PAon Tiintctu THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Wednesday, aprii; 21, 1020 EXTRA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOXMAKERS' UNION NO. 1764 Thursday, April 22, 1920 in the LIBRARY HALL, THIRD AND MAIN STREETS VERY IMPORTANT BUSINESS FOR SALE Real Estate l"ttlriK hy giving out thu pitcher nt the Unit moment. "(Jumbling Ih not to creep Into the , giino nni! mlii It for tho future f ;i n 11111I iIiith If I ciin help It," Mil-1" rJmll continued, "and If tlioro In tlio least hiihiiIcIoii of It on 'iny team an ' int'i.i.i(i..ii.... 1 t.. 1 !.,. , "v,h '" "T "" ,"""" T" ""UIST A FLW ACRES of potato land mini or men wlio nni apprehended, left, $1 r.o 00 per acre. Havo sold will not nlny n minute." 72 acres at this prlco. Cliolco bldg. I lots, jour price, your terms. Why Tim export trade In Ceylon tea bo-jrent' ,',")no 1303 Maln st- gnn In 1X73 with n shipment of 23! W. M. MOXTKLIUS. 19-tf i KMIS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS I Printing;, Stationery and office supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 120 Main St. 9-tf HOUSE MOVING and roofing; IB I yearn experience; prices rlgjit; 'work tlrst-class. True & Faltlng, Phono 322W; residence 1221 Pleas ant Ave. 16-lroo pounds In n comparatively short I time tliln figure Increased to 1 20,- I twin llflil .........I.. .. ...... I "vij.K.iu fuiiiiiiH fi juur. '4"H. f.LEflEUESWILL xetici: to tiih public Our office lion been moved to the 2nd story of tliG Blchn garage. .1. II. Garrett & Son. 17-23 RESOLUTION II Friday C AI p Saturday All of our $15.00 and $18.00 Patent Leather Hats to go at $7.00. Don't fail to purchase one of the?c practical and stylish hats at this ridiculously low price. We will also have in a new assortment of Sport Hats and Sailors as well as many pretty, light, summery hats to show during this sale. 1 The Parisian Millinery ! 1 "tli day of March, 1! I ill I specifications and es I Mil'i 0flt "f Improving Pi JPCH 'Eighth Street caster """""lUl. . I 1 .. .1 I I... 609 MAIN .:.. The largest print paper mill In the world Is being Installed In n paper mill nt Grand HitpIdH, Win. This mammoth machine will turn out piper at a speed of 1,200 fuel a min ute, which Is a rate of sovcrnl hun dred feet more than thn largest ma chine now In oxlHtcnco. CHICAGO, April 17. Gambling on hasehall kiiiiiuh will ho curtailed this Benson, according to odlclals of tho Chicago National league hasehall club, who linvo stnrtcd a movement ngulmit tho practice It Ih claimed thnt numerous bets nre mndo on tho strength of who tho opposing pitch ers nro to bo. TIiIh year, Manager Fred Mitchell, ilcclarcd ho will not iitinnunco his lecher until tho time his hatting order Is handed to the umpire, just uororo tno gamo. Manager Mltshell, whoso homo Is In Iloston, declnroil ho knows of numorous Instances In which the wngors woro placed nfter tho pitch ers had been selected. Ho said he also knows of a certain hotol waiter who was paid $C a day by a gambler for obtaining from tho managor tno nnmo of tho pitcher who was to per form for tho visiting club that day. "Most of tho betting Is dono in tho pool rooms downtown," snld Mr Mltcholl, ''and I bcllovo If tho pro prietors of these placeH do not know who Is going to pitch they will not bo so keen to accept wagers. By The City Engineer, pursuant to Itesolutlrn of tho Common Council l eietoforc adopted having, on tho 1 f. tli day of March, 1320, filed plans, stlmnlus of the ino Street from rly to Eleventh Street, Including Intersections not paved, and tho council having taken ender ndvlsoinent, and findln aid plans. Rpec.flcatloiis and -iti- muteq satisfactory. me it hereby resolved, that iald plans, Hpccificatiuis and esti mates for the Improvement of said portions of Pine Street be, and the same nro hereby approved. AND UK IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, that tho Common Council hereby declares Its Intention to Improve said portions of Pine Street from Eighth Street easterly to, Eleventh Street In accordance with tho said plans, spe cifications and estimates, said im pr vements to consist of paving said portions of said streets with Rtnndard hltulithlc pavement at an estimated cost, Including cement sidewalks, with sidewalks C feet wide on hot sides of said street, together with cuihlng and grading of $14,709.00; light bltulithlc pavement at esti mated cost, Including sir h sldowalks, curbing and grading, of $14,-112.00: or oil macadum paomcnt, including such sidewalks at estimated cost of FOR HALi;--5-room house, furnish-ma "ODIES BUILT- ed, near paved street, big lot, good garden ground, with wood shed and .garage. Address F. S. Herald. 