iwon Tiim:i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAltOII 21, 1020. W r y THE PHILADELPHIA STORAGE BATTERY, THE jrt 6th, Between Main and Klamath 4i1.4.4..y f 7 Suits made to your exact ; ; Step in and select your Spring and Summer Suit now. ;; We guarantee perfect-fitting, finely-tailored, stylish ;; Clothes, made by KKK STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters 4-4f4-4'-4.44--i--M-4-':--l--l--t-i-4---.H KEEP a supply of PEARL OIL (kero sene) on hand for use In oil cookatoves, heaters and lamps. Pearl Oil is clean, and economical. Your dealer can ii-.",)ply you. "A-k for PLAKL OIL. STAHDAnD OIL COMPANY (CALlrORNIA) , We Believe- a good dependable Electric Service is one of the important factors in community building WE BELIEVE it is a valuable asset to a community to be able to offer reliable Electric Service at an attractive rate to industries seeking location WE BELIEVE this asset is a direct benefit to every citizen of that community r l WE BELIEVE the responsibility is delegated 'to the Serving Utility to make every reasonable effort to insure adequate and reliable Service for all purposes required within its territory 1)5; WE BELIEVE the mere turvmg is not inaiiii iiu me Service rendered. AWW California-Oregon Power Co. 1W AAAAAAAAAAAAAatJtyVVVywVuvvx fVS V Western Floral Shop rSW YEAR GUARANTEE HORACE SHIDLER i -r I I I ; individual requirements. NOTICE TO STOCKMEN. The I.ong.Iloll Lumbar company bus purchased tho timber lands In Klamath and Jackson counties for merly owned by tho Western Pnclfle I. and & Tinihnr rnmnnnv Tlin irn?. )lnif privileges on these lands nre now offered for lease for tho sonson of 11020 or for u flvo your period. Wrlt- itnn IiIiIh stating tho amount of an nual grazing fees you will pay will 'bo received by Jiirksnn 1 Kimball and submitted to tho l.otig-Jlell I. um ber company for decision. 22-5 Want A(lt) brliiK resultx. name of the Company vame lies m me actual. 4 . itmA WOMAN'S TOUCH Is what makes homo "home like. So with lovoly lloiAvors thoy udd to a room, fra granco, swootn'osa und. tho tender momorloa ot su minor days and waning twilights. Ilrlng summer Into your homo by lotting us iropply tho flowors to you daily. An Investment fop gool hoor. MHH. Ii. O. MOO IKK Proprlelor 703 Main Phono, 107; lesu' 2G01E BATTERY WITH A TWO - Pllorf 1 Q7if,jn8 of tho money-making business NOTICE OP HIIKItirP'H HALE III Enulty No. 108 S tho Circuit Court of tho Htatu of Oregon for tho County of Klam ath i:mma Wing, Plaintiff VH Hilda Cooper and tho unknown heirs of Hilda Cooper; also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, cstato, linn or Interest In or to tho rem estate described In tho complaint iierem, woronuaniB i Notice Is hereby given that, by vlr-; (no of an execution nnd ordor of i .J. sale, duly Irsuod out of tho nbovo on- wealth only means taking monoy our titled court and causo on tho 17th I 0f one pocket and putting It back In XI day of March, 1020, upon it decree ,fl nnntbor ......I.. ..., . 1 .1 I.. ....LI 1 union nun rnit.Teu i iruuiu jii mini I Court and cause on Deoombor IGth. 11)111, in favor of tho above named fdo the nation is to preach tno aoc plulnllff and against tho nbovo mini-jtrino that success Is profiteering, nil ilofciidanlH, directing tho salo ofiT, I)01jld 1)e no interference the premises thoroln and horelnaf-' , , . , . lor described to satisfy tho sum ofMvJth tho enjoyment of the fruits of ?17!t.78, togother with Intcrent Industry during the liro of their pro thereon nt tho rote of C per cent per ducers" ho continued. annum from Decombor lfith, 1019, m . togothor with tho costs of thin Bnlo.l-.. a,tlr, NoW, theroforo. by vlrtuo of paid oxcutlon. and In compllanco with snid