The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 12, 1920, Image 1

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Wct lEunmn
official pj
Fourteenth Year No. 3919
Price Fiv
s'sbbbbW W .LaW - "
aaaM I bbS goB saaxk.
oJP,",sxsar r F (VCr Kr'&'p
Camping facilities for nutotnolilln
tourists arn sndly needed In Klamath
Kails, wax tlio runroniim of opinion
of members of tlio dullness Mnn'a
association tixprrsaod at lnt night's
meatlng, nd a coinmlttoo wm ap
pointed to InvoitlKutn sites and the
possibility of piirclimo, Tlio tourist
tribe Hint travels by motor will bo
flocklnK to tlio northwest within a
few weeka, memhar doclnred, nnd
more than ever before will have
their camp outfits along, hncauao of
high holi'l rotes nvurywhore
Will llalilwln, M H Weal nnd M
I. Evans worn named on tlio com
tnlttin which will linontlicato sites
for a camp ground
A fund ot 1400, raised recently at
the request of the I'lilti-d Htntra rec
lamation srrvlrn Mntlsllcliin to flu
ance thn tnklnr. of motion picture of
Klamath rounty sceni's, l inallnble
with tho permission of subscribers,
to develop thn camp ground, thn film
project having bpnn abandoned. A
majority of tho subscribers (into ex
preaiod opinion thnt mora good will
be accomplished by diverting tho
money to the auto enmp development
and rxprraied tholr willingness that
the money should bo so usod
Motor Am'ii MciiiIht
J A. Gordon win npHlntod Klam
ath county representative, carrying
the position of honorary vlco presl
dent, of tho Glato Motor nnodMlnn,
recently created organization with
aeadquartors at Cortland, the object
ot which la promotion or co-opera-Mob
among motorliti, securing bet
ter roada, providing mapa and Infor
mation for motorlats, enforcing state
aatomoblle lawa and securing need
ad legislation, promoting ''safety
first" measures both for pedestrian
and driver, among other things.
The organization Is mnklng n state
wide campalKii for members, and
Klamath rounty will Join In tho cam
paign "
Kndnrup HimuI Mt'Anm
The' munsuro empowering tho .Chapman's court )csterdny and
atate to IncrenMo It bonding limit pleaded guilty. Uecauso tho alleged
for rond purposes to 4 por cept of crlmo waa committed on the rcser
tho total assessed valuation, which' ration It Is possible that there will
will be on tho ballot May 21, was en- tin a federal prosecution. Tending
dorsed by tho association. Tho tho decision on tbla point Moody le In
measure moans no Increase In "
tlon as tho revenue from uutomo
biles more limn provides tho nmount
needed, but It would doublo the
mount the state enn set aside for
road uao, and nlso mnko avallablo
Increased federal aid, as lha govern
ment co-opcrntos with tho state In
road building on a nftynfty basis.
Itoso Festival l'lont
The Portland noso Festival com
mlttee haa Invited Klamath Falls to of city funds and the consequent cur
participate In next month's celohra-'taltment of the city police force. Mr.
tlon at Portland, nnd orfurud a plnco l0w will bo paid by the merchants,
In the parado for a Klamath float. woo will maintain the apodal officer
The association roforred tho matter until a new budget Is avallablo In
to the chambor or commerce. I June, 1021, when It la hoped that the
Put Oa Fair llonrtl j city will have been ablo to ralao
Will Baldwin and II N Moo woro'money on0ugli to provide adequate
appointed to ropreacnt tbo assocla- ,,0cnK facilities.
iinn'nn thn Klainuth County Fair
B. T. Luddon, appointed at a re
cent meeting to rocolvo subscriptions
to the fund doniitod to pay tho sal
ary Incrouso of city flromen, reported
that tho monoy had boon raised. It
will tako euro of sulary Increases un
til Juno, 1921.
In I to Ad Clube
E. N. Strong, Portland Insurance
man and prcsldont of tho Portland
Ad club, Informod tho association
that tho ad clubB of tho northwest
planned to Journoy by motor to
Btockton, Cnl., for tho Pacific cooat
meeting the latter port of tho month.
There will be about 2C Portland
cara, 26 Seattle cars and 60 cara
from adjoining towna In tho caravan.
