'V;'it ...4...., , i -... -W;r' rMn-mmi WJ AY, MAT ,!, 1M THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, PRECOMA -' I CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS OPENED the Central lfotel, Main nnd PERSONALMENTION -o . Miss Amy D.nrnenl and Mtsn Hnttlc Jones, of, HcjiOi Nojr,, aro horo on n visit with Marlon CJitrk, foreman of tho Klnmnth Lmnl)r & IJox rnm pnny nml family. Mrs. Marlon Clark nnd Mis Jones tyr) elslefe. ' John Moore, Ilrltlsh Columbia Um bo rm a n, arrlrer last night tor n visit with hi. brother. W, II. Moore. Whllo here John Monro will look In to Klamath county timber nml other property with tho Idea, ot locating here It he finds the right opportun ity. ft. M, Young, for sixteen years an employe, ot the Portland pcstodlce, has been transferred to the locnl of Dee"; a a clerk to assist during the present shortage ot help. Mr. Young ipecta. to remain hero permanently ui Vlli bring his family ,hero as r mob as he can tlnd quarters. K. C. Cqpetand has pnrchased the kerne at the corner ot 2nd and I'lne from J. A. Houston which was for merly occupied by Fred Soule. Mr. Boole will more to 82S Mt. Whitney street. M. t. Johnson left yesterday moraine for a business trip to Sin Francisco. A. C. (linger haa sold his 160 acre ranch on Sprairae rlrer to L. H. Laarltson of Port Klamath. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Salve motored up from California points where tber spent the winter, arriving Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Robert Darls Is enjoying a Trtait from her father and mother from Wenatchee. Washington. Mrs. Parrlsh or Lakevlew. Is In the city on business for a few days. Victor Palmer of Dtiasmulr Is vis iting his sister. Miss Katherlna Pal mar tor a few days, Mr. and" Mrs. Zlm Baldwin ot Lakevlew aro In the city tor a few aya trlslt with friends and relatlres. They wilt return home tomorrow and,' will be accompanied by Mrs. Baldwin' mother. Mrs. W. A. Leon ard, who will spend, couple of week swlth her daughter. ' m The chief Industry ot Abyssl'nfa Is the breeding of cattle. ' ' Ninth slreet., will tw-bpeneil to the public this evening. The opening ot this hostlery will greatly relieve tho. great scarcity for rooms that has been existent here tor several months. There will be ready for use tlU evening .sixty-five rooms. To this will he added fourteen more somellme within,, the. next; ten days, to bo followed by fifty more during the next few weeks'. The promoters of this enterprise hare centered nil pt their efforts, on giving to tho public a clean, "sanitary room, furnished with tho best bed that money can buy. The springs are the best made by thrs Simmons, company and It Is claimed to bo su perior to anything ot the kind In the city. The mattress Is a .35-pound silk floss. The bedding Is ot tho same high quality, the claim being made.that money cannot buy a bet, ter-bed,-than that to be found In the Central Hotel. The manager of the now hotel will be J. J. Keller, former owner of the Keller Cafe, His assistant will bo Harry Dwyer. formerly with the First State and Savings bank. White the rooms are all ready for the guests, the same Is not true ot the spacious lobby that Is to be used for the convenience and comfort ot the patrons. The furniture and equipment tor this haa been delayed, but temporary chairs, tables and desks will be Installed to care for the Carnival crowd. ? ' .R I rK -a. .