflissouri tan n ave ewn: If auch is the case and you imagine your whiskers arc too toudn lor the AutoStroft Razor come in and 1st a tals it over. We will loaa you one of these wondsriul razor an 30 JJy FREE TRIAL. Pay no money juit use the raioi If you can tfst aleni without it, limply return it to ui. to he sh i EEiL3b1Lm4 gaafe Tht AutoStroft Raxor. It atropa, ahavea and cleans without talcing apart. Five hundred shaves guaranteed from each twelve blade. I postal will bring it to you IMBUES STRANGESIGHTS III FAR EAST ''s "'; -urn. CAMELS have wonder ful fllll-hvHa .tln... mildness and a flavor as . refreshing as it is new. Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos win you on merits. Camels blend never tires your taste. And, Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor I What Camels quality and expert blend can mean to your satisfaction you should find out at oncel It will prove our say-so when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price CmSt KU oytywhtn In ttUnlltoillr 14 pcl..t ct 10 c(ttnllmt tor 30 rn'i; ot ton pc. 200 cifnllmt) In m iUttln Ifprr-tonrmi ttrton. Wm ilranry conmn (AJt tsrlon for loo homo ot onco tupply ot whon you IrovwL R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C STAR DRUG CO. EWaawwwwwmwmwmwm Tho follnwInK Interesting descrlp lion of llfu nmt customs of tho Tar East, ai seen by the occlilental tra U'ler. comes In n letter rncolvod by Mm. J. K. WVhbrr of thin city from her brother, K. I). .MaclA'tin, who M In Shanghai, wIktu his main office In located. Tho pen picture of a Chlneso wed itlnK Ih eniM-claUy worth ruaillnK. Tho ' , ... I then pounced upon me. They arc Mer .Inn. coming over this time I , fc, not ,kc Now Jewy.t; aavu keen trying to got llmo to wrltu , ,.,., . ,,., II1U n lflltlr fltlllnr Vnll nf annln fif ' ,1 .1.1...... .1... . l Somo factcloua person has said and lif am In China. Ilonavor, tiur writing takes time, and that Ii what I'tu had' very llttlu of these past ;nonths Hi&iiB - LaLm''!IH3irA'aLaLaLaHk. TilililiWuIlffl llMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLV aaaaaaaaaaVjPaaaW ataaaaaaA pare It with nothing that I have over experienced. Ono needs to ho acna- euilc to lltu In China In tho summer. I uus too healthy so suffered much. .Mosijultocs nearly devoured mo In spite ot tho net under whlgh one sleeps at nlKht. Somehow they Rot Inside, waited until I was asleep and J. F. Maguire New Office 715 Main St Each piece listed here is a good buy Lot 25x110 ft. on Main St. opposite White Peli can Hotel at only $3,000; will take $500 cash, bal ance in three annual payments. Someone is going to double their money on this. 40x120 ft. 'improved Main St. property, choice location, $25,000, and $5,000 cash will handle this, balance easy. Income $2,340 per annum. 130 ft. corner on Main St., income now $2,400 per annum, price $30,000; can be bought on very easy terms. This will make you money while you sleep. One of the choicest corners in Klamath Falls, improved with pressed brick building, high grade tenants and good income. Price, $40,000 ; terms can be arranged. Bring me your fire insurance ; will look after your business carefully. If you have good close in property to sell reason able, fist it with me; you will not be disappointed. Fifteen years doing business in this district, have made many satisfied clients. J. F. Maguire f A . New Locatien, J. F. Mtfulra BUck, 71S Maim St MMaMVlMMMWawiwMMM MMWMIMMIM To hKln at tho beginning, after a rather uneventful trip across tho Pa cific, mostly In fog, wu sailed Inildo tho breakwater at Yokohama on tlio :6th ot July, 1919. All morning wo had been steaming along the const enjoying tho wonderful greens ot tho terraced hills and tho blue sky. Tho harbor was filled with fishing boats and sampans as wo anchored a little way out for tho quarantine and cus loins. That formality was soon 3vnr as wo wero a healthy lot and evident ly didn't look suspicious to tho cut toins man. Our boat slowly ap proached tho wharf, and tho real Orient was hoforo us. Japanese ladles with their bright kimonos, and Jho men In mora sobor attire. Tho ladles carried parasols," as they aro always pictured and the men woro very American looking atraw hats and carried fans. After two days at Yokohama and a trip to Toklo wo went on to Kobe, which like Yokohama la on tho coaat, but not ao well located. One aeos wry little ot tho harbor from the shore, and tho city Itaolf la very unin teresting. Wo woro In Kobo at tho Oriental hotel about flvo days, wait ing for our ship, and attending to business ot tho company. Tho Ori ental hotel Is whore I lived on my lust trip to tho Orient. Our noxt stop was "Nagasaki which Is tho prottlost of nil tho towns In Japan. Wo loft thoro on August tho Cth nnd hnd a trip ot two days to Shnnghal. Tho Yangtso Klung was pouring Its muddy wator far out Into tho Pacific, ono can toll when ho reaches tho rlvor by tho color, as It Is too wldo to aoo tho ahoro. A pilot came aboard and kept ua In tho chan nel, At Woosung we loft tho Yangtae and camo up tho Wangpoo, which Is very muddy, and very 111 amolllng, to Shanghai. Shanghai Ii not ao bad, aa the foreigners, aa we are called, have made some parka ao that there are a few breathing placea, pne park on the Bund or water front la quite pleasant aa ono can alt on tho benches aad watch the shipping. There are concerts In the park two or three evenings a week, and eoaae-tlaaee ia the afteraoea. The Fraaeh park Is alsa very ttae, aasl eaa very Urge