A resolution was adopted extend
ing an Invitation to the 'party to
route their courao through Klamath
Falls 'i on, the roturn trip and telo;
griphio -Invitation was sent lousy. -
:..' ..PiMUM, Express Co
, jtojJjslBlte, report was -received
' FltllB. ' There"wr sonta'dlscua
sloa of the situation and an cxten
sloa of time grantod for tho commit
tea report, '
Troops loyitl to President Car
ninra In Motnmoro awaltod In
their entrenchment! oarly today
far in expected attack from ap
proximately (00 robots who
worn reported lout night to be
2E mites weat of the city.
EAOLH PA88, Tci., May 12.
Pledras Nlegras, the Mexican
garrison town opposite here, waa
aurronderod lait midnight to
ravolutlonlsta. There waa no
The sale of the city park alte on
tho Ewauna lako front, consisting of
approximately three blocks, baa been
consummated, It Is announced, Ack
ley llros., whosa mill alte la adjoin
ing onq edge of thn park alte, being
tho purchasers.
The purchaae price la understood
to have been between 110,000 and
$11,000, being the cost to the city of
the property up to the time of aale.
The money will be used to pur
chase a new and moro aultablo alto
for park purposes. The exact alte
has not been definitely announced.
Haveral are under consideration. Tho
site sold to Ackley ilros. waa undo-
alrnble In the eyes of the municipal
park commission because of Ita bi
section by thn Strahorn railroad,
making It virtually Impractical for
playtjeiad use for children.
George Moody waa arretted by
Sheriff Humphrey near Keno yester
day and la In the city and county jail
charged with tho theft of a horse,
saddle and other property from
Drummer David, as ladlan resident
of Williamson river.
Moody was arraigned Id Justice
C. C. Low has been employed by
the Duslnesa Men'a association aa a
apodal policeman tor patrol the busi
ness district at night from Eighth to
Fourth streets. Thla arrangemont
waa made necessary by the ahortago
The Klamath i county chamber or
commerce rooma on Fifth atrcot, be
tween Main and Klamath, nro now
opon with Capt. O. Ci Applegate,
temporary secretary, Inchargo, Pay
ment ot dues and subscriptions can
now bo mado thero and a permanent
headquartora for transaction of all
business of the chambor will be
Tho hoadquartera of tho Klamath
county Red -Cross chapter wilt also
be molntalnod at tho chamber ot
commerce rooms.
T Cb- upsoUcmb mfwyp hrdlumht
' 'Neil Bennett, accused of. raising a
chock issued by J, J. .Btalgar .from
16.70 to 189. was sestaased' vaster-
r'sy by Judge R.IiV Button' of the
count-, court, sitting 'as a Juvoollp
court to state reform aeaool until hi
drto Tth4L;custc43ar ot Jds Bfrfcitsl
Th:)ftsjWtscotBnsat-s) s)ub
teojuaax fpaa swawnosr -pw,pusiBi
were hare rrom. tneir noma in cnico
to plead for clemency for their son,
whom they assert is only 16 years
old. '
If Klamath Falta wants a regular
old-fashioned Fourth of July cele
bration with plenty of parades, pea
nuts, patriotism and pep, bands, fire
works and all the trimmings, noxt
Friday night at the city hall Is the
time and place to express an opinion.
Naturally everyone la for a celebra
tion. It puts tho town on the "live"
list, attracts visitors, furnishes re
laxation and promotes understand
ing. Ways and maans ot putting It
over will be dlscused Friday night
and bncauso It la a community affair,
the Business Mon's association,
which broached the Idea at last
night's meeting, refused to assume
sny responsibility until the entire
community la consulted.
The mill operators have a big In
terest In tho celebration and they
aro especially Invited to be on hand
Friday evening at S o'clock. Busi
ness and professional men, labor
unions, farmers and cltliens of all
occupations are urgod to turn out
for a discussion of plans, so that the
project may be launched Immediate
ly with the full weight of united sen
timent of Klamath county behind It.
It la not purposed to make the af
fair a Klamath Falls celebration but
a Klamath county celebration and
counsel of residents outside the city
will be most welcome.
Itomember Friday evonlng, Msy
IS, to be on hand at lha city hall to
do your Individual share toward
Inunchlng a project that cannot help
but aucceed.
