rAi: hi:vi:n A FOURTEEN M tHWK feltf .Z.J2-l . IMWIIIMII Till: lMUI"Jl" MVU IN ( IMIm 'lOliAY OM. Ill' .1 I'AMIt.Y III I'OI It 'III III HI I N WITH POUV A' lit UK NIIIIUH ELECTION, STATE ROADS Vote 302 X Yes For 4rc State Road Bend Limit iiamjot titi.i: oiNwriTVnos'Ai. 302 X Yes 303 No LIMITATION Of fOUR riR CINT tTATC INOIBTIOWMS rBirwMwini ?h NO PROPERTY TAX NO INCREASE IN AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX Krrp thnr llirrv fncta In Inltul. Thr rniil nulo Hcojiw w nhd jiMilmo tax will iwy Ixilli tin prlitrliutl nml Intm-at on nil tlio Ixmils untlirtliUninijKliiirnt.nml will yii'ltlniiniunml niirpliinlxnli'a for other (Uttc I c hiRtiwny work. No nilillUinial FEDERAL FUNDS MUST BE MATCHED Oirttm mmi hae aulCek'til Itlelittay rumla to maKli rr.ifnl apportion B.flU vt UlrfoU railfitjt Rrt Hie l-.rft of 1'r.lnal In.iMry f..r OlrCi'll Itoaila. larttMtaic thu rtnlllut)rtnl limit a a tirrruitv I DlrM limit la lisrfraM-il titttr tlr ruil ratllMil l c-;ii'lrlr. f, r l.Aiy li.an V )rl r HiUl te lit)lliri trdirrct itwttv laliiti 'llua idmuiik avrrla difret j.(t.jrri Iai for alalo tifjiwaya and makra tarl) mmplrliun pMiiUe. !' grl iho ruaila built nuw. Iiuci lion Pftunl Soarcti Sufficient to Pit PiIbcijI ind fctcrciU TV lt fl 41A (U.. (. K. . lit t ( ,u ifn.,1 1 i..ni ti' m.iiiii.ii u)MiM.iitaiii.imiiiikni.'Mt. u w.i r t i fii, r.ir.i mv. lU 1UU ruJc. tnubtl U rtrif . ll t 4t ll.l.t I . KUU funfltxl t-t .fitlil. tlUblwU. Ul.. .u.fqllr ll .n ll . tf ". k Iuiu .a J.4 Owl tl.xol .l. (, t.Mt & If ii4 1t l.i iS .s.m ti.Ml -.. I .i.... ft. diufp-ui UiJ f Ul.l TU.. IJ.I. i ' i ik ! a. klH.ln OllinilS lOUH AM) 1)1 l.t ul'UI ST ofAT10.S 1 1 ream. rv mi, t f.i l i nmii (u.Wi-m (.!. t I ui Vmh I.4..i... IiiIVj ' ii.Uu. - i.k4. ucb VOTE J02 X YES Tor 4-;: Stata oad Dond Limit Warren Hunt Hospital A thoroughly etnpptd lliatltulloil artordtnc utmirellrd fa-iina for the irltnllflc trralinmt by hoapltnl intlli mil of medical, aurfilcal and obatet rkl caf Tho bw and modern fireproof bidld Ids rontaltia prlvata roottif fur Ud and ambutalory raaea, roiupletely iulped ciamlnatlon and treatment roomi, llocntcen Hay, clinical and "web laboratorle. BTArP WAHItnN HUNT, M. D. L. I.. TIUIAX. M. . 0K0. A. MA8BBY. M. I). LOCATION KOUUTII AND PINK RTrl.. KliAMATH PAI.KB, OnK. TELEPHONE 497 AMBULANCE SERVICE A ClaxalPml Ad will Mill It. ITLlCIeanllp JJW'lo r niHiii.., tl.u iiciorH Ht.u.il p. Mil kpu tho lmprovo.1 upnmiruuro ot WiUM In Kuiiurul. ' talk GlunninK r linil mllll. " "P i you yon wllllm plniiHDil 'or mIiu" ",l,Ph C"" '' ,lQ"0' '"", BALDWIN HARbWARE COMPANY "The House of Quality" MAN SNAKE TO BE SEEN FOMtBURK-CMRNMW - ?.; & tr- v MAY 21 is as i ou.ovs aui:s)ui:.st iu.-4 lU pU Vf lk noiDi, r-iv T wvl itjk .! . m w. btinili It mm OrtiH mI IMMlIn HtlTl ..U hi W ) I .1 ! tM vtjM W U - NO DIRECT TAX tnx.tlmti of mi kind. japanese seek iitimUiS. TOKIO. March la. (ly Malll - Tho conlerence jual concluded her- by the Japaiieae-Amrrlcan relatlona commlltne "made a beginning that may lead lo a poaalble aolutlon ot amiie of tile llilernaii nui iiiinruiii" between Japan and the I'ttltott ' Htatea." tho committer aniiounceu. Thla conference waa an outgrowth ot an Initial meeting of repreaetita- .i- f,. iu,ih ruunirlna In Toklo In April 1910. The Americana ai might lead to a poaalhlo aolutlon of .'