vMhh FIVB THE EVENING HERALD, .KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TuiiHnAy, Arnih 27, 1 MO THE PHILADELPHIA STORAGE BATTERY, THE BATTERY WITH A TWO YEAR GUARANTEE HORACE SHIDLER 6th, Between Main and Klamath too Late to classify IIKKIItAIILH IOTH HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate 500 Shaves guaranteed from every dozen blades This 13 a shaving economy possible only with the AutoStrop Razor. Tin: longer you wait the harder It! will bo to got dt'Hlrnhlo lota at reas onable price. Wo nro fortunate In I being able to offer a number of wwwmwwwwwwhwmmwmwww Phnn 1 07, f.'';l'ne8 nt low prlceH.uH follow, (roil SALE--400 acre ranch, near 1 11UI1C 1 i , Main street lot, 2Cxir.O feet, neari Bonanza, ICO acres under citltlva- . "'.iT. "".'".?' . """ i"n. ,uon; part under ditch, balanra pag- Wall and Hroadstrect corner 75x- ture. Phone 167. 2G-2S .jjjnu leei. us a uargain nt fiuuu. i I iTCn"S' .. ,r-ll''0n SALE New plastered 4-room JJ i...i .... ,...i ..;... .' '. !. "v." . .' houso, bath room, closet, largo at FOR SALE Al J4xl6 wall tent, camp stove and guitar. 1431 8ar- gant Ave. L'6-28 AT THE THEATERS To everyone who hag eve college Ilryatit U'aNhbiini nmoiirit-Artcrnft picture, "It pays to'prco 0f lr0',ATnn.m,,,,1v2Ce,t!.0rnn r"1,roaU tic, girepInT Porch,' buffet k tcben. ver gone to pur. A goo 1 buy at 11250. Terns. (!nnmeied whltc. Garag0. Calut235' g new I'ar-LVn. f"i0li .rnor. .2 "" 0n ,C,h .Mlchfcan Ave., owner. 23-29 .. Innil 104 feet deep, at tho very lowl fz&gS The patented self - stropping feature makca possible. And every shnvc ia na JTi t ii . i i i ri" cuimuriauic aa a Keen eugea, -";r4 well otrenncd blade ran mnlcnit. II Uj ,sVhen through shaving simply fjI35S liine -d wipe dry not n single J.l5--' ... k .. i i .... iKrr uii i iu u, r-iiiuvcu at any nine. lua -igje: Star Drug Company EH E MTU III I j I u Vi D'ANNUNZIO HOLDS GORGEOUS COURT Rirrnn finiinrn k,,tmi:- A,r" 3 (,iy ' iilrrim M I It Cir T "ThlH H ll' "10Hl llU"rt'3tlt" ccurt IflL. LUll IIUIll!) II '" I-,lr)pe," Hltlll OII0 Of d'AllllUIIzIo'S Advertise,' from tho successful farce by Itol Cooper Mcgruo and Walter Hackelt, and which will bu ghown at the Star Thentro today, will recall aiiiUHlng memorleg of life and expor- Iciicoh ut those Institutions of learn Ing. One of the llrgt gceneg In the picture ghowg Wnghburn ng Itodney Martin, and unvnrnl of his collcgo pals, In n box at a girl ghow. During the purformnnco, at the appearance on the gtage of an effeminate-looking leading man, the boys proceed to shower him with pggg and cause go much disturbance, generally, that they uro forcibly ejected and almost arrested. The story centers around tho pnm pitred son of a millionaire, who, when he returns homo from college, refuses to go to work In ono of his fnthor'H soap factories, reasoning that IiIh father already has more money I linn they can both spend. Then fulher resoits to strategy and promises n fat bonus to his secretary If she will, by her wiles, persuade sonny to go to work. The outcome of this Is thnt son and secretary fall In love. This nngors the father, who Is determined that his hon shall not marry a stenoor.i-j pher anil orders him out of the! home money and possessions qn a schema 10,000. You'll have to hurry Dandy corner on Crescent Avenue, 50x178 feet. Price Is $600 on very easy terms. Very desirable rcsldcnco lot on Alameda, 50x150, at $050, on very easy terms, Pine corner, 50x150 ft. on Ala meda In Hot Springs Addition, - at $750 on very easy terms. Wo havo In addition to the above nn exclusive list of Mnln street prop erty, houses and lots In all parts of tho city, farms and ranches in all parts of tho county. We can save you money. OHILCOTK & SMITH 033 Main St. Phono CC 27-28 FOR SALE 104-ft. frontage on Klamath Ave., across from Ford garage building. Act quick and call or see. W. E. Perkins, City Milk Depot, phone 29CJ. 21-tf FOR SALE 150 good sheep, with, lambs. Oood fleece; must bo sold. owner leaving country. Also 45 horso power Thomng gasoline engine and other machinery. Coma quick to Sunnyslde Farm, on tho Alturai road, 12 miles east and south of Ma lln, Ore. 20-27 FOR RENT OR LEASE JUST A FEW ACRES of potato land left, $150.00 per acre. Have gold 72 acres at this price. Choice bldg. lots, lour nrlce. your terms. Whv rent. Phono 1, 1303 Main St. W. M. MOXTKLIUS. 