5 1 J?w MUDAY, MAM'II ttfl, UWO rHE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAdi: vom. The Evening Herald R. J. MDII1IAV Kdltor F n K b S O U I 15 City Kdltor tfR i m . J, C -.,. .. 1, V ' - y -fJTTJV-'l ,!' n , f " ' . J, M H I ! 'I ll inn A t - I ! 13 h f ii ' I 5 ii't j if Published dally, except Sunday, by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. I Entered at the postorttco nt Klam-i ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru the mails as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mail to any, address in the United States: One year .....". ?5 00' One month .... -- 50 Member of the Associated Pre. ' The Associated Press Is exclusively j entitled to the- use for republication, of all news dispatches credited to iti or not otherwise credited In this j paper, and also local news published, herein. ( I All vlntila ri rami 1,1 li,i Inn nt onA-1 nil 4l,lva V. lll'uuitvukivn v. ,. cial dispatches herein aie also re served. FRIDAY, MARCH SO, 1020 SOLOMON ON VERMONT EEfJCH Decision Handed Down by Judge Seme Generation Arjo Rcmsrk- able for Many Reasons. A singular compound of law. good eense and sarcasm characterized Kilns Keyes, one of the eatly Vermont Judges. A disconsolate-looking tramp was once convicted before Judge Keje of the larceny of the hoots of United States Senator Dudley Chase. The judge addressed hlra us follews: You are a poor creature and ought to hare known better than to steal. Only rich men can take things with out pafiig for them. And then you ninst steal In the great town of Wind sor. and the boots of a great man like Senator Chase, the greatest man any where around. If you wanted to steal why didn't you steal In some little town In New Hampshire and the boots of Mime, map who wasn't of any con 'eqtienee? "And then you mast steal from him when he was on his way to Washing ton and perhaps the only boots he had. You might have 'compelled him to wait until some shoemaker made him another pair, and shoemakers never keep their promises. And perhaps by the delay, some Important treaty might haYe failed of ratification because he Vus not. present in, the senate." "I have got to soy that you seem to know a kerned deal more about steal ing hoots nor .what I do!" piped the prisoner. That Is a sound observation." he aid. "I will gle you only one month In the county jail, nnd that not so inuch for stealing as for your Igno rance In not knowing better than to steal the boots of a great mun like Senator Dudley Chase." Made a Mistake. We ate that evening In the kitchen. "In a bedroom? 'off the dining room. lept eur two-year-old boy. In that room. In. a drawer of the drewer vas a box containing alltof ny Jewelry. When my libsli.i'nrt.hnd finished his dinner he made his "wily to the front part of the house tind while doing so, he ran sparely nt0) a man. He ask 'd tbensnn w'hnt he was'dolng there, -and the man answered: "Pardon me. air. hot I'm, n 'piano tuner, but I think I've made a. mistake." My husband turned on the light, and there, u little satchel In hi hand, bow ing and, apologizing, Ptood a slim, fair haired. Innocent-looking Individual. My husband kept on berating him. and I, somewhat nshamed of him, begged nlm not to be so hard on a man. who had made a mistake and seemed truly orry for It Finally, amidst more Rowing and profuse apologies, the man took his departure. We found out later that .the shabby" little tuner's satchel con tained tlie'tcontentg of my Jewel case. He had left me my wedding ring be cause it was on my finger. Chicago Tribune. ' V What Is CharmT The charming woman possesses a definite personality. She makes her entrances nnd exits felt, and one would rather talk with her than with many, other people. She may not be anything remarkable, but she utters even com- mon places In'a way of her own. She Is a sympathetic listener nnd neither her eyes nor her interest ever wander Tact and charm are near akin, as both Include the gift of saying the right thing at the right time. We nil know the woman who quite unlnten tlonally makes her friends as uncnm fortable as the kitten with, her fur rubbed the wrong way. We all know, also, her opposite, the erentiirp from whose presence one always emerges cheered nnd comforted, with the agree able sensation that one hus been ajs preejated at last. J- The charming woman never stoops to Mattery. She honestly bejlevcs the best of everyone, and considers It her jnls'slon on earth to diffuse huppluess around her, To spreud sunshine on earth seems, a divine attitude, nnd the charming woman usurps it as bw j ,Ml prerogative. Orientals seem to be immune to -the fierce heat of the fire-room of ocean steamers, and can endure for a great length of time temperatures that would speedily prostrate white 'men. ', it&j&j& Leather Inside Style Outside ii V, i .i. K. TRADS MARK SUlTSo . Guaranteed eatierized MOTHERS! HERE'S A BOY'S SUIT THAT DEFIES WEAR. A BOY'S SUIT THAT GIVES A DOUBLE-MONEY'S WORTH OF SATISFAC TION, BECAUSE IT OUTLASTS ANY OTHER BOY'S SUIT ON THE MARKET AND KEEPS ITS SHAPE AND GOOD LOOKS TO THE VERY END. JACK O'LEATHER IS ITS NAME. WHEN YOU SEE IT YOU'LL AGREE THAT IT'S THE GREATEST BOY'S SUIT EVER MADE. HERE'S THE BIG FEATURE JACK O'LEATHER SUITS FOR BOYS ARE LEATHERIZED! THEY'RE LINED WITH LIGHT WEIGHT, SOFT, PLIABLE, REAL LEATHER AT SEAT, KNEES, ELBOWS AND ALL POCKET S? WHERE THE STRAIN AND HARD WEAR ALWAYS COME. IT IS A PROVEN SCIENTIFIC FACT THAT HALF THE WEAR ON BOYS' CLOTHES COMES FROM THE INSIDE. THERE FORE, JACK O'LEATHER .WEARS TWICE AS LONG. JACK O'LEATHER SUITS ARE ' FINELY TAILORED IN BEAUTI FUL, ALLWOOL FABRICS, AND "-ARE CUT ON LINES WHICH GIVE THEM A SMART, GRACE FUL APPEARANCE, SELDOM FOUND IN BOYS' SUITS. BEST OF ALL JACK O'LEATH ER SUITS COST NO MORE THAN ORDINARY BOYS' CLOTHES THAT WEAR OUT IN HALF THE TIME. GUARANTEED TO GIVE ABSO LUTE SATISFACTION. JACK O'LEATHER SUITS ARE EXCLUSIVE WITH US AND NO OTHER SUITS ARE LEATH ERIZED. SUGARMAN Ain't Mad At BOYS OUCsJovl The Diagrams Tell the Story 1 B "Wf4 jbiijft 1 j 1 faLrl I LLKvVWT jTtf'l B f'JF'r aHf "LEATHERIZED" WHERE THE WEAR COMES WITH A LINING OF SOFT, PLIA BLE, fcEAL LEATHER AT SEAT, KNEES, ELBOWS AND POCKETS. EXCLUSIVE SHOWING OF Jack O ' Leather t-y" AT Nobody yy y 14 j y If I i . II,