The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 13, 1920, Image 1

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Up -feinming Mtmib
Fourlconlli 3020
Price Fire CnU
otrrirui. vavvm r
ii imitu mi I q
nuimnin inLLu
All th general mull " ,,,,m
!,, n.tionn-nt urv--r '
itfcslatrd " ,he 'M"u "' ''" ''
fommlli" bd " h" ,M,"f
ntllon collected r i-'l" 'r lb
,.4 of tbl. weak Although h" "
, houi ra "" no rmpll
,, it iowwIU-. b4 hop..! II "
Kit rtlroatl bat ol '"" ,bn
V h-e "" ml'' '"' ,,',,M,
,,tttr ---m- "t,t ll'1 lu
fis at bow M '" '
(l buf. that houa
vM t- overlooked owing lo lb
raltl4 natum ,h ,,,wn h4 ,
m ill Ik u'k M Avn' u0'
irslatd oiBift. who gladly rg
)Ml4 l" ' butlneaa '
Kern 4ll In "' M,rt ' ,h-
! ef th llftllB ' '
ep4 It tht Klamath Fall It prl
audi young man's low Th
sujorlty of famlll living Id bumt
ceailst of huba4 a4 lf and
((kip en or lo rhlldma ot4r
4kol !. Th tlgsr bo lht
Ik atrg nmbr ol parsons lo a
kttM li lour which It lo la lttt.
kit k " rntldr lhl la many
komit tkr am from on to ln
fnotatrt an that lb maturity ol
cir U-Ul catUl ol ! than this
at-W A bowl on-thtrd ol our pv
yU t aot lit In bomx. being dotal
c.l4 la s;tii s4 rtJ kssssa,
Tkt tafrrmr It Ibal wott of (hit
fp It )oft( tn4 woMhl
01 ik ;n buiiMi fofJ. no or
ur ktU bit no fblMrn n4r
1 jtn o( r ana of lb Hi ibl
4 ktt tklMrn. HI h onlr on
klU 4b Oolr lao ftmltl b?
4t tniaf B'l onl ( b
Uilt4f.h Tb i.lh.r 0 Umlll
kit from lao l lit blMrn. lo
WUc i fr lb iiinti popular num
kr li it not bllti lbl Iblt In
dlrtUi tey tUnt'rout (roilmcr !
irdi r( tuirlil bai mflr further
nUuatutci ib nlnllon thai
bcmI of our rllliearr It (qraptxn nf
)oec j-jI anil rnoit of cur fin
lll tr rumttrtiir new.
Onl; i' i r rent of lb rtiillrn
6t4r l HrB4 irhuul Tb flKMrr
tadlrtt Urn thlt It pfiiliiMf Urccly
4t lo lfc ln thai moil of our rhll
4rm r imi oun to altrrnt xhnnl
a!th:sb riful ahal?! will f rob-
bljr ika that lbro It a ratbnr lane
BUoUr of -hil4rvn of arboot a( bu
ar notkmf
"rth-r rraullt nf lb mrrr "III
b cln in i tin prpt from ilajr m
Ir. aliboucb thn rompUm flnllnt
III ln hl4 back until ory com-
Blllf bit tr)Mirlp,
Wll. Ill 4JI.VMMI TO 1)Mi:
in iiiom hiii:aiumi anr.w
Wool It ("i-Klrinlnc lu cotno In from
0 thrlne pen ami U Ulnn lil
14, Hhcatlnc I now well umlrr
"r Th ti-nton will tail about two
i longer
Oaf. e-M4-f tar-
Aooat. Jtejr UttA OUIM
UXt CDUM Oktiia st -ruartk
1W ivao't.t MO HWUIOWC
V V4 -riA M MIT la vr-.-.c .
