PAOIfi HKVICN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Wednesday, avuui i, inso OT 'Hi m u H i-h a&. i?i):W9VM'iWrjJrti,:'4iiU . ..... . . . MIMna fcYi'tT'-TliiTJfirr' -"' r'- .""- " w e Great Savin k' O IN BUYING "VTJL V7i'ftrr tit nmk ' JI-1 ""l Fne Quality Coffee of America'' in llie FIVE pound vacuum packed can,& realized mora and more by the Ehrifty housewife everj'vhere. First in Flavor Unaurpnsccd in Quality and Economy. GOLD. OIL, ATTRACT j MANY TO MONTANA HELENA, Monl , Apr. 7 Two oil Holds (iml a mv gold Hold (ire Idinwlng tho ni"tif uroiin from far ind iioar too Montana. Tim ItMindup ill Held h lit t ! o Jew a.Mi-:i than tlio in w WltMH'tt-Mos-by fluid. Morn rec nt of ilUcovury. I The ooi'l rush ,9 '" tno Bcolioy 'coi.ntry. whrii- on1 ntiinyliig u high !us 1 120 to 11 a ton In digging n well,1 Isicrord'ng to reports. Morn thnn n ! hundred claim were staked within n fow liotirn nftor tlio nnnoitncuiiiont iof ltd dlwovory. ' I Oil novUvrn who hnvn Invaded Jutnto projects, riovornor Stow- nrt linn announced, mtiBt vacate or ho will tnkc stops to form thorn out ' i Clafthon hotwecn nncliar und oil mini Imvq been reported. took una DOT OF SCHOOL Alfo enll in ouo rtnd thren vacuum enna. 355- l&Jjlill -a. nrnTifflw pound vac hti,TSPtZM MK Packed or : ! People s M && .'l ... a ai :: -j.-: ket 1 1 WHY SHOULDN'T THE FARMERS ADVERTISE? OHECON AGUICL'IrTRAI. COL I.ECH. Corvallls, Apr. 7 Modem r huslnc in mi advertise because Jt ' lintm Konil returns, no why Blioiild 1 not farmer ndvertiso since farming , l n limlnes? Many funnOrs do use riWcrtinK ns h men n of Bothering n 'fuw t-xtrii dollars frm odds and ends 'IvIiik nbout tlio form. nc-ordlrig to '. J. Molntoidi. assistant profussor of f industrial Journalism nt the Oregon i Agricultural college- "Ktiimf r aro advertising their our 1 plu produce, high producing pure bred plant pud animal products and outsrown farm oMilpment In their ''ommunity inwpapor." sayo Prnfes ii h 40 or CO add In t.xud UusVaS ror Mrlntosli. M .NY I'ltlvSt'SMIMIOXH MCCi OP UKAI, I.A.MI1 i mnki'H tiM fine a dlnh ni liny J ono could wIhIi for. Hut rual 1 lam I) Is not ho uuiy to Kft. I You ran do m lare liowovor j Vn Kuurantc-o It. Try n Ipr 1 mid thi) vu ry firm innrcl yon put In your inoiitli lll tell you tlio diffiwnro. I'lliilil- Hit 4,.4..;..;...'..:...:...:....:..:..,,.)..:...VJ..a...i. ys..j..-.s..j. .s,s..i..:.:s. ji.-....-... , VANCOl'Vnil. II. C, Apr. 7. I Tln-' hundri'd anil flftuen thousand 1 in r prescriptions wore Issued !u"t .cur h, lirltlsh Columbia p'ljtlcians, icror; ng to tlio niinunl repor' of tho irihillt!on commissioner. Diirini; ye:ir. In oil lirltlsh Columbia. 25.0J0 Kitllons of rye woro prfacrllicd, and !on!y 0.051 of scotch. Total sales iiinonnted to $1,079,000. Amond nionts to tlio Urltlsh Columbia act 'l.m.t li'i'i r presrrlptionn liurwafler to e'glit i 'i:i os, Instead of two ijuurts (ns licretofuio. Itpiimm I'lly Wiiniiiii Won I'n.'ililc lo , l)i HotiM'uorlt 'iiIiih Tlilrly ' I'lw I'oihiiIh by TiiUIiik TiiiiIiic i "I am ono of iho hPOltluT. and h.ippli'M woinr-n In tho stati' and I own It all to Tnnlac." fii.lrt .Mrs. W. B riilpinunn, a woll-ltnown woman .of Kansas City, Mo., who llvo Mif. Rcarrltt Ave. Mrs. Ulilcmann's hus band Is foroman of Jaekard's, one of tlio largest Jowolry stores of the , middle wost. "Sovornl times my nolKhboiH oxpcctPd mo to die, hut 1 am so rhaiiKOd now llicy hardly know mo," contained Mrs. Ulile mann. ! '! suffered from nervous Indiges tion a year and for tho last throe months was unable to do nnythlm; at all and I had to take my daughter out of school to care for me. Even a drink of water would sour my stomach and caused the gas to press against my heart until I could hardly breathe. Tor days at a time I would not bo nblo to eat anything at all and I foil off until I was almost skin r-nd bones. I was so weak and dizzy I could hardly walk and whan I would hnvo my worst spells of indl gftlon the neighbors would liavo to come and work with mo and I would juot gasp for breath. Nothing