The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 18, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rAaa wov
T, JCAT IS, if '
i ii
The Evening Herald
' City Editor
seems to Indicate that he told the
truth, and perhaps he U now asking
the people of Oregon, who were
wholeheartedly for him because they
hollered him to be sincere, not to
support him hut to support someone
who can beat the "anti-league" can
ath county In particular and hla dis
trict and itate In geae'rali lookln
nt It 'from a purely selfish stand
point, can wr afford, tor our own On next Friday, May 31, the He
personal welfare, to weaken thla In publican1 will select their nominees
nuence In the least? We don't think for the office of sheriff of thli county,
no. The day Is almost at hand when in submitting my candidacy for thit
' f .llntd tuw-attaj nil nlnnr hn htkm heon tn will Imvn fil huVfl n hlafer flatlt nn.ltlhn 1 tin a.i fnlU nnnrrtelntln? thrt
FaMllhed dally, eiCept .Sunday, by ' ..-II.!..!,lni- ,rtnr ItiA rnrntlln fundi thntl WW ....I .rn.lnr lnln,lnM nt
Publishing company oir."" . - . .... .- .. . , L ...-... ...... ...... ........ .
navn ever matie neiurn. tun emiin in nrrirn in ine ltenmti. iiavinr
Influence that hold u up before i served as a deputy Mn the office for'
still dominant In the reclamation lnrve yi,nr ,,ror l0 rllstlng In thel
service and will rob (us again a.Jt Mrvr jncj Sam In the lute war'
did Iioiore, unjesH wo nnvn nmnon
to atop It. An!T8lnnbtt can and-
stop It. f i J , p office that degree of executive
This question Is a Kiamain county i,.,, ,jL,m,,mi,d ),y the people on
nun nut ,- -
m. ftaraM
atb rails, at 115 Fourth street t.cncrni vtoou.
It wns felt In California that
tered'at ihe postofflce at RUm-,' Hoover was In the race.'or' rather
"all?. Ore., for transmission thru, trying to cct In the race,rnWly to
cmbarnsa Johnson and bring him
home from the Kast so that Wood
might have the Kast to himself, and
th! latent fence-Jumping felt of the
attk rail
alls aa second-class matter.
ibacrlptlon terms by mall to any
sMress In.tho United States:
rw. .... . , IK. 00
Ob writh , " .50 New Vork World's candidate seems question
nno,t. leel that 1 am qualified to render to'
'''"ithV people Inthe administration of
It Is more Important to n and all occasions 1 uin 32 jeara1
to bear out tho truth of tho Callfor-jus that Slnnott stays In Washington o( K(V j,,, nmj rnpfl n tamnu
?,wl ii!T7w nla no,lon' B 0l,r rvPrfn,nUvo "1,,n, u !" .cunty 1 am fully conversant with
renubHcMlon U ' not ,0 be ,,rcmri1' -wwe-or. Slnnott himself. When you xoti for poopUi M(n ,,,, . M.
Member of tlie Associated
The Associated 1'reM la ei
safaSlltlfin Ifl Ihll 1196 lOr rOPUullCAIlOni inn 'i'MiiTa niui iii 'rt u in I
3 ill news dispatches credited to It' tliat any such okcl trick will win him )ou do more for our own lntWMl(ul ,., Bm, tn mnnf0,l
not otncrwise creuueu in .nisiiucnu rt iu, i......ii .. ....w... l(.rc'i uim juu u i.un., .... .. ing 0r ., office. KcoIIiik that If
lso local news pubiisnea if Oencral Wood cannot make hla, w can Ket the Klamath project com-i . Vllll. ,,. ,, ,,,,., ..,,
.. . ..i ... .. . .-....... ..-J '..V....1......
per, and
All rights of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are also referred.
campaign by himself. If ho finds It pieted It mcin doubting tho popula
necessary to make a dummy of tlon of the county and the develop
Hoover In states where ho rerhaps taont of land thai will produce mil
imagines tho voters are dummies nl-. linns of iIoIIhn nnnu illy. It Is
Klamath county's
! so. then It Is Inconceivable that the
people of Oregon will support him I Klamath county's tight
with us or against us'
will bo jour aiiswer.
