fS!" -w - PAan rocn WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1020. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ..,.,.......'"'J''t' t , ' ' ' ' - i M S Personal Mention yn i! " h I) , 1 IS I 1 1. 511 . m m A7 ffJafillfU M 1 Hy arwi iJfs LP Mrs. William C. Hurn and dnu;h for, Orutchen, arrived on tho train Monday ovcnliiK for n short visit, Mr. nml Mrs. Charles Martin nml Mjr. nnd Mrs. Jolin Martin hnvo re turned from n visit ot several weeks In Southorn Cnlltornla. 1. J, Klnuso has been transferred hero from Kennett, Cnl., ns local tj. apiMit for the. Southorn Pacific, Ink ing tlivj place ot C. M. Doughs, whol Is transferred to Dorrls, Cal. . r ...l ... C... 1-......I...... r. Kw. i.murup, in ouu r iuuiihim, assistant general passenger agent nti tho Southern Pacific Company, and V. E. Spear, ot Sacramento, dlstrlrt freight nnd passenger agent, aro In Klmnnth Kails in connection with company business. , 1 ? New Spring Blouses and Smocks Special prices on advancer! styles in wanted fabrics. Georgette, American and French Voiles and Batiste. S Best quality Georgette, trimmed lace, silk and bead embroidered, m .Bermuda Peach liloom, Blue Dawn and Sunset, etc. Exceptionally low prices from $5.95. New lovely Lingerie Blouses at close to half price bought even before they were turned out by the workers. Very many .different styles, colors and combinations at $2.95. - PETTICOATS AND BLOOMERS In Silk, Satin, Jersey ,Clp$h, Jersey Cloth with Taf fetta Flounce and Helwier Bloom with Taffetta Flounce. Beautiful colors and combinations of colors, $5.50 to $22.50. ANNUAL SOCIAL event , OF ELKDOM TONIGHT Tho big event ot tho Elks' cal endar, tho annual danco of tho ' brother "Hills" nnd their ladles,' itnkv8 1'lnco tonight at tho Elks' tem sC pie. Invitations to tho affair linvoi !hocn spread widely and n big crowd Is expected. This Is tho social uvonti extraordinary ot tho year In Elkdom, . I eagerly looked forward to by all its y prospecttvo participants. ?, m . ..AIT. laki improvement CLUB PLANS I'KOGKAM ?! i i 't Tllo Mt. L-iM Iiuprovumcnt club, 111 present n clevnr cntortalnmout I program nt tho Mt. Inkl church Frl- iday uvcnlng, March 26, A specially I A good program nos boon proparou anil , 5 1 light refreshments will bo served by No admission chnrgo will a collection will boj the evening for tho , Yi.i... ,. ...... i- I iiiu i.iuiua. 5.11)6 mnde but v : ( 1ii litfttin ; lunvii ttii uit HATS that show their Parisian origin. No use to try to particularize. Hats and more hats and every thing desirable in Dress, Semi-Dress and Tailored and all very moderately priced. r "The Arizona Cfct Claw ... ... ;: ... . . .-. i iciurc wiin .ucuuium mieicncH ?3 .--,' or mo uame (.epuiir; T -. r .TIiiniTMir'nieu 7V has EVANS SENTENCED TO SEUVE 15 YEARS MEDFOltD, Mnrch 24. Larkf Evans, convicted Saturday of robbing W. G. White of Grants Pas3 In n sensational automobllo hold-up lust. September, was sentenced to 15 yenrs( In tho penitentiary by Judge Calkins, V 1tr nil hor limn nn linrunli.nplr nmnnlnt JaCkSOnvillO today. AMIOW trial I . .. . . was asked and tho motion was taken I ' fV l AT THE THEATERSfil western girl, nccustomed to spend- piano fund. i?: m IJacIround '3r3'' m She Is tho type of girl that mora man In her than woman lend who Is nccustomed to viewing af. things from a man's viewpoint rath 3w ., ...... ti fir t !mn n "-- -- woman a. Accorilinclv sha A'ortri?? ti?n it&rvelous