The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    PAflK seven
ymmsDAV, april is, 1020
Tho City Engineer, pursuant to
ltCHiilutluu of tlio Common Council
hiiiutofuro adopted, having, on tint
Ulh day of Fobruury, 11120, filed
pIllllM, Npt'Olflciltlotlfl lllllt (Htlllllltl!H !lf
tint cuHt of linpiovliig Congor Avenue
fiiim tlin wiiHtnrly lino (if Muln Street
westerly to tlin Intersection of Cali
fornia Avntiiiii, IikIuhIvo, Including
liiliii'HiKlloiiH, mill Hi (i rouncll liiivlug
taken inium under tidvlHimiont, mill
finding Hitlil plutiH, upoclflrutloim mid
CHilniiitPM satisfactory;
miiI tl pliuiH, specifications mill ontl
mnlOM fur tlin Improvement or mild
portions of Conger Avenue Im, anil
llii) Hiiinr ii ru hereby approved
hiiIiI Monk 2(1; (lic-nco eaniorly nlong chains and emit 22 9rt c1)utih; thence
mild lino to Connor iivoniio and the' north 4?, (leg W 137 chains;
point it beginning, thonni H 49 (leg. W 120 chains;
11. Tclfoid IXnte I'eglnnlug at iitcnro N. 01 deg. VV 0 fi0 chalrm;
n point on tlio wostoily Him of Con tlinnco H. 67 "i ilK- W I". clinlnis to
gor avenue, 2d font northerly from ntnk River: thcntv H. r.7 dog. M. 2 41)
Mm Hoiitliomitt ly corner of lot 4 of rlmlnii riloiiit snld rlver: thence N. 41
Modi 20 In tlin totvn of L'nkvlllo ,,,,;, 31 ,. .j. j.yn chnlnH to the
tnnw 1 uy 01 kiiiuiiii mum, in-..- m.w, tumor of Klamath Falls Light
Bon; tliunro ' Ihcrly ill 11 g t'o wcit- Wutur Co. lot! tin-lice oiihI nlong
orly Una of C11 er ntmut H(l foot; w north lino f Haiti lot .01 clinlnn;
llionrii snuthwoteilv m rgilit angles i!nnr south 0 10 chnliiM along the
to Congor avenue tn do westerly line cant lino of nnld lot; thcnco N
of lot II of Mud blo-k 20: thoiicc.41 nr mln. K. n.C5 chains to
imuihorly iiIoiik tho "yxterly lino of',nro of beg'tinlng
wild lot .1. IIO font; lliMH-c niiHtgrly Klnmalli Cutiiil Cointiimy llegln-
puritllol vMth Uio tinutlerly lino of . n.tie nl tnu southi-iist cornnr of O. C
said lota to tiiu pin 0 rf I ginning imli-Kutu'N lot according to survey
llairy 'ln'foid -'I lie ncrthorly "Iff u. l. Mover, made Juilu 29. 1380;
flint nf lulu .'I ntwl lilw.! -lt In t In jl.--.. - .I.... XT r.o .tii ttf A1
u miinr are iniriiny approved. ,- ........... -" w.ivulu iuuiuuk ' " ;.
ANI1 III.' II' t.'llll'i'lll.'H 11 iram .V 'tOWII of LIllKV lllo (HOW City Of K 11111-, linltr.' Ilmiirn N. 4n iIiik .10 mill. K.
rci). tlmt tlio Cominon Council hora- llt 'XII'". OrCRon; ANo, HukIiiiiIiik J33 IInk: thenro H. 48 iK-b. ,40 min
hy ilrrluriiH lln InKnitloiiH to Iniprov.'i1" ,l'" iiortliweMurly (ornor of iiulil ;. 107 niH; thunco S. I?) dug. W
mild portloiiH of Cnnipir Avonim In!1"1 :l of 1,locl! '-": thcnco ui-nturly j 20 links; tlu-n .0 N. 01 dcj;. 60 llnkn
accoiiliinco with (Im mild pliuiH, mpo l'i'R ""' nortlurly linn of aiilil lom.ltj the placo of hrKlnnliiR.
