The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 08, 1920, Image 1

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    Fourteenth Year No. 391 ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1920 Prko, Ffoq C'wfjt
SPFiKFR FOR " !:ES3Jrni llfi W" MEM flRFNf"" ,11,1:
" ."I: .: --.-. ri-.r'.:r-. .... wx'-rirJi"rv
hnu N s :.:r::::i: h shu me hah m mhhs ssisirsaEMH wwHUtis...
U U II II U U II I U morrow mnrnlnc rnmmoiiinrii- UllUUIIIaU. I IlUUIl Ul llll lUJ-aU I IIL.UU
Tim rHtupiilr.ii of lli'iiutiir Hiram
W. Johnson fur the, iiniitlniitliin for
(tin presidency mi tlm Republican
ticket will Ixi rormully limnrhoil In
Ktnmnth Fulls tonight under llm una
pices of (tin KIiiiiiiiIIi County John
noil for President i lull. when Ituy
munil Itiitilnn, mm nf Hi n best known
nrntnrn anil authorities mi edueii
llnniit, polltltul mill liiliiriiiillnnnl af
fairs In llii United Wales will address
tho people nf IiIk elty nt nil open air
meeting, 'llm moiling "111 Im hold
in Mil In hlrrrt between 'I'lilril nml
Fourth streets
Mr; Itnliliiit In n Progressiva Re
publican of tlm firm caliber. Ho was
temporary nml permanent chairman
i f (ho parly Hint nominated Tlmo
ilnrn llniiKiiiit II" win n close per
sonal friend nml advisor of Roosevelt
ml aluir-i i tut sumo innfldoutliil re
lallmiH with H.'imHir 1 llriini V, John
on. Iln ha iilwnyit been ii believer
la Johnson nml considers Joliu-nn n
dupllrn'to of Itnosovcll
As hfntl of llm American Red I'rost
tnlaalnn In Russia, with llm rnnk or
culiiiii'l, Mr Hnlilnii In well vorrwil
In conditions im Hi") existed In Iltin
aln unit HIImtIii during tlm tryliu:
days when llm Amorluiii lud worn
' stationed In t tint desolate ruction ol
Ihn world.
Two ram Mr Rubin ndvhivil tlm
United Wales government nf tlm
rule MM" vf nlfnltr m Russia an t
Ike itaml ho took at that tlmo has
bean later approved liy tlm world.
As speaker on religious matter.
Mr. Robins Manila out promlnontly.
Ilia servlrea on tho platform In largo
Proliant gatherings hnvo attracted
wirrlil-wlrtn attention.
Iluvlti' "worked nml toltctl with
hls'hnmf.Mr. Itnlilna la a nnturnl
friend of labor, Iln ar-es In' Hiram
Johnson th savior of Hui laboring
lirrii-and' wonii n nf llm nitinn. unit
when Hmititiir lnin.uoii ii"- ii-ful lilii
randldary, Mr Itobln iiittimliatety
volunteered Ida renin Ho firmly
bellevra llini Jntin on a iuord both
aatgovorrior qf.tlm great stale nl Cut
Ifornl nml na United Kini-a senator
constitute tho lnlRlituil lKoi In
Aincrlrnn iilntury. litor roroi;nlif
tbft nrvut iIcoiIm Jnhnron haa ilonn
Oil capllnl now ntnnlla firmly Ih'lilml
him. aaa Mr Itntiln.
Mr. Itnlilna ln alinliril tlm Icncuo
of nntlomi tlm piirnmotiiit Innim of
tho prralilcntliil niinp.nitn - for
mnntha, nml Jm Miyit Hint llm iitnml
taken by Hmiiilnr JnlniMin in tluit "f
a,' trim lilim-lilooiloil Amnrlcnn wlm
HarrH flRht for Anmric.i iiR.ilmil uuu
Mr. HiiIiIiih will Iihmi Mimi'thliiR
portlnt'iit to My rcluttvo In tlm m
cronclimmil of tlm JiipniU'Hi upnu tlm
lamia of wi'Htnrn Hnlloil Htiilrrt.
