JHi , ,1 1 IVMAY II.HM mE EVINlTtG HERAUy KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON imciic rouw ill . ,! m,, The Evening Herald f. J. MURRAY riifeB'idvLi City Mltor Pabllshed dally, exeeot Bunday. by Herald Publishing Company ol iMk Falls, ut 116 Fourth .Street. (tared at the postofflce at Klam Palls, Ore., for trantmlulon thru aaalls aa aecond-claan matter. bacrlptlon rerma by mall to any :Mrasa In the United 8 tales: . " - - . ... - .. . year ........ la.oo and you ougm to Kn.". 7 aon i, forrester. Every peraoa who buy a gallon ot oil, or gasoline or dlitltlatc la lying a penalty for tho acta of Plnchot. Oregon most ot all Is suf fering from hi fanatical canierra tton pellry: Everywhere In tho west will you And trace of his death touch. Kestore him to power, and like all fanatics, there will bo no limit to his work. ' " When you go- to the polls on the 31st. of May to cast your ballot In your- choice for president ot tho United States, thlnkeerlonsly before you" cast It for General Wood. A rote for him Is a Tote for Plnchot. month .BO what this will mean tor Klamath It county. MVevW4 Make Arrangements Now Member of the Associated Irriw. The Associated Press I exclusively titled to tho uso for republication iaf all news tllanatchea credited to It -r . - . - . . r not otherwise credited In this STHttLlNO. Colo.. May 13. Tho' WOMKN MllfiT QUALIFY 'CCi': "nU Bl, ,0CM n0W, puWI,,,ed'wlf of nny man who wants to be J wwaviws j I - .. , .. ... 3a All rights of republication of ape- naturalised in tne .iiatrici court nero dal dlapstchcs herein are alao re- must qualify for citizenship with urTed. TIIUIISDAY, MAY 1:1, WM ritt'.SIOKNTIAIi CAMUDATIX titer husband, according to ft' recent ruling of Judge Stephenson. 1 Under tho suffrage amendment. tho Judge ruled, the woman becnuse ' she becomes n citizen with tho hits- ' band nnd hs tho rlKht to vote. S The entrance of the Johnaon-ror- "bonld qualify under tho MUie-tenus President cohorts luto the campaign ns Joes tho male alien. s has had tho effort' that their leader' J Always has when he takes a hand In Dr. Samuel Johnson, so It Is re- any game they have stirred thing corded, would never outer a room ' -p. Tho Indications aro that they left foot foremost, and bravo Mar- t ro only Retting' ready to start. The (thai Saxe was In terror at the sight j 'consequence Is that tho followers of0f a cat. Peter the Great was In a tho other candidates are waking up, tremor of-fenr it he had to cross a and nibbing their eyes.. The most, bridge, and Byron turned paleit be yertarbed of the lot are the support spilled salt at the table. ra of General Leonard Wood, who mm-mm B fait secure In their' confidence that, a f , . KlawnfllRkij " -" ? " fElsKKEEaaBEMHHHMHMHHk!r f . tijr siBsv'ssBH IsHIot ' K Jjgjk aBsasaBlm ' '"BFsET'tJ .-BBBsYaaBaH l' aaasH a MHMBibb-J1 v -'i LKlBLwRaaLH IfB; 1 bbLLLB BBaaaalK.'aaaH P PjjRsiHLfaHlixK ' H LasH Pjaaal liMl iLLHLLLLLVBsVHsH'fnHiHHBII-sHfHii)! w T'JSSSSxtS!;, He's Real he was going to hare a walk-away, It reoort from the rest of the, tale are true, Klamath county is go-! lag to decide wbai candidate is go-. tag to get the Oregon delegation, for Hc rcsUler, joy. sorrow, pleasuro Ha four thousand votes are going to anj ngcr and all tho other human fesj the deciding factor it they all emotions Just as they are registered tet oat. and the chances are nearly by the fellow who washes tho dishes rery one will. The Herald Is glad that the John- ra people jumped Into the tight, not that it cares particularly whether "Mr. Johnson wins or- loses. We, tin sth a very easy conscience 'back Man to the limit 'If he wins. Just as we can back any ot the other repub lican candidates. Ddt we do hope that the 'people ot'Klamath