I'AflK I'lVK nFtlE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH . FALLS, OREGON rnvwibxr, ai-iul is, imm (-: " i ' t i i if to r f 7pjyyy:.y rTr;nirt isa; jaAP,"myi cTg.am AT THE THEATERS P Owen Moore, one of tho bent known and most popular male stars of tlio Hcrccii returns to oiih patrons In a rolo splendidly fitted to the debonair rnro-rroo manner mat is so peculiar- K0Il 8AU.: 0K TUAOEiC0 acros ly his own. Ah "Piccadilly Jim," of line land, partly in cultivatien: HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate MISCELLANEOUS uzi LszM&imzmMXeaumssiUi&SBS Protect Your Property With, Certain-teed Roofing Ccrtnin-tced Roofing shelters your property ngcrinst the sever est storms. Driving rain will develop no leaks. Melting snow nnd ice will find no cracks or crevices through which to enter. Certain-teed keeps the interiors of your barns and other buildings dry. It protects their contents from dumugo by water. For when Certain-teed is proper erly laid, it is firmly cemented together. It makes an impene trable one-phce roof. And Certnin-teed has other advantages. It is fire-retarding and spark-proof. It is guaran teed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to veight. Yet Certain-teed Roofing 'costs less to buy, less to lay and less to maintain, than any other type of good roofing. See you dealer about Certain teed. He either has It or can get it quickly from a nearby Certain-teed distributing center. Certain-tecd Products Corporation Central Offices St, LouU CKUu uiii Wu.boiuub I'riacljuJ Cilia Certain teed XTTTSl sattfuUSSi H mi j. i PAINT -GARNISH -ROOFING & RELATED -BtJILDING- PRODUCTS FOR HIRE Horses with harnesu. Enquire Klamath Record. 10-15 Unimproved from 1100.00 tin. Terms If dtHlrcd, 10 per cent cash, I PHONE PEYTON for wood balance 3C payments. 1 12x10 house, big lot,$650.00. 1 4-room house, big lot, $1,500. 1 5-room bouse, big lot, $1,300. 1 C-room house, two big lots, $1,800.00. V. M. MOXTELIUS, I'lionr 1 1303 Main Street. 10-tf tin) titular nart In bis llrst Hclznlck good wheat land notato land. Also I Picture, Owen Monro Is provided "iinriumnineni on uzu acres joining r " "wm with a rob- Hint fits to perfection his' 12-22 j marked talent for light comedy of . I tlio Koclety-Bntlro type, giving him i I, o T S 's.nd humor. ' I,oh of I.otH "I'lcriulllly Jim" as tho story I-ot " paved streets from 150.00 llltiu l,l,w,u iiu nn tnt.irnntlnnnl n V lo i i'"U'UU " t.....v,r. Mn .... ...n.. ..U..U..U. dog a man-ahnut-town both In Lon don and New York, entangled In amusing and misleading situations on both sides of the ocean, and Owen Mooro plnjs the role with evi dent appreciation of Its possibilities for clew-r high comedy. Tho story has humor, dramatic situations and a logical plot, worked out In a log! rnl manner. Owen adds to the hum or, dominates the dramatic situa tions nnd, throughout, gives an In telligent, workmanlike rendition of the role. I'elham Grenville Wodehousc wrote the story and although Mr. j Wodebous" Is English born ho come? pri'ttv cIoko to being known as tho i irndlng American humorist. When the story made Its appearance origi nally as a Saturday Evening Post I serial It was acclaimed as an abso llute triumph nnd served to make the i name Wodehousc a household word. ."I'lccadllly Jim" will be shown at Will tho party who took tho wrong mncklnaw by mistake In tho Rex cufo please return it and oxchango 13-tf. Notice Is hereby given that I will not be responsible for debts con tracted by my wife from this dato. 12-15 Charles W. Brown. Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf 187 the Star Theatre tonight only. m According lo English law, a wo man witness must raise her veil and expose her face bo that the lury may Judge by her features as to her truthfulness. -O SOLD BY Mason, Eh. man & Co. SOLD BY Lakeside Lumber Co. MASONH ATTENTION A group of public-spirited mou, in- Thoro will bo n special communl- eluding Bovernl capitalists of note, cation of Klamath Lodge No. 77. A. hftvo bcen 8tl(,yInB th(J UU8,ne88 wo. F. h A. M.. hold at Masonic Hall, mnn.B em, of tfco hoU8nB iroblonii Monday, April 19, 1920, nt 3:00 p. um, fta n roguU ,hoy now announco n m. uinnor win ua sorveo in wio uun ciuet room nt 0:30 p. m. Work In M. M. Dogroo. All Masons aro re- fuostcd to bo present. Geo. Chastaln W. Apr. 15-16-17. M. i project to build in Now York a hotel to accommodato six hundred busi ness nnd professional women. If thlH hotel proves n success It will be followed by othors In different cities. I Ono in overy six women in Now Women of western Australia have York City is n wngc-Pftrnor; whlq In had tho right to voto for noarly fifty Charleston, S, C,, the percentage la years. I ono In n hundrod. IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH YOU ARE UNION MEN WE ARE UNION SHOE STORE NOW LET'S UNITE FOR BETTER . SHOE