The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 19, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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9AX, ux f,ttm . ,
rAOR rotm
'- -
- iTfc,
vf. ' MORRfT
atjr MKor
during hi term a corporation com
mlssloner and If the pcnplo of 'the
Ute elect him as their secretary
they will bo making a w'o selection
and elevating a man who hM served
them well and honestly. In selo'l
Inn Schulderman the auti will suf-
al 1m IhwAtiott (tia -Aiitmnn 'fit
. PahlUhad dally exreftt. Bandar. .hj ... . ,. ,iji.ji,. n-,,,ij"iV.
ft Hart. Pnbllahln .paay, fcx'r' h I, T(,m,"'dl,l an i m
fitM&Talla, at rirror.JtrJttt.clal. .S.chulde.rmah0! nisi rccptmi,-
Batef at the postofflc at Klanv nd greater compliment could be paid
Ik FaW. Ore., for trnrallon thru him. l.ockley's enfatico- Into tlii
m mMt aa econd-claa matter. w nn unfortunate Vnev tint,
- : line people of me state,
ilBtlon terma br tn to any, prmIt tB-cmw)VM t0 be cheated by
""-!."-''"''-'?"" ....'reason of It.
..-. .
Om year
Ou month ....
Umber of tl Associated Prow.
The Associated I'rcsa la exclusively,
This is io!nt to be Klamath coun-
titled to the ute tor republication! ,.. .. . tnr vminr tnr it n-n
2 'n'ocrird" '?.!.' "
Kper. and alio local news published, the other counties that uncompil
rain. jmentary reference. "Klamath hop,"
., All rights of republication of pe-'has been made In this campaign.
W dispatches herein are also w0 are noRBi$j,, but If st-wl-
rTCI' "t up and flshtlng for what we arv
wi'iivKNiiiYt may in 1B20 Untitled to. If trlnK to prevent the
mmm mm l ai:iiuu u i" -i.nw.i. ...i... ......
'It trying to send to the legislature h
'man wlom we all know will guard
our Interest day In and day oats If
The hhr surnrlso of the state cam- seeking to secure senatorial repr-
paten will come lntho ght that Is jsenttjlon'when our turn comes Is bj-
being mndo for tho o!3ce of secro-Mng "toggiin. men we neau gum
tary of state. Karly In the game Klamath county does not care what
the general Impression was that I unfair chargo may be made.. It Is
Kcier would havo a walk-away. The, not going to"step aside and sacrifice
amber of candidates Increased. Its Interests this year as It has time
each picking some of the Kosermnu time asam. it ," "
aticncth. until It becan to look like, to the finish for Wiley, for Slnnott.
froe-for-all with Kotcr as the far-1 for Orerturf. for Brattaln. for these
t (
5 2
W fr
Equip Your Smallier Car
With Goodyear Tires
,f WV wnr . yn K V , ij -f ' ,f
j . J -ir"v - ' '' at .j
v ' Si " -lfVou own a Ford, Chctirolct, Port, Maxwell ,
KQm r ;or;any other car usingi juxp, juxdvu-, or
f(rSJr P )31x4.incK tires, vou can well take advantage
' (yVT.XM
' OT ft
. t
men aro better fitted for the of
fice they are seeking than are their
opponents, they will best serve the
Interests of their constituents In gen
eral and the Tltal Interests of Klam
ath county In particular.
The big fight must be made for
Wiley. He needs every vote he can
get. It defends upon his home coun-
M factor that would hurt Koxerlty whether he Is to be our next sen-
aaere than any of thej other candl-.ator.or not. Hla nomination meaas
4atw. And It did. He haa made his election. If you waet a man on
ncb Inroads on the Koxer .vote that j guard who will be personally Inter
tva Keaer'a friends admit that the'ested In the welfare of" Klamath
t haa shifted to Schulderman and) county, then there Is but one thing
lackley. , for you to do go to the polls Frldiy
The lose of Koxer la bad enough, and vote for Wilson S. Wiley.
erlte. Then the unexpected happen
4 -Fred Lockley Jumped' Into the
rlag and with his coming coniterna
ttea spread to the Koxer following.