did mo any good and I knew I could not stand tho attack. much longer. "Ono day my husband brought me come Tanlac but I was so bad off I took four bottles before I could see It was doing mo much good. I have now taken thirteen bottles and my .health is perfectly wonderful. My 'nppetlto is flno and I can eat any thing; I have Rained thirty-five pounds and feel so well and strong I now do all the work required to take care of my family and our six room home without the slightest trouble. I want the public to know what Tanlac has done for me, for it mav help others back to health." I Tanlac is sold In Klamath Falls by the Star Drug Co.. in Lorella by the .iame3 Merc. Co., and in Merrill by the Southern Oregon Drug Co adv BUSINESS CARDS VWWVMtViiWAS Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo handle tho best in our lino, such as Motorcycles, Ulcycles, I'arls and Accessories, Ooodyoar, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tiros and Tii1m;h. Tho houso of the two and three wheelers, Includ ing Ilurlcy-Davldson Service. C. K. IIISMAIIK 115 H. (Hli 8 1. Klmnntli FalLs netici: Wo open store every Tuesday anJ Friday from 10 00 a. m to :00 p. m. Many arc the good things wo can show. A dollar saved is a dollar earn ed. In buying good thngs cheap as you may learn, you will never be in dolit and have to skip if you buy your goods from LUCKY DICK' & CO. 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Cth St sy ymims sSSjSSjam W. E. McABOY IliiildH Hiljtliln;: in (he cublnct line, Doors, Screens, etc. Shop at 110 Eighth St. .1. C. CI.KGHOIt.V Civil Kngiriccr and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. I'limics: Olilco JOO, Ilea. 102J O. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. ! ?: l Drug Fads Mo. 36 1! IN AIKI'LANIC llKMVnriY !ONE CENT SALE AT STAR DRUG CO. thing gets customers so ? certain as square dealing. ! VAXrorVEH. II. C. Apr. 7 Kvrly tl is Summer hydroplanes will provide tho Stewart mining camp all tin comforts of a rural mail delivery ami will deliver from the southern irarbciB everything from prunes to n nb r. S',eral machines are now 'i .; or--.'TV t "1 in S'.it!o n:id o-v-iy nof mouth the f.n,t ono will fly to ;'tev.urt. pare ueai urug ator K i e !!"::!": !'!'.!::!:!;!":!!!:;:' -.s4"'-' WIIKN YOU WANT ANM'iilM! In o hurry ndvertiso for H here. MALE VOTERS WILL ' OUTNUMBER WOMEN IFUilOil ' KIOIEfS B0FT1IEH ICut less meat, also tal.e kI'114' 'f Halls before o'ltiiiK break fitst. ' XTrlo ncld In ine:u excltoa tfyn 'tM noy, tlicy bocome ovirwnrKoil; got sIUKgfsh, nrho, nnd feol llko Iiiiiids of lead Tho urlno becomes cloudy; tho" bladder la Irritated, and you may bo obliged to peok lollof two or tliroo times during tho night! Wlnu tho kldiioyu clog you ' must ' 'holp thorn Hush off tho' body's urinous wastq or you'll bo a rpa.1 Blck. pqrsoji shottly. At first you fool n dull misery In tlio ltldnoy region, you suffer from backache, sick Uoadaolie, dlzzlnesi, stomach gctn cour, tonguo coated nnd you foel lhoumatlc twlngos when tho weather Is had. Eat loan moat, drink lots of wntor; also got from nny plinr innclst four ounces of .Ind Salts; takn u tahlcspoon in a glass of wator boforo broakfast for a fow days ana your kldnoys 'l then act flno. This famous salts is mndo from tho acid of grapes and lomou Juico, com bined with llthln. and has been used1 for gonoratloiiB to clean clogged kid-' novs nnd atlmulato them to nonnnl activity, also to neutralize tho adds In urlno, bo it no longor in n sourco of irritation, tliun ending bladder i wcaknoss. I .Tnd Salts Is Inoxponslvo, cannot Injuro; makes a 'delightful offorven cont llthlo-wator drlnlc which ovory ono should tnHo now and thon to keep tlio kldnoys clean nnd actlvo. Druggists horo Bay thoy soil lots of Jad Salts to folks who bollovo In overcoming kidney trouble while it Is only troublp, r I WAIIUNGTOJt, A-r. 7 l!ullots cast by women In tho coming presi dential election will full shoit of tho potuutlal men's vcte by over 2,500, 000, provided tho suffrage amend ment is ratified