The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 30, 1920, Image 1

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ffifrg jutgnrng Iterate
official paper of
klamath falls
Fourtconth Year No. 3882
Price, Five Cento
win ILLS
NEW 1 1
POHTLAND, Mnr 29.--l)omnnil
for liimlior lit Hut mills of Uio north
west rontlniiiiH with usual vigor, tins
car mipiily In Improving ninl produc
tion roinuliw ut a lili;li nvorngo.
Whlln tlm cur MliortiiKO Iiiih inn-
torlnlly Improved hIiico Uio first of
tho year, iinipUi room for furtlior Im
provement remains. Tlm railroads,
nro Inmunliihly Hhort of earn anil will,
remain uliort until tlioy build more.
rarH. Many wustnrn ronilM are en
gaged In a car building program now.
Tho certainty that lumber demand
wilt continue Indefinitely, coupled,
wllli Uio prospect of Imttur car sorv
Iro Iiiih encouraged tliu mills In their i
operations. I
Product Ion for tho week ended
March 20 reached tho total of 89,-'
702, 7K I foot at tho 12 mills niport-l
Iiik to tho Wust Count Lumbermen's1
association. TIiIh wiih only 1,190,21(1;
fool or 1 lU pnr cent holow normal. '
Tho comparatlvo Improvement In
car supply iiIno prompted tho iiiIIIh In ,
accepting a greater piopurtlou of tho
business offiirod thorn than Iiiih been ,
their practlco in tho IiinI fow montliH
with tho result that ordom hooked
for tho week at tho 126 mills aggre
gated 77.73C.393 fot.
Total shipments for tho week were
88,467.310 feet of which 72.810,000
feet or 2,4 27 curs moved hy rail.
Tho mills Htill have 11,217 turn of
unfilled ordorH on their hookn.
Tho iiiIIIh accepted orders for
8,400,000 foot of expert rurgo busi
ness and Hhlppod 0, 003, 500 foot. Tho
export business la promising.
PAItlH, Mar. 30. Assurunco
Iiiih lioen given hy tho Gorman
government that It will not cent!
Into tho Huhr district any mora
regular troops than aro allowed
hy tho terniH of tho Versailles
treaty, Itocolvlng mombors of
tho French proHM last nlKht Pre
mier Mlllorund declared that If
tho Hermans vlolntod tho terms
of tho treaty hy Handing Hlreni:
armed forces Into tho Huhr dln
trlct. Franco would occupy part
of tho neutral zone, whether tho
allies a greed or not.
EW 1
Telegraph Tabloids
CHICAGO, Mnr. 30. Clerks, ston
oKrapliors, hookkcoporH and other
municipal olllccnj wojit on n strike
Tho chargo against Wlllnril
I.otclies, growing out of an alleged
assault upon a young married woman
on tho Klamath Indian reservation,
wiih dismissed hy Dort C. Thomas,
U. S. commissioner, last evening nftor
hearing fur lack of ovldenco. H. M.
.MannliiK appeared as attorney for tho
defendant. Austin 11, Klcgle, deputy
1 IT. S. district attorney, represented
tho government.
At a hearing this morning In tho
rommlHHlonor'H court McKlnloy Jack-
Hon, an Indian, wns hound over to
i await action of tho federal grand Jury
' on a charge of assisting a prlsonor to
escape. Ills honil was fixed at f 600.
which ho furnished. Jackson Is ac
cused of aiding tho escapo of "Tax"
lloiirhrnnlHo, who with McKlnloy
David was hold to action of tho grand
Jury recently on charges of Introduc-
i lug Ihiuor Into tho reservation and
giving or soiling It to Indians. "Tox"
was arrested by Superintendent West
and locked up, and It is charged thaj
Jackson furnlshod a pony and helped
him to escapo. Ho was recaptured
and Is now In Jail.
"Tho business of tho Western
Union company In Klamath Palls has
Increased CO per cent faster slfico
January 1. 1920, than In any other
city of tho district, which Includes
Orogon, Washington and British
Columbia," said Don. J. BoldlRf,
local Western Union manager, who
returned Sunday night from a con
ference of managers In Portland.
Tho abovo fact regarding tho
growth of local business was brought
C. M. Holburt has arrived hero to
tako chargo of tho work on tho Klam
ath Falls-Dairy and Klamath Falls
Matin sections of state highway work
as resident engineer in chargo of
thoso sections.
Tho offlco of tho resident engi
neers is now located on Main street,
wost of tho postoffico. Tho resident
engineers and division engineer for
merly shared offices in tho Klamath
Development company's building but
Inlay for lilgliar salaries, throaton
lug paralysis of tho city's huslnoss.
