THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IMflW TWO tM G1P.T0ET HmtwHWHwmwwMwwMHHmwwmwwwHtttrHtm i Food is High So is Ice n MONDAY, MAY M, 1M0 T' Both are Worth Saving An Econcmy Refrigerator will savo built. The colli dry nlr circulation prevents deens and damp ness: keeps foodstuff longer; uses Um lc. tt would take n page to tell you nil the 5 points of superiority In the Kconmy, but It will only tnko n few moments to show you. Wo Invito you to sco our advanced display c( refrigerators Just arrived. Make early selections while tho stock ts complete. Wo also carry tho Ice Less rofrlKorotor, which ,ls n marvel In economy. The principle under which tho Ico Less works ts nlr and water. It can bo put on the back porch or beside tho kitchen rnngo with tho sumo results. No Ico required. Wo will bo pleased to show you this cooler at any time. Only n few In stock as tho demand Is so great. Johnstone Furniture Co. I 719 Main St. Phone 16 T FUE !t L LI? t M "i"ii"ii,iv'Vvv'onjrtAArLnj'LriiT. thi: hum: of hakitty is to deposit your savings In the bnnk as soon as you set tho money. Dcn't wait until ther reach n bis sura. Temp 'tatlon or accident may pre vent them from ever becom Ing so. Pave as you earn Is the only true way. Start an account hero with what you have. Early and often Is the best way of savins. FIRST STATE SAVINGS ' HANK Klamath Knll, Ore. MMMWMMAAWMmMWWMMMMM $ Harmwm xv f4ir nis. mr V. JTSJf-1 Mfv sra CHICAGO. III., May 24. In ns somblyltiR it Chicago In Juno tho t Republican national convention will bo sitting In tho section where tho Kepubllcun party was first named f 11 ml within !00 miles of wjioro tho ! J first recorded llepubllcan movtlng was held 00 years ago. Tho approach I of tho convention recalls this early , I History, though with tho passing o( , ? the yonrs and tho doveUpmeut uli new Issuvs tho first stops of tho p.trty j i have pasted from common view, j i "It will probably not bo passlblo , 1 to tract to tho earliest dnto the flmt J r oilttve mooting which led to tho ( formation of tho new party," writvs , ? Fnnets Curtis, In his history of tho $. Republican party. "It is uulto likely that there was no considerable gath- ? orlng of men, nor discussion of and policies, until A. K. Ilovti WhlB of llipon. WIs.i together with a Mr. Howeii, a Democrat, and n Mr. v Uakcr. n Kreo-Soller, Issued n call,? for n public meeting to consider tho! J J U gain- t plans. X ivny, n$ Now is Your Chance to Cut Down Your Expenses he Central Hotel T ii-inrLT TOWN" WIPED OCT PHOENIX, Arlx.. May 24. Com plete extermination of what was con ildercd ono of tho largest prairie dog "towns" In tho west has" been reported to tho predatory anlm'Jl In pector's offlco hero by tho Chlrlea hua Cattlo company of Cochise coun ty, southeastern Arhonn. Moro than 1,000,000 pratrl (jogs' Wlr6 eitljsat ed to bavo lived on the company's ranch of moro than 30,000 acres un til the management started an of fensive campaign against them. Now their vast honeycombs of un- aiiu:d.m: swims wi:m, If thero were but ono potntoo left in the world, a careful cultivator might produce 10.000.000.oon from d-riTound burrows aro utterly do- It In ten years, and thus supply tho trted, the company reported. l world with seed again. OAKLAND, Cal., May 24. Child rcn playing on tho cast side of Lake Merrltt, In the bean or Oakland, wcro recently attracted by nn Alre dalo dog swimming across the lake on an everagc of three or four tlmca a week. A pork attendant soli! th do apparently would ratber swim across tho lake than trot throi' around' to reach his home, ' pti now alarming sltuutlon." Tho great Issue of tho hour was tho extension of slavery. Of tho po litical sltuutlcu prefacing tho forma tion of tho llepubllcan party, Mr. Curtis says, "no political party was able to elect enough members of con gress to overrule the united will of tho slaveholders, and until tho anti- slavery sentiment of tho north should bo so welded together, and