The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 03, 1920, Image 1

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Fourteenth Yenr No. 3911
Price, Five Cent
iMMttLAMi tnitnm.viioNH
IMMNlll.ll I oil I'OVI'KMIT
With the ufcefl engineering
through rqngrw" by Hepreenlatlvo
H J Hlnnolt of an appropriation,
I'Oltll.ANI). May 3 Perd
rtil Judge Moan . ilny flni.,1 Id.,
( olumhia Kivnr Hhiphuildiiig
"iirpuratlun and tb Horthwet
Hteel company I2.&U0 each mill
levied Ja eritere upon Ilia
head uf I tin rotlipanln for .
tempt of court The aenleuce
oro Dm rniult uf itm refuaal of
tompny officer lo hand over
Ihnlr bok ami record fur In-
f Ihn federal Brand
, ,h .umlry civil apportionment, of , , ,
jjj,d00 for tilim work en lite
it. Illlnn nrlnl. tifc?! tw?r. I
,0ft, who bav Ju.t rrlr.d l'l1ll;
iloo of the uec of tba conrr
tin' tmpICB ee bright protpect
for lb development of acragw no
ltlnx aler and the ultimata rum
pUtlon of th project to (ak In the1
otlr area originally Include! In the
4rropment pUn, upward uf 3S.
00 acre
Tbl spproprUtlon doe uot affect
tho trading attempt to eure a di
rect appropriation for reclamation
development. In which the Klamath
When limy tacked the monaker WASHINGTON. May 3 Two
Wllil" to Willie Webb. Mm flt.t morn American citizen, Klwn Fran
fans roudend a pagnful of derrp Via Greenlaw and hi minor aon. worn
lion Into mm brief word limit 'killed by Mexican bandit, ye.terday,
like a harm), with a powerful torao'the state department waa Informed
from which the hardest hlowa re. today by the American Ambassador
wound harmlessly, underpinned with 'at Meilco City The killing occurr
haunehea and legs of spring ateel. a'ed about 125 mlle from Mexico Cltr
neck like Taurus and arm In pro-1 Greenlaw was employed by a Iliittali
portion to the ret of liU makeup, a (lumber firm.
j JOHHO ,. WOOD .N 4
TIMOltK. May 3 - Ken
Johimo nand General on
ood are fighting it out at
the presidential preference prlrn-
ory today for ihu 10 voUjh which
Maryland will hare at the Ile-
publican national convention
There I no conical among Iem-
HAN FltANCIHCO. May 3 - The
federal circuit court of appeal today
upheld the conviction ,r n, dMrlrt
--.i... -... ,..i.i ...,.. iii..n. lfouM of Hold (or vlolatl, ,t
' . .. . . .,... .., .'Ilhe epuhace act by crlllrUluK the
Kotvtrnment'a rourae and motive in
I the ar during a conversation at
iltonanta. Klamath county. Oregon, In
anil (be amount of which will prob
ably b decided hortly
II. D Newnll. project manager.
Uled today that the local office bad
,VB.I Mn hMl I t ! IrtM t MMMal.
.. i , . . I ""'' UI now ere IS month a'
tlotn or Intlrurtlona a to any new ., ' " "" .
, .. ' , 'McNeil Inland
work upon tbo project that might be,
coBlemplated a the rnult He ld , , roT .pv
tbtt rvcommendatloti had benn made 'CLtRK AND CARRIER
it o the amount cf mutio reulrl EXAM. liERE MAY ?'
for bctiornieRt that are planned but
that tfce matter w Illl nwAtllne, The I' tf
juat. heav but nulek movlnjt fleht
ln rnacblne-Webb had llllly Muff.
local mlddleweiKht, t hi mercy
from the firm Interchange of blow
In their battle at llouiton' opera
houMt Katurday night '
Huff put up a good, game fleht
and puhed a forlorn hopi to It ut
mot llmll. ending In the eighth
round by throwing up two broken
hand In a grot tire of dr. pair and
aekm wedging the ffrt defeat of hi
local ring Career
Huff right, dlalocated badly two
month ago. went out on blm again
in the third round, and hi left fol
lowed milt In the fifth I'nable to
nfllct punlahinenl be Ma forced to
take tuuldfrabp. a Webb continued
can deatroyera have been ordered to
Vera Crux and Tampleo to protect
Americana there, the nary depart
ment announced today. The actios
wa taken on notice from the itate
department. It wa explained that
the warship could take aboard
Americana at the porta named If It
ihould become nccetmary, but It wa
nald that the reeU were dUpatcbed
only a a precautionary mcniure.