clflcatloiiH and cHtlmatiiH, mild I111-110 "'" w Mlorly lino of Conncir uvc-i
iiroviiinuiitH in nniHlHi nf mivliii hiiIiI' '''! thi'iie-d nortliorly iiIoiik tin' niiI tlmt Bald property nhovo do-
Mlreet with It) t ti II t lilo piivoiiimil ,a I wi-Mterly lino (if Concur nvunilo CO hti1ic(1 lio, and hereby l declared
nn eritlmatod t-oHt, IiicIiiiIIiik coiiient
HhlewiilliH 6 feet wldo on tlin west
erly Hide of mild Ntreet. (iirhlni; and
KradliiKi of $17,974.00; oil niaradani
pavement at an critlmntiid com. In
clndlni; Hitch Nldnwalkii, riirhliiK and
nriulliiK, of $11,8.10.00; mild Im
pniVKilHUilH In either event to In
clude rolling, crmlliii; and riirlilm:.
mild paveineiit to he 26 feet wide
with KldewalkH on the weHterly Hide
thereof a feet wide;
feet; thencti ' weHterly mid parallel
with the nortlurly line of mild IoIh
.'! and 4, to I. 'nk River; thence HOiith
erly iiIoiik Mnk River to the place or
1 1 u j ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K
llelif (if III- ltM(e of II. II. liar.
tu lieclnnliiK at a point which It
H. .'Ill detc II. 7 81 Chu 11 h and It. M
(IcK I- 1 82 (-liainii ftohi a 11 lot from
wliich tliu iiiarter Hoctlon corner on
tlio north line of Section 12, Ti'Wn-
Hhlji IIS Koiith, Riinsn 9 K.'i-t, Wlllam
I') ho iiHHUHHfd for tho expenno or
1 ild Improvement;
AMI) Mi: IT ruiiTin;R m;auiv
I31. that Monday, tho 10th day of
May. 1920. nt tho hour of 8 o'clock
0 111.. at thn Miniirll chnmlierH In the
c ty hall at Kliiiiiath I-'h'Ih, Urciton
'e fhed iih tho time and place for the
l-i-urlm: of ohjectloiit and and rcinnii
ntri.iic MalnHt tho Raid proponed
'inprewnicnt: and tho Police Jndi;o
1.9, and hereby Id directed Ij c.iuxo
Tho City KiiKlneor, purHiiant to
HcMiltitl'ti of tho Common Council
he.'etoforo adopted liuvlnc, on the
16th day of March, 1920, filed plnnn.
HPcclfk-fitloiiH and (intimates nf tho
cohI of improvInK I'lne. Street from i VarlB anA AcccHOorlcs, Goodyear,'
i:ii;hth Street eiiBterly to fclovontli j Pennsylvania and Diamond Tired
Klamath Falls Cyclery
Wo linndlo tho best In our lino,
such as Motorcycles, Dlcycles,
And belt further RrHolved by thel"''" Meridian, neiirn .n. ...i.-i ciiaini. notice or Held Hearing 10 oc puo
Coniuinn Council, that tlio property i'l u;t 19.28 cluvlnu; tUencu S., 30 l.Hhed as by CI arter provld-d
hereinafter deMcrlhed bo and beieli- l'K M. 2 halns and 70 IIiiIih; thence 9into of ()rei;on, County of Klamath
In declared to be benentted, to-wlt: H- " '")! w- ,co ''''"; thoncn K , uty at Klamath KallH, ca:
C. I). WIIniiii -llei'lnnliiK at a '"' ,,,,: w 2 60 elm na to ID" mi j, a 4 J.eavltt, Pol'ro JiidK'i of
point N 32 ik'i: II min V 179 Ii 1 liiilc of M"k River; tlienre N. 73tav City of Klamath Falls, Or?BOii.
feel from 11 Htotio monui'iieiii In (lie '''.,' V. 10 c-hiilim; th.-iiie N. 6'j,(-0 hereby lerllfy tlmt tlie foreolnc
.1 .i. 1 ,.... liliuF 60 m'n. V.. 0.70 clllllllil to the 'In .1 ilitl. enriillnil rnnv nf .1 t .fiilu
axeiiiie; Iheiiceliorth 32 tsr. tlniln lllf" nf '' ''''"" '" "Wl'tlnrs that jtir 11 adopted by tlio Connmn Cuiincll
V. 70 20 r-et; thence S T2 dei;. jj! portion Jytns east or tlio westerly on tlio 12th day of April, 1920, do
min. W to Unit Rtver; thcnco down ll,, of, Cos. 1 av ntu- 111 ilio City 0. clurlni; Its Intuition to Ii-ipruve Con
Uuk River to a point 72 tie;-. 12 mln. K' ""!l Kt.lls. Ori'son. ser Avenuo from the westerly lino of
V. of the point of liei;lnnluc tlience Inrltm 11 V. Mmliall Commonclns ' Mn'n Str"et westerly to the Inter
N 72 ileir 1 mln I in Dim 'iiiiini' if at the IntcrHoi-tloii of tho center o nrctlnn of California Avenue, iti-lun
lieKluuliiK. i.'oniitr avenue and Jlii'n strci-;i li ve. IncludliiK Intersections, and sip-
1 w 11 u'lUmi it,. ,.i..,. 1,,,. ,.i ,. the C ty of Klamath Falls, Orocon. nrovfiiK tho plans, spenfieatlona 11111!
