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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1920)
IT IMIIU TIIIIKK THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Momtv, mav n, 1020 flLPINECLUBS : tt msm FDfl iiwis H,N lit W I"1 MttV 3 Mimiii Uill'prtliiB ! "' ' llfiMil'llrei.dr r ,,nrfllHB l'l" '"r "" ""' Mllilinnr OUlllt III III" ItlBlinal A'.u mQit ruWd rln f M Hrrn fatiidsi llorrjil rnpuM of tiaiir j, ,.iwrnl lian urwallr pln.l It, adr. fr lliwy - II nwurn. beautiful nirlnll mnl fitm i mm ruhina , Tlio Hrr dub, rrund largl In ihe I'niiBil Hinin. wM iniitwriiJili n( S.oo. "" 365 npiiliraMmn (r ml mHUnf l H l'My. kill " dorldrd l Until U foriorni"! to 30. Iictcttiuo of ililliriiU "I providing pV Irnln and -oitiinUry tor a InrKnr iiutntwr In Mm mufili rouitlrr U lrvrd.' TbU in" i wl" '"' ''' """Mm an nual online Mm el"'1- n,"l 'mm' notion I" Hu KrantUm men nrut , omn r nturlmiilltiK IjpIiik bag" ami rmt'ln romm In antlclpa) lion I Tim Hleirsn will pnd Mmlr taj llen nuione the peV and ratio)' of the middle furk ol Him Kins i rlw. tbn north fork of Klne. nnd! iho iduili fork of th Kan Joatjuln j Thry Mill climb anowy poalia nioro ' than 13.000 (pet bleb. po. through, DJOB 6,000 and 0.000 feel .loop and maka a rami al the bne (i( Mm wonderful Tehlpllo fall, 1,100 foul hlBh a flral of Mio Vnmllo To main jartlp of Mm rtmrra; Club will nfln Hill tralitUro and ' I.ot Aneec4 July J, In Pullman rr Purine the follow lite four vrtmlm they m (Irfji m rain-proof bf6. nnd at lal a part of Mm time IliMr only ' ratltiB uirnIU Mill be a tin fill' ami a wa Tuofw will l ai inanr wyjiMi man on tho ounne. and wcmI at tm itl wear men ainio The California Alpine lul of han rrtni-io. wbieb lai r on li. rir.t -eaUtte rlimbMl Vt Vnlir4r hieUoni (k In h l'hit! "t!-t will .'art III lw ww, oirttmlon u yoar fa Ira Uttrl CraM nihutial Wrt, inly II rtn t.'iai homo f lb Ken; ondot f p;qi,a eBa'a !. Ihwr o-httlb run for uh rapid trrlu.i that only f.u na ad mwt and 'jwh tukor will t UfcM from a ramp in Viriotm asutofn at an altittt! of o.tao fprt. IIla win be iainie 0( mj, KeiMi. Uotrornlijr ffc. sn uhfri. !, horn tnoantaln and Junction uAk. nil topping trot. nd of Mi llrewcr. rnnt'dnrxd tho of Mm m vt difficuli aiejiu In Mm Hierra Na. taclan. itemrntnB, Mm Alpttio GET THIS, FOLKS ! Mr. LLOYD CARRICK AN INTERSTATE C. E. WORKER WILL CONDUCT A TWO DAYS' RALLY AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tuesday and Wednesday, the 4th and 5th ot this Week AT 6:30 TUESDAY NIGHT A POT LUCK SUPPER WILL BE SERVED AT THE CHURCH. THIS MEANS THAT EVERYONE WILL BRING ENOUGH FOR HIM OR HERSELF TO EAT AND A LITTLE BIT MORE TO ACCOMMODATE THOSE FRIENDS FROM OUT OF TOWN This is for Everyone in the City " WHO BELONGS TO ANY YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY AT ALL. ALL SOCIETIES WILL UNITE TO TO MAKE THIS A TIME OF PROFIT AND HAPPINESS LLOYD CARRICK IS A "LIVE WIRE" WORKER AND IS SURE WORTH HEARING ANYONE WILLING TO ENTERTAIN MR. CARRICK FOR THE TWO DAYS HE WILL BE HERE PLEASE NOTIFY MR. FRANK B. ROBINSON AT ONCE A collection will be taken to help defray Mr. Carrick's expenses. t jmZttZEEVtt&JL'JV.tZ?WU7VJt-.X.'VJlJ casvn: YOU GET IT ? nwjuHhwi ! i juaa:A.rprjcjr 'i'jHwaaT..-jlMT.wn TT?T-TnnfTf,r',1',l'"vnTlflrTr H7iT,MiTirrrTTTn'TTifl7TTir,ibi n. i " rw '! ! ' !" U"U cDal aiW oi.d Ituy toinuB' ! Mm Urtit ra rth ru.aii. a wi s ia Kiennma 2 ' '.' s fi-ri lni;li ttiiit a inumf ri.nfi- of 111 fi- t It I iho lne ir "f Mm wurld. and ha UiflinKilimil it tiutoly viuilmticu uliH' 5.VHD uar innrlnoa l'oklui.'. I luiny iiw a ciaMinuu ,ii win en u. -r m & V; ImSf i)i:wi:vk ouninti.Y ni:.u uUlIAtA. May 1. 