orrinAi vavku " lUMATII KJII.M I ,JSS " fourteenth YearNo. 3877 IWumna Iteratf. OFFICIAL PAPER O KLAMATH COUNT ICHINERYFDR HLSUffiT ! ic q II 1 1 n i m n KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1920 i-iiSri'IllTIFIEOIIS ilESTEBN A V'ltlllHl.l I . . -- W Mill Price, Five Cent Vlrllinl ilmoM titl.t.Ml In thn navy ' t .mpiirimi-nl at (t,n tltun l.n t'lilUil HUI.,0 iiilnil (titi war tn'Miili. Harris ..nKi aUl nut chief of thn bureau of ,(. PRISON ESCA: JPRIL15 men Chiirlra Cordon. HOOD LEADS SOUTH DAKOTA PRIMARY m n A i w biuua uity, h. d., Mar .1 H-l I i "W,U al"ut n,n-lonths "f """ I l! I ' l'10 C"y Voto tnrounout tho I U 111 BtatO rCCOrd(!(l. tnlllllnlnil'riiill. J . .UM( .- , of yesterday's primary on the ifaiiMM ,i .i.. i ""' (itirdon, a tins Urairar. Mnrn vlmum,. ..i,.i.ni,. ...i ........ . .. ' ... r "- ""iik inn war. I... tin.. I a - ' '. ""-......, ......,.. w." nun nui"T I'll uurHL'inen L nr Illn InniihlraH A lliiluv l,f,.. n... u . iinitieil liy Hhnrlff Gcorg') lllim-l IH'lltloilH Minn nnv Ihr.m.rln... ,,.! i...i. ., . . . . . I. ..' ' """"' vtl. phrny rnei-fillr ., r,.. t .1... .... I . .. ' ...'""" .."" ' " "" tunuiuaics snowed eiiiii i roimii it.... - ... . . .1.. .i-i ilium tiruijn win un 11111 -iincn a vi'.nr iiir.m. Intnl.. ... mo . .. Wostorn Night Celebration" of tliu j precincts: ElkH, according lo tho announcement i Wood, 22,679: Lowdon 13- Ifllllflf. !..... ...I .. . . . ... ..... ..... .... "., . ....ii....i... ....... .. .. ' . . . c.irt rnllllilwrK iur uiii rum i-.-m i.nn- norma prlmm nuthnriiln. i..r. f. , o( II" !"' '"rinwil com ... "" " "M """ k""" ,'a, ' ," unlln Ihl. morning In cuitody Lull "", ",, ,'"f,, ,l,,,r,cl l "" '""' ',"'" "r"" ''iKl'lwnlch. to complain IHh L ,m .lrn I" rtlW Id- rlt, J '' 3"r,"""'-B,,i'1 ,,,nl "' in-r- mni0 ll0 U l,Kn,l to hnv o- 1( .rrrl.rl for thn toVliiK of 'T "" "rrUllM of tin. n.- n.,,,,,1 ant AuruhI nffr nervine two ", ' ... M'lnry nf Hip navv 11ft.... 1.. . .!.,. ... . tvlary of thn ,1Mvy oft,,,, ,., J,nrn of a t y,ir rnlcnca for an of the utaff of "Illlla" who have the I) Ik affulr In chargo. Indued, It will he a monntor throe- rlng circus for each of tho throo floorn of tho Klk Tomplo will ho . . il iun"1? mi" 11 ir hiiiisi . "" w '" "i uiii yiiar irnienca lor an tin,... k. i"n . m . .... "" w .... mi, v.liniorillll . 1 ... ui,,i, I, , , , ....... n.iui.. ..luiiiuuja 01 1110 local Sheriff Humphrey ha hcen con- .0dK0 havo , .r,.n m. .. " -.. wH..up, ,,w wuiui, natUifil "ul) ruiwiiHtuwt wtirt ,tti to Lk" rli'Tir" t vnrloiin il mil ef llm ttrny Tim ti'ro,ini. rflhn commitli' follow ; INltb .nit Karillntl--,lrii Hurt Unklti. Ir A A Kniiln. (SeorKn J liluo. Dr Mprryiimu, llrnf V. I' Urtff. Itirri'nlloit- H"y H J niur. J r wiui. rnpi. u r ,t f!, Ml" Nolo llnwkliiii; Jtivmilln r!l?unry II II Dimlmr. Kutfn'r . ..l.ll !!. I'.l tlH.I II II.....I..M ll . I ' 7;,,.; a. r " : r: ... '-" r?'":i r ' . chnr.0yT " ' '""inrini-n. nnn . nhkeii tim Nherlff Iftaw; in-priuinicy u v. iir"i. u Kirmmii will, 15.000 ccimmunlHt 28.T; JohiiBon, 17.GC0. Senator Miles I'olndextor polled a small vote. 1 OLD CHURCH BUILDING NOW BEING BAZED I full-ill all uIoiik that hu had tho riKht limn, hut ciorilon. or Draper, denied II Thl mornliiK tin took tho prison officer to tho Jail and utatlon mI him hi'lilnd a pillar Cordon was ,lrd from hi tell nnd tho Ruard look- -il him over "Cood inornlnR. Char ley," hu huld. slepplnR