The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 31, 1920, Image 1

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    SEfrg JEugnmg Mvmtii
Fourteenth Year No. 3883
Price, Five Centf
HnwInK Dm hinges of tlm door to
tlin niiilii roll lu Hit) city Jnll, no Hint
It wiik easily pried loom) whim tlm
limit rmiHi, Fred Ford, alleged for
ger, nml (Iiih t'lirlHl. accused of hir
cvny on (wo roiinlH, Hliortly before !)
o'clock IiihI night escaped for tlm
second tliiin Tho hinges, tlm offlcorn
hollovo, wero sawed during llio pre
ceding night. A pinch bar, iiwd In
prying tho door loose, wiih found on ,
tliu fwnr, Indicating tluit tlm prlsoti-
orM Imtl ronfmlorntim on tlm onlulilo. I
"Tex" Ilourbrniilno, iiwiiUIiir iicilon ,
of tlio foilornl grand Jury on u charge !
of Introducing lliiior Into tho Klam
ath ruKiirvatloiii refuiicd to i;o with
Kuril and ChrlHt and as noon as they
urn., i.nn., tlm iilnrii. Klmrlff
" ""' "'' I
Humphrey Immediately took tlm trail,
hut search of tlm country south as
far a h tho California line was fruit-
Tho sheriff Imllovi'M that tho fugl-,
., . . .. ,.i
tlvos may ho hiding In this city with
., .,i ,i . 1 1. 1 ii.
tho Biimo friends who provided tho
. . .... . , ,.,.
saws anil Imr. The prisoners, onco i
out of their cell, left tho city hall
through a door on tlm ground floor
on tho wust side of tho liulldlng. In
tlin tmllrn Mtiitliin nvnr llmlr heads
there wero several officers and men
weru Kitting. In the few minutes
that elapsed before tlmy roiolvi'd tlio
alarm from "Tex" Ford and Christ
had vnnlshod.
Tho prisoners evidently choso their
time well. Tho pollen chlof, nnd us
ually tho sheriff also, inakos a round
of Inspection about 0 o'clock, locks
outor doors nnd tests nil locks. Tho
prisoners waited ns Into as tboy
dared, for tho inspection would havo
rovoalod tho tamporlng with tho
door, In nil probability, and spoiled
tholr plans lloth Police Chlof Wil
son nnd Sheriff Humphrey mild that
tho door which was hii wed hnd boon
tested by them on the previous night
nnd was solid ut that time.
Christ nml Ken! nmdo tholr for- rAMinrATiAV
mer escape about six weeks ago and EASTER CONVOCATION
woro nt llborty for several days. Thoy OF MASONS TOMORROW
worn recaptured on this side of tlio i ""
lino, near Dnrrls. Tlio previous get-1 Notifications havo boon distributed
nwny was also effected by sawing. A amnK mombors of Cnptor No. 2,
lock was Biivod in two at that tlmo. Knights of tho Uoso Croix, Ancient
Without n guard to watch tho city '"1 Accoptod Scottish Itlto of Frco-
Jnll, It Is utterly useless as a placo masonry, of tho mystic banquet and
of confinement for any desperate fu,,sl obligatory to bo hold tomorrow
prisoner, said Sheriff Humphrey this ovonlng nt 7 o'clock nt tho White
morning. Windows open on the 1'ellcan hotel. All mombors and
street and friends of prisoners can tllolr Ill,lloN " expected to bo pros-
easlly pass contraband articles Into "l Curds nnd dancing will follow
tho Jail at any tlmo of tho day or tho '"luot.
night,, without danger of dotoctlon. ' Tll "fflcors of tho chnptor nro
When prisoners get away blnino is Coorgo T. Baldwin, prosldont; J. P.
placed upon tho sheriff, said that K'mball, vlco prosldont; Krank
offlcor. but It Is a physical Impossl- "W'ml. troaBuror; C. J. KorgUBon,
blllty for tho shorlff, or othor officers cl,,HH orntorj W. E. Lamm, poet, and
with ninny duties requiring utlontlon J K- "rntton, bocrotary.
to watch tho Jail windows day and Attondnnco nt this Kastor convoca-
nlght. Outside of u now county Jail tlon ls obllgntory upon nil mombors.