Its expon ents should bo so united fa cno party as to be ablo to send to Washington enough men to outvote the represent tativws of tho slavo power, there was no hopo that Its advance could be checked." Ileferencc was mado to tho RlDon meeting by Henry Wilson, when vlco president of the United States, In !il bock "Rise and Fall of tho slavo power," published In 1ST 1. "Ono of tbo earliest. It not tho earliest, of tho movements," ho said, "that contem plated definite action and tho forma tion of n new party was mado In Hlpon, Fond du Lac county. Wis., In tho earl' months of 1SS1, In conse quence of a very thorough canvas, ccnfcrcnco and gcnoral comparison ' of views Inaugurated by A. E. Ilovay, a prominent member of tho Whig llUfi, UlUUUft WIV tl HihOi vu tiwimo will rent a limited number of rooms to permanent guests. These rooms are furnished with tho best beds that money can buy. They are clean, tidy and well ventilated, and will be kept ho. Thero will be hot and cold water, tub and shower baths. Restaurant and barber shop will be in the building and everything will be done to make it comfortable, convenient and homey. The Hotel is now open for business. The restaurant and barber shop will be ready early in June. The purpose back of this hotel is to furnish to the workingman of Klamath Falls a place where he can live decently and cleanly and at a price that will be within his reach. The owners of thta hotel feel that they have done this. J. J. KELLER. Manager - -f ft ! A call : VVittSsssssssssslsMil sssT sPVSksssssssss!Zissss. -HsssH WK ssssssslsssssisft-'"'JisssZl-ii Ifiissssssssssssssssssw. "iissssssssssssssssBsssssssssisssssssssssssssssKTVsssssi It was not wrote to him, but nnu wemocraw oi isai iuu. . -u , B00(, UcaI of nBKnB was issued lor a puonc mttimn iu no i0.,r ,hn, .... ...,-.. fnm HAr nw -rnvn huh which weri' i . .... .. I""- "" inuny, ucioro ne uispinyeu tnu Ifcpun- assuming an aspect of such alarming ;caa fIfl(C , the Trlbunx)., c0mng. nrAnni-tlnni I ... ""''" 1 liarvey, in his article quoted The meeting thus called, wrote , Mr Curl booki concl,dC!l. L-naries si. liarvey in mo i-nauiau- ,.,t ,, not t,B,mci, horo ml ovny quan. September. 1S37. "was held In tho cr(,alor ot l0 n0pubcnn tho Congregational church at Hlpon, iparty. Tho Bprl wn, acl,vo n ,SB1 (February 2S, 1SD4. A resolution ,n crcry vogo nnt, cy , ,ho frw vas. adopted In tha meeting that If fta,, whn woud havo crcaUd the bill then pending In tho senate to thnt party oven If Ilovay and Oreeloy mrow open to siuvery uio mrniorius hn, novor i.oen i.orl, iiOVnV. i,w ?,"-l--l-lll-----l-l-----------sssa- O f.Ol.T I.I.NKS ) MTK ok oi.D it.trri.i: (ihou.nds Spink's Camp on Spring Creek and WilllamMiii Itlvcr is now open for tho seni-on of 1020. Only a limited number ct 'guests will be cared for at a time. Parties desiring accommodations will please notify me by mall or phono It. C. Sprink,' P. O. address Chlloquln, Ore. or phone direct to Spink's Camp. The famous good HOME COOKED meals will be served as usual. Good fishing. Boats for rent. Camp grounds for rent for these wishing to do their own cooklnz. Free wood and water. You can beat tho high cost of living here, sure. Klamath' Finest Fishing and Camp Grounds R. C. SPINK Owner and Manager. Mai. May 1 65 May 2 80 May 3 . 03 should bo cast off, and a new party., wny t0 rorm tho ,)arty. ,, wa th() rtvu half-breed children f tho scout, !Mny 4 8B .l Uhimk. U.F of Kansas and Nebraska should pass.,0TCri wa, ,hu flm p,;ri0n who m ollti wilch Is forming miii tho old party organization In Hlpon In n rcsoldte,porsltont and practical this city. Near tho DUNVKII. Colo., May 21.