I'AGR HKVKN fi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1M KKHOLUTION Tho City KiiRliiour, pursuant to Resolution of the Common Council hnratnfnro adopted, having, on thn Oth ilny or February, 1020, (Hod plnnii, specifications mid estimates of thn font of improving Congor Avoniio from thn wvMorly lino of Main Htreot westerly to tlm Intersection of Call fornlii Avimuti, IncltiHlvo, IncludltiK Intersection!!, mid tho council IiiivIiik taken mimo under ailvlflomont, mid finding mild plans, specifications and cMliniitim satisfactory; UK IT IIKUHIIY niCROIiVBI), that wild plans, specifications nnd esti mates for tho Improvement, of wild liortloiiH of Congor Avonuo Im, nnd tho natiin n ru lioroliy npprovcil, AND UK IT FURTHER KKHOLV ICI), that thn Common Council horo by di'cliui'H Uh Intentions to Impruvi said itortlonn of Conger Avonuo In ncriirtintiui witn tile mild pliuiH, spo clflcntloiiH mid oMliniites, mild Im - provomontn to consist of paving unlit Htrout wrth ulttillth c tmvomont nt mi odtlmntod cohI, IncludlnK com cut Hldownlku B foot wldo on tho west- orly Nldo or said Htrout, curbing mid grading, of $17,974.00; oil mnciidmn pavomout nt mi estimated cost, In cluding Htich sidewalks, curbing nnd icmdlm;, of $11,830.00; mild Im provviiioiitn In ulllicr ovont to In cludo rollltiK, grading nnd curbing; until pnviimont to bo 2C foot wide with slilowulks on tho woaturly hIiIo llioroof 6 root wldo; And Im It further UohoIvoiI by the Common Council, thnt tho property hereinafter described bo, nnd hornhj Is declnred to bo bouoflttod, to-wit: . I). Wilson Beginning nt n point N. 32 dug. 14 mln. W. 479.15 tool from n Hlonu monument In tho contur of tho nnrtliorly end of CoiiKor HYimiio; thonco north 32 doc. 14 mln V. 70.20 foot; thonco 8. 72 dox. i: mln. W. to I.InU Illvor; thonco down I. Ink River to n point 72 dec. 12 mln. W. of tho point of IiokIiiiiIiib; thonct N. 72 iIok. 12 mln. 1?. to tho point of bcRltmliiK. May I). Mlntm Hoi;lnnlnB nt n point N. 32 dog. 14 mln. W. 649 35 foot from u Htoiivi inoniiment In the cuntor of tho nnrtliorly ond of Con Kor nvenuo; thutico N. 32 iIor. 14 mln. W. 8S h8 foot; thonco 8. 72 dog 12 mln. W. to hlnk Itlvur;; thonco down Muk Itlvor to a point 8. 72 dog. 12 mln. W. of tho point of b. ginning; thonco N. 72 dog. 12 mln 13. to tho plnco of beginning. Tim Klainatli Development Co. Thnt portion of lotn 7 and 8 of Sec tion 32, TowiihIiIp 38 South, ltango ii 13. W. M., lying bntwoon blockH ifli nnd ir.1, In Ilucnn Vlxtit Addition to tho city of Kliuunlh Knllu, Oregon nnd tho easterly lino of Conger nvo nuo. May 1). Wllfion lloglniilng hi point 8. CG dog, 28 mln. K. 13G foot rrom n Htono monument at tho ond of Congor nvonuo (imld monumont being tho southeast cornor or JoropI Conger's lot); thonco S. G7 dog. 44 mln. K. t'9 foot nlong the east did of mild avenue; thoncu N. 48 dog, 2) mln. K. 80 feet along tho north Bid ot mild nvenuo; thenco 8. 48 deg. 4' mill. K. G root; thonco N. 41 dog. 1 mln. K. 100 toot; thonco N. 40 dog 30 mln. W. 18G foot; thonco 8. 2., dog 1G mln. W. 232 foct (o tho plnci of- beginning. Mny I). Wilmm Lot G of blocl. 104 In Iluenn Vlutn Addition to the city of Klamath Knllti, Oregon. J. U. I'icrro EMjiIo Lot 10 or block 103 of Iluenn Vista Addition to the- city ot Klnmnth FiiIIh, Oregon Andrew M. Collier Lot 11 of block 103 ot Uuonn Vista Addition to tho city ot Klnmnth FuIIr, Oregon K. It. Itennii-H Lots 12 nnd 13 ,of block 103 In Uuonn Vista Addition to the city of Klnmnth Fnlla, Oregon. 