"t VAv "," IMMK TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, MAY 3, 1020 ;i 1 I t it ti i i Drug Facts No. 48 Easy to buy and a pleasure to ewn: A Phonograph. We sell Brunswick, Pathe and Stradivara machines on easy terms. Try us for that record that you have been unable to get, we very likely have it Square Deal Drug Store SAFETY SERVICE SATISFACTION PNMiiinn CITY APPOSES SEMI OnKNIitlUS. Commit W ''-t Kiiry. Mr. l!. (ll M l t If the Wood Dealer Sold Service We do doesn't it? not toll current; wc mH MTtice. That "sounds odd Well, suppose the wood dealer sold service Instead of wood, he would tend to your furnace and your range, take nnny the ahes and clean the fluo. You would buy no much heat. Xow you buy o much light, although you pay according to the current you consume. Hut the service is performed for you by thlt company at the substations and power plants. That it what we want to give you efficient service. It Is the aim of this company to have none but satisfied customers. No matter what it is. If jou have a grievance, or are dLssatNficd about your bill or do not understand our rates, plea.se come in and see us or write us about it. If you have any suggestions to make, we will gladly avail our selves of them as our aim is constantly to improve our stvvlce to jou as fast as the development of science and human ability permit. California-Oregon Power Company lluu KamI white ami green posters with ltKi'iid of protest against thu scp.irntUn of this pro-UuiiKnrlnti cit (rout llun gary, and Its accession h Austria a soon us the peace U ratified, appear In nearly in cry liousv and shop win dow. j Two Austrian commissioners, sent , here to make preliminary arrange 'ments for taking out the ailnilnls 'tratlon of the town, upon their ar rival were hoted and Jeered by a 'great crowd, vegetables were thrown' at their carriage and bla k flags' jhung from most of tho public and other buildings They seem power-1 less, It Is said, and ur now virtually voluntarily Interned in their offices here. i This little city, which the Hungar ians call Sopron, is the metropolis oil (that strip of territory which the peace conference took from Htingury ! and gave to Austria on economic. ' 'ethnologic and strategic grounds. ' Its loss has caused the lludupcst I I government to make various propos-' als to Austria in an effort to retain I j It, all of which have been refused, j "sV "y ifCtCp? 'VrTari .T V VvnMy V. lfC& "ZsrlrLfSr Why You Should Buy Guaranteed Roofing I Meanwhile tho men hero very gener ally wear the Hungarian colors In i their coat la puis and the wouitn on their hats or us hair ribbons. The Austrians charge that the demon I st rut Ion against their mission wus a jgovermnentally organized affair. I The Hungarian government has endeavored, it is charged, to create I the impression that this region is ' preponderantly Hungarian In rn i. i tongue and by predellction. The Vi enna government, on the ether hand has resisted with counter claims ix.it the people are domlnantly Germanic by blood, language and desire. I Of late weeks there has been con- ' : i siderablo publicity given semI-offl-( not show to what height they could !clnl Austrian statements that, pond-1 fly with safety. I InB tne'r withdrawal, the Hungarians. While in the box Barcroft kent a wero oppressing the Austrian populn- record of his sensations and made,tIon- requisitioning material of all 'scientific observations. He said he'klmls and Generally wreaking their1 CAMBRIDGE, Eng.. April 12, (By suffered from sleeplessness but other-! reve"Be in muth tho samo wav the ! Mall). Joseph Barcroft. a reader of ,. ,1M nnt ovr,nn ,,,,, .. Rumanians did to them. It was oven When you buy roofing you wnnt durability ns well ns shelt er. You wnnt to know that it will last long enough to inako its average cost per year a reasonable figure. That is why Certain-teed should appeal to you. For, when prop erly laid, Certain-teed Roofing is guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to weight. The guarantee adequately pro tects your investment, but it docs not accurately measure Certain feed's life. In fact no one knows just how durable Certoin-tced is, because in no case has it ever been known on the roof. to wear out And Ccrtain-tccd is more than durable. It Ls weather-proof, fire-retarding and spark-proof. It effectively .shelters your property. With all these advantages, Certain-teed Roofing costs less to buy, less to lay and less to maintain, than any other typo of good rooting. See your dealer about Certain teed. He cither has it or can get it quickly from a nearby Certain-teed distributing center. w LIVED FOR WEEKS IN AIRTIGHT BOX physiology at Kings college here, has venience except on the ,ast da. when stated in high Vienna quarters that lived for six days in a hermetically the atm03phere became extremely farmers' horses were being taken sealed glass bo:. . rarined. He then had heBuaCne8 an away. The experiment arose out of a 30- nausea. He was watched continually These reports were so persistent ns year-old controversy as to whether while In the box. He took food and ' t0 ,ea(' tne correspondent for the it is possible to calculate the amount slept In two small compartments Associated Press to attempt a flrst- of oxygen In the blood from a knowl- fated up with wicker chairs, a table, hantl Investigation. This has cov Ccrtatn-tetd Products Corporation General Officaa, St. LouU OMVms i W4Vmm la lttMll CUUa i. flfinrri Certain teed m &2 lp PAINT 'VARNISH -ROOFING & "RELATED 'BUILDING PRODUCTS eage or tne amount of oxygen in the a small bed and a bicycle on which breath. The test was also made to he exer