The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 14, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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paoh rocir
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Ta Evening Herald
i" ' MKer
, PRftD 80VLB
City MMor
a-J It
iwaltahed dally, except Sunday, by
'll' Herald Publishing Company of
aSauth Falls, at 115 Fourth Street.
' aktered at the foatofflce at Klam
a Fall, Ore., tor transmission thru
ifa Malta a second-class matter.
vawbecrlptlon terras by mall to any
In the United stales:
year ......-................. ...i d.ou
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Mtnaer of the Associated Pres.
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f all news dispatches credited to It
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f FltlDAY, MAY 14, 1020
1 M'lli:ni! WILL YOU STAND?
VWhoro aro you coins to stand this
year when Incomes to a question of
wirtlng for or ngatnM Klainnth
make the people alt up aid take no
tice. To win, Mr. Wiley must hare the
united support of Klamath county.
Ho Is a poor campaigner. Wo must
do the campaigning tor him. Wo
must work tor our Interests, tor our
county, for our city, for oursolves.
With a practically unanimous tote
and we cannot conceive ot n alnglo
reason why anyone should vote
against Mr. Wiley he will win the
nomination. Ills opponent, Mr. Jay
Upton, I a iwmnni'il politician anil
campaigner, nnd ho has been making
an alr-ttght campaign throughout
the district. Ho should mako no
headway In Klamath, tat us stand
by the homo man. Let us stand by
Klamath county, tat us tor onco
stand shoulder to shoulder for every
thing and everyone who will help
Klamath county. For the state, leg
islature Wiley Is our man; ho Is our
friend, our fellow cltlten, a man ot
whom wo cm bo proud, who will
be loyal to his friends, his neighbors,
his trust. Let every voto for stato
senator that Is cast In Klamath coun
ty bo cast for Wilson S. Wiley.
ty? Are you going to stand for
IwTwelfare all along tho line, wheth
Tthat stand, goes against your per
Mai feelings or tot? Are you go
lie to get back ot tho men who will
jjlmoro for Klamath county than
awpeonc cho would?
Thcse questions are pertinent at
late time. More pertinent than for
assay years, for Klamath county Is
Jut on the threshold of a great tut
Mg'and every effort moat be put for
ward to keep .the door open.
At the aait Mtpa of the legisla
tan then la to bo, considered lefts
liMtn of vital Importance to the peo
ple of the county. This will have to
4o with the protection ot the, rights
Tthe people on the Upper. Lake,
where the California-Oregon Power
ettipany is Interested In raising the
water level and inundating, valuable
laaas. Legislation that will protect
taajnterests of the people will be be
fat the legislature, and we must
have, a man on guard who will be a
tratf and ' tried representative of
XawMth eeaaty.
Lagklatloa ot vital Interest to the
assay Irrlaatlea district' ot the
eeaty, formed under the state
, aad in which the -lifetime sav
and hope of so many of our
eJtlsens are wrapped np, will be be
fore the legislature, and we must
kave a man there who sot only un
derstands Irrigation law. but who
felly understands what we In Klam
ath county must have and must be
protected against.
There is going to be a, re-arrange-ateat
ot the legislative districts ot
Baatern Oregon, legislation In which
ire ot Klamath county will be vitally
Interested. We must have a man on
guard who will know what Kjamatb
aeeds, the ability to right for It and
the power and influence to get It
operate with the buslnesa .men In the
work that It now starting' o mako
Klamath Falls real city.
Uuslncss men havo stated bluntly
that without the help of the mill men
there will bu no celebration. This
help should be forthcoming. Thcro
should he coalition and co-oporatlon.
The division that exists now must bo
wiped out and nil Intorests welded
Into an harmonious working unit for
the develcpment ot thla county.
In tho past this necessary co-operation
has not existed. The lumber
ing interests havo hold aloof, coming
forward only when they deemed It
necessary to secure the co-operation
ot tho business men. It Is n wrong,
attitude and one that must bo cast)
aside for tho. welfare of Klamath
ccunty. It must be a titty-tlfty game
If the best Interests ot the commun-'
Ity aro to bo served, and tho time to
make a beginning Is tonight. Tho
lumber men will be expected to bo on
hand and do their part.
