lit IVU1H TWO AY, KAY 11, 1M0 fHE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON w VJ ! i . 1W Evening Herald - . iMt ljt.tJtltT '1D SOTJLK ' tMaabad daily, anaefct Sunday, by tlMtU Fubllanlng Company ol tSnuaUaXnlla. at Ul Fourth strMt. air ' TMiMwMI at the neetomce aT Klam .rife iruUe, Or., for transmission thru -5 malla M eeeead-class matter. on;.' ,'ri ' haertttlen terme by mall to any fftheueitedsut-: ....,, ( i 1m A eclated Preen. JM jtmT Antedated Preea It exclusively asjITlrl to the un (or republication Italia Mfl-dlspatchee credited to It JfrJSm otherwise credited In thle 1 1 )& Md also local news published All righto of republication or spe- iWHttm nereiu are biio ro- '-4"stjuay7ay ! iw i DESPAIRING SCHOLAR ENTERS MONASTERY JOKI0, April II. (By Mall). 1 1 tit Ikeda, director of the middle i anfeeel af Kara auddealy dUappeared 1a.-tw weeks ace leering a letter stat- lug that ke waa dlaaatUfled with the leomat atata of aaclal affaire and de- ilaimmed la lead a hermit's life. Now uewua Stv dleeevered la a famout aaatarf leading the life jCA'.aak. 'Tkla la ua Incident ahowing the snfnuMd af the social unrest In Japan. Vnn em aatloaal mentality has great- by eneav nidified tlaee the war and Old tt hard to recruit otfleera for both the navy aa wan aa efGelal for the aad consular services, earaers sow appeal more Ji dmeaataei rsiajtaaaatfc Nntanunwweial ew UanaM RHEUMATISM Anyoixe iwho Alffars with this ailment nd. fintit relief' imd " ' cure-in a remedy is - 'very glad to recommend this remedy to others. Many people have used Anti-Uric for-" rheumatism with the very best results and now praise it and recommend it to all who suffer. Mrs. C. P. Jones, 1635 Sacramento St, in San Francisco, is one of these satis fied users of Anti Uric and will tell you all about it if you will communicate with her. For sale by THE STAR DRUG COMPANY vtmf00t0m0A0m00i0iti000W00m0f LEW CODY says 'It takes twenty years for a Bother to make a man of her eon but a pretty Vamp can make a monkey of klm In twenty minutes." At tke Lib erty Wednesday. Women hold a remarkably high (lace among tbe natives of the Mar shall Islands so high, Indeed, that when a mm marries he considers It an honor to be known thereafter by his wife's family name, Instead of giving his own namo to his helpmate In accordance with the eastern of nearly all other lands. ll P-J 1 ML ' 111 II HI 13 Q mmmmaijmmBmBammmmmmImm 'J(V Would you'takfe a chance ana let your best mend teach your fiancee how to kiss on second thought perhaps, you had better aee LEW CODY IN jKT BELOVED CHEATER And solve this question for yourself AT THE LIBERTY Wdnetday, May 12 "SBS? NOTICE OF OVAKDIAXI SAXJB Notice l hereby given that Ik ae fcoidnnco with the order of sale otme County Court of Klamath County, Oeecon. itii imiinHal TtnirrTt Juunwn, aa guaramn k. inajperaaa nMl estate oLOeaa Aaana'Jansaeji, tnaano. wlU fc er.aff .Sntuxdar, June 18. im; aatt tor-eaak,'at art. vnta sale. all internet of said ward In tha foUowlngiaaecrtbud reel area erty; all bids should be mailed to tka undersigned. toP.-yO. BoKlfl, Klam kth rails, Oregon, or presented to him In person at hie-reetdene" In said city. i Leona Anna Janssea'e Interest In thmestat In entirety with' Henry R. Jansssn In the following described ton-acre tract, situated la Klamath County, Oregen: Commencing at tha northwest corner of the) southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section five, township 31 south. rango oast of the Willamette Meri dian: thence south on section line chains; thence eait, at right anglee, on north line of tract deeded to C. 0. Lewis by 0. Loon Lewis and wire, 18.46 chains: thenco north chains. to south lino of northwest quarter of northweit quarter or said sectien: thence west chains to place of Beginning, excepting a square rod -at northwest corner of said tract, bnt including a right of way over n strip one rod wldo to the county roal, the north line of said right of way being Identical with the south llaee of said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter ana lot l or said section, with right of O. A. Milliard and heirs and assigns to maintain gates. Also tbo following described trfct: The Interest of said ward being merely her Inchoate dower right aa wire or tienry k. Janssen In the par eel described aa follews: Beginning ai ma soiiioeasi corner or lot 4 In diock si, Linnville rist, City of Klamath rails, Oregon, and running thenco northerly, on the eastern lines oi iois ana in aaid block, 110 reet: inence westerly, parallel wltk Main street, 22 feet; thenco north erly, at right angles with Main street. SL'V.s,lBel" w"terly, parallel with Main street. 