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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
PACJI3 PIVJFJ r THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FIUDAY, APRIL JH, 10M . rr f p' -,--M-u-)J-uru-u-u-JV1 jw'w'-- w -ii-'ii VjyvvvvviAnAfvvvvnj-iAAnAri TONE the liver NYAL'8 LIVER PILLS tono tlio llvor, correct constipation, bilious ness, indigestion and ticadncliOH and 'oxer rlsus mi excellent bene fit on tho blond. TONICS BUILDERS APPETIZERS SYSTEM CLEANERS TONE the nerves N Y A L'S NBIIV K TONIC Just a Hlmple, but reasonable rextorer of norvo forco, If you aro tlrod, weak, run down, fidgety, flighty, easy to upset, hero's your remedy. $1.25 ADVANCE MAN FOR 'ELKS' CARNIVAL HERE FOR SALE Real Estate TONE up the youngsters NYAL'fi EMULSION OK COI) LIVER OIL n h a fattener, tissue restorer, body builder mid HtruiiKtliunur. Good for puny, run-down children. Very tasty In this clover form. TONE up weak old age NVAL'H COI) LIVER EXTRACT f'ORDIAL Ih k hlKh grade reconstruc tive tcnlr. Kino for weak old ago, puny youngsters, Invalids and con valescents. Excellent to build up after any Illness. TONE with iron UNDERWOOD'B IIEBF IKON AND WINK, supplies Iron In tbo bout form and In tbo inoHt logical way, and besides It ban, the strengthening valtio of befr and the beef and Iron togti(liVH makes this u world famous preparation for many year to come. $LSO-, "". TONE -. the complexion .AVAL'S SKwioiNT MHNT to aid .lb the removal'' of csa, pimples and, blemishes. Take a Reed tonic on the Inside, "use Jtthls ointment on the 'out aide and your face and nkln will be clean and clear und free from Unsightly dlsflgura tlonK. An Ideal prep aration ujbne, doubly valuable In connection with our touio-oiilood I purifier , 50c '.A. I TONE with sulphur and molasses In tbo old fashioned war we .cup. supply the highest grade .aubilinatlicr'Mriiihur as used '-with molaifiSs'i or the new modern way by taxing hul-, PIIUR and CREAM OF TAR-" TAU LOZENGES, which can bo taken plain or crushed up and mixed with, molasses f you wish. In the lozenge farm they are handy and easy to take; each dose is' equal and Is the same a old time favorite- rind' Vital' com-' position for purifying the blood It has always been Old and young should take a course of SULPHUR and CREAM OK TARTAR LOZj KNOBS this Spring.. 25c ' 'tone with "h)Fpo" UNDERWOOD'S COM POU.ND. . 8YR.OP," HYPOPH08PHITES to tone up the system generally, with bene-.-ficlal effect ' on tho nerves, reconstruct the system and restore tls Hues and wasted flesh. Uenefits all Internal organisms, but proves Its best value as a' gen eral builder and recon structive. All ages ran take it and it will do them all good. $1.25 Wi &.. 1-r. i . '.;. - jTONE , ,- '. by the modern '"Iron-Nux" process IRON AND' NliX. TABLETS with the double value of Iron as a blood purifier, builder and strengthener and nux as an appetite creating tonic and with benefit to thu'iiierves.S.trvngth, forcefulnesH, vitality, energy, ability nnd rteslrtCKVOd. healthgodd looks; plenty of ilctlvlty ur-4b remits from using this-remedy. ' .' -j. . . jtalph P. Losey, advance agent for llio Foley & Ilurk xh'ows, Which ap pear hero as tho big, attraction of the Elks annunl sprint carnival, .Hay 17 ii 19 nlnA,1 Ih iiaa tnul nlnlit i n f ..,..,,., ... ... u ... "' to TJIADB1 new 5-passcngcr Mat- pave tho way for tho coming- ot tUn ,ollm automobile to trade for light carnival. truck. Hce F. M. Garten. 