TAOU HBVKN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMAtH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 7, Iff o f Palace Market For Service and Quality PHONE 68 $MsftfrdfsJHeSfr 4 5 ? T X t ? T y T ? ? T ? ? J S T 5 IEI WMWWWMVWVWWVMVWMWy T fYTriUCinMI BUSINESS CARDS hI I I mIIUIIIII ,0.LC. ? ? T T ? ? ? ? ? T T ? ? ? FROM FIRST CLASS PIG PORK HAM PORK ROAST 33C LOIN AND RIB PORK CHOPS .'. 33C SHOULDER PORK ROAST 25C SHOULDER PORK STEAK '. 27C SELECT CUTS CAN BE HAD FROM CHOICE STEER BEEF ANY CUT ALL MEATS HANDLED UNDER GLASS AND WITH EXTREME CARE Pal aiace iviar 524 Main Street Market t Y ? ? ? t ? y i ? Y f JJJJJJ5JJ!t MIE DIES' OF 80S KM STIR IRELAND COIlVAIXIH, May 7. Paul V .M'irlj), for tlio last fire yers stole leader of totmty agent and fnrm bu reau work In Oregon, Iiiih been named nil director of (ho agricultural col iego extension servico. mo succeed O. I). Canter, who resigned lust October, Under Mr. Marin' leadership ono of tho mont powerful organizations of agricultural Interest!) now shaping the new iigrlrulturo In Oregon has developed through the county agent unci the farm bureau. The organized farmer Is fast coming to 'bo a factor not only In agricultural production hut In profitable production and marketing. Tlio old sericulture nroduend abundantly, took what the crop en emies left to tho fanner, and' sold It at precisely what tho other man told him hfi could have. Co-oporatlon, farm accounts, and a voice In mar keting, wero exceedingly rare. Tho farm bureau agriculture as developed In Oregon bases produc tion on profit slnca tho war goes out unit kills llm crop enemies wheth- it Insects, disease! or rodents, and asserts lis right to assist In determin ing wluit the surplus shall bring. It Kites farm management, rorords and business n big place In tho farm program Mr Marls has directed this move merit for lowering production costs and marketing on the basis of that COSt AS3 for brinclne fnrmnra In act together on community problems (hereby enriching tho rural life as I well as tho farmer purse. Mr Marls Is prepared an extension director lo glvo all tho people of the slate tho same high typo of sorvlco that distinguished his administration of county agent work. O. A. C. Tress llulletlns. Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo handle tho best In our lino, such as Motorcycles, Mercies. Parts and Accessories, Goodyear. I Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires i and Tubes. Tho house of the two and threo wheelers, Includ ing Harley-Davldson Service. C. E. BMItARK 110 ft. St BC Klamath Falls MAAAAAAAjMAAMWWWWVMWVWWWWVWW PROFESSIONAL CARDS "- rm jwirw' r ryivvruuvt NOT1CK We open store every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. I many are trio gooa tning we can muuw. va nniinr ininn nnnap aavn. ed, In buying good thng cheap as vnu mav 1nrn. imi will na, h in debt and have to skip If you buy your goo as irom LUCKY DICK ft CO. 4 301 Klamath Ave. Corner of th St FRED WESTERFELD DKNTIHT Phono 434W. X-Rny Laboratory Loocala Hid., Klamath Fall MMAAAMMMAAAAAMAVWWWWWM DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. F. Boildtaji PHONE SI VMWMMMMSWVil PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET W. E. McABOY HulliU nil) thing In the cabinet line, Doom, Screens, etc. Shop at 110 ElghthSt. "PIIHHN" i:fJMSH IIAHRED SHOE POUSHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAW THR LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES enc AMVMimrtnC Nsihsh.1 TMi . f. DA11SY COMOSATIOm tm. SUr?AlQ.H.T. DULL SPLITTING. SICK HEADACHE Dr. Justs' Headache lsw4ers r. Hsts at saos 10 stats a BMBAfS. Tea take a Dr. Jamas' flrsdarhe Puwder and In Just a few mouriiU your bad clear and all neuralgia ml dlstrese vanishes. It's the qulckrst and suriat relief for headache, wbstbei dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Heatf