CHICAGO. Mnr. 30. Livestock
iihlpmentH to the Chicago market,
vlth tho exception of horses, are un
der omhargo todiiv as a result of tho
strike of members of tho l.hcstock
Ha'pillorx Union, employed hy the
Union stockyards, u transit company.
out at tho meeting. Fast growjjigltho resident, engineers moved about
towns in ino laxuna iruii'iron weroin momn ago ana in a iew aays mo
In competition with Klamath Falls, division engineer will transfer bis
and all tho thriving towns and cltjes
of tho northwest have shown big
gains in business slnco January 1,
but Klamath Falls was SO por cent
In advanco of any of them.
To keop up with tho demand of
local patrons tho Western Union
company started today to Install n
duplox keyboard system at tho local
offlco. This will increase tho effi
ciency of tbo office 100 per cent, 'as
It means that cno wire will bo open
for sending and one for receiving
messages af. all times. At present
messages aro received and sent over
one wlro and out-going telegrams
may bo dolayod whllo the wlro is
cleared of an Incoming message.
CHICAGO, March 30. Tho
death toll of Sunday's tornado
which ripped paths of destruc
tion through eight states stood
early today at 158, with tbo
fears expressed that reports
from Isolated regions would in
crease tho total. Stricken com
munities today aro emerging
from tho wrcckago wrought.
Relief measures for tho thou-
sands of injured and homeless
are well under way.
Aftor Investigation of tho circum
stances In tho cqbo of Fred Rogers,
logger, chargod with having liquor
In his possession, by federal author
ities, yesterday, decision was reached
to leave tho disposition of tho coso
with tho state courts. Austin B.
Floglo, U. S. doputv district attorney,
miido tho Investigation.
Itogors was arrested In a rooming
LA CH08SIJ, Wis.. Mar. 30.-K.ill- ;''" Sixth street last week, and
. , t. . . i i,lu trilltum itllUKU mut I1VO Or BIX
road tracks lending to factories', ,
. . i , - , I bottles of llnuor woro found. Mrs. R.
along tho river front aru under wa-1 , ,' . ."' """ "
lor this morning. Tho Mississippi, ' . '""" " "
is Htill rising. The town Is nearly
surrounded hy water hut the main
part of thu city Is not endangered.
house, was ulso arrested on a similar
eluirgo and will bo nrralgnod in tho
'justice court Thursday.
WAUHAUKEE, Wis., Mar. 30.
Intorstato bridge hero collapsed un
dor tho strain of Hood waters and
Ice from the Menominee rlvor. Tho
loss Is $2fi,000.
JACKSON, Miss., Mar,
Honato today ratllled the federal wo
men sufferago amendment, re
versing Hh action of several weeks
ago when the amendment was rejected.
Thu dam ago action of Mrs. Edith
Halm against Charles Gray, In which
a claim for $2,000 on part of plalnt
30 The ,ft ,H mot ,)y a $600 counter claim
hy tho defendant, on trlnl In tho cir
cuit court slnco yesterday, may bo
concluded todny.
Tho Jurors are: C. V. Shuck, 8. P,
Dohllngor, Harry Dooth, J. J. Stolgor,
W. W. Lewis, John T. Cox, Frank
Stowurt, George Heavolln, W. T.
Low, H. 8. Wakofiold
Fred nuosslng has received word
of tho death In Muscogee, Oklahoma,
on March 16 of J. J. Maohl. Mr. and
Mrs. Maohl resided here for some
time and havo many friends who will
bo grieved to know of his death. Ho
was at ono time heavily interostod in
business property In Klamath Falls
and during his residence hero was
paving Inspector of the eaat portion patina; laid pa Main atreet. .
offlco to tho quarters formerly occu
pied by tho Pioneer Printing com
pany on Fourth street, between Main
land Pine,
E. B. Bishop, division engineer,
wont to Ashland this morning and
will return with a car that is to be
used by his department.
Tho county grand Jury, in session
slnco yesterday, will probably file a
report today. The Jury is In a hurry
to complete its labors as privato af
fairs of the members demand their
attention. No report of tho doings of
tho grand jury was avallablo today
but it expected that several Indict
ments will bo returned. Another ses
sion is anticipated In a few wco'kb to
completo tho investigations.
DENVER, March 30. William
Jennings Bryan told Denver Demo
crats, at a noon meeting here today,
that tho "outlawed institution of tho
saloon with its wisky" would not be
champlonod by tho democratic party
at tho San Francisco convention in
Juno If he could provent it.
