The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 28, 1920, Image 1

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Fourteenth Year No. 3907
Price, Fhre
u;fti fcitimnm 4HliMmrt
r "
Another nklrmlnli between the
American Legion nmt Iho Cnlltnrnln
Orngnn I'omir inmpnny, In which thn
loKlmi has pledged ulltnnro In tlio
trllinl council of tlio ulllccl tribes of
tlio Kliiinatli rimorviillon In foreshad
owed In tlio action of tliu local pout
of tlui legion IiihI night, In iinnHlni; a
resolution supporting tlio tribal cotin
rll In opposition to luano by tlio gov
ernment of sumo 110,000 ncrcs of thn
reservation to the pounr company tor
h turin of jours.
Twunty thousand acres, according
to Clayton Klrli, secretary of tliu
tribal coiinill, who with Edward II.
AHhurst, appornud lioforo tlio legion
last night to ask assistance In defeat-
I UK the lease plan, borders Upper
Klamath laku and AKoncy lnlco mill
would bo subject to OMrflow In casn
tho pauvr toiiipmiy Installed tliu
Link rhi'r dam mid nil nod tlm level
of tho lako, unless protected by dikes.
According to Mr. Kirk tho pouor
company wimtH to tlo up thin land
and a largo adjoining acreage,
110,000 arret. In all, hy a 10 to -U
your luano.
On April in and 1ft, Mr Kirk Huld,
Mr. MrKoo, Mr TIioiiipkoii and an
other roprvKonlatio of Iho pouor
company, appeared boforo tho tribal
council, and urged that body to con
cluilo tho I on hv). It was represented,
ho said, tnnt In cami they did not do
o tbolr lands would bo overflowed
and 20,000 acres rendered valueless.
Suporlntondont Went was oIho pros
ent, sold tho tribal official, and roc
ommondod that tho Indians sanction
tbe looso.
Opponents of tho leaso daclaro that
in addition to placing tho power com
pany In a position" Id Inundate lands
which grow forngo and hay nocossary
for tlm HUHtiMinnrn of livestock, tho
lenslng of any portion of tho rosorva
tlon would operate to proont any
action on tho part of congress for a
general opening of tlm rtsorviitlon
nnri nullify ponding hills In congress
which havo that ond in low
"Wild" Willie Wobb. who will op
poso nilly Huff In tho main ovont of
Saturday night's boxing exhibition
at tho Houston oporn Iiouho, Is ox
poctod to nrho tonlKht. This will
Klvo fans u good opportunity to size
up tho San Francisco ncrappor, as ho
will bo horo longer than havo any of
tho visiting boxors ontorod In prior
contosts In tho local nrona.
AVobh has boon fighting boforo tho
bay city fans throo and four times a
month lately and Is oxportod to ap
pear horo in thn pink of condition.
Muny Klamath fans havo soon him
In action and predict a sorlous on
countor for Huff;
pifece ttt tom Ms-rev. m est
av r vms too eow,vu.euo
tu' eowA
ami ur-nuid
AOUA I'RIKTA, Mox., Apr.
28 Approxlmaloly 4,000 Car
rnnsn troops at I'nrrn, Jlmlnnz
and Chihuahua rovlolod yostor
dny, according to Information
given out horn today by General
Calles, commander of tho revo
lutionist movement In north
wont Mexico.
KL PASO, Tox., Apr. 28.
It I ml uo Hundva, Moxlcan counsel
general horo, today confirmed
tho rcporlH of a rovolt of gov
ernment troops at Chihuahua
City yesterday but nald ho lack
od detailed Information.
According lo mosnaKOH recohrd by
friends hero V.'nilnm Oaiioiig. pioml
nnnl oung attorney, anil Miss Carrlo
Olson, Hod Cross homo service work
er, who huH been horo for tho past
two months In tonnectlon with tho
Ited Cross bureau (of assisting sorv
Ico men and other activities of tho
organization, wore married Monday
afternoon in Portland.