19-tf FURNISHED ROOM FOR 09 Washington St. RENT 20-27 FOR SALE Ford Sedan, run two months; starter, demountable rims good tires, 1 now spare tire. Phono 243. 27-29 FOR SALE Complete hydraulic well boring machine with engine. Price reasonable. Address Lola Otey, Dorris, Cal. 27-3 A reliable, capable young lady wants employment in o!nce or store. For further information and recom mendation call C. F. Trimble, 917 Pine St., phono 473 or 374. 27-tf TO TRADE 1 new 5-pasBenger Mai- ljohm automobile to trade for light truck. Sec F. M. (larich. 27-tf FOR SALE If you are looking for a nice modern, up-to-dato 5 or G room home, brand new, zee John E. Drehcr, 1134 Grant St. 19-tf LOTS Lots of Lota Lots on paved streets from 150.00 to $1,250.00. Unimproved from $100.00 up. Terms If desired, 10 per cent cash, balance 30 payments. 1 12x16 house, big lot,$t;50.00. 1 4-room house, big lot, $1,500. 1 5-room house, big lot, $1,300. 1 C-room house, two big lots, $1,S00.00. W. M. MOXTKI.iL'S, Phone 1 1303 Main Street FARM FOR RENT OR SALE Near Klamath Falls under ditch. Ad dress R. Herald office. 12-tf FOR SALE: Second hand United Motor truck of 4 tons fully equip ped for hauling, excellent condition for only $2750.00 F. O. B, Portland, Oregon. For particulars, write Thom as Randies, 26-North 15th St., Port land, Oregon. tf FOR RENT Space in these columns at five cents a line a day. A lino hei Is read by thousands every night. MISCELLANEOUS IF IT IS a trade you want, phone 41. PUT IN A COT and make that sparo room pay. . Complete outfit for $25. Perkins Furniture house. "HOME DRESSMAKING" 1405 Oregon St., phone 43W. 23-27 NEW YORK. April 27 Delay In icllevlng the housing shortage nil over th country Is greater than any other form of building construction, accenting to u review of contracts Issuod today by tho W. F. Dodge 'company. Public works, Industrial buildings and public utilities are be ing constructed much faster than residences tin (1 nro less affected by high prices, high wages and short- WANTED Woman for general houso work. Phone 390J. 27-28 ago of material. , Contractu awarded for residential Will tho party who removed steel How tho boy stakes all of big' stone-boat from corner of Second nnu rine picaso return u or auvisu ii'lvirn I rOti irn( It Jn inooitfina o.lr i i. i....i -...1-....1 ... i. ...i.i ..... . ' " " -"" ' -" ''""'""" """ p.'i-iui.ii n-a, i uiu iuui.iit.-Mu iujiuuiim, , m iiuiiii ujjii ruMi'marn mi hijup jiiiuq(i Phone 306. 27-29 the poet on St. Ciabrlol'H day, when finally soiling the trademark to his the "liberator" of Flume acted his j father for a largo am of money, and part with cotullcro, soldiers and then marrying the stenographer, !- "Mug's guards" and the populace said to form one of the best plots In tried theirs. which the star has yet appeared. Fanfares of trumpets, the rush toi arniB of tho "king's guaid" 'an-J Mrry Vies Mlnter will bo seen in nouiicod every entrance and exit. Ho what is said to bo oie of the most is always accompanied by a long line ' cnrt;vtlng roles of her screen career Store, 33.) 6th St. of aides and functlonalres and wears when she is presonted at the Liberty a happy c:unlonauco himself. At i tonight in her new American feature, Prfntlnf- QMIInnapr nrrt aMI.. , ...I ....... , ...uuc. U.H4 UUK.O "" j supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta- tionery company. 