27 Thlrty-llvo locanmorchnntir slgpu.1. up today to take part in the big mer-.rM" nAi.h itM-it. frontage on chants imrnde vAtileh-will open tile week of merriment'. The Foley & Ilurk shows are considered tho .'fore most carnival attractions in tho west, npd have an enviable reputation for worth nnd cleanliness, No question able attractions aro permitted aril tho rough stuff that sometimes at tends such entertainments. Is abso lutely tabooed. ' CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR BAKE 104-ft. Klamath Ave., across from Ford garage building. Act quick arid call or see. W, E. Perkins, City Milk Depot, phone 29GJ. 21-tf FOR SALE Oliver-typewriter, used only three months. Inqulro'lit C32 Oak street evenings or phono 36C during the day. 29-tf, -tfiru DAL.C a uouuio arawor N- J tlonal Cash register. Just like new. I .lex vuio. 12-11 2C-29 JUBT A FEW ACRES of potato land left, $150.00 per acre. Have sold 72 acres at this price. Cholco bide, lots, jour price, your terms. Why rent. Phono 1, 1303 Main St, W. M. MO.NTKUUB. 19-tf FOR 8ALE CO tons rye hay, $15.00 per ion. iiageistein Kanch, Ala goma, Ore.' 29-3 O- .v OTHER OtiierseuHonable tonics arc found In our store Anything' and everything in vory possible form those well known, those not so well known. Make your own choice, but buy it here, becuusu whatever It is, If It 'h a tonic we It. TONICS J 0; fcfl J ft". 1 3 S (jndcr woods Phar mar Y a. m iwb - w r'jii mtr M' - ara tt-t m m WW J l puttyD WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THRIR DRUGS lACCUPACvl jjfjy0000t0i0ls MMsMtrfMMMMMtrvxnanyiJ I AT'THE THEATERS I o o The famous morality play ''EveVl' woman," has been jnado Into -a mo tion picture. and will be shown at the Star Theatre tenight: The., story is declared to have boon flirted on an extremely lavish scale and'to abound in beautiful settlnga, lovely woiscri attired .1n'"iand8omo gowns,, anil spectacular effeetfl. Against this er tra'vagant " .bacVgifbund Walter H rowno's'. celebrated allegory 6f life and its'feniitations Is'acted'by anex- irauraioKryuHii ui vimycra.-,i uojryie ofEverybman is ,p)aycd" 11 Vieiet Hamlng,5beautilUlt actress 'ivell known ori:'h'star''and the screen. ibnle Bjlff,"ha8tho-,;part of Jove,- nonaa iiawiey is neauiy, ana t-Jir. dbro Roberta is JiVealth. Others' in th'6. company" "include" " MaVg'aret IiomtiV Mildred Iteafdon, Bebe .Dan. lils, inrlnfev"C'uniralngs,- Raymond attbn', "Noah' "ITeery, Charles Ogje fLUi Tutlr Marshall, The picture was directed by?eorge H Melfprd -and is released as ' ii Paramount-Artcraft photop'laS'". - , FOR SALE If you are looking for a nice modern, up-to-date 5 or 6 room home, brand new, see John E. Dreher,.-1134 Grant St. 19-tf LOTS Lots of Lota Lots on paved streets from 1G0.00 to-ll.250.00. Unimproved from $100.00 up. Terms if desired, 10 per Cent cash, balance 36 payments. 1 12x16 house, big lot,$350.00. 1 4-room house, big, lot, $1,500. 1 G-room house, iilg lot, $1,300. ' 1 6-room hSuseT two big lota, $1,800.00." W. M. MOXTELIVS, Phone 1 1303 Main Street. 10-tf FOR SALE :studebaker Six, 7-paa-senger, Just ordrhauled, rebored, and new pistons and rings, new ring gear and uinion, ne,w starter, new generator, new top and paint last fall, 5 Federal cord tires, one brand new. Price $1150.00; some terms. See Newt, at the Mecca, or phone 135J. 29-1 FOR RENT OR LEASE NOW'is the time t a Invest ln:tb Vul--can Oil & Gas Co., of Medford, Ore. Remember this, every dollar you, in vest must be returned to you before the organizers van get one red wceAtt-ot their money back. Stock 12tyc per