IKIUT, ATRIIi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON paoti two ii THE PHILADELPHIA STORAGE BATTERY, THE BATTERY WITH A TWO YEAR GUARANTEE HORACE SritDLER 6th, Between Main and Klamath Phone 127 STEAKS CHOPS 1 H ENTER BEST III l I T N W BAKRITE bread J , THE REX CAFE in.' . t-v i TOURNAMENT 1 IS tfOW READY TO RETAIL BREAD, PIES, FRENCH PASTRY AND ALL OTHER HIGH CLASS PASTRIES TO THE PUBLIC. ON SALE AT THE MAZE CONFECTION ERY STORE, PALACE MEAT MAR KET, THE REX CAFE. THE REX CAFE CORNER SEVENTH AND MAIN FISH OYSTERS NBW YORK, April 26. Whll tho American Olympic comralttoo, and other sport ofganltatlons' thru out tho United States arc nrrunglng to haYo this country faultlessly rep resented In tho Olympic Kamcs thin yoar, many othor countries are Just as keenly making thorough prepara tions with tho samo object In view. Sweden Is exhibiting wonderful cnorgy In her preparations and whllo ; sho does not expect to be ablo to win over tho United States, sho In I tends to maks a hard f Ight and hoi3 to bo able to score tho highest num ber of points next to Amorlca, de spite tho fact that tho games will Include somo typical Urltlsh eevnts, such as archery, in which Sweden will not compete. These efforts aro backed by ample funds, somo of J which hao been granted by the Swedish government whllo big sums I have been donated by prlvnto Indi viduals, the estimated amount now available being about 600,000 krone. The selection of tho Swedish field ( and trnck athletes has been going I & ! on during the winter months under ( 4 j tho supervision of numerous, train-, THE USE OP these columns will! make money for you. COI.-KGK VOn SHANGHAI Warren Hunt Hospital SHANGHAI, March 10. (By Mail.) -Announcement received from Can- I ton early in March is to the effect ! that the administrative Council of Canton has chosen Shanghai as the location of the Southwestern Univer- Isity, the building of which has been .... under consideration for monthu at the southern capital. It Is stated I crs, the country navmg ucen uiviucu j Into six districts for this purpose.. The chief trainer Is Ernie Hjert-j bore, who for many years wns the' coach of tho Irish-American Athlotlc Club In New York. Tho trial meet ing will he held In Anrll and tho lat est parade and last overhauling will! take placo In Stockholm In July! take placo about a fortnight before tho games J begin. With Swedish swimmers the preparatory work also has been car-1 rted on durlnK the winter ami me that $400,000 is being provided for I maJorIty ot B00(i old Swedish swim-' A thoroughly equipped institution, tne section of the new school. j affording unexcelled facilities for the; scientific treatment by hospital meth- CALIFORNIA FARMERS ods of medical, surgical and obstet- MAKE OWN LUMBER rical cases. I The new and modern fireproof build-1 BERKELEY, Cal April 26. The inr rnninini nHnta -nnQ fm. ti Farm Bureau in Glenn countr has and ambulatory cases, completely , formed a lumbering department for equipped examination and treatment rooms. Roentgen Ray, clinical and research laboratories. "STAFF WARREN HUNT, M. D. L. L. TRUAX, M. D. GEO. A. MASSEY. M. D. LOCATION , FOURTH AND PINE STS., . KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. TELEPHONE 497 AMBULANCE SERVICE the purpose of manufacturing and selling at cost to farmers all pro ducts prepared by the department, according to W. H. Helleman, secre tary of the California Farm Bureau Federation. The department, financ ed by the membership of the Glenn county Bureau, has bought a sawmill and has acquired stumpage in the California National Forest. Con tracts have been let for the logging, sawing and delivery of lumber and box material, said Mr. Helleman, and It Is hnlfpVAfl thnt th lllmlipr will lin sold at ?33 per thousand board feet, h mere nre said to bo In fino shape, i Besides these several remarkablo new men havo been developed. Sweden has tho oldest waterplay clubs In the world and now every, effort will bo made to live up to I these traditions at Antwerp. Sweden J will not limit herself to conconntrat-J her attention on the diving, high diving, fancy diving, etc., hue ex- pects to send a' very fast lot of men Into the races. Some quite remark- ( abje results have already been re corded and a 100-metre crawl in 1.05-2-5 and 200-metres brcatt breast stroke In 2.21 should stir up' swimmers all over the world. jn ii'ir r ri ri i n ni i 1 i m i i rinnr n i i " "n"ir c f Western Floral Shop LEAVE YOUR ORDKK FOR FLOWERS in person If at all possible. A visit here will show how thoroughly we aro prepared to meet any floral need from flowers for the table to the decoration ot the largest church for feast, festival or wedding. Our cut flowers are received fresh every day. You' will find your favorite here at all times in the per fection,' of its beauty. .Mod erate prices are the invari able rule. ' ! . MRS. L. C. MOORE f. r -- . . J 703 Main1 J WMMWWMWMWWWWW i-Sifc-i DilZfllWfrDt soFr Iffltnlft K" Hnwrilil ll -MM'-mf r-T'TI H-B-Bwi-Hw HrararaliraS ipA mere touch on the jraffilSSSH BMHHHMHHHHHBj8fl88f8888B accelerator and Maibohmgcts into B j action as easily as turning on an clcc- rag8B fgia trie switch. Zip! You are out of the 1 traffic jam. oom I You hnve passed the car which has been throwing dust in your face. Maibdhm's ever ready lj reserve makes it a worth-while car in a pinch or in the open. Mean- 1111 while you repose in restful comfort j wPi 'n cushioning that fits. iiKiil lil J. H. Garrett & Son Jl BPflffQBQQPflftfflftfWHtfKft RaSirSnltH8i MAIBOHM vJHi Sandusky JCT E r-Bf-I-Wflr-rnWnThTfBMBBBH B--BBMB8WH-B-i------fl--W---r'ii'! J his ! 