forth, havlnj; fllllv r...r..l..l il. ,. u't'iifi . .. ' v"'"'"i in" mun. (iooil UI.HI.li, Cermiiny. Mar. 2 - KU ' mornlne . ,irn...i ,.! BEGULABSiD RPRCI c n acu IILULLU UunUllj II lk.O. H Hurkn. I'lly OrRMtilratloii Kunril near lirm lam nlt-hi t til flllll' Mr II l: W'altini. potl utale that 2 rn killed and hit. un u a PU4UW, rrmi , niorr iiuui 100 wouiulcil hWr; Industrial- P. l'rkor. M I CWfll, Mr Clirli Oty. j COI'KNIIACKN. Mar 21 The Cupula, will tm Beleetml hy thn f rtiiallim of n 'mw Cnrmnn c.ih.'nct teaalll. to lakn rlmreo of thn n matter of only j fiw hour, with nrm In nry prctt,ci. anil the ' Indnpunitent Kwl.ill.t. Hiir. nf u.t- lu I..... .111 l. ... .. I. MhI.Ii.h - .......I . . ... . nptmt in min "in 'imu.n niimfTU i h wi'n.iii iuinriaiit poritinl- U ild In K'rurliiK data mi 11x111111: "'" """unlliiK in ,t Ii'lr-r.ini from tt:4itloa, A houno to houau cjii- ' 'tin 1111 k Im Hindu mid imiry limnm- k win w iiiimitieii n tut -f YOUNG LOGGER NOW tirttloBl bvarlne upon tlm prol.l.una PHYSICALLY WEI I bt dull with. Upon Information 1 Hubert Ityan. the joutiR locctir on "It's all off You'o cot It mil." admitted the prisoner. Cordon was first arrested hero 011 complaint of stealing a rifle from J. J HlrlKer1 camp. Sentence was deferred by JuiIko Chapman on con dltlon that ho ro to work. Ho was riven a Job with tho Union Oil Com pany and was wnrklnc thoro whon 1... .. I .. ... .. nir.irn njr nneriir iiumphroy as a UtiSKiucd plans for remrdylni; thn i(t dlKOTcred will bo ha mid. A pner.l meetlnc of all workers br title bettnrtniint w tin held Mou- r ifttrnoon at 2 o'clock. In the who wmb committed to tho statu lion pltal for thn Insann a few weeks bro, and who mado a couplo of sen sational escapes from tjuardi, has Blnco tho cIobo of tho lust big cele bration, for now gamos and foaturcs. Krom Nevada, California, Montana and ovon some of tho Southern states havo como contributions in tho way of novel gumes nnd a score or moro of experts of-plonecr days In thowest and Alaska am busy reviving tholr skill In tho handling of theso games so as to bo ready for tho tondcrfoot from tho first Btart of tho big time. This Is tho one big social event of tho Elks that has been open to tho public and tho Interest has been bo great that from a one night affair at tho beginning It has been necessary to oxtend tho celebration for three nights In order to accomodate the members and their friends who wished to attend. The dates for this year havo boon sot for April 15, 16 and 17. Tho local lodge has grown (.0 a BRITONS COMING TO STU TRIBE MJ inrnooii HI 3 o CIOCK. in 1110, """"' vi..,nn iiuui Ruaru, UJ p..fttlmM ll.i....l. !.. ...l..i I UruCtlrnllV rnrnynrnil Ilia llallnl nhn ..-.MM.V, IMI.IIIKII 111" l .'Hint i;Ul- " "... .-.. ..... ...n. ..M.- tlitw and captains, a lint of wnrk-',nl 1",n"i' ."I'l Bhorlff Humphrey kii. . . .. In.tnv II.. I. I. It.. !...!.. I t. "iin asm iipun maun, and luitlilra- "' " " "" uuiiiim uom loa lo sttcnd thn mcntlnK havo been j l""'',r RUnr'1 Ui" teoi- "which wore iiffldtd. Any willing worknr, ro-',mr"y 'roien from fleeing barefoot ufdlswof prnvliius notlflniilon, will,'" ,,,r ,now ,,llrnK "Is ocond es 1 vflroiiiril at thn mt'utliiR It In i,," l,uv" "enlcd nnd hn Is conval Hb Intltiitlonal affair nor In r.ny ,hrl"K ff"'" I'linimonla rapidly. Ho irea ili-Mrlrtrd Thn only ii,nll- vvl" '"' iak"n "' ""' lal" ,10M'ltal 'Hon nrrnmiury Is wlllltiKiii'wi f "' " '"w ,l"),, M "'" "h,'rlff rln.mlttork fortliniiilviiiin.m.iiit T'"' l'',l'""l, "",,lnl -ndltlon Is ' lb futillo welfare. Ho tin. t-iii-' "-'Kl. NVhlln hn says his name in l onkliig every one. If they "" "'"" '" '" ,""""" "r "nw"'- IIiik lo ork. to com., to thn '. . . V 'HIm . Mon.lav T .llM-harced from thn army under ni. n wii, .,,,.,, , , Ihnt luimn Sheriff Iiumphroy has puini win draft us many workurs ... ... . . .. i nomiM,. n...i ..1. 