iiiiini N' .11! iiin 11 nun w r..i'i ! . iiccnrdiiiK to the plui of tlu' survey o ' utlmnteB of cost submitted l)y tho
feet from a hKiik- iiio-iuin.-nt In tin 1 '''" ' vinit' as r-(.riled In I"
center of the noither'v e-id of iMn ' llook 2 In tho office of tho county
Kor incline: llienre N'. .II! ! n M'-rli o' Kla-mlll f""-"v, OruKJU
(no center 01 .uniu n
City KnKli.oer.
Pol.C! .Ill '10.
I prl2-23
mln. V. SS.S8 feet; tin-lie- K Ti d-i; takliif! tlio center 01 .uain sir--
12 mln. W. to Unit River;; tlioii-oN- 'i'- '- m111- l:- theucu N. 19 Iti:s)l.UTlU.
down Uuk Rlor to a point S 72tl"R wln- w- 10n "' r,!,: thtuic- ,
iIck. 12 mln. W. or the point of ..lM. 2 dnK 18 mln W. 9l.:u reel : Tho cjt ,.:Blllucr ,lurbUant to
KlnnliiK; thunru N. 72 deK. 12 mln. tl-onro 8 49 dog. 30 mln . 17.6 , a Mtl0 r lh0 LommoI1 council
B to the place cr ItPKluuliiK. .feet to tlm hi-BliiniiiK or th - land adonted. liuvin on the
lltirhllV IIM!4IT11IIMI I I IJ t"lt"-T t fta US ... , .-
iiu injf tu ruuiutiti t t
Tint Kliitmif li MfifIitiitiiiiti t
That portion or lots 7 and 8 or Sfc-'1' '" W- ulo,,K ll, F0"th 1,no ,f
. nliiis. Hiiecitlcatlous and estimates of
lion 32. Towiiihlp IIS fioutli. II. ni;e 9, Conner avenuo on 1001; inenie sunuij, f ,11IllovlllK Kalnth
IJ W M lyliiR lie.ween bio,-.-, ir. l c. '10 m'n. WIS lo.t; ho,,- ;,;,', S 'h st't to Elov'
atil ini.lii Ilucna Vlstn Addition to 3 k ' ' l. ' f T, ,', '' nnf cnth Street, and tlio Council liavlnf;
the city or Klalimtl, P,,. i !? ;'? '"XivnV? 11 nn -o Mown llku HJ10 '"Ior advlhomcnt. and
and the easterly line f ConBor avo- ttiXwU
estimates satlsractory;
lit-: IT lllillhUV KKSOI.VKI), that
naltl i1 a 113. specifications and cstt
mntos for the improvement or Klam
1 tli Aenue rrom Mntli Street to
I-.levent'i Street be, and the s.imu are
hoioby approved.
SOl.VKD, Tl at tlio Common Council
.May l. WIKon l!"i;piil!i" e trft bunk to reel or more to uie line
pelnt a. 06 ilv'K. 2G mln. 13. 135 "foot "f the propcrtv tr tlio 1 "Irs of 11. H
from a stone monument at too ii. illarin; tlience nort!i 19 dec. iu
it Co-iK'.-r av..ui,. (!i,i,i nionitin ii mln. E. to thu west lino of Conser
belnfr tho southeiiht corner or Joseph I ave;.ue and tl.o P'.a--.) or hoclnnlm;.