share, minimum blocks -of 100 shares, fully paid. "non-assessa ble: 24-5 VANCOUVER IJUILDISG "' VANCOUVER, B. C Aprlf ?0: flTe years and treat any. real estate MOUNT LAKI NKWH took up the afternoon after "which ' hood took placo the other day whoa; Tbo Improvement society meeting Friday evening was well attended, as usual. An Instructive talk was given by Professor Wolls of fho county high school on the mlllage tax. An enjoyablo time, was had at tho party giyon at Mrs. Henry Morrison's Saturday afternoon when tho Junior boys' class of tho Sunday school en tertained tho girls' class, (lames light .refreshment were serve'd 'by the boys and their teacher, Mlss'Myr tlo Duller. Those present were Ber nico and Lucille Dawson, Lots and Joyco Slogtord, Wilma Uurke, Avis Barnes, Alice Hill, Dale West, Melvln L. A. West, a well known farmer, eold his ranch to Mr. Brown,who has -jtist come here from .Oklahoma He Is a brother-in-law, of thoLatta brothers. Mr. West will not gly$ possession until December 1. He Is Qreeley, Clarenco Ralph Hill, Herald j not sure wher ho will buy asye. nnd Glen Dllllnger, Charles Mack and Miss Myrtle Uutlor. ' Tho lurgest real estate transaction that has taken place in this neighbor- MONDALE THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Harry T. Morey in "THE GAMBLERS" , pWhen millionaires fight they fight in the dark. This f picture turns a light on night scenes .behind bank doors jf Also Fourteenth Episode of "Trail of the Octopus" ' ' ' ' s' -Only One More J, , "WH;iS MONSIUR X? BobbV Vernon. in one of his pleasing comedies ;;t Verno McClellan left Sunday mprn ing for Eugene where be is attending the university. ' L. A. West and H. J. Lester aojd their ewes to Guy Merrill and- (Jollv ered them Wednesday. Llskey brothors stopped at East woods Sunday night with 'a bunch of beef cattle belonging to Pope & Lls keys, on their wny to Midland to ship. Mr. and Mrs. John Koontz, Mr. Greeley and Molvin Greeley made a trip to Malln Sunday. They called on Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hnnnoii while thoro. Tho Ladles' Aid met at the church Wednesday to tack quilts. Thoso present woro Mrs. John Koontz, W. Clioyno, Doarongor, Charles Mack, Henry Morrison, Frank Stewart, A. Kulor and Charles Lattn. Mrs. Lotha Zlmmors Is visiting at her aunt's, Mrs. J. S. McClellan. Building projects during 1920 lor Vancouver will amount tOi$12,000, SooJ rClty -Building Inspector'Jblrd estimated recently. The total rvalue projects s'tarted duflhglSlJ was .$2,271,361. r WANTED-To di8poa.rof3BJ) jncre a best land in Klamath county, fire miles from, town, railroad 'straight thrqngh ;lt. depot in 200 feet, power HnoaJbngne. side, -water'. eh dofeh df Jwpeiist to noat Noah's ark and maafe mudKif 250 acres. . Will gree to pick and market free' of chance all oranges produced on the land for FOR 11ENT Light housekeeping rooms; will exchange for soma housework? each-Hay. 741 Walnut Ave. .. 29-30 .TO RENT For 'your spring house cleaning Thor' Vacuum Cleaner. Delivered and called for any place, one dollar a day. Call 49, Klamath Electric Co. 28-20 FARM FOB RENT OR 'SALE Nter Klamath- Fall under ditch'. Ad dress R. Herald office. 12-tf FOR SALE: Second batd Crilted Motor track of 4 tona fully equip-, ped' frir hauling, .'excellent conditio for only7SO.O0 . O. B. Portland. Oregon, F.or particulars, write Thorn-' as Handles,' 26-Nofth 15tH St., Port land, Oregon'.' 1'- , ... U . FOR.RENT Bpace'l.nrtbese colunraa at five cents a' llnea day. AIina read br-theuaandfl svarr njgbt fi . .'