SERVICE! Bradley-Evans Shoe Co. "THE UNION SHOE STORE" 727 MAIN ST. PASTIME POOLROOM IS NEXT DOOR TO US Hwa In the Hervey Islands a bride on the day boforo the actual marriage walks upon the backs of her future husband's relatives; and on the hap py day her rolatlves form a similar jnvement for him, in each case from house to bouse. CONTRACTOR GIVES , ESTIMATE OF THIS A man in business for himself in those days of keen competition must bo healthy, alert and up to the min ute at nil times. If he is sufforing from any ailment he Is not able to glvo his best to tho business nnd Is qulto llkoly to fall whero otherwise ho would succoed. Thoroforo it can readily bo understood why Mr. Au gust Domke, who is a painting con tractor at 65G Hampshire streot in Snn Francisco, Is grateful to Antl I'rlo nnd makes tho following stnt mont: 'Tho use of Antl-I'rlc has fully cured mo of rheumatism with which I suffered so long. After oxporlonco Ing tho results It gave mo I have tho utmost faith in it nnd beliovo It will euro nil cases of rheumatism. You nro at liberty to uso my endorsement of Anti-Uric In any wny, for I am very grateful to it for what it did for mo and I want othors to know what a gront romody you havo." It has boon demonstrated mnny times that rheumatism cannot bo curod by local applications only. Tho trouble goes deeper than that nnd BVBtomatlc treatment Is tho only romody. Antl-Urlo hns proved Itsolf to bo tho best treatment today. It you Buffer with rhoumatlsm In any form, sciatica, ncuto, chronic or In flammatory, get an outfit of Antl Urlo from Tho Star Drug Company and glvo It a trial, If It does not help you tboy will return your monoy. Adv. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. APr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. APr. Apr. Apr, Mli. cIpltatlOD .06 I WEATHER RECORD o o Hereafter tho Herald will publish tho mean and maximum tempera tures and precipitation record as tak en by the U. S. Reclamation service Nation Publication will cover the lay previous to tho paper's Issue, up 'o 5 o'clock of that day Pre- Max 1 44 35 2 , 47 32 3 B0 29 4 57 28 5 56 30 6 66 30 7 '61 27 8 60 38 9 44 33 10 53 28 11 60 26 12.... 61 29 13 57 32 14 42 27 .15 .60 '.10 .24 STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HERDING, CALIF. M. J. Twonicy, Manager I'hono Main 7G Vhen in need of loggers or any kind of help write, wire or phone this office. lUMldlng'g Lending Agency DR. L. L. TRUAX WARttKtf HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 407 Night Phone, 505 NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Conger NOTICE OF SALE OF KSTHAY In tho Justice Court for tho Pre cinct of Lost River, Klamath County, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that I have ordored sold according to tho pro visions of Chapter 32S, as amended by Chnptor 36 Laws of 1917 and Chaptor 134 Laws 1919, tho follow ing Estray: Ono red 2-year-old steor, branded 2L on right hip and 17 on left hip, earmarked wjth swallow fork in right onr and upper nnd under slope In left ear and chin wattlo or dulap Said stoer will bo sold to tho high est and best bidder for cash at tho ranch of S. D. Tooker IVj miles south of Dniry, Oregon, on Saturday, May 1,,,1920, at 1 o'clock p. m. J. T. Urndley, JuBtlco of tho Peace for Lost River precinct, Klamath Co., Orgoon. 10-27 WANTED To dispose of 350 acres best land In Klamath county, five miles from town, railroad straight through It, depot In 200 feet, power line along ono side, water enough by June 1st to float Noah's ark and mnko mud of 250 acres. Will agree to pick and market free of charge all oranges produced on the land for five years and treat any real estate fakir who claims a commission to a punch Come and get It and bring your pocketbook along JiiBt to make change. Call at 517 Pine or 708 9th Sts. 8-tf FOR SALE' By owner, modern bun galow, -I -rooms and basement, on paved street. Enquire after 5 p. m. 1413 Oregon Ave. 8-14 FOR SALE Miscellaneous RHODE ISLAND RED Eggs for hatching. Phone 21F2, E. L. French. 14-19 FOR SALE 8 Airdale pups, whelp ed on April 6th. Will be right for fall training. From the best Airdale strains in California. Regis tration pedigree with purchase; male $25, female $15. Address I. W. Goddard, Klamath Falls, Ore 12-17 FOR SALE: Writing desk, china closet, book case, single bed, couch and other small articles. 119 Washington St. 13-tf. FOR SALE 8 Airdale pups, whelp ed on April 6th. Will be right for fall training. From the best Aildale strains in California. Regis tration pedigree with purchase; male $25, female $15. Address T. W. Goddard, Klamath Falls, Ore. 12-17 Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tf Electric Appliances ,.. H. Shldlcr CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage lricov-d call t2J. Electric Wiring H. Shidler Printing, Stationery and office supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 126 Main St. 9-tf WANTED Want a lady to do housework on ranch. $75 a month. J. P. McAullff, Fort Klamath. 