ClniEer's lot): tliiiei S 67 il.- l! Willi. 1111 .11. Uuiii-iiu- -Commenelnp
mm. K 99 f.'et aloni; tho oast s'd 'nt t'io ot the o-nters of
or unlit avenue; thenco N. 4S dei: ' ic-.tiaer nveiiuu nnd Main btreol, nc-
mln. K. SO fcot iiIoiik tho north sidj rn.-tlltiK to tho retorded plat of Hi" horaj)y aoclnies its intention to It
or said avenuo; tlinnco S. 4S det;. AT mtrvoy of Conser avenuo. incnco .n ' nrov Kl.11r.nth Avenuo trom Ninth
mln. E. 6 feet; thence ;J. 41 doS. i"i;t rtC!. 48 m n. W. 1C5 ft fc-i; thon-v ,st t t0-ElevenUl street in accord
mln E. 300 feet; thcnco M. 40 d-p ;;, 12 tli'B 13mln. W. 169.... tcaV, wUU th() 8a!(, 1,lan, B,,
30rm'n. W. ISO faet; theneo 0 23 thenco . 49 dejf. 30 mln. W. 17 5 . 3nU e8llm,0H sa(li imInovo-
(ICB. 1.. 111,11. . 232 loet to tlio p!uce fu-t to tie tot'B'nr.ln.1 ot Dio """M'-' ,ncala to consist of pav'ne said por-
"i I'i'K'iiii'.iii;. II'D (II lull luiiu; lu'iiu !
.liny I). W'lturn Lot 6 or blnrU ,),.c 30 n.'n. W. 12 "J r"t; tho i'o S
10 1 in l'.uona Vlstn Addition to tho i;,iri is. n In E 1 o row, t'-ien "
city of Kliimntli 1'ilK Or jjoii t 1 tl.'K '! in'n IV. to the oust or lef: ,
.1. (J. Clei-ee l!i.titf Lot 10 of )inf of I. nk lllwr; tl 11 e N.
block 103 (ir De-uu Visti Addltl.-.- to at,.; V. up sircnui along an.d river to
tlio oily or Klanmtli FulN Or 1; wi , ti s ,u'h buur.dirf of proputy '
Amliew 51. fiilllvr Lot 11 or -Mir" P'erce; tlience N 19 dft;. S-i
blork 103 or Iluenii Vista Addlt on t mln. 13. to tho Intersection with thr (
tlm cltv of Kliinwtth. l'ulls, OroRou wv.-tcrly lino of Conner aVfiui";
13. U. Iti'iiiurs -1,1KB 12 and 13 of tli"iice S 42 il!J. 18 m'n. W. 90. SO
block 103 In Ilumin Vlcta Addition, to rut.t ulcni? tlio west boundary of sa'.d
the city of Klamath Falls, Oreiio'n. coiwr tiveuuo to tlio place of be-.
I. l Itroi'ii anil IV. K. IJeov.-n 'huilus.
Lot 14 or block 103 In Iltionu Vtstn ,. ii.-,P1.'eaclnc nt th '
Addtthm to tho city U KInmatli'm,,.rwct0M of lm, contora ol Conr. :rrlb(?(1 no nni) hereby Is declared to
lallH, OrcKon. avenue- and Main strot nr-ord'nK t to i,Pnontted. to-wlt:
iii;ne.i iierr--iH-B'ini'iiK in n lllo rcu)rded Pint or iro ourvcy 01
t.onn of ?&!d strec's with bltliullthlc
nnvemont at nn estlm.itd cost. In
cludinij cement sidewalks, curblns
nnd erailtne, or 5080!.oo; oil ma
iiulotn i.nvemont 11 1 nn estimated
e at. lncliu'lntc cement slde-valks,
eurVns nnd Rrndlng. of $1085.00;
:..nd Improvoments In either event to
I'-.rludo Ki-ndlnB, rolling and curb
Iiik; Hiild utivrmont to be full width
("2 fret w'de) with sidewalk 0 fcot
wide on both sides thereof.
that tho proporty horoinafter ties
Htreet. iucludlriK IntersectioiiK not
paved, and the council Imvlni; taken ,
same under udvlsement, nnd finding
said plans, specifications and :stl-
mutes satisfactory,
said plans, speclNnitl -ns and esti
mates for tho Improvement of said
portions of Pine Htreet bo, and the
i:amo ure hereby approved.
