The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 28, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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rAcns Timini
WEDNESDAY, Ami!; 28, 1030
Be a " Happy Farmer ?
You know the La Crosse "Happy Farmer" Tractor?
The one that goes anywhere with three 14-inch plows
or any other tool that requires the same power?
We are prepared to put that Tractor and 3-14
plow with extra shares at work in your field in any
reasonably accessible place in Klamath county for
$1,200 cash. You don't need to lose any time or
spend any money. Deposit that amount in the Bank
or Bonanza, subject to our order when the machine
is delivered, and we do the rest.
Call us up, write or come and see us before you buy.
We are farmers and tractor operators. Our machine
is at work every day but Sunday.
SACRAMENTO, Cnl., April 28.
The Southern l'aclllc company an
nounces plans to enlarge Its shops ut
Hticrumunto. Now buildings will bo
erected to Iioiihii thu brass foundry,
thti miring factory and the sawmill.
SYDNEY, AUHtralla, Mur 18, (By
Mull) - Tho proposed now Austral-
iuii liirlfr Ih not Intended to encour
age mnniifiu Hirers In "slothful ease"
or to (iniiblt) them to operate on any
other bantu tliuti "ini'rlt, declared
I'rltnu Minister IIiighuH, at a lun
gIhioii ghwii horn by tho AiiHtrullan
Industries Protection league.
"Tho mtiniifncturorH of Australia,"
ho wild, 'iniiBt take advantage of tho
oppoitunlty which now unfoldH Itself
bororo ilium. Tho government In
tends to luy upon tho table of the
boumi a tariff bill which has boon J
carofully prepared with tho dollber-
uto Intention of encouraging effec
tlvoly tho Industries of AiiHtrullu; but
I want to toll tho inanufu( turoni that
thoy mtiHl not think to find u safe
and permanent Bholtor behind that
tariff wull.
"You intiHt llvo on your murltH
Tho niunufucturorH of Australia muHt
realize, iih hoiiio havo already done,
that tho bulwarks nro imposed by
tho HparHonoHM of our population.
Thoy miiHt build tholr planlH with
tho fullest Intention or competing In
tho markets of tho world. Tariff can
sot you on tho roud; but you must
wulk nlonu."
I'A(!() PAGO. American Sumca.
.Mar. 23, (lly Mall). Tho South Sea
Pacific company of New York, a sub
Hldlary of tho Pacific Development
corporation of Now York Ihih been
awarded tho copra contract of Amur
lean Samoa ut tho mini of $15G pur
How much should I give
to make this a better world?
A CERTAIN man in New York filled out his
income tax report.
It showed on income so large that his tax wa3
53. And his total gifts to church ondchur-
, ity for tho year were $148.
Think of it thousands spent for luxuries and
,,' pleasure for himself; and $148 to leave the world
a littl better than he found itl
28. Tho tuition charges at Colorado
collect' hero will bo $120 beginning
next fall liiHtend of $80 a year.
At the
Agricultural College
State University and
Ore. Normal School
elamieH urn ho overcrow dud, rooniH bo
overloaded, and teachers no few, that
tho three Institutions will hnvo to
cloHe the door on at leant 1,000 Ore
gon boys and girls, and perhaps upon
twice that number next fall, tinluHU
the now mlllugo mipport bill passes
on May 21
These liner IiIsIIIiiIIohh have, mIh-ii
(oinpjiicd with Ibo ji-nr ulien (he
iieenl mllliige hiippoit bill was
150 per cent More Students
but only
15 per cent More Classrooms
and less than
4 per cent More Income
The fact that higher education in
Oregon Ih In a crisis cannot bo said
too strongly. You are urged to work
for tho Higher Educational relief
measure, and to help it with your
voto on May 21.
FOR SALE Real Estate
Paid advertisement inserted by Colin
Dyinenl in behalf of tho Joint Alumni
Relief Committee for Higher Educa
tiou In Oregon, 514 Plttock IMcck,
Pol Hand.