1'. l- ItroHii nnd W. K. Itroivn Lot 14 of black 103 In Iluenn VIbUi Addition to tho city ct Klnmnth Falls, Oregon. Ague- rieiei- Iloglnnlug nt fc point In Sec. 32, Tp. 38 8., n. 9 13 W.- M., from which tho nurntor sec tho right bunk of Illg Klamath Water Ditch; thenco 8. 39 deg. E. 7.84 chains; thenco 8. 40 deg. W. to tho easterly lino of .Congor uvenuo; thenco northwesterly plong tho east erly lino of snid Congor nvenuo to In tersection ot lino N. 49 deg. E. or tho point, ot beginning; except thnt por tion ot tho above described property horetoforo sold to Juckuon F. Kim ball. Jackson V. Kimball Beginning on tho easterly lino of Conger avenue, S 42 deg. 18 mln, E. 212.14 toot, nnd N. 47 dog. 42 mln. E. 17. G feet rrom n stono monument ln center or Con gor nvenuo, which is N, CG deg, 42 mln. Ei 187 root nnd N. 19 deg. 48 mln. W. 4CG.5 foot N. 42 deg. 18 mill. W,. G87.G feet from a stone monu ment nt tho Intersection ot the contor lino ot Muln street nnd Payno alley; thonco N. 47 dog. 42 mln. E. 7G foot to tho westerly lino of Ewauna Heights Addition tit Klamnth Fulls Oregon; thonco 8. 39 dog. E. 50.83 foet; thonco 8. 47 dog.. 42 mln. W. 75 foot to tho easterly lino of Conger nvonuo; thenco N. 42 dog, 18 mln' W. GO foet; nlong tho onstorly lino of Congor nvonuo, to tho plnco of be ginning. iI3. I). Elliott Lot 4 of block 1 in tho town ,of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klnmnth Falls), Oregon. II. It. Ilui'Ktis Heir Lot 3 of block 1 In tho town of Llnkvlllo (now City oj 'Klamath Fnlls), Orogbn'. Antone I'iiii ie Lot 7 of block 2G In tbo town of Llnkvlllo (now City ot Kliimuth Fulln), Oregon. 'Alexander Mmtlii IMnto nnd 13. II. Kennies Lot fi of block 26 in U)( town fo Llnkvlllo (now City or Klnm nth FnllB), Oregon Alexander Mm-tlii Estate nnd E. 11. i lion corner on mo norm uountinr" i,i,, i ,i w 9r.n 1 1 fwf tlienrn iMcnois .Aiiuiwun, uuu ton x iv lino ot snld section 32 boars N. 33.24 s deg 30 mln W 17 5 foot to trio '"elusive ot Block 3, Canal Addition, chains nnd E. 19.28 chnlns; run ,)CBlmng of the" description or tblslbth I Ahddi"Sns nbreJ"fL ln tho thonco N. 49 dug. E. 1.82 chains tt i-.v.i. .. x? m ,i n ...i ur city of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Itcnmoth-LotB 1 nnd 2 of block 2!i'ni". V. -'J-M root; tttonco N. 4 dog. In tbo town fo Llnkvlllo (now City of. 12 mln. W. 13 foot; thenco S. 85 dog Klnmnth Falls). Orogon. ' s ""' W. 40 foot, thonco S. 41 II. U. Tcirortr Estate nnd ll.iy Tel- leK. 31 mln. W. to tho left or enst fowl Beginning ut tho southeasterly "ink of, Link Uiyor; thenco south corner of lot 4 of block 20 In tho'ly nlung tho nnld river bunk to n townof Llnkvlllo (now City of KInm-ll'it wjitcli Is 49 dog. W. of the nth FiiIIh. Oroiren: thonco northwest- point Ot beginning; thonco N. 49 ony niong tno westerly lino or uon gor. nvonuo 20 foot; thenco south ' . .. - . I weatorly at right angles to Conger avonuo to Link Rlver: thonco, south easterly along Link Rlvor to tbo! southeasterly lino of lots S and 4 of said block 20; thonco easterly along hsld lloo-.tOiUonger nvcnuu and tho point of beginning. II. I J. Telford KMiito IlcRlnnltiK nt n point on tho westerly lino of Con Kor nvonuo, 20 foot northnrly from tho southeasterly