19-21 -1023 Main. I now have my now spring samples or Nubone Corsets and will be glad to call and show them to you. Mrs. FOR SALE If you aro looking for a Rose St. nlco modern, up-to-dato 5 or 6 I room home, brand new, seo John K. 8ervcs Drehor, 1131 (Irani St. 19-tf I' , J. U. Vollmcr, Phono 322R, 1029 15-21 yon right Club Cafe 6-tf FOR SAM':: Now plastered 4 -room house, bath room, closet, large at tic, sleeping porch, buffet kitchen, enameled while. Garage. Call at 235 Michigan Ao, owner. 19-22 FOR SALE Ington. Pine St. Fine lot, Mrs. E. W 3rd & Wash- Gowan, 305 19-24 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1C0 acres of line land, partly In cultivation; good wheat land potato land. Also relinquishment on 320 acres Joining ranch. Address II. D. Herald office. 12-22 LOTS Lots of Lots Lots on paved streets from 150.00 to $1,250.00. Unimproved from $100.00 up. Terms if desired, 10 per cent cash, balance 30 payments. 1 12x10 house, big lot,$o.j0.00. 1 1-room house, big lot, $1,500. 1 5-room house, big lot, $1,300. 1 fi-room house, two big lots, $1,800.00. W. M. MOXTKLIUS, Phone I ,, 130 Main Street. 10-tf Will tho party who took tho wrong macklnaw by mlstako In , the Rex cafo please return it and exchange for his own? 13-tf. BUG BODIES BUILT 1023 Main. Serve's you right Club Cafe 6-tf PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187 Servps you right Club Cafe 6-tf Electric Appliances H. Shldler WANTED To dispose of 350 acre's best land in Klamath county, five miles from town, railroad straight through It, depot In 200 feet, power line along one s'de. water enough $9,764.00, said Improvements In i "' ,Junp ,,Rt J '9, noat Noah's ark and wlthholdjng tho name of the pitcher, I bellove much of tho gambling will Lois f and 6 of Illock 1 Htnti town of Klamath Falls, either event to Include grading, roll ing and curbing, said pavement to be 10 feet wldo from said Eighth to I jald Eleventh Street, and parking I atrip leveled throughout the entire distance of said improvements. And! he It further resolved hy tho Com-. mon Council, that tho property here-j iuafter described be, and hvrehy Is, U lurid to ho benefitted, to-wlt: I Lots 1, 2. 3 nnd 4 of Illock 12.1 , crlgiunli also the I maka mud of 250 acres. Will agree to pick and market free of charge all orangos produced on the land for five years and treat any real estate fak'r who claims a commission to a punch. Como and get It and bring your pockotbook along Just to make change. Call at 517 Pine or 708 9th Sts. S-tf CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage it-moved call b2J. Electric Wiring H. Shldler WANTED WANTED By young couplo with no children, a furnished house or apartment by May 1st. Inquire of Fred Soule, Herald office, or phono 99R. tf. WANTED Girl for general- office work. Must have some business experience, be accurate and have, at least, a high school education. Good salary to competent person. Apply Herald office. 20-tf. WANTED May 1, a house or house keeping rooms. Call 605 Main or phone 208W. 19-24 FOR SALE Miscellaneous See for yourself! Look at your own tio and collar this morning as carefully a9 you look at the other fellow's. Good dressing does moke a difference in business, doesn't it?Thatmeansournewtiesandj 0 ' UULiLuAMiS See what a difference they moke I And what about hand kerchiefs and hosiery? What ever you need, if, it's in style, ( we have it. N. B. DREW MEN'S TOGS A, I J r M"r t Drug hefs No; 44 We will donate our first daj '3 profits to our cus tomers in amounts of five cents (o ten dollars to each customer. We are doing this simply to get you to visit our store and inspect our merchandise and our methods. This is straight business with no catch or fake in the plan. We want to knov you, that's all. Watch for our opening announcenu nt. Square Deal Drug Store Safety Service Satisfaction . .H..H....