The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 07, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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..tWtnSVAitveXtaHamma ,
jTIWWIHUI " n -.-.
cnmiMtgn to mlso $250,000 your
for advertising San Kranclsco hti4
been Blurted li) tlio Central bureau of
San Francisco organizations.
Tho first aim of tho movement
which Is supported by M. H. da
Youuk. luibltalior, and other promi
nent San Franciscans, Is to brlnu
national and tntornatloual coiT -
lions hero.
Goodyear Advantages in
for the Smaller Cars
AVKHNKS1MY, Al'Itlfi 7, 1020
-&tgr c vtJkiiJisn
sHes -
'YSfcossssLtu Ci
r .-,- .jmillTOVT'iMVVl' ' W'
iv Mim li Mm
jrst o j sc; .
WJ9 Mowey
merited tho consideration of tho rop-.
rcsentativcs of tho people who hnvo
to pay tho bill, and especially so sinco .
plans aro under way to build a new'
rtiinn. llv nrnner atmortlcumcnt of
Few men are careless with actual j charges and credits the operating and1
cash, but many men do not stop ' malntennnco chargo can bo reduced '
to think that the checks and notes I over $2o,ivoo for tho season of mo.1
they give out represent money and !Thero Is no justification whatever for
that fraudulent alteration of a 'lnls district carrying the deficits In-''
check may mean a senous Ioss.;cumd ,,y rcason of other uul(s otj
rroieci yourseit Dy usm3 paper tho protcct. Tho district is entitled .
to and should iuslst on a seggregntlon j
cf accounts and an equitable distrl
bution of cost3 over the lands bene
1 I
that betrays alteration
Paper. We can tell you more
About it and show you how we
can protect your cash, your checks,
notes, drafts, and receipts.
W. O. Smith Printing Co.
Phone 03 ill) South Fourth St
filed. Kenvjwals and supplemental
construction cannot "oo ( barged to O. i
and M., noltbcr can O. and M. bo
carried on by a project monagor
Wjm SummorCooKing
pssjj Comfortable (
without a proper regard for the rights I
l.n . ....! ml.n nit,. T,i, !.,,, t nmf
Ul III.' JJlTU4iJ uw vj(' ft ,ut ....... ......
'.pay the cost. I lieltavo lu the theory
land practice rf self-government. Tho
landowners of this district aro thor
oughly competent and capable of do
' urminlng tho amount they wish to
expend for the upkeep of the district,
i It is the duty of this board of dlroe
tcrs to submit the question of In
creased operation and maintenance
to a vote of the district whenever tho
Increased cost exceeds G per cent of
tho previous year. It will be remem
bered that when the project manager,
1 Herbert S. Newell, suggested charg
ing tho cost of relinlng the south
( branch fill, tho cost at that time was
! estimated at $40,000 and has since
i been raised to $30,000. I objected,
and requested that tho question be
cihmlttoil n n vnto nt thn illstrlrt
IRRIGATION CHARGE wh!ch was not done. j refpr t0 thS
., , , ,, i occasion for the reason I believe It
(Continued from page 1) i . , , .,,.,. .u ,
' has had a material effect on the bear
ing of the project manager In con
nection with the affairs of tho pro
ject. If tho directors of the district
do not insist on the observance of the
spirit of the contract, I am at a loss
to know who will. Since tho incep
tion of the Klamath project a contract
batween the United States and the
water users has been Interpreted by
the officials of the reclamation serv
ice to fit a given set of conditions
that would servo their purpose. This
condition has been the basis for tho
criticism that has arisen, that tho
for the records of the Klamath Irri
gation district a protest against the
inclusion of the following items as an
operating and maintenance charge
against the district. i
For lining south branch fill first
lnstallmet i$10,000. This item is
supplemental construction, and the
cost should be distributed pro rata
over the lands benefited.
Item deficit incurred O. and M.,
$S,790. -This Item s'aould be offset
by crediting the district with dlffer-
l n I '
WsmL )
wt .... -.,., , . -.,..... ... . - - ---- -I, in riri ii'tii i mi una M in ii
Just as GooJyear ia succcaaful in buil.Hnff erc
Iremc value into the Goodyear Tirco tltnt ffo on
the hiaheot-pricccl itioior cara, r.o 13 Gsodyour
swcccsiaful in ctipplyinu unusual worth in GssJ
ycar Tirco for or.mltcr enro.
Into the malting of Coodyanr Tires in the 30k3-,
3CX31-!-, and 3Ix'J-inch aisca havo gono thtj full
advantages of Goodyear dstpsnence, skill nn.l
modern facilities.