80 feet; thence northerly, at right angles with Main street, to the south line of aald street; thence westerly, along the soutn line or said street. 4 feet: thence at right angles, southerly, 0 reet; thence westorly. parallel with said street, E feet: thenco northerly, i nam bbkics, eu reel to said street; thenco westerly, along tbe south line of said street 21 1-5 feet; theaee southerly, at right angles with aald street, SH feet; thence easterly, paraiiei wiin saia street, z leet: tbenee soutksrly, nt right anglee, io tt reel 10 aorta una of Klamath street; thence naatsrly along nortk Una of aald atmt 111 f sot to tko Maaa ar aoanaaac. Dated at JOaauta Tain, Oreflaa, may iv, iaie. BXNRT R. JAJflMB, Onardlan of Laaaa Aaaa Jsasssa. U-ll'26-l-l --''sfnBBnnn'BsnBssnnssssnnsBBsnBsnnnB II A RESERVOIR OF RESOURCES WIJi JKAT Is tbe relation of tha Federal Reeerve System to ' 3.-a. 3 M"ler Bankn. MobUked and centralised rkuknoo r rJl'. -fwmdu snore oqnltaMe dlstrlbsrtion of funds aeeeasary SJl' ' 0r U,e awvelonnMBt of a country, state, a consnraatt rHi ft 4WJMI tnkl annTnMeWC7o Vr B ' Tne rtrst National Bank's Membership in that lyftem wtB-t e0 " 7 fawtlttttlosi and customers. i Atenma : Rrst National Bank! tgomr no. urt In tka Clrenlt Coart of tko State of Oregon, for tko County 'or Kkua atk. E. W. Roberts, also known na) Elijah W. Roberta. Plaintiff, ) va. Caarlee Rartsoa, atoo known aa) Chan. Harteon and . J. Hurt) son. kht wife: also nil ether per-) sons or parti nanaown. ciainw lag any right, tlUe, mute. Hen,) or Internet la tbe real estate de-) scribed fct tko complaint keretn.) Defendants. To Ckarlea Hartsoa. also known u Chas. Harteon and 8. J. Harteon, his wife, and to all other persons or parties unknown claiming nny rlgkt. utie, mute. Ilea or interest la tke real estate la tke complaint and hereinafter described. IN THE NAME QT THE STATE OF 0REQ0N: Ton nad each aad all of yon are hereby summoned to appear aad newer tbe complaint filed agalast yon la the above entitled salt with In all (6) weeks after tke first pub lication of this Summona la the Evening Herald, a dally newapaper pubUshed at Klamath Falls. Klam ath county, Oregon, and of general circulation In aald County nad State. And you will take notice that If you fall to appear and anawer or otherwise plead within aaid time. tke plaintiff, for want tkareof, will apply to tbe above entitled Court for the relief demanded 'n bis complaint filed la this ault aa follews: For a decree of aald Court remov ing all clouds from the title of the real property herein described, and determining all advsrne claims of the defendants, or any or either of them, or any other persons or par ties therein, and quieting the title of the following described lands la tbe plaintiff hsrein: Lots Fourteen, Fifteen aad 8ls teen In Section Thirty-five also the Northwest Quarter of tbe Southeast Quarter, South Half of the South east Quarter and the Went Half or Section Thirty-six, all la Towuaklp Tkirty-nlne.'Soutk of Range Eleven nnd one half East, of -Willamette meridian, also Lota Eight, Nine, FIN teea and Sixteen of Section Two In Township Forty, South of Range Eleven, East of Willamette Meridian, nad containing I6.l -acres; and declaring said plaintiff to be the absolute owner thereof la fee aim pie, and that defendants, aad each of them, and all otker persona, be forever enjoined and -debarred from asMrtlag any eutmftrbatsoefer la or to aald lands adverse to tka plaintiff keretn. 