Ctt HtAaO tO HON tUKt
Hl. lll'Mlli:il "01'TI.AWK"
mrrcitN to r.ii'Mvu:.vr
I'lrrHiii'iui. Ma; ,n uu
burtilrmt tbiipiimn. raritmmi atn)
iralntumi of thn I'lllahurg
ltkrt Krl rallroai). who liatn
lMtii on ttrlkn at lb ImiMirtatit
lrinliial at lM(kron Hun. r
turtil lu work l4ax. ntranUnt
In an annuunioiiioiil from tbn
inral offkm of tb coinpanr
Thlt It lb in (nt lintMirtani
break In lb ttrlkvr1 rauka
tlnra lb atrlka wm call a
month ago
AtMtrlald l'rt
forrt am to b
- Miiran rbl
rapidly doting J a an l'ridnt Car
.rant and all tb ('arrant, loyal
1 army' la nntrncbd In tb billy coun
try to rail nurihi of Vara Crui
Tb ttag for tb final act of Ika
dram v( rolulloB It apparently
blng t and lb rbl chltflana ara
tldntly dlrmlnd to capture th
lirldnt. bo fld from tb capital
t4t rrlday
I Uoferaor l I- llurta, of Hon,
nra, who bat bn named aupmme
leader of lb revolution. It preparing i
lo go lo Metlro City to tak over
control of tb goirnmnt
VKItA CIIUX, May II rurlout ,
'fighting tM"n r-l lr'pe nnd'mve ijauk BBltb Marlwa ccanly
torrex cnmnanded by Carraaia oc-haa o'er 110.000 In band and at
curred ytrday at tb Hacienda
Thraarlt. North Hanmarco, In the
.slat of I'ucbla, according to dlirldnt. declare with very few ntl
'patch rlvd br Tb ama of ceptloa the count lea out In lb statn
lb btlWflld I reported to b
protlmalaly five squat mile Car
'rama. according lo a Metlro City
ilrete. It tab! to hav personally
directed kit Hoop for eiibl huurt
llltOWJ.'rtVlt.l.i:. Te. May 13
Otivarnor Mlrlet Cnarhullla croated
to ll American aide of the Itlo
Orand today lie waa quoted atjtloaly In the rail for ronlrllittllont.
ta)lng that Ootrrnor Tamaullnat of.tald County Chairman 'rrd A Hak-
Nrum I .-on Kan l.ul I'oloil It no
aaaltmg trantporlallirti to thn Amer
ican tide
TltACIIdt Alti: lll.TWI.XT
tu in or iii,i:mm. i
MlM Kalber MrAndma and MIm
IJ f.Blliri ,.,. . Ill.l ' -, MM. .w
Ann Mae Jnhnwui. two hKal teach-;'"
em who am veri jHipular among the IB ' "" "" ""' 1-"' eon.rumie.1
- i...- ..,i..i ..n,. iMii mall tlm mnniar to him, addms-
younger e, ham r.chr.t offer it.
earl, ne.l term In Honolulu and am
in a tenou. uuandry. .. the lum of
oft aouthnrn diet It pulling them In
unn direction, while the appeals and
-iroteatt of their numerous friend
hern am e.ertlng all equally strong
Influence In the other Tbelr friend
i bopn lo prevail upon them to renew
thnlr appointment In the local
I school and remain In Klamath
i Kail.
I aw
Tbn Knight Templar are holding
a apodal aelon this afternoon (or
the purpotn of conferring degroes
upon a number of out-of-town can
didates. Among tlm visitors aro J. 8.
Kullnr. B. (1. Kavell and II. J. Ang
stead of I-akorlnw.
A banquet will n spread, at o
o'clock.nml mom Initiatory work will
bo oiemplKled lonlglit.
I). II. (irant, former frnnd com
mander of thn Knight Toinplnr In
Oregon, will bo visitor at thn
Tho,rogular mooting of tho Worn
nn'a Library club will bo held In tho
dub room Krlday, May II, nt S:30
p. m.
Mr. Waltenburg will talk about
amendment and measure to be sub
mitted lo tho voter May 21. Mis
Twyla Head will talk on school libra
ries of the county. Ml Hawkins
will talk on library work InKlamath
Kail. The club extends k cordial
Invitation to all who aro Intoruatod.
ORKaON rlr, northwest .wind!
today and Friday.
11 AW
l'()UTI.AM Mar 13 (Kcal to,
lli llnralil Ksrt" richlnK
ha4iuarinra ttixrlr from uutlrlng
I.I. I. It... .!- -k - ..-1 ..
l-iliii ill ill- Hiain piiuw Rqinrai nil'
lltlonal counilr urr lh lop In Ibo
Haltallun Armr itrltn and tbn major.
It r of thn itatn oulaliln of I'orllanil
working liafil lu wind up thn cam-!
iaiCD iiir lupijt wiiii wmcu lu iin
anr thn tttnwiiln liomn rrvlr pri'
-i;:.:;, .'i.; tts '"i..o Ma hul oil
ut li lagganl rimntlna and In thn
'the quota will ln reached but not
by the time limit Ml for final report,
I'nlon county I cleaning up the
mall pldg but la i?r tb top)
vbi..r county la or thn top Ona-.