KIiiiiiiiIIi KiiIIh ininplii rininot liolp
ImlnR IntiTi'Mtoil In Hilii HiihJ'il
I.lko ul thu Jiiliimoii vumiMlKimrti,
Mr. Holilim U pnyliiR lilii on ux
IwnHca. Tho JnlniKnn innipnlKii In
not Hiifflclmit to iiiiilntiiln men tlm
uniiilli'Hl rorM of fluid workura or
buy nnwapupiT Mpiicn. Mr. KoIiIuh
apent on i ii of IiIh llfo iIIkkIii' koM
In AliiHku. Iln wuiit oyer tlm Olill
coot Hiiinnllt lino of tho fow men In
accomplish .tlm tusk ami i-urrlcil
2,000 poumlii of grub, 7R puuiula ut
ttllmo, for 40 mllin, from Wynn In
the Kumniit of Clillroot. Ho Muji'il
Id' tho fnuon iiorlli thrnn yonrH 'im!
lOwim tliero Im miido li Ik tnnmty.
yMr. Unblnn' Inlk iilionlil provn an
duration to many. Ho wiiiiIh ovory
man and .woman In Klnmnth I'iiIIh to
hear him. No mattur Iiut their
polltlra ho Invited nil. Tlm ineotlnK
laaclioilnloil to Hturt at 8:30 o'clork
tonight. ,
i l'Koi'ia; aih: maihiiki)
"Hoy Wlmor, a young contractor of
Um Fort Klamath district nnd a mom
kair of a' family prominent In that
uKtion, and Miss Zolma Odon, daugh
tar of Mr. and Mrs, II. K. Oden.ot
Dairy, were married nt noon today
by'Justlce Ni J. Chapman. The Oden
wmuy are pioneerat tno i'airy, oib
Trlct. Tho nuwlyweds will llvo at
Dairy. III!
: 'ro.M()iti(ou
Clnirclien llirmii'liont tlm clly
will lioM Hpiirliil nurvlrim lo
innrrnw mornlnic romnmmnra
Ihn nf Mntlmr'H Day. Mnn mill
womun of many wnlka of llfo
join In lionerlni: tlm iloarest
frlimil 'on riirlli, If nlm atlll in
IIvIiik, or In pnylm: trllniln In
Imr nmmory In tlm illapluy of
IiIohkoiiin If aim In Riitm.
A wliltn (lower If your moth
or la no IniiKor with you, n rol-
nrml lilonaotii If alio la llvlm;,
nro llm proper Iribulca,
HAI.K.M, May K Indicted by tho
Mnrlou roiinty Rrnnd Jury nil n cbarRe
of naimu.t with ...lent to kill. Mrs
1 I.-iiii HlnlRnr, iiro til', la In tlm roiinty
,Jnll bore today In dofutill of 3 000
lunula. Mho n arreateil taut tilRbt.
j Mra. rllelRvr'a Imllr.tmeut anil rub
JKiniuent nrreat lsthn reaull of nil
jiilliRed toufeiuilou In tho r.rand Jury
I by Jesmi .MiilllnU, who wna nrreated
the uiRht Miii.'n bimliaml wu
! nlmi. Mn nil rr.i In Mulllnlx'a nl
b'Kvd (onfvaaloii, nciurdlmt to llm
I'uiiuiy primerutor, bo nccuned Mrs,
illtelRi-r nf pnylnr. him lloo to kill
i Imr liiikli.iinl. Tlmy would then
j marry when Mrn. HtrlRer rnnm Into
pohaeri.lon nf her liuntut rul'r- $70,000
raintc. HlelRyir rc'roveted from tlm
niiiFB ciriDDiKto ic t
IIVCI Jnirrmu io
Shipping by barge down thu Ohio
rivur la "coming back," according to
river men. A few ycara ngn Indica
tions wrrn that freighting by bargo
would soon bo a thing of tho past
cause of the quicker transportation
Miy'-rnll. 'Hnwovnr, tho tables hnvo
Sl'urti tlm beRliinlng of thu war,
frol;it eoiigestlou, roupled with
nrii(ijrr short.iRe. bna furrul tnnnu
nrt,!irers to ayck mery known means
ot transportation
Automobile mantifacturera were
.iirlciilnrly bard bit.