tho only solution is a special guard Tl, members of tho locnl chnptor
to watch the Jail tho county la using. Im): w- w- Adams, doorgo T. Bald-
Tho city Jail has boon used by tho wlu J- E "ratton, L. L. Brownoll,
county for Bovoral months. Tlio,0uorB0 "urtcn, WJ A. Dolzoll,
county jail on tlm courthouso lot is Al I! Epperson, C. J. Porguson, Glon
worthless for holding prisoners. Tho ""rott, Marlon Hanks, E. B. Henry,
city Jail Is socuro enough ngalnst or- ' K Klmbnll, W. E. Lnmm, David
dlnary efforts, but tho caso with ""'lox. loyd B. Potty, Oscar Poy-
whlch prlsonors can obtain saws and t0"' w n Al Connor, E. It. Roamos,
f llus rondors It as inadequnto ns tho ' Curt Kl Sotzor, W. T. Shlvo, O. W.
othor for holding desporato criminals SP'kor, A. J. Voyo, W. C. Van Emon,
with friends on tho outside.
ATLANTA, On., Mnr. 31. The
namo of Prosldont Wilson has boon
fllod with tho Btato Domocratlo com
mlttco for the Democratic presiden
tial nomination In the primary to bo
hold hero April 20.
... - .
Mary Plckford and Douglas
Fairbanks, motion picture stars, .than almost any line of private em
who were socrotly mnrrled here fploymont and demands closer atten
last Sunday night, aro enjoying tlon from tho person holding tho
a hpneymoon at the Fairbanks
homo near horo. News of tho
wedding did not leak out until
late last night, bo carefully
woro tho plans of socrocy laid.
ui:hoi.ijtio.v knimnm
war introduced
Joint resolution declaring tlio
state of war lintwoon tho United
Stales and (lortnany at an end
wan Introduced In tlm house
today Immediately aftor Itn ap
proval at it conforonco bctwoon
Itopiihllcan lenders and mem
bers of tho rorolgn affairs com
mlttno. Tho measure wai ro
furred to tlm foreign affairs
committee, Itopiihllcan leaden
plan to bring it up Friday undur
special rulo with tho hopo of
final action nt that day'H sos
hIoii. Attention Ih called that
UiIh will ho Oood Friday and
that war wiih declared on Oood
Friday three yearn ago.
rci rDiw-
Upon the celerity with which car-
. ttnttlitru piimmtiil I It ii iiiiii i(nru n Itln
"'"'""' " """ '"" i"'" "
... ,.m,.i-i i ,-!.. ...... t.l
iuij iiuiu in ufiuiuiiK ui "iu oijuuru
IK'iil Drug storo. Today Is the last
jdny that tho old tcnantH may remain.
I 'PI... fM.. ..!..!.. l.'l,...l !.. ..... ..........
,, , ... ...
which occup cd tho Hinnll storo on
. . , .
Um corner has a ready moved. Tho
Wirt Mimic store and W. C. Davon-
port are moving today,
Tlio remodeling plans call for
arched openings In tho partition ho
twoen tho two storos, tho smaller
"I"" ." lll crnor loin llsnod
for phonographs nnd musical sup
plies, whllo tho larger store will con
tain tlm drugs nnd other stock. The
, stock for opening Ih In tho warohouso
horo and will ho moved In at tho
carllost poeslblo moment, hut must
nwalt thoi completion of tho connect
ing archways and othor work of tho
C. C. Currln, general manager of
tho Southern Orogon Drag company,
Is horo and will remain In chargo of
tho local storo. Will Wood, who has
boon In chargo of tho company's nod
Cross Drug storo, established nt Mer
rill last fall, will assist Mr. Currln.
Tho position at Merrill has boon filled
and Mr. Wood transferred horo.
J'ranic iward, M. S. West, 0. H.
WIthrow, L. L. Gagahagon, E. E.
Mogoo, Doctor Atkinson, John
O. K. Van Itlpor, Incumbent, has
filed his declaration of candidacy for
the Democratic nomination for coun
ty trodsuror. Mr. Van Blper has
hold the ofllco for tho past term. So
fnr tho Incumbents are In thn mninr.
ity as candidates for county offlco.
The usual scramble o't candidates at
thin ntnf?n nf thts enmn to 1nM,lM . v..w oiuu to laVfWMKi
presumably because the avoraco
.public oftlce now pays less salary
, Oregon. Tonight and Thursday,
fair; modorafd wostorly winds.
Tho Klamath county conference) of
tho Intorchurch world movement will
he hold In tho Klrst Prosbytorlan
church on Tuesday, April 6, tho first
session starting at 0:30 a. m., ac
cording to flov. K. P. Lawrence who
Iibh tho local arrangements for tho
conforonco In charge This Is ono of
tho conferences which will bo hold In
ovory county In Oregon during tho
early part of April. According to
prosent arrangements tho conference
will Includo representatives from
each of tho Protestant churches of
the county associated with tho Inter
church world movomont and any
other church mombors or friends of
tho churches who may wish to attend.