corner of lot 4 of block 20 In tho town or I.lnkvllln (now City of KIiiiihiIIj Fulls), Oru gonj thence i 31 thorly nl"iiK tha west orly lino of LjiKor avenue, 30 root; thenco iioultiwostr.rly nt rgllit (initios to Conger nvi'iiuo to tho westerly line of lot 3 of kii'iI block 20: Hionci southerly along tlio westerly linn ol mild lot 3, 3C feet, tliiMiti) ensturly purnllnl with tho southerly lino or Hiild lotn to tlm pin o of hi-Rlimlng. llniry Tel foul Tin northerly CI foul of loin 3 nnd 4, block 20, In tin. town of J.lnkvllM (now City of Klnm- nth Fulls), Oregon; AImi, lleglnnlni; nt tho nortliwoKtorly mruor of said lot 3 of block 2)1; thenco easterly along tho nnrtliorly line of huIiI lotn. 1 to tho wi-stoily lino of Concur iivo uue: thuueu noitlieily nlong the wostorly lino or Conner nvonuo 50 Tt-et; thonco westerly nnd purnllnl with tho northerly lino or mild lotn'-jnld Imprevement: 3 mid 4, to Link Illvor, thenco south I AND III-: IT KUIITHKK IlKSOLV orly nlong Link Itlver to the place.of 1 131), thnt Monday, tho 10th tiny ot beginning. ! May, 1920, at tho hour or 8 o'clock Ki'Iin of tlio SMr.te of II. It. Mnr-p m., nt tho council chnmbern In the mii lloglniilng nt n point which U it hull nt Klnmnth Fulls, Oregon, S, 39 deg 1-3 7 84 (lui.iiti nnd N. 4! I ye fixed ns the time nnd plnco for tho deg 1-3 1 82 chiilim from a p hit fron which tho iiuurtor section comer on tho north lino of Section 32, Town ship 38 Koutli, Hnnjjo 9 Iia.il, Vlllnm uttu Meridian, hears .V. 33 24 chains jnd east 19 28 chains: thence 8. 39 dog 13. 2 dmlr.H mid 70 llnkn; thence i. 10 dr-K W. l.CC uhaliiH; thonco 8 i57?i deg. W 2 GO chnlni to thn ensi hunk of Link Itlver; thenco N. 73 dog. W. 3.10 chains; thoruo N. 5 dog. 55 mln 1-3 5 7C chnlns to the tilaio or IjwcIiiiiIiik: excepting thatitlon adopted by tho Common Council portion lylni oust of tlio western lino or Congvr avonuo In the City o, Kluiiiuth Fulls. Oregon. im'Ksiwi -, iviniiiiiii- -iiiiiineiiuiiiK -it the Intoisectlon of tho center o onger uven to rnd .Main streets Ii J 'ho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon according to tho plut of tho Hurvey o onger nvonuo uh roenrdud in rur -look 2 In tho office of tho county lork or Klnmnth County, Oregon .) Inking tho center of Main stir i N. 0U dog. 42 mln. 1-3. thenco N. 19; deg 4S mill. V. 4CG 5 foot; thencel 42 deg 18 mln. W 91.33 root.) thenco 8 49 deg. 30 mln. V. 17.G root to tho beginning or tho land Tho City Knglneer, pursuant to hereby described ; thonco N. 42 dog. Resolution of tho Common Council 18 mln. W. along tho south lino e: heretofore adopted, having on tho 'ongor nvonuo 0G feet: thenco south 9th duy of February, 1920, tiled 19 dig. 30 mln W. 125 root; thnnco ' plans, speclllcntlons nnd estimates ot S. 42 dog. 18 mln. 1-3 15 feet; thenco tho cost or Improving Klnmnth 8 49 dog. 30 mln W. to the oust or Aonuo rrom Ninth Street to Klev left hank or Link Itlver; thence down enth Street, mid the Council having mid Link Itlver along the easterly orjtakan sumo under advisement, and eft bunk 50 feet or moro to tho line Undliig suit! plans- spocincntions und of tho property of tho heirs or II. II. 