126 Main St. 9-tf NOW is tho time to Invest In th Vul-I can Oil & Gas Co., of Medford,! HOUSE MOVING and roofing; 15 Ore. Remember this, every dollar! years experience; prices right; yon invest must be returned to you . work first-class. True & Faillne. before the organizers can get ono red Phono 322W; residence 1221 Pleas cent of their money back. Stock 'ant Ave. 16-lmo 12c per share, minimum blocks of I 100 shares, fully paid, ncn-asses3a- Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf oie. J4-5 i WANTED To dispose of 350 acres best land In Klamath county, five miles from town, railroad straight I through It, depot In 200 feet, power WANTED-Cook for ranch. Phono ,' L,eIllnn,"nf.f tnne fl""t!?i!?.r ,l .,..o 9-.2i - June 1st to float .soan s ark and Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187 Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf 363. 27-29 make mud of 250 acres. Will agree j Electric Appliances H. Shldler CLOSING OUT the remainder of fish-;'?, t 1.? . CI,?"Be" ,TU Want li- (nnlfln of - Tho Tnenn " ""- -iuwu-u uu .11 v iuuu ui b'" --- -.. .,-. f- bl-Wt.1.1 lit. -OV. .. WW.. fl.. , --.,1 -- -. - - t 27-29 morris all tho courtiers center thnlr "A Ilnehnlnr'R Wlfi." nttentlon upon him and listen to the This Is a delightfully refreshlru? stories lie tells, launlilnir sometlmeR comedv-dr.-iinii. esuecfallv written for1 .... . .. .. . .. .. , -. - - - DuiminRS in 1110 nrsi itireo monins . . . inis year vary irom j 10 zv percent of total building contracts In differ- WANTED Garden ploughing, quiro Eagle Peel room. 27 In--29 ont sections of tho country. Normnl- FOR SALE Good team of driving or work horses, harness and hack, 1EA mi.1. ...AA1. .I..M, .111 t.A n Vit (the star by Joseph Franklin Pfljand, , 0ltl Trner saw mill: after this week D'Annunzlo's wishes In food are' well-known writer for tho screen. they will be at Merrill. W. A. Tur nlwnVH rnmnllpil with unit mlli-lnim i Thii nrciductlon. which was directed .ner. 27-1 ' -" . . zeal marks tho efforts of thn en- by Einmett J. Flynn. Is among the ly residences nccount for about 30 1 t0UraBU t0 pion80 hm. His uniform most ambitious recently undertaken porccnt of tho contrnctB, nnd In vlow Jg n)waya Bpc-and-span. Thero Is by tho "Flying A," and reveals Miss of existing needs, tho revlow says,I)ol a hQmsh on his clothing from Winter in a distinctly new character- rrsui0.ii.s nnuuni ruim-nuui uuuui .v hucl t crown H1h ,ong Jtallan capo Nation. percent- ot, tho total construction. sometimes cnlls to mind tho familiar Tho story has to do with the-amaz- ln.Now York state nnd northern ',, ()f tho fnon Willlam-II In his inK adventures of a fiery Itttlo .co- Now Jersey 14 percent of tho "n-Gorn)an mtary capo. ' Icon from Ilallyhannock, Ireland, tracts,ln tho first quarter of tho year 0ll ....i.ii- rrBi'H i .hnlorM I who comes to America to visit her tlve years and treat any real estate fakir who. claims a commission to a punch. Come and get it and bring your pockothook along Just to make change. Call at 517 Pine or 708 9th Sts. 8-tt FOR SALE Miscellaneous Electric Wiring .H. Shldler WANTED BICYCLE FOR SALE: Vera Ben nett, 138 Vine street, Miks add. 26-1 represented residential buildings, 'njlH j,iilCo Is resorvod with much nt-jC0UBln- l,Pn her arrival sho learns matter of sorlous concern," says tl tuntloii and when ho enters cheers tliat ll0r co"8'n is tho mother of a revlow, "as it is probablo that tno ' ro -Vt.n oy tho men and wombn j l,al)' nn1 thnt tllQ husl,and hnd de housliii; shortngo Is more ncuto In I wj,0 f0now i,m, when ho gives n'Bor(;l1 t,u,m tw0 Vears heforo. She this torritory than eIsow,horo." I ci,ncort In tho nnlnco his nincn in I sots out to effect a reunion but be- In thu torritory cast of tho Mis- tho front row Is respected with the sourl river nnd north of tho Ohio, roveronw ,, t0 a r0llBlouB chief residential construction was 19 por cont of tho total, In Now Englnnd 23 percent, In tho district of Philadel phia, Baltimore and Washington 28 percent; In tho Pittsburgh district 19 percent, In tho ccntrnl .west 18 percent nnd In tho northwest 29 per cent. In no district Is contemplated building