'jjjui county rnporlt It It nnarlng
th qurit.t HimxI lllrar I launching
a Onal cleanup Crook county m-,
porta the Hnlah In alght tlaknr
coubty It eighty fr nl tbmugb
and cleaning up lakn county ei
pcta lo flnlih Tburtday Manb
Held It leading the Coot county rata
with IISOO In hand from tbn city t
atone -In Yamhill county .VewM-rg
It over lit quota and the Nnwbrg ,
.tutrtct clot up The American
itiw bjyt bat taken otr tbn Til
mook drl and. according to I'm'
Ident' Campbell, ar putting U over
I'olk county tt:t to report "umr
ptut" tomorrow llenton county Is
0. hlf through and niprct to
pu to clean up lit quota Thursday
j0hn I. Therldg. atata drive
ap-twill b over tbn top by tbn end of
thn weak. Many hav thn monny Inlswer It now Tbla campaign Is being
hand but report! from Isolated dlt. conducted all over the statn and It
trtctt am coming slowly being watched with great Interest.
I look for th drive to be a big
tuccea and for tbn majority of the'
to go over plu.v b do-
Klamath rounty li responding
er last night People am rrady to
elm when Approached but It It a
hard tatk lo ten everyone with only
a fpw worker In the ranvat. All
ralim I hn worthinea ir the cniuo.
aid Mr Ilaker, but few make vol
untary contributions. He ha secur
ed an eitentlon of thn tlitio to rUe
1 (
I3' count) quota, nnd is ak
mall tlm mnn.r to him. addmt
I l"" . leavo it at nx.""uu" " , .. "" "",'.
'- '-'' ' 0r'on 0,er can rMeh f M
Iter's a dancn that ovcrjonn ran
attend, regardless of sartorial oqulp
mont. It's thn danro of thn Old
Clothes club at Mimin hall tomorrow
evrnlng. Thn morn nuclent attho
that one can bring forth to liedevk
him or herself with, tbn mum of a
hit wilt hn or she makn with thn oth -
er shabbily rjad ntsemblngn,
A regular old-fashioned "Hard
time" Mil, where everybody's hap
py In tho oldest rng they hatn bn
cause they don't have to worry
about whether their neighbors havo tn thn Institutions they baro beou
tmttnr clot lie on Home will worry,l,rvnK nt salaries far lower than
no doubt, bernuto their friend iriv,,0). ntv offered by other states and
worso dressed but thorn Is ulwaya n.
minority to riiul something to worry
nbottt. Tut on tiro oldest duds you
ran tlnd laying nround iiml you'll bo
properly; dressed, nnd terribly wel
come nt Moulin Halt tomorrow night.
II. A. flmlthwlck, pastor of tho
Hovenlh Day Advontlst church will
leave Sunday morning for Roseburg
to attend ft camp meeting of the de
nomination which will be In session
for ton day.
Bpeakere from all parte of tho
United Slate will bo proscut at the
meeting which I a cemforonco of all
tho churclio of southern Oregon. A
thousand of 15000 persons are ox
poctcd to attend. Dally lecture will
start at 0 . .-Aod continue until 10
p. m
Thn Kalvatlon Army drlrn U,U
King A mott autplcloua atari w
litadn at thn bgllinlng of thn wnnk
Mini thn County Artvltury Commit
, mill lll-i "UIII7 UTimil iuillllllfc-
ti flt that tbr would brn lltllo'
illRlcullr In aocurlne tbn quota with
In thn 11 m al Tbn last ilar f tbn
4 rim, bowntnr. found thi-m (till
aiiuri a riiniiuvraiiin amriuni
Worknra In tbn varlout mill and
tUn'l Hnlutihr. nam roni)pil
nrally aa han thn
Jam many builnra
i who have not yet
uwnera Them
men, howarnr,
don tbnlr part
who am well able
to do to
drltn bat bmn harannrnd by tbn lk i
of worknra, Tbla la aa unusually'
buty anaton and thn member of thnl
ilthough gltlng practl
tally all
of tblr own limn to tbn
work, harr, not bcn abln to tecum
vary many who could go out Into tb
raaldrnca dlitrlcla to aollclt fund.