A rich. gold strike at Hayden Hill
In Lassen county, Cal., Is reported
here. The report Is lacking In de
tail and cannot be confirmed but
Webb Plnneo, one ot the proprietors
ot the Klamath Falls-Susanville
stago line, learned from a passenger
who had been working at Hayden
Hill that a large deposit ot gold
bearing gravel had been uncovered.
The gravel washes freely, it was
stated, running an average ot $10 or
$12 to the pan. The gravel ledge is
said to bo about 12 by 4 feet in area.
There aro two mines on Hayden
Hill, which Is about 20 miles south
of Bleber and 60 north of 8usanvllle,
tbo O ray (loose, operated by the
brothor and brother-in-law ot Mrs.
H. H. Edmonds of this dty, In which
Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds are Intorest
od, and tho Golden Eagle. Mr. Ed
monds has not been Informed of any
unusual developments In the Grsy
Gooso, which has been handicapped
In operations lately by a ahortago ot
Ewauna camp, Woodmen ot the
World, held a successful meeting,
last night.
II. M. Shldler, dolegate
to tho Marshflotd district convention,
May 19, was Instructed to throw tho
wolght ot Ewauna camp In favor of
chango In the Insurance provisions
of the order, now being considered
by the head camp, which would pro
vide that policies become paid up or
have a surrender value after a defi
nite number of years or at a certain
ago limit, also for the Insertion ot a
clause making tho policy payable on
proof ot total disability.
Thero waa a food attendance",, and
several visitors were -present. Ice
croass and cake. refreshed tho gath
artof atUfco' close et.tbei business
,'i i '",i " i'i. 'i' ''
r.POJtT-UND.. May-. CaitJe.
byscih akoop' and buttor,. steady and
Msstesssl. tatsst; MoiU-?trbaa;
aass.;cmso Y . H I U t
T.-..-,,i , w,. ..w .j um-m.
bjiard hf old wttMfo,nYdutA must
be served." Tho veteran Is riding
rings around the younger genera tlon.
ot biko racors
American foreign traders, from
many statoa and from far shores of
several aeas, met at the National
Foreign Trade Convention here to
day to discuss problems In their
light for American trade supri'riacy
and to plan for Improvement ot
America's new merchant marlno and
the Increase of the nation's exports
and Imports.
"Effect of Being a Creditor Na
tion" la the convention theme and
problems encountered on the Pacific
probably predominate In the discus
sions outlined. Session topics In
clude, ''Fundamentals of our For
eign Trado,"' "Foreign Trade Poli
cies," "The Merchant Marine," and
"National Program for Foreign
Trade." One group aesslon will con
alder Russian trade problems. Oth
ers will take up financing and adver
tising foreign trade, transportation
and communication and Imports and
Delegates havo bocn arriving for
days by boat and special trains.
Nearly every delegation baa a pro
gram to present. The Chinese rep
resentatives will urge passage of a
bill, now before congress, authoris
ing Incorporation ot companies In
America for foreign trade. Tbo men
from the Philippines are to urge cre
ation of a rovernment asency with
power to control American shipping
In tho far east. Both these meas
ures, delegates said, would help
Americana In their trade strugglo
with British and Japanese.
,'jaraes A. Farrell. New York, pres
ident of the United States Steel Cor
poration and chairman of fife Na
tional Foreign Trade Council, was to
preside. Speakera scheduled Includ
ed W. C. Redfleld, former socretary
of commerce, Dr. David P. Barrows,
president University ot California,
William Sproule, president Southern
Pacific Railway Co., and W. L.
Saunders, New- York, president
American Manufacturers Export As
sociation. Tho convention, tho seventh ot Its
kind, was called by the National For
eign Trado Council. Sessions will
contlnuo until Saturday. Convention
officials estimated the total registra
tion would reach approximately
'A rousing meeting 'of
men and farmers of this section was
held at the National ball last Sunday
and everybody In and around Malln
attended. The object ot this meet
ing Was to i".d out It thero was suf
ficient demand to get electric power
'" """-" "' ",'" T :::r
ou lu u'"u" """ "" "" "'"""
"uo " """' "."".,
Everybody waa enthusiastic about
such an undertaking, and that a sup
ply ot Malln with Julco was an abso
lute necessity was clearly shown by
the people. Louis Boldlschar was
elected chairman and M. M. Stastny
secretary of the board.
