The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 11, 1920, Image 1

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bbm-, . .as.gaak ii "' . 'L, a. j -"V-' --.Mansaaastr
PAPKKOP , , .aAmll .A. eu ' - " A a !a. . '- ... BLH .AA.. ..V-A- ' 3 OItWaL VAamaammwaT
Fourteenth Year No. 3)18
Price, Firo OmU
'ing ! uruuui znri urn .irsai
' -""""sBBBMBBwaBwswawaeBSBumBWJsmsusBUSBa' n
4- .
" j.-i i
Comprolinnalvo regulation of trbf-
fir, both motor and other vehicles,
privately owned or opnralod (or hire,
I covcrml by nri ordinance Intro
tt uccil Nt tho meeting of the city
council lust nvonlng. Tho ordlnanco
was read ii ml on motion of Council
man Upt, mIiii said (hut hailo waa In
advliablo whera such goneral Inter
est waa Involved, waa laid ovof until
next nirrtlng, In ardor to ilo the
public lltmi to learn something of
It provisions It will come up again
next Monday night und all porsons ao
desiring can bu on hand to dlscune It
with tb council.
Tim ordlnanco Ii a voluenlnoua
document It specifies rules of tho
road-following tliii Unci laid down by
tho ntutu luw, ruicuUtos tlm parking
of Jitney which nru rulod off Main
atrcot on to Hlxtli and Bovuutb; pro
hlbltii trucka or huary wagons; ompty
or loaded, from traveling' on Main
atroet botweun Brcond add 'Ninth;
snakea 18 yuan Uo age limit for a
drher of motor vehicles; limit speed
to oue mild In four mlnutett -pro
hlblta Incompotent, Incapable1 or In
toxicated drirera from oporatlng can",
and goes Into othar pbssos of tho
altuatlon. Tho penalty for violation
I a flno of not less than W or mora
than (CO, or alternative imprison
ment, or balh (fsc and imprisonment.
Hcucr IUhh Ilia
Ono bid waa received h the Mills
addition 160,735 aewer bond issue.
Tbe Klwood Wiles company offered
f60,IIC for tot bondt, contingent
. upoa tlMlr spproval-saeteeaoroi bat
"provided that 8 per cent of I'M I
should be paid them for their serv
ices In placing the bonda, thua mak
ing their offer actually a trifle over
tt per cent of par value. '
Clark Kendall A Co., of Portland,
submitted mi nffor to iccuio the oplu-
. Ion of Tliorii.tlU.., I'anwi A Dodge
of Nostnn, Mtua., n-roculicd bond
' aulhorltliK. on tho validity of tho
bond, charging 1 per cunt, or
bout $710 for tho service. With
thli opinion In hand tho council will
know whore thuy stand on tho bond
leauo. If the tinndt uro aound they
will bo In a petition to reject unrea
aonable offers; If they nru defective
they will have to nine ml the city
charter aud tnku stiips'to rectify any
errora that may have Invalidated the
Clark. Kendall adlscd against
hsste In disponing of tho securities
and promised that their Investigation
would savu tho city money. Their
letter Indicated a bollef that the bond
market had touched bottom and that
by holding for nwhllo tho city might
get lbs benefit of u rlsu In bond
prices. Tho whole mutter was laid
over until next meeting, when the
bid of tho Elwood, Wiles company
.wllljbe disposed of.
More Ilarn Coniplnlnta
Betltlona to condomn as nuisances
the Frank Aruhl burn In Nichols ad
dition and a barn botweon Ninth and
- Tenth on Lincoln atroet wore received
and referred to tho health board for
report. Doth petitions woro liberally
!' " signed.
- No I'ntliiK I'rotoata
Last night waa tho tlino for re
ceiving romonstiancos against street
Improvements uulhorlxod by tbe
council so far. No protests were
John Karnoss, candidate for tbe
Republican nomination' tor sheriff,
was granted a permit to string po
litical banners across Main atroet. ,
Permits Graatod J
1.x n !! .. aMl A J A t tt VI
- roruiiia wuru iruinu w , -"j
Wstteaburg, contractor to hsiid,
oas-slory brick- and concrete "build
ing en lots 7 snd 8, original town,
78 -by ,108 feet, the Collier-Moore
.building on Main, cost 828,000; a
oas-story tile and brlek building on
I cvise--bloc iu osJgttul,tswiv
' ..?r hv?W4ttjbUnioMAal
HJrffsttsjt .eosjt $MH avMa1M.
sasaHiioa; s-t'
dsse as let K. btock,'8, qcUrku t
'sad' a 89,000 residence on lbt2,
Wod'k-r, original. town. ''
Otter permits were R.' H. Rot's,, lot i,V block 49,
'Nichols addition, coat 8500; J. E.