- Troon which worn a hazard to civilization when the stealthy aborigines secret ed themselves In their protection and Indulged In pot shots with ar rows at tho Invading pulo-ficu aro to become n hazard ugaln this time to golf players. Tho old "Jim linker Plncu" has been sold to n new country club ii m mi tho 100 of spot wheru tho WEATHER RECORD Hereafter Ibu Herald will publish thtt initun und maximum tempera uro und ptorlpltntlon record as tak n by ibu U. H. Itcclumntlon sarvlco Hutlon. rubllratlun will cover tho iliiy previous to tho papur's Issue, up to & o'tlovk of thnt day. Mln. clpltatlon 30 ,. uo cuikii mo iviiuu,iwu, u,,Uv.i utsi to suggest tho name, and Ores, trapper. Indian 1'ghtor lift J pal of on tho sole Issuo of oppcsltlon to uy, through his paper, which hail , Uuffalo Hill Mro hurlctl. u modern slavery extension. ,th0 largest circulation and Influence country club will tt crectod. Tho iiie mil passcu tno sonate. in of any Journal In tho country at that nnmo of tho new club has nof been which body It originated, on .March 3, , time, gavo his valuablo aid In making! decided upon. Among Us org.inlxors 1854, and on March 20, tho second .the party project and namo known to. Hr. Charles C. Held of Denver. meeting, participated in by men or : the country," ull parties, was hold, this tlmo In a Tho first notional Republican con schoolhouso at which Ilovay was tho ventlon was bold In Philadelphia two icauing spirit. .years later, "Hy a voto of the assemblage, tho m town committees of tho Whig and John Galsworthy, tho famous nov Free Soil parties vfcro dissolved, and , "t and dramatist, was onco a keon a committee of five, threo Whigs, one "Portsman, but tor many years ho Democrat and ono Freo-Soiler, was 1 ,1B never touched a gun. Watching chosen to begin tho task of forming a Wn "Ird one day, ho suddenly a new party. oiina sport ugly, and gavo It up for "At these two meotlngs was started ovcr' tho earliest systematic work begun inywhoro In tho country to bring .' Tho linker farm Includes one linn drcd acres. In addition, tho iirrcn of tho old Ijiterlnchon links will hn purchased. Another plot of ten acres nt Inspiration point will bo ndded, making 180 ncres In tho courso. & brilliant T. P . O'Connor, the Journalist and politician, Is now tho oldest membor of thn linn r r',n. I mons In point of sorvlco. . Mny 0 75 May 7 77 Mny 8 72 May 9 C3 May 10..... 62 May 11 OS May IS 04 May 13 70 May 14 70 May 15 71 May 10 80 May 17 68 May 18 73 May 10 73 May 20 74 May 21 69 May 23 68 ' Muy 23 63 21 ' 29 33 39 20 '45 39 44 30 32 41 43 38 35 43 46 35 40 38 39 33 43 ,33 n slavery etnslon0," who weroTventu! l HWHMKHHHH ally fused Into a homogeneous and J A tSC. 'n I Bya "Made in Klamath Falls" Product I In ,' r 15 -v WnTsisBWW-jMiiofl J Iff lisVTk.rtil 1 fSl s YOU It FIX EST F V It .V I T V It K pictures, china, cut gluss, vie., will bo safely transfer red to your new home if we do tbo moving. Our men aro skilled handlers of flno household effocts and aro as raroful as they aro expert. The usual loss' incurred .In many movlngs will bo en tirely eliminated If wo aro ontrusted with the work of removal. Phone call. Western Transfer Co. 70S Mala Ptxme lDTl Rm. Mil WMMMMMMWIMMMIMMM meeting, which ho said: "I wont from houso to hnuso nnd from nhop to shop and halted men r.u L tho stroetH to get their names for th) 'fa meeting of March 20, 1854. At thali X uiiiu inuru nuiu iiui muru luun a iiua drcd voters In Hlpon, and by a vast dual of earnest talking I obtained 53 of thpm. ... Wo went Into a llttlo meeting, Whigs, Free Hollers and Domocruts. Wo came out of It Re publicans and wo wero tho first Re publicans In tho Union. ... I had cno great advantage In thin work. I was an Intimate friend of Horaco Qroelo-y'a and bo would ulwayn listen to me on political matters. ... Ho did not always assent to my proposi tions, but Id tho end be did to most of them, and be did to this one1 after a SCREENS FOR WINDOWS, DOORS AND PORCHES A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF STOCK SIZES ALWAYS ON HAND. SPECIAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER WHILE YOU WAIT. SCREES WIRE CLOTH-ALL WIDTHS IN I STOCK BOTH BLACK, OPAL AND GALVANIZED Lakeside Lumber Company PHONE 128 MILL AND YARDS KLAMATH AVE AND CENTER ST. ! t t t ! 1) if X