I l-asl year n fow enterprising deal
Hr ;loni; tho Mlaslsslpid ns far south
,na How Orleans began driving their
ears oti'rlaud Irom Detroit and other
i'llleva t'i Clurliiuatl whore the) Iraded
I heii'i on li.'irui'H to bo pushed by luga
to llm.r destination. Tlm cost Is
hild In hnvo bemi about the samu ni
nIiipiiIuk by rail and to have been
mill Ii qulrker
IMinKNIX. Arlx.. Mny 8 A uni
form dress for I'lioeiiK high Hchool
'glrbi lum been prihcilln'd by thu
! board or trilbtoeu. It conslstH of blim
Nerg-i or uhlln cotton hIiItIh, white
"middy blouses, cotton stockliiRN nnd
hoea with moderato heiils.
J Tlm unirorm was decided upon by
llm high mliool'H purout-tenckurs'
jiiii.ioiljitluii, a (tor, It wan Mild, girls
had left school borntiHo tbey wore
unublo td keep up with tlm tendency
l ...U...., 1 ..
OL Pl-IJlllllll't1 ll tVI'lll VAruiiaivu
clothe. Tho wearlnc of tho uni
forms will begin with tho opening ot
school next rail.
HAN I'UANClflCO, Mny S. Aoriul
piiHHungor trnlllu from London to
San FranclHoo In l)t) limirn, with
ronuoctlotiH to llavrjll, wuh predicted
Vlttilii a doendo by John M. Rogers,
aeronautical onglneur ot New Urtinn
wick, N, J who uttemleil tho ulr
pliino show recently held hero.
"DlrlglbloH (lying, fifty ,or sixty
mllos an hour, ,an easy muttor, can
innko tho 'Atlantic In botweon llfty
and sixty hours," suld Ilogers, "Sor
vlco between San Franclsco'nnd Now
York could1 bo nmdo In loss tlmo,"
"Kqulppod with nuiuoroua motors,
any disaster duo to. engine .trouble
Is a' rnmoto possibility, and should'
ccRiniiq nimnnr
overy onglno stop,' tho big ;hloonajuuncon(lrmed-reDort-rccolvedrto
would float until nld could bo sum
menod by wlroloss,"
' ....' 'i - - .
Ceorcn K. Clumn, .14, van killed
ymileriliiy iiftnrnonn by n rolllnr; loRll(,tlcu
In tho wooda nmir Kei:frn(iii'N mill at
YVorilnn' yeatnrdny attnrnnoii, Cor
oner Wbltlock wan rnllod from ttilit
elty. Iln found thot Mr. Cbaa.i, ilrlvorj.rl
!f mi' auto truck, win enKaged In i UK
J: londliiR Iok on tho truck, when bin;
end of ihn Im; allpMid. Tho lot; rolled
from llm triAk rStchlnK him bivl
iienlh It. Ilh akiill wot cruahed urnl ;
ifi'ii... ... .... nfvi.
ilealh huh ItiKtnulaueniia.
HealdeN a widow, tho decedent
lonviiH four lirytlmrd and thrco aln
lura, 'I'liren of tho brolhera realdo
near Wordcn. Otbori of tho family
aro in aoutlmrn California.- Ilia par
euta, Mr. and Mrs. (leori.n h. Chaan
,': Vwta. Oo-rw IC
bo renmmbernd by old realdenla nn
tlm proprietor of Chano'ii atnllon n
tho old I'okeRumn stnRo. rood.