. f.,,,rn r.,i,reenilne!ome ot tho International dirrieultlea thn Japane... relatlona commlllve oil between Japan and tho United thn Ban Franclaco chamber or com ;H'a,M" merer. Included Wallaeo M. Alexan der, chairman; Dr llenjamln ldt Wheeler, preadlent nmerltua or the llnlvemlty of California; William T. Hrmiuii, Walton N. Moore, l.oyall A O.lmrne, Waller I.. Clark and Cap tain Frederick II Hiindall. Atler meeting tor aeveral daya with thn JapnneiM) repnluntatlveH, t headed by Huron Bhlbuitawa, thoi . '."-rued the reau.ta c-1 compllHhed iih rollewn: 'Jnp'iincim ownemhli) of laud and Immigration Thoao nro thu two " . ' , . . , ,,. ., vital iiucRtlotiH which .loonly con.im the two peopk'H. Theruforo Iho Joint eommlttel gave tuo most ciirenu m , ,o HiibjecU d -..on. Ihh freoly oxolmiigliiK vlown teiillon I nOVl'rill (111) on ihom. nnd flnully reuclied tho con rliiHlon lhat llio ruiiimltloo on both allien will UHii tliulr utmiiHi endeavors tor tho Molutlon of Huso burning iIIOHtlttlM. "Cii-oporutlnii of inpltul - Tho bout wiiy lo conioiit llio rolutloiu of tho i... . ...... linn nutWi'lim la 111 lltlKir 1111(1 tU , Mttl HIHII1IIVH t. w -...- iiomlc loliitloiiH. Such ..nl.iinilses ' 'lliuipilin.il , Iiuvo nlrimily liuon stiutod In Jiipun U11C0 W,, d,0 pinna, HpoclltcntlonH unit tho roiiullH nro most satisfactory , nml OBtlumtos of tho City Knglnoor ,;,,,,,,n,,I,, ,,,,,,,,,,H r;,i;,i:,Mr,,,i.'RanB & "" "A ror Imiirovumonl and ilovolopmoul. (() prc,mg0 81la hMUa ,ml8t i,0 no "Ciiblo coiumiinlciitloii Culilo ,oinimnlod liy n clioolt of C por cent rniiiiiiiiulrntloii falls far iiliort of our of tho amount of proposal, cortltlod 1... ...... H.ii.iintiitlilit linnlf itni'nlilik I t OXlMClllllllllH N!,i uiillurill'llirv COIIl-,") M) HIUIHIUllory loin iminlciitlon on illplniiiuoy or com iiumto can bu carried on If It Is loft as It lu now. "Kxrliiuitfo profossorHlilps aroat lioiioflt coiiioh rrom oxcIiiiiiko prpfos HorHhtps. In ordor thut this ontor prtso can bo satisfactorily conducted it Is Important thut curtain unlvers Hies bo soloctod wlmro tbo protes- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Minuiu urine 1 UU U IV H II IILHUJ WISH BUREAL OFEDUGATIDMSpring Woolens ' (IVi I WHNOPLK April 18. (Ily Mmi' A ir king tlliigt rut itn of tho K'-iii-rnl MiintirltiiitliMi t TurUnht 'iiiii which baa leen uffrti by I h war In nfOinltnl by llm deidgria Mi.n i,i Mr Untitle IMII llnrmm, n' minuter or eduratloii, In Mumapha Ki'innl cabinet Mfa llnntjni Ik (hn wife or I)r Allan liny, forniorly president or thoj Turkiah lltl (rrmnl unit until ni' mi lly Muaiapha Kerna!' mlnUter or hriliii Hh 36 year olil, the' ttiollmr of three children, n devout Muhamiimilau nml him attained fit inn the author r r'rnl troiiKly pan talatnb nutria Hhurily after Turkey entered iUi war llm iiful fi r iiiirmx heraum no great tlml Monirii. for llm flrat time. were permitted lii acrtiiupnii) lint armlea ainl enter military hoapllat I aa niir woiki-ra Tlmy arn a.ilil to i hafn ilniiiunalratiKl riunnrknliln rtd "lrnry In Inking rarn ot llm wiisl-.l. a fan vthlrti aoon matin ll 0kltilo ror Turkiaji Miinmti to nnirr unlviri Ity liana with nmn. -At llm p:)M-nt limn, howovnr'. tlmy ar at lit liar nil .'mm ttmatnr anil aniuaniimnta or i varluua kluila, mrnpl inclal