county, aasVOregoa, and--the delegate to the yiiabllcan oonventloa . ' w)ll turn slown General Wood, and torn htm 4ewB hard. Our opposUionto Mr. Wood Is based entirely on the re-entrance into the official life, ot the na tion of aifford Plnchot. Jf General Wood should' by any amlsfortune be the next president of they United States, then Glfford Pln chot will be the next secretary of agriculture. Once put Plnchot in power, and we will see the resources ' at the west tied up so tight that nev er in-tbls generation will the people feteak the stranglehold. We are tlll'sutrerlng from the blighting in fluence of Plnchot when he was chief at home or by the chap who brings the bon bons every Saturday night. .WhoT Will Itoffer. n Im't finer: he hasn't eol big if blue eyes and a baby stare. He hasn't got curly hair cr Cupid now lips. He's a regular feller! He's human and he's real. He's an honest-to-goodness, down-to-earth human be ing. That's why you Just can't help lovln him. That's why you'll want to "Jubllo." the story of a hobo who stumbles into the strange land of. Work and TUmance via a big train hold-up. Will Rogers Is the soldier of misfortune. You'll sympathise with him, laugh with htm and find more 'entertainment In his mls-adven tares than you've ever found in one picture before. WILL IIOGKR8 la JUBILO Star Theatre TONIGHT Close, Your Eyes and Imagine You Will Never See Again You may then realize what it means to be BLIND HELP THE UNFORTUNATE BLIND OF' OREGON BY -PROVIDING A STATE INDUSTRIAL AND EMPLOY MEN TBUREAU VOTE 316 X YES ON BALLOT STATE ELECTION MAY 21ST. This apace paid for by Citizens' Committee from funds derired from public entertainment in .Portland. Dr. T. V. Perkins, Medical Bldf,, Portland, Chairman; Oscar W. Home, Secretary This is the place to get your Car fixed while there is a temporary shortage of gasoline. t .$ TRIESTE TORN BY WALKOUTS j third, the dismissal ot Captain Conn- lien, tne manager anu cmer owner of the yards, Officials made prep arations to resist by tho pouting of somo battalions ot s:ldlcrs armed with armored nrbtorcars and machine guns but the operatives' terms wrro; ., complied with bofore nny disorder i TIUESTE. April 25. (Uy Mall). occurred. There Is a volcanic turmoil amongst Strong Ilotshnvlk elements prevail' the working population In this city, In tho city. Demonstrations are held now under Italfan control. Tho cm- every Sunday when cries of "Hurrah, DONT MISS THAT BIG DANCE GIVEN BY the Old Clothes Club ploycs of the shipbuilding yards are'for Inlno, TroUky. soviAts, rtc !" constantly itriklug tor hitherto un- aro hoard. Tho military guard cf tho hcard-of demands. Recently tho op-1 city has recently been Increased and entires ot the Lloyd Arsenal struck a close surveillance Is maintained for a re.pri entatlvo volco In tho man-.ovcr'.tho gathurlngs. j agamenl and a share of tho profits 5 T.he scale demanded would give I Thero Is In tho northern part of some df tho cperatlves wage and ' Finland a curious stone which serves bonusei aggregating 40,000 lire tho people instead ot a bntometer. ' monthlir which would amount to Tll(s Htono wn)ch l( ,,,, Pn)1 MOOSE HALL S1 Friday, May 14 WEAR YOUR OLD DUDS natclur, turns black, or a blackish t "- - fS.OOOiinnormal time A L. S .m 1. PA.,,llak ino oBerauve, u. .u """"' Kra)-. when l.a.J weather is npi.ro.ch. flhlpynrdsllntroduccd the newest ruao BR ,.,, WM1)r Iinil th ,lft(.c, f of labor uisputcs. Tneyjsueu an ,urnlnj. ,t nltaotl wh,tf rh viam, . ultlmatumUo tho management stat- ri,Kar, (n alona wlt, Hujiorstltlou ,Mnr" ,,m" c,n-ntin P""l'l" hure re-' A young crocodile, on miiergliiK iug that lAtbeir demands wcro not rv,.rt.aco, i,m thu scientists say thul ,urn"' ,0 ""' ru,n "' Hhelms, where from Iti egg. starts Itutlnrtlvcly for compiled wf(h In 10 days they would llt rianBp,, n color are duo to salts ""' nrn "01ty lv)R In tho tulles of hn m-arust wntor. even If It Is not lt go Into tho'plant by fsrw nnd tnke cuntnlncil In Its comroj:t!on. wln.