paoh TWO FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1020 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 111 hi .' Jj :3 n :il 8 ' I n 1 M it ' 1 r i :) Six p cent Farm Loans See WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY, 517 Main Street, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. The Federal Appraiser inspected $140,000 in Farm Loan applications for me in February and I now have $47,000 more and another inspector will be here this week. Loans from $5,000 to $37,500 preferred. MAKE YOUR APPLICATION NOW. Arthur R. Wilson remmmm , bilm City Girl's Gold Tipped Cigarette Has "Snuff Stick" Rival in South i . --38irlP5wHE??mSS .-. I r"l Tl TffrSBBS r i fca This Young Mountain Matron Is Enjoying Her Afternoon Chew While Her Husband Smokes His Favorite Pipe. Hero Is an unusual picture of mari tal felicity. It was snapped by a worker for the Interchurch World Movement daring a survey of llvlnc conditions In the Tennessee Mountain district. The younr woman In the -picture, a bride of a few weeks. Is asiaX' the mountain substitute for the cigarette, a "snuff stick" stiek coated with snuff and Industriously Chewed. The habit has two adran tsars over the cold-tipped eierette - J., erfal ft 1e VAA AJAllWllf.l mm " Wr w s Ml 1 sW' X 1 I v, I W i: ' I r N : Suits made to your exact individual requirements. Step in and select your Spring m Suit now. i y We.guaranteeperfectifitting, finely?teiIored, stylish ' CIotoe8,'1madeDy If ;ir' iTi-if ijj-Tii" in ' i J KKK STORE Leading Clothiers jwner and It lasts longer a well made "snuff stick" having only one rival for longevity the "all day sucker" of school days. The Interchurch World Movement nods distressful ignorance and pov erty anions; these mountain folks and suggests rT new- religious program to couple1 too 'Bible with1 practical In struction In agriculture, carry It out on model farms, wlths.schools. good roads and other community needs as the ultimata goal. C'J .Vir0 i and Hatters ' ST W i u ui Washington Calling for the r-ntrl-otic support of nil Into Americans In Us fight to protect their homes, re llglon nntl proixTly from tlio sproud llic menace of llolshovlsm. the" United States Department of Justice lins In sued n warning against the Insidious propaganda of tlio "Hods" during the new jenr. It rends: "It would he extremely helpful to the cnuso. of jrood gnwrument, tlio ttiiiln tennnce of lnv mill order- mid the pres ervntlon of pence iiud happiness In our country If the people on this New Year's Ony would resolve to stmly, un derstnnd nntl appreciate tho so tailed Mled' movement. They can counter act It most oifeetlwly hy teaching Its piirMXu through the press, the church, the schools, putrlotlr organizations and Inlwir unions, all of whlcli aro within thu wage of lis Insidious attacks, "Red" Theories Criminal. "The 'Hed' mowment does not mean an attitude of protest against alleged defects In our present political and economic organization of society. . It docs not represent tlio radicalism of progi-ess. It represents a specific doc trine pninely, the Introducllon of dic tatorships the world oer hy force and violence. It Is not a movement of III) erty-lolng persons, hut a distinctly criminal and dishonest movement. Lcnlne himself made the statement nl the Third Soviet Conference, 'Amonp one hundred so-called Wilshevlsts there Is one real Itolshevlk. thirty-nine crlm Inals and sixty fools.' It advocates the destruction of all ownership In proper ty, the destruction of all religion and belief In God. It Is a movement or cunlzcd against Democracy and In fa vor of the power of the few built by force. Bolshevism, syndicalism, the Soviet Government, sahotnee, etc., ore only names for old theories of violence and criminality. Russian Labor Crushed. "Though their adherents In this coun try are advocating and fomenting strikes, I.cnlne and Troulty forbid strikes, and trade unions are being broken up and completely subordinated to the will of the few demagogues In control In Ilussln. This Bolshevist ex periment on tho living body of the Russian people has not proven Id any of the word an c leriment In Democracy. The Bolshevist leaders frankly repudiate democratic princi ples as we understand them. It has been n gamble which meant for Bus n!a, and. Indeed, for the whole of hu manity, enormous losses In lives as well as In material resources. The Bolshevists have run up a colossal hill which the Russian workmen and peas ants will have to pay. "Reds" Menace America. "ITnvIng lived at the expense of the Russian people for two years, these speculators In human lives and other people's earnings are trying to move to new fields to the east and to the weRt, hoping to take ndantnge of the economic distress and confusion of mind In which humanity finds Itself after the terrific strain of Ave years of war. "Its sympathizers In this country are composed chiefly of criminals, mis taken Idealists, suclnl bigots and many unfortunate men and women suffering with varying forms of hyperesthesia. They aire enemies of the government, of the church and of the hdmc and ad vocate principles whlcli mean the aboli tion of all three of these safeguards of civilization. Would Rob Everybody. "Twenty1 million people In this coun try own Liberty Bonds. These the 'Reds' propose to take away; 0,830,000 people In the United States own farms and 8,8.T8.000 more own homes, which they would forfeit; 11,000,000 odd peo p)e have savings accounts In savings banks and 18,000,000 people have de" posits In our national hanks, at which they aim. There are hundreds of thou sands of churches and religious Instl tullojis, all of which they would abol ish. In other words, 