writ. I havn duly lovled upon thri horelnaflor described promises, nnd will, on Wednesday, tho 28th ilnv nf AiiHI in2n. nt llm liniir of' I in nVlrifV n. iti. nf said ilav. nt tho. front door of tho County Court Houso of said County, now being used ns such. In Klamath Kails, Orogon, sell,, nt public auction, to tho highest bid-1 dnr. for cash, all tho right, title and ;Vanl rnrh of thomVln and to the following described real property, to wit: Lots 1, fi nnd G of Block 4 nf Kwnuna HleghtH Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon, or so much thereof as mny be neces sary to satisfy said execution. Tho proceeds of snid salo will bo nfttilln.l tti tltn on f l,af jiM Inn nf flfltfl execution, order mid decree. Inclml-! Ing tho total sum herein boforo men- tinned, together with tho costs of Mils Hide, and tho overplus. If any, thero be. will be paid Into said Court I i, fnrfimr nntiitmi. n hv hw t- a til red. Poind Marrli 17111 1020. OKO. L. lirMPMRBY. Sheriff of Klamath Countv, Oregon t.. o"1'), sniVE, Deputy 17-2 I -3 1-7-1 4 ATTENTION' MACCAllKKS The regular meetl ting of Iho AVom - r.tantho Ubrt"" en's DonQflt Ansoci ""'(ecs'-wllt, lm-heli H.ill. Stnrrli 211 1!I20. nt S o'eloc k. I MltS. W1LLAHD JOHNSON 2.1 Collotor. It wn (leorgo IV. of Kngland who, Imposod a tax on bricks. At a latorj porlod In the samo reign bricks were divided, for tho purposes ot taxation, Into common and dressed bricks, and tho tav on encli brick wns regulated, nccordlng to Its slzo. i WORN NERVES Nervous troubles, with backache, dizzy spoils, queer pains and iTegu-j lar kidnoys, glvo reason to Mispcci kldnoy wonknens and to try the rem edy that- has helped your neighbors. Ask your neighbor. Mrs. M. E. Sovits, Klamath Falls. says: "I wns subject to kidney dis orders for u groat many years. I ; had a weak fooling across tho small of my back all tho time. I couldn't I stand wry long ns my back waH so! Inmo. My kidnoys wore In a very weak condition. I wns so nervoiH nnd restless that I had to get up in tho night nnd sit up for hours ut n tlino. My feet nnd nnklos spoiled so badly, I could hardly got my shoes on. I took about six boxes of Dunn's Kidney Pllln and thoy cured mo. Since then, I havo enjoyed splendid health." 1'rlco GOc, at nil dealers. Don't simply ask for a kldnoy romedy goti Donn's Kidney Fills the samo Hint Mrs, Sovits had. Vostor-Milburn Co., Mfrs., lluiralo, N. V. 'iMM,!,I DRUG FACTS NO. 24 Emerson Records This record Is of tho latest cut typo nnd will play on almost all makos of niodorn phonographs without attachments of uny kind. Emerson Record! iiro Issued twice a month nnd tho "hits" nro always to bo found in this lino while thoy ARE "hits," nnd ninny times "hits" urp Issued In this lino two months In ndvanco of the moro conservative manufacturers listings of current rocords. If It is n ''hit" Emerson will isuo It first count on thut. ' Bpth our stores will stock these popular records. SQUARE DEAL DRUG STORE, Klamath Falls RED CROSS DRUG STORE, Merrill ! DEFENDS RIGHT TO TAKE PROFITS LONDON', Mar. 4. (By Mall.)- Ilnran I.ovorhulmo,' formerly Wil liam If. Lovor, a blp soap manufac turer, lias "broken a lance" In do- which brands h'lm as a profiteer. 'Tho spirit of today," ho said at a dinner "Is ono of cupidity and Jeal ousy. A fool I in; 1b running through tho country that the primary sin of u business man Is success. The man who has tho ability to create, dovel op, organize and produco Is consider ed as ono who must bo specially cur bod, checked nnd controlled. "Our war debts," Baron Lover litilmo continued, "have to bo paid by tho persistent efforts of all to build up an enormous home and an ' . ,,, , ""'ur'"u" ,:A',U'1 """" "v " " -..- r . 