someone to the drug etnr and art a dune package new, Quit uttering It's so niwdlm. Ila sure you get Dr. James' MesiUchr I'nwdere then there will be nu diaep-piiintmrnt. BONES OF ANCIENT MAMMOTH STOLEN llt!KNOS AIKKH. April 18. (Ily Mull). Who stnM the great I'ala gonliin dlnoMurus? This Is a ques tion the newspaperi: are asking and It Is ntho h question which Dr. Carlos Ameghlno, director or tho Iluenos Aires museum of natural .history, 1 would like to hate answered. The illtinsituruN, or rather Its skel eton, was not stolen from the mu seum, It should hn expla'ncd, hut from the soil of I'utugoula, near Nou- quen, where, In remarkable statu ef tuvaervMlnn. It was ilUcnvflroi! hv I " ' ' ' some Kngllsh engineers n year ago, during tho excavation of an Irrlgu. Mlon ditch. They notified Arthur m VisBBBBBBbI m ' ym payroll fmjflu By developing Oregon's lnnenae reioor-; oes vo are attraotlng oattide manufao turers into the State By making our produots auperlatlTsly good ire are o resting a demand for Ore gon goods la the sarts of the wjrld. Bias are we adding to the payroll dol lars of Oregon and Baking Oregon. the Ideal plaoe to-lire. DU1II.1N. April 19, (Ily Mull). IConlltrts ever lund jittunded by or- gimlred "rattle drives" to Intimidate M..H.I .... ...- .H.l A...h... .1.... . -ll 1411,11 Ijniii'iif flint I,U1I1'I IIII'IU (U HVII have been added lately to Ireland's other troubles. The disturbances ire a revival of conditions which pre vailed 30 or more years ago when fnrmers and grnzlers were forced by similar methods to sell large land holdings. The malcontents complain that most of the food land In the south uud west of Ireland Is being used for grazing purposes and that they are unable lo purchase It. Consequently they have resorted to the "cattle drives" and threats of bodily barnj lo the owners. It la very difficult to police all the country and many of the drives haw resulted In three or four farmers losing all their cattle at one awoop. Tho Intlmldatora are represented as renters who are demanding longer leaves of land, small owners and a certain number of holders of com paratively largo tract! who believe their neighbors' land used for graz ing is more suitable for tillage than the ground they uro trying to culti vate. "It's tho same story again of tho eighties," said u former south of Ire land lund holder. They forced us to cut up our large holdings then by use of the sumo methods now employed." Tlio land troubles should not bo confused with crimes resulting from tho political unrest. It Is separate uud distinct and shows evidence of being on the Incrensv. I mm associate Xadistrlee of Ore IRBI '.' 'BBMBTlMiaBBP v?l BJA9lflUSB '-W ' -jaB- I IIONOM'I.U. T. II., April 17. (fly .Mall ) "Pidgin Kngllsh" in tho schools of Hawaii must bo eliminat ed, and ut once. Vnughan Mac- Caughcy, superintendent of public Instruction for tho territory, said ro- sently. The ''pidgin Kngllsh evil" In the I schools, according to officials, has grown up on account of tho easy means of communication la offers between tho teachers and pupils drawn from a dozen different nationalities. Out of 83C professions and trades followed in the Netherlands nearly I bait are practised by women. A woman Jean of Arc saved France from becoming part of Brit ain, and another woman, Catherine the Great, set Russia high among the nations. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Domestic and Imported Spring Woolens Now on Display. Smith Woodward, naturalist, of rtio llritlsli museum of tho find who, In turn, lommuntcatod with Dr. Ameg hlno, Kroin tho description of tho cngl neerH, It appeared the dinnsiuirus wiih a monster, oven for dlnosuiirl, mid of u now species. Tho museum Inching funds. Dr. Ameghlno at hU own oxpenco sent mi expedition In chnrgo of a young naturalist. Au gusta Tuplii, to bring tho skcletou to Iluenos Aires. "Tho Kngllsh engineers," says Dr. Ameghlno, "Informod Tnpln on his arrival that whllo thoy woro away on a trip of exploration, an unknown pur no u hud co mo to tho Place, col lected all tho fossils that had boon unuarthed, taken uway those which Interested him, Including tho dluo- uauruB, and left the res found only u simple pile of bones be longing to animals of various well known species. The great skeleton of a new species was not there," The expedition coat Dr. Ameihlno 2,080 seeoe. VL eB Jk H 1. C. CI.KGIIOflN Civil Kngtneer and Harveyor Office S17 Main 8U Phone! Office 180, Rca. I92J PRIVATE HOSPITAL Una Opea for mfateraKr Case Mr, ftoaa 301 High St Phonei 455 WWWWrfMWWMWWMW orace Pbone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart I'byalclaa and Horgeoa White Building Klamath Falls Oregon mD0wwwvwwww0m r DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F, Temple O. K. FEED it SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons 'bought, sold and exchanged. j00000000000000H000000000m00m0m UEN11ST5 Dr. E. G. Wisecanrer raoiot SM Dr. P. M. Nod raoini 4 Over VaderweeeTe aercatfe m Mali bAAAAAAAA0m At & A. MASSEY Foartk amd Ptoe BU. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 497 Rea. Phone SIM KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do AD Blade of Ssttac Repair. ! New Onea Made f OreW AIVL WORK CrDARAHTBBD Paoae BSfT S17 KUaaatb Ave. WWWWWW0WW0AAf Perfect Fit Guaranteed CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud IsgersoU Hawlejr Chlropractie Pbyalclaa First National Bank Building Batrance, Room I ASBUUfD, OJUKKNT Fbona 40 Ire Cream 719 Mala St. Caadlea E.D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND HI7ROEO.H Phone 17W 17R Itoonis 1 aad 9 White Ilulldiag SHASTA VISTA SANITARIUM 420 Slain St. (New flM lmtr) DR. A. A. HOULC 420 Main 1909 Main 1S1-J 151-M DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSiaAN AND BURGEON I. O. O. F. Balldiag Phone BM y """" Residence White Pelican Hotel Residence Phone S. DR. L. L..TRUAX WAKREN HUNT HOSPlTAIi Day Pbone, 407 Night Pboae, SAW MILL ENQUfEKKDia CONSTRUCTION CO. DeaigBcra aS bailSeia o( amei era Saw Mllla, Plaatag MM, Baa. Plaata. CoaaMete ataata eel. Apfralaala aad reyotte Dredgtag. We contract te aay cJaaa of a MUMing aeaBury of any SJad. . Drafttag of any abaddeao. Btae Prtata aaade. PHONB 144W OteefeiK.D. 1 am now prepared to raraiea SbaaU Band from the Hoar, Uaax. and aad gravel pit, la any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builder. AX. r. GRAHAM. PASTIME Jack Monrow. Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drinks, Poo and lllllliirtls Darber Shop In Connection OUR MOTTO Courtesy and Service" WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY 517 Male ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager Let Your GLASS trouble! be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine &-S EX-SERVICE MN, ATTENTION I The regular meetings of Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will be held at 8 o'clock p. m at the City Hall In Klamath Falls, en the-aecoad-and-toarth-Tueedaya-ot each month. All Comrades are In vited. " Those desiring to loin the Poet may secure application blanks from Vi r v.- eiu. w.j u.ki.iu . . Oaraaasa, aU et Klamath Fella ' . FlUH) MWHOLJOM, tseretanr. Klamath Lodge No. 137. I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. lmll, Gth and Main streets. Hyinou Weschlor, N. .; W. C. Wells, Secrotary; W. D. Cofor, Treasurer. Ewaana Encampment No. 44, 1. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of eaea weok at 1. O. O. F. hall. W. H. North, O l.j W. D. Cofor, Scribe; Fred Iluoslng, Treasurer. NEW i CITY LAUNDRY ' FINISHED .WORK FLAT WORK -ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duals In Our Suds" PHONE 154 CaWma lliaBB Bmal Bppva amrsrw eFvWamasami SeBsmpa