MONDAY, MAT !, tl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAQB EIGHT 'DUXBAK'' and "KAMP-IT" i. OUTING WEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN tt ft ( ( il . ! DUXBAK AND KAMP-IT OUTING WEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN NOW ARRIVING AT K. K. K. STORE EXCLU SIVE AGENTS NEW STYLES IN KHAKI, WOOL SERGE, CORDUROYS IN ALL THE MOST USED STYLES IN COATS, RIDING BREECHES, HICKING BREECHES, SKIRTS, SHIRTS, LEGGINGS, PUTTEES, 'HATS, ETC JUST THE CLOTHES FOR YOUR OUTING, AUTO, FISHING AND HUNTING TRIPSSEE THE LINE AT KKK STORE -Leading Clothiers and Hatters t .s SHOE SPECIAL THIS WEEK MEN'S FINE DRESS AND BUSINESS SHOES TANS. AND BLACKS LACE AND BUTTON SPECIAL PRICE OF:. Jt . tIT00 t PERSONAL MENTION I o X. T Zclglcr, veteran-' driller and Jt well eipert, accompanied by Herbert Barry; left thla morning by anto far Fallon. -Nov.. from, where tta latest oil discovery l replied, i Tier arc provided with a camping oatflt. - Jin and Mrs. T. II. Foley of Bend ant tit Klamath. Falls today en route to Pa.adjna, Calif., for a summer va cttlon. Mr. Foler Is manager of Toe Dead Light A Vatcr company. Bn iay that Bend is sharing tlio day In town shopping and on bus laess. I Mrs. D. Harrington and Miss Christine Davlsoa, accompanied by tbelr mother, Mrs. Ella Carr and David Wordcn, motored to Cbllo quln yesterday, to apend the day with their brother. Earl Davison. Mrs. Josjo Bailor left last week for a visit of two weeks with her daughter. Miss Lucille Sherman, who Is attending school In' Tort' land. Mrs. U D. Sutton of Midland un derwent a serious operation yes terday nt the Warren Hunt hospital and will be confined to the inttltu general prosperity to a high degree! Pa for lwo or lhrea woeW,. and crowing. by leaps and bounds, ifrs. Pc,rcy Evans returned Sat urday, night from- Berkeley, whoro iHt! was called sis frocks ago hy e lllncis of her sister, Mrs. Mjrta 3fnddoi, who, pas nod away about a O. A. Slearns Is laying the foun dation for a four-room houre at tliu corner of Second and Jefferson streets, J. H Knapp, special agent for the Fidelity and Guaranty company of week ago., Death wasj'cause.l from. Baltimore, und who is making n trip a Hcrroua breakdown. Mrs. i:van,( throughout Oregon looking over the -a, .u .aV17 q, ncures oj territory with a view of making any lends Jn tho Joss of hor slrter j needed Improvements, Is in tho city Mrs E, KocksQ Olcne, spent thn calling on tbo local offlco hero. He WWMWiWWWWWWMtWWWWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWW ' MONulUF &t w a- ; f & mm t ; THEATRE Mary Pickford in BEHIND THE SCENES" A Paramount Picture B MM PRAISES CiTY "Klamath Falls looks mighty good to me. Yuu arc duinR moro building than any city in Oregon oaisldo of Portluud, except Anuria," said B. N. tit rung, nrslatar.t mnnaccr of Oregon I.Uo lntturancu company, who la pay iiik u Visit to this city. 9 'I nnto a wonderful rhango since .11 l.w.t vmii li. tiio l.til wlun as a homo ftl Yraka to Join her htisbaud j member of tho d. I Al nn of the la accompanied hy Mrs. Knapp who Is much delighted with this section of the northwest. J D. McCarthy, who has boon in the city for. the past two weeks In the interests of the Burroughs Ad ding Machine company., will leave In ibo morning for Sacramento. While hero Mr. McCarthy made arrange mnt for a speed contest to take plaeo among tho employes of the banks in this city. The contest wilt take place sometimo In June nnd tho winner will be presented with a lov ing cup by the firm. Mrs. U. H. Edmonds mid two chil dren have arrived fiom her .'orni'ir ho Ik connected with the iitdillo Mountain Lumbor company. They will makn their home at .U Eighth street. Mr. and Mrs, Everett Hardenbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Tm-il, Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank B:yant, a. W., Ernest and Fred Nltchelm went to tbo lava beds Saturday returning last night and thoy report an enjoyable and In teresting trip. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Lorenz and daughter returned Saturday night from soveral weeks In California points. , She eevld bavo (bo mere abe had utrnjcxled and fought for, or aba could bare love. Sbo cosUdat take bothf it was one or the other. Cone to aee the plctare and dedde" wbetlier she did right la rejectiag. Abo, THE BETRAYAL OF MAGGIE" Good Two-Reel Comedy t i MMrWAMAArVMMWVMMVMWV) "isJvvvyyyyrvvvvyvvrijvvirvt Star Theatre " - - - -r--rrinrLrirLnruanj-1 mamxrr standard productions TJCRUILUOKR PATRICK, PROPS. --- v VfYvyvviVviVsvvvsjvyuvxrwv TODAY Elsie Janis in THE IMP" "DAMES AND DENTISTS" f Bif V 2-reeI comedy - V ,r- Ui i TOMORROW ' Ckifi Riy i- 'THE HICK" v JWllieJlurk. in "SADIE. LOVE" t-i PHOTO-PUYEJl - FOR UBEHTY H. ff, Peel got back from San PPranclieo Saturday evening. While mere no pnrcnaaea an American Photo-Player that gives oil the ef fect of a full orchestra. It can bo played Ubar mechanically with rolls or by am Individual operator. The Instrument will be here In. three or four daya and wilt be Immediate ly installed. Mr. Poolt also let the contract for the big organ that Is to be usod In the saw Ljborty Theater when his bqjldlng la erected. It will tako about six mpntha to secure delivery on the organ. Many .special featuro films wore Also booked on the trip. In fact so many big pictures wero secured that Mr. Poole says It will be nocessary to show aotn of them during the week,' in addition to those shown on Saturda and Sunday. While Harry was absent entirely on buslneM and did a lot of It, bo was not top busy to tako a brief look around. He says they've taken aj the frisk out of Frisco. WaUTKER REPORT Oregon TonlBbt and Tuesday fair, colder in the oast; heavy frost in morning, westerly winds. j AT THE THEATERS f The Inimitable, Mary Pickford has a delightful characterization, that g,f an 'actress' In the Paramount drama of theatric Jl lire. ."Behind the n$eno," by Margaret;, Mayo, which will be shown at the Mondale Tho atre tonight. I'ortlauit Ch.ii.i..T of i oiimii'rco wo wero so .royally entertained by tho cltuvO of lu.t el,. "Juat beforu luivlng Portland I heard favorable rumorn regarding tbn utciilcm of lln mllroJd south Of Build. It Is alleged tint roads have como to an agreement and it Is said tho O. W. & It. N. will pull up their tracks up tho Deschutes canyon. 1 also understand financial Interests In Portland bavo promised anststanco If tho roads will uso this equipment In extending tho road south of Bend. "In my eleven years travol over tho state I have nover seen such uni versal prosperity. Our buslncea has beon phenomenal. .In' 1919 wo wrote more than ,660,OU0 worth of la aurance In Oregon which again puts us In the lead In thla state by a large margin. So far hi 1910 wo have ex ceeded our wonderful record of 1919 and I aee no Immediate let-up la bualnesa of atl kinds. We Invest all our funds In Orogon except Lib erty bonds, putting money back Into tho community where we get it." Mr. Strong la here to make a new agency connection for his company. Mr. Nepveu, former district manager here to connected with the company in Portland, having beon advlsfd to remain In a lower altitude on ac count of Mrs. Nepveu's health. Mr. Strong la staying at tho Hotel .Hall while In the city. FOR RENT A small cabin, furnish ed. Inquire 1438 Fremont and Dolores, Hot Bprlngs. 10 FOR 8ALB IIOUHKH ll-room, doe In, I6&0U, easy term. 10-rooms, 4 unfinished. G500 g-room, close In, I4&00. 