THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1020 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON1 Ann hix e i' i Hereford joll ale SATURDAY, 1 P.M. O K BARN, KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. 20 head of registered Hereford Bulls all coming 2-year-olds and suitable for immediate range service. Sired by "Lord Donald" "Rex Donald 28," and "Western Fairfax," consigned from the E. H. Holloway ranch, Albany. A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE RANGE BULLS OF EXCEPTIONAL WORTH Detailed information can be secured from, the County Agricultural Agent. PROF. E. J. FJELDSTED, Sales Manager E. H. HOLLOWAY, Owner COL. A. L. STEVENSON, Auctioneer Terms of Sale Cash or Bankable Notes ti t4 i ;: I Exide Batteries ! Service Station t Z 1 GO Per Cent Satisfaction and Efficiency our aim i f, First-Class Automobile Repairing Done on t Short Notice 4 Judd Phone 22M ! frfrfr:"fr4"H"?H BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the, bod is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL , '--"-- The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains rs sulting'from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. look fat ti name Gold Medal on T.ry bee . aad Accaot n Imitation mti People's &$mmfr tWWrtHri'totWrW'WWMWrHr, APRIL 3rd FAST AUTO TRUCKS of ours aro at your service to call for and make de liveries, near and far, ot any size shipment, large or small. No express package too big or too little tor us to handle. Our trucks make good time and are In charge of experi enced, reliable men. Call us up for any transfer Job. Western Transfer Co. 702 Main . Phone 187; Res. 200.R :-::::--:-:-:-:.::-:-m..::w.-. !!- Low 49 Main St Sister Frey who, if still living in tlio Cistercian Abbey at Viterbo, is a great age, has, since 1801, when she received an injury to her back, been confined to such a position as to be unable to move her head, yet she was the recipient ot daily visits from mfshops, and cardinals, and noble ladies, whilst the Pontiff himself re gretted his inability to visit her cell. And why? Because of her wonderful powers of clairvoyance. Two of her most amazing feats were the narra tion to the assembled sisters of the assassination of President Carnot and of King Humbert, whilst those dread ful tragedies were actually taking place. ' U A Herald Want Ad will sell it. Market ORDER YOUR MEAT FOR EASTER early so we may make ar; rangements for Us prompt delivery. Wo have received an especially choice ship ment of prime beet and real Iamb and some very fine hams and bacon. You'll find them delicious in flavor and tenderness. And wo are not asking a cent extra for the extra cholconess. Phono 83 War Department Waste Cesrcmaa This Illinois Statesman. Chairman of the House Committee on Expenditures in the War Department, la sinking the probe deep Into the various disbursements made by the War Department In rocont rears. He has live sob-committees at work investigating all (torts of expenditures for ordnance, aviation, foreign expenditures, food sun plies, manufacturing of nitrates, etc. .... ,. . , Jndgo Graham and Jils co-workers are disclosing many things or extreme Interest to we taxpayers a s a M a .vi.nnn of War rwinartmeot extravagant crocram in the last two that waste has continued since the Miss Mildred Johnson, a student at Oregon Agricultural . college. Is, so far as the records show, the first woman to make application for civil service examination for the position of grazing assistant In tho United States forest service. Tho position Is ono requiring practical experience' In handling stock on the rango. In many parts or Scotland It Is still tho custom to break an oatmeal cako over the bride's head for good luck, tho cako being enclosed in a muslin bag. Asleep at His Poet. I wn "stationed, while In the nrmr. r n ramp In T"c:i. nnd I1111I beer, woiklnc as n Rtennixnpher In tin- of llcp nf the executive ofllrer. T linil horn out nulie Into In the nlpli' on the ilnv pnvlon nml linillippn feeling quite "leepv ulille ill work. "r. 1 fiiMil my nnni n m.v mncliino. ntid before lung 11111 fust n-leep. I lintj been nulecp nliniit ten minutes when the opfullp nlllcrr tnpppil mo on the slinuldpr nntl snld: "Don't ynu wiint nnp nf tliPsp plllim'4. tiid?" It sppiii! n u'uiiiiin ivlin lived rlnsp tn the eniiip linil liprnuip nrqnnlntpd nlth tlio offlppr nnd liriil sont hint 11 fpw pillows to lip kUpii out hv Mm, It'll) I u-ns IiuIppiI s'ml to reri'lvp otlP of tliPin. lint uns tiineli (Miihyrrn-M'il In the wiiy I rppplved It. KYPlmiigi. Mild nnd Ancient. "Shall we refer to tiinl nppntjpnt In1 unroiiiprnmlslns terms ns 11 jjrnftpr?" Hsked the Inuiltlsible sporutiiry. "No." replied Renntnr Sormm. "'s keep up-to-dntp nml miil'P It strong. The profiteers these iltiys hnve nindo the nld-fiisiiiotiel snifter look like a piker." His Glimpses of Warfare. "What are jour Impressions of 'No Man's I.nnd?"' "I didn't get Into the war," nnswerpd the mnrnsp citizen. "My only vivid Iden