El L. Elliott, A. Kallna and Mr.
McDanlels were appointed to get In
touch with the proper concerns to
find out the exact cost ot installing
tbo plant. Mr. McDanlels was fur
ther ,iutliorlxed to have an expert In
publlopUatsfcomo to Malln, who
will go.ver the grounds, and when
.ready-give an .outline and data ot his
iV --... ... . . ...- .
iaToauauoasl ,aiaa me smouuv oi
aerwMwor. needed, and what' the
cost Cjt'jinstallaWon aid.toperatlon
,WU,Msa'atQ,s M.Mi Stastnwaa ap
ixJlntsxi' to- setumltl?,. meantime
daU n.-AOWvOjuch Ptfyecand'how
saafjyiVtiisaiaii't faijii aThtulnaw of
ttatfttMtw41Ltaa)ai Tbawt-aaab-
iioosw , soil. ,sm iwisbsi "- w-;
tormatlon -needed, Wu b, oar hand
to fet,tho project atarted and have
lights and power here aa soon aa
jj.NTiiti: thai.v cmnv
PORTLAND, May 12. Ro-
sponslblllty for tho collision
hero Sunday with a consoqunnt
loss of nlno lives andjhqjnjury
of V) porxons, vras placed on all
members ot tho crow of tho In
bound" pagncnjier train In a ver
dict returned "early today aftor
an all-night session. Tho cor
onor's Jury, howovcr, navo tbo
dead engineer tbo bcnoflt of tho
doubt when It expressed tho bo
lief that just prior to tho wreck
ho had been rendored either
mentally or physically lncapacl-
Plans for a club building for Leg
Ion tnembors were discussed last
night by Klamath Post, No. 8, and n
building- commltteo consisting of
Perry Do Lap, Garrett Van Riper,
William Ganong, Fred Nicholson and
Keith Ambroso appointed to Investi
gate tho possibilities ot tho project
and carry It out If feasible.
The state legislature recently pro
vided tor the appropriation by
counties ot $10,000 for a building
fund for Legion centers, and tbo
committee will Interview tho local
county court and ascertain tho pos
sibility of securing an appropriation.
The local post Is planning a mom
borsblp campaign fruui May IT to
May 31. A grand ball will bo given
during tho campaign, following tho
close of the Elks carnlal but no def
inite date was set.
Tho Jonnson-for-PrcsJdont county
commltteo, which Is backing tho local
campaign of Senator Hlrara Johnson
of California for tho Republican nom
ination, has called n goncral meeting
of all Johnson supporters at 8 o'clock
this evening In the council chambers
of the dty ball.
The commltteo has formulated a
deflnlto plan or campa1Bu unu
meeting tonight Is for tno purpose
ot dlscusilng ways and means. lor
successfully carrjing it out. All men
nnd women who reallxo tho vital Is-,
sues that hlnso upon tho niingoutlIne(lia reorganisation ot taa i
election and who Deeve mat iiirnin
Johnson Is tho man best fitted to
guide the national destinies In a crlt-
leal period of natlcnal history
urged to lend tho weight ot their
support and counsel by attending to -
night's meeting.
Two speakers ot national fame nro
coming to Klamath Falls before tho
primary, and arrangements must bo
mado for their recoptlon. Other
needs of tho campaign will bo laid
oororo mo mccung unu u tu...m-
teo is urging on ioyai jonnson w
porters to aia in inoir coaaiueranuu.
All residents ot Mills addition are
entitled to mall aervlco by tho rural
carrier, whoso routo goes thru tho
addition, announces PostmnMor W.
A. Dolxoll. This Is now n dally route
and affords the best possible service.
All that Is necessary Is for tho pat
ron to erect n standard U. R. mnll
box on tho street now travolel by the
carrier, ns tho route, cannot be
changod to other streets.
Turn In your order to tho carrlor
or to the p'ostmaster, but first erect
your box with your namo on It. No
service will be given until this Is
done. Those wishing to avail them
selves of this sorvlce are urgod to do
so at once in order that tho boxos
may be properly uumborod by us.
