THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON VMW. TWO MONDAY, APRIL tt, 1020 ft n , II TL l." IT U l he Lvenmgr Herald, E. J. MUltltAV Kriltnr F It K 1) S O U Ij K City Kdltor Published dally, except Sunday, by of tho Enterprise IrrlRatton District wishing to gio reliable Information The Herald Publishing Company of of Klamath Ccunty, OreRon, n iietl- rotTrliiiK tho roads, as welt as about Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street, tlon signed by J. S. Mills. J. V. . storage Uatterlos, wo would llko to Stephens. A. J Simmers. R. F. John-' hnow a ni,out tho best roads wo "-rW.i lh nnsmnirn nt Kliim-I80" "ml u A' KmmUl ,,l. owan of kwow about tll0 llpst imttorlos. ..if Sou nro tnl P?mu?ion thru a ccrt,,,n ,,0,1" of ,nn,V h1cro,nV0,?w Without nuostlon tho Threaded Kuli th Falls. Ore., for transmission thru ,,escribe,i adjacent to tbo boundaries hov i,Uintcd Wlllard Is tho best, the malls as second-class matter. of 10 Enler,,r,si, ,rrlBaton District. ,-o havo a Itattory to fit any car! ' said petition belnR In wrltliiR nndlXU mVER RATTI'RV STATION" Subscription terms by mall to any acknowledged by tho respective par- Tth.on Klamath Ave. 17-19 address In the United States: One year 00 60 - One ;.month . Member of tho Associated Pros. Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tbo use for republication of oil news dispatches credited to It or" not otherwise credited In this paper, and also local news puousneu herein. All rlnhts of republication of spe- clal dispatches herein aro also re- terred. MONDAY, APRIL It), tO'-'O NOTICE TO EXTKRMINATK GROUND SQUIRREI-S (Reprint of OrllnaI Notice Which Was Duly "Published In April, 1010.) BY ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT OF KLAMATH COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON, In pursuance of Stato Statute, relative to exter mination and eradication of GROUND SQUIRRELS. OTHER NOXIOUS RODENTS AND PREDATORY AN IMALS; Every person, firm, co-partnership, company or corporation re- sMInir on. nwnlnir. Ieaslnir. occunv- Ing, possessing or having charge or dominion over any land, building. 1 wharf, or dock Infested with Oregon Ground Squirrels In Klamath Coun-IU ty, Oregon, is hereby notified to begin at once to effectively extermin ate and destroy all such Ground Squirrels. , The following poison for mixing and Instructions for uso thereof is 1 the method most expedient and et- fectlve to be used for tho extermln-i atlon and destruction of such Ground Squirrels and Is hereby recommend ed, to-wit: alkaloid strychnine used on oats, mixed according to the fol lowing formula and manner, to-wit: Oats, clean, good, heavy oats, 20 quarts; Strychnine, (powdered alka loid), 1 ounce; Bicarbonate of Soda, (baking soda). 1 eunce: Thin Starch Paste, pint; Heavy Corn Syrup, VS pint; Glycerine. 1 ounce; Sacchar-fship Ine, Vs ounce; Salt, 4 tablespoonful This material should be mixed as follews: Mix dry, ono ounce pow dered strychnine and one ,ounco of baking soda. Make a starch paste ef: Stir one tablespoonful of gloss Jklfcroh One-halt cu"p ot cold a ter, then pour it into one-halt pint ot,b'olllng water and cook until a thick, f clear, transparent paste is formed which Is free from lumps. When paste is formed, add, tho dry mixture of strychnlno and soda. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Add one-half pint or heavy corn syrup (Karo is best). Stir in four table spoonful of salt. Add one ounce of glycerine (mix well). Add, while stirring, one teaspoonful (or ono elghth' ounce) of saccharine. Pour this over twenty quarts of good. clean, heavy oats and mix until each kernel is coated. For convenience In handling, the grain should now be spread out to dry, stirring It up oc casionally to prevent drying in a cake . One quart of the poisoned grain mixed as aforesaid is sufticient for forty to sixty baits and this quantity scattered along squirrel trails or on clean hard places on the surface about the holes will net endanger stock. Strychnnie in any form other than the powdered strychnine alka loid is not effective in the above formula. From tho date hereof until May IS is