nf 'No Man's I.nnd' Is home while spring houKpclennlng Is going on." Minneapolis Tribune. We Believe- a good dependable Electric Service is one of the important factors in community building WE BELIEVE it-is a valuable asset to a community to-be able to offer reliable Electric Service at an attractive rate to industries seeking location WE BELIEVE this asset is a direct benefit to every citizen of that community WE BELIEVE the responsibility is delegated to the Serving Utility to make every reasonable effort to insure adequate and reliable Service for all purposes required within its territory WE BELIEVE the mere name of the Company serving is not material the value lies in the actual Service rendered. AMl'Ai'VVSiVtAlVS California-Oregon Power Co.' W. J. Graham. 01 me country, uuwiuB .u ... AdBJI !! & hM a A I a n stl sn ff n Jalff officials In nutting through their or three yos VAJtr Thfl facts nravs armistice. Involving millions. American womon made their ad vent In practical politics In 1840. whpn "Tlppecanbo and Tylor too wero homo Into power partly by tho songs ot tho women. Tho Whig meetings In that year wore, for tho first time, attended by women, whllo tho Democratic meetings wero com posed of mon nlono. AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF SUFFERING When wo received tlio following letter from Mrs. C. J. Html of Wit tor Springs, California, wp wero rath er skeptical as to Dome, of the state inputs It contnins, so wo had ono of our men make a porsf-nnl cnll on Mrs. Hurd nml she verified ovory statement Tho letter follews: "For twpntv-flvo yonrs I suffered with rheumatism. I was novor out of pain and my limbs wore so swollen I seemed deformed. Could nlnntl on my fret for a few minutes at a time and was almost a hopeless rrlnplo. I hail given up all hope and life hold no pleasuro for mo. During all thoso years I tried many remedies, spent months nt the lint springs nnd was treated by physicians, but temporary relief was nil I recolved. I had llttio faith In Antl-Urlc nt first, your (Jalmn wero so wild, and I seemed to grow worso after using tho first outfit Hut I continued anil thn ro suits wero wonderful. Tho swelling in my limbs disappeared, tho pains ceased. I can walk without a cano and stormy weather and oven expos ure does not affect mo in tho least It has been over a year sinco I stop- ped taking Antl-Urlc treatments nnd I have had no troublo whatovor. My WQicht has Increased from 84 to 170 pounds, I cat whatovor I please, and owo alf my health and happiness to Anti-Uric nnd do hopo that tnoso suf fering from rheumatism will not neg lect this wondorrul rcmody for I know It cures." This letter should provo to tho most skeptical that Anti-Uric is tho master of rheumatism In nil its forms. No matter how long you have suffered try Antl-Urlc nnd If It does not glvo you relief your inonoy will bo refunded. This is certainly a fair offer and showB wo havo lalth In our remedy. Get .an outfit from tho HATK DItUO COMPANY today and glvo it a trial. NOTll V OK I'll.INO OK OOMMIS MOM Its' UU'OHT KOIt UI'I'IIU V IIKIMMUH DUAINAUK IMS TUK T. No- 1 p 1 I oroby Klvon to nil por mi.i"ih .ti'it in tho laud Included v ti 111 t.e Upper Van llrlmmor DrnlmiKi Plmrlct, Klamath County, (ne.;, n hounilod and described us rull h Ui'KitinltiR t tho point whoro tho Van llrlmmor ditch Intorsocto Lost Htvor in tho SWVl t Section 21, ToMixhlp 40 South, Itango 10. Knst of Wlltumetto Meridian; thence southerly and along said Van llrlm tunr dlt h to a point whoro said ditch Intersects tho north lino of Section 2S, said township and rango; thonco oast one-fourth mllo; thonco south one-halt mllo; thonco west to Van Ilrlmmer ditch; thonco southerly mid along Bald ditch to n point whoro said ditch Intersects tho north and south Una between Sections '33 and 34, mi Id township and rango; thonco north to oast and west lino through the center ot Soctlon 34, said town ship and rango; thonco oast one fourth mllo; thonco south ono-fourlli mile; thence cast one-fourth mllo, thonco south to township lino be tween townships 40 and 41, south; (bunco oast to Ix)st Klvor; thence northerly nnd following said Lost Itlver to point of beginning. That tho Commissioners hereto fore nppolntod to assess benefits anil damages to tho property and lands situate In said Drainage District and to appratso tho cash valuo ot the lands necessary to bo taken for rights-of-way, holding basins nnd other works of said District, within or without tho limits of said Dis trict, filed tholr roport In this omro on tho 11th day ot March, 1920, and you and each ot you nro hereby notified that you may examine said report and fllo exception to nil or any part thoroof, on or before the 12th day ot April, 1920. C. n. DR LAP. County Ctork ot Klamath (Seal.) County, Oregon. . Dy Carrot K. Van Itlpor, 11-18-2E-1 Deputy. SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court ot tho Stnto of Oregon for Klamath County. Loxlngton Honlty Company, a) corporation, Plaintiff, ) vs. ) Sun