Dsarlng, addition to house, cost 8 200;
J, B. Swanson, rubbish burnor on root
EL PADO. May ll.Atifl.
tla of Carranta roroa Jb. to
Tamplco region. wBlch'ltaalf-Jr
In rebel hands, Uveattsktg (
United Btatea government con-
4 alderablo concern, aocordlng to
'a dispatch from agents of ta
4 Mexican revolutions at Wash-
Inglon to revolutionists here.
, i
UNDATED (Ily -Associated
Press) While advlcea comlag
through from Mexico on the
revolutionary altuatlon are frag- 4
montary and conflicting, they 4
cast considerable doubt oi nv
porta that Carranta baa Nan
hiade prisoner. 4
Supportera of lllraaa Johnson, Cal
ifornia senator, for the Kapabllcan
presidential nomination, will bold s
moetlng tomorrow. '(Wednesday)
night at a o'clock 'st.tha city hall-to
discuss' ways and insane for promot
ing the campaign for their candidate
In tbla community. Tbla waa decided
last night at a meeting of the sx
ecutlvs commutes of tbs Klamath
county Jobnaon-for-Prosldsnt elitb.
All loyal supporters of Johassm
are urged to be present by tbs com?
mlltee member wbo havs mapped
out a'plan of campaign that tbey da
sirs to aubmlt to tbs approval, pf
ftVry voter tar Klamath' county who
atacerelr bsUstes that "it U .to tbs
gene'ral lat'arest of tbe common peo
ple or America 10 eiect mram joam
f UsMt
"As cbamfloi of all.tkoss e:
to tbs unrlghtsoas oppreseloa et tb
wesksr peoples of tbs earth, u
champion of eqsol rights for srary
cltlisn of hs Unltsd Btstea," declared
dordon Mlftllni chairman of tho
Johnson county commutes todsy,
"mo bcllcvo that Senator Jobnsoa ds
aorvca tho undivided support of
Klamath county, and In the nextf10
daa we will bend every effort to
crystallise that aupport. Tomorrow
night's mooting la the first atep and
wo hope to have all friends of the
Johnson csuss present.
"Senator Johnson stsnds ss ths
strongest bulwark we know today
between tho Pacltte coaat and Japan
ese domination. He stands for jus
tice to sit, Is fearlessly sgalnst spe
cial privilege snd we Invite every
men and woman to whom ths elec
tion of Johnson Is a mattsr of vltsl
pressing moment to lend their aid
and counsel tomorrow nlgbt In our
efforts to carry Klamath county by a
decided majority tor the candidate of
our common choice."
Local radio enthustaata held a
moetlng lat night and organised the
Crator Lake Radio club. Tbe fol
lowing offleere were elected: L.,8;
Horton, president; W. T.Vale, sec
retary, and C E. Ritchie, treasurer.
Ths nest meeting will be held to
morow evening, May 12, at ,123.
north F6urtb street at 7: SO o'clock
and all radio enthusiasts will be wel
Directors of tbe Upper Van Brim
mer Drainage district, rocently or
ganised, through tbslr sttorney, R:
O. Oroesbsck, have esked tbs circuit
"court to confirm all proceedings so
far .taken In' the formation vof ths dis
trict. The county court Ju 'passed upff.