the most effective time to poison and destroy tho Ground Squirrels. The County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, has secured a sup ply of strychnine and tho other in gredients necessary for tho mixture, and a quantity thereof has been mixed and is now on sale to the far mers or persons interested at actual cost and may bo had by applying to the undersigned at his offlco in the Loomls Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. If any person herein designated snau wunin rnirry uays trom tho first publication of this notice, fail to begin in good faith to exterminate, eradicate and destroy, according toi Falls, Orogon, have been fixed as the method aforesaid, or by any 1 tho time and place for tho settle other effective means, said Ground ment of said account and tho hearing oquirrois neroin designated, tho County Court ot Klamath County, uregon, win appoint a person or per sons to proceed with tho extermina tion and eradication of such Ground Squirrels, and tho cost thereof in curred will be assessed to such land, building, wharf, or dock and unless paid will become a lien against tho same, -for the extermination of said Ground Squirrels. This notlco is published pursuant to the Statute ln such caso made and provided and for two consecutlvo weeks or three issues, and all par sons describod therein are required to take notice thereof. , Dated and first published this 9th day of April, 1911. E. H. THOMAS, County Agent for Klamath County, Oro. (County Agont's offlco is now Room 2, Swanson Building, and a supply of poisoned grain is kopt on nana tor distribution at cost as abovo indicated.) Apr 17-19-20 Almost the entlro population of the French town of Montrouoll if engaged in the manufacture of dolls' heads. NOTICE OK FILING PI'TITION for ixcli-sion ok lands Ulllllti UIW iu;wif.iini' ' T11K KNTKKPItlSK lURUUTlON DISTRICT Notice Is boroby gten that oq Mio 6th day of April. A. 1). 1920, thoro was filed with tho Hoard of Directors itles ami m uuo iorm as mnuu aim required by law, and praying that thoi followliiR described lauds bo Included , within tho boundaries of tho Knter- ""so irrigation iiismci, mm immu Pa" ot sail1 district: Beginning at tho northwest corner of the NBH or tho m;h or bocuon 2. Township 3a feoutn, ltnngo a host or rno wiunmoiie .Meruuun; wicucu. IKasi one-nan nine, more or less, iu tho Northeast corner or tno n or the rsW "4 ot lection l. m said l own- sunt uuu uuusu, iiivuiu ouuwi wu- quarter mile nioro or less to the Soutmiast comor or tho i or tnotfcmlnntSt hlch sn,i wrlt wns dated NWtt of Section 1, in said Township, on ,ho 12th Unv ot Aprll, A. t). 190. and Rangv; thenco est one-half tt w,Ui on tho 15tn ,ny ot Mny A D. muo more or less iu mu ouuumuai corner 01 iuu ncvi ui mu ocu ui Section 2 In said Township and Range; thenco North one-quarter mllo more or less to tho point qI be ginning Also beginning nt tho Northwest corner of the SW& of tho NEVi of Section 1, Township 39 South, Range 9 East ot tho Willamette Meridian, thenco East one-quarter mile mora or less to tho Northeast corner ot the SW4 of the NEVi of Section 1 In said Township and Range; thence South one-quarter mllo mora or less to the Southeast corner ot the SWU ot tho NEVi of Section 1 in said Township and Range; thenco West one-quarter mile more or less to thoof willametto Meridian, together bouthwest corner or tno awvi ttne,wItn the tenements, hereditaments or oecuon 1, in saiu iownsnip,and appurtenances thorounto bolong- and Range; thenco North one-quar- lnB or ln nny wlso appertaining, to ter mllo more or less to tho point of gether wth u wntor rlBnta nppur. beginning. tenant to said land or to become ap- Also beginning at tho Northwest purtenant thereto, corner of tho NEVi of tho NWVi of tor so much thereof as may bo nocos- Section 7, Township 39 South, Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian; thenco East one-half mllo noro or less to tho Northeast corner of tho NWVi of tho NEVi of Section 7 in said Township and Range; thenco South one-half milo more or less to the Southeast corner of tho SWVi of tho NE'i of Section 7 In said Town ship and