-t..--t-t-H..H-4....f..t.4 "If wo des're to keep tho sport "nro, rambling must bo eradicated The Chicago club Is to do all It no stbly can to stop It. President WII llnm Voeck always has taken Moes to keep It out of. tho bell park In Chica go, and I am going to attempt to keep tho men in the pool rooms from 1 The Slate University ' Agricultural College nnd the State Normal lmvo for many years spoilt lcis money per studont per year In training O.'o gon bojs and glrl3 than Is spoilt at any other stato Institution. The pres ent cost nt tho Stntn Ihilvcvelty Is $203 a year; at tho College. U U $ 180. Hut oven buforo the war, whim money would buy twice as much ns It buys now, tho ueja;jQ csst at all other ita'u InsMtutloir was $325 u year. In ndd'licm Their Building Investment is also very low At tho Stato Unlvoisity It Is at pres ont ?322 per student; nt the Oollego, $300. Uut in stato Institutions vlse whoro, statistics show tho aurag to ho $995. Theso nro convincing proofs of economical administration.-!, but tho threo Institutions can no longer iglvo satisfactory training to tho vast numbers of Oregon boys and g'ls (fi400 In fulltlmo crurs03 alone), unless thoy receive inoro support. On May SI the Higher Kilticational lollef measure will appear on tlio ballot. Von nro iiigctl to pees. ie tho quality of higher education by vntliiK for It. url'ierly 1!0 feet of the Central School 'poperty, lying between Lot . 3 of JJlockin, original town tf Klam-' ath Kullc, .V hols Additien: Tenth I'rV- '!o Street, and tho southerly ... .. .,.,,,. i c-ihlnoUGrand Piano" FOR SALE Paying business, Al corner. Must sell owing to other I'oljiPrs. Pee 100S Main St. 20-21 WANTED Milker wants position on ranch. Inquire Eagle Peel Hall, 538 Main St. 19-21 WANTED Poisoned grain sacks. Return your empty poisoned grain sacks to the Farm Bureau office. Will pay five cents apiece for small sizes and ten cents apiece for large sizes, branded sacks. Klamath County Farm Bureau. 19-22 WOMAN WANTED To do general housework 603 Jefferson St. 17-22 1 willow baby buggy, 1 sewing ma-! BUG BODIES BUILT 1023 Main. rlitnrt 1 I .Tf tin f!rm iilintwitrrn tli with records. 9.-.1 Rose St. 19-24 ' WANTED A FOR SALE One One 1917 Bulck ' first-class condition, age. Phono 130. Paid ntlvortlsamont Inserted by Colin Dyment in bohnlf of tho Joint Alumni Relief Committee for Higher IMucnttnn In Oregon, CI 4 Pittock Block, Poitlnnd. 120 feet of the sa'd school pro pari , i. us i nro z, pi uiock -i , ; i.ots, 1. I and I, of Block 4 0; Lots 5. G, 7 u.d S. Flock 4.4. Add tiou rsii&I ton of KKi.a.itii F.illt, liegon. Ard tnitt sa il property above le .ci.btd bd, and hereby is dejhired l .o h.diiMil for the o.peiii.u of san iiiMMXeaidit; AND BE I P FURTHER RMSOLV 3D, thnt Monday, tho 10th da. May. l'Jiu, at tlio hour of S o'clocj j in , ul tho Council chambers b i'O - :tv Hall at Khi'iiath 1 alls. D:e ?iii bo fi.vod us thu timo and place 'tr the I car'ng of ob 'onions uiul 'omoiibt ranees iirralnst tho said pro lOEcd iii'pnnomoiii; and (ho Pullc Judgo bo, and l.erobj is due ivd ti nuso notice of said hearing to b 'iiibllslied as by dinner prav di.d. jtato or Oregon, County of Klamath City of Klamath Falls. r,s: I, A. L. Ljaitt. Police Jiulto oi '.ho City of Klamath Falls, do heioby ui-uiy nun ino nires-ins is a muj FoR SALI-The Herald will .milieu copy oi a: resolution ajopted your mpoxiige In the hands nf over . . ..... -v furnished apartment or house, by a couple. Address 1918 Buick sIx..G- Schneider, P. O. Box 392. six, guaranteed 17.f WN'TED Position j.u-year-oia gin. 20-21 oral housework. by woman with Cook and gen- Ans. Klamath Rooming House, room 227. 20-21 Useil curs for cale one 191S I Chevrolet, first-clns running enndi-i tlon. Prices are right. Central "nr- lT. , .' ,,,,, 'IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL , I an thing, see Max Weiss. He 'will 13-tf. I FOR ley 3-tf . S.U.E-straw -C.ood wheat and liar-ls5V0 'ou money JU.Oll per .'on. Phono 29CJ FOR SALF Tents. O. D. blankets, comfotters and all kinds of bed ding. Canvass and ln3thcr belting, pipe, boilers and all kinds of second hand machinery. Max WoIsh, Sixth St., near Ewauna Box company. 