WAQMMSVBH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WKDNBMDAY, MAY 19, II a naaaBal " ' )Hri bbbbbbbbbbi waH ' saVBBfsaVB 'rlaVBBBVBBaVH MrfA i avnannW HnnnnnB mH I sVanBnBnBnBnannW aL kHiHH ,u YvnaHKsl nLi vsBSjIH YMa'snBnVnf nnmVsfT """fmH YwaLnnnf ananm annnLsamv Yns-nLannnnT nnnLnm v .LsannnnnnnnS P-H v innnnnnnnnnLVv vnnnnH snnnLLm. iB' H. J. OVERTURF I herewith announce myself at a candidate for the nomination for the office of Representative for the Twenty-first representative district, subject to the will of the legal voters of the Republican party. If nominated and elected I will devote every energy to securing the irrigation and good roads legislation so necessary to the success of this district BOOKS BRING AID TO SOLDIER SICK American Library Association Serves Ten Thousand Men in Nation's Hospitals. BUSINESS CARDS EFFORTS BRINQ RESULTS. Worki en Vocational Training Clreu- laled Among Msn Who Mutt Taks Up Ntwt Calling, Bscaust of Their Injurltt. (Paid Advertisement I-4 r v-K-4"8-tS) FOR STATE SENATOR WILSON S. WILEY -OF. Klamath County X .$! -jflt J ,:',! (Paid Advertisement) lliKplliil library service tniilntiilneil hy the Amerlrmi f.lliriiry AxMiclntlon liirlnu Ilic wiir n end 1 1 id with Brent n t iic In uldliiK In the rccocry of inuiiy xjclt iiimI illmililcil men. There iiru Mill In our ioillnlH more t'mii I'JOOO former sen Ire men. Ol t!.i-n nenrl) 8KHJiire In I'uhllc llenllli Hen lie ln)KilinlN, tin) reimilnder In dvlllftii liiltnl. Hooks, imiKiulnef unit neiviiiier nru sent lo tlii-ie men ftmn the Atiierlcnii Library Asoocia iln. In tin- Inrk'iT liiltnl, couinln in.' over .".ik j luiili'iitx, xpi'i'lnl lllinirliinK HIV lllllM'll. To I lie HlllllIlT llOXpltlll, ilin.iili (lie (o.iiicnilloti of nimiy pub lic libraries, library vlnllom nru sent tn lt iliu wnnli mice or trlcu n week ami li'iirn tliu liooli lived of the h llvlilN. A MK'clnl effort Is nimlo to supply, to escnlce men In tuifpltnlit the bonks In ik'tiinni) m n result of the training Eh en by (he Federal Hoard for Voca tional IMucutloii. Mora Books for Blind. The A, !, A., In co-opcratlon with other nsenclea already Interested In work for the blind, Is printing books tn the new Itrallle type. Recall of the her. nets of the revised Ilrallle adopted for teaching to the American war blind, literature printed In It If limited to fewer than 200 books. Though the total number of blinded soldtirs Is small, their need of books Is nrrr.t. and the "magic of print" can do much to restore hope and useful nros to them. Not only for fomer service men who sre sick or disabled Is the association worklnc The alue of books proved so treat to men In camps that efforts are still being mode to connect dis charged sntdltrs and sailors with libra ries whereter they may be. Hundreds of letters have reached A. L. A. head quarters from former service men tell ing of the lack of library facilities In particular localities to which those men have returned. Olrsct Service Provide.!. In many cases there Is a state libra ry commission or a nearby library to which a mnn can be referred for the books he needs, but If there la no such organisation through which be can be served, books for almost any aerlous purpose may be borrowed directly from the A. U A. War Service, 24 West Thirty-ninth street. New Tork city. The only expense In connection with these loans Is prepayment of return potncc on books borrowed. The A. I A, has published list of hooks to help ex-iierlce men who are ttudylng to ndvnniv themselves In their work. "Five Hundred Kuslnrss Hooks. "One Thousand Technical Hooks" nnd rendlns eouwes on prnc ilml subjects are now In preparation Other Work Being Dont. Other brunches of work which the A. U A. Wnr Service Is corrylnK on In clude sen Ice to the Mcrchnnt Marine, Coast (iiiiinl nnd lighthouse, service to Industrial comtmitiltld which nre rpHiillnnl from the wnr, service to Unit ed State forces oversells. This work Is curried on with money rccclcd from the United Wnr Work funds, the use of which Is limited by the conditions of the gift to these specific purposes. The service of the Mcrchnnt Marine department provides Jrec library serv ice to seamen on American merchant ships In the form of "crews' libraries," bookcase boxes, each containing, about SO book. These libraries ore ex changeable nt principal ports. Hooks nnd mngnilncs arc sent also to men In const gunnl stations. In lighthouses and on lightships. MMMWMMMMMWWMMMWMMMMMW Klamath Falls Cyclery . We handle the beat In our line, aueh aa Motorcycles, Bicycles, Parta and Accessories, Qoodyaar, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tabes. The house of the two and three wheelers, includ ing Harley-Darldson Service. n as siniist 118 i. Stain.' Xlacaath