In tho face of such coaxlncltig- proof
, that he cannot support himself.
i Hut then again, the Hoover with-
The eleventh hour withdrawal of I arau-al miy have an catlroly differ-'
Herbert llooer from the prcldcn- ent atoning rerhaps the amateur
tlal contest la this state, and tho "re- at)j Hnnnas who arc guiding their
quest" that Hoover supporters get man nowhere, having stnrtcd him
Are you
Your ote
fl Cn render tho efficiency demnmlcd
In tho administration of tho offlto I
respectfully request jour Mipport for
the nomination
(Pall Advortisinient)
vi?5, m4
iil11 f
avr itAcit or wn
behind any other randldato who
Bight possibly make It hot for the
'aatl-Ieague candidate meaning.
et course, Hiram Johnson Is one of
the most braxen pieces of political
effrontery ever directed at the people
f Oregon.
It Is hardly conceivable that any
et of petty politician could And a . jjn't want any. Strange are the
saore despicable way of endeavoring! waJ1 0f iolltlcal acrobats, and ama
Kver voter In the count' should
cet back of Wllej for it.'o -natr
from the same place, feel that by n0 pnlver but "K
having 1.1m withdraw at such a latp Rrcs!ilrc. Klamath count steiM
hour that his name cannot be re- Mjm jn gaiem, for theie I' going to
moved from the ballot many of his 0); a fKnt thero thnt will make tlitx
supporters will vote for him any-i 0jj glat0 rnR from (n.j tt, end Ills
way, thus enabling him to point with t0 j,e tho fight for control of tho va
pride to tho votes he received In thelters 0f u,e Upper Klamatl. like. No
face of an urgent mejsage that he one doubts when Wtlcv will Ins In
l? ?
H44l.4.a.4.4.4444-r4'r-'f v
Klamath county cltlien have made
number of inaulrles as to certain1
details of tho higher oducatlonnl taxi
to trade Ideals for votes.
When Herbert Hoover's .name was
tied with the secretary of the state
aa a candidate for the Republican
nomination to- the presidency many
Oregonlans, honestly believing in
the worth of the man, rallied to his
His work In Europe during the
war period definitely stamped him as
one of the greatest organizers of all
hlatory. Men and women of unques
tionably high Ideals thought they
saw In Herbert Hoover the man for
Aaaerlca in America's most trying
hoar. And Herbert Hoover para
doxical as this may seem had a
woaderful opportunity 'to' he presl
dealt bad he not entered the presi
dential flgfct. K
Until be risked his chancei in the
California primary, where Hiram
Johnson snowed bint undar by a ( ma
jority of orer HO'fOOb Voles, "Hoot
ra availability at a compromise
candidate' In the event of a deadlock
la tbe Republican convention was
obvious. Cut when Hiram Johnson,
without even going Into California
to conduct his campaign, beat Hoov
er by two to one Hoover was started
aa the road to political oblivion.
That beating and the method of
vllllflcstlon and abuie.tbat were us
ed by the amateur politicians who
sanaged Hoover's California
have convinced even
"thaslastlc Hooverltea
teur night
seems to he on the
such a fight. For ever i Kr ! has
quletlr. hut never'h.-'.!H Micrrsaful.j, 0her ,, ,ho,0 pr,nt01, ln y
ly, been a powerrui raeinr in nirec
Ing the fight that hii hicn waged to
save to the people t'o water, water
rights and the lan'l Invoked In a
struggle that has a'muv gained in-
I tlonwide notoriety ! baa been his
.- m ft & a LTIematr) rAtlfllVa
r. ., v . d ng e j acumi,n that h.s
has beta hoplngrforthe tune when"
i. . i 1 ..i Zrtlj.f.t. -..aaved the day befira and It will be
"". n v.V..k:,i Vt-i that w save tbe Ait at Salem when
cumstances would be BnUhed. un-i ...
fortunately for us the men who were ,he J hi ,fomef,-n , , tha . ., B(W
In power In Waahlngton were preju- . Is nothl ng of t h. e h .P po
', . . . .. ?., h D.n.., teal shyster about Wile intl h-j Is
and they did ever) thing they ecu I man ,ucb
to retard It. progress and hamper ts.
construction. How well they sue-
J cate for their preferment, but us the
' statesman who Is willing to talk
alak. kla aAaalllnaMli at at A Uj IhAITI
ed. and then we were told there m
were no fund. "' WM contact with him and ask thoso quts-
the fact that the men we had In con- ..... j
.res. could not muster the influence, '"SS, ot thf
UCvCIMi; tu v? civuuic ii fa '
.ceeded we all know. The money we
should have had went elsewhere, un
til the reclamation fund was deplet-
tcrdayra Herald In the first article of
this scries. For convenience, the
questions havo been condensed Into
standard fcrm, and are now repro
duced, together with answers furn
ished by the joint alumni of tbe state
university, agricultural college and
normal school In Klamath Falls.