the proceedings and ratlSad them.. ,
Hon. coaY'll.'eAo:1
1 tJ. M; Nichbl wss'gTsnted permit
toicou'duct; awoflrro'aWnV c4hUr
nouss st'ei-iuam8wvsous;oBrsi
Blanssr to' eondiiptUreadeiorst at
1032-1034 Main; Deer Hssd grill, to
Install olectrlo sgln. ', 'r . J
in rear ox buildiacat iiaiaiBw ajs. smsosm irasu. , .k- t k; -saejsmBmVBBaaaaxaraattaaiaasJ8l
nawaat laarstflBaeauawSBBBTBmmma. tt iSvmiH-L ,. K I - - axm 0ae4 wr
unsaK-Ma sxaalBjgafimsjBj UllwsVtfJsMBjBJBUBjeBBflSB
jj.i,:i,.jULji' .' ... .mamaumitaammamtmtiwrTyw-n-rr ir--r-ir
ssr aawmaaBBmaeamsBwaam , w-JujMipsn .emiiw ii i ) iisagmamsa, meaashiatisar;iir
nania.-.M jj. .iissa: J. insw&amu 'TlorsuBaaam:.-lammBv.smaBafsaassx
ni-i' JI.:-.2vl -i-j.?i. 1-A.Ii
Orlt and sandnot the sor) that
most folks associste wkb awntion
of mortar and camsit. but thi dur
able stuff that Is pari of tht Mksup
of men who attain 'sucass m
sponsible for the one fousjstory
Panama ai ivi. mmu rnnw, pour
Tenth, which will bo opeaed tho' last
of this week ss aat up-to-date hotel.
Connected with the hfMli w a
atory of three brothsrs. foretfl ham
but ths best soft of Ams"risajja,hew,
and .svery sets a totef, whf with
small capital fsmsd-by tt years 9t
pick swinging aad Us Umptaj'f
the Sontbern I'ajtle railway, sjtartad
a big enterprise. ,
-wTbe.Bsen, who own. tho tspdiag
are CbrUt BUnas .and hla brothsrs
George sod Nlck.MHeramv hacked
their faith In Klamath FHlr on
Invsatmsat of 88S.Q00 ta tht build
ing' slons and whsn It Is fUy laravj
tahed tbey win nave-aoaea aoase
lio'ooo'moro to their lavsstajfsjk..'
Work'on Us structure starts W
October. The brleklayers' said thsir
work wonld bo done la sUty days.
fhortago of material. aajspered-MS)-structlon
and It wee February- boisrs
tbo lost brick was laid. Dotay asfsat
jess of moasy, tbeUe-up et oajittal
fast was all too'meagsr-at tbs best
aad the atralalag of credit to tho
AiwaklngtpoMtT&a couracs of tho
brothsrs did not witsr aaa as a jsw
weeks ths rsturas oa Us lavsaiaasat.
I will, start aad frost ,
FtHsVs'll be clear salUa- Cckroffo
and pstalstoaea et Ua sort isajsaesd
ou ,vwiiirj?)"
a losauai Toasasw aaa wm cw vr-
eat'demaad tor ties aooee
aaIUo UK-lMlhet aavrerto star
ooasldsrsd ths'SstsassUot awalU
Ihoia U aaaosUoasMo, -
They bat UeYsedo doUror
large reesss. oeetVoao aa utsldo
rooaf.irith eai '. hraad
asw furniture,". buUt la warixobes.
hot aad cold water aad'stssm hsat
In over rooss, two.baU-roems oo(
each floor aad a shower oa Ue seen
ond floor. 'About 30 ot Us rooms
will be ready by the end ot the
The whole building will be-Utilised
for' hotel purposes. wlU a lobby
and odes on tho first floor. Mrs.
Oeorgs Howell, et Merrill, hss been
employed ae-manager. Prices will
be within the reach -of all. but the
service rendered will be tt for tho
most -exacting, wboss requirements
do not extend Into the realm of frip
pery and' luxury.
Each room will bo turnlebed wlU
a bsevy metal bed., resllsnt coll
springs, aid thick oomforUblo mat
tresses, the majority silk floss, with
a dresser, "rocker 'aad' leather-bottomed
straight htr. There has
been no skimping, no fslss economy
furniture. - "
It is ths dsstre.of Ue owners to
appeal to no particular class.' Tbsy
furnish clean, modem, accommoda
tions, and expect -the patronage of
all.' - ' '
"Thsre Is only oao thing wo will
aot tolerate," sild.Mr. Blaaao to.
dsy, 'and Uat is any rough or u
becoming conduct. I am aa Amsrlr
can cltlisn. This ,hoUJ will bo eon
dusted along Uo 'best ,'Amsriaa
lines, I have staked' Ue ' earning i)f
decade of, hard work; oa the future
ot Klamath ralU.aad'.mtgaged.ssjr
future also.aa'd) will aot allow any
patron of 'Uls hotel eppordlsatha-.
suceees uat i,avs atnvsa to aara
.. K
t- .-
ew ww
PORTLANt). Jsar 11. Maw ComV
.A,, 'Pdaah.j.aaaletj; editor .of .Ue
grtfofssa, ejeeo"7. wuay.