Mr. tlanong loft u fow days ago,
OHtonnlbly to accompany bis mother
to Portland, on tho first lap of her
trip buck to her homo In Tcnnossoo
She had been his guest, hero during
tho winter. Miss Olson also went
north to visit her family In Portland.
Uut tholr plans woro nioro deeply
laid, tbe evidence now shows, and
tho appointment with Cupid at tho
erid'of'tho Journey had all boon ar
rnngod ior.1
Mr. Qanong'ls tho junior member
of tho legal firm "of Manning & pan-
ong. Ho has noon cstamianea nore
for less than a year but bas made
many frlonds during that brief porlod
and has nttalncd high popularity
among his fellow mombors o ftho
bar. Hn was In tlm military sorvlce
during the war and is n mombor of
tho local American Legion post. Ho
was graduated from the law depart
ment of Knox college, Tbnncssoe, and
Is llconscd to practice- law In Ten
nessoa, Missouri and Oregon.
Whlln thn bride's residence horo
has boon short, she has boon idontl
find with sovoral movements for j
clnl progrogs, Including tho commf
Ity botturmont campaign which V
Is Just' concluding investigations ofK
social conditions, tho bureau for as
sisting ox-sorvico men and depend
ents, and tho introduction into tho
community of a Ited CroRS social
sorvico worker. She Is a young lady
of pleasing personality, Is enthusi
astic for social betterment and gifted
with a largo amount of tactfulness
and charm.
J. V, Morloy, county detective, loft
this morning for San Francisco
whoro ho Is callod to assist tho pros
edition In tho trial ot Albort Mama
do, formorly a dealer In auto sup
piles horo. Mamudo was taken to a
hospital several months ago in San
Francisco badly wounded by bullots.
At flrst ho said ho had boon shot by
onomloB In an organization ot Rus
sian radicals, but Investigation do
volopod to tho satisfaction ot tho of
ficers thnt ho had engaged In a rob
bery and was Bitot by confederates
who foarod ho would inform on
thorn. Ho is to bo tried on tho burg
lary charge.
y m
The local union ot boxmakera will
hold a special meeting tomorrow
night at the labor council hall to dis
cuss tho advisability ot affiliating
with tho tlmbor workors union as a
body. Since the recent organization
of tho tlmbor workors, membership
in which Is open to all labor connect
ed with tbe Umber Industry, a num
ber ot boxmakers'have joined 'as In
dividuals, and now tho unien: con
siders it advisablo to submit the
proposition oj joining them in a
uuu , i
1 B P1EH
Luko Bcrlbnor, Joo Hall and Fred
Chlsm ploaded guilty in Justice
Chapman's court this morning and
woro fined ?75 and costs each on
misdoamor chargo oC gambling.
liny Clark, who made tho chargo
against the others and himself, also
ploaded guilty to a gambling chargo,
hut on request ot District Attorney
Duncan nentonco was deferred until
this aftomoon.
Charles Plumb, against -whom a
similar complaint was made, is oalng
sought by theomcon. His cue will'
bo disposed of when bo Is found.
Thoro was no Investigation of tho
details In court, the defendants en
tering Immedlato pleas of guilty
when tho caso was cabled. According
to Clark, however, tho- poker same
which gave rise to hs charges was
played In rooms rented by Scrlbnor
in tho ioomls building. Tbe gamo
was run by flcrlbner ond Clark play
ed Monday night. When the game
closed ho bad Invested $300 In cash
but had $500 worth of chips in front
ot him. Scribner told him, he says,
Hint ho would cash tho chips in the
morning. Yesterday morning ho mot
Scrlbnor and sought to exchange his
markers for cash. Scribner refused
to pay and Clark sought warrants
for tho arrest of all concorned In tho
Clark said that Plumb sunk $300
In cash In tho game and Dnll Invest
ed about $700. Both had chips In
oxcess ot tholr cash Investment, but
Scribner refused to cash thorn.
