The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 07, 1920, Image 1

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LAHKIH), May 7. Sixty employes
-f the Mexican customs iiml Immlgrn
tlon service nt Nuevo Laredo, oppo
iltn here, today declared thumanlves
''OhreKonUtas" unil notified tlin mili
tary authorities Unit they woulil nt
tack tlin federal garrlaon. unions t ho
town surrendered liy 2 o'clock IliU
Tha Mexican consul at Luri'itu de
clared lliii rebel woro not In suffi
cient forte In make a mci-mnftil at
tack agulttat tin Nuevo Luredo gar-
WAHIIINOTON. May 7. General
Murgula baa been lent Into tho state
ot 1'uobla to attack (an forces of
General I'ablo Goniatei, An tmgage
mrnt has already occurred botwnen
tile vanguard of the Carrantlsta
troop tuUI tk rekals.
IteMttoa has broken out In Met-' , wai chnnen consisting of
Ico City and the city of I'uebla. TheP. ,, ...., ,hirm.. M tu..
state department, today had confirms
tlon of private message recelvod
last midnight from Mexico City that
Carranxa had left the Mexican cap
ital for Vera Crux.
HAN ANTONIO. Tex., May 7. -A
report considered rollahla reached
hero at noon that Mexican revolu
tionary forces had captured tarupa-
.aaa, Just south of Nuevo Uxredo,
Tho rtl are said tu hava threat
ened Nuevo Laredo where, rejtorta
aald, the federal forces had sur
rendered. JUAIIKZ, May 7. A thousand rev-
olullonaryjToopsJjse aJrrsdyUrt,-,
4 on a "march from bare to Mexico
City and 600 more depart this after
noon, according to Information given
out at military headquarters hero.
WAHIIINOTON, May 7. The fed
eral garrison at Vera Crux revolted
yesterday and left the city. The gov
ernment at Vera Crux has been re
jBoved from Cordova to tbo City ot
Vera Crux, according to advices
reaching here today,
Tonight Is the first of the two
nights ot ontortalnmcnt given by tho
grammar achools ot tho city at the
Houston opera house. The program
starts promptly at 8 o'clock and all
aro urged to bo there promptly on the
hour or before Following la tho
Orchestra Ovrturo, Arcadia,
Macklo-Iloyor; flarcarole from Tales
from Hoffman, Offenbach; Mlnuot In
"Q", Iloothovon.
First grado pupils from TMvorsldo,
Contra! and Pelican City schools
"The Hlooplng Prlncoas," Princess,
Dolpblno arnhnru, Prince, Dean Hous
ton, Wlckod Fairy, Vora Hoods; Ryth
mic Orchestra.
Folk Dancing, Mills' School
Swing Hong (uccompanlod by Olrta'
Qloo); Klndorpolkn.
airls' dloo Good Night Song of
tho Rlvor, Mozart; Laughing Song
from "A Trip to Africa," Suppo;
Slumber Song, Schubert.
Folk Dancing, Mills' School Shoo
maker's Danco, Klappdans,' Dloklng,
Mountain Polka.
Iloya' Gloo Carry Me Hack to 01'
Vlrglnny, Dat Water-million.
Folk Dance, Fourth Grade, Con
tralScliool Finnish Rod.
Olrln' a loo Old Folks at Home
(Solo by Harlot to Sugannan) ; On tbo
T.lng, Fioncu Folk Song; Nlcut,
I'roux Abt.
Ulchliud 1'llng -Virginia Rich
mond, Monroe Klmscy,
' Boya' aiuo Bonit nt Twll'-jht,
Ijonnnl Muralmll; Vlco I' Amour,
.Old Collogo Bonp; Bwoot Gimovlovo,
Honry Tuckur.
Orchostru Tntormozo from Cnval-lorlaJ-JtustlQana,
AmaryllU America
and H(ar Bpangled' Oannor.'' v
Charges of a "cornor" In print
paper wnro made today beforo
tlin no 11 ii to committee Investl
icatlnic tlin paper shortage, by
Courtland Hmltli, president of
thu American Press association.