8-ir WANTED By May 1st, partly fur nished or furnished 2 or 3 room house. Phone 318, ask for Crow. 14-15 WANTED A desirable lot with small house, close in, or lot with out house. Prefer to deal with own er direct. Address W. B. B., Her ald. 14-15 MAN AND WIFE wishes position on ranch, man experienced in stock and Irrigation; also capable of tak ing full charge. J. Meyers, Wash ington Hotel, phone 172. 13-16 IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL anything, see Max Weiss. He will save you money. 13-tf. WANTED Garden spading, trees and roses to prune. S. Haley, 617 Alameda; phone 237W evenings. WANTED Men for work, $5.00 pgr day. gan's camp, Dairy, Ore. construction Apply Mor- 13-19 FOR SALE OR TRADE Ford tour ing car. J. D. Swift, city, box 111. 13-16 FOR SALE Bargain, 1 1920 Stud- ebaker special Six; am leaving state. See B. J. Martin,' Klamath Agency, Ore. , 7-17 FOR SALE) Good wheat and bar ley straw ,$6.00 per ton. 2-tf Phone 269J. FOR SALE Tents, O. D. blankets, comforters and all kinds of bed ding. Canvass and leather belting. ! WANTED Old WANTED TO BUY A small house with large lot, close in. Give lo cation, price and terms in first let ter. Box 99, Herald office. . 31tf WANTED Rags, old newspapers and magazines, brass, all kinds of old metal and salvage material, f Highest prices paid. Max Weiss, Sixth St., near Ewauna Box factory. ' 13-tf. WANTED Clean cotton rags.iSc per pound. Central Garage. 30-tt ( WANTED TO BUY A small house J in good location, with large lot Price must be reasonable, wlth terms. Address" JR. C. S. Herald of fice, tf pipe, bojlers and all kinds of second hand 'machinery. Max Weiss, Sixth St., near Ewauna Box company, c- 13-tf, garage. plank to floor a Earl Shepherd. 13-15 WANTED At Klamath General Hospital,, an assistant cook. Phone' 5 7-J. " 29tr FOR -SALE Thfi Herald will nlnce your message In the hands of over storage uauenes n. oniuier 9,000 readers every night for only I five cents a line. WANTED Four FOR SALE: 4 snddle horses, good after stock; cheap; 6 work-horses, ready- 'for spring plowing. Phone 2 9 6-J. FOR SALE: 1 3 Studebaker wa gon, 1 3 "4 narrow-tired wagon. Phone 296-J. Storage Batteries Charged..H. Shidler Used cars for sale one 1918 Chevrolet, first-class running condi tion. Prices are right. Central Gar age. 16-tf live newsboys at the Herald office. Apply at once. Hustlers only considered. WANTED A message from you to the readers of The Herald, if you have anvthlng for sale, for rent, lost or found. Serves you right-rjClub Cafe 6-tf FOR SALE One Shlro stallion, six years old. Several head of young work horses. Inquire of Enterprise Ranch, or phone 253J. 12-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST A golden opportunity to sell your home, your farm or anything you wish to dispose of, if you do not use the classified columns of The Herald. FOUND A chance to dispose of any I nf tlio inniimornlilA nrHelpq thnt t-t. n . i n . j ., j I you havo stored away in your cellar, FOR SALE A double drawer Na- 'tH. . ,,rn Tllrn v. ...,,, ,.' tlojml Cash register. Just like new cngl, TherG ls ahva,s someona who wants Just what you hae for sale. Rex Cafe. 12-tf Servos you right Club Cafe 6-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT Space In these columns at five cents a line a day, A line hei is read by thousands every night. FARM FOR RENT OR SALE Near Klamath Falls under ditch. Ad dress R. Herald office. 12-tf FOR SALE: Second hand United Motor truck of 4 tons fully equip ped for hauling, excellent condition for only $'2750.00 F. O. B. Portland, Oregon. iFor particulars, write Thom as Randies, 26-North 15th St., Port land, Oregon. tt TAKE A PLUNGE Tho plungo and baths at the White Pelican hotel aro now open to the public. Those wishing to en gago them mny nrrnngo with Mr. Mnnn at the Hot Spring Bath house, or at the hotol office. 1-tf Find him through the columns of this paper. classified STRAYED From my placo about 1 month ago, 1 bay mare, branded lazy R on left thigh; 1 brown pony, unknown brand, roached mane; 1 rod bull, poll Durham, 2 yrs. old. Notify L. Schmltz, Sister's ranch, Rt. 1 13-15 ATTENTION: FARMERS, CON TRACTORS AND TRUCK USERS. United Motors tforvlce Company is offering for sale direct to the users, the United Motor Trucks in , 2, 3' nnd 5 ton sizes and 6 ton tract ors. Big discount, save the agent's commission. For prices and dis counts, write Thomas Rnndlos, care United Motors Service Company, 26 North 15th St., Portland. Oregon, tf Tho subject of votes for women is about to bo bropght up for consider ation in tho Quobeo legislature for tho first timo In the history of that body. SEED ORDER NOW Murpheys Feed & Seed Storfc v .aq aouui auun sn JfhoiM mj- fr