When ho demanded a settlement
for the chips Clark says Scribner
told him that "ho would have to get
the money somewhere else," as
Scribner hod quit loser and Chlsm
had all the money that should have
sob tordem tb eMP;-.
Scribner Is said to be' an ex-$rV
tender from Dorrls. Bo bos been
here for several months. Two or
throo months ago h wu attacked In
tho Moorman rooming house by
Moorman, who accused Scribner of
unduo familiarity toward Mrs. Moor
man. Moorman chased Scribner into
tho street and wounded him badly
with o hand saw, one of tho gashos
partly severing his wrist.
Tho opportunity of entering sheep
club work with orphan lambs pre
sents Itself to manyiboys and girls in
Klamath county this year. Where
largo bands of sheep1 are lambing,
tho orphans or "bummors" present a
problem tho solution of which is dif
ficult to thq owner. The Individual
caro that those lambs require cannot
bo given when orphans are numer
ous, consequently many are lost un
less somo way la provided, to feed and
care for them .
At vary little cost tbe boys and
girls in tho sheep districts can obtain
ono or more ot tbeso lambs to raise
for market purposes. Tho saving of
those lambs not only Increases the
production ot wool and mutton but
nets a good profit to the boys and
girls. Bach member ot the clubs is
raising from three to 20 lambs. The
following Is a list ot tho Bummer
Lamb club members:
Fnlrvlow school W. J. O'Brien,
local club leader; .Oscar Barnos,
president; Alexander Cheyno, vice
presldont; Cocll Oboyno, secretary;
Charles Barnes, Clarence Barnes,
Charles Matney and Leslie Stewart.
Merrill school Miss Audrey Tolle,
local club leader; Kenneth Colwell,
president; Rita Shamhart, vico presi
dent; Alia Wilson, secretary; Marian
Of field, Maude' Shuck, Herbert Gray
bael, Dau Barry, Clinton Hedgepeth,
Marlon QraybaeL Cleo Oraybael,
Emmett Barry, Lester Moore.
.. .1 '
The' Udles of the i Sacred Heart
church, will hold a silver tesSatur-
V-.i -.. VV..J. .. . '
anyone juasioa a , r;urBjiure- stare
T7Ni-HiKt-4r let nft rLi.
Everybody ls;welcosse;H The affair
win osgin ai noon,' -.
ni iinn nTinTrn
Announcement was mado today by
thn Jool T. Ward & Co. agency that
tho southeast cornor of Seventh and
a 'Main streets Is to bo Improved at
onco by a threo-story class A struc
ture. This property was purchased
this week by Hart brothers, tho Cali
fornia restaurant men, from Fred L.
Houston, through tho Ward agency,
and marks another triumph for this
rosily firm, for It has brought to this
city real developers and not specu
lators. Yesterday Mr. Ward successfully
negotiated a termination ot tho lease
on the property bold by tho Western
Transfer company, landing that con-
corn, in tho room that Is to be vacated
by tho Martin 5, 10, IS and 25-cont
store. In addition ho purchased for
the llarts the lot on Oak strcot back
of the Dunham garage, to which the
two-story frame building now occu
pying tho Main street cornor will be
removed. It Is planned lo remodel
It into apartments.
H. J. Winters, who purchased,
through the "Ward agency, tho 40
feet adjoining, also announces that
ho will build at tho same tlmo Hart
brothers do and that his building will
bo at least two stories and possibly
throe. Mr. Winters plans on leaving
his present building just where it Is
until the foundation for his new one
is about completed, when ho will
move it to tho vacant lot just east of
hlB property, whoro it will remain
until ho can move into his now store.
With these Improvements and tho
proposed building to bo erected on
tho Brett corner Immediately across
the street, Seventh and Main will be
tho center of building activities this
summer and it will undoubtedly have
a stimulating effect on the property
further down the street. Tho Harts
leftiblsornIhg,"f or! pie. souhv H, H.
Hart will return wi,th bis family
within a few days and will remain on
the ground to superintend construc
tion work. No decision has been
reached as to what class ot tenants
will be sought for the new buildings.