The results cf this unusual endeavor aro cisUy
available to every owner of a Ford, Chcvrobt,
Dort, Maxwell, or any other car requiring tho
aizes rnenlioncd.
Go to the nearest Goodyear Service -Station
Dealer's place of business for Ihecc tirco, and"
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. Ho carriea
them in slock.
::0:l'j ('oodii-a.' llnuble-t'uiT
1 ntirlv, All-Weutlier Tivu.l
:!0:Mi ('ool,ar .SniBif-CiUf
l'.ilitli', Anil-Skid Trcail . . .
(riMl-.c: v l!.a 'ImiiM Tulici an- hl t;, -ti IK tilii".
iHniiiK.' iuvli'Kt piMjH'.ly. l .-M. n 1 .-mi: itii 11
lii:ii IllUf? (.oidjflif lli'il 'louilht 'lillto iohI l.ltlP nmro
than itib.'x f Ion merit. :il:5)j li' m wiuei
ptinif Ikik .. '
nnm hnttropn ?. !i I'f.nfR npr ncrn foot
,. , ,. . . .'present contract bassd on the provl-
nald fcr Van Bitnnier water and '. '
actual cost of delivery, f.3 shown by
O. and M., cost charged the district.
This also applies to Bonanza pump
unit as the water taken from Lost
river has had to be replaced to a
certain extent from the mam canal,
and the cost of the change charged
to O. and jr. , The district Is paying
the largest part of the water charge
for the above la,nds because they are
on a flat rate contract.
Unauthorized Repairs
sions cf state statute, is drafted pri
marily for the benefit of tho officials
of the service, piovid'.ng ns it doe3
an apparently sure method of the
return of all money expended from
funds of the reclamatlcn fund, no
matter how inefficiently the niouoy
has been expended, thus avoiding
congressional criticism cf officials
for unapportloned deficits. It Is
H llTtZJE.
Tjriirwiviiffj.rM'ifi-rrrii'riTiTfT-"T'"jiVfrTfiiifri'TTfr' twcy33rjrtBXJa".srvwTmrf jrwenr ja
l.ptf - -Tj.arjM-rAf-r ,- , Hi ---.- -- - .. v tja, i-m-.i -f- - i-.o..i -" -" - -, ' L - ' "TTrti
""""f""" 'nmimnifMTiiii
ncji:pn( h. c. i
! M CQT PrJiiSC.
.worthy of note that there aro none,
j on tho Klamath project, and appar-'
nntliT tliniK tiflll t nnnn o i tnnf n a '
The Item of $3,000 for repair work u"1" ""-" .. B teQ wQg apI)0lntO(j t0 (lraft a constj.
on the Henley flume-' was Incurred 'be officers of the service are Por-tutIoni
without consulting the directors of mltted to charge, practically the cn- it is proposed to require domes-
the district. The expenditure of such tr3 cost cf operation to the Klamath tics, most of whpm aro Japanese
a large sum of money for repairs at irratj0n district Jijlrls, to produco references before
this time would at taast -leem to have ' I being engaged as household sorv-
HONOLL'H', T. H. Mar 17 (Il
Mail.) Tao liundied luiusewivcs of,
Honolulu' rerently launolmd the i
Honolulu, HoJsewlves' League,;
vhose main objects aro to combat
the high cost of living and to grnp-j
pie with tho servant problem. COIIPU8 CIIRISTI, Tex
Jlrs. James Hussell was named Mexico's greatv st wed today la Amor
temporary chairman and a commit- 'ican capital, American crsa-mntion
?: :!.n
, n. T.iA
1 I l!y M i-i )
t ii.iuih'iurii. uhii -weiring
VII . :
l.lniii';!, of i'l
.) food:',iii3i
Boec on unc';r.:k,i. throughout An
irla. I'nlecs 'Onvoycd, it U s.ihl, a
Apr. 7. shipment stnnli lUtl-i .'banco uf Cum
ins thiougli ini ic. Tin rnbltotji
seom woll orgamrod unl nrmud hud
j i il h .i n
! .n vU 1 1
i N! I'll 1 t f)' t' l(t Cll !'-
v Si' (li n irrlil tliis wcolc
Hie . II ,u innged food
t.i.iiii'g ilniii, fata and
( liicr h' lcs, en npi'iied It was
found tl'ut h poitlon of tho fat and
Pour iind been nklllfully removed
from f-ach pacltage nml a sack of
Austrian salt substlttutud lo malto
up llin rogulalto wolclit.
und American help, aecording t' j often fo numerous no to m-ilit QrreHt.
