faod rotjn lr -. J" . MONDAY, AriUIi 3, 1020 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON A. -A. A. A. .4. A. 'WWW ' $hmhkkh4m:4 A BIG SAVING ON SHOES A BIG SAVING CAN BE MADE ON MEN'S SHOES THIS WEEK AT K.K.K. STORE 25 pairs Men's Work Shoes, good reliable makes $4.75 50 pairs Men's Fine Dress Shoes, good known innkes $7.85 50 pairs Men's Dress and business styles, worth regularly up to $15. This week $8.85 K K K STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters 2mx:x J? 1 t X SEVEN FKKTOF SNOW AT CRATER LAKE, REPORT t -MEDFOHD. Oro., Apr. 5. Forest Ranger Brown, stationed in the Crater Lake national park, reported today there are seven feet of snow at the lake and that snow is falling. A month ago there was very llttlo snow at the lake and it was announc ed the road to the rim would be op ened by May 1. Now it Is belloved the road will not be open until about the usual time, the first week in July. STRIKE, STORM, CRIPPLE CHICAGO TKAIN SERVICE CHICAGO, Apr. B. Train sorvlcu throughout the Chicago district, serl- 'ously crippled by the snowstorm yes terday, wns virtually demoralized to day by tho spread of the authorized switchmen's strike, according to the roports ot tho 11 railroads nffectod Fearing posslblo riots In connec tion with tho strike. Chief of Police Garrlty early today placed his entire forco in reserve to copo with any trouble that might arlso. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HEMSTITCHING 10c per yard. I.. A. llurgess, 131 4th St. 5-9 LOST In front of postnfflce tmliiy, pair glasses. Finder please loitvu at Herald olllco and ruiotvo ruwnrd. r.-i LIBERTY THEATRE THE PICK OF THE PICTURES AND A NEW ONE EVEKV DAY H. W. POOLE, Owner HAIUIY BOREL, Musical Director TONIGHT ONLY ,,, ' William Desmond stars in 1 "THE PRINCE AND BETTY" ' 13 jitt. "- '.. .aea TUESDAY "THE TWIN PAWNS" is taken from Wilkie Collins' great novel- - "The Woman in White' 19 , MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON FOR SALE Seed poLitnns, tic if taken at onco. Phono l'J'W. Scott W. McKcndreo. Klamnth Falls. C-10 FOR SALE; Buggy .nd guod double harness, 708 9th St. 5-S FOR SALE Ono two-cyllmlor twelve h. p. Marino engine In good running order, compiii'.q With At wtter Kent . Ignition fourteen Inch reversing propeller and wheel start er. A nrst class noai oiiiii:, cosi J 1000. Prlco is 1300 Mali. Aildri"u C. II. Harpst, Reclamation, Oregon. C-8 WEATHER RECORD o- -o lion-after thu Herald will iniMlsli the moan tuul iimximiiiii lumpuru liircs mid precipitation recurd as tuk on by Hie II. S Iti'clamutloii serWco -ttation. I'u lilit-iUloit will rover the ituy previous to tliti paper's Issue, up (o P o'clock uf t tin t d.iy. Pro- Mnr. Mill, clpllntlon Apr. 1 A I an .06 Apr. 2 47 32 Apr. 3 50 2!) Apr. I .. r.7 28 ROCKMEN WANTED W. D. Miller, 2326 Sixth St. 5-tf FOR SALE: 13,000 takes n seven room huoso, close In. on tho pave ment.' Has bath, toilet, sink, lava tory, frost-proof storeroom, fireplace and many other features that mako it an exceptional buy; $1,000 cash; ALSO 13,500 will buy a nearly now flvo- room plastered bungalow with two largo lots, houso has comont founda tion, pantry, two porches, modern in every respect, a good kitchen range and a heater go with it; $1,000 c;u!i, bal. like rent; ALSO Four-room plastered houso with stone foundation, full basement, bath, toi let, sink, built-in foatures, a pick-up at $2,500 with torms. This houso is on the pavement. J. T. WARD & CO., 125 North Ttli Street lil'KINESS MEN'S MEETING The lliisiiiess Men's association will hold a 8iccl!il meeting Wedsics dny rvrn'ng, April 7 nt 0-30 o'clock at the White l'ellran hotel IIubIiioas of much Importance Ih to bo 'ranR arted and a full atteiulanco of mom hors Is nuiuested. The Klamath Lumbermen's association will also attend In force. W. C. VAN EMON, 5-6-7 Secretary. 0 RF.mRn SNOW STORM COVERS MIDDLE WEST CHICAGO. Apr. 5. The middle west mill mo tit Invent, heartened by the vathnr bureau'H prediction of a re turn to "Imlmy iiprlng" weather, to day set ab.