ED, that the Common Council hereby
declares lis Intention to lmprovo snld
portions of Pine Street from ElRhth
Street easterly to Eleventh Street In
accordance with the said plans, spe
ciricatlous and estimates, said lm-
prjvements to consist or pavinc snld
portions of said streets with standard
bltulllhlc pavement at an estimated
cost, IncludliiK cement sidewalks,
with sldewulks 0 feet wldo on hot!'
sides of said street, tosether with
curblnc and Kradlni; or $14,709.00;
IlKht bltullthic pavement ot esti
mated cost, Including such sidewalks,
curbing und grading, or $11,412,00;
or oil macadam pavement, Including
such sidewalks at estimated cost ot
$9,701.00, said Improvements in
either event to Include grading, roll
ins and curbing, said pavement to be
to ft-ct wldo rrom said Eighth to
t,:iid Eleventh Slieet, and parking
strip leveled throughout tho entire
distance of said Improvements. And
)o it further resolved by tho Com
noii Council, that tho property here
inafter described bo, and luroby ifc
ioi lured to bo benefitted, to-wlt:
Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 of Dlock 12
Lois 5 and G of Dlock 13, crlglnnljf
town or tuainatn rails, aiso 1110
lortherly 120 feet of tho Central
.School property, lying between Lot
0 of niocltlS. original town cf Klam
ath Falls, Nichols Addition; Tenth
.-Street, Pine Street, and the southerly
120 feet of tho said school property;
Lots 1 and 2, or IllocU 47; Lots 1. 2
i and 4, or Illock 40; Lots 5, G, 7
and 8, Illock 48, NIcluU Addition,
original town of Klamatn Falls,
And that said property above de
scribed bo, and hereby is declared ti
io assessed for tho expense of said
.CD. that Monday, the 10th day
May, 1920, nt the hour of 8 o'clock
p. m.. at tho Council chambers in
he City Hull at Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, bo rixt-d a3 the time and place
f r the benrlns of objections and
emoiihtranccs against tho said pro
posed improvement; and tho Police
iudgo be, and hereby Is directed to
cause notice ot said hearing to bt
iiiblishrrl as by Charter provided.
State of Oregon, County ot Klaiuat.i
C ty ct Klamath Falls, ss:
I. A L. Leaitt. Poll.-e Judge of
tha City of Klamath Falls, do hereby
certlf that tho roregclns is a duly
nrolled copy of a resolution adopted
yy the Common touncl on 'he 121I1
ay of April, 1920, declaring Its In
tention to improve Pine Si-ro-t rr".;'
'3'ghth Street easterly to Eleventh
Street, including uiursectiuiiii uot
pavtii, and nppioving ine plana, npe-
clfirat'cns nnd eFtimntes of cost sub
mtted by tho City Engineer.
nnd Tubes. Tho houso of tho
two nnd thrco wheelers, Includ
ing Harley-Davldson Scrvlco.
115 8. Oth St. Klamath Fall
Wo open storo every Tuesdny and
Frldny from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.
Mn'ny aro the good things wo can
show. A dollar saved Is a dollar earn
ed. In buying good thngs cheap as
you may learn, you will never be In
dobt nnd hnvo to skip If you buy your
goons rrom
201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Cth 8t
Phono 43 4W.
3Yllfiy Laboratory
LoomM llldg., Klnmutli Kail
UuiliN mi) thing In the cabinet
line, Doors, Screens, etc.
Shop at 110 Eighth St.
Civil Engineer and Surreyor
Offlco 517 Main St.
Phenes: Ofllce ICO, Res. 102.J
I. O. O. P. Itulldlnf
l'UONE 01
Now Open for
Maternity Coaea
Mr. Rom McDanlcki,
301 High St Phone 455
Office Phono 177W Res 17711
Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart
Physician nnd Surgeon
White Building
Klamath Falls Oregon
Osteopathic Physician and
Office and Residence
Phones 321
I. O. O. F. Temple-
Under new manage
ment Best care taken of all
stock placed in our
barn. Horses, harness
and wagons bought,
sold and exchanged.
Phones 17 W
Rooms 1 mid 2
White ISiiilding
Police Judge
E. G. Wisecarver
pno.E 35-1
Dr. P. M. Noel
420 Slain St. (New RIdg. Later)
420 Slain 1909 Main
151-J 151-M
I. O. O. F. liulldin-
Phone 200
Residence White Pelican Hotel
Residence Phono 5.