Range; thenco West one quarter mile more or less to the Southwest corner ot tho SWV4 of the NEVi ot Section 7 in said Town- and Range; thence South one- halt mile more or less to tho South east corner ot the Southwest quarter of Section 7 in said Township and Range; thence East one-quarter mile more or less to tho Northeast comor of the NWVi of tho NEVi ot Section 18' In said Township and Range; thence South one-half mllo more or less to the Southeast corner cf the SWVi of tho NEVi of Section 18 in said Township and Range; thenco West one-quarter mllo more or less to a point on the present boundary line of the Enterprise Irrigation Dis trict of Klamath County, Oregon, be ing at or near the center of Section 18 in said Township and Range: thenco in a westerly and northerly direction along the present bounds.ry line of the Enterprise Irrigation DIs trict to the point of beginning. NOW THEREFORE all persons in terested ln or who may bo effected by the inclusion of said lands and change of boundaries of said Enter prise Irrigation District aro hereby given notlco to appear at tho offlco of tho Board of Directors of said Dis trict at Number 16 Loomls Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, upon Tues day, tho 4th day of May, A. D. 1920, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m. and show cause, if any they may havo, why said petition should not be granted. G. J. HILYARD, Secretary of the Board of Di rectors Enterprise Irrigation District Apr 10-17-24-1 IX TIIE COUNTY COURT OF TIIE STATE OF OREGON FOR 1CLAM ATH COUNTY. In tho matter of thn nstntn of Henrv 1 . . . ------ - - schwinut. Deceased. Notlco Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the abovo entitled estate has filed his final account of tho administration (of said estato in tho abovo entitled , court and that Saturday, tho 24th day of April, 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day in tho courtroom of said court in tho courthouHn nt Klnmath or said report, on or before which time any person Intorested ln said estato may appear and file his excap samo. Dated March 20. 1920. II. M. MANNINO, Administrator of tho estate of Henry Schwindt, Deceased. 27-3-10-17 NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAY In tho Justice Court for tho Pre cinct of Lost River, Klamath County, Oregon. Notice is hereby givon that I havo ordered sold according to tho pro visions ot Chapter 328, as amended by Chapter 30 Laws ot 1917 and Chapter 134 Laws 1919, tho follow ing Estray: One red 2-year-old steer, branded 2L on right hip and 17 on loft hip, earmarked with swallow fork in right oar nnd uppor and undor slope in left ear and chin wattlo or dulap. Said steor will be sold to tho high est and best blddor for cash at tho ranch of S. D. Tookor 1 miles south of Dairy, Oregon, on Saturday, May 1, 1920, at 1 o'clock p. m. J. T. Bradley, Justice of tho Peaco for Lost River precinct, Klamath Co., Orgeon, 10-27 INFORMATION WANTlJO Which Is tho host uuto road to Redding, and would bo tho oust cat drlo, by way of Topsy grndo, Agor and rollowliiR tho highway, or via Merrill, Lookout nnd on oor to Rod-ding? This InforuiHtlon Is being asked .i.,!).. al ii Wlllard Service Station NOTlCi: OF Slir.RIFK'S SA1.K ON KXF.CUTION vftiini. to tl.Mt.MI- nlXMKT M...I i,!li.p nnd'bv virtue" of a writ of ox- ccution foreclosure Issued out of tho uonornblo Circuit Court of tho stnt0 or Oregon, for tho County of Klamath, lu tho caso of tho State UxnA ii0.mj f tho State of Oregon. plaintiff, vs Mary R. Rassott and winiam Rassott, Colin V. Dymont. Frederick w. carstens ami aiary c. ' CnrstCns and James A. Baker, do- igjo, at tbo front door of tho court houso ot Klamath County, Oregon, in tho City of Klamnth Falls. Orogon, at tho hour of 2: IB o'clock in tho afternoon on said dnto, proceed to soil at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, all the right, tltlo and Interest of tho said Mary R. Rassott and William Rassott. Colin V. Dyment, Frodorlck W. Cnrstons and Mary O. Carstens and James A. Raker, In and to Tho southwest quarter of tho southeast quartor; tho east halt ot tho southwest quarter, and tho