NEW YORK, May 3 -No cf-
fort will be made by the Hiram
Jobnaon force to ralae 125,000
to meet a Mmllar offer from the
General Wood comp to Ktiaran-
lcj the expense of a recount of
rote.) coat In the New Jeritey
primary, the aaalxtant eastern
campaign manager for Senator
Jobnion announced today.
cltil noril coHitttlMiou
iciion of conere and iteturtmentiil nnnounre an lamination on May
lipoiilon of the apportloumrnl. iS 1930. to Mtabluh an ellgiblo rep
i II tarnahan. fonimamler of from which Retortion may l
IaI hAi f iL kuki... a I... . . ....
.v. .-,. u in- oii.nii. hii tPiui, ( mane to nil iatatn-!. AB (icv ni1
hailed ih announment of 1 he occur in the pmiiiona of clerk and'
xward ir. ih aundry apiHirti ninenU carrier. pot offl-o tortlce. Klnranib'
Mil t'
Some men chaxc the andomestlcat
cd koovs, others purine rainbows.
Mill others trail the phantom wlll-'o-the-wlp
through the gloaming, bt
all of thejw bare an eaay tak and ex
cellent chance of reaching their 1
tlmate goal, compared with the elos
Ire path left for tbo assessor to fol
low In the present opldemlc of honso-
movlng In this city, according to tho
hard-worked force In that office.
This Is the time for placing a yoIm
on all county property. The aucMor
or a deputy bles forth and splea &
likely looking dwelling;. Oat cornea
his little book and down he JoU &
figure that covers the house and lot,
and blithely wends away, as content
ed as any one should be who realize
Ithat his duty Is done.
A few days later he passes that
way again. Something is undeniably
1 missing. He blinks, rubs his eyei
CLINTON. Mass, May . Hetty" and looks again. It Is certainly the
land "llllly" hare gone back to the -same lot but where Is the dwelling?
boring In with Jolting punrhe llu'j I """ rnuwa' swiicnmen wno waiKed,iarm. anu Clintons nre department ; A Utile litter or timber remains. For
a wilting fat under iiuiii.hmini "' '" "'H'hy with tho strike eall-'ha rcutrned to Its motorized cffl-'a few feet the heavy trucks of tho
and tbo p.tin of M injured hands nnd ""' lrr" Ar,r" 1, ,l' ,ho Chicago ( dency. An upt:.ndlng pair of house mover have left a plain spoor.
.bowed creditable Judetnont In tor- ' !lr,,mcn ociatlon njo wining to Drowns, tho horses were the pride of, which Is quickly lost as Jt Joins the
minaiing tbo loilnc battle.
Tho ether evMit of tbo card re
more unevenly matched than tho,
n-a!ti nxeal. llbmdlo Kreemnn di-1
rou-ril itijii in, bolief m ht ability
i aland against the punrlm of Joei
.u;a wa a tbl:ake in tho first clash
CHICAGO. May 3 Nineteen thou-
work If their seniority the flrv-flghters until they became ! myriad other marks of the great
tj are restored. John Grunau.jlbc cause of their disgrace. (trade.