'estimates satisfactory; Ilnrgus; thotice north 49 dog. 30 III-3 IT II1-3IU-3HY HKSOLVED, thnt mln, 1-3. to the went lino of Conger snld plans, gpocillcutions nnd estl nvenuo nnd tho pla'co of beginning. mates tor tho Improvement ot Klnm Wllllnm M. Iliimiin Commencing "" Aenuo from Ninth Strecf to at tho Intersection of the centers of Kleenth Street be, and tho same are Conger nvonuo nnd Muln street, ac cording to, tho recorded plat ot the survey ot Cougcr avenue, thenco N 19 deg. 48 mln. W. 40G.G rest; thence N. 42 deg. 18 mln. W. 159.33 feet: thenco 8. 49 deg. 30 mln. W. 17.5 hunk of Link Itlvor; thenco N. 73 feot to tho heelnnlnir of tho deseri!!-1 tlcn of this land; thoneu .south 49imcnts to consist of paving said por dog. 30 mln. W. 125 toot; thenco S tions of said streets with blthulltnlc 42 deg. IS. mln. E. lG,feot; thenco S.tpuvement at an estimated cost, ln 49 deg. 30 mln. W. to tho cast or lot; eluding cement sldowalks, curbing deg. W. up strcsr along sold rlvor to' and grading, of IC808.00; oil ma tho south boundary or property onendnm pnvement at nn estimated Acnes I'lorce: thonco N. 49 dec. 30 cost, Including cement sidewalks. mln. E. to tho Intersection with tho curbing nnd grndlng, ot $5086.00; wvsstorly lino of Congor avenue; knld Improvements In either event to thonco 8. 42 deg. 18 mln. W. 90.80 Includo grndlng, rolling and curb reot along tho west boundary of said ing; said pavement to bo full width Congor uvenuo lo tho pluco or be- (G2 foot wide) with sidewalk 6 feet ginning. wldo on both sides thoroof. ... o ..-. . m... AND I1E IT FURTHER RESOLV- .if.,1, ni in i . wiiiiii.iii.iiii, in ....j Intersection ot tho centers or Congor nvenuo nnd Main street, according to tho recorded plot of the survey of Congor nvonuo; thenco N. 19 deg. 4 8 mln. W. 405. G feet: thenco N. 42 nlong tho westerly lino ot Conger' avonuo 33.80 roet; thenco south 40 "l "vnv ai wn w ... deg. 30 mln. W. to tho enat or left ,uo wessou ior um Di-CuDU ui D.u bunk of Klnmnth Rlvor; thenco I lnTxm n'riT wrarn nroniv southerly nlong said river bank to a' ,AN" ?EIT FURTHER RESOLV polnt B, 49 deg. 30 mln. W. of tho , ?. that Monday .the , lot h day of plnco of beginning; thonco N. 49 deg t " t ". " " "-"., !tn tntn h to thH tilnon of healnnlnr- P. ni.. at the Council Chnnibors In 30 mln. L. to tho Place ot beginning. I H Klamath Falls. Ore- J. C. llwicli Kstnto Conimoncing)Boni bo xed 9 the Umo and plaCQ nt tho intersection of tho-centers of ,pQr 'tne hearlng of objections nnd re Conger nvenuo and Main street I mon8lrancoa nganBt the said pro- tmmiu ico N. 19 deg. 48 mln. W. 4C5.5 d ,mprovemont; and the Police !nithflC,. 1i,ld05' io h. Wnlj'lBO bo. and Is horoby directed to ,93 reet: thenco S. 49 deg. 30 ,,. ,i i,i i,,i h foot 383 , ,, n r , il .,,,., .il V V . V.ki . , B.J"'US of tho description ot this lnnd; thence N. 42 deg. 18 mln. W. 70 Toot nlongi tho westerly lino or Cengor uvenuo; thonco S. 49 deg. 30 mln. W. to the east or left bank of Link River; thonco- southerly nlong snld rlvor bnnk to a point S, 40 dog. 30 mln. W. of tlio plnco of beginning; thonce N. 40 deg. 30 mln. E. to tho place or beginning. J.' W. Siemens Beginning nt n point from vthlch tho li section cor ner on tho north lino of See. 32, Tp 3S S 11. 9 E. W. M boars north 33 24 chnlns nnd cast 19,23 chnlns; thenco south 41 deg. E. 200 links; thonco S. 49 dug. W. 550 links; thonco N. 41 deg. W. 200 links; thonco N. 40 deg. E. GG0 links to the plato ot beginning. Cullfoiiiln-Oiegoii 1,'mvrr Co. Commencing nt tho Intoi-scctlon of tho centers ot Congor nvenuo nnd Mnln Etreet; thenco N. 19 deg. 48 mln. W. 405.5 tout; thonco N. 42 dog. 18 mln. W. 587. G foct; thonco 8. G6 deg. G8 mln. W. 19.3 teat to tho beginning of tho description of this Jnntl; thciico N. 47 dug. 23 mln. W aai.i reel niougiuo westerly lino c Congur nvonuo; thonco 8. 