Thu body una lukuu to Yruku for!lnn.B nnd applauds his flRht aRalnst
burial. tho loaRUo of nations nnd up to tho
' present tlmo In tho primary elections
CATTLE MEN ARE (held In various parts of tho coun-
MEETING TODAY i W ' Popular vnto iimt for Johnson
t astoundliiR. Ho will bo nomlnatod
Tlm Klamnlh Cnt'tln & Horso na-'and elected presldcutot tho United
soclntlou nro libldlnc n iiicctlng this .Stale, ir tho cxprewlons ot tho pco
iifternoon at llonnnzn to llnnlly con- plo la any criterion,
abler tlm bill proponed to bo Intro-! "Senator Johnson la a constructlvo
ilured In ronRresN for tlm Inclualou statesman who ncrontpllsbes results,
of nil public lands Iff tlm eastern Ho wna at first denounced bitterly,
part of tlm toutity In tlm national .Hut gradually bin genius for prnc
forefcl reserve, fiucli Inclusion would! ileal Koicrninrnt compcllod tho ad-
i placo tlm illsposltlon or fornco prlvl -
fleges In tlm hands ot tho forest sor-
- ei:ea In tlm liam a ot tlio roreat aor -
'..,. , ...... ........ ..,
I:." ""L. " .."": "V.". "'
, ,,,., ,.,.,,, .. nw
Ioiik aljiidlng ranRii problems.
W. C. Van Kiiioii, kccrutary and at
tornoy for tho Cattlo Ic llurau aOi,
elation, left this morning to atteni
tho Ilonania. mooting. Ho expects to
bo Instructed to loavo soon for
Washington to lay tho bill before
congress. J. II. Camahan, attorney
nnd aeoroiarylror tho ahoep IntersaU,
will assist tho campaign for tho bill's
pnssaRO from thla end.
There's plenty of material on
hand tor n fnst ball team In Klam-,-
ntli Falls this summer It sutllclent
support can bo enlisted to make tho
national paBtlmo popular, assert Io-
u creditable nlno to cross bats with
tlm Christy mill team nt Modoc park
tomorrow afternoon.- Tho purpose
r ii.. la t.. anew the i.ubtl'c the
Plentiful talent ava.hjblo. which wlh
teamwork and tralnlag canbo mold-
on una a MronB "?" -
iiriiiiintnrH urn asking tho crowd t
. . -...!.. n-iaa-k
n htrong aggregation ino
m urn ltaklne tho crowd id
n urn nsxing urn cruwu r
i.... .i... ... ihn one,
: . . . V. " ..'...' .r ,h
llllll gVO tlio 110)8 '.no oncu
that limy mny Judge If tho
worthy of support. No ad
mm i pt
leiini in ouiiii) in ".'u"i "
( ..-.I... ... .iinnii.l
mission wlIMio charged, mo gamo'ii nowspapurauu um nuram m ""jTUpfti nPV CiTIinPlMTC
starts nt 2 o'clock. loso friends or buolnesa by pursulm: nLULUU OIUULHIO
Tho Christy nlno uro credited with, such n broad-minded policy," con! WILL HAVE "TRY-OUT"
hiivlnr: n strong
l--rt.iitk.nnfl thn
gaum will Im Interesting. A wook j
ftnni Sunday Chlloquln. which has
IIIII.HI-H..W -HUtinmii wvwxa
had things all Its own way so fur this
atisons wants to play Klamath Fals
on tlio homo lot. a
s ,
A tulegram was recolvodhls attof
noon'from Roih Nlckurson, owner ot
thn Rex enro,-' stating thaC ho had
been BucceHKful In securing tho addi
tional llako-Rlto oqulpmeut for
bakery department thnt ho has been
trying to got hold of for sorao weeks.
Tlm domaud for Uukc-Rlto ovens la
so far uhead of tho supply thnt It Is
Impossible to got thom without wait
ing for moutliR. Mr. Nickerson, how-
ever, got wind ot ono thnt was or-
dored for u firm that later decided
not to go abend with their plana, nod
ho Immediately left or tho south for.
tho pnrposo ot getting tho oqulpmont
for IiIh plant. .That his -Isslou was
successful Is Indicated, by tils' telq
grunt. '
KL 1,'ASO, MayjS-rllovolutloBary
forcesfunder Genoral Benjamin Blll
havo take'n Mex'lco''CltyiW'-ordlng to
'day from Chihuahua City and mado
I public by revolutionary leadors here,
"j-i to lio president nt a inomonl'H
Tlicodoro HootKivolt tnndo that dl-
red ntntoniaiil In apcnklnj; of Sen
ntor Hiram W. Johnson, then gov-
rnor ot California, omo fow yoara
oro. Hlnco that tlmo this majority of
tho peoplo ot tho United fUntea Imvo1
;Como to bcllovu na did KoonovoH.