Bank clearings for the week end
ing March 27 were 1290,688.74, ac
cording to the weokly statement of
tho local clearing houso association,
against $143,883.74 for the same
period in 1919.
new yukk, Mar. 30. Grover
Cleveland Bergdoll, wealthy young
Phlladelpblan, recently courtmar-
tallod for desertion because of his
alleged failure to report for military
service under the draft, was sen
tenced to five years in the penitent
iary, according vto a court decision
made public hero today.
McKlnley Jackson and Mary Cow
en, residents of the Klamath Indian
reservation, were married this morn
ing by N. J. Chapman, justico of the
SACRAMENTO, Cal Mar. 30.
The American Legion at Orland, Cal
is raising a largo subscription for a
memorial building.
At the last meeting of Moose lodge,
officers were elected for tbo ensuing
term. With tho approach of spring,
tho Moose are preparing plans to in
creaso their membership, and soon
will have under way an extensive
Committees were appointed and
somo new stunts In te way of enter
tainments aro bolng considered. A
very gratifying report was rendered,
showing progress made under the
leadership of the officers, most of
whom were re-elected, and will be In
stalled with proper solemnity.
The thriving condition of Moose
lodge No. 1106 speaks well for tho
manner In which its affairs have been
conducted under the management of
the men entrusted with the handling
of affairs. Tho lines heretofore fol
lowed, will bo adhered to, and con
sistent progress is expected. C. D.
Garcelon, as dictator, and R. F.
Ryan, as head trustee, aro praised by
members for what has been done for
Moose lodgo in the past term of of
fice, and It Is assumed that with
these officers elected for another
term, tho Moose lodge will continue
to thrive.
A department system that greatly
simplifies and facilitates the hand
ling of the dally business has been
installed by the First State & Sav
ings bank, In the division of the en
tiro system into units, representing
each of the major branches of the
business. Compartments have been
set aside for each branch and each
unit has an individual accounting
system. Heretofore an error in the
dally balance has often involved the
burning of much midnight oil In
chasing, it 'through all the ramifica
tions of the "coieWlrbuslneBs before
finally finding and eliminating It.
Under the "new system the accounts
of each unit are balanced at the end
of tho day. If there is a discrepancy
1. appears in the department respon
sible for it and nine-tenths of tha
work and worry In seeking the
cause is prevented.
A new ventilating system Is an
other rece'nt Improvement that finds
much favor with the bank staff. In
Its operation the air -enters through
small apertures on the floor level at
the front of the building and passes
upward and over the steam radiat
ors, warming the air current. A fan
at the rear of the building forces the
stale air out and provides space for
a constant Inflow of fresh air. The
device keeps up a steady circulation
of fresh air at an equable tempera''
ture. .r
Personal Mention
OREGON Tonight and Wednes
day probably rain; colder Wednes
day; fresh southwest winds.
O. A. C. alumni and former stu-
donts of the state normal school or
University of Oregon will hold a
meeting at 7:30 this evening in the
office of E. H. Thomas, county agri
culturist. In the Swanson building.
A full attendance Is requested as
urgent business is to be transacted.
nOBTON. Mnr. 30. Thn nnnremn,
COlirt todllV (lnnlnd thn remiest nf Sln""' C- C
Mrs. Emily Hulln, of Now York, for!""'1 J' T' McColIum
lonvn to Intorvono In lltlgntlon ho
tweon thn directors of tho Christian
Science church and tho trustees of
tho Christian Scloncu publishing society.
LONDON, Mnr. 30. George Tlchl
chorln, Russian Soviet foreign min
ister, has notified Poland or his will
ingness to open poaco negotiations
April 10, as Poland has suggested,
'according to a wlroloss from Moscow
COPENHAGEN, Mar. 30. King
Christian announced today his re
fusal to comply with tho ultimatum
of tho Social Democrats domandlng
reinstatement of tho Zahlo minister
dismissed by tho king.
BRIDGEPORT, Conn.. Mar. 30.
Albert B. Boors, commandor-ln-chlot
of tho Grand Army of tho Ropubllc
during 1912 nnd 1913, diod at his
homo hero today, aged 75 years.
Through misunderstanding on tho
part of tho Horald an advertisement
of tho Klamath Cash Grocery, ap
pearing in yostorday's 'Herald, boro
tho slgnaturo of E. II. Thomas,
county agricultural agent In large
typo, giving the impression that the
advertisement was that of Mr. Thorn
rs, whon in reality it was designed by
tho advertiser, Klamath Cash Gro
cery, to appear only as tho endorse
ment Of Mr. Thomas for the cash sav
ing plan they aro advertising.