'LAND BURIED - I RY I IUI Oi MIMMmmMMmmmMmM i -r aiat l G -T C If the Wood Dealer Sold Service That sounds odd Wo Io not ell current; wo sell serilce. doesn't it? Well, suppose the wood dealer sold serilec Instead of wood, ho would tend to your furnace and jour range, tako away the ush-H and clean the flues.. You would buy so much heat. Now you buy m much light, although jou pay according to tlio cuivcnt you consume. Hut tlio service is performed for jou by t' ! company at the habitations and power plants. , That Is what wo want to give you efficient service. It is tlio abti of thi'i company to have jionc but satisfied customers, ho matter what it Is, If you have a Krloviuuc, or arc dissatisfied abo it your bill or do not understand our rates, please come in and s'o us or write us about it. Jf ou have any suggestions to make, w will gladly avail ou selves of thom as our aim is constantly to improve our strike to you as fast us tlio development of science and hiimau ability permit. 4 California-Oregon Power Company HILO, Island of Hawaii. T. M., "Apr. 18, (By Mall). Millions of tons of lava, which have been pouring from the great volcano of Kilauea during the past three months, have burled approximately 25 square miles of country under a coating laveraeinir 100 feet In thickness. Tho great flows, streaming In every di rection from their source in the told rift of 1868, still are moving blowly forward and at one point are within two miles of the sea, and 12 miles from the fountain head. . The glittering floods ot crimson lava are coming from the southern flank of Kilauea. What was for merly a quiet expanse ot Bandy waste, dotted with green oases, now la a smoking tract of ruin and desolation. A few charred fragments mark the sites jot former forests burled deep beneath the torrents of molten stone ejected by the volcano. Trained . observers who havo watched Kilauea for many years say that It Is extremely difficult to find their way about or pick put thp old landmarks. Whoro, in former days, stretched the level sandy plain, plen tifully sprinkled with olivines and volcanic rock, now there rises a lava domo three miles In length and up wards of 200 feet In height. Welling from an earthquake rift, flows have piled on top of flows, the crest creased 'by hot, cherry-red cracks some of which emit eas flames. At tho summit ot tho dome Is a large lake of lava, nearly half a mile In length, having un avorage breadth of 300 yards. From.the sur face of tho lako lava fountains are continually playing. ICvldencoB of tremendous destruc tion aro to bo found In tho section where tho lowur forosts used to stand. Tall ohla treca, now charred wrecks, but in somo cnsoB still burn ing, rise forlornly amid tho general desolation. In ono place there is to be seen' tho remnant of a heavy stone wall, which, before tho last flows started, marked the boundary ot the Kapa- pala ranch. Tho :nov! s lava surged i against tho wall, pushed It over an'i burled the greater length of It unde" the molten flood. . Tho stretch of country across ' which the present lava streums aro moving Is a mass of undcr-tho-sur-1 fare tubes and tunnels formed by old flows, mostly In the great eruption of 1868. Tho present molten river I running through these and entering I sealed caverns are continually blow I Ing up the cavern roofs with loud I explosions and showers ot red-hot rock, which make detailed examina tion hazardous. Tho scene by n gU Is described as ono nuver U be forgotten. Great croviissM, small emcl;i?nml the living streams rushing forward, ull glow 'vhld crimson, lilarlng Ucoh, caught in the flows, and their lurid glare to ,a picture whoxo background 1b lines si-h of smoke and stuam clouds. I With Intense activity within the Inner crater of Kilauea, volcano ob 'scrverc say thnt it appears unlikely i tho present eruption will come to an I end until lute in the summer I Violet Is tho mourning color In i Tnrkoy. i Tl o Unit sleeping cars wero usort on the Cumberland Valley railroad, botwecn HarrUburgh and Chnmbers burg, In 1S38. Tho kitchen of tho Shah ot I'orslu Is tho most valuable In tho world. Kven tho pans nnd pots aro lined with gold, and tho platess and dishes ueod at the royal tables are of solid gold, encrusted with precious stonos. In sumo parts of rural England, notably In Yorkshire, u very curious belief prevails among boys that If any mention Is rondo ot lightning Immediately after a flash has occur-ed- the speaker's trousers will be torn, i 1JJ$MMM$ V t T t T T T t T t T I t T T t t f t T T . t T a MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS " Windows Cupboards Doors 13ookcase3 Screens Seats Frames Cabinets Panels Cedar-Chests PRODUCT WE MANUFACTURE Showcases Counters Shelving Tables Wall Cases Mouldings ' Flooring Rustic Scroll Saw and Lathe Work ? J T T t t T ? T T T T t T T Lakeside Lumber Company J Dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Cement, Roofing, Glass, Cedar Posts, Wall Board and Builders' Supplies MILL AND YARDS KLAMATH AVE. AND CENTER ST. PHONE 128 T T t T T T T lHll4HlllllHZ