Ised every morning. aemonsirate wnetner it was neces- FOR SALE BY Lakeside Lumber Company ered 10 typical villages, exclusive of this little capital, with talks here and there with peasants In tho fields eary that airmen should have oxygen, Eva Booth, the commander of tho or alonB thu roa(Is- apparatus when flying at great Salvation Armv. Is a iWntn.i hnr.! It Is fair to sav that In ih mulm, It proved that oxygen was woman, who takes a ride every visited no evidence in support of tho .alleged Hungarian oppression or re- Hit! SAMO BY Mason, Ehrman Company i heights. necessary to flying men but it did morning that the weather permits A FITTING TRIBUTE n to the dead may be or dered here with every confidence that the work will be carefully and artistically execut ed. We erect monu ments in all styles from the plainest to the more elaborate. Estimates and sketches furnished on request quisltlonlng was to be had. The net impression gained was that the ma Jority of the population in the local Hies covered are in favor of union mm m INIRUD I i tate of gin-rllla warfare and nil thai ii Implies," says the urtlclo, which has bei-ii made public In an official communication. "It In our buslncM KinTiHa ta.lim I.) a mlUtnl foe of ki ii nr lliKriiir and Miurugo Hur Prix' iimliiilir ratlin on thmr fortl f..'il position, milpinit of tlii'lr utrne DUBLIN, April An article entitled 10, (By 'guerilla warfare" to develop these guerilla tactics which glor. tho capturing of tlwlr arm and we have found most serviceable In equipment .Itilurrupilon of thnlr com donllng with actual condition In Ire- munlrallons. Intorfarenca with their land at present, and to bring them to Int.-lllguno. nrn to be npprohended Mall). the highest Ditch of nerfirilnn nf i.v i) i.ii.- .... ....i. . ............ H. w ,, mm,,, Mini liirii luriun nro U'hlrh Ihnv nw. ..h.l.U f. . . ... with Austria. One reason assigned I which sheds nw n,hi n ......... ....,". "V. """ ' r "f'ven more and more Into thn po,. by the peasants was because the Mag- lions in Ireland has been dTscoveed ZZ ot h In , Wr . "' 'h" Un ' '" ttrrl'' ' h" yars. they said, had never given them in the effects of Paul John VlgnoTs, o"., fid ll . IT a"d """ ' ' h"l" CUn,ry UM " proper schools. Their children were of Cork, recently tried by courtmar- effect U W " dn m "nl" tr "rlr Mronghold. ex- poorly taught. If taught at all. and tlal and sentenced to six months' lm-' -of a 11 L. , .. ?? 'f lor"""l '" " P" they at least knew the Austrians had prlsonment "for having In his nos. mn.i ,i,.. .i -""'""- '"'1i"' appninension. That uch a good schools. Then. Vienna was their session an lssu of ,2 "', Z,l .. . L "i ."d"'d ". ''y "n.",,r,n,,'t Brra"" "at " Mt l.l. lo n great ex- . i - --w -..-- uiaiiii ui (jijiifiuesi in nrninnfAi market. Budapest was a lone wav of tho lrih vniimt.,r. off. The Hungarian official classes "It is the duty of volunteers to were "unsympathetic with the far-j recognize In all their plans. In meth- ui auusoon. inis was echoed in ods of training and study and In thel gnorilla ,, i.i.t .. . . , ... wnrfnrn ln mi. .1 . " """" "l trrni is oiitiuup "" nicy uru unaoie to , .. ....... obtain a moment's security nor gain ,hc bu,lnoM of x any opportunity of effectively crush. ,r,,,h volunteers to ten to It that It moro munaclng to the Invaders," other towns. Naturally, there was general n,.ni, ,h-.,I. ' "' T. . . l r ,ce- 'riiemrly do they .continue, to grow moro Interne and dissent. Here and there men talkP,!, ' "":"" "" Pi" of wcll-organlwd . .. ,., . 1 ui mo tienna communist govern ment, with which they wanted noth ing to do. , ! A Klamath Falls Marble & Granite Works GEORGE D. GRIZZLE, Prop. Here in Odenburg at nresent nn allied commlsslsn is sitting, com posed of British, French and Italian officers, watching over affairs until t tho Austrians take hold. I , This Is a vino country. It has' aiwnva mnvmi .n 11. .n . .. -. ........ .L. UUIlLiirV llf l,U' grain supply and four exists that this may be tut off Thus the economic problem assumes a very vital phase for Austria which must bupply at , least as much grain as this region has received heretofore. While the J? diiv . 5: "MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS" PRODUCT WE MANUFACTURE ? f r I I U I I 1 I I I M I I H I I I II I 1 I I I 1 I 1 HtHHWfHWHfH L&K2anfSp92K2t II V KZMadrFVfesses NO .SIMI'.MK.VT TOO LAHOi: for us to handle. Our big trucks will take an amazing load. And you'll find we handlo every case or pack age as carefully as If it were our own. Why not have us call )n relation to a contract for all your transfer work. We'll mako tho figures right. Western Transfer Co. 703 Main Phone 187; Res. 266R t ? V f Ittw) territory involved is "null and tho population only about 300,000, the strategic aspect of this aiea probably is Its, most Important OHO. AllHtrla'K linmnnl fr,n(l,. i regarded as dangerous in that Vienna I and Wlener-Neustmlt, as well as 4 many other Industrial centers lying 1 .along the main lino of tho mii. inro but a little distance from Hun-, & bu, easuy open to attack from that JL moro powerful neighbor. Tho actml-' f sltlon of German West Hungary Is1! thus a defenslvo terrain for Austria I V " A casket weighing 700 nnnn,i, .i $ large enough to hold six average alz- j u men -waa required for tho recent burial of a 600-pound woman ofAl bla, Iowa. Windows Doors Screens Frames Panels Cupboards Bookcases Seats Cabinets Cedar-Chests Showcases Counters Shelving Tables Wall Cases Mouldings Flooring Rustic Scroll Saw and Lathe Work Company ? Lakeside Lumber Dpnlofo in T BH.t. PI i . MILL AND YARDS KLAMATH AVE. AND CENTER ST. t T T t f ? T T t t T PHONE 128 V J J