Tho reference should have been to
Two Canadian passenger steamers,
tho Prlnco John and tho Prince Al
bert, collldod In the Inside passage t"0 County Farm Bureau offlc'e and
today, according to reports recolvocl should havo appeared In the same
hore. The Prlnco John was beach- tyPe and stylo as that In which the
ed. Tho passengers were taken oft name of tho First Stato and Savings
by tho Prlnco Albnrt, which was hank, to whom the advertiser
'nblo to navlgato. Tho vessels woro Klamath Cash Grocery referred, ap
bound for Alasku. Ipllcauts, appeared.
j Soaring Prices n
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merrill were in
town yosterday from Merrill.
Boyd M. Adams is In town today
from Bonanza.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Knight are
home from a two months' visit In
San Francisco.
L. Alva Lewis, former county
treasurer, is here today from Crystal
where he has a farm.
L. R. WIshard today purchased
from Thomas Hampton tho latter's
160-acro ranch in Langell valley.
James Watklns and family have
returned from a couple of weeks'
visit In Eugene.
Chief of Police Wilson has pur
chased a home on Sargent avenue in
tho Falrvlew addition and will move
Into it at once.'
Mrs. E. T. Givens, who has been
hero visiting her sister, Miss Agnes
Drlscoll, returned to her home at Bly
this morning.
H. Parker, who owns considerable
land near Hildebrand, crossed by the
Strahorn railroad, is hero from Los
Angeles Inspecting the property.
Tho stockholders of the Klamath
State bank aro meeting at 3:30
o'clock this afternoon for the purpose
of voting on increasing the capital
Miss Elizabeth Sullivan of San
Francisco, an experienced sales
woman, has taken a position with
the Woman's store In the ready-to-wear
Bert Palm, former resident and
connected with a local furniture stoie
but now a travoling representative
for a wholesale house, Is in the city
in the interests of his firm.
Austin Flogle, deputy United
States attorney of Portland, who has
been hore this week prosecuting fed
eral cases in hoarings before the
United States commissioner, returned
to Portland today.
to the disappointment of many irlea f'L -.;
men, March 17, 1920, was co4spIeteiy
blotted from the' calendar,,' bj-a it
tachment of U. S. marineswko rv
cently left here-for erranda'of'dV""
in the Orient: . J '. se,,
.t. In or,der"t-p kep the Umeyjtrajtl not
west bound ships "set Uefoejsi Thu
24 hounj'when',cfewng'lha.'i8tv
meridian. The1 transport otj.1kich . -,
these U. S. marines are jSUlUa
reached that1-meridian on MafChiiS- '
They "turned jn" regularly tta4iM $
aim uwoko next morning lo use, XIHIC
It was March 18.
!-r"? 5"
ALBANY. N. Y.. Mar. 30.-tiBrancU
Ing tho Socialist party as an lorgau-'
lzation composed exclusively, of-'per-petual
traltots-a-majority of the
Judiciary committee of the New
York state assembly, in a report of
tho lower house to the legislature to
day, recommended expulsion of five
Socialist assemblymen. Action on
the reports Is to be the snecial order
jof business tomorrow.
Landowners of the Klamath Drain
ago district met this afternoon at
2:30 o'clock at the courthouse to
elects officers for the coming year
and transacts other business in con
nection witn the district.
Following are today's quotations
on tho New York exchange:
Liberty Bonds
First, 3 ....$ 97.20
First, converted 4s 90.50
First, 4 90.70
Second. Hi 89.44
Second, 4 S9.84
Third, AY ...: 92.82
Fourth, 4 i 89.80
Victory bonds,", 3 97.60
Victory bonds, 4tf ..." 97.60
Foreign Exchange
Pounds sterllnc 13.87
The Klamath State bank closed at Francs . .. . .0678
2 o'clock this afternoon in respect to Lre "" '?'", .0492
the memory of the late A. S. Moor- Marks"313."ii!i"l".'."."."!!!!i!!" .016
land, who was Identified with tho Drachma "".."!"!..!!!""!!"!!."""." .1096
institution. 'Kroner (Sweden) 2175
J. B. Mason has returned from faur Flnmark 059
months' visit to former haunts In -
Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and other' Oscar Huber, highway contractor
states of the middle west, where .he left yesterday for Ashland after" a'
visited his relatives and friends, few days' insnectlon visit to his r'od
Part of his absence was passed in contracts In Klamath county. B.-'J."
visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Icurrigan. general superintendent nf
Faught In Modesto, Cal. He had a i operations, also loft to suporvlse a
pleasant trip, unmarrod by Ulnoss or contract underway In Siskiyou coun-
accident. ,ty, Cal.
I i, VI