The following letter was received
this week by W. O. Smith. Few peo
ple are In n position to Judge thecal
worth of Mr. Slnnott like MrMc
Arthur Is. aud his unsolicited letter
speaks' for Itself. Tho Herald, Mr.
SInnott's close friends, most ot his
constituents, do not fear about. bis
election, but they do not wantvany
considerable number ot voter to
forget themselves and cast even a
complimentary voto for tho gentle
man who Is running against him.
Let the people of the second con
selfish for once and conslder'and
vote tor their own Interests. .'o
man in either branch ot congrest can
do aa much for the district as .Con
gressman Slnnott. He Is the biggest
man In the house of representatives,
so far as the west Is concerned. 'Let
us show htm by our votes that we
want him to stay there; to keep his
eye on our Interests; to work for the
district In general, and Klamath
county In particular. There should
not be a single vote cast against Mr.
Slnnott In Klamath county, nor In I from outside Institutions It Is certain
that the direct annual economic loss
to the state would be at least the
amount stated above.
It Is also certain that ot those stu
dents sent outside the state to be edu-
Should tho mlllage bill to provide
relief for the higher educational In-1
stllutfons of learning In Oregon fall
at the polls on May 21, 1920. It 1st
esttmated that the voters ot tho stato'
would save fSOO.000, but that tho'
state would lose economically
tual money count 11,620.000 per
year as long as tho condition con'
It Is reasonable to assume that It
the colleges are permitted to go tot
seed, at least one-third of the stu-J
dents who otherwise would lie sent
there would be sent to Institutions'
outside the state. At a minimum ex-'
pense of IS0O per year per student,
the state would loso fl,20,000 pen
annum from 1,300 students. As the'
actual expense per student probably!
would average far In excess of 1 800
a year, counting railroad fare to and
the district, for that matter.
For the first time In our history
we are hi a position to command at
tention aad to have i our needs con
sidered fairly by a sympathetic tri
bunal; we .have a man at the head of Icated. a proportion would locate else
the public lands committee who Is where for life, and tho state would,
powerful enough to force consldera-jiCie that every Intelligent part of Its,
tion of all questions affecting- the population and Its creative and carn-
people of this district. He Is one of n, power for all time to come. This!
us our neighbor and our friend. )g no miall Item, especially In its
Let us be his neighbor and his friend, effect on the development ot the
and not let a single ballot be cast .tan. and Its nrooertv values.
against him.
Read this letter and then ask
yourself It you can glre considera
tion to any other candidate, cither
democrat or republican:
IIoum- of llejin-M-titntlvi-i U. S.
Committee of Naval Attain
Washington, D. C May 7, 1920.
Hon. Wesley O. Smith, "
On Anrll 30' the nevrnth anil elehth
grades had a debate on which did thei
'boat service In the war, the tank or
jKIorcataFalM, Oregon.
M-A desperate effort Is to be rnde'Dear Wej.0J,.
to remake tho road map ot Eastern
Although I am not a resident of
Oregon. Powerful Influence. ' congressional District.
wuri lu uriug uuuui u cunnga ui i uo
airplane It was decided In favor of
the tank.
Henry Scmon is building an addi
tion to his house.
School will bo out Friday. On
account of the eighth grade examin
ation they will havo tholr picnic on
Dalles-California highway so as to
have It run direct through Lakevlew.
We must havo a man In, the legisla
ture big enough, bright enough, In
terested enough In Klamath county
to tight day and night from the be
ginning of tho session to its closo to
prevent this planned assassination of
the rights of Klamath county.