Hmltli teMlfled that print pa
pur manufacturer are In n con-
piracy to regulate both produc-
tlon and prices,
A Johnson-fur President orgunl " no '" '"l " dUappolnlcd by
xntlon whs perfected at a meeting Jnot boirlng the famous apeaker.
last night at the city hall of the aup- Hhould the weather' be capricious,
porters of the California senator's however, arrangements havo been
campaign for the Republican nom.',,l-n " "cure a building that will
nation. The following officers went
m-liTtml: Gordon Mltllln, chairman:
A. I., Wlshard, secretary, and Kloyd
Do Up, treasurer. An executive
sby, O, M, Hector. K. N O'Neill, Ham
Hmlth, W K. Kay and C. K. I'arker.
Paul Turner, organlxer from Port
land headquarters, spoke briefly,
pointing to the record of Johnson as
governor of California and his rec -
ord during his four yesrs In the na
tional senato ns having Indelibly
stamped him as an able and trust
worthy statesman, and emphasttln
the announced policy ot the candi
date to curry out In the While
House, If elected, the principles of
equal rights and fair dealing that
have so far marked his political ca
reer. Mrs. II. R. Reynolds was appoint
jdja jemmlttee of 0, t0 orguilxe
Woman's auxiliary of the club and
announced that a meeting would b
held In the council chamber o! tho
city hall Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock to perfect that organisation.
Arrangements were mado for' a
Johnson rally tomorrow evening
Raymond Robins, a political author
ity of International fame, wilt apeak
In behalf of Johnson's candidacy. If
the evening Is ns balmy as has boen
preedlng nights ot the week, tho
committee agreed that the open nlr
rally would afford the best opportun
ity for all to hear the speaker, al
though If the weather should pravo
suddenly Inclement provisions arc
mado for an Indoor mooting.
Ry unanimous voto ovnry Johnson
supporter present was made a mem
ber of n county campaign commlUoj
to forward the Johnaon cauae, with
the understanding that tho alxe of
this committee should bo unlimited
and that each neinber should wark
actlvoly to secure other mombcra in
every section ot tbo county and that
nit ahould unite In an energetic edu
cational campaign to strengthen tho
Johnson movoment In Klamath
Four carloads of local Christian
Kndnavorors motored to Merrill last
night to Join tho Merrill aocloty In a
big reunion meeting, Lloyd Carrlck,
atnto field aocrotary, wlip has boon
hero for several days, accompanied
trio party and mado tho principal ad
dress. Mr. Carrlck loft this morning for
Itond. Ho condtictod.sovornl success
ful mootlngs horo, largoly nttondud
and provocative of a groat deal ot
now onorgy and enthusiasm in tho
work ot tbo society. Wednesday
evening thoro was a mooting nt tho
Christian church with mora ' than
100, young people In attendance
Wednesday afternoon Mr. Carrlck
spoke to the high school assembly
and was well received by the stud
ents. i
D. O, Mntr.kor has hoRiin suit In
the circuit court eK.ntnt't J. R. Wood
loy, to forcoloto n chnttfl mortqngo
on v tonB or ico on dntondnnt h
liromlaas nt Clilloqtiln, Hirlty Oor s:f200 or $300
promissory noto for 120",, dntod jm-
unrr 28, 1920, Plaintiff Is nslclnn
recovery of Ilia principal ot tho noto,
MrUh Intorc,t,( I7,P uttpniy'foo and
costs., V7 . .
Haymond Robin, notod orator
and author, will arrlvo In Klamath University ot Oregon has been chos
Falls this evening and tomorrow 'en to dollvor the commencement ad
evening will address the voter ot ilrc-n to the graduating clan of tbo
.Klamath county In bohalf-of Henator
lllrum Johnson's candidacy for tho
Itupubllcan nomination, for I'rosl -
dent. Mr. Itoblni left flan Francisco
lait evening, according to a telegram,
received today at Johnipn hcadquar -
turn hero. ,
Kbould the weather bo fine toinoi -
row livening thu eiocutlve committee
plan for nn open nlr meeting In the
courthouia blockbvtweon Third and
Fourth streets,' a"fQs!ular old-fssh-loned
rally with' plenty of apace no
house a large audlenco. The opera
house Is unavailable tomorrow night
being given over to tho grammar
school entertainment, but other
plsces are under 'consideration, the
ni(st likely being the old Pord gar
age at the corner of Ninth and Main
whero there Is half block of space
In accommodate1 the crowd, or tho
old Temple theater.