1 1 . .irnmmiiiilciitiMl with a sister. Mrs. pooioln and ohtuln pledgns of , , , ., 'Irprcfnce. hut anyone who is not l"";,";"",;r"1 ho " T 1"ono' Pro.cl.ed need not feel that th..y,:N:,V",,n "Ul hu" "0t U' "CnnI fr0'" Inlcntlonally overlooked, or "'r m 'corTry''1 "," "mmm'cl"u':1 COUNTY'S SALVATION y?yB:ir i armyquota. $3,390 rp j Kliimiith counO's iiuota In thn lelegraph Tabloids stntn hiiiigoi iiistriimtioi! for tho ' j Stilvntloti Army financial program In WAHIIINCTON, Mar. 21 -.'I'lm I'1-11 In 3.3!0, tho stain advisory I'oal piiMltlon of thn American I'ouril Imn nnnniiiiced. Tho iiuota ...... ... I m . V . . il.. I ... lll I llArt .1 wuiiicni mat thu Turks should lio,1"' "regon was iimmi 111 i.u.wuii hi filed "is in Illn nlllii.l ......... ....'.. nil ii. Milium 1 ii, Ifh hflH I1.1..,. ...... 1 ... .... ....... 'llin hImIii wnm lirnMilllt ..,,, ,,iinrij i i,u, Bl-ll, -- rtmoiit and which will ho tniiiB-j T"" c"""'' litns nro revised on N soon, I tlio basis of Increaso In thn Oregon budget made by thu cmiveiitlnn to Include the purchase of thn property Kntl Otlimlln fni-,.l. I. Ul i.. " .MM,,..,, ,,, m0 11UCKOI I v.-.in found a chuck fnr 17 r. nil 1111..1 out and hearing tho forged signature , n")",or8hlp "ceding 560 and theso of C C Cohln. thn Union Oil Coin-l' u "cattorod over Klamath imny's manager. Cordon denlod In- j uml Lake coun"es nnd Modoc county, linllnn of passing thn forged check.!0""'0"1'8, From Present indications which hn said ho filled out "Just a lurB attendance will be hero from for fun" iLakovlew and Alturas. Ono of the features that Is being arranged for Is tho prlros that will bo distributed. ranging from merchandise and farm products to livestock, and guests are bolng advised to bring ropes with thom to lead homo tho feathered chickens, pigs and bull calves. Trans fer companies will maintain offices in the building to handle othor goods. v..i iiiui nit) I llfKH HIIOUIII 1.0 1 " "i"" "" " t-. from i:uropo Is reHtateil In," recent hoird meetliiK at Portland 0 llm allied supnunn com ell, ,t wlileli delegatus from all parts of EXPECT NO ACTION ON INDIAN LOAN Thoro Is no Ilkllhood that Con gress will pass tho $2,000,000 reim bursable loan appropriation bill for Indians of tho Klamath reservation, says Clayton Kirk, representative of the Indians, who returned this week from Washington. Congress is pur suing a strict retrenchment policy 1 ami an regular appropriations and bills scheduled ahead of tho local bill havo boon pared to tho bono. Tho policy will preclude nny nctlon on tin. loan bill at this session, Mr. Kirk thinks. Kdwnrd U. Ashurst, who returned from Washington a few days ago, In speaking of legislative prospocts to day took the view that -when Con gress acted upon tho reservation matter, It would hn along tho lines of tho ponding Slnnott nnd McNnry bills for a gonoral opening of the reservation and partitioning of tho tribal lands nnd assets. BROSNAN APPEALS; OTHER COURT