Tho team of spoakers who will
"" - ""
, . . . .. . ...
havo charge of tho program nt this
I conforonco woro trained at a speak
ers' training conforonco which was
held In Portland on Friday, March
26. They will havo completo storcop
tlcon equipment and will present tho
samo slides that woro used in tho
stato pastors' conforonco In Portland
In March.
At this conforonco, which Is an
outgrowth of tho stato pastors' con
ference, an organization will bo mado
for financing and Improving the local
churches and to mobollzo tho Chris
tlon forces for tholr part In tho cam
paign to raise Oregon's quota of tho
budget to bo secured during tho
united simultaneous campaign April
2ti to May 2. To carry out this pro'
gram in Its many details thoro will
bo set up a county church organlza-i
tlon. This will to headod by a county
advisory committee, composed of Iho
pastor, a man and woman worker
from each church In the county and
chosen representatives of tho for
ward moToments ot each denomina
Score four moro for Klamath
county's population. Tho now cltl -
zens nro lusty Individuals, all reg- " I . 1ton8lcuon unaer wny' L
(stored nt the new Warren Hunt Ttonttl Pla"8 wol'Id tho
hospital and all are arrivals within '"nIn flnngo channels eight feot
the last 24 hours. Tho record Is Ul?ep a"d o minimum depth i trib
al follews: To Mr. and Mrs. Charles " nry dnU?S W0Ul1 bo four. fo0t-
Bogors, corner Owens and Boclama-
tlon streets, a daughter; Mr. and
Mrs. D. L. Coo, 836 Walnut street,
a daughtor; Mr. and Mrs. R. S.
Loosloy, Ft. Klamath, a daughter,
and Mr. and Mrs. George Boyd, a
Phillip Petors, an employoo of tho
Kwnuna Box company, and Miss
Hazol Glvan, wore married last oven-'
Ing by tho Rov. C. F. Trlmblo at G:30
o'clock at tho W. E. Soohorn resi
dence on Main street.
Six indictments wero returned by
tho county grand Jury, which closed
n two-days' sosslon yesterday. The
Jury was not discharged, but will
meet ngaln April 12 for further con
sideration of matters that will bo
brought before it.
Two Indictments for larceny of n
dwelling woro returned against Gus
Christ, who is accused ot entorlng
tho homes of H. G. Shidler and John
lir..H J J T J lJl.l..lM
"",""" r"u "ora ,w"8 n"n
iui lurgery. jurist una roro oroKO
Jail last night.
Ouy Schonsln was indicted for
assault upon his wife and wounding
hor with n knife two months ago.
He Is at liberty on bond.
William Zlllman ls charged with
larceny of a dwolling. Ho Is accus-
od ot having broken into the South
ern Pacific depot two or three
months ago. He is in jail.
L. N. Rabn of Swan Lake was
Indicted on a charge of wanton in
jury to animals
He is accused of
shooting horses, owned by Caroline i
Llskey & Sons, with a shotgun. The .
offense is alleged to have occurred
last June 'and Rahn is alleged to
have used a shotgun on the animals
to drive them from his ranch at
Swan Lake.
Attack on tho dralnago problem
was launched yesterday afternoon at
tho mooting of landowners of tho
Klamath Dralnago district, and
whllo no definite action was taken
thcro was much discussion of tho sit
uation and tho not result Indicated
that plans will be secured at onco
and active work on a $50,000 pro
ject will bo started this year, provid
ed voters endorso tho Issuanco of
bonds to flnanco It.
B C. Zuckormnn, of tho Wchyl
Zuckerman company, growers and
distributors of potatoes and onions,
fmlrl.fn hn thn lnrePRf pnnrorn nnnr.
atlng In tho west, was elected director
to 'fill tho place of W. S. Slough.
This was tho only vacancy. Mr.
iSlough's term has expired and as he
recently disposed of his holdings In
the 'district ho was not eligible for
re-election. In choosing Mr. Zuck
crman tho othor land owners of tho
district feel that they havo selected
a director who will "do things," and
ono who knows how they should be
donOjIn dealing with drainage.