Faitoj taMMMMaMsMMMMMMMMMtt'etas NOTICK We open store every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 a. in. to 4:00 p. m. Many are tho rtpod things wo can show. A dollar saved, Is a dollar earn ed. In buying good thngs cheap as you may learn, you will nover be In debt and hnve to skip If you buy your goods from LUCKY DICK A CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Cth St PROFESSIONAL CARM wwwwwwwwwwwwwt FRED WESTERFELD DEimtrr P'jone 4J4W. X-IUy laboratory Loosale BMc., Kburaata rsjta MVktWVMVWWMMMAsAAVMAAAMWWWV DR. O. A. RAMIIO Dentist I. O. O. P. Balldtec I'MONE 61 nWWWMMWWWWMWWW vyjH i fffiWC&&$ -$5SZ& PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Canes) Mrs. Roa McDaalela, 301 High St Phone 455 MsysjSaWja,As1s,'s,s,sNsasssa PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET W. E. McABOY Tiulld anything In tho cabinet line, Doors, Screeas, etc. , Shop at 110 Eighth St. . 1. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer ud flarveyoe Office 617 Mais St. PBeaea: 0oe 100, Ilea. 19U O. K. FEED ft SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. nata1j1WaaiWsaT4aarAMeM-WM DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wiaecanrar noire as Dr. P.M. Noal PHOJfK 4 c Over Vaderwood'a Beveata aad Mala Streeta UTjnjnjnrrrrrrrr"r "" DR. G. A. MASSEY Fourth and Tine Sts. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 497 Res. Phone S8M Offlco Phone 177W Itcs 17711 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart l'lijslrlnn nnd NiirRcon Whlto Ilulldlng Klamath Falls Oregon I yvVMWWWVrV'VkVMAMrAAMAA DR. F. R...GODDARD f Osteopathic Physician and Burgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D.LAMB PHYHICIAN AND BURGEON Phones 17W Rooms 1 aa4 S 17R White Ballawf SHASTA VISTA SANITARIUM 4SO Slain 8t. (New BW. Ls4e) DR. A. A. HOULE, 420 Main 1I0S Mala 151-J 1K1-M DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYHICIAN AND BURGBON I. O. O. P. BauJeVag Pboae SM Residence ;Wblte,Pellcaa Hotel Residence Paeae I. DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 407 Night Phone, SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders o'f sbikI ern Saw Mills. Planlni; MUls, B.. Plants., Complete plant coatraci ed. AppraUals and reports tnaUe Dredglng. We coutnict to butlil any class of a building aad lnstl' machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Dlu. Prlnu made. PHONE 141" Office In K. D. BuUdlag vvv(rijiAAii'aririr nrrs'vsii''irvii"i,Tr - KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Ktaoe of Spring Repair. Ins; New Oaea Made to Order Axle Straightening aad BlackaaaHatag ALL WORK GUARANTEED Pboae aoO-T S17 Klaaaatk Ave. J nJXlUlliVaVlr" ssaaaaaaaa r ,THB USB OF these columns will make money for you. ! MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud Ingcrsoll nnley Chiropractic Physician First National Dank Building Entrance, Room B ASHLAND, OREGON Phone 460 Ice Cream 719 Main St. Candles PASTIME , Jack Moarow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drinks, Peel and DllUiirds Barber Shop in Connection OCR MOTTO "Courtesy mad Service" I am now prepared to furiii Shasta Sand from the lloey, Can and and graTel pit, In any quanm that may be desired by contract tnd builders. ALF. QRAHAM Klamath-Bend Auto Stage A dally auto stage service li now operating between Klamath Falls and Bend. Offices Rex cafe and Met ropolitan Hotel, O. I. Reckard. 27-tl SELL NURSERY STOCK FOR US Good territory open, Terms at tractive. Write for contract and In formation Immediately. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY,, 1030 Cbemeketa St., Salem, Ore. IMOt WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY 517 Mala ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager Let Your GLASS trouble. be Mine C E. STUCKEY . Re-Glazing and Cabinet ; Making cv Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine f- EX-SERVICR MEN, ATTENTION i The regular meetings of Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will be held at 8 o'clock p. m., at the Cltv Hall In Klamath Falls, en the second and fqurth Tuesdays of each month. All Comradea are invited. Niam ifalrlnv tn loin the POSt may secure application blanks from O, K. van Riper, rrea nicnoisoo, or T. H, uanaaan, an qi niamaiB PaUED NICHOLSON, Secretary- Klamath Lodge No. 13? I. O. O. F. Moots Friday night of each weel I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main stre Hyinan Weschler, N. (I.; W. C. W Secretary; W. D. Cofer, Treasun Ewauna Encampment No. 48, 1 O. F., meeta Tuesday sight of e week at 1. O. O. F. hall. V. II. No O. P.: W. D. Cofor. Scribe: F Bueslng, Treasurer. NEW CITY LAUNDF FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds n Our Suds" ; PHONE 154 Comer Main and Ceng - If I - 1