We hare such a man In the person
of Wilton S. Wiley. Wo know be
will protect tho rights and Interests
of the land owners In the Upper
Mike controversy, for has ho not al
ready done so? As attorney for the
Water Users, Is he not making a
legal fight for what the reclamation
service Is trying to give away? An
able, conscientious, hardworking,
though quiet snd unassuming law
yer, Mr. Wiley has shown the ability
to meet and match wits with the
Biggest lawyers of California and
Oregon, aa well as those employed
by the government and win. In the
battle that is suro to bo waged at
Balem, Klamath county need? have
BO fear hut that her Interests will be
well cared for by Mr. Wlloy.
The irrigation legislation that If
are to como before the legislature
Will bo of vital Interest to Klamath
ooanty. Upwards of one hundred
aad fifty thousands of acres will bo
affected by any legislation that may
"bo patted. With Mr. Wlloy, who Is
recognised at an expert on irrigation
law, not only here but throughout
tae state, representing our Interosts,
we will have a man who will bo lis
tened to and heeded.
la the, rearrangement of the legis
lative districts, Klamath county
Siatt not be at a disadvantage,
walea It rarely would, be If we did
ttot kave the senator from tbltcoun-
Aa to the road ouettlon, we will
sm soaMthiar to say that will
the liberty of addressing you In be- Saturday.
half of the candidacy of my col- Harley Johnson returned from,
league X. J. Slnnott for renomlna- J California a short time ogo with his;
tlon for Representative In Congress, bride. They are living at tho O'Con-i
I have known Slnnott slnco my In
fancy and have served with him hero
for nearly flvo years and am in a po
sition to testify as to his high char
acter and splendid ability.
Slnnott has an excellent record In
Congress and enjoys the respect and
confidence of his colleagues. He Is
able, Industrious and patriotic, and
devotes himself whole hearledly to
his constituents. Ho has risen to
tbo chairmanship ot the Commltteo
on Public Lands and Is doing splen
did work for the west on legislative
matters befnro that rommltte. Ore
gon and the west can III afford to
lose his services, and tho country
needs men of his caliber In Congress.
I certainly hope that the Republi
cans of tbo Second District will re
nominate Slnnott and that ho will bo
re-elected In Novomber.
I am glad to count myself as a
personal friend of Slnnott, but I am
not writing this' letter on that ac
count. I havo a larger Interest In
tho matter that of ono who feels
that the boat Interests ot tho Htato
and nation domand SInnott's re-election.
With kind regards, I am . .
nor ranch.
The O. K. Transfer and Murphcy
Feed and Seed store at 121 South
Sixth street aro putting In a new
front, and a plate glass one at that.
The transformation that Is taking
placo Is 'a decided one and Is suro to'
have a stimulating Influenco on tho.
development of the busluess district
that Is starting south on Sixth und,
which Is destined to crow and snread .
j until it will ba an important Influ-'
enco on the trend business Is to tako,
when it breaks the bounds of Main
street. '
The old front that has served for'
years Is belirg replaced with modern '
plate glass windows and tho Interior
is being changed to conform to tho
outside Improvements. Glass parti
tions and new furnishings will bo In
stalled and when completed It will'
present a pleasing appearanco to tho,
many patrons of these well known
A meeting ot those Interested In a
celebration In thla city on the Fourth
of July will be held tbl evening in
the city hall. "Every business man
and ethers interested 'In the develop
ment of the city should be present.
In particular should the representa
tives of the sawmills and factories
be on hand to place themselves on
record at to their willingness to co-
WILL BUILD $10,000
Marking he beginning ot the re
building of Merrill after the recent
fire is tbo announcement that R. C.
Anderson will erect a $10,000 store
building, next to the bank. ,
Mr. Anderson's faith In the future
of the southern part of the county
will doubtless encourage others and1
Merrill resldenta expect to see a
steady wave of development In the
bualnest district.
iaaaaaK 'fJaaaBm
aBBBBBBBBBBBWawKaaT Sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw7
I herewith announce myself a caadtdate for the nomination
for the office of Representative for the Twenty-first representative
district, subject to the will of the legal voters of the Republican
party. If nominated and elected I will devote every energy to
securing the irrigation and good roads legislation so necessary
to the success of this district
A4A4.44T-f-f 40-4-44M44
Klamath County
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