'ri,H la thu way llonnlnR l'. Cook,
w,0 arrived In Klamlth Kall.i ycr.tor-
day on n tour of tho atato, mmmar
Itcd tho Johnxon campaign. Con-
llnuliiR Cook n.tld:
"Johnson's ability and hli won
derful uxccutlvo ability ns governor
or tlm atato of California, his roeord
mi a United fitatos aenntor and his
-U.U tho lW. of nations)
i,H (.ndenred him to tho rank nnd
' fn of tlm nation nnd every trim-
bloodtd America lovlnc American ad -
.k . I . ---!.
' miration of many or his mosi critical
'opponents. 'J'lils Ih bcirR domon-
'nntioiienta. TOils IB lictng uoraon--
. . .,... ,. ,.... . ..
tho United
"""" ,,,,, ""UUbr u;
Billies it. , . i
; "SenatnriJohnrdn irtaudtf for Amor-I
)ca rtt lilst and Ml thif tlmo. Tho
advocates of. Urn luagao ot uallonii
rfliould put tho 'question to tho men
who (ought in tho war, tho mothers
nnd fathers of thoso boys ns to
whether they want thoso boys nnd
tho boys of thoso boys to go to tho
far ends ot'tbo earth and glvo their
lives In wars not ot our choosing.
Tho mothers nnd fathors and tho
flRhtlng men nro bitterly opposed to
tho Icncuo ot nations nna benator
limit nnd woman In this country for
saving 'America nnd tho constitution!'
r fro in
foreign domination,"
Cook. '
it ia Vim. ii n naiier.that Is
f,01'08,0"' In. Arll"" lc " ft
. Hopubllcan Journal that prints the
" -' "". "- ,
cast a alur. Right hero In Oregon
oao large paper In "''
endeavoring to II m up all tho papers
t . ..- . . i
a in anil atiiiiai iiu.iiii-il iiiiiibuii. il aa
0;f -," ,,, find tho Klamath."0" Seappooso and among tho oldlfalhor waa cxccted to arrive frees
moai grainjuih in imu mo -vmujunn .., T ni. .i . . . .
" - - ....--. . .-
most gratify ng to find tho Klamath
r. ,
Herald willing u supply Its many."
rL.a.i..r. with facts concerning all tho
.urn ..i. .. ,...., .. """'lTmnv In Till imnnk rnuntv Mnrnrnr
readers with facts concerning all tho rt. I.Slcal thoy an ninll o far
candidates. That Is tho function of nporU ""lc""M- "ro mall st far.
. - - - - -
I fliwtaafl PftfTiV- I
to recelvo treat men t for a badly
smashed anklor Mr. Parker was In
Jurod when his foot became caught
between two logs,
Alto, Cal.. Mny
8. Stantord'8 ath-
lutlc team la pitted ngnlust Oregon
Agrlculturo "college inon In u: trade
tncotihero'' today. Swun of Oregon is
looked oiijusa' fofmldablo rontendor
In tho mllo run.
HbUTF. ONI.; TO HAVl. , , r
, jJpodanow3 for residents ot Mills
addition and tho territory south to
Midland, served by R. F. 1). Routo
"dallyndcllvorv tn place of the thrlco
wook dolivory thnt has boon main-
talned since its Imtallatlon.
i,u.Miii.u.ii,t. n .i.mvi.i. uiuimi aro (o ho Bjvcn nn 0p.,0rtunlty to moving articles from autoy on FkfU
. j HKTWKEX I.tKJS IXJUUKlt try Ulcr hanA. on ioggora- aa 'street, was f inodVfor 'drunkeaaeaa
' . " 7 . , , . lumbormon ot, tho I'acinonorthwest lal evening bygio poMe'i' Judge. Ife
S.n-.Pfj'-W' " l WaaliliiBlon aurl(; ,ho com,nf; mnt accord. othorichargo W beetled aadvk
street. apartnor In tbo Parker Uros. n (o Jlrorn)atIon recc,Ved hero by, ftunWood th-R-Draoddard
Lunger .company, was brought to , Edworth).( nold.secretary forLpro.ecute. M ' &
tho .Warren IIunHhospltM yesterday Mnnflll111 nf ,h ,.,.,, WnrM VS
M: W Contained Ip tho announce- "u" K- ". '" oo;nro msuva jj
dl Postmaster W. A. Delsell 'w'c 'n0 normal aw.i ucowors inrr ffuwing inrfe'fV'f
-heretftor tho louto will have n tho WI"an-otto vnlloy have been QUIT apaceitoday -ak'sy large amoai
:;r.V YOIIK, Mny 8. Attack on
lli ii uiliultilntrntlon of I'rcalduni WIN
non nml prediction that tho Soclnllet
party will poll over 2,000,000 votes
in un! jiroaiucnuai .campaiRii
miidu lodny by Morrfa Hlllqult, torn
,porary chalnnnn of tho Hoclallat na
, tlonul conn.'iitlon nt tlio oponlne scs-
alon Imto today.