Notwithstanding the long spell of
unfavorable weather, for poisoning
squirrels, the progress of tho cam
paign being waged against thorn can
be judged somewhat by tho amount
ot poisoned grain tMat has been used
to date. Approximately eight tons
ot poisoned grain has been dlstrl
buted and another largo batch Is bo
Ing prepared today. On account of
the delay in got ting sacks only a
limited amount ot grain has been on
salo at the various distributing
points. A supply ot sacks woro re
ceived yesterday, however, and with
in a few days' supplies will bo on
hands at all of tho' twons in tho
county where there is a demand, as
well as other, central points desig
nated by the committeemen in charge
of tho work in various communities.
A clean-up drive was put on yester
day in the Mills addition district.
Moro than 600 pounds'" ot poisoned
grain were usod. This dilvo was
made possible by the assistance, of
tho Southorn Pacific company, Klam
ath Development company, Klamath
Korporatlon, Elmer Appleguto, Nlt
schelm brothors, F. C. Mnrkqwardt
and Charles Eberleln.' These parties
furnished tho matorlal and labor for
tho drive. . l
The county post Inspector, Qrnnt
Nelson, has been kept busy since his
appointment the first of April. More
than 60 en sos havo b-'orTrofprrcd to
Mr. Nelson already. Theeo'bitve all
been investigated and doflnlto ar
rangements made for poisoning where
necessary. Mr. .Nelson will put a
new crew out on poisoning delin
quent lands tomorrow.
PORTLAND, ApVli: V28.i-iCitttle
weak r hog's, shoep, buttor and eggs
steady, all unchanged,:.. '
Oregon; Tonight and Thursday
occasional rla; southerly winds.
Because of a depleted personnel
only one aviation squadron will
bo detailed to forest observation
this year, tho war department
announced today. 4
Tho ninth squadron, with a
baso at Mather field. Sacra-
mento, will coyer tho forest re-
Bones of California No squad-
rons will bo avallablo for tho
forests of Washington, Oregon,
Nevada, Idaho or Utah.
Ono of the most alarming foaturesJ
of a possible failure of the higher
educational tax act, aside from bar
ring tho door to 1000 Oregon boys
and girls, will be the loss of first
class faculty material to all three In
stitutions. Already tho weight of
faculty resignations is being felt In
tho institutions located at Eugene,
Conalls and Monmouth.
When a faculty resigns at tho col
lego or the unlvorsity, or tho normal,
tho president and regents encounter
a now phase of their financial prob
lem. To replace him at the same
money is commonly impossible ex
cept with some inferior. Other states
that havo raised salary scales arc
snapping up tho good men. Indus
try, too, is pulling them away, for
tlio war demonstrated as never be
fore the tremcnduou3 valuo of the
college profesor.
At the Agricultural collogo .there
havo been 45 faculty resignations
since July, 1910. Some of the 45
went to nnsts Davlnir as much a !
. - --,- -t -- --t
4X20 a. month. more..than the college
could pay. '
Because of their limited Income in
the face 'of the big attendance,
doubled costs, and depreciated dol
lar tho college, university and nor
mal are unable to hold their laculty
members except as they remain
through loyalty, and nothing else.
Yet it is extremely important that
faculty members bo held, and In par
tlqular the technical specialists.
professors of Agriculture, Education,
Child Study, Horticulture, Animal
Husbandry, Forestry, Engineering,
Architecture, Journalism, Psychol
ogy, Commerce and other practical
branches, como to their highest
worth In a state only after years of
service. Now men, even of equal
caliber, cannot learn Oregon in a
season or two.
Tho Mlllnge Bill to bo placed be
fore the voters on May 21at, 310 (x)
Yes, is provided to relieve the seri
ous financial condition of the three
state institutions.
Rumors of an oil strike had tho
city by the ears last evening and
today, but it Is all rumor, Oil has
not boon struck. A representative of
Tho Herald visited the well this
morning and Manager Campbell
showed no hesitancy In offering for
Inspection overythlng that would
carry ovldence of an oil strike, and
it would, indood, be a sltoptlc who
would not accopt his statement.