Hfs experience with tulc lands
nroupd Stockton, California, has
made him familiar with the problem
from A to Z and ho ls an ardent ad
voca(e of action. Tho Wohyl-Zuck-
ermali company owns about 3000
acres of tho 20,000 acres In tho dis
Tho plan In Its preliminary stage
Is to compllo data and estimates
covering tho entire district. Con
struction will bogln on tho most im
portant soctions first. M. Motschen-
Ibotgr, president of tho drainage as
sociation, siaiea, as ms opinion, mat
$50,000 would bo needed. Tho first
stop will be securing of tho engi
neer's plans and estimates, nnd
when these aro complotcd tho appro
val of tho state engineer is neces
sary. Finally tho landowners must
voto upon a bond issue and if tho
voto is fnvorablo work will start. If
fWt....... I .... 1.11.1. , 1L.
"'" " "" """ m "'"i as
u . . mBO"nB lm3 IUU
," ef , Ievo m n pn" or tno T
1tr,ct.7uId b. l0SS lUan fUr feat b-
iun tiit3 buiiutu.
C. R. Do Lap was rc-chosen by thp
directors as socretary and treasurer.
Tho regular April mooting ot the
study department of tho Woman's
Library club will bo held Friday aft
ernoon nt3 o'clock in tho club rooms.
Tho subject for tho afternoon will bo
tho manners and customs of Japan
and China. Papers will bo read by
Mrs. A. M. Worden and Mrs. J. H.
Garrott. The May meeting will be a
resumo of Oriental art and will con
clude the year's study of Japan and
China. '
At 2:30 the library board will hold
its meeting.
The Henley Parent-Teachers' asso
ciation will give a program and com
munity sing at the Henley school
houso Friday evening, April 2, at 8
o'clock Refreshments consisting of
sandwiches, coffee and plo will bo
cnrvorl Tho nlna iilll lm mmtlnnml
" M' fVO Will HO UUfcSWMM
and tho proceeds used for school
poses. Everyone Is cordially invited.
This evening at 7:30, beads, ser
mon and Benediction ot the Blessed
Tomorrow, Holy Thursday, n spe
cial mass will be celebrated at 5
o'clock. The altar will bo beautifully
decorated with flowers and lights.
The sanctuary boys will be vested,
somo in white cassocks and lace sur-
pllces and others in red cassocks and
Private adoration will continue all man of the pest control committee, in carefully done It should not be neces
day. It is expected that 'many will discussing this phase ot tho situa-. sary to covor that ground again, thus
come during tho courso of tho day. tlon, had tho following to say: "I securing the maximum results with-
Tomorrow evening at 7;30, Holy am freo to confess that in tho begin- tho least expenditure ot time and
I Hour and sermon,
Herbert Hoover has placed
himself before tho Benubllcans
of tho country as an avowed
. candidato for tholr presidential
, nomination. In a telegram to
! the Hoover Republican club of
California he announced last
night that recent developments
In the peace treaty situation,
"stagnation" in tho adjustment
of tho country's economic prob
lems, and urgent representa
tions concerning tho situation in
California had Impelled hjm to
confirm tho action his Republi
can friends had already taken
without consulting him.
Everything Is set for tho big squlr
rol poison drive which Is to be car
ried on throughout Klamath county
this year under the auspices of the
county farm bureau, and which will
begin Monday, April 5. Six tons of
poisoned grain has been mixed for
use in the campaign and tho same is
now being distributed throughout
tho county from certain centers in
each farm "bureau district.
At a session of the county court,
last Saturday Grant Nelson was ap
pointed polsqn inspector and he will
work in conjunction with the post
control committee of the farm bu
reau andwitU the many landowjv?
participating In the drive, to see
that all land throughout tho county
Infested with squirrels ls adequately
gone over with poison.
It has not been found practical to
inaugurate the drive with any par
ticular ceremony and the program
which will bo followed is simply to
havo each land owner begin putting
out tho poison on his property on the
date sot and to continuo samo until
all of his lands havo been covered.
In tho meantime each individual, as
well as each member of tho pest con
trol copimittce, will obsorvo closely
to see v,hich lands aro being poisoned
and which are not nnd report all
cases of the latter either at the office
of tho county agriculturist or directly
to tho poison inspector. If this plan
is followed diligently not many squir
rels will escape.
There has been eomo criticism di
rected at tho pest control committee
because of tho seeming delay in an
nouncing the opening date of tho
drive. According to tho committee
this criticism is not justified In view
of all of tho circumstances. In the
first placo tho poison was mixed as!
fast ns it was humanly possible under
tho conditions that the work was
finnn. PnnHtr1omlil rllfftniltv vni
... . .. ..
experienced in securing a suitable
. . , ., , , ... ,
plcao to do tho mixing and then be-
, , , ., ,,
causo of unfavorable weather coudi-i.,
., ,, , . ... , ,
tlons tho mixture dried very slowly.