j Ho mid (tin pnrty would aurvlvo
I I lit fmftrlttl nil rit "nnnninli1lfiil tn
,,,,,.... ,,,, , ,.,
at 'bintiti nrt mil I'.oonvoi IllUU'i
I on It In year by "all tho powers
jot darknera and opprexalon In tho
country "
lOUTLAND May 8, (Special to
thu Herald). A preliminary check
of tho atato shows tho' Salvation
Army campaign for funds for tho
homo scrvlco program for 1920 going
rii hi elt-nntf villi mnn At tmtttttt
!. ,
Iu'luul u iIU '-UVliUIU. -
I'llot Hock district ot Umatilla
county, with a quota ot $870, went
otur tho top May 4. Portland work
ers took tho Held Tuesday and re
port contributions from 95 per cent
of tlm calls mado with reports from
out In tho atato all satisfactory.
"Tho hard task seems to center lri
Portland," said John L. Ktherldgo;
atato president ot tho campaign?
"Hero It Is a muttor ot getting to tho
monoy that Is waiting for us.
"Wo aro now bending our effort
tvward getting bankers to colled IU
. Oriipnil n'ltl tn nvnr fnr thn Cnlvnt In-
. .. . . ,
"ray. . aurpnsicg numoor oi coun-
tic nro reporting acattcrlnBlLtrlct?
nv.P ,.n . i, in ,k.n ;. ,...
i..rv '?
VISAL.IA, Cal.. May 8. -Tho Tu
lare County Pomona Orange' has
gono on record us opposing extrava
gance .through adoptfon of thls'.reio
lutlon: 'Resolved, that we, tho momhera.
of Tularo County Grango, No. G, do
claro that It Is no dlsgraco to wear
Resolvod, that wo discourage the
) nil ihnln n nf nTrpovorsniit -ll'1ci
.""""" , --.' ;
an u mat moro labor ami energy,, J. wiM.r. mu. n.taks
ctpended In tho production of me
rInBlI)B about B rcductloa ot
PORTLAND, May STho first
cf thg V wporcil
ivivok iiiuj vt ij ncuauii ua v iliiuiilii
gcappooso and among tho old
i ... , . T
slashings nf tho Welst Logging com-
"""""- -
,mny m '" county. .Meager
p a
IIUTTU, Mont.. May S. Thoolog
Ileal students ot tho United States
Movement, from L, C, Fry, In charg'eT
of, tbo aurvey ot special groups for
I tbo movenment.
I A recont visit' by Mr. Fry to lum
ber camps ot Washington, Oregon,
I upper California, Montana nnd Ida
ho developed tho uood ot religious
. .. j.. .v
worKurd tiioro, no saui, ami no ar
(ranged to placon number ot tho Btu -
ilont preachers for tlm Bumnfof.,
. umntlts
Tlm rnlnllntiahln nf lin liNnrlmr
M...I tl.A ,i.nllN. hnniMn
..U. ... .,..u.. ...v.. n ........ vu-.Y4vi-.- n I, v JV ,.l
that of 'follow werkers: than .minis'-. Ufil'OnTWSnAlsMajr 8.-Petlt
tors nnd laymen. Mr. Fry stated, nnd
opportunities would bo afforded tor
social servlco work ns well ns rollg-
.. - -- .. aV fci.'Mt.-k
SALKM, Ore., May 8. Marion
county Is looking forward to a r.iraw -
n'ferod fB cents a pound -for tho horVt4 ofaocloty nfws,1 'the' soeiet
rlos. but In many cases nro holding
out for 20 centi.