. ,.,, ' .. Ix wanted: 2 - ;fakliwho claims a commission toa punch., Come and 'get- It and 'brtag vau'r 7nrkAthhAlr nlnriff inr.t tn'.nBlra- changit:' Call at 517. Pine, or J08. 9th Sts. i r . '9-tf GALVANIZED;'! i ( - t A, crrstlnfc or rldga, rtill. nmk4 grjrtt hpcSt make all the regalarKtyles and, slies." AT 102S HAIN , L. N. HAINES a DO YOU NEED a belt? We.havq a ' -belt tor'erery drive.. Let ,us'vha"ve, your-hardest drove and we will gdSr antee to. prescribe correctly.' VVe'.wlll make any' special' belt required If you'Ctell'taa'the purpose foriWhlch-dt is neeoea. ie raaKe a specialty oi renalrlng leather belts. We are' rep resenting Gratton &' Knight's splon-, did line of leather. Established in' 1851 and always maintained Its. high) quality; - Klamatli Rubber & Lcathr Co., . 1126 Main St., Klamath FalsOro AXXOUNClEMEXT I wish to announce that I have opened an office to do a general Real Estate business and am located at 620 Main St., one door eaBt of the Liberty Theatre, and Would be pleas ed to show you farm, land and city property. " T. B. Watters. 26-tf. .A-"n FOR SALE Miscellaneous 'CfPd.- i.t -.v, "U L'.KXE-MotaV.hnnlr.'-mio nf live. best pleasure laun'ehesbii'the laker Am buying larger boat "and. offer this for1 quick sale at $150., Jas. M..Wat kins, Jr.,- phene 30R. ' 29-30 i' - FOR SALE Piano In line condition. Cash or terms. Winters Jewelry Store.- 29.-tf BICYCLE FOR SALE Vera Ben v'h'ettri38 Vine street, Mils add. . 26-1 FORSALE: 75 cots and liftds', quilts, blunkets, pillows and cases. Per kins Furniture house. - FOR SALE .Good wheat and bar ley straw ,$6.00 per ton. 2-tf Phone 29 6 J FOR SALE: Good team ot driving or work horses, harness and1 back, $150. This week they will be at the old Turner saw mill; after this week they will be at Merrill. W. A. Tur ner. 27-1 NOTICE The annual meeting of the Klam ath Cattle and Horse association has been postponed to meet at Bonanza, Ore, Saturday morning, May 8th, at in on rt"ftipir . 28-tf W. C. Van 'EmW Secretary. MILLER'S AUTO DAUNDRY Cars washed, greased and engines cleaned. Phone 25,W, Dunham's garage. 24-tf Klamath-Bend Auto Stage A dally nuto stngd Bervlco is now oporating between Klamath Falls and Bend. Offlces Rex cafe and Met ropolitan Hotel. C. I. Reckard. 27-tf PIANO FOR SALE -In. fine condi tion; also one row boat; 50-gal. galvanized Iron gasoline tank: In quire' Mrs. J.- H. Hamilton, 9th and JeffeVsoh. ,.A 27-30 SPECIAL PRICES on cots and pads owing to freight delay, bad to dupli cate and have come by .express, con sequently am overstocked. Perkins Furniture house. " KAKIjY SPRING HATS ' JUNEAU, Alaska, Apr. 10, (By Mnll). Hero in Juneau, tho capital ot far northern Alaska, milliners ad vertised their spring hnts as early ns Fobruary.. Tho advertisements' caused now arrivals to loso t'hoir bolief that wool caps ant fur coats only are in stylo in Alaska in tho spring, NOTICE The Ladles of Sacred Heart church will hold a silver tea, at Johnston's Furnituro Btoro Saturday, starting at noon, All. are cordially Invited. . " ' 29 MAfeoXS ATTENTION' Thoro will be a 'special communi cation of' Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. & A. M, "Friday evening, April 30; 1920, nt 8 o'clock p,'in., Work in M. M, Gogreo, Visitors wolcomo.i, 29-30 Goo. Qhastaln, t,(M. 1 l i' i NOTICE St. Pauls Episcopal Guild will hold, ii cuokuu iooa anu nprun.saia ana al so sorvo tea in tho Library hall Sat urday afternoon ' at 1:00 o'clock. Everyone Invited. FOR SALE1 Ovne Shire stallion, six years old. Several head of young 'work horses. Inquire' ot Enterprise Ranch, or phone .253J. 12-tf FOR SAL& Complete hydraulic well' boring machine with engine. Price reasonable. Addres3 Lola Otey, Dorrls, Cal. ,27-3 WANTED Clean rags, any kind,. 