-. r- , -1 w Wrw. . ATS. V fiVFTUGGE GRADUATION WAMmiiii'i?, aW"Twtf W A4&i& A new industry has Ven Introduc ed at Milan, Italy. It consists In tho manufacture ot collars, cuffs, cigar ette and other boxes, carpets, purses, furniture coverings and a variety ot other things from waste leather cuttings, which has hitherto been useteu. PIK HOCIAL Don't forget the Pie Social at Spring Lake 'tomorrow (Wednesday) evening. - Come and bring a pie. Everybody welcome. Star Theatre TODAY FM VIVIAN ' s Be it daughter, sister, cousin or friend we have the commencement re membrance which will please her most. It awaits your selection at this great Store of Quality. W0WWWWWWWWWWW Suggestions DRESSES Jfifr Silka, . Organdie Voiles Embroidery Lace Dotted Swiss HOSIERY COLLAR SETS GLOVES . HANDKERCHIEFS MILLINERY - RIBBONS LINGERIE A000000m00000WWWWWl mmmmmPmaT ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmal W " r7tT:Vwgi mmwT?7!r7l OmmmT mmmmmmmmma 'ammff 1 Lad Lgsmmmmmmmmi 'mmmmmmmmT I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV immmmmmmH I mmmmmmmmmmmmmHH issSL-uinri-u-vrrt m When SHE Btcps to tho front of the platform to rocoivo the "sheepskin" her sweet daintiness will not reveal all of tho low hours spent in hard study for the -hbnbreV" Neither does a mere newspaper advertisement tell of the real values and pleasing scrvico to be had at this store and made pos sible only through long years of experience in buying and cater ing to the people of Klamath county. . However, our stock of late Spring and Summer wear for women and misses is now com plete offering values we are J proud to display. J Y ? T ? ? X J T ? J 'mm! Chief among, the Wednesday attractions will be PHENOMINAI SALE of WOMEN'S and CHIDREN'S HOSIERY. It is nothing less than a real opportunity to save some money. Thirsty buyers will be instant to take advantage of savings so apparent. If we were in the market to buy these hose today we would have to pay more for them than our price to you. Women's Cotton Hose..... 3 pairs for SLOO These are from regular stock of Women's Ribbed Top Out Size Hose, made with double heel and toe, extra good wearing quality, regular 50c value today, for Wednesday attraction we offer !J pair for $1.00. I WWWWWWMMWWWWWW VWWMWWWWWM & v 1 sT- AT AL ST. JOHN IN &1. u: Ship Ahoy " SEE HERO AL, IN A GALE OF FUN, MAKE THE ANCIENT MARINER LOOK LIKE A LANDLUBBER WAAA0W0WWWWWWWWVWWWWWWWWWWA MONDALE THEATRE Let's Go Where Everybody Goes To the Mondale Theater TUESDAY 4 The well Iosowk comedlaa, Victor Moore, In the great circus picture "THE CLOWJf" la tlw Mst aeautatloaal circus picture ever made real circa on tfce sew smii aU eosucieaca Ma avJde wr flra coaaedv Oeorge HiaawUw, the maa tht make the acoordima talk marothy Far. treat at the amt 1W White fa all the latast Ulai hwi alkw U tosni That's what they all aaf OwaimMj TlMsswaWPy tagms VaaaWfttla vovh qcjunmrtu -i rl Short Lengths at Big Savings Saturday was a big Banner day in our short length Economy sale. We realize the ladies of Klamath county are with us in fighting the H. C. L. but we did not expect to see them so enthused with the wonderful bar gains we are bffdring in our short length Economv Dent. We secured hie quantities of these goods from Marshall t leltl & Co. in Chicago and if you have not supplied yourself, do not put. it off any longer, they are going fasf,. v w MMsMNswWm1asmtshaXs striata Children's Black Hose-3 Pair for $1.00 They are for boys and girls, made from good clean cotton lxl rib and have three thread heel and toe and double sole. Sizes are from G to 9. Special, three pairs for c . . .$1.00 H. N. MOE, Proprietor yWMMwMywWMAMMtstMAtMi :K:He iTOO LATE TO CLASSIFY IWWWiiMIWW'iW . . . i I KOR BALK One 8-room house on ; Jefferson St. Has toilet and bath, connections; fine view; terras. Call or write 'Hoi T, care Herald ofllce. - 18-20 FOUND A small sliver mesh btl'rso. I -Owner can havo same by calling fat the Herald office. Identifying, and paying fOr this ad. is FOlt SALE First class saddle. In quire H 25 Crescent Are. 1S-2Q ,I)8T Craak for a Kelly truck. Finder return to Western Trans- for' office. 