Over Underwood's
Seventh and Main Streetn
.ot 1-2-3-4 nnd r. or Block 49,
point In Sec. .12, Tp. 3n b R. 9 L Conger ovonuo; tlience N. 19 deg. -IS N,c!,0is Addition, nnd Lots 1 to
y. .m.. irom which mo iiuratcr sec- , w .,G5,r, tpol; tlloncu N. 1'. Iuclllslvo of niock 3, Canal Addition,
t on cornor on the north l"i"l-ry ,i,.g. is mln. W, 2T.0 13 ft; thnnre boU, of snl(, AlUUtlona boins In th0
line ot said section 32 bears N. 33.21 8 lloR 30 mln. w. 17.5 rent to tho'clty ot Klamath Falls, Oregon,
chains anil . L. 19.2S cbaliiH; run i)0Blm,,K of tho description or tlu-i Aml that suid proporty above tles1-
hencfl N 49 dog L 1 S2 HiutiHto ,,,. llu,nco N. 42 deg. 18 mln. W crlbca bo aml huroUy ls aoclnreil to
the right hank or Dig Klnnintli ntcr flloll,: tho Wostorly lino ot Consoi , b UBsesilU,i ror thu expense or s,aid
iiiun, iluiiiu -,. j iv. .j. i .1. nveiiuo a.', so reel; tiienco suiiiu i".
i tho east or ion AXn , ,T wmrtIIER RESOL
inmiolpnnnnq n.'nltlKr llin KQlll lirO
oiutei uvi'iiiiu iiuii ..
th.nco N. 19 (leg 4S in
root; thunco N. a dog. is nun. n cutUQ noiico ot sal(l hearing to bo
u.Vi.y.i iuei; iiiuiu-o o. .- '-,. " i,iiRi,nd na liv Charter iirovided
mill. W. 17. r. toot to tho l0Blnl"S!STATj.: 0F OREGON, COUNTY OF
ot tho description otthls land; thonco klamath. CITY OF KLAMATH
iniiirnviimnnt i
chains; theiuo 3. 10 dog. W. to the ,, , 30 nln, W. to tho east or loft AM, .., 1T wMRTHEU RESOLV
easterly lino or t;ongnr nveiiuo; ,,,5 lf Klamatli Rlvor; tlienc ... , Momluy. tho luth day
tiiunc.) norinwesteriy amng mo oast- Bout)lerly along said rlvor innlt to a M :. lyi) nt tll0 hour of S o
,.';'...?.. m ... ... r"f ." I iiolut H. 49 (leg. ao mm. y. 01 mo. m at t)l0 council Chninbors
"""" " " - " " "" pntco 01 negiuuiiiK, meiieo.ii. u uut, , ., CUv Unlj nt Klamath Fnlls, O
Hint 0. iii-itiiiniiiK uxieiu 1 nil ior- a0 mill. 13 to the pllK-0 ot Deginuillg. ,, bJ ,lX0(l aa -tho tlm0 ,ind
iuii w. i,.u ,...,, u u.wuwu ii'i.j .1. r. iiem-ii Ksiiitr unininciiciunir ., i,enrinK 0r obioctions nnd
..... u.... w. H ....... u v..v.. ...... . ...... ... iTi lint 1HIILL1U11 iil iiiu .iniiuin i t
.lucksou V. ICiinlmll Ileglnnlng on
tho enstorly llnu ot Conger avenue, H
42 (leg. 18 mln. E. 212.14 root, nnd
N. 17 (leg. 42 mln. E. feet rram
a Htonn monument In center ot Con
gur nvonuo. which Is N. 00 dog. 4 2
mln. 13. 187 foot nnd N. 19 deg. 48
mln. W. fcot N. 42 dog. 18 mln.
W. G87,C feet from n stono monu
ment nt tho Intersection of tho cent'or
lino ot Main street nnd Payuu alloy;
thenco N. 47 deg. 42 mln E. 75 foot
to tho wostorly lino of Ewnunn
llolghts Addition to Klnnintli Falls.
Oregon; thonco S. 39 dng, E. GO. 83
feet; thonco S. 47 dog. 42 mln. W. 75
foet to tho onBtorly lino of Cougor
nvcnuo; thonco N. 42 deg. 18 mln
W. CO root, along tho enstorly line cf
Congor nvonuo, to tho pluco of be
ginning. E. Ii. Elliott Lot 4 of block 1 In
tho town of Llnkvlllo (now City of
Klnnintli Falls), Oregon,
II. iClliirgiiN Heli-s Lot 3 of block
1 In tho town of Llnkvlllo (now City
or Klamath Fulls), Oregon.