and stnto registration laws t'liuctod in time to puimlt woinon nil over tlio country to participate, iicccrdlna to estimates by tho Na tional Woman's party. With tho 1910 ctnsun as a baBls, tho Woman's party ratu.iatos tho nu'mbar of men cllglblo to voto at 29.577)000, and tho possiblo woman votetM nt 2C.8S3.5C0. In 191G, liow ovor, tho actual vote caat for all vari ous presidential candidates wus 1S,-52S,7-t;!, omitting ballots thrown out for cause, which leaves over 11,000, 000 possible votes unregistered, If os largo n proportion of tho mon vot ers romaln Indlfforent In tlio coming Oloctlon, woinon political leadora horo any that tho oagornosa of woinon to oxorclso tholr nowly acquird prlvi lego may nioro thon offsot tho dis parity In numbers botwuen tho soxes. In five of tho states, mor6ovor, woman of voting ago outnumber tho mon. Massachusetts has tho greatest preponderance of women "voters" wlth.58,2Gl mora women than mon, North Carolina Is next with a wom en's majority of 15,288 and South Carolina with 10,1107 Ib third. In Ithodo Island women of voting ago putuumbor tho men by 3,190 nnd In Maryland by ,292. W tli tl.O'finol adoption of the "ixtwth Amendment to the Cons' 1 tution of tl-e I'nlted States, 20,883,- 5CiJ women bocsiuo eligible, to vote lu nil oloctious. Seventeen million woro already untitled to oto for President under etoto laws, nd 7, 000,000 woro outltled to voto for membrrs of congross under stato laws. WUon a young woman stop ped.rocon.tl3r from smoking in tho ttstaurttut of tho United States Sen ate in Washington slio took bar c.uie to tho highest authorities, lu this tlui senators themselves, with the result that in futuio a wo rn:1 n will bo permitted to enjoy her ci.;nretti) In the Senate if she so desires. C!Kaa32E3XRJ32 H rn OYset WHAT EMERTON Thoro was an old hollot that any, child born on tho laBt sovon days of April would "dyo a wlckoddo Dotho."! i IT'S TRUE ALWAYS OPEN WARREN HUNT Hospital Pharmacy I Wo tt ank the people of Klamath Falts and vicinity for the nice busi ness you havo given us since wo pur chased tli- store last January. Wo hope to continue to deserve your pat- ironoge by improving eu: service still luuiu. 1 Wo w!f'i to announce at this timo that we will give ou the opportunit of taking advontago of our first F"omi- nnnual Ono Cont Sale on Thursday. Friday and Saturday, April 1", 1 and 17 .At this salo n penny doe tho work of a dollar. While many of you understand the Uno Lent bale 'and have taken advantage of it in tbo past, a word of explanation will not bo amiss: j Tho Ono Cent Salo is operated b tlio United Drug Co., of wliicn wo are stockholders, for tho purpose of rla !ing their niorcnanuiso quiciuy -foro tho public. It is a quick method of advertising, j Tho plan oplained. You buy one nrticlo at tho regular retail price, and by paying ono cent more you got two ' of tho same article. For instance ono 1 tubo of Rexall Tooth Paste coats you P.Oc. two tubes 3,1c. Tho salo is con ilnod solely to articles listod on the I special circulars. Tho list will nppoar 'in noxt Wednesday's Herald. Watch for. it. Out of town customc-s may obtain nn advance copy by sending us tholr nnmo and address. You had better preservo Uie list, chock tho ar ticles you wantand bring the list to the Ltoro with you. The revenue tax .whoro required, will bo figured sep 'atatoly nt tho rato of lc for csch 25c lor fraction. I The list contains 'ono hundred and ,ten different articles, including rtub ;her goods, Toilot articles, Drugs, jllomo remedies, Hair -brushes, Sta tionery, Community allvervvare, puro , food products and ennd)'. AH tho ar ticles advertised nro now in the-store 1 You will not bo disappointed If you .corno coarly. Dates of Sale. Thursday, Friday 'nnd Saturday! April 15, 1C and 17. j Nothing -will bo sold at sulo prices be fore our timo of opening, Thursday I morning, nnd nothing aftor our timo 'of closing, Saturday evening, Thoso j sales always open nnd close promptly, j Don't forgot tho datos. Tho Star Drug Co. is a co-partnership owned and controlled eoxclusivo 'ly by tho prosont proprietors. Mr. It. E. Dowcoso nnd Mr, Phillip S. Pope. No othor person or corporation olthor in Klamath Falls or any othor locality havo any Interest In this buslnoss. 