0. orsi' WotcII. formerly orderly to Dii on Mm l 8 S Olynpla. dl.d nt Mi t nltod Slates innul hero today He noncd nltli ilic U CHOPS ::,! WINS l)i:CX)IUTIOX I In Mio IMilllpiilnos nnd In A Homey Home fiB$ Stained woodwork that blends with the velvet tone of the Wall Finish, produces n restful color scheme in interior decoration and creates an atmos phere of comfort and cheerfulness. Makes the room a friendly place for family and Kucsts. W. P. FULLER & CO.'S JAPANESE OIL STAINS Impart a warm tone to wood, enrich the color and brinR out the grain iri beautiful shading. Japanese Oil Stains are adapted for staining with unfading color the rav surface of wood. The color of any natural wood can be matched. Made in 8 Colors 70 Years W. P. FULLER & CO. MANUFACTURERS Paints, Enamels, Staim, Varnishes, Pioneer While Lead. ra of W. P. FULLER & CU.i rnvuui-iz. For Sale by Distributors MANILA, Mar. 30. (Hy Mnll.J " Tlio total of the six lending agricul tural products of Mio Philippine Is Inndit for the e;ir 1910 amounted to f22U.uu0.000, nn Increase of approx imately 161.000,000 over tho previ ous year, according to figure com piled liy tho Iluroau of Agriculture. As for many years rlco 1ms again taken Mio lead, tho value ot the jear'rt production being Jl'1,000,000. Hemp, which wns horetoforo con sidered noil In Importance, to rice, haa dropped to fourth place, whllo copra jumped Into second place. The decrease. In hemp production ot thirty porcont In duo, according to tho Iluroau ot Agriculture, to tho heavy typhoons which passed over tho homp jroduclng provinces nnd tho long drought which followed. Sugar showed tho largest lncreaso ot nny of tho products, registering a Jump ot 113 percent ovor 191S. I-ast year's sugar crop was valuod nt t-37,200,000. In tho caso of tobacco, tho rlso in prlco was cntlroly responsible for tho olght porcont lncreaso In tho valuo ot tho crop, as comparod to 1913. there being n docronso ot six percent in tho ncrcage. Tho bureau placos tho valuo of tho 1919 homp crop nt $32,000,000. cop rn 37,700,000, corn 1S,790,000 and tobacco lit SS,790,000. TOKIO, Mar 30. (By Mail. The Cro.- of St. Vladimir, tho hlgh rti Hu-ian decoration given a civil Inn. ha been nwarded to I.leut. Col it 11 Tcusler of Toklo, American It d Cress CommI.sloncr to Siberia, I in recognition ot the valuable work. ! ho accomplished ns head ot tho Si berian Commission. Tho decoration was awarded by tho Kolchak Government. While a circus aims to introduce as many innovations as possible, there is one thing about tho tented show that has remained unchanged from time immemorial. This Is tho ize of the ring, which Is always 42 feet 9 inches in diameter. In Turkey there are two prellml ' nary conditions stingently required In the case of marriage. Both par ties must bo able to walk property, and both be nblo to understand the necessary religious service. ACSKl) lmiDKGKOOM HONOLULU, T. It., Apr. 18, (ny Mall). Hawaiian records for tho la aunnco ot marrlngo llconsos to aged porsons woro brokon roceitly when a man ot 99 years obtained a llconso to wed a woman 61 years old. Tho groom was William S. Kloula. rt wldowor, and tho brldo Mrs. Lakalla Whhlnottul, a widow, Kloula was born tho yoar following tho landing of tho first Christian mtoalnimrlos In Hawaii, 1821, Thu rroat laco Industry of Malta Is almost oxcluslvoly ronunod tn wn mon and girls, and many families hnvo spoolal doalgns that are handod down from ono generation to another. You Can Expect More From GOODYEAR TIRES These GOODYEAR Clinchers in the Smaller sizes for you FORD MAXWELL CHEVRO LET and DORT OWNERS are turning up aston ishing mileage records every day. Ask The Man Who Is Using Them. Of course they are quality tires. But-They'Cost Even ess Than RISKY tires of questionable value. Our Service of Inspection and Advice enables you to get all the value out of GOODYEAR tires which has been built into them. There is No Charge for this Service THE WHIT w8m wBvpjBNJVaf VSi .PELICAN fkllftWhllW.-ii THE NMZZiW OFFICIAL AUTO BLUE BOOK AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE MAAMAMNMWWWVVWVWWVVVWVVWVVWVAWWVWVS