-iit digging thcmttnlvcH nut of tho record-breaking uuMorn snow fallH. What official forecasters itiwlR uated iih a "warm blizzard" began yesterday In the Texan pauliaudlo and swept rapidly through the middle west. The Btorm Is continuing west ward today. Snow still ranges from six IiicIich to two feet deep through out the states In the storm aroa. leni: pini: Miss Wnlvu Drew Bpent tho wook end nt the Human ranch. Mr. (icertbon visited tho school Mondny. Mlko Murphy started with li Ih sheep, Wednesday, for tho Clear Lake country. Mr. Hosley has returned from Ashland. ' TO SELL YOUR HOME Your homo is sold If listed with us., Wo per sonally inspect nnd , appraiso your proporty bofcro listing it. J, T. Ward & Co., 125 N. 7th St. An ordinary lout of whito bread Is nearly half water. , LOGGER FINED $50 IN BOOZE CASE Fred Rogers, logger, shouldored the blamo for tho prommro ot liquor In a Spring ntroot rooming houso, conducted by Mrs. R. Gordon, and wat flnod $50 and costs by notice of tho Pcnco Chnpman. With tho con sent of tho district atlnrnoy Mm. Gor don, nrrostod on a similar clinrgo, was dlsmlssod. Among tho several bottlos of liquor alleged to have boon found by tho pollco when Rogers was arrontod, ono Is said to havn boon on tho kitchen tablo. This formed tho hauls of tho charge against Mrs. Gordon. Rogers, however, pleaded guilty and clalmod ownership of all tho liquor. The bot tle In the kitchen was being used in mixing Jiot toddles, it was said. EMERSON SAID: "If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods the world will make a beaten track to his door." WE ARE PROVING THIS TO BE TRUE EVERY DAY. WARREN HUNT Hospital Pharmacy Phone 497 In the Hospital Septimus Winner, tho Philadelphia composer, was paid $35 for his fam ous song, "Listen to tho Mocking lllr.l." Ph publishers made $3,000, 000 out of It. LOTS WANTED If you want to sell) your ioi ecu j. i. wniu 6c uo., io N. 7th St. rlffTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTl Star Theatre TONIGHT 3. &" '' JACK PICKFORD in "A BURGLAR BY PROXY" First National Attraction "OVER THE OCEAN WAVES" Two-Reel Comedy WANTED, PRESSER On rio . do repairing. D. & M. Cleaning Co., 6th and Main. V i WANTED Sovcral men, 'between nges 18 and 41. Steady MdKHIoin. clean work, 60c per hour, 8 lirs. Phone 239W after 5 p. m. cr see L. A Will at postofflco. ,-.-S WANTED 300 bucks to pasturo l.y experienced caretaker. Plenty of good feed und shade and water. Ad dress Box 111, Klamath Falls, Ore 5-8 STRAYED From the Robert Dalton ranch in Merrill this morning, i bluo rhone and 1 hay saddle horn-' Please notify the Robert Dalton ranch Merrill or call the Klamath Record office, 256. 5-G l"t4M"$M I0NDALE THEATRE m MONDAY, APRIL 5 The moat Unusual Romance ever told in picture " J. LESLIE JJURKE'.H ROCKMEN WANTED W. D. Miller, zazd tsixtn st. c-tf FOR' TRADE 40 Acres socond bench land, $800, near Grays River, Wash. Will consider lot in Klamath Falls. Seo ownor Hot Springs hotel O. A. Sasland. 5-7 WANTED Will pay $3 for sotting nen; ncavy Droed. Inquire 51 Main St., upstairs, after 5 p. m. 5 WlfiCTFiT " M FBHHSPBTOE.flS -H BBBH liBKjBMHCSLk 'BBBBI BBBBBK4aSBVBHBr'J!iM tBBBBBH BBBBBXMr!BnBjBBVnBBJMMBBBBBBBI HHK 4&mt "' &m, IPPiBBBBBBH BBBHftvfflE v,i ' 3S.V TtlBBV KfJK, ; JK t dBBBBI bHbIc,.bm.I c ''bbbH BHiHtflF ''-''IbBBBBH EwKuffXifjjiri 4bbbbbbbb BBBBBBi hEL.'1 JEBBBiBBBBBBh bW. QrJHHH BBBBBBBBBBBb BBBBBBBBBBh bbbbbbbbbbvbkut'jbbbbbbbbbb THE MEN WHO DISPENSE YOUR DRUGS YOU CAN TRUST MEN LIKE THESE bbbbLBbb IbbW bbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbHMHIbbVbbbbH BBBBBBBBBBBBk-'BBBH' LBBBflBBBFji&BBH ' bbbbbHbbbb bbbbB H'bbI BBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBl' """BBPBl WANTED Dental work by a woman in exchange for work of almost any son. uox u, Herald. C-7 w "THE VEILED MARRIAGE" WITH ANNA LEHR AND RALPH IlELLARD .jit " " Ton will' enjoy it more than any picture you have seen this year. IALSO A GOOD CHARLEY CHAPLIN COMEDY V - 'THE NEW REPORTER" A real trout for those who like to laugh COMING "WANTED FOR MURDER" " Regular Prices Show Starts at 7:80 FOR SALE Ono Evonrudo motor and 16 ft. hull. Will mako 10 miles per hour with eight passengers. Guar anteed first class condition through out. Terms to right party. For furtnor particulars address Richard Dcbso, Algoma, Oro. 5.7 ROCKMEN WANTED W. D. Miller. 2326 Sixth St. G-tf WANTED Painter to paint 6-room house insido and out. 730 9th St. 5-7 FORi RENT Furnished room. 815 Jefferson St. 5-10 FRANK B. ROBINSON Bachelor of Pharmacy DR. JOHN MILLS Doctor of Pharmacy ACCOUNT of going Into othor busi ness win dispose of my apartments 607 High. Will make reasonable terms with right party. A. J. Lyle 5 ADVERTISE FOR WHAT want and you will get it. you RUGS Extra Heavy Art Rugs 3x0 for $0.50 T. O. HAGUE Room SOI WilllU Building ' City SPECIAL NOTICE We are today starting a series of daily ads... Read them all. Don't miss one. Look for them. No statements will be made in these ads. that we cannot prove. We Want Your Drug Business and it will not be long before we have it. It will not take veiy long for you to discover and realize that the highest class professional pharmacy on the Pacific Coast is located in Klamath Falls. 4 t ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF IN THE DRUG LINE WE HAVE Open Day and Night '. Warren Hunt Hospital Pharmacy On the Main Floor of the Hospital. Phone 497. if