18-tt FOR SALIC CHBAP Barn to bo wrecked: good lumber. K. Qlnlltch 18-22 FOR RENT Room for Kentlumon. 1730 Johnson Ave. 18-22 FOR 8ALK Ono Ford tractor, ono doubla disc cutaway harrow, ono 3 section splko tooth harrow, one 2 bottom gang plow, ono mower, one rake, one steel walking plow, almost now. Will sell cheap. Address A. C, Ginger, Cbl'oquln, Oro. 18-20 WANTKp Sawyer for circular mill cutting, 4011 per day. State Qual Ideations and wages wanted. Cor respondences confidential. Rex 4, Herald. "-20 WAMTEFJ Party to farm 80 acres Irrigated land on.o mile from Hacka Cash Store. Inquire "Sheets" Link Rlrer Elactrle Co. aroTicR The ladles aewlng socMr'of the Catholle qhaaih will ksaaH at the home ot Km. O, A. Belkaaa, Mt. Claire m4 Craaa streaU aaar Crat tat 'At., TtunsaaaT, rJCtentaaa at iS0MfM. P All tka.Jatfajaf taa aaaarratawa aa larlttd to ha traa. FOR 8ALK Dandy llltlu four room cottage, Just right for two; Is In a restricted residential section, on cor ner lot with lawn, trees, shrubs and flewers: has Vi basement, fully plumbed, built In features, all screened and nwwly papered and painted Inside and out. Only I2S00: some terms, or might lake some good vacant property lu on ex change, ' J. T. WARD 00 834 Main Street 18 WANTKD4 men at Apply Cofer Rros. brick yard i8-tr ARCADE HOTEL IS PARTLY OPENED The Arcade Hotel at 1032-1034 Main street opened for business Inst night, when olght rooms were ruted up and Immediately taken. It was said this morning that by tonight as many more rooms would be ready. Except for a delay In plumbing tho hotel would havo opened Saturday night. It had advnrtlsod that Inten tion and at least 25 applicants for rooms were turned away Saturday evening. While there Is much finishing work to be dono, and while the hot water system Is still to bo Installed, the hotel has clean, comfortable rooms to offer and during the course of the week will add a few more. Whan entirely open there will be 49 sleeping apartments. a , To pack and keep ordinary batter In India la Impossible, It becoming fluid, almost from the moment It la made. To overcome tbla tho Idea vraa aoiealred of putting It la collaa- eitila tahea, the same aa tooth Jstm aafWnalaU. , U Q O, K, , sJHiwrntnamt Member, ' '' Allrntlon! Special meeting Tuesday night, May 18th. Work In It. I. degree. 1718 Kngllsh sclentlits hare decided that paslng electricity through fresh ly cut timber makes It more resist ant 'against decay and fungus growths, .N'OTICK If the persons who attached to my banner the sign bearing the legend 'Jess Turner, campaign manager," do not remove It before tomorrow I will prosecute them to the full limit of the law, n JOHN FARNLL, Candidate for the republican nomination for sheriff. (I'uld Advertisement.). m a LIBERTY THEATRE THB PICK OP TKK PICTURES AND " A NKW OMK KVKRY DAf .--- ,-,--,'-ini-M-r,-ini,Urw-in-l)J -La-j-L-ux-LnnjI II. W. I'OOLK, Owner HARRY UOItUL, Musical Director -,i.w..,.wjtt .. . arj-L-L-irLWiriruwiru TONIGHT ONLY "Fear is the most Ignoble but still the Strongest of Human Motives"- See lovely Alice Brady in ' "THE FEAR MARKET" and learn what fabulously rich Society pays for lu Pleasant Vlcee 'WEDNESDAY Maurice Tonraeur preocau tWHE BROKEN BUTTERFLY" ' Freta the Noret "Marceae" Lew CMy la the star a4 U you aaw hint, laat week la Hk mtaorea t-ter" yow will swusJy hL tainJU MATOTmal tTVaTalT aUT .Vrl. --- -v,V'f ,5 f ;?. )f0000Mfitf&yfrfi at ' ... . wj.":i, i pi r v ..-