far Lockley' eoaaectlon as one of
the editors of the Portland Journal,
hla extensive acquaintance through
jt the state and hi' ability as a
spatgn manager wer.ev reeognlxed
bat the election of Lockley would bo
rnn watt, campaign
U talssUly. Oregon has hid sH nf
th Influeace of Jackson of the Ore- '
Journal that It want and It Is The Indications for Friday's pref
ot going to re-establish It Jn the erentlal primary elections are that
ejsfltol at 8le by the .election cf. Senator Johnson of California will
LrSKKiey. Bcnuidermaa ,nas demon- oe tne cnoice or me Kepuoucai
trated hi ability a 'as executive , ers of Klamath county for th
can vot
of the high relative value bttilt into all Good-
'year Tires.
'YoiV'can well do so because you can secure
in the smaller Goodyear Tires the results of
such skill and care as have made' Goodyear
Tires the preferred equipment on the high
est priced automobiles of the day.
You can well do so because these smaller
Goodyear Tires arc easy to obtain, being
produced at the rate of approximately 20,000
a day, and because their first cost usually is
as low or lower than that of other tires in
the same types and sizes.
Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station
Dealer for these tires and for Goodyear
Heavy Tourist Tubes. He supplies many
other local owners of the smaller cars.
xa&2B&tt.&:& ?
30x3'4 Goodyear Double-Cure f 1 50
Fabric AUAVthtr Trrad iJ
3036 Goodyeai Slngle-Cure -f en
Fabric, AntStOd !afl Zl2ii
Goadyrar Heavy TouttM Tube are thick, strong tub, ttiaf
rrinforcv casings property. Why risk a food casing with a
cheap rubcf 'Ooodyear lleavy Tourist Tunc co.1 Lttlc mot
than tubes of Its merit. 30)Vi Ue In wmtnprl $ A SO
g . , p-
No. 310 is the Higher Educational Tax Act for
the protection of the great work of the State
University, Agricultural College, and Normal
If so, that Is one of the biggest reasons why you should vote
and work for passage ot No. 310. The surest way to Increase
taxes Is to cripple education. The United States Is the safest,
freest, healthiest, wealthiest, happiest country on earth today,
with the highest standard of living. It never could or would
be so without It educational system. The most heavily taxed
countries are those that have neglected to provide state educa
tion for all persona alike.
It pays ethically culturally. Intellectually and morally, as well;
but It a man puts the worst construction pdsslble on tho case
If he asks, "Will It pay me In my pocketbook?" then, too, It
is possible to answer "Yes. Higher Education haa paid Oregon
millions of dollars, and that benefit comes back to ea:h Indi
vidual directly or Indirectly."
To cripple the University, Agricultural College and Normal
School, Is to strike Oregon not only a financial, but a' moral
blow that U.untblnkable!
and protect three institutions that not only have excellent
standards, but are among the most economically administered
in the United State,, the statistics of , the ..United States
'.fa BufaU(0frB?,g,w,,l,trove
fc i
Tbla advertisement inserted by Colin Dyment in behalf of the
Joint Alumni Relief Committee for Higher Education in Ore
gon, 514 P.lttock Block, Portland.
I publican nomination to the presiden
cy, wun uovernor ixjwucn or Illi
nois runnlrig, second and Uenural
Wood practically finished.
Reports ,tioni Northern Oregon
are In line .iflth this estimate also.
Senator Johnson's campaign having
taken a 'decided Impetus from the ac
tion of the 'Herbert Hoorur manag
ers In having their man withdraw at
iho eleventh hour to heln Wodd.
Whrtther Senator Johnson or (iov-
ernor Lowdan .wins the Oregon dele.
gatlon, It Uncertain that in either
one the Republican party will ilnd a
candidate who lis sure to win in No
vember, i i
Both of .these undeniably great
American have enviable records as
statesmen and executives. Senator
Johnson's term and a half as gover
nor ot California proved bis fitness
to handle t'buslnesa of a govern
ment, and bu record aa United
States Senator la perhaps tho most
patriotic of any member of the pres
ent senate.