In view of the reputation of tho
! speaker, the local committee Is cer-
tain, there will bo a large audience,
for regardless ot political affiliations
pr prejudices few will miss the
chance to hear Mr. Robins' Intellect
ual caliber.
As a sociological worker he gained
International repnte xdurlng and
since the war. Ho was one of Presi
dent Wilson's counselors on the first
"visit to Paris, and later head of the
American Red Crow la Russia.
An Intlmata friend of both Roeee
velt and Hughes, he campaigned
thrco atatei for Hughes In the last
presidential campaign and Is reckon
ed one of tho strongest figure In tho
ranks ot national leaden of progres
sive thought.
Ninety-four leases on various
tracts of land In the valley were filed
with the county clerk In one batch
yestorday by the Klamath Oil com
pany, of which Capt. J. W. Siemens
and the tllooralngcarop brothers are
the promoters aacVolncers.
Tho leases cover tracts ot various
alio and different ownership. The
consideration In each lease la one
tenth royalty on all oil discovered
and the leases run for Ave years In
any event, but It oil Is discovered on
tbo property they hold as long as oil
continues to be found. Provisions to
prohibit any damage to buildings or
Improvements are Included. Dam
ago to the land Is subject to recom
pense In cash, not, to exceed $100 for
each aero damagod.
U. 8. Duncan, of Portland, Inter
state socrotary of tho Y. M. C. A., ar
rived last night to confer with locat
mill operators and othors intorcsted
In tho construction of a Y. M. C. A,
Industrial center horo and extonslon
ot the work among the Industrial
centers of tho county.
Plans for tho, project woro under
way last yoar and had progressed to
tho point whero tbo Pollcan Ray
Lumber company was ready to In
stitute a unit, When, flro destroyed
the Pelican Ray JJlant. Since thon
the mattor has been in abeyance al
though many bava boon working
quietly and Mr, Duncan hopes to ob
tain some dcflnlta results from this
Flro starting, UVia believed, from
a snark that fell from tho stovo pipe
on roar of tho 'cook houeo roof, dns-1
troyed tho cook houso and two tontmunt in favor p( tho educational
bunk houses at'th'6 Aokloy Drns. log-jmlllitRO tnx measure. Thi promoters
glng camp, flro utiles from Olene, ,of tho affair nro extending a rruclnl
Into yostorday .afternoon. Tito con-
tents of tho bulldlnn And tontu wnroilso to do their utmost to glvo all
saved. Tho los
ossa- willy probity
bo ,
. v '.
OREGON Ttjnla-Jit. tind S.iturdny
fair, probr-hly
vrMta.sqirfUwesI; south-
la. .'
-westerly wlnda
1. L. Campbell, proifdont of tbo
; Klamnth county high school, Thurs-
day, May 19, at Houston's opera
Miouse, J. I'. Wolli, principal of the
iichool announced today.
Commencement week will begin
, with tho delivery of tho baccalaure-
Into normon by tho Iter. 8. J. Chanoy,
' Methodist paMor, ut tho Presbyter-
'Inn church, Sunday evening, May 16.
The following day class program
will bo held at the high Hchool as
sembly hall, open to every one with
out charge. This will be a noon day
affair and will be followed by the
Junior-senior picnic In the afternoon,
which Includes a boat excursion on
tho Upper take.
On Wednesday. May 18. the gifts'
chorus will
present the comic opera
"Captain Crossbonei ' at the opera
Tho senior examinations will be
gin next Monday, May 10, and the
examinations of the other classes
will bo hold beginning. May 16.
Howard Dn Long, who ssyt he
came here from Reno, was arrested
late last night by Patrolman J. W.
Hilton, while engaged, according to
the allegations of witnesses, In rifling
automobiles parked along Fifth
street between Klamath avenue and
Main., r - ,
Judge C. C. Drawer and Dr. F. Ri
Ooddard were standing on the street
corner when they nttlced a man re
moving articles from different auto.
Dr. Ooddard collared the thief aad
held him while Judge Drawer sum
moned the patrolman. Ji la said that
he had removed a robe and several
overcoats. Including Dr. Goddard'a
coat, from' cars.
