H WEDNESDAY", AriUIi 7, 1020 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON page eight I PERSONAL MENTION m: a. o- -o ! Ml W h ? E. It. WIrtx, who has been, hero visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gflorgo Wlrtx, returned this morning to Dunsmulr, Cnl., where he Is em ployed ns n brnkeman by the South-' - ern Pacific company. . I ON'DOX, An Captain E. L. Schoe, late assistant P tbllliy tu KEEP HflNBS OFF 7 ... Thn ts Illl'o, iire.it l!rlt.tm uill ' resident manngor of tho White ll-ipartlclpate In tin I'reneii ndvunco Jn-' Iran hotel, left yesterday for San ' to Germany ns f.ir :is can be asror-' Francisco where he will be associated talned at present. According to a with A. D. Short In tho Hotel Wash-j statement current In somo quarters, ington. jtho British government feels itself, .Miss Ina Gould has returned from Placed in an awkard position by tho n trip covering a period of several French occupation of Germain cities. weeks through California. ' Mrs. Porter, mother of Mrs. An- A1X LA CHAPPELLE, Ap. 7. - drew Collier, camo in on last night's German troops aro marchM? on j train for an extended visit with hor , Dusseldorf and occupation of the daughter. jtown is expected tonight or tomor-' Harry Stilts camo In on last night's row morning. I train from his homo in Corning, Calif., for a brief business visit. PARIS, Apr. 7. Tho entry fif Tho many friends in this city of German government troops Into tho Miss Eliza Stilts will bo grieved to Ruhr district has Interrupted tenta- learn that she has suffered a stroke ttvo negotiations for an economic of paralysis at her homo in Corning, understanding between Franco and! Calif., and one side of her body is , Germany. In authoritative circles'! there Is a conviction that tho i I hero I. seriously affected. Will Humphrey has leased his .result was deliberately planned. ranch on tho Merrill road to W. F. COBM2NZ Apr. 7. Two thousand! Sexton, county club leader, and has I communists have crossed tho Rhino "moved with his family to 714 Oak .into tho British xono of occupation , street. land been interned. Their flight Into Henry Grimes has returned from tho occupied territory Is taken as an Portland with a ton truck which indication that tho revolt In tho Mill be used in his transfer business.! Ruhr region is near an end. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McAreo of Min-j BERLIN, Apr. 7. A special ses nedosa, Canada, aro hero for a of the national assemblyo will bo month's visit with Mr. McAree's j held here Saturday, according to a niece, Mrs. H. J. Lester, at the Les-jcall issued today, ler "home in tho Mt. Laki district.! They arrived Monday night from California where they have been spending hte winter. Albert Clark and B. W. McCue, of j 'Spokane, are hero in connection with development and cultivation of a large tract of recently acquired land in the Tule Lake district. it. .....1 r T.. tti.. y ,ii. tiiiu .ilia, uuuuu uiiiiu ui BANK ADDS WINDOWS FOR COXVKXIKXCE OF PATRONS In order to keep paco with its rapidly growing business the Klam ath State bank has Installed two new windows to insure quick- service to patrons. The rapid increase in tho bank's business some .time since showed the necessity of more win dows and more help to attend to the want3 of customers and avoid waiting and delays. 