ford S. Ualstcad, and nil) othor persons unknown, If) any, having or claiming to) havo an Interest in or to tho) ronl proporty horolnaftor do-) scribed, Defendants. ) To Sanford S. Hulstcad, and nil other persons unknown. It any, hav ing or claiming to havo an Intorost In or to tho real proporty horolnaftor described. In tho nnmo of tho Stnto of Oro gon, you, and each of you, aro horohy ro (in I roil to appear nml answer tho complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit, on or hnforo tho oxplration ot six (C) weeks from the dato of tho first publication ofv the summons, nnd If you fall to so ap pear nnd answer or otherwise plead within said time, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In tho complaint, tn-wlt: That tlio defendants nnd each of thorn ho required to appear heroin and set forth their clnlm to the south half of tho Hout'nvost quartor of Section 33, Township 32, South of Itango 7. Kast of tho Wlllamotto Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon. nnd upon n hearing, tho plaintiff herein ho decreed to ho the owner of said proporty In feo simple, free and clear of any claim or interest of said defendants. Tills summons is published by orilor ot tho Honorable D v. Kuy kcndnll, Judgo ot tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Klamath County, and dated March 9th, 1920. Dato of first publication of this summons is Mnrcli 11th, 1920. J. N. JOHNSTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post ofTIco address, Grants Pass,1 Oregon. 11-18-2G-1-8-1G-22 NOTHTK OK SAI.K OK ltKAL PHOPHIITV HV ADMINIS . TKATOK In tho County Court ot tho Stato ot Oregon for Klamath County. In tho matter of tho Estate ot James H. McCann, docoasod. Notico Is hereby given, that In pursuance of an order ot tho County Court ot tho Stato ot Oregon for Klamath County, mado on tho 8th day of March, 1920, In tho matter of tho estate of James II. McCann, de ceased, tho undersigned, as adminis trator of tho estate ot James II. McCann, deceased, will sell at private sale, to the highest blddor, upon the terms and conditions horo lnaftor mentioned, and subjoct to confirmation by said County Court of Klamath County, Orogon, on or after tho 10th day of April, A. D. 1920, ill tho right, title, Interest and estate ot tho said James II. McCann, do :oasod, at tho tlmo of his doath, In and to tho real property horolnaftor descrlbod. Tho terms and conditions of said ialo aro to be: all cash; or upon tho best terms obtainable. , ' Tho real estate horohy advortisod to bo sold Is doscrlbed as: Tho north half of tho northoast quarter of Section Ono, In Township Forty-ono, South of Itango Nino, Bast of tho Wlllamotto Morldlan, aituatod In Klamath County, Orogon All bids or offers must ho In writ ing, and may bo dollvorod to or ad drossed to this administrator, care of Ferguson, Fletcher & Mifflin, his attornoye, Loomls Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated tills 10th day of March. RAHL WHITLOCIC. Administrator of tlio Kstntn of James II. McCann, Docoasod. Forguson, Flotchor & Mifflin, Attorneys for Administrator, 10 Loomls lluildlng, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 11-16-25-1-8 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Domestic and Imported Spring Woolens Now on Display. Perfect Fit Guaranteed CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street A Tonnosseo girl hroko hor arm on tho ovo of hor woddlng-dny, bat plucklly went through tho coromonr with hor arm In a sling, at tho ap pointed hour. Tho root rldgo of a Chlncso house Is usually decorated with an elabor ate plaster ornnmont In tho farm ot n doslgn omhodylng tho character "fu," signifying happiness. To pro vent thn ornament being damagod by birds tho owner of tho hoiiso sticks numerous ordinary sowing needles point outwards Into tho BOft plaster. KX-HKItVU'i: Mi:.V, ATTKNTIO.Vl Tho regular mootlngs of Klamath Post No. 8, Amorlcnn Legion, will bo hold nt 8 o'clock p. m.. at tho City Ilnll in Klamath Tails, on tho second and fourth Tuesdays ot ouch month. All Comrades aro In vited. Those desiring to Join tho Post may sccuro application .hlnnks )t rom 0. K. Van Itlpor, Fred Nicholson, or 1. II. Cnrnnhan, all ot Klamath Kails. FItKD NICHOLSON. Secretary. Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, Otli and Main streets, llyninn Weschlor. N. .; W. C. Wolls, Secretary; W. I). Cofor, Treasurer. Kwaunn En'campmont No. 45, I. O O. F., moots Tuesday night of etcli week nt 1. O. O. F. hnll. W. II. North, C P.; W. I). Cofor, Scribe; Fred IlilOHlng, Treasurer MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud Ingcrsoll Hawloy Chiropractic Physician First National Dank lluildlng Entrance Itoom 5 ASHLAND, OIUCGON AAAAAMMAMWMMWWKAMMA MECCA Billard Parlor 031 MAIN STREET Most Up-to-Dato Billiard Parlor In tho City inan-GRADB cigars CIGARETTES and TOBACCOS SOFT DRINKS Courtesy and Service our.Hotto Ayyi VOCHATZER BROS. WELL DRILLERS Glvo Us a Trial Phono 29C-M Klamath Falls, Oregon H9HF"5l55g3 1