44 dog. 35 tleg. E, to tho plnco of beginning .1i TO t rt Htn itltirtn nf IwMvlnnlnif Russell A. Alforil Beginning nt a point trom wlilcn tho '4 section cor nor on the north lino of Section 32, Township 38 South, Rnngo 9 East of Wlllaniotto Meridian bears N, 30,01 I chnlns nnd cast 22.08 chain; thence I north 48 dog. W. 1.37 chain; thonco H. 40 doR. W. 1.20 chains; thonco N. 81 dog. w. tr.CO chains; thonco H, C7 '4 dog. W. G chnlnH lo Link Illvcr; thonco 8, G7 deg. E. 2.49 chains along nnld rlvnr; thonco N. 44 deg. 31 mln. K. 1.00 chain to tho M.W. cornor of Klnmnth Fnlls Light &. Water Co, lot; thonco cast nlonK ho north lino of imld lot .01 chain; thonco Houth 0.10 chnlnn nlonK tho ast lino or said lot; thonco N. 14 dog 3Ti mln. K. 3, GO chnlns to plnco or beginning. Klamath ('mini Company Ilcgln- nlng nt tho southeast cornor of O. C Applerfuto's lot according to survey of II. F. Meyer, mudu Juno 20, 1880; tl.oncu running N. 02 deg, W. 47 links; thonco N. 43 dot;. 30 mln. U 133 links; thenco H. 48 dog. 4C mln H. 107 llnkH; thonco 8. 49 deg. W. i 120 Units; thonco N. 01 dog I to tho plnco of beginning. SO llnkH una thn; said property nuovn dc- Ucribod bo, nnd horoby Is declared 'o bo assesned for tho oxponso ot 'lear.ng of iihjoctlonH nnd and rumon utr.mccH ngulnst tho said proposed improvement; nnd tho Police Judge bo, nnd horoby Is directed to causo notlto or snld hearing to be pub lished ns by Charter provided. Statu of Oregon, County of Klnmnth, city or Mnmuth Knlls, us I. A. L. Lenvltt, I'olco Judge of tho City of Klnmnth Kalis, Oregon, to iiorciiy certify thnt tho foregoing is n duly enrolled copy or n resnlu on tno istn uny or April, 1920, tic cliirlng Its Intention to Improve Con- iger Avenue rrom tho westerly liny or ."i oin-ui wi-dil-ii 10 mo inter section ot Cnllfomln Avenue, Indus -vo. Including Intersections, nnd ap- j proving tho plans, specifications and .vstlmutes of cost submitted by the tiny engineer. A. L LEAVITT, I'ollco .Itidgo. Aprl3-23 ItKSULCTIO.V hereby approved. AND 1)1-3 IT FURTHER RE SOLVED, That the Common Council hereby declares Its Intention to im prove Klamath Avonuo from Ninth Street to Eleventh Street In accord unco with tho said plans, specluca- tions and estimates, said Improve- ,,n nv. .,,,, rrutnM rriitMnit. l' ' "" u '"nrl" t frlHod bJ?; Pd.5.S.b.3r la dcc,arecl t0 that tho property hereinafter des- bo benefitted, to-wlt: Lot 1-2-3-4 nnd G ot Block Hn ' ? " ,"X" i, "Ibed be, nnd hereby Is declnred to kMUSU nunvu v. oiui. tivuttuh " imbllshod as by Charter provided STATK op OREGON, COUNTY K,,AMAT. niTY 'av KLAMA' OF KLAMATH, CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, ss: I, A. L. Loavitt, Police Judge ot tho City ot Klomath Falls, Oregon, do horoby cortlty that tho foregoing Is a duly onrolled copy of a resolu tion adopted by tho Common Coun cil on tho 12th day of April, 1920, declaring Its intention to lmprovo Klamath Avenue from Ninth Street to Eleventh Streot, und approving tho plans , specifications and esti mates ot tho cost submitted by tbo City Englneor. A. h. LEAVITT, Apr. 13-23 Polico