13-tf. WANTED TO BUY A small 'house with large lot, close In. Give lo cation, price and terms In first let ter. Box 99, Herald office. 31tf I WANTED Rags, old newspapers and magazines, brass, all kinds of l od metal and salvage material. H'ghest prices paid. Max Weiss, ! Sixth St., near Ewauna Box factory. nlneol 13-tf. riight for only YVANTFD- pound. -Clean cotton rags. Be per Central Garage. 30-tf I. .j .... . . iuiuu.i mi imi jii i y, onn readers every a of April, 1920, declaring its iii-rjo cents a lino tcntion to improvo Pnu Siroi t trom '. Mglth Street easterly to Elewnth I FOR SALE 4 omddlo horses, good ' WANTED TO BUY A small house direct, including intorxectlunti not I nftcr stock, cheap; C work-horses,1 In Reed location, with largo lot paved, and approving tne plaii3, spe-' rpadv for snrinir nlowlnc. Phono 'Price must be reasonable, with citications and estimates of cost sub- 29C-J mltted by tho City Engineer. ' A. L. LB.WITT, Aprl3-23 I'nllco Judge. o IUROA1XS IX USED CARS 1 C-paBsongor Dodge car, Al con dition, 4 cord tires, 3 extra tires and tubes; prlco $S50. Ono Reo, 5-passengor, good condi tion, $400. Two Studobakors, $S50 nnd $3S0. Ono Ford delivery truck, nil over hauled nnd In good condition, $.".U0. t L. .MeWILLIAMS, 30 Mnin St., Phone 109 20-20 1 terms, flee. Address R. C. S. Herald of- tf FOR SALE 1 gon, 1 3V4 Phono 29G-J. 3 V: Studebakor wa- narrow-tired wagon. . Storage Battorles Charged..!!. Shldler Mecca Taxi Co. If you are not in a hurry, and need a Taxi, Call 153 HUNGRY & LAZY Props. DO NOT FAIL to soo, ns well ns hear Dr. W. C. Adams, of Portland, a ncitod oral, specialist, next Friday night, April 23, at tho Houston Opera House?. Dr. Adams will spoak on tho various diseases of tho mouth, ulcer ated tooth, pyorrhea nnd tholr rela tions to tho general health. Dr. Adams will havo X-Rny slides so you can seo as well ns hoar nnd bettor understand. This will bo freo to tho public nnd should ho ntteudod by ovoryono Interested In buttor health. 19-23 FOR SALE Ono Shire stallion, six years old. Several head of young work horses. Inqulro of Eutorprlso Ranch, or phono 253J. 12-tf FOR SALE A douhlo drnwor Na tional Cash legister. Just like new. Rex Cafo. 12-tf Storage Batteries , H. Shldler WANTED A message from you to tho readers of Thp Herald, If you hpvo anvthing for sale, for rent, lost or found. Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT OR LEASE LOST A golden opportunity to sell your home, your farm or anything you wish to dispose of, If you do not use the classified columns of The Herald. TIN SMITH AND SHEET IRON WORKER Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds. Sky Lights, Cornices, Chimney Tops, Etc. L. M. HAINES 1023 Main FOR RENT Bedroom for man nnd wife or lady; uso of bath and tele phone, 317 N. 9th St. 19-21 FOR RENT Space In theso columns at five cents a lino u day. A line hev Is read by thousands every night. FARM FOR RENT OR SALE Near Klamath Falls under ditch. Ad dross R Herald offico. 12-tf FOR SALE: Second hand United Motor truck of 4 tons fully equip ped for hauling, excellent condition for only $'27G0.00 F O, B. Portland, Oregon. For particulars, wrlto Thoin ns Randies, 2G-North ICth St., Port land, Oregon. tf FOUND A chance to dispose of any of tho Innumerable articles that 1 you have stored away In your collar, attic or barn. Turn your wasto Into cash. There Is always someono who wants just what you have for sale". Find him through the classified columns of this paper. MISCELLANEOUS BUG BODIES BUILT 1023 Main. STRAYED From my place about 1 month ago, 1 hay mare, branded lazy R on left thigh. 1 brown pony, unknown brand, roached mano. Notify L. Schmidt, Sister's ranch, Rt. 1. 20-22 SELL NURSERY STOCK POU US Good territory open. Terms at tractlvoi Wrlto for contract and in formation immediately, SALEM NURSERY COMPANY, 1030 Chomokota St., Salem, Ore. 16-30t SEED ORDFR NO"W MurPhey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St. Phone 87