- fl MOXTtAY, MAT 19, lgeM PAok MX1 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MAY0E TMAT'jr WHVhT) My pop He iflfl THC MAN WHO 7ai7 HAD him giwn uu( iiu ir 1 1. it JAV. M6J" I066CAR6FUI TO HM. Clartck Kids Once Leopard Had One and He Broke Out in Spots ' Bir 3M r ANiiW I in or rAofent ) 4era 'S9 v: W r asssWr B W wl PERCY L. CROSBY Qt'U.tiCnmmffimH spop! Chaatauqaa days are Jat ahead. They provide for yon and year family a week aupremoly worth while In every respect. Noted lecturers, musicians and entertainer Hag te you a als daya' program of Elltsoa-Walte quality whose value caaaot be measured by money alone. The Mat Is small the dividends bit. LOOK! Tare Ratertalameata ,SU Spteadid Lectures Twelve Procrams of Music .Tweaty-ooe Atlractloaa V' LOOSEN! Bay that aeaaoa ticket today. II. C. of L. hat not touched It. It la MM fl.St lea tbaa 12 cent a apiece for attrac tieea worth aiaay Uaiea that much. It saves yoa a five dollar Mil over baylag single admissions. Klamath Falls ngnBrBBsassssissssX.asssrssssassssrBsssrBsr MAY 24-29 WHAT THE REPUBUCAN CONGRESS HAS DONE Mr com c a aekeuttea fee wwas sagrace tatMawt te the sums Itr rsilr- Mim sstrssrtatl s eSMt eeMara yea. I.S .see. allow the Diinram eaailauireuea'a eaitaatea, Beterasa the tekgrase. eaMe aad talefheae llae to their ewatre. aeetea a rsllrsea rwrnatsattee law whlth U arsasaaced eaa pt the greateM toaatractlve laaeawe ever stae ases the eulite beets. led aad eatorted the feed eaatrel act to smsal eearaiag. the war-risk esseraaeo law to tetmse the auewaaeaa to aariaaaiy lajared ssMtars. the eerHskt aata law beeaaae af the aardehita It eateues ease eartraKarai later wis. Fmldid saalBeaal eaaiaeaitlea tor W-aaM aad everwerkas aav elsyss at the into! aerrtea. Jfaaiad the federal reaerre an to trerMe tar eftaalaalUa to are ssets aad euead ear terete Hade. Aathertses ay Uw the ssserearaUsa el the Aawflsaa Lsgtea. frames aad sassea a SMesare to taedtute the SsSfastlat et agrteel- taral tress, tatleaias Ue etotk. aad terresateg Ue enseals sake awy leaa ea sestr setsrre by farsslag eaaiaiodluef. added a stsvlslsa to the federal crimlaal eade to awr rlftmaar aeaJab then ef awtor vaaka la traaaaertatlea. laatmrt the ailewaacea to woaaded aad dwahted aaUlera ef the Wtrld War. Passed aa art to eaferae the astleaal srohlbltlea aBieadateat. j Created aere Uberal arerlalaa far the meUoael tralalaf ef weaaded fUesd aaea .the .atateu beeke aa an aad ateerel taad-leailaf Uw waiea eaeai to be el aa whieh eaeaa as the aatarel latiarm sf the eeastry aad srsauasa Tfcs asssaslfss Clssaissi has aaseasd the srsdlcats waato UMiid br DaascraUc nalMsto Is Ika bsbm st war as4 celled a ball to ranker aUsaaa.ef eaelie faada which task the Ism sf eatrttit' alaader sad craft, larastlsattoa bare clearly established thai W.U-. Hess aaaa-kwUlsaa hare bees saaaadered la tefrkh erejecta far whleb 1 tat kueayera are tossy esrryls the hesTtsM hardeae la hUtsry. J I Tata Usaaeafse Osaareaa. la the face sf ebstratttoa sf alt deaetVI BMaaU hesds st Wishiaaaja. ass aaajaellsd nwswihawst aad ecsaecar X by eatUas el ewrsarkusiss tar ligesuM aaa theaaaaOa et sMieatl ssaytoyee aad aha aaflaMsd the eray et gererasMatal aawaraaaata,' aakaslaleastaaV i Tbs RrssbUsM Caatreea, aVeata'CKetaMleaa Valtad ttatof ay arasaars at astas sas asrwss. ABMneasswa M sisatae at fwaNsaaareaaat wawa. lav avaviMv vi wi iMnnir ttfWMkal ahTSare Ms, fists I fcs sail laa vaaaTsai saa sear aaraaa taa essasry tbaJtoareeeetriae.aMJtoasrttedJ aad Ra treat wtsatysr aatrleU" lu retard It brUUaat with Ure werk la yet ealy fairly bar. Warren Hunt Hospital A thoroathly equipped Imtltutlon affordlnc