blent of the Chicago nsioclatlon. Sleek and fat fjom a farm In an Half led and beaten the despairing-
of the baiilo ood claimed a
declared today In tho Federal court, adjoining town, they were obtained APUty gazes on the few remaining
Crunnu nnd 41 other ofllccrs of tho to pull the town's old fire-engine , fracments that mark the spot, gal
organlxatlon were arraigned on 'while the now motor apparatus was 'r3 madly about in widening circles
charge of conspiracy. Their cases Iwlng repaired. The browns swept 'or a few minutes, gives It up as a
worn continued until May 13th, at out of tho engine-house to their fir?l'',al iol) an(l Bes oa to assess Jones'
Referee Walters nnserlod
rKIMIItng Ol the orwntllK r FalU. Ilratnn flaUrv II linn -'
of tbo .. 4 of uofmprovwl land annum M. U-nu for the )cr!!,lo'r w" f-"r bo, '"r,'n' dou'.led
r..i .
I (2rniinntii inrtMllnn
that tin
jo ion j).. ! fr 'lreloiwcnt by ending Juno SO. 1030
-mre men i t,n,i, . , w.-t- , t, ,,
i I victory In l he frarlKn(B)inl w this ytamlontlon. As
lavo t,con waging fur Iho limit II to & years on tho dat of,
.Hair r?en ns fit IbU ltnl for'ibe examination Age limits and
"It I
rrittcf.... 11 . i.
.... , ,. ..,,cr, anu Ktiior." no biabi and B.'igi.t rou'remouta do
sild. and I venture i0 ar ibat tho not apply lo twnwmi ouilited to prat
dlrwt rxlamst'on spnraprlatlon will Vrneo on a.eoonl of military or
w n a : that will iHRku fund nval aorvic.
jvallaiito fur a vast amount of d. inf. ti.,n .i .nnir.un ki-,
lopmrnt and provldo homes for ( may h. obtaUid by applying to Mhu
wny of those wIhmo aervlw lo ibotr Helen I'axson. local a-retary. tward
ntry In ilmo 0 need mako Ihom of civil eevlo runnnon. Klar.-th
HJwrving of ,1Jch ronslderntlon J Pall. Oregon; or lo the so-re'.v
hare bBe consUlontly Imm-eleventh C 8 civil aervlcu dlitrict.
moring our r-preet,ttlvt. In con- 303 Post Office bu:ldinB. lleattlo,
rr for anicn tU mUer of Waalilngton
."Mc7 wun wtilcn to develop tho til-'
up In n corner and refuted to-go in
Ho wn booed trum Uto ring by the
ICddlo Murphy outclassed K'd y.
I'hers n bo for that iltc uttvr a
how. He was beaten nil over the
ring, Murpby Acored a knockdown
In (ho fimt and another lit tho second
and buttored his 6uionont tinmorcl
fully, iteferw Wnttera won tho np-
proval of tho l.ouao when ho stopped
tbo mnssacro mid gave Murphy tbo
deruion In tho jtcoud round.
If III f w-tt.l .... t t k . ....
"""" """. "oK""ouo nil- test of tho KIki
ion. curiam misers, put on tho host
mntchvul fight of tho ovonlng. Tho
bantams battled for goro and glory
Candidates for the popularity con-
And quite likely inside of
- in wnrtl- nT ftt-n .Tr.nft.1 )imn lin Irtln
Spring Carnival.
tire in a maniier to mako old firemen ' property.
speak with happy reminiscence of
tho horse-drawn days. Then came a Ctl the moving throng, been sold,
night alarm. I Jacked up. some wheels shoved be-
Uack on tho farm 'Betty" and neath It and Is off with tho proces
"Bllly" had been accustomed not to!slon to a Reaper lot In tho suburbs,
stir from sundown t sunrise, and and anothcr mystery of the dlsaiw
.no din of fire-gong or urging by aa-;arln? uweum? ls KTl"ea lnl lna
jxlous flromen would movo them to(annn,s
answer the alarm. All the fire da- Thc reaction on the assessor Is not'
Ipartmcnfs split-second aids to a at onco apparent. Of course, he
IfjUlck start wore lost on the browns. knows wliat ,s com,nK ne W "d
They refused to budge, tho firemen M0 lrios t0 ore3ta1' trouble by seek-
hnd to go to tho blaze with chemical ,nB ,0 locato the vanished dwelling
lines, and the town folko laughed. iand transferring It? assessment to
Tho firemen vevred tho thine tho new lot- If ho "eeds ho Is only
would not happen again and tho out hls cstra Ume antl troub,e out c
trlttand I believe that oventually 'utrnp ARRAMrHMr PHI?