9c', lb., Mal)oi7Caige, X37tWflIow ATef Tc !' '-' '29-ft-( WANTED .W-omajn.. for genera' housework od 'ranch, "short hdurs,1 light "work. ' Shanahan Ranch, Bly, Oregon. --. - :vtip . , 'Wanted Three chamber maids at ' the WhIte..Pelicah 'hotel. 28-U xx '' " "" EXPERIENCED GIRL wants house- work.:iaosmall.latnily,.good, wagap and .treatment expected .. -.- i'-. ; r:-.Ti.-f . . -.. -.- ... j. h, Herald omcergtvingTinrpartictt-' lars. iz. u.'ftU r .'.,' : Srf- Wrlte'Wx partlctt- V28,J1 trr-r .tiWUJC , A rfitfnhM- Mtuhlb vnnnv wants. employment'la. bfflce bristore. For further jlnformatibn and .recom mendatl6n,i$;all ,C. .F".; Trimble;' '91T Pine St.,'p)one 475 or' 374. 27-U. IF YOU WANT .TOVbUY OR SEW anything,? see Max. Weiss. He will save you' money. ' 13-tI. WANTEDi-'Rag8',, olil newspapers and magazines j brass, all kinds ot old metal 'and , salvage material,. Highest prices ""paid. Max" Weiss', Sixth St., near'Ewadna Box factory. -V. f 13-tf, Storage Batteries ., II. Sh Idler WANTED A 'message from you -to the readers .of The Herald, if you have anything for sale", for rent, lost or found. . .. MISCELLANEOUS Electric Wiring: H. Shldl HAIR WORK of all kinds done; Switches and hair pieces teld: combings made to order. Phoha 247W, ... 28-SO IF IT 18 a trade you want, phone 41. PUT IN A COT and make that spare room pay. Complete outfit "for $25. Perkins Furniture house. ' Printing, Stationery and office supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 126 Main St. 9-tf FOR SALE: Tents, O. ,D. blankets, comforters and. nil kinds' pf bed ding. Canvass and. leather belting, pipe, bollors nnd nil kinds of second hand machinery. Ma Wpiss, Sixth St., near Ewauna, "Dpi. .company. ' FOR SALE The. Herald will placo your message in the hands of, over 9,000 readers every night for only tlvo conta a line. ., i HOUSE MOVING and roofing; 15 years experience; prices right: work flrst-class. True & Failing, Phone 22W; residence .1221 Pleas ant Ave. 16-lmo PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187 Electric Appliances H. Shidlor,4 CITY GARBAGE When you garbage innovHd call b2J. want LOST AND FOUND LOST Yesterday! bill book contain ing $26 and ot&er' papers. Liberal reward paid; !.. Return to Branden burg's Dry Goods' SJoro. 29-1 . ' 4,k FOR SALE 4 snddlo horses,, goodi nfter stnelr. rlinnn? ft -urnrlr.tinrfiPR I ready for spring plowing;. Phono ' LOSTtrrAi goldem; 'oiiiiortunltxi.tb seji 296-J. i V. ST"" frTTT FOR SALE 1 3 Studebaker wa. gon, 1 34 narrowrtlrod wagen: Phone 296-J. ., Storage Batteries Charged.:!!) Shidler IF YOU use it In tho honio try Pbr kins before yoii so'n'd' nwny.r -Ho probably has it or knows whore you' can get It 'locally. 'fc in , .,'- your- home, your farm or an'ythinir you wish to. dispose of. if you do nbt usoVthe classified "columns' of Tho Herald; . "., , FOUND A cbancu toidispose of any ot the Innumerable articles that yoti have stored "away In your collar, attic or barn .Turn your waste Into cash, Thore Isaljvays someone who wants Just what you have for sale. Find him through the classified columns of this ppor. i it .. L a L I' ''B ORDER Murphey's Feed & Seed Store trnvr i JL26 Smitk Sixth St PhoMfT '' ''VlW .iK . j?rm . ujt, NOW s kT !. ti i1 t a V " '!.,,.. . ' . .' ,