Majr 12 Profiteer, in eggs Would
havo'-.tbair-difficuUics If "all hens-
j t .. ii. i.l ita. wm
on sixrdlffeVenV'da-ys.'an,d52 egfs in
49 days is this extraordinary hen's
carefully authenticated record, tbo
i university announced.
1 " '" '' xosaasaaa
: Lflh U .
amsiBj msjsjBjBv sjgor ggorn m m m
To meet tho demand thatrkassMS.
created by tbo rapid expansion of
tho lumber business In this territory
tbo Lakosldo Lumber compaaybao
1foe,do11, l! bu,,(?11"! lhU c,ty . to
Hncr mill flint tvlll ha ..Mini , mAMA
on tho coast. Tbo plans for thla e
tcrprlse havo been under considera
tion by tbo Lakeside eomDaav
jslnco It entered this field throng I
purchaso of the plant of J. T. OaoUot
& Son. Full investigation rovoalod
tho fact that there was aa srgoai
necessity for such a plant and Mon
day a contract was entered Into be
tween tho company and a mllkhui
machlnory concern for the eomntoi
oqulpmcnt. This will Include a $gt
S. A. Wood & Co. fast speed plaaor
and matcher; one 4x9 S. A. Wood aV
Co. fast speed molder; one Morakftt
band rip saw; ono Mershon band ro
suw; together with all of tho other
machinery anil motors needed to)
creato a plant with a caoaettF o
about 100,000 feet a day.
Tho plant Is to be located M fkt)
two and one-half aero tract osufd
by tho company on Sixth street. Tfcov
slto Is ono of tbo most valaabta tax
.. i . . .
that district, as uis about uav osjsr
ono there that will havo railroad sjaa
ncctlons with both the Soataora Jbx
clflc and Strahorn lines, without i
expcnslvo construction. ttdd
Th initial outlay will bo to"
of $50,000 and this la to bo
to as tho business conditions i
aa It is tho intention ot Uo
to Install an elaborate system ot.4xr
With this, plant under oistaMssajt
wllL,bejDosalbla for luma.tgtfMQsVt
havo their lumber surfaced" for tatv
market, thus saving muck In woitM
and ono handling. In addltioa to)
this work the company will da sV
wholesale manufacturing buslaoasy
which will Include flooring, mold
ings, sash, doors and the like.
Under the contract for tho maoala
ory, delivery haa been gmaraaiaad
within three months. Aa aooa aa taa
plans tor tho building nro comlteoV
,whlca wiu be witWa a faw4aya,aoaV.
. gtructIon ork wn lUrt It to
pcctcd hat tho pUmt w, u u
a(m wUn,n fQur moatBi
. -...,
pan. WM offectftd ,Mt Bfltf g
board of drectori ulug taCraiaot
fr()m throo tQ f,T8 Md otntr j,,,,
ilnaa6 ,n the official peraonnoJ. Aa
nQW C0MtUuled tne oKcera ot taa
(Company ore. Q w Robertson, proa,
deIlt. E, j. Murray and John Slater,
yce presIdent,. j. 0i Brockoabraia.
gooretarjr nnd treasuror; NotoM
nounwoni Benerai manager. Mr.
s,aler( wh) g,nce comnf t0 KlKmtXk
pa,u bog been mantfer ot u, yj,,,.
ath Packlng comHany. will
nger of tho wnoleu departmoat.
Tho road between this city aad AI
goma will bo closed to all tramc tor
tho noxt tno months, thus necessitat
ing tbo resumption of travol over tho
old Fort Klamath or Naylox road
Tho causo for thla change la tho aa
nouncoment by the highway engin
eers that tho crushing plant at Bat?
tlesimko point starts this week, and
It would rondor travel In that vicin
ity hazardous. ,
When ro-opened the road will
bo macadamized between tho Otis
limits and Bartlett springs aad wHl
offer to motorists one of the most do
llghttul trips in this section.
KETCHIKAN, May 12. A-snooJal .
dispatch to tho Chyoniclo txmvJf'
Dunks says that all'-Cusliiiiua)Usjs1sjs'i;V
b'otwoon Fairbanks and..Nannawl'
.. . . wm - ? r I asso. ?
nana,' whfclri bat
count cf tho scourge, reopened
ami an accumulation of butaolstiaf
jbolni; cleaned up by a rodaood toroati
' iV