The prisoner was evidently Intoxi
cated and admitted be had been
drinking bay rum and extract. No
formal charge has yet been. ,
The city park board at a recent
meeting authorised the mayor tfi dis
pose of 18 lota held as a park alte on
the Ewauaalake front below Second
street. Tho Strahorn railroad passes
through tho property and for safety
first reasons It did not appeal to tho
board aa a good place for playing
youngsters. The money from the sale
will be used to purchase anothor alto
and practical placea are under con
sideration. Tho mayor waa also authorized to
start Improvement at onco on two
lots north ot Mills addition, ceded to
tho city by the Klamath Dovolopmont
company, for park purposes. It is
hoped satd board members that by
next meeting there will bo a doflnlto
deport In rogard to tho cholco of a
central park site.
Thoso present at the mooting wofo
Mayor Struble, ex officio member ot
tho park board, and Judge George T.
Baldwin, Dr. C. V. Fisher and O. C.
Applegate, commissioners.
There will be a box suppor social
end program at the Pine Grove
rchool housp this evening. A apeak-
or will bo present to present nrgu
Invltntlon to candldntci: and prsm -
pfoauurnblO' tlmo.
PORTLAND.. May 7. - Cattle,
shoop, Iiors, buttor tnd oj;ge, unvllves 'nt Clilco, Cab
changed. i iho nill urrWo horo I
flonator Konyon of Iowa declar
ed In tho senato today that tho
K. I. Dupont do Nemours com
pany of Wilmington, Doleware,
had virtually threatened to op-
poao General Leonard Wood'
presidential campaign unless
Hcnator Moses of Now Hamp-
shire, one of hli campaign
managers, withdrew his opposl-
tlon to the dye bill now before
tho senate.
Co-operation betwoen sheep men
and the state livestock sanitary
board In the campaign to stamp out
.scabies In Klamath county Is aaked
oy to, ii, 1.711B, siaia TCicnnsnaa, id
enforcing general dipping jot infect
ed and exposed sheep under ordtn
and Instructions Jdst Issued.
The ruling provides for the d I ta
ping ot all Oregon sheep that aro In
fected twice In lime and sulphnr so
lution; for the. dipping' of altOregon
sheep that have been expoijed- to
scabies once In lime and sotahur,
and for tho dipping of all California
sheep that cross the line twice hi the
same solution, whether Infect
The first dipping will be gft-fsj as
soon aa tbo bands arc 'asjrad.
There Is a little shsartag dr way
at present but the season's, rn' wttt
actlvelr commence next week. -WMsV
In eight or tea days the aitJ'sjhsJMrSfc
flocki will bo ready far Mf!
paratory to moving to XMfVm
ranges. . 'Vrrf.V'
Foar point, conveniently located
In various parts ot the-county, have
vats aad conveniences for dipping.
aad tha work will ha carried on un
der the official supervision of Dr.
Armstrong, resident federal sanitary
Inspector aad his deputies. The dip
ping vats are at the1 Tut tie ranch at
Dry Prairie, Cox Bros ranch at Clear
Lake, John O'Keete'a ranch at Mt.
Doan. and the Miles Morre ranch at
Lively Intorest Is being displayed
In the contest given by the Elks In
connection, with their spring carnival
which opaaa a week from Monday
at Eighth land Klamath. Twelve can
didate are competing for tho capital
prlxa at the name time showing a
working. Interest In making the carni
val tha- most. successful affair ever
staged la this city. 'The two leading
candidate today are as follews:
VerdaCoxsd ............-..B,450
Margaret McGrath .....U3,360
Several ot the other candidates are
wlthia a very few votes ot the lead
and any changes In the leading place
will be mado from day to day.
Captain O. C. Applegate, secretary
ot the Klamath county chamber ot
commerce, Is collecting tho posses
sions of tho organization, books, rec
ords, literature etc., Into tho now
offlco on Fifth street totwoen Main
and Klamath. Tho moving began
today and tho socrotary hopes to be
Installed within two or three days.