Governor Lowden I a self-made
success who has demonstrated his
executive ability In the governorship
of Illinois, andbotb Senator Johnson
and Governor owden appeal strong
ly to all Or'egonlanH who admire
fearlessness and courage In public
It Is a good thing that tho Intent
and purposo of the Jloover cam
paign, which was no moro than an
effort to hinder Johnson and I.owdun
and hulp Wood, has been mudo ob
vious to tho electorate of this state,
Pconle do not like to bo bamhoozl-
I ed, and It ia better to discover an lit
I tempt to bamboozle and nip It In tho
bud than It la to And It out after tho
election, ,
i "V
When you send a man to congress
to represent yeu, you want a man
who Is not a 'trickster. Yon want a
.t , ... ! '......
meinoas mat cannqv out inuicaio
contempt for the Intelligence ot tho
average voter, no mattor -twhat the
office he seeks, but It J doubly so
when ho Is seeking nn office that de
mands tho highest degree of Intel
ligence, ability, Integrity and states
msnshlp. How fortunate wo are
that we can turn to a man Ilka Sln
nott at such a time.
U II. J. Overturf wanted to Insure
bis election to the state" legislature,
he could have done so by making a
deal that would have' cost Klamath
Falls and KJamath county dearly If
consummated. He could have gone
Into the scheme to changnhe route
or The Dalles-California highway.
This scheme hss for It purpose the
placing of this city on a branch line.
Overturf ha also lined up for Wiley
and Is working for his election.
These two acts on the part of Over
turf are sufficient to Justify trtrr
voter In the county voting for him.
Out on top of this he Is a clean cut,
honest, straightforward fellow who
has no special interest he wants to
servo, who from experience, knows
the needs of his district, for as a
rancher and lumber Jack, logger and
mill man he has learned from per
sonal experience the needs of all
theso Interests. Klamath county
should make It straight Wiley, Over
turf and Ilrattnln for her legislative
ticket. Wo will then know wo aro
To tho voters of Klamath county
When I announced my candidacy for
District Attorney of Klamath county,
I expected to visit before tho primar
ies every locality and so far as -slblo
mcot all tho voters, nsprclill
of tho Republican party In which I
am registered. Hut unexpected bus
iness duties lime mude It Impossible
for me to do so, I wish, however, to
assuro you that I do not undervalue
the Importance or advantage to Loth
the candidate and the voters of fa
miliar acquaintance and exchange of
vlows. Never-tbe-lcss 1 trust that
my long roaldcaco In the county aad.'
my Krural reputation for conVclrn
tlous rlc! ninl my wide osprlcqcn
both In legal and business affairs
will Justify your favorable consider
ation and voto next Friday, May
2tt, Very truly jours,
(Paid Advertisement.) -
The women of llucnot Aires hive
the reputation of being among the'
best-dressed women lit the world.
Women are In sole charge of s
dozen or more of the most prosper
ous weekly newspapers In toulslaua..
WIIVH III U(" vpuiynifiui mm
)ve tftanetty tactical of tho ward
i a man'' fight, that la tho on-
roan wboblg In hi, campaign, who.
Is above
fight a man'' fight
lr kind of a 'man who Is ever heard
of in Washington and that is why
Concressman Slnnott is today one of
the big flgurcfttin the legislative bW
Underwood's I'hnrmncy Is adding
new equipment to the kodak devel
oping department and when tho
work Is completed the dark room
capacity will bo doubled and rhle to
handle 40 reela of film at one time.
The pharmacy. Is makjng another
Improvement' at this tlmj, the effect
of which will be more appreciated
next winter, In the lntalhtlon of n
heating system connects'! vith the
city beating plant.
i, i i
A Claulied Ad will) sell It.
t t
Dance at Malin
May 22, 1920
mb7c Malin 'Orchestra
'' -- ri-iini-iri-ini-jiAJuuirvwiuuuuumj,
Texan Star Oil
have now established .a branch office1 at 615
Main St., Klamath Falls, with Mr. W. "Vy. BuTette
in charge, and will offer to the people of south
ern Oregon an opportunity to invest'in Oil Lands
of Texas, the great oil state, in 6-acre tracts and
upat12.peracre.. . .
A'" ii i -1 nrn.i-LaiuuLi.ijj.J
lair or toei nwon. it is puiaoie
waia(a.-IA.t. adofti.g