Judgo. NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTR.VY In tho Justice Court for tho Pro clnct of Lost Rlvor, Klnmnth County, Oregon. Notlco is horoby given thnt I hnvo ordorotl sold nccordlng to tho pro visions of Chapter 328, ns nmonded by Chnptor 30 Laws of 1917 nnd Chapter 134 Lnws 1919, the follow ing Eatruy: ' Ono rod 2-yenr-old steor, brnndod 2L on right hip nnd 17 on loft hip, uurmnrkod with swnllow fork In right ear und upper and under slopu in loft enr nnd chin wnttlo or dulap, Snld steer will bo sold to tho high est and best bidder for cash at tho ranch ot 8. D. Tookor Xtt mllos south of Dairy, Orogon, on Saturday, May 1, 1920, at 1 o clock p. ui. J. T. Bradloy, Justice of the Peace for Lost Rlvor precinct, Klamath Co., Orgeon. 10-27 49. &.. . ,ii,it .1 T. i . r. NOTWK INVITINO PnOPOSALS TO I'imCHAHE HEAVER IIONDS Sealed bids will bo received by tbo Common Council ot tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, until Mon day, tho 10th day of May, 1020, at tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m. of said tiny, nt tho City Hall In tho City of Klamath Fnls, Oregon, at which tlmo and place proposals to purchase will bo opened and consldored, for the purchase of $50,73G,00 City ot Klamath Falls Oeneral Obligation bonds, payable 20 years from dato ot j Issuo, hearing a rato or Interest not to exceed G per cent per annum, In terest payable semi-annually, princi pal and Interest payable at tho Ore gon Fiscal Agency In New York, stnto of New York, or nt tho ofTIco of tho Treasurer ot said City as deter mined by tho purchaser and the Common Council. Thcso bonds are to be Issued In denominations of ono thousand dollars ($1000.00) each, nnd to bo numbered from ono (1) to firty-ono (51) inclusive. Said bonds nro to be Issued In pur suance ot Ordlnnnco No. 498 of tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. Snld bonds nro to bo Issued for the purposo of Installation of a Hewer Syptcm In tho territory known ns Mills Addition ot snld city, In accord ance with tho plans, specifications nnd estimates or tho City Engineer on fllo In the office of tho Police Judge ot said city. Each proposal to purchase said bonds must bo ac companied by a check of C per cent or tho amount ot proposal, certified by some responsible bank payable to the city ol Klamnth Falls. Proposal must bo sealed and endorsed (pro posals to purchase Sewed bonds.) Said bonds are to be sold for cash paid down nt dnto ot delivery. The Common Council or Bnld city to re serve tho right to reject any and all nrnnnpnlfl tn nnrchann ftnlfl bonds. Dated nt Klamath Falls, Ore.,! April 8, 1920. Signed, A. L. LEAVITT. Apr. S-May 8. RESOLUTION Tho City Engineer, pursuant to Resolution of tho Common Council heretofore adopted having, on the 15th day of March, 1920, filed plans, specifications and estimates of the cost of Improving Pine Street from Eighth Street easterly to Eleventh Street, Including Intersections not paved, and tho council having taken same under advisement, und finding said plans, specifications and till mates satisfactory, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that said plans, specifications and esti mates for the Improvement of said portions of Pine Street be, and the same are hereby approved. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, that tho Common Council hereby declares Its intention to Improve said portions of Pine Street from Eighth Street easterly to Eleventh Street In uccordnnce with the said plans, spe ciflcatlons and estimates, said Im provements to consist of paving said portions of said streets-with standard bltullthlc pavement at an estimated cost, including cement sidewalks, with sidewalks 6 feet wide on botl sides ot said street, together with curbing and grading of $14,769.00; light bltullthlc pavement at- esti mated cost. Including such sidewalks, curbing and grading, of $14,412.00; or oil macadam pavement, including such sidewalks at estimated cost ot $9,764.00, said improvements ln either event to Include grading, rail ing nnd curbing, said pavement to be 40 teet wide from Bald Eighth to said Eleventh Street, and parking strip leveled throughout the entire dlstanco of said Improvements. And be It further resolved by the Com mon Council, that the property here inafter described be, and hereby is declared to be benefitted, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 ot Block 12. Lots 5 and C of Block 13, original town ot Klamath Falls, also tho northerly 120 feet ot tho Central School property, lying between Lot 0 of Blockl3. original town of Klam ath Falls. Nichols Addition; Tenth Street, Pine Street, and the southerly 120 feet ot the said school property; Lots 1 and 2, ot Block 47; Lots 1. 2 3 and 4, ot Block 46; Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 48, Nichols Addition, original town of Klumath Falls, Oregon. . And that said property above de scribed be, and hereby Is declared U bo assessed for tbo expense of sale improvement; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, that Monday, the 10th day May, 1920, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. in., at the Council chambers in the City Hall at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, be fixed as the time and place for tho bearing of objections and remonstrances against the said pro posed improvement; and tho Police Judge bo, and hereby Is directed to causo notice of said hearing to bt published ns by Charter provided. State of Oregon, County of Klamath, City of Klamath Falls, ss: I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, do hereby certify thnt the forogolng Is a duly onrolled copy of n .resolution adopted by the Common Council ou tho 12th day of April, 1920, declaring Its in tention to lmprovo Pine Street from Eighth Street easterly to Eleventh Street, Including Intersections notj paveu, anil approving tne plana, spe cifications and estimates of cost sub mitted by tho City Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT, Aprl3-23 PolK-o Judgo. A llernlil Wunt Ail will icll It. 1NERAL BATHS Dr. Muuil lngcrsoll Hnvfley Chiropractic Physician First National Bank Building Entrance, Room 5 ASHLAND, OREGON BUSINESS CARDS OJWAMWNMWVWWMMWSMW Klamath Falls Cyclery We handlo tho best in our line, such as Motorcycles, Bicycles, Parts and Accessories, Goodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. The bouso of the two and three wheelers, includ ing Harley-Darldson Service. C. B.BISMARK IIS B. 8Ui Bt, Klamath FalU AMAMANAAVWWWWMWVMVWMV NOTICE Wo open store every Tuesday and Friday trom 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Many are tho good things we can show. A dollar saved Is a dollar earn ed. In buying good thnga cheap as you may learn, you