Q. Is It not possible to save some
monej from the present mlllage sup
port of about seven-tenths ot a mill?
A. The student cost per year at
the state university and the agricul
tural college are reported In the nta
tlitlCi of the United States bursal
cf education as among the lowest in
tht United States. The last table
waa ' compiled, however, about five
years ago, since which time attend
ance at both Institutions has grown
so tremendously that In all likelihood
they are today the lowest In annual
student expenditure ot any state In
stitution In the United States.
ous activity. New men In congress
are of comparatively little value. It
takes several years before they are
recognized by the older members,
but once that recognition Is granted
It leads to the accomplishment of
the results every congressman hopes
for the aecurlng for bis district tbe
legislation he needs. Tbe longer a
fight I congressman or senator stays and
the most en-'the bigger the vote for blm In his
that the for- district Is, the stronger Is his In
var food Dictator has nqt the ghost . fluence.
f a show at Chicago. It be runs for Today the situation that confronts
th presidency at all he will be fore-J tbe voters of Klamath county Is
I to run either aa an Independent1 this: Do they want to weaken th
arm a democrat, and ln either event Influence of Congressman Slnnott by
k-rlll be defeated by the Republ.'-i voting against him? It ceases to be
aa candidate. ., I a matter of party politics when It
Bat what is' perhaps ,tbe most I means so much to our own home
daaanlng incident of, Hoover's brief . county. Congressman Slnnott has
VaUtlcal career li the latest step of made the light every congressman '""' n,7 vV.n i, ,,n Vnlii Vh '" lno Un,,eU S"'l', n" ",
ST..' withdrawing from the Oregon 'and senator ha. to make, and he has ZlTJtZ ll "5 "I 1. ?' Ih .""J! at h" '
waters of the Upper Klamath lake.! Q what I. the student cost per
will be the struggle to hold The year In Oregon and elsewhere: J
Dalles-California highway where It A. The average for the United
Is and get more money for Its com- States In 1915 appeared to be $335.
pletlon; the'tedlitrlctlng of the leg- At the Unhrslty of Oregon at pres-
lslatlve .districts, so that Klamath ent it is, 1203, nad at the agricultural!
county will not be placed at a ills- college, 1160. It should bo remem-,
advantage; and other legislation of he-red at this point that 1335 was
equally vital interest to the people pre-war money, and t&t the 203
of the county. Are you going to let and the S1S0 Is poat-w-ar money The
Klamath county get Into a position showing of economical admlnlstru-j
where she will not have full repre- tlon In thv Oregon schools Is thus far
sentatlon at Salem? That'a what greater than the figures themselves
you will do It you don't vote for him. would signify.
He la going to need every vote he q. What
can get to win. He Is at an Immense vestment In bulldl
disadvantage. He Is not tho cam- Oregon and elsewhere?
This isJRuth When She Graduated
Our girl may be gone tomorrow out into the world
business, marriage but out from the shelter of the
home roof.
Graduation marks the start of a new era in the
life of every girl or boy just finishing school
Have you seSn the accuracy of tone but witkali the
life-likeness made possible in our pictures with the
Loucks Studio finish?
"Prices Reasonable"
Phone 276 J . 1136 Main
fei.t: tkooin at kik
' ' iioisncviKi tore
Is the comparative ln-jat the Polish I
buildings per student In" which captured
- -...,, ...... .............. w. IHKOi
palgner his opponent Is; he docs not a. The United State, bureau ofl-r
LONDON, May IS The Russian
Holshcvlkl forces are striking tack
and I'kralnlan troopi
Kiev about ten da).
age, according, to an official state
ment from Moscow yesterday, receiv
ed hero by wlrcltsa, The statement
said tho Soviet troop, were engaged
about ten mile, northeast of Kiev.