7-room. partly fnrolh"1( 14100. room, now, only 14100. 6-rnom, nice location, 13800. C-room, very easy terms, 12150. 4-mom, on paved street, $7 GOO, 4-rootu, good by at $1700. Bomo terms can bo arranged on all of tho abovo. ALSO Beautiful 40x10c to alloy lot nn 9th Kt $1200. This Is tho only va cant lot mi !ttN Kt. fur sale, J. T. WARD m, US North 7th Street. 10 O. K. H. MCICTINU FOR H.M.K REAL KHTVTK Fine ISO acre ranch, no better soil In rounty, nit fenced, all under irri gation except about C acres where buildings are located 05 acre al falfa, &0 acres plowed, 4 -room plast ered houmt, good barn, double gran ary, 3 good wnlU Come In and let us tell you about It The price Is on ly $U0 an nens trm J. T. WARD O)., IIS North 7th Street. 10.11 FOIt HAI.K quality nno.l Potatoes. Call Waters and Crane Hunch, phono 19F1S. 10-1S FOll HAI.K Groom modern house, Hoi Hprlngs addition, furnished or iinfurnlshiMl. Iloaaouable terras to right party. I'liono 23011. 10-14 micro will bo a rogular meeting of i Alohn Clinptur, O. K. H.. Tuesday nvniilng, May 11, 1920, nt ft 00 p in l Initiation Visitors wilromi EFFIB H. CIIASTA1N, W M 10-11 ALFALFA FOIt BALK, d tons, 9 miles from Klnmntli Falls, By ton or stack; price right. For par titulars address 1) J I'urkett, Krno, ,Oro. 10-12 W. O. W. ATTENTION lingular meeting tomorrow 4Tuee- . duy) night, west hall I. O O. F. ! building. Feed follows meeting. All FOB HAI.I-; fi-room house, larro memlwrs urged to attend. We need lot, good garden, nice lawn, gar-1 your counsel on Important affair ago and 'Wood shed, noar paved street. 961 Hose St. Price $2400. Bee owner for terms. 10-16 FOR SALE Household furniture; bed, dresser, table, chairs, stove, etc. Inquire 82S Mt. Whitney St. 1011 A Classified Ad will sell It, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 0V&VWmAA00m00000l FOR 8ALH One C-room furnished house, lot 40x140, price $1600 on terms or $2, 000 cash. One C-room modern bungalow, furnished, price $3760 or unfurnish ed 13600. ' ALSO Several good residence lots, In good locations. ALSO , Farnm of all sizes and prices. "4h MRM. NATE OTTERIIKIN 917 Klamath Ave. v Phono 461 Klamath Fall 10-11 FOB BALE or wilt rent to roliablo party,. now four room houw. 1447 Worden Ave. 10 FOR SALE Bocond hand utovo; good usod dln'ng tulilo; two chairs. Inquiro 934 Ninth St, 10-11 NOTICM , I wish to, fbank each and every one that waarso klnd..and willing to gtfv a hand 'In helping to save my tore in the Are on the morning of May 6th. There waa great and noble work doae by each and every one, and too much praise cannot be said of the Merrill Are department. Thanking you all once again, I re main very truly yours. THE WHITE HOUSE R. H. Andercon, Prop. 10-13 pending. Visiting 'neighbors wol- come. By order the counsul-com-mandor. (?. K. BnANDENUltnn, 10-11 Secretary. AA00WWWWWWWWW WONDERFUL A. Oaaavrr. Havni one gallon la very threw or money bark guarantee Found at 806 Mala Ht. W. H. ROSS mA00000WWwwWWW LqrT'-lfnlted 8lito Cord TIm with v rim. Blzo 84-4. Itefum to 639 .Almoda. . Reward, 'TT4T"rr 10-12 f Z1TT i i ' ' i li . i FOR SALE1 Willow baby buggy, as good as bow, 961 Jloso St. 10-16 LIBERTY THEATRE THE PICK OF TnK PICTURES AND A NEW ONE KVERk DAY i-n-i i.'iri.n.aaaanj--Lnjr.nj.TjTjLr II. W. POOLE, Owner HARRY COREL, Musical Director TONIGHT A "DIFFERENT" PROGRAM "OUTLAWS OF THE DEEP" A thrilling story from the official records of William J. Flynn, Chief of the U. S. Secret Service, and THE AMERICAN WAY" , A comedy-drama starring Dorothy Green TUESDAY " Sparkling Margarita Fi.her "CHARGE IT TO ME" in COMING "THE BELOVED CHEATER" MATINEE EVERY DAY , t jjTTwv fW P i-im ' '"