Antone Prm-lo Lot 7 ot block 2D
In tho town or Llnkvlllo (now City of
Klnmnth Fulls), Orogon.
AIoMindei- Mart In Estate nnd 13. It
Reunion Lot C of block 25
town fo Llnkvlllo (now City of Klnm
nth Finis), orogon.
Alexander Mint In ICntnto mill E. R,
Kennies Lots 1 and 2 of block 20
in tho town fo Llnkvlllo (now City ot
Klamath Falls), Oregon.
II. V. Telford Estnto ami Ray Tel
ford Ileglnnlng nt tho southeasterly
cornor ot lot 4 ot block 20 In tho
town of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klnm
nth Fnlls, Orogon; thonco northwest
erly nlong tho wostorly lino of Con
ger avonua 20 foot; thcnco south
westerly nt right nngloB to Congor
nvenuo to Link Rlvor; thonco south
easterly along Link Rlvor to tlio
Man, "VJS1, iposiil Improvement; nnd tho Polico
1 i' in V JmlRO lo, and Is hereby directed to
. IS nun. W ,,,.. ,tritlfn nf nrilil hpnrtnr? In bo
N. 4 2 deg. 18 mln. W. 70 foot nlong
the westerly lino or Censor nvenuo;
thonco S. -19 deg, 30 mln. W. to tho
enst or loft hunk of Link Rlvmr;
thonco- southorly nlong snld river
bank to 11 point S. 40 (leg. 30 min
W. of tho placo of beginning; thenco
N. 40 deg. 30 mln. E, to tho placo of
.1. V. .Siemens Hoglnnlng at a
point from whleh tho ',4 section cor
nor on tho north lino ot Sec. 32, Tp
38 8 It. 9 K. W. M., bears north
33.24 chnlus nnd onst 19.23 chains;
thonco south 41 deg. E. 200 links;
thenco S. 49 dog. AV. 550 links;
thonco N. 41 dog. W. 200 links;
thonco N. 40 deg. E. 550 links to the
plnco of beginning,
Culifonila-Oiegoii Power Co.
Commencing nt tho intersection of
tho contors of Congor nvonuo nnd
Mnln street; thonco N. 19 dog. 48
mln. W. 105.5 fcot; thonco N. 42
deg. 18 mln. W. 587.5 foot; thcnco
'.. IS. if! r.r. ilni r.R mln. W. Ifl 3 font tn tlin
111 thel luurlnnlriL' of tlin ileRCrlntlnn of tills
land; thonco N. 47 dog. 23 mln. W.
321,1 foet along tho wostorly Hue c
Congor avonua; thonco S. 44 deg. 35
mln. W. 234 4 foot; thonco N, 4 dog,
12 mln. W. 13 foot; thenco S. 85 dog
4S mln. V. 40 foet; thonco S. 44
dog, 31 mln. W. to tho left or oast
bank of Link Rlvor; thonco south
orly along tho said rlvor bank to a
point which Is 49 dog. W. of tho
point of beginning; thenco N. 49
dog. E. to tho plnco of beginning,
Russell A. Alfoi-tl Rcglnnlng nt n
point trom which tho VI soction cor
nor on tho north lino of Soction 32,
Township 38 South, Rnngo 9 East ot
southeasterly lino ot lots 3 and 4 of Willamette Meridian hours N. 30.01
I. A. L. Lcnvltt. Polico Judge, ot
tho City of Klnmnth Falls, Oregon,
do hereby cortify that tho foregoing
Is n duly onrollod copy of n resolu
tion ndopted by the Common Coun
cil on tho 12th day ot April, 1920,
doclnring Its intention to Improve
Klnmnth Avonuo from Ninth Streot
to Eleventh Stroot, nnd npprovlng
tho plans , specifications and ostl
mntcs ot tho cost submitted by tho
City Eiiglneor. .
Apr. 13-23 Polico Judgo.
In tho County Court of tho Stnto ot
Orogon for tho County of Klam
ath. In tho Mnttor of tho Estate ot Arth
ur R. Long, Doceasod.
Notlco ls horooy given by tho und-
arsigned, administrator with tlio will
unnoxed ot tho estnto ot Arthur 11.