-cellurs. ight possession of it. Tho demands wcro three: First, u share In tho profits; . a.... second, n vllci In tho management; KVKKKC -x , ! Khulty No. 1 10 siT. j.ii i'itot'i:::i)ix(; i 'V Notlco of hearing petition In the. f Jrsult Coiyrt of tho State cf Oregon , ,, r'Klamafh bounty. i J y. In tho Mattor of the IMtlllon of, the noord,fof Directors of Upper Van & Urlmmer flJrainago uisinci, irjim i that nil proceedings In connection . ! ...l,l. ftA'ratolyntlnn .nf Huit! 'Draln-l ago District; Wm levying of tax to J pay crganiiatUin expenses; tho np-.V polntmcnt and fuallflCatlon of Com- . mIssloncrs;t tho Vroccedlngrf of said I I Commlsslonhrs. nnd the proceedings V of tho County Court of.Klatnath ? County, Oregsnrelotive to tho report X of said CommlMlohcrs. be examined, f approved andf cqnflrmtil by thin . Court. i ' , To Upper Van Urlmmor Dralnagol D!stric.t, and to. all freeholders, lnt;nl, voters nnd assei3ment payers within i said District J ' 1 You and each of you aro hereby K notified that tho Hoard of Directors 4 ef sold District hus tiled in the above ( entitled Court and eauso their duly.V verified petition praying that said , Court oxnmlne, and detorrnlno tho I X regularity and validity of nil pro-V ceedlngs in connection with tho or- A 'canlzatlon of said Dlstrirt. unu or mo I Acta of tho Hoard of Supervisors, and, y of tho CominlHloners ef said District, J ! 'nnd of tho procedlngs of the County Court of Klamath County, Oro;;on. relative thereto, and thrlt tho nbovo entitled Court has fixed th lfith'dwy t ,.r Juno. 1320. ut 2 o'clock p. m. as (the time nnd tho Court riom nf mid A Court os tho placo for hearing said , petition, and tiny ponton interosicn x may appear end rontest tho validity - of said proceedings at nny tlmo bo- A foro tho expiration of ton dnya frtim X tho dato of tho last publication of thla notlco. Co This notlco. is published onco a I weok fcr thrco successive wvkn liyv order of Honornblo I). V Kuykcndnll.' Judge of the above entitled Court, Jg mode nrd entorcd on the 10th day of r May, 1920. Dato of first publication May 13, -X 1920. T Date of last publication' Juno 3,. 1920. C. It. DetAP, County Clerk ot Klamath Coun ty, proson, and Clerk rif the Circuit Court of said County and' State; ' By LOYD It. DeI,AP, (Seal) ' Deputy, 13-20-IT-June S The Cut -Off Machine AND THE WEST END GROCERY Most of us have watched and admired the exactness and swiftness of the CUT OFF MACHINE in the Box Factory. Did you ever think that the Retail Grocer holds about the same position in the business world as the Cut Off Machine in the Box Factory. Who taRes the food stuff in quantities and cuts it to the sizes wanted? The West End Cash Grocery. Who makes the uniform packages and delivers them in just the right quantities? Tho West End Grocery. For Friday and Saturday we have put the prices through our Cut Off Machine. Here are a few of them : Struliied Mimoy, cheaper than wu;ar, tho pound a.ic- ' ScgoMllk, tall caiiH at ir,, Milk In sinull cans, Ihnio for , , ;,; I'lncupplo, In gallon tuns, at ftl.OO; dozen. ...j., VIU.imi Mbby'B .luius, u full assortment of hIzpb and kinds, small ."Mto Tea, both Japan and Knglluh Ilreukfast flavors, ut, tho poiind..0o Del Monte I'ork nnd Ilouun, thu can, IJVo to Ji.V; larg; '&" t -tlo Coffee, Btonl cut, tho pound , A ,ac 4 nth! Kaglo Ilrund I'oas, tlio can, 'Me; tho dozen $8.15 Cnllforulu Urupo Krult, C for .'. ...'....aflo' WEST END CASH GROCERY 220 Main. Next P. O. r T t T T X ? T T J T T T ? T T f ? T- T T f T t T T T t I JIHM.IM(V