'Tho greatest disservice wo can LU1 1 INrtlN. I jr inc. FIRST RAILWAY DARLINGTON, Eng.. Mar. 3 .(By Mall,) Tho centenary of tho logln nlng or tho- first passenger-carrying railway In tho world was celebrated tho other day at Yarm-on-Trees. Thoro In 1820, eight men formed' a company to construct the railway 'from Darlington to Stockton, a .lis. tanco of 25 miles. C-eorgo Stophen son wns appointed engineer. Tho railway occupied live years' In construction and was opened on Sep tember 27, 1825. Tho, celebration took the form of a dinner! at which 30 descendants ' of tho orlglnnl eight pioneers wcro present. vnuiii- Swertlxh studontV of Two youm- hwe(Uim sumenis ot geology, nftor an adventurous nine I days' expedition In Iceland, have dls- I covered what Is bolloved to bo' the largest crator In the world, mea.sur I Ing eight kilometers long nnd five ' kilomotors wldo. ' An olcctric barrage which chnrges J cortaln areas of water with electrodes lias uccn oeviscu i" liruvuiu nu n. jfrnp, entering irrigation canals and JUche1a,,d..latc.r perishing by thous-, tttids i'n tlio fields LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Domestic and Imported Spring, Woolensi Now on Display. Perfect Fit Guaranteed CHAS. J. CIZER MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street ' HEM'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate Am Just finishing a strictly modern five room houso on paved street. At tractive price. Somo torms to right party. Goo. II. ChamJiorlln, 1211 Crescent Ave. Phone 327W. ovon Ings. 23-24 FOR SALE Miscellaneous KOIt BALK $2,000 contract, draw ing 8 per cent. Payments, 540 a month. Tel 278W. 2;5-27 FOR SALE 2 grado holsteln licit ers, 3 years old. Coming fresh soon. L. P. Geertson, Stukel Bridge. 22-23 FOR BALE OR TRADE A No. 1. White sowing machine, will trade for 12 or 1C gaugo pump gun. 920 Jefferson St. 22-25 Storago Hattorles Charged..!!. Shidler Used cars for salo ono 1018 Chevrolet, first-class running condi tion. Prices aro right. Central Gar age. lG-tf FOR SALE -Ono Shlro stallion, sir years old. Several head ot yountr. work horses. Inqulro of Enterprise Ranch, or phono 2C3.L 12-tf Serves you right Club Cafe G-tf FOR SALE A doublo drawer Na tional Cash register. Just like new. Rex Cafe. v 12-t FOR SALE Leading maKCJ. Phono- graphs. Pianos, Records. Earj Shepherd, 507 Miln St. 24-tf ! - Serves you right Club Cafe 6-tfl FOR SALE 1 Globe-Wcrnecke oak mo case leuer size ur.iwer, vertlclo 4 compartments Price $50.00 Just like new. J. H. Carnahan, Loomis Building, Room 4. ' 3-tf FOR SALE Used cars, 1917 Imperial Oarage. Elgin ' 25-tC FOR RENT OR LEASE PASTURE LAND For rent or sale, near Malln. Tho S. W. A ot S. W. ',. Sec. 8, Township 41, R. 12. Write for information, Frank Halas, care Joe Halas, It. 5 Bx 2, Phoenix, Ariz. 20-25 FOR SALE: Second hand United Motor truck of 4 tons fully equip ped for hnuling, excellent condition for only ?2750.00 F. O. H. Portland. Oregon. For particulars, write Thom as Randies. 2C-North 15th St.. Port land, Oregon, tt FOR RENT Space in those columns at ,flve cents a line a day. A line he; is read "by thousands every night. , FARM FOR RENT OR SALE Near. Klamath Falls under ditch. Ad dress R. Herald office. 12-tC MISCELLANEOUS Electric Appliances H. TO LET Logging contract five mil lion feet, 40,000 per day begin ning about April 1st. Tills is a blg wheol or team truck proposition, W mllo haul. Box 112G, Klamath Falls-23-27 right-Club Cafe WcS? a classified columns of The Serves you ATTENTION: FARMERS, CON- TiiAU'uus Aisu i"ujiv uac-a..y uniteu Rotors bervico company offering for sale direct to tho users,' tho United Motor Trucks In 1. 