BlattuloUglVot-Wajlair's wrocs?'wf
Uta reuUa'UnmV?v7hi
diaaon VaU- yahmhjMf v wrgwd-.U
aiteadi aad-jJoUMaa; dUstosloa of
lag disposal. " " ' (
When the voters of tbo state
passsd a msasure In the spring of
3919 to glvs svsry discharged sol
dier, sailor or morlns a bonus of 926
per month for four year, while he
waa attending school, ths, voters thus
stamped Uslr approval on- higher
education and at tbe same time urged
htl sx-ssrrlos men to go to school. A
situation bow exists -whsrs It may be
issary to shut tbe doors on thess
servlcs msn, whose cause tbe voters
so gloriously champlonsd.
Should tbs mlllage bill 310.(X)
yea fall to pass on'Msy 21 It .would
bo necessary to shut Uo door of our
stats Institutions .oa more Una 1,000
young man and womsn. Many of
Uls number would be ex-service men
practically every American Legion
post In Orsgon has. passed resolu
tions snpporlldf'the mlllage bill and
urging tbs voters to. corns out la
fores on tyysi and savs Ua hlgbsr
Inetitatioaslot learning In Oregon.
, Many '.easiness orgaaixatloas, ''not
eommorcialclubs, have also stamped
their, approval on iho mlllage 'hill.
Amoag-anch organisations might be
mentioned the Klwanle club ot Port-
lead, the Klwanls club ot Eugene,
Lths Portlsnd Ad club, 'ths Salsm
Salesman's club, tbsv Union County
A stab, ths Stale Taxpayers' league,
jhe msoat Retail 'fcgerchants' aw-
cuuoa, see urecoa,.i,iswpapr :oa
feesass.VUs'Bt. PSuli Oregon Ocm-
nsajltr.elBb., , ; " ' 1
1 Farmsra.of Ue;sUto'ars.slsoral
lylai 'to'-iho mlllage bltr aad nrglsig
Ue. passaae ot 319 (X) yes.- Tho
follewing: grsagss Jus ve passed raoo
,tloasiJulon. supporting the higher educa-
uoaa-tas: maaauro:, nujtaoman-i'o-moaavasBgs
Uneola.,Coanty 'Po
mona grange, ,Polk County Pomona
graage. Oregon Dalry'counell, Sum
mit -fraafo number 433, Eastsra
Orejoa CatUo Psedsrs' convention.
iBisutlfo heard otUe Umatilla eona
ty farm bureau, the Lenta grange, the
Plymouth Community dub, the Fruit-u.t-
r. '.-...' .v.
ecutlvs committee of the farm bureau
of Klamath county, the Murphey
grange of Murphey, Oregon.
Klamalh Post -No. 8, will hold s
regular, tneotng. tonight at the city,
hall at 8 o'clock. Among other
basinets to be discussed is Ue mat.
tsr of taking advantage of tbe 1920
legislative act empowering .Oregon
counties to appropriate-amounts up
to $10,000 for the purpose of financ
ing 'suitable buildings,, to . house
Legion dub room's. ,
Klamath Post nhos been tsklng
quiet aetlos on the .matter aad
brought It to a point were It ap-
peara wai some asiinuo sciian may
be taken. "AH Legion men are re
quested to' 'be on bead tonight to
Jola In'Ue general, counsel. .