However, in spite of all this the
poison is ready in ample time to se
cure the most efficient results in the
work ot extermination. Contrary to
tho prevailing opinion the best tlmo,
to poison is not when tho first squir-
rols make their nppearanco or for
some considerable time afterwards.
liquIrrol hy nv, s. blologIcal survoy
jv ciiruiui siuuv ui iiiu iiuuiis oi me ,
and experiments In tho poisoning of
same has conclusively shown that
urn mm
thoy do not all make their appoar- leal survey, so at the suggestion ot
anco at the same tlmo; that thoy are Mr. Thomas 1 began this year to set
not particularly hungry when thoy out poison as soon as the squirrels
first leave their winter quarters, but appeared and have been putting it
like all hibernating animals their out at regular intervals ever since,
system seems to crave food of a na- Now my experiments have fully con
turo likely to restore tho digestive vinced mo of the soundness of ther
organs to thoir normal condition; position. The best results I have so
almost as soon as the organs begin to far secured this season were from the
function uormally tho breeding sea- poison I put out yesterday and this
son starto nnd during this period they was on ground that I had already cov
do not readily tuko the poison. So ered twice sin-e March 1. Without
nil in all It has been found that best going too much Into detail I may say
results will fallow if tho poisoning that poison put out after the breeding
starts at tho conclusion of the breed- season ls over will secure a much
Ing season. J, M, Ezell, county chair-
nine I was disposed to doubt tho
Next Tuesday evening, April 6, at
8 o'clock at 'the city hall, supporters
of the Klamath County Chamber of
Commerce will take final steps for
reorganization of tho county's devel
opment body by electing officers,
adopting a constitution and deciding
upon hiring a secretary, securing an
office, etc. This was decided at last
i night's meeting at the city hall after
the commltteo on solicitation had re
ported that the pledges of support
now make available a fund of ap
proximately $4,000, with another
$1,000 In sight, giving a fund of at
least $5,000 to start with.
Capt. O. C. Applegate presided at
last night's meeting in the absence
of Capt. J. W. Siemens, and C. F.
Parker acted as secretary. A. B.
rpperson, chairman of the soliciting
committee, reported that some $700
had been pledged his committee. He
said that the former soliciting com
mittee, which secured about $3,000.
had "taken the cream," and left
their successors the hard task of
rounding up the stragglers. How
ever, he saitl, -there were many men
on tho list he had prepared who had
not been seen yet, and be believed
that $1,000 more might be obtained
without very great effort.
Fred A. Baker, chairman of the
organization committee, said that
j the committee had investigated the
motnods P""ed by other chambers
of commerce and had assurance of
aid and support pt the, state cham
ber. Ho said that he would be ready;
to offer constitution and by-laws for
approval of the chamber as soon as
'ffwas definitely decided to organfzeT ?c
Mr. Baker suggested that the organ
ization be formed on a unit plan,
-with branches in all sections of the
county, Klamath Falls to be the cen
tral unit of the federation. He also
suggested that the chamber of com
merce would have more weight and
greater .legal standing if It were in
corporated, Insteadj of a voluntary
association of citizens.
Tho meeting was enthusiastic and
tho general clamor was for ''action."
.The task of reorganization has drag
ged over a year, said speakers, and
"now or never" is the time for re-
,aunchtag thQ chamber of commerce
and ma'king it a vital Influence in
the development of the entire Klam
ath basin.
I Telegraph Tabloids
o o
PARIS, Mar.31. Breaking out ot
a revolution all over Turkey, except
Constantinople, directed toward the
' allies, is reported in a dispatch from
(Basle to the Fournler agency here.
SKIEERENE, County Cork, Ire
lland, Mar. 31. Over 100 armed
i men attacked the police barracks at
iDurrua, seven miles southwest of
' , ...
iBanory, County Cork, with rifles
, ' ' , ,,,.,. ,
and petrol bombs last night. A por-
... , ,,j, i.,
'tlon ot tho building was blown up
land two policemen wounded. After
n fierce fight, the raiders, some ot
whom nro believed to have beon
wounded, wero driven off.
pAR,Si Mnr 31.Tho re(jUest of
tne German EOVerment for permls-
slon to send t roups into tho Ruhr
'district, tho neutral zone near the
," - .
n . ... . ., ,.j t...
j ,
'conclusions arrived at by the blolog-
larger percentage of kill and it it is