mr- , Jortnaiirna t t wnnuMi only i Mr llalliln Killb llanvm la. mr ai. Ihn llllial rnlnhraliiil plonriT III t!m movrtimnt for tbo hlehor nduca- ion of Turkiah women Hhe waa lh(rm bnllcYcr In the auperlcr cultural rirat Turkiah Rlrl lo Kraduato rrom vnlu of Vohammefa teachlnK- Mra. j llm American wnman'a colleRo here. Ir.p:tn ilm ralaient oppoaltlon of I former Kutian Abdul llamld. who fuirtrd Imr lo dlacoutliiue ber atudlea I many iitnea. l)r Mary Mill Patrick, preadlent I '( Iho college, and American diplo no I a In Turkey, alwaya took a Kreat MDIereal III her alruCKle for education isalnat UCh atronc il'Iila and aim fin- iully finuhml her course a number of ) rhlpi aball b ealnbllalud and llm X hm.r ol profeaaora rnti be ar .'led on 111 ronnecllon with 111" I -aierpriie u rr.fthod of publuiiy rhould 1S dnviaod. . Trade arbliratlou--There I dan ; r lt.tl lb" Kooi -iallotii of the I h.i ni;.ird may bo Jeopardtred in ni-otinl of dlaptilea that I liny ir ae from commercial compllcatloiix Therefore It l lilP.bly ilmlrnblo to r.-ato an nRetiry for arbllmtlliK .ii-b dlapillea liuttialry- The labor ijuenllon ban a d.ieci relation lo Indtiairy and It it of an International nature It la hlglilv Important lhat one cotint-y altould learn from the experience of the other In dealing with thu labor alluallon "Aflnr eight day, of tho confer ence, the Joint committee waa din- olvMt with many utproaaloiu of urn- mi. ..,..... .ii Mtii i.rnrt itin niir inn - ".. -.... ....-.- - 'rk accompllahed. It was tho gen- ral a.mtlment that a beginning bad been madii by tho conrerence that OTICU INVIT1NO IMlOrOrUM TO PL'llCIIASK 8KWKU IM)MB ' Sealed blda will bo rocolvod by the Common Council ot tho City of Klamath Falla, Oregon, until Mon- ;dr.y. tho 10th day of May, 1920, at thu hour ot 8 o'clock p. m. ot nald i.lnv. nt thn C'ltv Hall In tho City of Kluttmlh Fala, Oregon, nt which time and pluco propoanla to purchnso will tortffaffiggrgi, Klnmnth Full Oonornl Obllgntlon IOiiih, poyablo 20 yours Irom duto or laaim, bonrlng n rnto of Intoroat not to exceed C pur cent per annum. In- , H(,m,.IimmilUy, irlnC. m) (U imuroiit pnynblu nt tho Oro- gnu KlHcnl Agency In Now oru. tiZZ WmS ,,,,,, ,,y tm, pUrChii8or and tho Common Council. Theso liomla nro to bo IsHuml In ilonomlnntlnnH of one IllOIISIIIUl lIlllllUH ( 1000.011) oscn, mid to bo nitmboroil from ono (1) to llfty-ono (SI) IucIuhIvo. 1 Siild bonds nro to tin Issued In pur Bimni'o of Ordlnnnco No. 4iS of tbo I City of Klnmnth Fnlla, OroKon Kiild boiula nro to bo Issuod for tbo ,. I..iii.ll.illnti nf fi U.'WVtir III! IIHKIU Ul IIIDllllMIl It'll w t a.-j.. -i -- .. nystoiU in too torruory ununii iib ,,'.,,.. ..i.., .,l ll. In iifrnril. .111110 ..llllllll'll . I nn -. v...... aoimi linnuiniiMu .num. ,.i.j.ii.iu iw ,,,.,.,,.... !,, I, ii-,,1 Proiinmil must bo sotilod nnd endorsed (pro POKiiIh tn purchnso Sowod bonds,) Buld bomlH nro to bo sold for cash pnld down nt data ot dollvory. Tho Common Council of snld city to re serve tho rlglit to rojoct any and nil proponaU to purchase said bonds. Datod nt Klatnnth Kails, Ore, April 8, 1920. BlKnod, A. L. LBAV1TT. Apr. 8-May 8, F, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Domestic and Imported Now on Display. Perfect Fit Guaranteed CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street