park, JsaaiHeM, baa assay' aaras; ArJttat fcVa hat that I eaa eeav that tho devil puts on his overcoat when ho gets back from Shanghai, others, that ha never leaves here. I don't know. A Chlneso wedding which I at tended was very Interesting. Quite different from our ceremony. The brldo and groom wero both college people. , Ho Iloston Tech, and she Slmmonds. Thoy mot In Iloston two years ago, so didn't follow tho cus tom of most of tho old families In China and not sea each other until after the ceremony. The old custom was such, and I heard ot a Chinese boy who was married tho other day who was hoard to remafk as tho bride's head dress was removed, "Too fat." This young man was a flno looking chap and as ho had been away at foreign schools for nlno years ho was quite a rtrungor to Chinese customs. Ho was very pleas ant and told us many Interesting things and explained as best be could to us the customs ot his people. Ho spoke perfect English. The bride camo from her father's home In a wonderful chair, the oldest and most beautiful, we wero told, In China, with the exception of ono which Is at Peking. It waa carried on poles as ono sees In pictures, and there wero three men assisting. Red Is tho fes tive color horo and was used with niuch gold to decorate the houso foro all these shrines they went down helped himself direct from the bowl stairs and paid their .respects to his or othet dlh that-interested hiss parents, her parents, then tho lesser mo.t. The chop sticks vere used lights of tho family, then friends.' when the consistency ot tho viand ale. I saw on display a few gifts ot warranted, and tho spoon when there silver but I rather think that these wai a tendency, towards the liquid y.T. ,he CI"nM b0'8 Md .lrta form. One chcpHjtIck Is held firmly who hnd been at college In America an(1 the ehtr Tj,ed VTrmbtf. , and who were copying tho American surprising how much food can ha Ideaof gifts. There wero about 30 .conveyed to the moiUb by moans ot young people from Mt. Holyoke, Co- these simple Instruments. The rood lumlila. Wellesloy. Harvard. Yalo and u fairly good and the best scheme Is. fusion icn. una chap from Yale lit no I, t all fastidious to "get confided to me that be thought tho there" first. Ono thine that reouIrM American wedding dress much pret tier, also that he's like a sundao at Huyler'a. In both of these remarks I heartily seconded him. We had tea at n beautifully decorated table, qulto American in Its appearance, and wishing tho young people all tho good things of llfo wo camo away. They went back to America to finish their college work. Now I will tell yon about a Chlneso dinner. This particular dinner was a nusiness dinner and the whole office force waa Invited. When we sat down at the table there were al ready a number ot dishes of meats In what looked like an old fashioned cako plate, a sort of bowl on a stan dard as It were. (I am so good at description). At each place, there were no plates, wero chop sticks, a little silver Wish ot relish and a wee silver bowl for Klu aa the rice wine Is called. Tbla wine Is sipped hot. If cold, we were told that Its results were most disastrous. There was also a large soup apoon. Each one a spoon was the Chinese "pleco da resistance" or shark's fins. This Is a sticky looking mass, something like spaghetti. Each ono helped himself generously from the general bowl and all went on quite merrily, but I Interested" myself in the musician who was playing a two-stringed In strument, Just at this time and I hope my sins ot omission were un noticed. Coming back bravely, to keep In touch with the situation, aa to speak, I carefully arranged my chop sticks and half speared, halt dragged home a rather edible looklaa; morsel. Just as I was about to en compass It all, and show that I waa a good fellow, a mixer, as It were, my right hand neighbor whispered. "Chinese sparrows." Now the spar row Is a bird that haa Its place In the scheme ot things no doubt, but tried a nice brown, oven though It was, I couldn't mske up my mind to add It to my list of things edible, so waiving (Continued on page 7) Tho chairs wero covered with It and tho walls woro hung with gay ban ners ot Chlnot! silk with Chlneso characters In gold, wishing tho young people good luck. Tho brldo's gown, wlilch consisted ot a rather short coat and long Bklrt made ot heavy red silk and embroldored heavily with gold, was very houvy ami un comrortablo looking. Tho head dross which also covered her faco was mado ot wlro on which was strung beads. It was an awful looking thing, and looked as though it might bo heavy. The bride must not speak on hor wedding day, and I really don't think the poor thing could with such a covering. Tho ceremony was very simple but took time. It con sisted In paying respects to shrines where candles were burning. The groom told me that these shrlnea rep resented the ancestors, he goddess of love, the dead wivea of bis oroiaara, and I don't know what all. I am go ing tesaaetker. weddtaa; sooa and new that, part of ay curiosity I ap paaaad I saar ke akki taabaare sneve detatstt AJtawCtkaf ' ka hewed ka- ajBBo 3Bj-aafi3SE i l 'II LIQUID RESOURCES RESOURCES of two billion ilolutra have been centralised by the Federal Rcecrve System la such 'a way that they are available for Member banks (aach as the First National) for co-operating In the development ot agri culture end biuuess. Consider AlJj of the various' feature of tbla Institu tion when choosing your bank. RlHlnONALBANK KtAJVCATM PAULS OMOOM i