7 DENTISTS . Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 85 1 Dr. V. M. Noel PHOXE - Over Underwood' Seventh nnd Main Street vm'Wwww."N"sipt DR. G. A. MASSEY Fourth jukI Pine Sts. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phono 497 Kes. Phono SCM PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DE.NTIMr Phono 434W. X'Ifiiy Laboratory I.OmnN llldtf., Klaiiiiitli Fnlln Dlt. C. A. HAMIIO Dentist I. O. O. I', lluildlng I'HONK 01 ifcWWi'P1ISJfcS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Case Mri. Ho-in McDanlcls, 301 High St Phone 455 Oince Phono 177W lies 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Plijslrlnn and Surgeon Whito Building Klamath Falls Oregon VWWWWVWWW DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and , ' Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. 0. O. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SUIl&EON Phones 17W 17K Kms 1 and S White lluildlng SHASTA VISTA SANITARIUM 420 Main St. (New MiIr. Iitcr) UK. A. A. SOUI.E, 420 Main 1909 Main 151-J 151-M SAW MILL EXOINKEIUNG A fOXSTItUCTION CO. Designer and builders of mod ern S.ivv Mills, Plaiiiug Mills, Ba Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appralal and reports made. Dredging. Wo runtr.ict to build en la-s of a buildiii); and insiull maclilnery of any Kind. Drafting of any Kind done. Itlue Prints made. PHONE 140J Office In K. D. Dullding KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Mndo to Order Axle Straightening and Blacks mithlng ALL WOUK GUARANTEED Phono 250-Y. 017 Klamath Ave. Phone 4 00 I co Cream 729 Main St Candle PASTIME Jnck Monrovv, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink, Peel nnd Billiards Harbor Shop In oCnrrection Of It MOTTO "Courtesy and Service' 1 am now prepared to furnlrh Shasta Sand from the Sloey lam, -nnd and gTavel pit. in, any quantity '.hat may bo deslrt'tf by confactora Ud Ifallders ,J" AL F GRAHAM Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine 33 ADVERTISE FOR WHAT want and you will get it. you WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY M74Maln ARTHUR R. WILSON. Mnnagcr Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of ear' u el; at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Ma n -.iree3, Hyman Weschler. N. O.: W C Veils, Secretary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer Evvauna Encampment No. 40, I O O. F., meets Tuesday night of eacU vvoek nt I. O. O. F. hall, tt II North, C P.; W. D. Cofer, Scube; Fred Uuosing, Treasurer. CONSERVING GAS IN TEXAS FIELDS EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION I SSSex T1' roBU'ar meetings IirlH ot Klamath Post N0, 8' Sw -Amorlcnn Loglon, will be '-fibE$ hold at 8 o'clock p. m., nt tho City Hall in Klamath Falls, on tho second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All Comrades are In cited. Thoso desiring to Join tho Post may secure application blanks from O. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicholson, or t. H. Cnrnanan, all of Klamath Falls. FRED NICHQLSQN, Secretary. - AUSTIN, Texas, Apr. 7 Tho waste of natural gas in Texas, which at one J timo d amounted lo 300,000 cubic feet, or tho fuel equivalent of 20,000 tons of coal, per day, has been roducod until thoro is no consider able wasto, according to a statement from tho cil and gas division of tho Texas railroad commission. Tho statement said in part: "Tho railroad commission gives credit for this happy condition largely to tho oporators, who havo shown such a splendid spirit of co-operation, especially so when thoro is so llttlo mnrket for gas as at presont, and whoro, In many casos, if the wells woro allowed to blow, thoy might como In as ,good oil producers," Tho Cunard lino, originally kuown ns tho British and North American Steam racket Co., will bo 80 years old next Jnly,