Drilling operations are continuing as
usual, but the indications that tho
Klamath basin is underlaid with oil
aro increasing. Tho indications that
tlio experiment will bo crowned with
success were never bettor, but when
the 'hopes of the backers of tho pro
position will bo realized not ovan
Mr. Campbell would hazard a giie-.
Captain J. W. Siemens, or "Coal Oil
Johnny," as his friends have dubbed
him, today stated that it was Mr.
Campbell's judgment that oil would
not bo found before a depth of 1,6.00
feet ha'd been reached. The hole- Is
now down a,bout 970 feot and pro
gress has been at tho rato of about
10 feot a day. Sovoral stops must
be made to lower casing, so that It
P T 0
NEWARK, N. J (Latest Report)
Although 1893 out of 2025 'elec
tion districts gave Wood a lecd of
G84, tho resplt of tho preferential
primary alignment ot the states 28
delegates appeared still In doubt late
COLUMBUS, O., Apr. 28. Late
returns today from yesterday's pri
mary election, with 582 precincts
lacking, showed Senator Harding
leading General Wood by moro than
12,000 votes. Additional returns
late this afternoon indicated that at
least 38 and possibly 40 of the
state's 48 delegates to tbe Republi
can national convention would be
pledged to Harding on first choice.
NEW YORK, Apr. 28. General
Leonard Wood is still leading Sena
tor Hiram Johnson this afternoon lit
Now Jersey's primary contest. The
Callfornlan who took the lead early
last night lost it later but gained this
morning. General Wood, however,
regained some votes. According to
one clerk engaged in tallying the re
turns Wood had a lead of 633 votes.
WASHINGTON,, Apr.t 38. Japea
eso guards In the district ot NJkel-
cvsk, easter Siberia, are believed t
havo been annihilated and1 several
hindred Japanese'' residents, 'fielsi-
lag' tiitr Japanese consul taeref f --V
sacred, according to an official etete.
ment issued by the Japanese toreifn
office and made public today by the,
state department.
Tho Japanese statements said that
the suspension of communication
with the district rendered it impossi
ble to ascertainthe real state 'Of af
fairs, but it was believed that & "seri
ous upheaval" had taken place.
Efforts to dispatch a military re
lief expedition are held up on account -
of ice. Meantime, however, the J--aneso
sent an expedition to Alexan
drovki,racompanied by 12 warships,
which reached its destination April
22. They found Japanese residents
in that district safe.
Last Friday night about 60 per
sons gaftered at the Presbyterte
manse at Merrill, Ore., for the burn-
Ing of the mortgage which had been
hanging over this property for some
time. Tho service was very impres
sive. Two young ladles brought the
mortgage from an adjoining room ,
and placed' it in a cup on s plate:
Amidst the singing of "Praise- God
From Whom All Besslngs Flow" four
ot the Interested parties set fire to
the mortgage. A history of the
building was read, showing much
credit due to the Ladles' Aid ot the
church for the canceling of the debt.
This church is looking' tor better
things now. On Easter an all day
service was held when six new mem
bers woro received Into church fel
lowship. Last, Sunday a rousing serv
ice was held in connection 'wllh tbe
I. O. O. F. annual service and the
great church drive for finances which
started on that day in which1) 30 de
nominations take part.
Rev. A. Wolfe, D. D., Is the present
pastor. Dr. Wolfe came to this' church
from North Dakota a tew years ago
and took charge of the work.
wljl bo three or four months before'-''
tho desired depth will be reached.
"There Is no need tor excitement,
tor wo nro keeping nothing' secret.
When we strike oil we will s"ay so;"
said Captain S.'omens this morning,
"We are satisfied with the ogress
that is being made anl pleased, with
the "prospects, but beyond that there
Is nothing more that can- befcald."
' sl f
Tho Russian eats on a average
onco every two hours. $