aneicelled facllltlea for the Of Course Our Stock it coining in every day. I out-tell any one in town in my line. Shelf Hardware. scientific treatment by hospital meth- T runkl, Gript, StOVtl, odi of medical, aarglcal and obotet- .Raket, Garden Hoet, Pailt, rlcaleaaaa. . Icu I. mA wn.il UmmA The aav aad modem fireproof build UVUI W. H. ROSS 906 Main Phone 459 Ing contains prlrata rooms for bed and ambalatory cases, completely eqalpaad examination and treatmant rooms, Roeatgea Ray, clinical and research laboratories. BTAFT WARREN HUNT, M. D. L. h. TRUAX. M. n. -GEO. A. lfA88KY. M. D. LOCATION roURTII AND PINE 8Td . KLAMATH rALL8, OtlK. TELEPHONE 497 ABIBULANCE SERVICE A well-bred rarltlan la said to ears a comfortable livelihood by flg urlnc its tbo UtU gueel at dinner parties which otherwlte woald bo at tended by only II persona. r CUNARO LINE IS ISLAND n CiPISURGE MANILA, I', J.. Afll . (07 Mall). f bo sagar crep'ofll-l20 In the Pblllpplao Ulaads, aow belag fcanretted, aggragatea -llS.tOO tons for export, and betweew 71,099 and 100,000 tons for home coaaampiloa, according to flgarea compiled by chambers of commerce, and mana facturere and exporters.. Centrifugal sugar, ( per ceat pure, forms cly a amall percentage of the production of the Maada, the bulk of, the sugar prodaeed belag muscaradoa, la which a Urge per centage of molasses reaaalaa after be ing produced by the opea holler pro cess. Out of the IIM00 tons estimated available for export thla year It.ttO tons are ceatrlfagaU 'tad HO.tOO xnuscarados. Practically aoae of the latter Tarletf U asported to the United States, Chlaa aad Japaa Uk Ing tbe moat of It. a Growers aad maaafactarers, how erer, predict that wlthla a ahart time the ratio of ceatrlfagaU to maaea yados will be rerersed, by reason of tbe modem methods of manafaetare being introduced. There are at present 20 sugar cat- trala In operation In tbo Philippines, and eight others are nnder cooitrac tlon or aro planned for Immediate dorolopmont. The' labor problem is becoming serious, according to producers and manufacturers. ' Many of- the natives bare left the Island. Some bare gone to tbe Alaska fish canneries, others have taken up a seafaring life, while a number hare migrated to the Hawaiian sugar fields. The tractor has replaced the cars bao in some localities. Producers and manufacturers assert that double tbe present output could be cared for, If a supply of common labor could be obtained to plant and har vest the cane. Efforts are being made to Induce the government to render assistance along tbe Una of more Intensive cul tivation of tbe soil. According to statistics, tbe yield per acre haa bees etatlonarr for many years, as little more than three quarters of a ton, while la some cane producing coun tries five tons an acre are obtained In tbe island of Formosa under Japanese methods of intensive culti vation, a yield of ono and a half tons an acre is obtained, and growers claim that the soil and climatic con dltlons there are inferior to those 'in the Philippines. While figures on local consumption of sugar are not given as exact, vari ous authorities place the quantity at between 1C and 20 pounds per capita on bis way throagh Honolulu recent- REBUILDING FAST I ?,lT2?.ll Kar Em M hea ..vrnnnm -.... i. ,-.. ' Concrnlnjc tho latiRuaico RCbOOl IHIH WW id 4yiu A Of IUJ ridels . . . .. ,, t . . -Name, of several hug. Cuuard. Pr0,"m. I"11' ""' "" ..niii, u, v bii!?b! laiiKuano in stitution. lc. Whcclor said; "I am sorry for tho situation In which tbo foreign language schools of Hawaii find tbermclvcit, but they niunt roallio that Hawaii Is Ameri can territory