construction as high as 30 porcont, In somo pnrts of Contral Africa It Is considered respoctful to turn tho back to a superior. His apartments are bedecked with all sorts of presents from tho townspeo ple. Italian and Dalmatian flags make up tho color schome. On his name day, ho was tho recipient of bowers of flowers from admirers in tho city. Tho royal march greets him whon ho makes his npperaauco on tho balcony of tho palace. Harold Cuthlll, Boston Untvorslty star ml lor, will run a threo-mllo race against E. II. Montague, tho Oxford crack runnor, at tho Penn relay car nival in Philndolphla May 1. Miller's Auto Laundry Now is the time to have that car cleaned . and all grease removed from engine, transmission and crank case. Price ' reasonable. Phohe 52-W Dunham's Garage comes Involved with tho wrong man. How sho ultimately straightens out the matrimonial tangle and In the process Is wooed and won by the de serter's cousin, forms tho climax of this absorbing talc. Sho donned the garb of a nurse' to minister to the, rich, nnd caused no end of complications and more fun than you can shako a stick at. Israel Zangwlll wroto "Nurse Marjorlo." It mado all England laugh. Mary Miles Mlnter, Realartlst, Is starred In the screen vorslon and will mako tho world laugh. Be sure to seo It. "Nurso Marjorie" will bo shown In the Liberty Theatro Wednesday. BrJng tho children. They will chor isn tho memory of its funny situa tions. N LUMBERMAN DK.I) PORTLAND, Apr. 27. Robert D. Inmnn, president of tho Inman Poulson Logging company, died in a hospital hero today. Ho was opor atod On last Saturday for mastoiditis which doveloped following an influ enza attack. A widow ami two daughtors survive him. PIANO FOR SALE In fine condi cendi condi teon: also one row beat: 50-gaI. irnlvnnlrixl trnn enRnllnft tank. In- FOR SALE StUdebaker Six. 7-DaS' quire Mrs. J. H. Hamilton, 9th and I senger. Just overhauled, rebored Jefferson. 27-30. and new pistons and rings, new ring (gear and pinion, new starter, new FOR SALE: Thorouchbred Part- generator, new top and paint last .ridge 'Wyandott setting eggs, ' fall, 5 Federal cord tires, one brand $3.00 setting of 15. 2445 Darrownew. Price $1150.00; gonie terms. Ave., Mills addition. 27, See Newt, at the Mecca, or phone 1 I135J. 26-28 piece of FOUND On Main St. .a fancy work.- Call 7th and Wash-I FOR SALE Incton. 27' blankets. FOR SALE 1 Mnjestic Colo air healer, 625 11th St -75 cots and pads, quilts, 27' blankets, pillows and cases. Per kins Furniture house. range, 1 IFOR SALE: 1917 Ford, gcod condi- 28t tion, shock absorbers. Central garage. 24tf FAITH IN KKAMATH COUXTV !SPECrAITR"lCES on cots and pads , , , . owing to freight delay, had to dupli- I will sell to an experienced farm- cote and nave come Dy express, con er, 100 ncres of good land under ( sequently am overstocked. Perkins the ditch for $12,800. Torm3, one- Furnlture nouse. half cash, balance one to five years, . 7 per cent interest; buyer to farm Pqr SALE: Good wheat and bar- place two years, ibko an crops, puj ley strav ,$6.00 per ton. WANTED Small furnished house or apartment. Consider buying. Frank B. Robinson. 26-29 WANTED Lady cafe checker; also dishwasher. Apply White Pelican Hotel, ask for Mr Johnson. 26-28 WANTED Plowing" to do with tractor, any amount, anywhere, at any time See J. S. Mills & Son for information. . 23129 WANTED Position as working foreman carpenter; 20 years ex perience. Address W. F. Chase, Box 321 Marysville, Cal. 23-28 WANTED By young married cou ple without children, furnisted or unfurnished room apartment or house, by May 1st. Address Fred Soule, Herald office, or phone 99R. zz-U in 30 acres alfalfa each year, pay taxes and water charges, and at the end of two years If buyer is dissatis fied. I will give him $2,000 for his bargain. T. n. WATTEHS Renl 'Estate. 