Tho longer you wait tho harder It
will be to gut desirable lots at reas
onable prices. Wo aro foitunato )n
being able to offer n number of
good ones ut low prices, as follows.
Main street lot, 25x150 feet, near
K. I). Building, at $1250: terms.
, Wall and Hroadstreut corner 75x
80 feet. It's a bargain nt $1600.
Oak Avenue near Market, with 75
feet on Oak and 112 feet on railroad
spur. A good buy at $1250. Terms.
Sixth street corner 100 ft. on Cth
and 104 feet deep, at tho very low
price of $C,000. You'll- havo to
Dandy corner on Crescent Avenue,
50x178 feet. Price Is $000 on very
easy terms.
Very desirable residence lot on
Alameda, 50x150, at $650, on very
easy terms.
Fine corner, 50x150 ft. on Ala
meda in Hot Springs Addition, at
$750 on very easy terms.
Wo havo In addition to tho above
nn exclusive list of Main street prop
erty, houses and lots In all parts of
tho city, fami3 and ranches in all
parts of the county. We can save
you money.
C33 Main St. Phono BC
TOR SALE Oood team of driving
or work horses, harness and hack,
$150 This week thoy will bo at tbs
old Turner saw mill; after this week
thoy will be at Merrill. W. A. Tur
ner. 27-1
FOR SALE Over Star Drue Store.
tea cart, piano lamp, buffet, child's
rocker and chair, brass bed and niat
ress, largo heater, pictures and
dishes. 27
PIANO FOR SALE In fine condi
tion; also one row boat; CO-gal.
galvanized Iron gasoline tank. In
qulro Mrs. J. H. Hamilton, 9th and
Jefferson. 27-30
FOR SALE 1 Majestic range, 1
Colo air heater, 625 11th St.
TO TRADE 1 new G-passenger Mal-
bobm automobile to trado for light
truck. See F. M. Garlch. 27-tf
A reliable, capable young ludy
wants employment In office or store.
For further Information and recom
mendation call C. F. Trimble, 917 oncp,
Pine St., phone 475 or 374. 27-tf ! Mills Addition
FOR SAI.K Plastered house, six
rooms and bath room, hot and
cold water, two screened In porches,
woodshed, barn and chicken house.
extra good cow, calf one month old,
4 3 chickens, and household furni
ture oil go for $2500 If sold at
Part terms. 2252 Vine street
Owner. 27-28
WANTED Woman for general FOR SAI.K New plastered 4-room
house work. Phono 390J. house, bath room, closet, largo at-
27-28 tic. sleonlng norch. buffet kitchen.
enameled white. Garage. Call at 235
WANTKI) Cook for ranch. Phono , Michigan Ave., owner. 23-29
announces his candidacy for tho re
publican nomination us sheriff of
Klamath county. If elected I will
always remombor that 1 am your ser
vant, not your master.
WANTKI) Small furnlbhed house
or apartment. Consider buying.
Frank II. Robinson. 26-29
SPECIAL PRICES on cots and Dads
owing to freight delay, had to dupli
cate and have come by express, con
sequently am overstocked. Perkins
Furniture house.
FOR SALE Good wheat and bar
ley straw ,$6.00 per ton.
2-tf Phone 296J
FOR SALE Ford Sedan, run two
months; starter, demountable
rims, good tires, 1 new spare tire.
Phone 243. 27-29
FOR SALE Complete hydraulic
well boring machine with engine.
Price reasonable. Address Lola
Otey, Dorris, Cal. 27-3
FOR SALE Tents, O. D. blankets,
comforters and all kinds of bed
ding. Canvass and leather belting,
pipe, boilers and all kinds of second
hand machinery. Max Weiss, Sixth
St., near Ewauna Box company.
FOR SALE The Herald will place
your message In the hands of over
9,000 readers every night for only
five cents a line.