Long, doceasod, to tho creditors ot,
and to nil porsons having claims
against, tho snld tloconsod, to oxhlblt
them, with tho nocossary vouchors,
within six months after tho first pub
lication ot this notlco, to said admin
istrator with tho will nnnexod, at
tho law offlco ot C, F, Stono, tn
Klnmutli Falls, Orogon, In said coun
ty and stnto, tho same bolng tho
placo for tho transaction of the busi
ness of said estate
Datod this 17 th day ot March,
Administrator with tho will an
nexed of sold estate.
So3lert btd3 will be received by the
Common Council of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, until Mon
day, the 10th day of May, 1920, at
tho hour of S o'clock p. in. of said
day, at tho City Hall in the City of
Klamath Fals, Oregon, at which
time and plice proposals to purchase
will be opened and considered, for
tho purchase ot $?.O,73.".0O City of
Klamath Falls General Obligation
bonds, payable 20 years from date of
Issue, benr'ng n rate of interest not
to exceed 0 per cent per annum, in
terest payablo somi-annually, princi
pal nnd interest payablo at the Ore
gon Fiscal Agency in New York,
state of New York, or at tho oflico of
tho Treasurer of said City ns deter
mined by tho purchaser nnd tho
Cominon Council. These bonds aro
to bo issued in denominations of one
thousand dollars ($1000.00) each,
and to bo numbered from one (1) o
fifty-one (51) inclusive.
Said bonds nro to bo issued In pur
suance ot Ordinnnco No. 498 of tho
City of Klnmnth Falls, Oregon.
Said bonds nro to bo issuad for the
purpose of Installation of a Sewer
System In tho territory known ns
Mills Addition of said city, in accord
ance with tho plans, specifications J
ana estimates ot tno uity ingmeor
on file In tho office of tho Polico
Judgo of said city. Each proposal
to purchaso said bonds must bo nc
compnnlod by n chock of 5 per cent
ot tho amount of proposal, certified
by some responsible bank payable to
tho city of Klnmnth Fnlls. Proposal
must be sealed nnd endorsed (pro
posals to purchase Sowed bonds.)
Said bonds nro to be sold for ensh
paid down nt dato of delivery. The
Common Council of said city to re
sorvo tho right to reject any nnd all
proposnls to purchnso said bonds.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore.,
April S, 1920.
Signed, A. L. LEAVITT,
Apr. 8-May 8.
Foiutli mid' Pine Sts.
In Warren Hunt Hospital
Off. Phone 497 Res. Phone S6M
We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair-
lug New Ones Made to Order
Axle Straightening and
Phone 239-Y 617 Klamath Ave.
Dr. Maud IngcrsoU Huwley
Chiropractic Physician
First National Bank Building
Entranco, Room 5
Phono 460
Ice Cream
729 Main St.
Pexisuer and builders of mod
ern Saw Mill-., Plauius Mills, Box
Planto. Complete plants contract--od.
Apprnl-.ul- und reports made.
Dredging. UV cuuir.ut to build
any class ot a building and install
machinery of any kind.
Drafting of nuy kind dune. Iilue
Prints inndc. PHONE 140J
OilU-o in K. I). Iluildiug
I am now prepared to furnish
jhasta Snnd from the Hoey, Cam.
land and gravel pit, in any quantity
I that may "be desired by contractors
mu minders.
Let Your GLASS troubles
be Mine
Re-Glazing and Cabinet
Phone 477W
Eleventh and Pine
Jack Monrow, Prop.
Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink,!
Peel and BlUlurds
Barber Shop In oCnnectlon
"Courtesy and Service"
517 Main
Klamath Lodge No. 137
I. O. O. F.
1 Meets Friday night of each week at
I. O. O. F. hull, Jth and Main stieetu
I Hyman Weschler. N. O.; W. C. Wells
Secretary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer
I Ewauna Encampment No. 48, I. O
iO. F., meets Tuesday night of eacb
week at I. O. O. F. hall. W. H. North,
C P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Fred
Buesing, Treasurer.
A Classified Ad will sell it.
Tho 'regular meetings
ot Klamath Post No. 8.
American Legion, will be I
held at 8 o'clock p. m at
the City Hall In Klamath Falls, on
the second and fourth Tuesdays of
each month. All Comrades are in
vited. Those desiring to join the Post
may secure application blanks 'from
Q. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicholson, or
1. tl. uarnanan, an oi tviamatn r bus
Give Us a Trial
Phone 295-M
Klamath FaU, Orfo