Tbn work of thn Salvation Army
la ao wnll and favorably known that
It should not b necnatary for any
onn to bn approached pronilly
Kraryonn with a, dollar to glvn
should make It hla butlneaa to sen
that It get Into tbn bands or Mr
Krrd A. Ilaker at tbn First Btato and
Havlngt bank, who la president of
tbn County Irlv commltte. or to
aomn other uembnr of thn Advisory
Hundred of Unr liv tmo
tent out and tben hava not brought
In thn rntponan eipectnd. Undoabt-
edly tbn busy business man baa tabl-
rd bis letter In thn day's rush In
tending to nd hi contribution lat
er (let out your check book and an
Already a number of countU have
greatly needed Ibelr quota and
will be a reflection upon Klamath ' 'D un " now ana local
county If wo fall to meet the results j wlnwerea have little material on
of tomn of thn lets Drorerout coun.wh,ch ,0 t,o Predictions. Them
ties of the state
That thn nronertv owners of Ore-
,.on C3nnot afford to permit defeat of
Uv ,,,,,, lMiat(l ,ttx ut lno MaT ;i
. . .
election Is thn only conclusion the I
ixhauitlva examination Into tho facta
ins affecting taxation and rroperly
This examination wa.s not
)condueted with entnuslasm for tho
colleges as there Is not a spark of
college spirit In tho "Oregon Voter,"
.from cellar to attic, but solely from
'the. point of view of tho taxpayer who
' has tho bills to pay. Tho Investlga
'Hon of tho Oregon Voter ha bocn an
'unsparing a It conclusion la defln
,t, and nffirmalrto.
Thn Voter sums up Ita conclusions
aa follew:
"At present, thcio moro competent
member of thn teaching staffs aro
remaining out of a spirit of loyalty
other Institutions. Tho number of
(acuity members nnd Instructors who
have been offored salaries far In ex
cess of what they aro receiving aa n
largo one Involving tho majority of
all members of tho respcctlvo staffs.
Those Instructor aro staying by their
present small salaries, buoyed up by
contldenco in the peoplo of Orogon
that adoquato funds will be provided
to pay them at least a decent wage.
Should their hopes bo disappointed,
no ono can blatno them for departing
from the state, The blow to the mor
ale and cfdclcncy of tho Institutions
would amount to disaster.
"Of course tho college would not
quit, operating, but It would be by
hiring only such left-overs or Inex
perienced Instructor a were avail
able for the small salaries that could
be afforded from th present main
tenance revenue,"
Moro miners die ot consumption
tliaa are killed by mine accldonU.
gnnn V I)nb, fednrnl ronrlct
No 2,2S1, waa nominated by ac-
claim for pmtldmt of tlm Unit-
rd Hlatn irt thn Hoclalltt prty'
national conrnntlon bnrn today
Chcnr upon cbanr grnntcd thn
naming of thn floclallat loader.
Unlit I now irrlng a 10-yaar
Irrm at Atlanta for Violation of
thn f.plonag act
I Wilson fl. Wllnr. cantlHl tnr Ik.
! Republican aUta senatorial nomlna-
t(on mBtjB 4 u to
,be jnUre.tU of n)l c
whlln Mr Wilar
Malln today In
Whlln Mr. Wiley does not doubt
that thn voters of Klamath county
will rally to thn last man and woman
i to support him at the primary, b la
making every fort to an all of the
homn folks In th abort and busy In
terra! that li left befow tbo pri
mary, proceeding on the theory that
If be la to bn their legislative ropre
enatlvo they should have every op
portunity to w him an judge by
personal contact the manner of mas
that they will select on election
Jay Upton of Prlnevllle. Mr.
Wiley's opponent for thn nomination
la also In town and making a can
vtus of Klamath county. Ha baa al
so made a vlgorois caapalga bat In
conversation with a Herald repre
sentative today he conceded that he
could not hope to upeet the big ma
jority which Is indicated for Wiley
In Klamath county, although he ei
pocted to offset the dlaadvantage In
thn other four couatlea of the dis
trict. Whlln politics are warming up a
tJ"H. tr have been a dead Issue In
has been too little discussion to
bring out the facts. Report from
the north, however. Indicate that tbn
' senatorial raco wilt be close even In !
Mr Upton'a own bailiwick at Prlnc-!
Title and Wly lieutenants are mak'
1 Inn pre-election claims of a big ma
jjorlty at Hcnd. lakevlew Is disput
ed territory, neither side having any
decided view on the swing of Lake
county vote.