scenorJ' Mi'reats bonier rufilnns with fBcant vffS. T - . '. SAiii' ..., ... L... , ' thfArrIzbna wild' places? an oxfiltljnorcy. and has but little sympathy ;-H"y of cowboy life fs-fcfaintiiffOr those weaker than herself. :V5he.tiew World release tieArlioViy Edythe Sterling is known as one 'Cat Claw"' starrUig Edytho Sterling.) of the moat daring equestrians ap- under ndvisement. MANY COMING TO TRADE CONVENTION which will bo seen at the Mbortj-' Pearing in pictures and justifies this theatre tonight. This picturo is " a" cnutatiou beveral timos vovcr in classic of its typo and has for itBf''"I'ho Arizona Cat Claw." This pip leading character a typical -western j.tu"C will bo tho featuro at tho Lib girl who through being brought up crty, theatre tonight only. among tho cattlemen of tho plains is f ) inoro masculine than feminine. Want Al brini; results. HBKK9BKZ MONDALE THEATRE TONIGHT EUGENE WALTERS m "BOOK & SADDLES", The mysteiy of the Ajax Mines on the Mexican border also ' Good One-Reel Comedy f'i X COMING, SUNDAY - "SUSPICION" Featuring Mollie King .1 SAN FRANCISCO, .March 2-J. ' More than 1,200 delegates already liavo been accredited from thp Unit'-! cd States and from abroad to tho seventh national forolgu trado con vention hero May 12-lfi, 1020, tho I'aclllc coast committeo in charge has nnnouurud. An attendnnco of nt least twico that number is assur-. cd, it was said. Delegates will bo brought to tho convention from American points by thrco special trains routed over tho northern, middle west nnd southern routes. Tho general theme for tho conven tion will bo "Tho Effect of' Hcing u Creditor Nation, " according to James A. Farrell, chairman of tho National Foreign Trade Council. All of tho largo cities on tho I'a clllc bavo joined in preparing for tho gathering. WtiSHv 2$ ? Authentic Styles in fvV MES&&fg0fVl) iF'w -uw i uuiwcai rY;Wm Ik Vs3W 'f. c xt kA-mmXm wwT" r'' i'" TOoat-n-oinand styles of the mo- r WfgP -fe nu oVt, combining smartness, purctica- l j Srf fl? Wvlfffi1 mlb uyiuiaoomiort. ftllwil . One-Eyeet Ties f- VASa 38.ua. ilfw'w2S of One kid and natent. with hand-turn ft" njVhw ft f M'N so'les ad Fruneh hools $12.50. Wli.MfeKIV I ' MSSiP4?lCv Smart Pumps V-n ftfflSvO-' oC Wnc kid and patent colt with hand- Lt 2 Bl 4J 7V.U A I MVVTltt -. mm mt 1 fMS &t ' iuiijjuc rumps & 1 M&PMmff of fine kl ! Patent colt French and -' S h&iLmiKVJit militarv hecs $6.50 to $11.00. I 9 K S65TirrtP " T I 0 U tv. S.lfelwifeF i rciitn ana lviiucary oeei Bis inj&r'MrzK ncji. m if (Hi viW-K,XK7 r .. , . . ... ... MM I ,. & hi ' - - " " - - ... I n L,rl .!. ..! 1...m...h I...I .. MiM i .5(yft?F.,f "i ijnu niu. iiubvjib tun., uiuwit rm inu Mm HVr.r It ..f I I m. .... ll O-r. pn i A.n ill tM Our Footwear Stands the cfl ) r i i i4?i. st m . j m r rm ih g, ?f- 3 . xesc oi rime. piH l it J.&SS7A, fsir . - - Mi i Ml Kan tfeten s UK M1 for 5Aoes ifli S??4SiY tf v . -t ..... - - rH j:'j'.;i---y lfKf!9Mil slBllM, -B tMWz'r!rnhJi M.UjjiMfcM ,1W3M -B -V5SKlwllf :i - BPPRHHI tfiWm TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY IVVVVMWV'WVWVIAWVWS WANTED AT ONCB Furnished liniiso, furnished apartment or furnlshcd'rooms. Call Herald Offltu. WANT10D A man to work on ranch by tho month, i'houo 2.,.t-X. 2l.2."i FOR SAMS Small houw nnd Im proved lot; West side. Fruit trees, berries, otc. Address A. F,, Her ald. . 