110,0001000 hard working and saving people who own property, loe liberty and worslilp God are"asked to abandon all the I den Is of religion, liberty and government, which aro, the outcome of the struggles of thejr fathers and their own develop ment, bnd to place themselves, their homes, th'e'lr family and Ui'cjr religious faith In' the keeping und their property under the domination of a smull group of tanines and Troukys, Protection Promised. "This department, as fur as existing laws allow, Intends during the forth coming year to keep up an unflinching, perskderit, aggresblvo warfare against any movement, no mutter how cloaked or dissembled, having for Its purpose cither the promulgation of these Ideas or the excitation of sympathy for those who spread thepi. The move ment will not 'be permitted to go far enough In tills' country to disturb our peace add well-being or crcnto any widespread dlstrubt of the people's gpyerninent-i It w full away before the' Hh'tox popular knowledgo and appreciation of its ulms and pui-p'obes." A Herald Want 'Art will sell It- LABORERS WANTED Highway Construction Apply 319 S. Spring St. i 23-30 "Nothing THK rijlt bnlunctt of costly Turkish nnd Domestic tobaccos, propor tioned by oxporfH- that's why Chesterfields "satisfy." Every puff brings you the full, rich flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco and the lively relish of.ehoice Domes tic leaf. And theblend the manufacturer's private formula - can not In' copied. Every package I Every package enclosed ySjT sfiQ&j&Ti&i in glassine, moisture proof paper that seals in the flavor. ?& HIGH RANK EASILY ACQUIRED Mllltarlttlc Knowledge Not at All Ntc eitary for Haitian to Become "General" in Army. Haiti, as a country. Impresses n re cent trawler with the multiplicity of Its generals nnd theMiriuy and gor geousnesN of their uniforms. In the "Black Republic" the title of "gen eral," It appear.-', Is conferred for any sort of sen Ice to the slate or, as Is probably cwn more effective In provid ing reicnue for the makers of uni forms, to the political party thnt hap pens to be In power. Mllltnry ex perience Is not necessary to become a general, .nlthougli apparently any nnd all generals are more or Ush recognized as such hy the private soldiers recruited by n compulsory system, nnd so poorly and Irregularly paid that a visitor to the president's palace must sometimes distribute coppers to the entire mllllary Iwdy guard expectantly lined up to receive him. Ah soon as the citizen who has earned the gratitude of stnte or party ncelws hl appointment, snys the Chronicler, he "Immediately buys him self a uniform of whatewr color and stjle his fancy mny dictate, to which he a collection of all sorts and kinds of medals." Ills next need Is a charger; he acquires one of the diminutive ponies of the Island, vanlts or climbs Into the Middle, and Is complete. BIG MEN ON CLUB'S ROSTER Poets and Scientists Belonged to Or ganization Which Found Recrea tion In the Adirondack!. Longfellow's dislike for killing ani mals prevented him from accompany ing Emerson, Agasslz, Lowell nnd, oth er leafned men coipprlslng a party of ten that went Into the Adirondack each summer, according to State Serv ice, n New York monthly. These trips formed the foundation for Kmcrson'n, work entitled, "Tho Adlrondncks, n, Journal dedicated to my fellow-trnvel-i ers In August, .18.18," An anecdote of the trip often repeated was thnt of, Longfellow, who asked If Kmerson would carry a gun. When Informed" he would, Longfellow repllerl: "Then I shall not go. Somebody will be shot." Knitrson had great dllllculty shoot ing a deer, as when he went night hunting ho couldn't see the animals. He shot uner his guide gave tlio or der. When he missed, on one occa sion, he snlil that he would shoot at the next square thing he saw, because, he must kill ii deer, even If the guide had to hold It by the lull while he shot. Out of these trljm the Philosopher's club was formed, which built a clqb at Ampersand pond! The club ex pired when the Civil war hoke ont. Later (Ires swept ihe woods and (polled the region around Kollensbee, where the club was wont to shoot and fish. J. I. CASK TRACTORS Wo have lfi-27 J. I, Case trnctor and, plows. Complete outfit, Dem- onstratlona gladly given Phone 2C-27 2291, C, C. Low and Son, JGmH w S&tf' mm SBBBBBBsk. tWk tAP VdhSBBBBBsHVHsssH SM, eaBnBBHBFsllseBsT f f y Er"tZA &. sssB SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs9iBBBBBBBBff9kBBBBBBBBBBBnK3iB r jt t , r II . Jl wrong with our enclosed kOR SAM-' Tho llornld will place, your messago In tho hands of over 1 9,000 rendors ovory night for only fivo cents a lino. si Ay nLSw-ra&sBBBBsa, t j txn;T DRUG FACTS NO. 26 We wish to remind Klamath Falls, at the corner of Eighth and Main J streets, shortly after April 1. SAFETY SERVICE SATISFACTION Square Deal i 4 rerWMNrVVWWWVrrrrVW' AFTER A BUSINESS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED FOR YEARS the merchant is in a better position to give service. He knows what goods are reliable and which to let alone. Take th? item of PUMPS. Any pump is good so long as it's under the back seat, but when you have to pump up a tire you will find a vast difference in pumps. Our experi ence enables us to furnish you what you want. WHIT! fViyj 1MW3 fVV Jfl ' iX'vi I' I jT'jf rjp I H Aw I'l' YYi (''I kVY Iw i' l"'!zire balance" Chesterfield sesr tr -H BwSl 'rflflal ADVi:ilT!8l3 I'OU WHAT you want and you will get It. you that we shall locate in Drug Store THE ICAN IE OFFICIAL AUTO' BLUE BOOK AND CALIFORNIA 'STATE AUTO ' ASSOCIATION WpII msmr GARAGE t t I 8.1. I' f4. Want Ads bring results. rrArVWrAyAAAAArrAAAArVVVWWWWVVVVWVyWWiVMAA' .ill.