A telegram received today from
Mis Helen IloRue, daughter of Mr.
and Mr. C. C. Hogue, who went
oreraeaa In tho Red Cross servico
parjy jn tne waP anj had boon stat-
lonea ni iienova oeioro oruereu
homo last month, state that Mis
Hogue wilt arrive In Klamath Fall
this evening. Family and friend
aro eagerly awaiting a reunion after
tho long aeparatlon.
VIENNA, April 19, (tly .Mali).
In tho work of unscrambling the af
fair of tho old empire curious com
plications occur. Ono that Is now
giving tho authorities a good deal ot
trouble Is tho disposition of the
Maria Theresa Medal fund. This
decoration was tho Victoria Cross ot
Austria. Its award carried a hand
somo pension, Tho foundation fund
now amount to moro than 17,000.
000 crown. Thcro are several hun
dred applicants for tho medal for
deeds performed in tho world war,
but nono has boon passed upon pend
ing the distribution of tho foundation
fund among the state of the former
PORTLAND, May IS. Cattle,
hogs and butter, weak and unchang
ed: sheep, steady and unchanged;
eggs 39 cents.
Tho new LaFrennlere mill, with a
dally capacity of 90,000 feet started
at Dray this morning and Is operat
ing smoothly, according to Mr. L
Fronulere. who waa a visitor In tkla
city today,
Ooologlits have been traveraUsg
Klamath county during the peat
three months making examinational
of the formation of various strata
In the different section, aiartlag aeat
at first to eiamlcti the deposit that
Indicated the preeeoco of oil.
Their report are encouraging
buneiui, lu ott
been locating deposits of formation
carrying gold, sons of them bnlag
very low bearing, and hardly ws-rtat
developing, but other seem to laajt
cate better result. Also the !
bearing gold formation are oa thai
surface and If developed sight lee4
to valuable deposit or vela.
The latcreet 1 not conflaeal I
gold, but alio extend to other aal
eral known to be la the county, aaef
a black obeldlas, caleedony, etc
Southern capltallsu ar maalfe
Ing an Interest In Klamath couaty,
hitherto unknown, and ar Meklac
to get la touch with owner of
posit which may be worked to a4
vantage and profit for both the) owm
er and the miner.
The Investigation are being haav
died through th office of Mr. L. B.
Hague In the WilllU building. bt
Mr. Hague waa loath to glv ott aay
definite laformatloa. aUtlag that tarn
iavatlgatloa were only Jf their tny
faacy and no step for actulrl 4vwn
opmeat had beem dfla4 aa rat.
LONDON. May 1 J. Reports of aa
unusual number of activities by ana
ed and masked "men In various ac
tions of Ireland were received-today.
The reports by noon had reached!
the proportions of an avalanche).
A nt Eoitor lira police barrack
wrro attacked.
DUBLIN. May 13. At least l
police barracks In various part of
Ireland were destroyed In the course
cf widespread destruction of publlo
property and oilier activities of wide
spread band of armed and masked
men last night.
The Herald is much gratified
over tho largo number ot sub
scriber who aro taking advan
tage cf our special subscrip
tion offer, and especially over
tho good will manifested, for it
shows that the difficulty ot our
position is fully recognized. The
special offer will continue until
June 1.
We have received so many re
quests from out of town sub
scribers not to discontinue their
paper on tho ISth, a they could
not get in In time to pay up, but
that they will bo In during car
nival week, that wo have de
cided to extend the timo ot their
renewal until the SSnd. All out
ot town subscriptions not re
newed by that date will be dis
continued. Thl extension does
not apply to papers delivered by
carrier. Those not paid for by
tho 16th noxt Saturday will
bo stopped.
As you know, it Is almost a
lifo and death strugglo with the
newspaper of tho country to
got paper. Price aro going
higher every week and the op-
ply Is diminishing every day. .
The Herald want to provide) for
the future and with that end Im
view It Is going to use all of. e,7
the money paid la oa labacria-
tlona during the month et May
In buying paper. At prvaawt
price the special rate will mot
quite pay for the paper nsod la
printing your paper tor a year,
but we expect to tea the price
nearly twice what It I today
before there la any change
dowaward. That la why the
monthly uhcrlpUoa rate will
be IB cent after June 1. and
why It Is sure to go higher he-
fore another, year pa.