The building, recently used for
lodging purposes, has been renovated
throughout and makes a cosy office
for the temporary ahelter jot the or
Noll nonnett, accused of altorlng a,
S8.7U pay chock ImuciI ly 3. J. itolg-
or, eo that its upparent raco value
was $89, for which au..i he pr.jsod (t
urcm J. U. Hull ut tUo .fpra'UCj River
Tr:idlntt company, vrnn urrnlgncd in
a!.iunHco Chapman's court tr. In uftoi
"noon, On motion of his counol, Ii
,'.'!. Manning, a continiiancti wnn bh-
curod until tomorrow at 10 o'clock,
Rennott told tho o''lcon; taut ha
?as 17 yliars old. His fntltur, who
Jim ivred.
thlu craning.
If registration figures are a roll-
able Index the population of Klamath.
Falls today Is moro than 9,000. Rag
latratlon figures compiled by tha
county clerk's offlco show 3,800 vat
1 crs registered as residents wlthia tha
city limits. Since equal suffrage to
came tho fashion statisticians hav
used 2.6 as a multiplier to allow far
the non-voting minors ot the averaga'
family and tho result, when checked
up by census, works out with reliant
The formula applied to tha local
registration list would give a popala
tlon of two and ono-half time I,8M
or 9,500. Even after making a hm
eral allowance of S00 for a pronao
tlonately greater unmarried popula
tion the city would still be left with.
a population of 9,000.,
To check still further at tha taa
registration the city had 2,200 vatan,
or, under the same formula a,fAja
latlon ot 6,500, watch most yaaala
will admit waa a fair total of Ito
city's population two year ago,' wham
the last' check waa taken.
' The registration totals ahow 7,
voters ia Klamah"-eounty, or a aoa.
latlon ot 17.009.
In 1918 tha eeaaty had a voUoat
list of 6,890, or las, a gala ot 1,M
la two years..
Coaarlseatshoira, that tha gnat
est gala hi jiwaaUtlaa ha' baam
wlthia; thbj cHjr, , m Tetiag Hat wo
yr age bavjag aisawa aaaat MM
vatara, aa.taat tha.tate to tha atty
fefetaMa Maafsaat.BWMt 499.
Rapnhlleaaa lead la Oaaaty
tratlon, ronghly speaklag. T to I. Uat
clerk' figure show.
Democrat rectatoraa ara t,M9.
The remalalag 4.100 voters aro !
Tomorrow your carrier will
upon you tor your subscrlptlaa.
Lately some subscriber have forgot
ten the fact that their little carrier
Is Just tha averaga boy; anxloaa to
get through and get back to play.
They have "stood him oft" frost day
to day, with the result that tha hoy
has spent moro time trying to get tha
money than it la worth, it ho war
paid for the actual time consumed km
going after. 1U The Herald Is a auk,
concerned about Justice to that Uttla
chap as It is In getting the money
more so, and this llttlo story is writ
ten to again Impress subscribers with
the fact that tho boy will make bat,,
one call. Put yourself In hi PtttMt
and imagine how you .would fail fct
you presented a bill for SO cents aaaV'
were told to come back next weak.
or next day; Well,' that boy raau
Just that way only 10 time mora aa.
NURS 18,090
rotar. aaa
On the 16th of the month thaaa ,
rho bave not paid will bo dropaad
rom the list. It will save us a great
deal ot work, you annoyance aad
your carrier keen disappointment It
you will put 50 cents on the shelf
and haud It to hlra tomorrow when
he calls.
Subscribers who havo been navlnar
by tho year will havo to come to tha
offlco to do so or mall ua a check
for five dollars. Wo havo to ask
you to do thi to keop the cost wlthia
what wo can spend. Only by exercla-
lng tho strictest economy have w
been able to make a rate ot five dol
lar. After the first ot Juna It will
bo $7.80 a year, or (6 cent a month.
Like every other business establish
ment, we are abort of help and wa
would aak your thoughtful co-operation
in sending In your subscrlptlaa
at onco. Wo have dono our part in
koeplng down tbo cost to you, aad
ask that you Join with us In kcoplag
down tho exponso to ua. It ia a' cast.,
whoro nroty ront cuunlai
WASIUNGTObT. Mny, 7. -ThenMi
sun bureau announcement Rhus &pi
l;no' a rcpalatlon of Jel.'sdi, a do
cveiiOQ ot 109 nluc3 thu lout cessus-