FOR SALE 4 sadcUe horses, good
after stock, cheap; 6 work-horses,
ready for spring plowing. Phone
c. mtim'Kit
Republican candldato for nomination
District Attorney, Klamath county
May 21. 1920. '-Preservation
Rights; Prevention of Wrongs."
I will sell to an experienced farm
' er. ICO acres of good land under
WANTED Lady enfo checker; also, the- ditch for $12,800. Terms, one-
dlsliwasher. Apply White Pelican haIf csn' balance one to five years,
Hotel, ask for Mr Johnson. 26-28 ' per cent interest; buyor to farm
place two years, take all crops, put
WANTKI) Garden ploughing. In-,' " acres alfalfa each year, pay
iiulro Kaglo Peel room.
27-29 I taxes and wnter charges, and at the
ena oi two years it uuyer is uissatls-
do with fed, 1 will give him $2,000 for hU
WANTED Plnwlne to
tractor, any amount, anywhere, at iiargam.
0f I any time Seo J. S. Mills & Son for t. . .waitkks
I Information. 23129 Real Estate. C20 Main.
I FOR SALE 104-ft. frontage on
i Klamath Ave., across from Ford
Most of us do better than that; but not so very
much better.
Our average daily gift for all church causes is
leas than we spend for daily papers
less than a local telephone call
less than a third of the day's car fare
less than 3 cents a day
No wonder that 80 of the ministers of America
are paid less than $20 a week. No wonder that
the church hospitals turn away thousands of sick
people a year. No wonder that China has only
one doctor for every 400,000 people. No wonder
that every church board and charity society is
forever meeting deficits, forever passing the hat.
It isn't because we are selfish; it isn't because we
don't want to help. It's just because no one has ever put
up a great bit pro cram to us, and asked us to think of the
work of the church in a systematic businesslike way.
The Interchurch World Movement represents the united
program of thirty denominations. They have surveyed
their whole task, no business could have done it better.
They have budgeted their needs; no business could have
more scientific budget. They have united to prevent the
possibility of waste and duplication. At least a million dol
lars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual cam
paigns are Joined in one united effort.
And they come to the men or women who love America
to you this week asking you to use them as the chan
nel through which a certain definite part of your income
can be be applied to make this a better world.
Only you can determine what part of your Income that
should be.
It's a good time right now to answer that question.
We're passing through the world just once; how much
better will the world be because you passed through?
April 2Stb
May 3n4
'Wbfld Movement
cfZNbrth America
TttpmUlmtltu if Alt aivtrtUtrntnt 1$ mtit ptttHlttknufk tkt ntjuriNt
thirty itnm(ttiM,
READY for instant use
in oil cookstovus, oil
heaters or lamps.
Ask your dealer
for Petri Oil
and economical.
WANTED Position as working
.ir'"". ... i-" ,V i? n,.'" iT Karago building. Act quick and call
aW Marvsville Cal 23-28 or see- w- u- Perkins, City Milk
1.1 Mar-slUo. cat. Illl , Depot, phone 296J. 21-tf
Standard Oil Co.
WANTED liy young married cou-
plo without children, furnished or .JUST A FKW ACRES of potato land
! unfurnished, room apartment or1 left, $150.00 per aero. Have sold
!h..!iKo. liv Mnv 1st. Address Fred 72 acres at this price. Cholco bldg.
,.nio iinrnifi nfflro. or nhono 99R. i lots. 3 our price, your terms. Why
53-tf rent. Phone 1. 1303 Main St.
i - .....
W. 31. MOXTELIUS. 19-tf
FOIt SALE 1 3 Studebaker wa
gon, 1 34 narrow-tired wagon.
Phone 296-J.
Storage Batteries Charged..H. Shldler
IF YOU use It In the home try Per
kins before you send away. He
probably has it or knows where you
can get It locally.