21-2G MAPUINKTC, ANn AI1TH MF.PHAN1CS ""w w'" rz ATTENTION!! Charter Closes March 24th. Initiation fee stilly t $5.00. Join now. Regular meeting 1 TUESDAY, MARCH 23 at the Labor Council, 8:00 p. m. Machinists' Union No. 1473 f The Machinery Has Arrived We will soon be in shape to deliver either Raw" or Pasteurized Milk to any part of the city. p E. li. FRENCH i Present Phorte 21 F2 FOR SAM Household 139 Fine, phono 21-J. furniture, 21.23 M4,HMM,44-K''4,H''4 Star Th 1 II eatre : a t TONIGHT Dorothy Dalton in "L'APACHE" A stoiy of the Paris slums. "BACK TO THE KITCHEN" A .Paramount-Sennett Comedy Two Reels This comedy Is vyorth the price nlono. THURSDAY ,; Tom Moorp in "Heart's Kasn" nnd Alice Urady In "JIario I,td." . Good CfjmeUles. Kxtra llig Bill, WANTED To got do at my homo. plain sawing 001 Ro.w St. 21-2 to FOUND Gold earring. Ownor may hnvo sumo by Identifying and pay ing for this nd. 403 Walnut. 24-26 LABORERS WANTED Highway Construction Apply 319 S. Spring St. 23-30 MMMERMllS I f BOND 1 Tho Whlto I'ollcan Duths will op en Wednouday ovonlng, March 24, for the public. They will bo opon FOR SALi; Sonora talking machine with records. Reasonublo. 270-J. ovory day from two to flvo and sov -M-2'j on to ton. Those wishing to onEnco WANTKD 110 volt single phnso 2 or 3 li. p. motor. 1'honu 1C7 21-2S tno piungo for privatn parties mny of flat 22-24 rco Mr. Mann nt baths Springs Bath House. WANTKD Position by girl In of fice shop or Mora. High school BMdunta. Call 280-W. 24-25 FOR RALE A cabinet grand, up rgiht piano. 00 Pine St. 24-20 FOR SALIC One yearling Jersey bull; a very good unlmul. Phono 18F13. 24-26 FOR IlKNT CJarngo for ono I) 3 9-1 Oth Ht. Phono 144-M car, 24-20 RBSI'ICCTAULK younc man wants board nnd room with nrivato fain-1 iiy. A. W. I,., Herald. 2J-26 FOR SALK Ford, $325; Howie Gnrngo. Roo, r,tn. 24-26 FOR TRADE 1 lot on Walnut Sti for span of horses nnd wagon. Address A. F., Hornld. 21.23 FOR SALE Ford, S32G; Ilea, $350. 1 Howie Clnrngo. 24-26 Matinee every day starting at 2:00 o'clock ' '. ! Feature starting at 2; 30. T.wo shows each night, complete.- c. jCetterheads Envelopes Bill Heads GiveJJsYom Orders ior H-inting k W. O. Smith Printing Co. Phono 03 110 South Fourth St. FOR SALE SAFES - Three Fireproof Cnry Safes. Must rjcjl today. Will exchange.! Easy payments, Address Oeorgo II, ' Ijirrabec, ficiicral Bellvery, City Lust day; leaving town, 24-25 i FOR SALE Strictly modern 7 room furnished house, Fire place, hot air furnace, cement basement, hard wood floors, built in features, stationery laundry tubs, largo garage, largo lot, cement walks, beautiful lawn, everything jn class-A' condition. Only $7850. Also 5 extra largo room modern plos torod houbo in good location. Has bulU in features, cemont walks, gar ago, wood .shed and nice lawn. For Immcdiato salo, will soil for $3700. aiso 4 room newly papered and nalntod houso close in, HaabaHi; tollet,',lava tory .andf sink. Prirol$1700. Tormb. lit, T. WAIll) Hi Ul. " Phono,175 . 23 t-tt; ' LIBERTY THEATRE THE TICK OF TIIK PICTURES AND A NEW ONK EVERV DAY MMAMMAMAMMMMMMAMAAMMAAMSAmWWWWWMWWWWWM TjTj-LnjyyxruV $ II. AV, POOLE, Owner I t nirJiiririVVirMVVVVVVVAAAAAAAi HAJUIV BOREL, Musical Director MMAAMWWWWWWMMMVlMry' i TONIGHT ONLY "THE ARIZONA CAT, CLAW" A breezy story of theSouthwest cattle country. Kinograms The Visual News of all the World. t, l!J3,Norllr7tli St, M An excellent comedy as well called 1 "THE LITTLE DEARS." THURSDAY Peg Hyland in "A GIRL IN BOHEMIA." Coming Sunday. The great Naziraova in "STRONGER THAN DEATH." KM