and that Kngllth Is tbe language of America." At a Commercial Club luncheon where Dr. Wheeler was tlio guest of honor during bis few hours' stay In Honolulu, tbe California educator pleaded for a better understandlpg by Americans of tho people of the Far East. BMflfr. J i1"-""""Vs"i"innyvvirir Western Floral Shop M LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR FLOWERS in person If at alt possible. A visit here will show how thoroughly we are prepared to meet any floral need from flowers for the table to the decoration of the largest church for feast, festival or wedding. Our cut flowers are received fresh every day. You will find your favorite nere at an times In the per fection of Its beauty. Mod erate prices are the Invari able rule. MB). L. O. MOOR! TIM scalB WWWWWWWWIWlWaWeWWWWWWWWMWrtWlltWswwWW ocean liners sunk by unemy subma rines during tho war aro to be per petuated In now vcols new under construction. It Is announced by tho Cunard company. Tbe company hn nearly too.ooo tons of passenger ships now building. Of tbe vessels whose name nrn given nono will approach tbe 4lzo of tbe Maurctanla or Equltanln, but they will be big liners of Intermediate type, ranging from 20 to 600 fse: In length. They will have spacious ac commodations for passengers, and wilt also be able to carry large quan tities of cargo. ' There are four ships of the 600- foot class, the Franconla, the La conla, the Scylbla, and the Samaria. There Is only one veitel under con struction In the 550-foot class, tbo Tiburnla, a name which appears for the first time among the company's ships. The 620-foot class comprises seven vessels, the Alsunla, Ardaala, Auranla, Ausonla, Ascarla, Albania and Antonla. Of these the .first five are tbe names of vessels tost In the war, and tbe Antonla appears for tho first time. j Among army ofOcers In some of the European countries tbe custom still prevails of wearing a ring set with turquoise as a talisman against a violent death, I J. H. Garrett 4 Son Automobile Expert 522-538 S. Sixth St When at last Spring arrives, you will wish that you had fixed your car sooner; so we are suggesting that you bring it in to us to-day and let our expert me chanics start to work on it We have a modern and complete repair shop and can assure you of service and depend able work. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ItKDMNH, CALIF. M. J. Twomry, Maaagcw Phone Mala 7 When In need of loggers or any kind of help write, wire or phone this office. Itrddlng'a Iradlng Agrary HUMMOXH FOR PtlllLICATlOX NOTICK OP tUIKItiKP'K ftAl.ri ON EXECUTION FOREIGN LANGUAGES ! TO BE BARRED. T. H.j HONOLULU, T. H Mar. 18. (By Mall.) One language In Hawaiian schools was the slogan offered Amer icans of the territory by Doctor Ben jamin Ide Wheeler, president emeri tus of tbe University of California, If the Wood Dealer Sold Service We do not sell current I doesn't It? we sell aervioe. That eoaad odd J a year, aa against a consumption 01 about to pounds per capita In the United States. "Tbe Introduction of 50.000 Chin ese into tbe sugar Industry of the Philippines, would, through tbe ap plication of more intensive methods of agriculture, wblsb are not possible under existing conditions, doublo the present sugar production from the area at present under cultivation for cane," said Oeorge H, Falrcblld, a large exporter, In a review of tbe agar situation, published In tho April bulletin of tbe Philippine cham ber of , commerce. Well, suppoM the wood dealer sold service Instead of wood, he woald tend lo your furnace anil your range, take away the aahtw and clean the flues. Yoa would bay so much