FOR SALE One Shire stallion, six
years old. Several head of young
work horses. Inquire of Enterprise
'tanch, or phone 253J. 12-tf
FOR SALE A double drawer Na
tional Cash register. Just like new.
Rex Cafe. 12-tf
FOR SALE 2 Ford speedsters. Al
condition, with new factory bodies.
I 191S Maxwell, good condition, two
extra tires. Klamath Falls Auto Co..
1157 Main. 26-29
Tho following lands, mostly graz
ing In character, aro offered for
quick salo nt low price.
ownorshlp of gracing lands 1ms be
come u mresslty With priocr care
tho native grasses soon return and
flourish. Select from this list such
lands ub adjoin you, or that you can
use. You can buy thoin for Mttlo
moro tlinn tho cost of homosteiullilg.
SA of NE4 and B of SR'i of
Sou. 10-40-12 K. W. M.
NW4; NE'i of NEM. S, of
NKU of Sec. 16-10-12 E. W. M.
KVi of SWVi of Sec. 20. K'fe of
NWH of Sec. 29, all In 39 S, II. S
E, W. M.
Lots 3 and 7 of Sec. 12 (I'xi'opt "0
ft. off the north side of said Let 7)
and Lot 1 of Sec. 13-3S-S 13. '. -M.
KV6 of NE4 of Sec. 7. W'a of
NWV, of See. 8-39-11 13. W. M.
swu of skvs or sec. 27: nwvs
of NB4 of Soc. 31-38-9 13 W. M.
NWV4 of Sec. 1 7-36-1 'i 13. W. M.
NWH of Sec. 19, 3C-1D 13. W. M.
SWVi of Sec. 16, 41 S. 13 K.
W. M.
WVi of NEW anil SEli of NE4
of Soc. 16-40-9 E. W. M.
SEU of SWU of Fee. 20; N', of
NWV4 nntl NWVi of NE'.i of Sec.
29, nil in 40-8.
SEU of tho NWM. NVj of tho
SWVi of Soc. 3. 38-13 13. V. M.
WVa of tho SEVi of Sec. 19-40-8
E. W. M. (laud only) NVi of the
NEVi of Sec. 30-40-8 13. W. M.
SWVi of tho NEVi, Sic. 31-38-10
E. W. M.
NWVi ! NEVi of NEVi. and S'i of
NEVi of Soc. 16-40-12 13. W. M.
NWVi of NWVi of Hue. 10-41-12
K. W. M.
NWVi of Soc. 10-40-13 13. W. M..
SEVi of tho NWVi and lots 1 and
2, Soo. 18-40-13 E. W. M.
SVa of NVa of Sec. 21-39-8 E.
W, M.
NWVi or SWVi of Ssc. 2I-3S-9
E. W. M.
SEVi of Soc. 27-36-13 13. W. M.
For information seo or wrlto tho
uudorslgnod. DO IT NOW!
27-1 Klamath Falls, Oregon?
WANTED Dy young couplo with
no children, a furnished houhii or
apartment, uy may isi. uuiinm ui
Fred Soule, Herald olllce, or phono
99R. tf.
FOR SALE If you are looking for a
nlco modern, up-to-date 5 or 6
room homo, brand new, seo John E.
Drohor, 1134 Grant St. 19-tf
WANTED Girl for goneral office
work. Must havo somo business
oxperienco, be accurate and have, at
least, a high school education. Good
salary to competent person. Apply
Herald office. 20-tf.
anything, seo Max Wolss. Ho will
savo you monoy. 13-tf.
WANTED TO BUY A small house
with largo lot, close In. Give lo
cation, prico and Jerms In first let
ter. Box 99, Horald office. 31tf
WANTED Rngs, old newspapers
nnd magazines, brass, all kinds of
old metal and salvage material.
Highest prices paid. Max Weiss,
Sixtli St., near Ewauna Box factory.
Lots of Lots
Lots on paved streets from 150,00
to $1,250.00.
Unimproved from $100.00 up.