-l M all that w have .lc,M for!MLK!l. G NG
na ai no far distant day,"
And got groat gob.i of both. Tlio'pollliiB tho largcsi number of votes
Tlllti:i: UH'M, (tlUI'I.KS
JOI.Vi:i X WI.I)M)!Klt, ,r from May 21 to May 2?, la In
lit... l. Iu.. !!..!.. k... I
Thriin iin I " v"J iuy iihiub ii ihu meal
are u ccr1""':',,c,' of r""" mnrrl- ,-ommliloo for an nctivw cnmimlgn to
tX."., lWltl.'',,,,cm,",Jfcll,rk "" ! """- ongngement a ro-
--. - ..mi iir. !-. u. Trlinblo, all
of local couples.
"en F. Iirngg and Miss l.oln Mo-J-ormlek
nnd James I. l.Uor nn.i
' Irma l)Hir woro mnrrlod Hnl-
-"y oronlng Harry I. Skadnn nnd
im I.m0 Koystor woro mnrrlod Frl-
referee declared tho liatllo a draw
A largo crowd witnessed tho ovbl.
THE CHAUTAUQUA bm" nn'' nw entlroly sntlsflod
wllil the nhow. Tho gnmo fight
slngi'd hx Huff under advorso clr
rumstiitices nppenlod to tho sporting
instincts of tho spectators and hold
them In breathless Interest for tho
olght rounds thnt It lasted.
which Is to bo held hero from May ., . "-''-" "" ""'i m -inreh
,-.i ... . . . . 'horses wore put throush a stiff train-' ' l l ,uc ot Marcu
Kill frt Mm T!?r.,l ttirliiaiil'n nrn tin..- r um m v... ....i.i ... .. ....
ing. They went to the dav flrei with lnal are ,,arK ana UD'ls lor nim.
spirit, nnd tho flro crow hoped theyiComes noU N"oveinuer anJ the tax
Kill to tho 22nd Inclusovo, are now
being nominated. Tho candidate
will bo proclaimed winner of tho con-
understood Hut another night alarm
I riHIIA fltlil navnl,. MIIAli..ll
test nnd will recolvo a reward of ' ; ; "" """" """ anu '"
levy Is fixed In accordance with tho
valuation basis now being laid.
J II Hoppen. advance agent of the
l'lllsoii White I'll a it 1 1 ii i ii n which will
MSRU.TAlCce adb U....I. ...T7
rtv.p. it . vrw rvns
I iHiN ovil Cjouam .-vv ...... ..1
A.. .. """"' vl
kuC,;oelEii,ftWMB j
" us .rr.ji"r FTOM
I " - -.wiirWtw ONTiQ VJIU. Ot
k JCS Sv 1R0U Jxt
m -.p.w: A9 pen
petition ot former successes.
Among other matters on which tho
local Kuiirunlor iiuut got busy Is tho
Hiiltictlou of a unliable alto for tho
Chniitntjun. I.nst ytrnr It was hold on
tho lot now occupied by tho Presby
terian church.
' u.m.t.1 Come tax collections next snrlnc.
1160.00. Tho candidate holding sec ( afoot hose in ban I , Como nrow an Joncs 8lti
ond Place will receive $25.00. "Ba tho town loTe ..1,' T and Green and a tho "st ot th".
Kacl, ticket sold will entitle tho""n' "lno ,ottn ,au8,0d at 'holr dls- hnwlIn, , ,,.,, ,,nT Mlf '
! purchaser to one opportunity to win co '" " "ro T" nt day "Betty" . . , .... ,.,
tho beautiful J300.00 phonograph;""" "'" wvnt "acK to "" 'arm,
which In to bo given 'away on tho
ononlne nlcbl of tho carnival dlroctlv ' DOG LICENSR PFF? I,
t have been unmercifully mangled in.