The output of boot. In llrazll la
eatlmalcd at 10,500,000 pair, a
enjoy tbe wide acquaintance he does, education in 1918 reported $995 as -ri-i-i-i-r ---..--.--.-----...---.---.
primary. Perhaps, after all, Hoover
Beaut It when he, said that he was
aot a candidate, though hi. Califor
nia fight gives this a strange color,
while bis California defeat In turn
won. He has gained tbe chairman
ship of the committee every western
congressman strive, for and 1. now
In a position to wield an Influence of
untold value to the people of Klam-
He must have every voto he can get tno average inestment In buildings
In Klamath to win. He must have per BtU(0nt among state Institution,
your help, your active .upport. Oct i tho United States. Th averarn
me Is
polls cloae Friday evening. Remem- ,322 am, for no nrCUtura c0.
ber, this Is our fight for Klamath ,.,. .,nn n.,u in.nt,,ttn. ,..
enuntv. Lit u. bo for Klamath .. .. .... . . .t. . .'
--. wlus lunimemiiijr neiow one-imra or
county first, and we will havo no re- ,he .. ot ,hn ,,,. Th.
effect, Incidentally, Is very hard on I
grets later.
-and the Dearest Necklace
What graduation is complete to the miss who
cannot number amongst her gifts "a necklace?"
Mother received one, when she graduated, and
she remembers yet the thrill that came with it.
We've specialized on necklaces this season.
Our line is now complete.
I W. C. Davenport
-122 S. Sixth Street ' -
. ., , j i. . ..,. ,. ii.i.i.i. good teaching. Classes are so over
East Africa I. estimated by geolo- '""''f1' nd room" " "owded. that
gists to contain more than 200,000 -ffacull'r members are often In despair.!
000 tons. w- Ji tne nigncr educational tax
(act, which provide. 1.28 mill., passes,
NOTICK OF FINAL KKTTLKMK.Vr' " not the atudent cost per year then
tw higher than the general average?)
Votlco Is hereby given that the un- a. No. Thu aerleulturut mil
dcrslgnod administrator of tbe estate .... ..,. ,,!, ,. ,, .,,'
of Llizle May Schallock. deceased. '"' ' a"-Pl0. w' 'I "Pending
? Iihh filed In tho County Court of the ,0 a y"r ' than tho average for'
State of Oregon for Klamath uounty tne five typical agricultural coIIegcH
the final account of his admlnlstra- n Kansas, Mithlgan, Indiana. Iowa
Court has T flxe I Juno 21. 1020. at "" Waahlngton. The figures for.
230 o'clock p. m. a. tho time and " uvu couegea woro avurngea
(lie Court Iloom of said Court a. tho for a four-year porloil prior to tho
place In tho City of Klamath Falls. wur whc , h ,
Oregon, for tho hearlns of said final , ' , ...
account and r:r tho acttlement "'"" """ '"" """""f i"""""
itccausa uoth tho university and tho
agricultural college will Immediately
vote a large porccntago of tho rov
eiitio from the new mlllage bill to a
building program that will be a per
manent anot to the state,
Q. What about salaries in the
higher educational Institution, of
A. Salaries ate so low that fac
ulty men havo resigned In great
number. The agricultural college
lost 154 In 18 months, or an average
of one to every three and a bait days.
Theso men wont into Industry, where
they were welcome because of their
technical skill, or to other states that
t thereof,
? J. f, luaoirrT,
Administrator of tha Entuto of
X Lizzie May Schallock, deceased.
May 18-25-1-8-15
Notice Is hereby given that tho
undersigned has filed In tho County
Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
Klamath County the final account of
his administration of tho Kstate of
John J. Lockmon, deceased, and said
Court has fixed June 21, 1920, at
2:30 o'clock p. m. as tho time and
tbe Court Iloom of said Court as the
place for tbe hearing of said final
account, and for tbe settlement
Administrator of the Estate of
' John J, Lockmon, deceased,
The Thing I Wanted Most
A Wrist Watch
Every girl wants a wrist watch. The small neat
dial and ribbon clasp, which breathes its fem
inine daintiness.
Yet with it all is the same Winters guarantee
which goes with the most rugged timepiece sold
from this exclusive quality shop.
Make your selection now. Engraved now or
later. Delivery at diploma hour, if you say so.
$15 to $150
We also cany a complete line of all the dainty
pieces of jewelry so dear to the girl- graduate,
as well as gold and silver pencils, fountain
pens, etc.
H. J. Winters
706 Main Phone 149
A i.'
(Continued on Page C)
May 18-25-1-8-16
mmm ................. ... irni-inAaarmAAjuiiijig