Terms if desired, 10 per cent cash,
balnnco 36- payments.
1 12x16 house, big lot,f650.00.
1 4-room houso, big lot, $1,500.
1 5-room house, big lot, $1,300.
1 6-room house, two big lots,
Phono 1 1303 Main Street.
in good location, with lnrgo lot
Prico must bo reasonable, with
terms. Address It. C. S. Herald of
fice, tf
NOW Is tho time to Invest in the Vul
can Oil & Gas Co., of Medford,
Ore. Remember this, every dollar
you Invest must bo returned to you
before the organizers can get ono red
cent of their money back. Stock
12 Vic per share, minimum blocks of
A small house 100 shares, fully paid, non-assossa-
l ble.
Storage Bnttorlos
H. Shldler
WANTED A messago from you to
tho readers of Tho Hornld, If you
havo anvthlng for salo, for rent, lost
or found.
Servos you right Club Cafe 6-tf
LOST Oldflold Federal cord tire,
slzo 34x1. Howard. Phono 240J.
LOST A golden opportunity to soil
your homo, your farm or anything
you wish to dispose of, It you do not
use tho classified columns of The
FOUND yA. chnnco to dlsposo of any
of the Innumerable articles that
you havo stored away In your collar,
attlo or barn. Turn your waste Into
cnsli. Thoro Is always Bomoono who
wants Just what you havo for sale.
Find him through tho classified
columns of this paper.
WANTED To dlsposo of 350 acres
host land in Klamath county, five
miles from town, railroad straight
through It, depot In 20J) feet, power
lino along one side, water enough
by Juno 1st to float Noah's ark and
make mud of 250 acres. Will agree
to pick and market freo of chargo
all oranges produced on tho land for
live years nnd treat any real estato
fakir who claims n commission to n
punch. Como and got it and bring
your pockotbook along Just to make
change. Call at 517 Pine or 708 9th
Sts. 8-tf
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
nett, 138 Vino stroet, Mils add.
FOR SALE: Ford car In good condi
tion. C. B. Crlsler, 325 Fifth St.
FOR SALE Al 14x16 wall tent,
camp stove and guitar. 1421 Sar-
gant Ave. 26-28
Klamath Falls under ditch. Ad
dress R. Herald office. 12-tf
FOR SALE: Second hand United
Motor truck of 4 tons fully equip
ped for hauling, excellent condition
for only $2750.00 F. O. B. Portland,
Oregon. For particulars, write Thom
is Randies, 26-North 15th St., Port
land, Oregon. tt
FOR RENT Space In these columns
at five cents a line a day. A Una
hei Is read by thousands every
Will tho party who removed .steel
stone-boat from corner of Second
and Pine please return It or advisa
where I can get it. No questions ask
ed. Phono ?0G, 27-29
IF IT IS a trade you want, phone 41.
PUT IN A COT and make that spare
room pay. Complete outfit for
$20. Perkins Furniture house.
Oregon St., phone 43W. 23-27
Printing, Stationery and office
supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta
tionery company. 126 Main St. B-tt
HOUSE MOVING and roofing; 16
years experience; prices right;
work first-class. True & Falling,
Phono 322W; residence 1221 Pleas
ant Ave. 16-lmo
Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf
Sorves you right Club Cafe 6-tf
FOR SALE 75 cots and pads, quilts,
blnnkots, pillows and cases. Per
kins Furnlturo house.
FOR SALE 1917 Ford, good condi
tion, shock absorbers. Central
garage. 24tt
CLOSING OUT the remainder of fish
ing tackle at cost. The JackBon
Store, 335 6th St. 27-29
PHONE PEYTON for wood. X8T
Sorves you right Club Cafe 6-tf
Electric Appliances H. Shldler
CITY GARBAQE When you want
garbage lnnovtd call b2J.
Electric Wiring H. Shldler
A Classified Ad will sell it.
ORDER NOW l:erFee,&Seed!for!
126 South Sixth St