north west quarter ot tho southwest quar torof section twenty-six. In township thlrtv-nlnn Rnllth. r:ine turilvn eimt sary to satisfy a Judgment rendored In tho above entitled caso on tho 31st day of March, 1920, which said Judgment is for tho sum of tour hundred dollars ($400.00), with In terest upon the said sum from tho 9th day of October, 1917, at the rate ot six per cent per annum; and one hundred dollars ($100.00) attorneys' fees; and for tho further sum ot one hundred thlrty-threo nnd 50-100 dollars ($133.50), with interest on said sum from tho 4th day ot Octo ber, 1919, at tho rato of six per cent per annum, and for the sum ot sixty one dollars ($C1.00) costs, and tho costs and expenses of this salo on execution. Dated this 12th day of April, A. D. 1920. GEO. L. HUMPHREY, Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. By BERT E. HAWKINS, Doputy. Apr 12-19-26-3-10 NOTICE OF HALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to an order of the County Court of tho Stato of Oregon tor Klamath County, mado and cntorcd on tho Sth day ot March, 1920, tho undersigned administrator of tho estate of Andy O'Malley, deceased, will sell at privato sale to tho high est bidder for cash in hand, on and after tho 10th day of April, 1920, all right, title and Interest owned nnd possessed by said deceased at tho tlmo of his death In and to tho fol lowing described real property, to wlt: Situato In Klamath County, Oregon, Lot Fivo, of Block Seven teen, of North Klamath Falls Addi tion to tho City of Klamath Falls. All bids must bo in writing and de livered to tho undersigned at tho law offlces of R. C. Groesbcck, Klamath Falls, Oregon, prior to tho said 10th day of April. WALTER E. PERKINS, Administrator of tho Estato ot Andy O'Malley, Deceased. 12-19-26-2-9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for tho County of Klamath. In the matter of tho Estato of George McDonald, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to creditors ot the said deceased, and ail persons Interested in his estate, to present their claims to tho undersigned, the Executor of tho Last Will and Testa ment of said deceased, at tho ofllco of J. II. Carnahan, Loomls Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from tho 15th day of March, 1920, tho first day of publication of this notice. JAMES A. MCDONALD, Executor ot tho Last Will and Testament of George McDonald, Deceased. 15-22-29-5-12 NOTICE Tho Woman's Rollof Corps will meet on Monday, April 19, at 2:30 p. m at I. O. O. F. Hall. FRANCIS HAINES, Press Cor. ATTENTION: FARMERS, CON TRACTORS AND TRUCK USERS. United Motors Service Company is offering for salo direct to the usors, tho United Motor Trucks In IVj, 26, ZVi and S ton sizes and G ton tract ors. Big discount, save tho agont's commission. For prices and dis counts, writo Tnomas Randies, caro unitou Motors tforvlco Company. 2C North in tli St., Portland, Orogon. tf TAKE A PLUNGE Tho plunge and baths nt tho Whlto Pelican hotel aro now opon to tho public. Thoso wishing to en gage them may arrango with Mr. Mann at tho Hot Spring Bath house or at tho hotel offlco. 1-tf In2000CountiesThis Month The Forces of the Church of Christ Will Gather To Face the Facts IN 2000 counties in the United States the pnstors and laymen of 30 great denominations will meet in conference this month. It is the kind of conference that generals hold before a critical engagement; that business men hold before entering a new market. A conference of judgment, not emotion; a eleor-cyed facing of the facts. A Survey that Business Men Must Admire For more than n your hundreds of workers have been quietly enRUKed in making n scientific survey of tho mission fields, and of America counfy by county. The facts developed aro startling. No such picturo""of America's religious; situation has ever before been drawn. On the basis of these surveys thirty Protestant de nominations arc uniting in a Nation Wide Cooperative Campaign Each of the thirty denominations has its own "For ward Movement" organized nnd officered. Tho Intorchurch World Movement is the clearing house for nil of these. It is the agency which the churches