yeara ago Sutiiuenlly thrj or hr alater craduatcd from tlie aamo col- J let where llm leachera went all Chris tiana, alio retained her Mohammedan faith but removed the black veil from her face aa many other Turklih M-omi'ii have allien done Hho In a hu.,m readied ror a time In Knglantl Btlj oljlcr Kuropcan countries 8ho u 1 1 k n l in (juuuf but baa an nitrac- . ... ..... live race and poM' conviction on tbo aubect of Turklab national ism Ilccauao of her unusual pour aa an orntor, ahu haa been n popular aKaker In behnir of the nationalist moveiiH-nt In Anatolia. A ClaMlflcd Ad will sell It. lit lex ineiit, nlvi Salt tiefore take KbikH of cull iik tirrnUfiiAt. frlc n-ld In mem excites the kid noy. they become oerAerkd: get Ougglah, nrhe. nnd feel llko lumps of lend. The tirlno becomes cloudy; bladder l.i Irritated, and you may bo obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them fluah off tho body's urinous waste or you'll bo n real sick person shortly At first you feel n dull misery in tho kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick bcadnche. dltzlncs. stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when tho weather Is bad. Kat less meat, drink lots of water; also got from nny phnr mnclst four ounces of Jad Salts; take n tablespoon In a glass or water before breakfast for fow days nnn your kidneys will then net fine. This famous salts Is mndo from the acid of grapes nnd lemon Juice, com bined with llthln, and has been nsed for generations to clean clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to noutrnllte tho acids tn urine, so It no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot Injure; makes a delightful efferves eont llthls-wntor drink which every one should tnko now nnd then to keep tho kidneys clean nnd nctlve. Druggists hero say they sell tots of Jnd Salts to folks who bollevo In overcoming kidney troublo while It Is only troublo. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE lti:i)l)lN(J, CALIF. M. .1. Tuoiney, Manager Phono Main 70 When In need ot loggeis or nny kind ot help write, wlro or phono this offlco. Reildlug's Leading Agency A llenild Want .il will sell It. MINERAL BATHS l)r, Maud lngersoll Hnwley Chlropructie Physician First National Rank Building Entranco, Room 5 ASHLAND, OREGON I 1 tlT L y 1 I T BUSINESS CARDS MWVVaMVtyavVfVlrrAArVtrVtvaVVM Klamath Falls Cyclcry Wo Imnillii tlm bent In our Una, uch aa Motorcyclna, llcyci, Part anil Acc-naorlna, (looilynar, iPciinaylvanla and Diamonil Tlroa anil TuIjo Thn houan of thn two and inrn whui-iir, Inciud Iiik Marlijr-r)aldKn Hirrlco. C. V IIIHMAItK IISH. IKtiHt, Klninmth FalU 0i000000 xetici: ! Wo oion atom srery Timaday and 'Friday from 10 00 a m. to 4 00 p. m. I Many arc tho coot! thing wo can ! aiiuw n iiiinnr ihimi in n uoiinr earn ed. In buying Reed thnRj cheap aa you my learn, you will nTcr b In debt end hav to iklp If you buy your j Kooda from I LUCKY DICK & CO. I 301 Klamath Am. Corner or Cth 8t PHONE 39 MAIN STREET 327 W. E. McABOY Itullda anythlnc In the cabinet line. Doom, Bcrrens, etc. Shop at 110 Eighth St. V J. C. CL.KGIIOII.V Civil Engineer and Hurveyor Office C17 Main EU Phenra: Office lOO. lira. 102J O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. -Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver I'HONK 851 r. Dr. P. M. Noel PUO.VE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Mala Streets DR. a A. MASSEY Fourth and Pine Bts. in Warren Hunt Hospital Oft. Phone 497 Res. Phone 86M KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Klad ot Sprtss Repair- tag New Onee Made to Order Axle Btralghtwslag ad Blackralthlaji ALL WORK GUARANTEED Pbone SB4VX 0)17 Klamath Ave. jV Pbone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main 8t Candle PASTIME Jack Monrovf, Prop. Clgam, Tobaccxi. Sott Drinks, PikiI nnd nilliiiriN Harbor Shop lu Connection OUR MOTTO "Courtesy nnd Service" wilson Abstract company 517 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Mauager nX.SERVlCE MEN, ATTENTION! Tho regular meetlngb ot Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will be hold at 8 o'clock p. in., at tho City Hall in Klnmnth Fnlla, on tho second and fourth Tuosduys of each month. All Comrades are in vited. Those desiring to join tho Post may secure application blanks from Q. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicholson, or T. H. Carnahan, all ol Klamath Fails. FRED NICHOLSON, Secretary. itefldns MiiniirTitiii MONDAY, MAY a, I02O I PROFESSIONAL CARDS VMVywwwWMWaAA'AAAMAvt FRED WESTERFELD IlKNTIHT Phono iZi W. X-Itny Ijilornlory Ixirnl IlliliC.. Klnmntli FaiU I)U. C. A. KAMUO Dentist I. O. O. F. llalldlng I'llONK 01 VMWyMk PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Ca Mra. fUMW MeDaaJeta, 301 High SL Phone 455 'aSWaaMW'laNiJ Offlco Phone 177W JIe 177U Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart I'byalrlan and Margcon White Oulldlng Klamath Falli Oregon VAWVMMWWWMWWWAW DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. 0. 0. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AXD HUIIGKOX Pbonca 17W 17It lipoma 1 and 2 While Itulldlng SHASTA VISTA SANITARIUM 420 Main St. (New Itldg. Later) I)IU A. A. HOULK. 420 Main 1909 Main 151-J 151-M DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN" AND SURGEON" 1. O. O. K. Itulldlng Phone 290 Residence White Pelican Hotel Residence Phono 5.' DR. L. L. TRUAX WARRK.V HUNT HOSPITAL D.iy l'lione, 407 Night Phone, 505 SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders ot mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Boa riant. Complete plants contract ed. Appralnais and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class ot a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting ot any klad done. Mae Prints made. PHONE 14M Office in K. D. Bailding ; I am now prepared to furxuaa Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cain., sand and gravel pit, tn any quantity lhat may be desired by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM. t N Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine I Klamath Lodge No. 137 I I. O. O. F. i ! Meots Friday night of each week at . I. O. O. F. halt. 5th ami Mulu streets. I Hymon Weschler, N. 0,; W. C. Wells, 'Secretnry; AV. D. Cofer. Treasurer. I Ewauna Encampment No, 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of eack . week nt I O. O. F. hall. W. H. North, 'C P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Fred Ilucslng, Treasurer. NEW CITY LAUNDRY finished work flat work rough dry 'Tut Your Duds In Our Sud" PHONE 154 Corner Mra Mid Congor