620 Main. 27-28 2-tf Phone 296J WANTED By young couple with no children, a furnished house or apartment by May 1st. Inquire of Fred Soule. Herald office, or phono 99R. tf. WANTED Girl for general office work. Must have some business experience, be accurate and have, at least, a high school education. Good salary to competent person. Apply 20-tr. j. FOR SALE Over Star Drug Store, tea cart, Piano lamp, buffet, child's rocker and chair, brass bed and mat ress, largo heater, pictures and dishes. 27 FOR SALE: Plastered house, six rooms nnd bath room, hot and rold water, two screened in porches woodshed, barn and chicken extra good cow, calf one month old 43 enirkens, ana nousenoia furni ture rnll go for $2500 if sold nt once. Part terms, zzoz vino street Mills Addition. Owner. 27-28. FOR SALE Tents, O. D. blankets, Herald office comforters and all kinds of bed-i ' . ,. . ,, , ding. Canvass and leather belting, BUG BODIES BUILT 1023 Main nl no hnlTora nnrl nil Irfnria nt ROfnnrl ' ' hand machinery. Max Weiss. Sixth IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL si nnr Rwnnnn Bnx romnanv. I anything, see Max Weiss. He will 13-tf. BRve yu money. 13-tt. FOR SALE Tho Herald will place WANTED TO BUY A small house vnnr mpfiSBPB In thn hands of over with large lot, close In. Give 10- 9,000 readers every night for only cation, price and terms .in first let- five cents' a line. ,ter. -Box 99, Herald office. 31tf FOR SALEV-4 saddle horses, good' WANTED Rags, old' newspapors safter stock, chean: 6 work-horses. I and magazines, brass, all kinds of house, iroady for spring plowing. Phono old metal and salvage material, A Classified Ad will sell it. LOST AND FOUND Manager (loorgo Stallings of tho Brnves, who has announced that ho will rotlro at tho closo of tho season, has won' 14 championships includ ing ono world's title during his ca reer as a minor nnd major loaguo pilot. Many ,of tho Btnr hoavywoightand middleweight wrestlers are prepar ing to quit tho East, whore they have hnd a most prosperous season, to tako part In tho outdoor exhibitions in tho mlddlo wost and on tho Pacific coast. fcWWjWWs''Sfc'l'.' LOST Oldflold Fodoral cord tiro, ,slzo 34x4. Reward. Phono 240J. 26-28 LOST A golden opportunity to sell your homo, your farm or anything you 'wish to dispose of,. if you do not usn the classified columns ot The Herald. FOUND A chance to dlsposo of any of tho lnnumorablo Articles that you have stored away' In your collar, attle or barn. Turn your wasto Into cash, Thero Is always someono who wants Just what you have for sale. Find him through the classified columns of this paper. 296-J. FOR SALE: 1 3A Studebaker wa gon, 1 3', 4 narrow-tired wagon Phono 296-J. Highest prices paid. Max( Weiss, Sixth St., near' Ewauria Box factory. 13-tf. WANTED TO BUY A small house In good location, with largo lot Storaco Batteries Charged..!!. Shldler Prico must be reasonable, with IF YOU use it in the home try Per kins before you send nway. He probably has it or knows whero you can got it locally. FOR SALE One Shire stallion, six yenrs old. Several head of young work horses. Inquire ot Enterprlso Ranch, or phone 253J. 12-tf FOR SALE A double drawer Na tional Cash register. Just like new, Rex Cafe. 12-tf FOR SALE 2 Ford speedsters, Al condition, with new factory bodies. 1 1918 Maxwell, good condition, two extra tires. Klamath Falls Auto Co., 1157 Main. 20-29 terms. Address R. flee. C. S. Herald ot- tf Stornge Batteries H. Shldler WANTED A message from you to the readers of Tho Herald, If you have anvthing tor sale, for rent, lost or found. Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf "OUTCH" FOR SALE Ford car in good condi tion, u. u. urster, jzd vmn at. i extras. 1126 Main 2S-29 ( Falls, Oro. Means it hurts, whether It is you? pot corn, or your pocketbook. The Klamath Rubber and Leather Co. guarantees to take the hurt out of your pocketbook by doing tint class vulcanizing and repairing. Tubes and casings, Sturges tiro soloa and St., Klamath 26-27 SEED NOW Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 128 So-tk Sixtk 3t Phon.87