. i.. '
':. Ewauaa Camp, W. O. W., will hold'
a regular meeting tonight at! tbe
lodge room'sln the west hall of tbe
I. O. O, tl building. Visiting neigh
bors art rnvitsd. oa account or ue
district meeting at -Marshtlsld, May
I9i all focal members ire urged to ho
prsssaTand'let delegates 'to tbo coa-
veaiioa ynow waai'aiwauna camp te
delng.Ths foliowlac meeting, U wo
woeks from toalcht,"ls, tbs camp'a
atetKa''fis;'ht aad preliminary, dlt
cussJoa of plans wimiark;ionlght'a
iaeacls- ' '- . . u
; .JUfreshmeat. W- follow-; Use
merbeQom.oar FTHhatreet butk of
jIMt tP"4HP"tww ( fc
-A'WMMorB) fWayalh,parUltofc'Us.
i .. ... . .... ,j fc-.iina lw.i
pfWSflwy x f www'T-"- V.'V
sunpmaswgemaunooi-oieeiea. i t,,
Tho. the, chapter srs
ehossa bUs exeeutive committee.
WASHINaTON," May 11--A
' countor ebargo thai tho estah-
llshmont ot tbe North sea mine
barrago was delayod six months
because of tho opposition of 4
Rear Admiral 81ms and tho Drlt-
Ish admiralty waa mado before
tho senate Investigating com- 4
mlttco by Socretary Daniels to-
Tho barrage, Daniels said,
was tho meat effectlvo measure
taken o check submarines and
waa entirely an American Idoa.
, Oround was broken yesterday for
tbe Brett-Ward building that la to be
erected at Uo norUwost corcor of
Seventh and Main streets. The
structure Is to be one-story, will Be
of steel, concrete, tile and plate glass
and will be equal In every' way to
Ue several fins business" strnctures
now being erected In tne business
ssetloa of tbe city. v -J
The etructuro will bs sixty-five hr-l
slxty-flve fset. Tho storeroom wtH'
be Undivided, nil of It having beea
rented 'for a blllard and pool room
and is to be equipped lfc'a very elab
orate, manner.
Wrgft Uat Inimitable wit that made
far him so many. J friends in Uls
eonnty, Tbad.r G. McHaHsn londod"
aaala la KlamaU Falls SandaralaV
aftsr aa absence of nearly a eaf.
During 'tbat"t7nie Mrf McIIattan Ma
lted Columbia, tbe Barbadocs, Mar
tinique and other ot Ue South Sea
Islands, British Guiana, tbe eastern
atafca and Canada. It Is In tolling
ot his experiences during bis sojourn
In the countries of the south that he
Is most Interesting, and The Herald
Is not going to spoil Ue "Dearest
Public" letters thst Mr. McHattan Is
going to write for this psper and In
which, ha will tell his friends ot his
travels ft the south.
His Mr. McHattan's Intentipn to
re-enter business In this ctty, but
what line or when ho has not decided.
A candidate;' rally and box supper
will be' held next Tuesday. May 18,
at the Mt. Lakl church at 8 o'clock
p. m. There will be no auction of
supper boxes, each box selling for
31.00 each. Coffee will bo served by
the ladles! the district.
Candidates ofsll parties are In
vited to, bo present aud will he af
forded on opportunity to speak In
behalf of their campaign. .
Professor Reed ot the Oregon Ag
ricultural college will speak in sup
port of the 1.28 mlllage tax for high
er educational purposes.
The rally. Is under tho auspices ot
the Mt. .Lakl .improvement society.
Tbe proceeds are' to be used tor pay
ment ' on the piano recently pur
shoes offered -for sale would have
stamped "oh thorn the price paid by
the retailer under the provisions ot
a bill Introduced In the senate by
Senator Charles:; McNsry, ,ot Ore-.
marking Ue shoes with the name
and address, of Ue manufacturer, ,
4 ''It 'the o'ustomsr Is offered a paJr
ot. shoss.AfOr'818, whle.lw 'can see
cost Ue dealer only -3 8, U -will be bis
Own fault it -he-makes himself a
Tlctlm"ftih'e"p?oflteer by buyin3
laem,"said Ssnator McNary,
fspuJC- alaartmnosa dcest:
-Bss Onllastaii liei m vn.'
gamer asaaot JCarlaTclalrnuKx
of a senate BUb-commluoe Inrostl-
gating the Jilgh prices ot shoes and
ItaphtJV-; .t.-r !; "." - " '
I inMr-Qoix.' siai Tl'JLwnilam
PAfiftmBa ..
i.l. ' ; r"' ' -r-r-ii
tan Hpwellr, famous, novelist, dlecUhaw Ion bts-Mke weuM'ba
here today. ,
John Davis, WlllsmsUe vslssy pt.'
neer In tbo mint growing iBJastry.
left this morning fpr Ban Fraasisee
aftor looking over tbe possibilities of
tho local field. "
Mr. Davis has been lareatsfatlag?
