The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 10, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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y Guaranteed by
BULL" Durham cigarettes;
vntirself from genuine '
you roll them
Bull" Durham
tobacco; fifty from one bag.
No machine can even duplicate your "own"
rolled from genuine "Bull'.' Durham tobacco.
Good old reliable "Bull". Always genuine;
since 1865 he's been everyone's friend.
Bull Durham
Terem rsTsTeTeTeTeTeTea .BBBaHSnHwMwBsBjlI '
tVr BatsnBalVBBBflKllK jb1bbbbwbfsI bT w
Bf ajBnjBnjBnjBnjBnjBBhBp aBBiieleleleleleleSEKBm sxeVJ si
aWe9TlYV3!BBBBV5VBflBBBjpBjV BjpjB) IsflBaleleleleKNxBlMelelaTl7
BaTeTeTJ Tfi Am I bbb bb1iIbYbhtBKv9AbbbbbSbbi bbbbbbT bbV'9B''bbbbVbbbBbiibbbepb
bbbSBbbbhHhBbbQHbmmmBbTV '
8ays lUrkarhe U sign jrnu have
boon rating too tirurh
When you wako up with backache
and dull misery In tho kidney ro-
glon It generally mean you havo
' been eating too much meat, says a
well-known authority. Meat forms
uric acid which overwork the kid
neys In tholr effort to flltor It from
the blood and they become sort of
paralyied and loggy. When your
Kidneys set siuggisn and clog you
muat rollevo them, llko you relieve
your bowels; removing all the body's
urinous waste, olse you have a back-
acne, sick headache, dlaay spells:
your stomach sours, tongue Is cont-
ed. and wbon the weathor Is bad
you have rheumatic twinges. The
urino is cloudy, lull or sediment,
channols often get soro, water scalds
and you aro obliged to seek relief
two or three times during tno mint.
Either consult a goqd, reliable
physician at once or get from your
pharmacist about four ounces of
Jad Baits; tako a tabiespoonrul in
a glass of water before breakfast
for a few duya and your kldnoys
will then act lino. This famous salts
Is ruado from tho acid of grapes and
lemon Julco, combined with llthla,
and has been used for generations
to clean and st mulato slugglsb kid'
neya, also to ncutrallzo acids In tho
urlno so It no longer Irritates, thus
ending niaddor woaknoss.
Jad Salts Is a llfo saver for regu
lar meat eaters. It Is Inexnonslvo.
cannot Injure and makes a dollght-
iui, onervescent iimia-wator uriug.
o o
A bitter hard tight In tho dark be
tween a band of deep sea adventur
ers on ono hand and a group of Se
cret Henrico men on tho other, Is tho
red-blooded climax of "Outluws of
tho Deep," tho second of tho Chief
Klynn series of eight smashing two
roolors niado by the Republic Pic
tures, which shows at tho Liberty
Theatre tonight.
Herbert Rawllnaon takes the role
of "Lightning," Chlof Flynn's best
man, assigned to tract a gang of dot-
perato men engaged In smuggling
Chinese In the country Wllsdn Mix
tion noted author of Broadway suc
cesses, Including "Alias Jimmy Val,
online," wrote "Outlaws of the
Deep" from official material, hither
to undisclosed, given him by Chief
William J. -Klynn.
Tho rich Stuyvcsant Van Allen
agrees to glvo Dick Farrington a
place Is his Now York office at a
very nominal salary, when tho young
follow returns to Dotty Wlnthrop,
Van Allen's wnrd, her tost mesh bag
and, refusing tho momentary reward
sho offers him, Implores her aid In
socurlng employment.
In a very short whllo Dick has ad
vanced himself so rapidly and thor
oughly In Van Allen's bualnoss that
when It Is learnod that there la some
thing wrong In the conduct of tho
northwost lumber camp bolonglng to
tho Van Allen Interests, Dick Is as
signed to the position of foreman of
tho camp and sent out to the north'
west to run down tho conspirators.
nut this task Is not as anally ac
complished as might be supposed,
and Dick has a lot of brawny fist
work to do before he masters tho
situation In tho camp, but he finally
sucsoede and then returns to New
York' to denounce the director In
I Van Allen's own offico who was co
operating with tho trodblo-makers In
tho camp.
Dick's mothor was an American
and his father an Englishman and
tho boy was born and brought up In
London, but the American blood In
him was always uppermost, and
when his wlldness In tho London
'white lights" promptod his father,
Iord Farrington, to sond him on a
visit to his relatives, the Van Aliens,
at their estate on Long Island, Dick
carao willingly, and the romantic ad-
ventures which changed tho fellow
from a London man-ubout-town to a
hard and serious worker are bropght
out with great dramatic Interest In
"The American Way," the absorbing
photo-play Just released by the
World, In which the ever enjoyablo
Arthur Ashley plays the part of
young Dick Farrington, the faaclnat;
Ing Dorothy Green the role of Betty
Wlnthrop, the charming ward of the
Van Aliens.
This film will be on exhibition at
tho Liberty Theatre tonight and It Is
bound to please to the utmost every
ono who sees It.
Margarita Fisher, dusky-eyed star
of tha "Flying A!' forces, will be
seen in a new and uproarious farce
when sho is presented at the Liberty
Theatre on Tuesday, In "Charge It to
Me," her latest Amerlcau 'produc
tion. Written by L.'V. Jefferson, the
story hits a now mnrk In photo-play
comedy, offering Miss Flshor in one
of the most refreshing roles of her
Mlss Fisher interprets the part of
a young brldo who sets out to earn
somo money In order that she may
purchase a smoking jacket as a sur
prise birthday gift. She assumes the
role of a charming chauffeurette and
unwittingly attracts the various men
who( had been her paaiengen. How,
by attemptls to carry out her plan
VIENNA, April 10. My Mall.)