have created to avoid duplication, to foster cooperation and make sure thut every man and dollar render the utmost service possible. The month of April will be devoted to making the facts of the survey known to America; in the week of April 25th -May 2nd, will come a united simultaneous financial campaign. Whether You Are Inside the Church or Out To every man and every woman who loves his country, these 2000 county conferences are vitally important. For the facts developed by this great survey show vividly what forces are at work-in America and what kind of a country this country is to be. See that the pastor of your church appoints delegates. Any pastor can tell you the con ference place and date. Or write direct to tho INTERCHURO WOKf,D MOVEMEM1 45 WEST 18th STREET, NEW YORK CITY The publication of this ndvertiacment la mailo possible through the cooperation of 30 denomination LONDON UNVEILS CAVELL MONUMENT LONDON, March 30. (Ry Mall.) A monument to Edith Cavoll, tho British nurso who was shot by tho Germans nt Brussels, has boon oroct od ln tho Charing Cross Road, JubI oft Trafalgar Squaro and almost un der tho shadow of tho Nelson Monu ment. Tho unveiling coromony was con ducted boforo a hugo crowd by tho Queen Mother, Alexandra, being" tho first net ot stato alio has porformod in London slnco tho, death of lior husband King Edward VII. Tho monumont is of groy granito and stands 40 feet high. On tho four panels aro tho werds: Human ity, Sacrifice Devotion and Fortl tudo. On tho back Is tho British lion trampling on a sorpont, and above it aro tho werds: "Faithful unto Death." Tho statUQ, of whlto marblo, shows j Nurso Cavoll standing orect in hor nurso's uniform. On tho buso is tho inscriptien: ' Edith Cavoll Brussels ' Dawn, Octobor 12, 191G." MARKERS FOR FIELD OF GETTYSBURG GETTYSBURG, Pn., April 1C. MonumpntH to mark tho various hoadquartors or tho nlno corps com manders ot tho Union army ln tho battlo of Oottysburg aro to bo erect ed within tho next fow wooks undor tho direction of tho National Park Commission. Tho doslgn is tho croa tlon of Colonot E. ,B, Copo, onglneor of tho commission. A granito base will bo surmountod in each lnstanco by a cannon, T"C Napoleon's handwriting, was so illegible that his lotlcix fro.m Ger many to Josophlno wore at first tnkou for rough maps of tho seat of EU'fWHJWEffTlfaf V''SlA&JSagtSS' jj m..nmmn MASS OF ALL OPERA LABOR wedne: APRIL AaAAAAAAAAAXAa..!,,, Full Program in Warren Hunt lospital A thornuithlv i-quippi'd Institution iiffnidlnit uiiexulliil rntilllloH for tho scientific tiniitmcut bv hoiipltal muth oiIh of imimIIuiI. mm nil nil and obntut rlenl nisi'H Tho now and modern fireproof build lug contains prlvntn loiiiuti for lxl mul ambulatory iuhoh, complntuly equipped ("diminution and. treat uiont roonn, Itoi'iitni'ii Hay, clinical and rt'Honrch lulmraloMca. STAFF WARRKN HUNT. M. U. I.. I,. TUUA.W M. I). URO A. MA.HHI.V. M. It. LOCATION FOURTH AMI IMNIJ HIM. KLAMATH FALLS. OKI". T" TELEPilONh '17 AMRULANCESI'.KVICE t yiimi: want SKATS 1 I'AHLIAMIINT fA.VrON. llilna, M.uch 17. (lly Mail ) I'ciiiunil ! women for repremmt itlou lu I'arllaiuout In tho liit"t dcvolopmcut lit ("hluoriii political Ion. 'I'll r en gronpii ot uoincn iirii agitating for tho light to bo elected memliern of Parliament, and Uemnncllni: that tho now consti tution being drafted hero provided tho right of woman Huffrago. "-SS55 " I "v .' ','? ' 111: me m nil ll ,1 h Mill, 1, 1.0 utfHM 1. .2.-m.kLri-4 ' "TO853 r orenter T Vol ue a VER U50.0 o farmers botwjlu tlio "Z" engine. 1 hey know it is power ful, dependable and practically fool-proof truly a great en gine. 5 But now v7c announce the ono addition which could possibly improve tho "Z" per formance -1?.- ch high tension, cscilljth.j nvr'neto Ignition. 5 So Lt ns-show -you in detail tl lis great :rcngino value. 5 Our Gorv'ico to -ou is remarkably4 complete nnd v;c nro assisted by n nearby Bosch Scrvico Station. j Prices I f H. P. $75.00 3 H. P. $125.00 6 HP. $200.00. AHF.O.B. Factory. Carried in Stock by G. C. LORENZ I THE LOCAL HOUSE 21, 1920 Tuesday's Herald "T '."A ' "'A-fa"-- Ui .'WTIU . ..4. .. SDAY --