will never be In debt and have to skip If you buy your goods from LUCKY DICK & CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Gth St. PHONE 39 MAIN STREET 327 W. E. McABOY Builds anytlilng ln tlio cabinet line, Doors, Screens, etc. Shop at 110 Eighth St. J. O. CLEGHOHN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 617 Main Bt. - Phenes: Office 100, Res. 102J O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecaxrer PHONE 854 Dr. P. M Noel PHONK 4k Over Underwood's Seventh mad Main Streets wMwwwwwwwwwwwmu DR. G. A. MASSEY Fourth and Plne.Sts. In Warren Hunt Hospital Oft. Phone 497 Res. Phone 86M ii'iiiiii KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksml thing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 259-Y 617 Klamath Are. ASWMSAMAMMAAAMAASVAASMMM Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main Bt Candies PASTIME Jack Monrow, Drop. Cigars, Tobacco. Soft Drinks, Peel nnd Billiards Barber Shop In Connection OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY HI 7 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION! Tho regular meetings of Klamath Post No. 8, Aniorlcan Legion, will be held at 8 o'clock p. in.', at tho City Hall ln Klamath Falls, on tho socond and fourth Tuesdays of oach month. All Comrades are In- Thoso desiring -to Join- the Post may secure application blanks from G. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicholson, or. , T. H. Carnahan, all of Klamath i'aus. , FRED NICHOLSON, Secretary 'SSSmP PROFESSIONAL CARDS AMMAMAAAAAAAMAMAAAWMMMWM FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 434W. X-Ray Laboratory LoomU llldf., Klaanata Falls .MMMAAAAMMAWWMMVtM DR; O. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Dolldlac PRONE Ol PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cases Mrs. Rosa McDaaleM, 301 High St Phone 455 Office Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Burgeon White Building Klamath -'Falls Oregon MMWMSMMWVMMMWWWMM, DR. F. R. GODDARD . - Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND. SURGEON Phones 17W 17R Rooms 1 and 2 While Ruilding SHASTA VISTA SANITARIUM 420 Mnfn St. (New Bldg. Later) DR. A. A. SOULE, 420 Main 1909 Main 151-J 151-M DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I. O. O. F. Building Phone 200 Residence White Pelican Hotel Residence Phone 5. DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 407 Night Phone, 60 r SAW UUiL ENUINUKKLNU CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills,-Planing Mills, Bos Plants. Complete plants contract, ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building and Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blae Prints made. PHONE 14M Office ln K. D. Building I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit, ln any quantity that may be desired by contractor! and builders. AL jr. GRAHAM. t Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing an'd Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 5th nnd Main stroots. Hyman Weschler, N. G.; W. C. Wells, Secretary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer. Ewauna Encampment Mo. 48, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night ot eaos) week at I. O. O. F. hull. W. H. North, C P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Frod Buosing, Treasurer. NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Congo