'Orlndale are tiie proud parents of a baby boy born this morning. Mr. and ilrs. Robert Davis return ed last evening from a bridal trip to San Francisco and thnv also went to Portland during their absence TRIAI' ,S STARTED -where they attended the weddlnsr of The suit or William B. Freer Mr. Davis' brother. Henry Davis and against Harry F. Caton, an action for Miss Glaser. fan accounting, growing out of def end- Roland Watt ia reported seriously ! ant's tenacy of the Freer ranch In ill at the home of his parents, Mr. j the Malln "district, is on trial before a1 and Mrs. George Watt, In Hot Jury in the circuit court today. When Springs addition. He is believed to the case was called yesterday plaint be suffering with ptomaine poison- iff was absent but was located by ing. telegraph and appeared today. I t f t r f t f t t t T t ? t t t t r t f t t f t t f t t rv SEVENTH ANNUAL SEVENTH ANNUAL K Western Nights April 15, 16 and 17, 1920 JUST ONCE A YEAR OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Grander, More Gigantic and Stupendous Than Ever MAMMOTH THREE RING CIRCUS DISTINCTIVE FEA TURES ON EACH OF THE THREE FLOORS OF THE ELKS' TEMPLE SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS FOR THE LADIES NEW AND NOVEL GAMES HAVE BEEN SECURED FROM ALASKA, CALIFORNIA, NEVADA AND THE SOUTHERN STATES PRIZES RANGING FROM MERCHANDISE AND FARM PRODUCTS TO LIVESTOCK ONE HUNDRED EMPLOYEES (Without Salary) FIVE THOUSAND PERFORMERS ELKS' TEMPLE APRIL 15-16-17 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON t T ? ? ? $ t T t t t r y t r ? ? ? T T f t f t f t t T J 2 ;XXXKH it 1 4"l-l t'l'l-I-l.t-t-l-l-t-l-l-l-l-l-l -l-l-l III Mill! . II I 1 t-l-l-I-l-t-l-1- '' ?Mfr"M-K-fr" Zl m w . .9. t..w..9..m.. rtt II I I I I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MVSAMAAMMMWMAAMAMMWVMIVWWVV m aA uii n I L.1 HUP 1 UL iruA IOE, t TT -. ' DAILY SHAVE F" ;; LOST One lenthor i)uttco,betw3en lutn una uraut and L'nd mil Main. f Phono Herald. X WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF SHAVING REQUISITES OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY RAZORS, STROPS, SOAPS, CREAMS, POWDERS AND LOTIONS. 4. Stage leaving for Bend tomorrow at r:00 ii. m. Call 27CW. or Ror I Cafe. 7 I WANTED Night clerk, Hu.l Hotel; nuuuie agea man prefcrrud; good 7-S. T wages, WOMAN WANTS work of any kind, by hour or day. Phono Oregon House. ? FOR SALIC for tho following objects: To voto upon tho question of tho selection and purchaso of a school house alto. Tho ballot at this mooting will bo as follews: A shall tho District pur chase any property at this tlmo for a ttchool slto. II shall tho District purchaso tho following described preperty: All of block 5 In Fnlrvlnw Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon, in ii pneo or uuuu.uo. c shall tho ACCOUNT of going into otho.- i ness will dispose of my apartments 607 High. Will mako reasonable ; terms with right party. A. J. Lyle. RAZORS SOAPS Keen Kutter Colgates Genco Williams Gillette Nyals Auto Strop Mennens Ever Ready Palm Olive Gem and others Lysol CREAMS Pompeian Almond Peroxide Mavis Nysis Hudnuts" 'FOR SALE 11R0 nnnnrl tonm nt ; horses, wagon and harness, or will juauc mi uuiu. oil wasmngion hi. I 7-8 FOR SALE 6-foot Adrlance bind er, practically now. 16-Inch Oli ver chill sulky plow. One 14-Inch gang plow. 2-sectlon harrow. GO Washington. 7-8 ItW. block 19, nt an cstl- Not a mero house, but n beautiful homo In tho only restricted residen tial section In Klamath Fulls. The District purchaso tho following dos lot is largo, torraced. In luwn. co- !r:rii...,i rni...nv. am i.v",? .2 Falrvlow Addition No. 2 matod cost of $6000.01). Dated this Cth day of April, 1020. ATTKSB: Ida I). Momyro, District Clerk. P. L. Fountnlnol Chnlrman Board of Directors. 