I tho assessment, that their property
has been assessed at twice its value.
Tho next logical match In tho qyva'nftor tho most,or morchanta parado
of tho fans Is a bout botwoon Karl' which wnll start tho fostlvltlos.
Itltclilo, local hoavrwolKht. nmi Locntod olsowhuro In this nnnor la
Webb. Tho latter Is anxious to moet a coupon good for nomination of
I that thoy havo been taxed for a
COME IN SLOWLY uouso and lot ani1 tnoJ' so,tl tna
. . house last year and Lord knows
Itltclilo. Ho announced after tho
cIoho of tho bout with Huff that ho
stood ready to moot any boxor In
Klamath county b'otwoon tho wolght
of ICO and 200 pounds.
Kli 1'AKO, Tox., Slay II. Juarvx
Mexico, 1 1 us rtivol(vil against tho Cur
rniint govrrnineiit.
WASHINOTON, 1). C, May 3.
l'nttl I'nltornon, ouo of tho publisher!)
of tho llitltlmoro Hun, tostlflod ro
coutly liofom tho.miiiuto niiiuufac
turors' Htib-commltloo Invoatlgatlug
tho papor HhortiiKO Hltuatlon.
l'nttorson nxprttrsod tho bollof that
tho "unlvoraitl prnctlca of curtail-
incut In tho who of papor," which ho
Hiilil wan being observed by tho nowa-
impiirH would result In n marked
offoct on tho mnrkot by fall.
Ho centinued:
"Hut nothing offoctlvo can bo no-
cpmplluhod unless tluiro Is a dofiulti-
ourtitllmnnt In tho uniouiit of ndvor
tlinmonts, nnd tho only way that can
bo dono Is to Incronao ndrortlslng
rotes-r-not for tho purpoBo of InoroaH
lac royonuuH, hut to hold down tho
amount of ndvortlsIugk
i-3 '
MUSKOOHH, OKI.A., May 3. -At
noon today H bodies had boon ex
tricated from tho debris roauUlng
Slxteon dog owners had responded whoro U '8 no,v' but thero'a beon no
tn ih. n.n.nin . -...... . ., .. I house on tho lot for a Tear or more.
your favorite, giving hor at tho tlmo "', u """"" ul -"" ' i oiico ii,nit r.i
. . ?. ,nrtn , . Wilson, Issued last Friday, that cltr anu tUo cal1 ror oquailzation ana
tho coupon Is turned In 1000 votes to , ., .... " ua' .."ua)' u,at c"' , .,nin r , n.o-
tn .i.,.i..., ,ef ..-iconsca musi no paid at onco or tho - -.o.u. ..
All nominating must bo. ... , .. ;""" ur "' , An . -mm. Mn i, nrot,io
iiicaui iiunuii- prescrioou oy tno ordl- ' ' "
nnnco would bo enforced on unit- "' an arrangomeut ooiweon ouyer
start with.
In by Tuosday night.
Illl I HID VIUVIIIIIII UllllUHl UIUI Ul , ... ,,, l-,. .n-..r. ft,. ...
hlned shows I lonsou canines, up until noon today.'""" av""" -"- " -oincu
snows, i , , i . . nini. tu. ,.., .i..ti
inis roprosonu a small proportion oui"' " v" " " " "- ..
tho Foley nnd Uurk com
It can bo truthfully said that novor
orL,s:,,.ot,o. l-r,;-".1 irrr'trz
vorltablo fairyland In operation at, "' ".M"'-'""""" ' u,,uo V" "s,at ,. .,'.,..,.. w , ,
njiuuuiiK up iiii uiui con sou animals ' ....- .. ....