Aristocratic Vienna, once famed for
Its cherts, now offers small opportun
ities for tha display of gastronomic
urt, I'rofpanlonal cooks nro regard
ed as "superfluities" as are also an
army of waiters, all Jobless and for
Many hundreds of Austrlans who
v.yiro Interned in England during the
wnr returned hero to find they could
get no work to do, Hy far tho great
er number nro waiter. They are in
a doperato plight. Owing to tho
great Incrcaso In tho cost of living
thorn has been a great diminution In
tho number of thoio who wcro wont
to patronise hotels and restaurants.
Walters fortunate enough to got a
Job at their catling encountor almost
Insuperable difficulties In providing
themnelvs with conventional garb.
There are fow second-band dress
suits in Vienna. And new dress suits
now cost from 6,000 lb 8,000
crowns. It has been suggested that
In lieu of dress suits they should be
alowed to wear white linen uniforms
which could be bad much more
choaply and would render it easier
to distinguish between waiters and
a fitting tribute
HONOLULU, T. H. Apr.18. (Dy
Mall.) Mysterious thefts of Jewels
valuedat more than $2000 and sums
of money ranging from $1.75 to
S100 marked the recent voyage Vf
the army transport Oreat Northern
from San Francisco to Honolulu, en
routo to Vladivostok.
,Among tho victims reported by
ttio ship's officers when she rnt:),td
hero were Brigadier General and
Mrs. George T. Scrlven, who lo.t
both money and Jewelry.
to the dead may be r-.t
dered here with every
confidence that the
work will be carefully
and artistically execut
ed. We erect monu
mentt in all stylet from
the plainest te) the more
elaborate. Estimate
and sketchee ' furnished
on request.
Klamath Falls Marble & Granite Works
(Continued from Page 2)
Tho town of Wcstbovcn, ha Ger-
, many, still enforces and old ordi
nance which forbids any one to walk
In the street with a lighted cigar.
MANILA. P. I., Apr. 15. (Dy Mall)
Plans have been atarted for a
world congress of physicians and
surgeons In Manila In connection
with the International Exposition to
bo held here In March, 1921, to com
menorate the 400th anniversary of
the discovery of the Philippine Is
lands by Ferdinand Magellan.
It Is planned to conduct meetings
along all branches of medical sci
ence but special attention In to be
given to tropical medicine and mod
ern methods of treating tropical
A number of the leaders In surg
ery and medicine In Japan and China
havo already consented to attend
such a congress.
honor of the Rt. Rev. Joseph F.
McGrath, blahop of Baker City, who
has been In the city for the past week
on matters connected with the erec
tion of the new convent and school
for the parish of the Sacred Heart
as well as the administration of the
sacrament of confirmation. The re
ception was attended by a large num
ber of members of the parish, .and
verses for the other members who
were claiming all these accomplish
ments for themselves. Mrs. A. If.
Worden, who has been president at
the society since it orgaaltatteaj
was presented with a handsome fee
knife by Mrs. E. 8. Phillips on behalf
of the society. Mrs. Emma CogswetL
who was one of the committee to tar
the first organ the church owneC
and who played It for years before
leaving for her new home la CahV
fornla, sent a contribution of fit.
Mrs. Don Zumwalt, the winner of the
others, who called for the purpose ctl,UM,ng contest, was presented with
psylng honor to the distinguished I a pretty May day basket filled with.
visitor wnose mnaence la destined flowers. Dainty refreshments wet
to piay a prominent part In the served.
growth of this community.
Tuesday afternoon the Missionary
society of the Presbyterian church
held a May day party la the cherch
parlors. The parlors were prettily
decorated In boughs and pink blos
soms which presented a pretty Ori
ental effect
o.f scanty ,Arnxa
MONTEVIDEO, March 30. (By
Mall.) Roman Catholic ecclesiasti
cal authorities of Urngnary, folio
A delightful program ing a precedent set la Parts, am
was given, Mrs. Don Zumwalt giving prohibited the entry Into churches at
women wearing ''Inadequate" eea
tnmes. This order was enforced a
fow days ago against a young
several instrumental and Mlse Be
ther Haines several vocal selection,
while the members told In verse the
many ways In, which they raised their man forming one of a cherch
quota for the pipe organ fund. Mrs. ding party. She was refused
Fred Fleet told In a very humorous slon to the ceremony owlag to the)
verse that she earned her quota by scantiness of her very tasaloaahla
porsuadlng her husband to write the dress.
In spite of the unpleasant complice
Urn thot develop, s!io be:ons In-
ir.'.ve 1 v th tho pl'p fo-irw thu e-ranr o" imc no-"
t ''Winnie unvv irn m3iT
raasod young bride, Margarlti
Is at once effervescent and sympa
thetlc, enhsnclng the slde-spllttlng
situations by the grave sorlousness
with which sho Invests her charact
erization. Emory Johnson, as tho
bridegroom. Is Miss Fisher's leading
man, and he makes' a most convinc
ingly Jealous and Irrato husband.
Others In the cast Include Augustus
Phillips, Duddy Post, "Bull" Mon
tana, J. Farrel MacDonald and
Sophie Todd. The production was
directed by Roy Nell!.
Domestic and Imported
Spring Woolens
Now on Display.
Mm Ji .feh. CJjjBnBasS
Perfect Fit Guaranteed
Sit Maun Street j
BHf nervous or tired. B
Wmm TlfiHT-