heat. Now you buy so much light, although you pay according to tho current you consume. Hut the service Is performed for you by tills enrnpuny at tho substations and power plants. That is what wo want to give you efficient service. It is the nhn of this company to liavo none bat satisfied customers. No matter what It Is, If you huve a grlovanre, or are dissatisfied about our bill or do not underload our rates, please come In and aee us or write un about it. If you have any suuRCHtloni to make, we will gladly avail our selves of tbeut as our aim Is constantly to Improve our service to you a fat as the development of science aiul human ability permit, California-Oregon Power Company NOTICH 18 IIKIIEIIY QIVKN. that under and by virtue of a writ of ex ecution In foreclosure Issued out of tho Honorable Circuit Court of tbe Stale of Oregon, for the County of Klamath, In the case of tbe State Land Hoard of the Btala of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Mary It. Hassan and William nasselt. Colin V. Dymeat. Prednrlck W. Carstens and Mary C. Carstens and Jamea A. Haker. de fendants, which aald writ was datod on the 13th day of April, A. D. 110, I will, on. the icth day of May, A. D. 1920, at tho front door of the court house of Klamath County, Oregon, In the City of Klamath Kails, Oregon, at tho hour of 2:15 o'clock In tbe afternoon on satld date, proceed to sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and Intoreat of the said Mary !U ItaMott and William llassolt. Colin V Dylnent. Frederick W. Carstens and Mary O. Carstens and James A. Maker, In and to Tho southwest quarter of tho southeast quarter: tho east half of tho southwest quarter, and the north west quarter of the southwest quar ter of section twenty-six. In township thlrty-nlno south, range twelve east of Willamette Meridian, togothwr with tho tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thorounto belong ing or In any wise appertaining, to gether with all water rights appur tenant to ssld land or to becomo ap purtenant thereto, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy a Judgment rendered in tno a novo entitled case on thn 31st day of March, 1920, which said judgment Is for the sum of four hundred dollars (1400.00). with In terest upon the said sum from the sth day of October, 1917, at tho rate of six per cent per annum; and one hundred dollars (f 100.00) attorneys' fees; and for the further sum of one hundred thirty-three and 60-100 dollars (1133.60), with Interest on said sum from tbe 4th day of Octo ber, 119, at the rate of tig par cent per annum, and for the sum of sixty one dollars (161.00) costs, and the costs and expenses of this sale on execution. 1920 t0d lbl "th dty f Apr"' A" D (1EO. L. HUMPHREY, Sborlff of Klamath County, urecoa. Uy UKRT B. HAWKINS, Deputy. Apr 1S-1S-26-8-10 atlonal Foreat Timber for Hale Sealed bids will be rocolved by the District Forester, Portland, Oregon, up to and Including May 26, 1920, for 2,000,000 foot U. M. inoro or loss. or nny part thereof, wind thrown yellow pine, Douglas fir and whlto fir, upon a deslanuted area within Townships 33, 34, 35 and 30, Ilnngo a., w. m., wimin vraior National Forest, Oregon. Dpposlt with bid tiuo, mo rigm to rojeet any and all bids reserved. Iloforo bids are submitted full Information concern ing the timber, the conditions of sale, and tho submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Medford, Orogon, or the District For ester, Portland,-Oregon. 26-3-10-17 aa Whales' teeth pass aa curreacy In tbe FIJI Islands, They are painted white and red, the red teeth being worth twenty times as much as the white. v ' V