2 J OI n...l r. ,x .4...a n..l ti tnn "irt-J il'j tlllll IU14 OltVa ,il v. jn l.i.u. ors. Big discount, save tho asent's commission. For" prices nnd dis counts, wrlto Thomns Randies, care's United Motors Service Company, 20- SoUND-Midgers purso in bed con North 15th St.. Portland, Qregon. tf il talnins S.oney. Owner can have T .,..(! iwimo by Idwtlfying and paying for TO GET quick results ndvortise L. ' M p c DeChaine. 705 hero. NOTICE TO CHKDITOnS. In tho County Court of tlio State of Oregon for tho County of Klam ath. In tho Matter of tho Estate ot .Arth ur B. Long, Deceased. Notlco is hereby given by tho und orsijned, administrator with tho will nnuoxed ot tho estnto ot Arthur B, Long, deceased, to tho creditors of, and to all persons having claims ngnlnst, tho said deceased, to exhibit thoiii, with tho necessary vouchers, within six months attor tho first pub M447MHtji5i iff " m .' " yV-fff Nettleton, Walk-Over, Stratford, Berry, and other J good shoes are here in K. K. K. t Leading Clothiers and Hatters , Storage Batteries H. Shidler All parties having cars on storago at tho Dlehn garage, formerly the I'ord Garage, aro to have their cars out of this carage by March ill, 1020. GEO DIEHN 20-27 PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187 CITY GARBAGE When you garbage removed call i2J. want Electric Wiling II. Shidler Printing, Stationery and offic supplies. Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery company. 126 Main Bt. 9-tf WANTED WANTJED , machine. eery.'" Second-hand sewing Spot Cash Basket Gro- 24-24 WANTED Man to contract discing, cultivating etc., 245 acres Tula J-ako land on share basis or other wise. Answer promptly, W. & B.. Herald office. . 23-24 WANTED Men for construction work. Wages J5.00 per day -Morgan's camp. Dairy, Ore. 22-27 WANTED ON RANCH Man and wife, man for farm work wife to cook1 or 3 or 4 men. Good house, otcauT jod. write Giving variiuHi- r ui vi,viivxy.v ,-"- --, ""-r- wantca to v. u. dpx . iv,u Falls. Oregon. iti WANTED TO lBUY One to three l.t'althy setting hens. Prefer Rhode Island lleds or Rly.mouth Rocfcj Call Herald office. 13-tf WANTED Secondhand blacksmith oiitrit including Forge, tools, etc. JAlso pipe fitting tool's. Wrlto Box X. T. 55. Herald office. 19-24. '.WANTED TO BUY A small hous i in grod location, with large Ipt Price must be reasonable, with lornis. Address R. C. S. Herald of- iico. tt WANTEI5 Alfalfa dairy farm, 80 A, with' or-fm'thout stock, under ditch, no alkali. Afilress 210 South 3rd St. Klamath. Falkt., 13-Gt "WANTED LJght housekeeping rooms or jtpartment by lady. Her ald Office, Bps.3. 20-25 WANTED--A"' stuck saddle; must be in good condJtion.f hone 253J. 9-tf WANTED--A message from you to tho readers of The rllerald, if you havo anything for'sale.rfor rent, lost or found. Serves you right Club 'Cafe 6-tf WHEN" YOU WANT ANYTH1KO ShidleriTln a hurry advertise for it Hero. LOST AND FOUND 'L03T A golden opportunity to sen ixiur homo, your farm or anytnmg i,-ioi in ilisnnsH of. if you do not ij FOlwo. -A chance to dispose ot any - innumerable articles that , t d ,n your ceUar J ' ' " " T your waste into ""'? a ,'iSnlm. who , Vcnsh. Tuvre is niways someone wuo ;!!'.., wants litat what you have for sale. Li Find him through the claslfled ..,r,i. columncC' this paper. t31ain St., Cits'. 23-24 lleatiou of .Urtsiitfrtico, to said admin istrator with ttUe- will annexed, at Itlia law otflce ,at C. F. Stone, In Krcianwth Falls, OrejRJn, In said coun ty nnd state, tiio same Doing me place for tho transaotVm of the busi ness ot said estate. TWited thli 17th idar of March, W. A. 'lEST. i Administrator with the will an nexed ot said estate. 17-31-31-7-14 A KTornld Want Ad will soil it. TS'S f.Y jS. s v: the new Spring styles STORE 9 I 16 4'o''''&''M'' VVMWM. SEED ORDER NOW l!Feed&w 126 Somh Sixth St I Phon. 8? r