Stli nnd Klamath stroots on tho open'
.. .1 .. m. .
iiiiii nwrnvB -i nn nFAennit
i.. i ..1..1.11. . liit ilili( wlinn llm immla afnrt nnv " " " --- vv0v
of tho storm was brought by aurvlv- Mi7 and. becomes
om ths morning, wlro communion- j ""J r ",1' 'r"'n ," " ', ' f'j extermination within tho next wook this theory tho
lion imvmg noon tiomoiisiied. Ho- - .-..... . ,. ,. .,, tlinI nmttrm nn . tho vendor will
porta say, thnt tho ilcuth lint will nt
loaat roach CO,
W.UtltK.V llltOS. I.OS1J
1'roaa dlspatchoa from Twin Falls,
Idaho, toll of thu destruction by a
irnnen ennalsllnir of morn hnn llftv "' l"u """-" l"u" owners pay lor ,
acta, any ono of which la worth moro tholr 1rotoctlon
th an tho prlco ot admission, Tho
Hawaiian vlllngo la u moat roallstlo J UNIONS INSIST ON
portrayal of tho sdnga nnd dances of
thnt enchanting lulu ot tho mld-l'n-
rlllo. Tho dog nnd monlcoy hotol la a.
riot ot fun. Admn and lCvo nnd tholr
t futiitlv nrn mill ynnftloo lttt A ilntu .. .
flro of unknown origin of tho Wnrron ." , '.".., " wonnng npparoi wiu.dotornlao nc
Broa. Construction companya UwlS?. do,OBatos oloCtod
annual liatllro that owns house and lots and
houso, onco placed
a part ot it and on
assessment against
stick, deaplto its jnlo
and removal. Practically, however.
It does not work out In any such easy
fashion tor tho assessor nnd tax col-
1n4fra nmi nnloea Miaa la anmn v
LAbLL ON CLOTHING , operation now botwoen thoso who
buy and soil houses for romoval to
SPOKANE, Wash., May 3. Por- distant parts, nnd tho asaoasor'a of-
centago of unlon-mido nni labelled
plant and office at that place, ontnll-
Ing n Horloua loaa to tho pavluc cor
OJlloaoK T.bhlKht und Tuosday,
fair; fionvy frOat in oaiJy morning;
westerly winds.
As a rownrd for tho hard study In
proparatlon for yostcrdny'o confirm
ation services, tbo hoarding puplU of
tho Snored Iler.rt academy enjoyed a
picnic nnd "wloalo roast" today on
tk Upper Luko.
tho Inrgost annko in cnptlvlty today, unjons ot u,la city r0 tho central In
moaaurlng thirty foot In longth nnd , i,or council, according to n plan
hnvlng n clrcumforeucc Iargor thaulloptod bv tho council and refnrr,i
that of n man's body. Jolly Jon and I to ti.o local unions for tholr an-1
Ills (till nmmili nt Invlnl nnhirn n.lll ,
Under tho propoaod nlnn. dolo-
flco, thoro is going to bo loud walling
and Iota of explanation when next,
year's collections nro niodo.
his 001 pounds ot Jovial naturo will
J'o In tho long lino ot shows. Tho
nionkoy nHto rnces will koop you
rooking with laughtor. Thl4 yoar
tho Toloy nud Burl: Shows claim lio
most hoMttlful morry-go-round In nil
tho land. Tho bug-houso, tho forrla
whoel and other riding devices all go
to mnVo It a playground Minor to bo
POBTLANU. Hay 3. Cattlo woak
or, choice steers $12 nnd $13; hogs
woakor at $10 and J 1 6.25; sheep
weaker nnd unchanged: huttne
gatos -would bo aiibjeciod to oiaml-JEtoady aud unchanged; eggs, case
nntlon by a commltteo ot tho council count, 40 coats a dozen.
wnon muy yroaontoa thomoolve for
momhorshlp, TJnloaa at loast 60 per
cent of tholr garment lion union la
bol, thoy would ho donlod a seat.
Women delegates woald be ex
cepted. ,
Tho eminent Froncl. astronomer,
Lalande, "possooaod nn oxcotslve
fondness for spiders and caterpillars
as nrtl'les of diet, and would cat,
them with pprnt rollsh.