'and for auek otker or further relief aa to the Court ahall esem meet aad agreeable to equity. ' This Summons Is' published pursu ant to an order or tne nonoraoie D. V. Kuykendall, Judge ef tke above entitled 'Coart, made -on the 2tk day of March, lBI0,aad tbe first publication thereof is made In tha Evening Herald en tke loth day of March, 1M0, and the mat publico tloa 'May, 11, 'lMOv ' JT. H. CARNAHAN, ttoraay tor PlaiUlf. , t TTieMnion Store for the Working Man rH You'll Like This Spirit fJR aim in business is not to sell as much merchan dise as possible but rather to make as many satisfied friends for this store as pos sible. If we do that the sell ing will take care of itself. jL jnmVnmnmnanmmmMSmnmWnVnnmV JnJWli M m'KH PVnmuTl m VnmumBnm Lajsnen a!Aisnmuuuam52sWsmJ I2Em3?unmr mVaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJan mumnmmwl luuwamV CoptlgkC Hill Ikhnliwr tt Mils K. SUGARMAN 1 AINT MAD AT NOBODY" of Hart ScJnaffsvtjr A Man clothes HOOSDIELT ROID OFffittHIH i NEW YORK. May 11 A Room veil :road of remembrance, planted wltk memorial tram from ocean to ocean, would be the greatest of all memorials that could be erected In honor of tke former prealdent, de clared Charles Lathrop Pack, presi dent of tke American Forestry asso ciation, of Wenklagtoa, la an address nt Flusking today. Mr. Pack spoke nt a memorial tree planting In mem orr of Theodore Roosevelt and Qusa tin Reoeevslt. Two wklte oaks that have been registered on tbe aaaocls tlon's honor roll wore dedicated. Via a Room velt road of remem braneo." aald Mn Pack, "every cltl sea of Ue United States would have n part and no finer memorial could be erected than such a ,memorlal highway. Aa never before the United Stat needs n great outstanding las son In for t conservation for thla country today faces one of Its grav est problems; the perpetuation of its greatest natural r ource, the for "Millions are to he spent on Im proved klgkwaya tkat tke producer aad consumer may be brought does together. Let aa beautify these high LEW CODY SAYS "AfkUs you can't remember sol Inn amounts to anvthlnn. Hani tatlon and eugenics never enter mio a wencuu, ioto r, Tke Liberty tomorrow. SQUEEZED T0JEATH Wham tha body begins toatiflisn and naovemopf' luconiai painful k n tMualy MitnlJcatJoo that tha Udoeya ara out of order. Keet) tbeae orfaoa hsmUhy by taking COUKfML alJenUnOj t' wrotianunaanaamBal tJ Tne erestre atsMiid lemeey for nmney.- waant ana one asm troaeies. enweleM. 'Take regularly and ways m tke baodlaf. Let aa k-p the msemga Theodore Roosevelt gave ua alive., Tkat meaaage was that na tional prosperity aad well being la dependent upon a nation's forests. With such n memorial, arousing tko whole nation as It surely would for each would have a part, Theodore Roosevelt would both be honored and would know that his message had been beard." A ClasalBed Ad will sell It. That athletics for women ara tak ing a Arm hold among the coeds of wcitorn college la evidenced by tha fact that nearly COO glrle hare regie tered for all forma of competitive athletics at the University of Oregon. I.BW CODV HAYH "Killing a girl with cold cream on liar face li like taking a drink of this ono-half percent tuff, It lim no pep " At The Liberty Wvilneiday, """BmunnnuBuayxT mnneaaean lnnS Quality in rooting is what gives it resistance to sun and rain the two worst enemies of roofing. Quality in Malthoid is built-in. That's why it lasts so long why it's the cheap est roofing you can buy. No better protection for house, barn, shed, fruit warehouse, shop, garage, etc. Comes in three thicknesses. Ce ment, nails and directions in each roll. Big Basin Lumber Co. ysiian1iMsannbsnasnnaab ARE YOU THE MAN WE'RE LOOKING FOR? A nana well regarded la Klamath County liaa tho opportunity of hie life to secure aa agency for one of Oregon's big corporaUona doiag the largest baelneso la Oregon. Over twenty of our Oregon repress, taeivee averaged more than 98,B00 each last yeoit. gee Mr. Strong nt the Motel BTaH. IMv k p ,7ll V l 4)' h I MJ Mefc. 2M-ll-M7.-n eVWMWAAbesaaaaaauea k sasfflEn3""5 u" aj'jm mm"