, ,;. . .; .3. jtf? -J.
jJamca L. Woich, Corl)U4 Cbrlbtl bus!
noss man, who rocontly returned
from tho three weslis' trift Ihroiiuh
that country with othor Toxtts bunl-
( no33 men.
I "Our trip wan a success from tho
start and wo wero accorded excellent
Easter is deprived from a goddess, 'treatment at all points," said Mr.
Eastre (to shine) whoso festival, ns Welch,
- ants
G.ft cr.rgtoea from othtv Umopuau
states seem tho f-vo'rltto plunilur
anil, according to report, much cr
tho stolen goods boa been found for
snlo In opon' market. '
Tho oldrst work on Kreuiuusory In
tho United Htotus wus written by Uon
jiimln Franklin and published us
"Tho Hook cf Cunntitullnus."
;sho was tho goddess of spring, was
held In April.
100 Per Cent.Satisfaction and Efficiency our aim
First-Class. Automobile Repairing .Done on
Short Notice
Judd L
Phone 22M
49 Main St.
Western Floral Shop
M i
aro simply enchanted with
tho fluwer fchov arrausod
hero fre3b every day. Such
orgoous blossoms, such
graceful f'rms, su"h entranc
ing combinations. Wo invito
all who lovo flowers to vlujt
our fchow as often as thev
can. Incidentally if thoy
hnvo need for eithor cut
flowers or growing planti
wo aro ready to supply thorn
at moderate prices.
702 Main
Phone 187; lien. SOOR
(TtftAATUVAlVVWVtiVliViVi AAAAaaaaaa a m m m . mm m m m
Business In Moxlco City seemed
good. Tho chief difficulty of t!
merchants thoro la a scarcity tf jllver
for change
"Wo reached Torrcon Just two
; weeks ufter It hijd beon attacked by
forces of Francjspo Villa, but round
all bus'ness liousca and ImUistry
working to capacity, Kvoryono
Bocmed busy and thero waa not the
luck of silver noticed in Mexico
"Our spocinl train had an cacOrt ot
soldiers furnished at Laredo by, the
Mexican govoriimont, but throughout
tho entire trip thoro was no occasion
for tllolr aid.
When you darken your hair with' "urlng our trip wo waro treated
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no ono can v'ItU W utui03t clvlIlty nnd liospltal
tcll, because it's done so naturally, so "V- Tho citjzens seemed anxious that
evenly. Preparing this mixture, tho rumors of banditry and lawloss
thougli, at homo Is mussy and trouble,' nC33 bo disproved. Wo wero assured
some. For 50 cents you er.n buy at that' what Moxlco needs moro today
V r" n All mT f m n f rani
? flPw I I i
I Lhu! ! U iJfsiiiALit
IS flllS -EHir H
i i
von cax nrtixo hack coi.oit
and i,rsTi:u with saw; tka
any rdS store the ready-to-uso prep
aration, Improved by tho addition oi
ither ingredlenU, culled Wyeth'a S.igf
nd Sulphur Compound." You Jiisi
larapon n sponge or soft brush wltl,
It and draw this through your hair
taking one small strand at a tlmet U
n arnlug all gray hnlr dlaiippcnrs, and
after another application or two, youi
hair becomes beautifully darkened
glossy and luxuriant.
Gray, faded hair, though' no dls
grace, Is a sign of old age, nud ns we
all desire a youthful and attractive
appearance, get busy at once witb
vVyoth'E Sago and Sulphur Compound
and look years younger.
than anything olso was American cap
ital nnd Amorlcan organization nlong
industrial lines."
j Ono of tho most remarkable bound
iurlca In tho world is that between
Alaska and Canada. Tho lino fol
lows tho meridian without tho slight
est deviation, reuardle3 of moun
tains, swamps, and forests, and mark
ers have beon sot up at points visible
from each othor over tho whole 000
miles length of the boundary.
When riding, tho Chinese hold tho
bridle In tho right hand, tho opposite
to our custom.
The Klamath Falls Music House is now located
in its new homo 122 South Sixth Street, the first
door south of the Klamath State Bank.
While we have moved into a new homo wo
brought our old policy of perfect service with us.
Those who have so generously patronized us in our
old home know what we give in service instruments
that stand the test of time, instruments that aro pre
eminent in the world of music. , That policy we rtre
going to continue.
We have just received a shipment of the latest
Victor Records, as well as the latest sheet music.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank the
public for the liberal patronage given us while
located in our old home and to extend a cordial
invitation to our old friends, as well as those who are
looking for the best there is in music and musical
instruments," to visit U3 in our new home.
falls Music Store
122 South Sixth St.
George A. Wirtz, Manage