Klamath mint land for many months
and Is enthusiastic over the mlat
producing future of Klamstb oouary.
He will return Thursdsy.aUd hegta
preparing several hundred aorta of
tbe Stevenson rsnch on tho
of tho Upper Lake for' ii
planting. i
He has also arranged for sVkCg
curslon of Willamette valley1.
growers to vls'lt tbe local ten Mary la
tbe near future, possibly tho? lest
week in May or the first la Juno.
L. Jacobs stated today Uat' he will
start at. onco preparing a largo' aero
age ot his tule holdings areuaA'MM-
land for planting, snd prsdle
It will bo but a' year or. two
Klamath countyrrtll bo U4
tenter of the United Stateo. Mu
Tbe mint israroC 3.
and Jimmy WatkJsat'at
is a beautiful sight now;
those wbo have eeea-K.
scree ef plsnta'have
of six or eight laches aaa
mske a big crop this year.
l.We see Tbad MiWafeaa1
JV - Si .. L.. t - r A.J' , ) '.t
counienancs iigaiiaa nr asigskmvsasj r
oaca more.. We have aat had aha-i
pleasure-ot shaking hla hand
he returned, neither do wa. '
where the prqdlgsl spent alt
slnco his departure from bate.'
hsps It's Just aa welL Rumor aaa .ft
however that Tbad waa down ta Uo
South Soa Islands amoas tho eaT
ages; probably prospeettag; i Mr
pearl for some other sort Of awsaa.
We lmsglne thst Tbad would " rttal
quite at home there, ao matter haw
savage the savagee ware asThad It
some shrage himself. Anyhow'. Wfro
glnd to see him bock. There It aaa
Icfson that all of us can ;takV frets
Thad snd that Is this: It tatta
nothing 1o smile even; If J one haatt
a dlmo Ib bis poekst. it dttai'C hart
to smile aaykbw. It Thad-tfro a
grouch, no one would give a hoop K
he ever camo back or not; at It It
everyone Is glad to see blm. Keep It
MP Thsd. .
Incldentlally, while wa are talking
ot smiles we render Just what-Uat
Wells Fargo iiptyho came up hart
to better the atrrtte dldT- latorssa
tlon on this point "gratefully reserv
ed. We would like to pntiUB with
the present service and sisU(' smile
(it possible). But somstlmea our
patience Is tried pretty hard aa It'a
an nwtul "Tob" to keep In good
humor. However here's hoplng.Uefc
we get bettor' service In the future.
This city demanda it. Ws'havo
grown past the stage whore any oat
"jo'rse express service will go,
That Los Angeles -'Bluebeard had
some nerve to Uk'eemaaF
wives as he did. Some peopla aever
seem to get any seasev But shat wa
would like b know U just haw oald
Dluebeard got away with ifi Aad
now It seems he's trying to heat the
murder charge by a plea ot kasaalty.
We hear nothing ot'the)i
these days, ..Wpndsr'lt Uat
pile Is all sawed up. u,
Import thai1 geatlemak tot
FalU for awhile to.thwxbi
timber playing out -art J
Besides we might snowf
wrinkles' In Ue aobls'
:MJ i
muri in tka
k tjo 't
occupation ot losglntv;
that he would have had
breed ' inssaeinixxinlngii;
i-toaquest.-i,rj; ". trW
t i V r . maammV,V
b t vrht't - 'j
- rf' -r u --T-i
AlUothsah, makes UM
invTii fav V,
in Klamath Falls.
i emajHpSBsMta)
srj' tttrn.-
arttCehop. -
tmuums. Mm -usaao-
Isiiiisat samjatsmsaMA j.iw.
hytii'Miiipi I fa
seaBBm'a -''-
JMWkt4 '
IB -
.,i At