iii mexigo cin
Mrs. Ebon F. Greenlaw uditw
young children, Teddy, aged 7, ftOi
Adeline, aged 2 years, aro sat if
Mexico City aftor a flight from t$
zada, whero Mr. Greenlaw ud"tw,.
sona wcro murdered by bandits MriP
In tho week, according to a talacrMJ
received Into yesterday from i'ktHt
In Los Angeles by P. C. Kalfffct Of
this city, iMra. nrnnlniT't briltaW"
Slnco tbo nows ot Mr. Qraalajlt.w'g
mu'rder -was received Mr. KaigM kM
been striving to get lolegrapkie
munlcntlon with tho America,
and others at Mexico City,, bat Uka
revolution, has apparently cut off tk
Moxlcan capital. la some ssaasor.
howevor, Mrs. Greenlaw waablcta
get a mes-aga through to In'fom,tfc
Los .Augclc clstcr of her safsty aat
thu minds of her relatives bora art
greatly relieved., L i
Another tragedy occurred at. Uaa
Paflzada lumber plant, whet. Mr.
Greenlaw was bait owner of, tte
Suchl Lumber .company. folIowlaaK
tho killing of Mr. Greenlaw aa4 Ut
nine-year-old son, Sanford,. la tbo
alaylngro; ""'M 32. otvl;Mfr
urecniaw oy a Jim marria., jm
l,ouajT man wasln charge ottapaJaj
operations, in tno mountalaf. B"taj
ooitoveu tnai no, rouo iniotajJ.
illiicovtfirptl Ihn murtter nt ht-i fj
...y. ... I"-)--
and brother, and put up afigjrt hfat.
enilea In hla l;nlhi
Mr..Knleh,t lived for IOmmb-bb
Mexico, jiart ot tho tlma lafaMajala-.
fc" M. eP.-rtji by, W'braab,
ur-lu-Iaw. Jio says that baacUt aWaW .
wcro a common occurrence uUas-fjar
payabroubt tiio outlawaJraaaj-
log down, usually resultlngJi laWla
aniUoq ojdeq. yjj;b.ipiaj
jio tens grim taies or cobokmm
witnessed In other parts -Mbt.Mib;.
lean republic in tho years slace tao
irou.jcrlp of.Dlaa;waa brak-tf,al
chaos let looso In the Iaa4.
tells of American men and woajsji
slalu and horribly mutilated by lite
icrocious iapausias in ua booby
talu. and of ArWsJHcsns la Maileo
City forced to seek tee protectlom-at
tho Urltlsh flag to save their
'If Mrs. Greenlaw'can Had
lo.scaiio from; the country a. .be
? vk&S ' v:i X
L'..&. . ' . u:.-
Tho hearing of Netll
charged with raising a chock la
by J. J. Stclgcr and cashing It, jraa
continued until Monday by JoaUaje
i-ii-tntn-iM una ninrninir naiiBaiaWfl
. " -
wuco iasi nigm oui was aeiayea.
1 m
iBlTe him
tno court Branted tho contlnuaaea to
tlmo. to get here.
Homer Do Long, captured
'Goddard Thursday evening while -
Mr. and Mrs. Dasll Dletzen arrli
hero last evening from Central
Nebraska, nnd during their stayvl
tho city they will bo guests ot kV
nudr.Ato. O. I). Ilurko. Mr. DletatJB
tmya-lhht Klamath Falls showe
'ovl'Ieco ot development than ajy
- ,,Jr "u v8,"!l ou ",d -ou""'y
lh. '.. Ut JMHTIiANJ) A
mo befog clrculutod here asking i
tho scntonco ot Henry Albera te.tkaW
vnr.s In tbo federal peulteutleryJfcji
voided. Tho
petition says AlberMB
going blind.
tU'tf-,'..-JiMt' .i...-
',t v "
column is omfttod until Monday
.j. I
cc'''. v
'M$$ VtKHiH"
. ,
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