7-lt mont walks and commands a beauti ful view of Mt. Shasta: roomv irur- buui- B ' uuau,"u"' wnn iiirnacc, nro iMULu, uutL jioors, ouiu in nunet, lots Of Cabinet Work, rlnnnta lintt, am has 8 rooms in all and very conveni ently arranged. Rugs, window shades and drapes, rango, furnlturo and all comploto for 17850. Phono for appointment to see this property. J. T. WARD & CO., 125 North 7th St. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING HAIR TONIC For removing Dandruff and as a hair dressing Hirwitone has no equal. We guarantee it to give satisfaction..$1.25 SHAVING LOTION To relieve the smarting, burning sen sation use Nylotis Shaving Lotion. It leaves the skin smooth and cool40c EXTRA BLADES FOR ENDERS, GEM, EVER READY, AUTO STROP, GILLETTE, DURHAM DUPLEX SAFETY RAZORS ANTED TO RENT Four or flvo room houso .with bath preferred. Barnhart, caro U. S. Reclamation. 7 FOR SALE Bargain, 1 1920 Stud- ebaker special Six; am leaving state. See B. J. Martin, Klamath Agency, Ore. 7-17 WANTED Partner, either sex, with 500 or moro dollars. Box 27. Herald. Klamath-Bend stage now in operation for the season. 7-10 GUILD MEETING TOMORROW Notlco Is horoby given to tho Iogal votora of School District No. 1, of Klamath County. Stato of Ornirnn that a Spocjal School Mooting of said uiHinci "Win oo school, on the 2 1920, at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon, INortu Twelfth street. Thoro will bo u mooting of Ht. Paul's Episcopal guild tomorrow aft- hoVd at Central rn0n nt 2:3 'Clock nt tho homo 1st day of April, J ot Mrs' John C' UrockonbrouRli, 519 FOR 8ALE 55 head of stock cattle. call at W. W. Warren.4 miles east of Bonanza; If interested call soon before I turnout. 7-14 Among other necessary articles will also be found Shaving Brushes, Shaving Mugs, Mirrors, Shaving Powders, Styptic Pencils Come to us for anything in the line. UMerwood pnarmary W'v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Wm I I 7 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE 1 PARITY i WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUG3 lACCtJPACVt Tho postponed meeting of the Womans Home-nd Foreign Mission ary Society of tho Emanuel Baptist church will bo hold Thursday at z:.su p. m. at the home of Mrs. B. S. Grlgsbys, 1028 Jefferson St. We hopo a good attendance may be had at this meeting. You are invited. FOR SALE 1 Cary safe, 1 check writer. Inquire at Lorenz Plumb ing Shop, 123 N. 6th St. 7-9. LOST A blue print map of tho Klamath PrbJect. Return to Boc. Klamath Irrigation District, U. S. R. S. Bldg. 7.9 LIBERTY THEATRE T1TE PICK OF THE PICTURES AND A NEW ONE EVERY DAY H. W. POOLE, Owner HARRY nnnro. x...,. LiHl vAuo.wtM AurtKiiur ,www' - -ri-t-irnwiaiuuui. i-i-innn.aiAi ' Tho White Pelican Barbor Shop makes a specialty of ladles' sham pooing and massaging. 7-12 ESTRAY KOTIOH Camo to my place about Dec. 15th, 191D, ono threo-yoar-old mulnv man Durham bull, marlod swallow fork in right oa'r. Owner may havo samo uy paying advertisement and food. No brand visible. JAME HAVLINA, 7-D Malin, Ote. TONIGHT ONLY ALBERT RAY AND ELINOR FAIR will entertain us with a matrimonial mixup called. "BE A LITTLE SPORT" This is a guaranteed cure for even a chronic grouch ' THURSDAY Gladys Brockwell comes to us in "FLAMES OF THE FLESH" A MoHy of Now England Puritan who Shocked On,- Paris And on FRIDAY I'll ask.you "SHOULD A WOMAN TELL?" The ftar is Alice Lukci-cuto m a bug's car. CoUB te"THE STERNE,,. ' ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !! l-l-yil'l'ri'l-lTTT-nTTTTTTTlTl-KTJrrfTT-ftl-yTy; " 1