NOTES y from thu Whlln MmiHii lees ' two liourn. X 'A8IIINOTON, Mnr. 24. Knlluro Rovornmont to nld former norv '"en has rosultod In tho I. W. W. lnR drive to got nurh men Into organization, tho Houho ways me.ns commlltnn wna told today ' B' Holdon, Htnto ndjutnnt of -'uricon Legion, of Utah. VAHIIINOTO.V Mar "i Presl- ,,,cl,"," lh" l"lrc,,,80 of ,hn l"""l'orl' huh .' .... -1: . ito hn Hindu Into n Salvation Army W hi e , , . ' " Ii..lHlrll nnd Agricultural school - 1 11 . . ;iUv r 'Un ,,,,y" T"" "rst "m,K,,t ot ,SHt- il. . V . ,lr,V0 ' " i wlileli contemplated tho oxten- lav, .i"8 Aox,,m,rln' " lon of the Salvation Army Home .ny from II... mfi. i ii. 1.,. ' . . .. Keivlcu program to tho romoto ills tilctH of the Htnto was declared In milliclimt to hiimllo the big program outlined by tho stnto board aftor a Btudy of tho county hoard confiden tial roporlH. The Kliuimth county advisory hoard Is headed by Coorgo J. Wal ton. Othor momhers aro It, II. Dun hnr. vlco-clinlriiinn; Miss Inor Hall, Hee'y: It. P. Croshock, J. W. Slo iiioiih, O, I), llurko, I.esllo Hogors, C. II. Undurwooil, E. H. Vannlco, IC. Sugnrman, Marlon Hanks. Ed mund Chllcotu nnd Hort C. Thomas. m IiIllllAIUA.V HE8ION1NGJ WANTS HOOKS 11ETUKNED Slnco tho Klamath Falls Tubllo 1 11...... mil rnlnnsnrl from dUQXan- tlno a numbor of books out nt that tlmohnVo not boon returned. Miss HuwftlnB, tho librarian, who Is re signing, would llko all overduo books In nt an early dato and oaks all patrons of tno iinrnry 10 maim euro that thoy havo not carelessly laid iiMldo ti hook wuicji Biiuuiu uu tu tu mod. ... 'A. It. IiKAVITT HAH 'KM: FltAtnUUKD 11V KAM r- A. h, l,oavltt, wlfo of tho Police Jmlgo, sllppod and foil on r stops of hor homo on Con 'vonue this nftornoon nnd frac n anltlo. Bho wan tnkon to Varron Hunt Hospital fortroat Tho fun oxtont of tho injury "0 rovoalod by tho examination 'WlclanB. WKATHEIt IlEPOItT. EfJON Tonight nnd Thuraday, modorato southorly uuloa on LABOR PLEDGES AID IN CITY BETTERMENT Tho contrnl labor council nt Its meeting last night pledged its nld to thu Social Duttorment committee in tho coming campaign for n city clean-up. Thn council ondorses tho campaign in nil Its branches bettor housing, provision of parks and play grounds, dealing with juvenllo do llmiuoncy, city sanitation nnd other details of tho outlined program al though In discussion at Inst night's labor mooting emphasis was laid on tho industrial Burvoy Included in tho committee's schodulo. Affiliated unions have been noti fied of tho nctlon taken by tho coun cil, which, through Its Bocrotary. has also communicated its willingness to assist tho committee. 0. P. Parkori president of the council, Is also n moinbor of tho committee HU. WIUMIT IlETUUNS Appeal from tho Judgment of tho Justice court, imposing a fino of $50 nnd costs, was tiled In the circuit court yesterday by John Brosnan of Merrill, who was accused and 'found guilty in tho Justlco court sovoral months ago of a mlhdemeanor In connection with the Christmas Day row at Merrill In which John Dono hey complained of an assault by Urosnan and othors. With costs tho enso Involves about J 100. Tho suit of P. M. Cleaves against J I.. RlnftTO and l'dward Snntrv. cn- partners was dismissed yesterday on motion of plaiptlfT. It was an action to collect uino $130 by foreclosure of propirtv nt Crescent. Tho court set tho trial ot tho enso of Porter Parsons against John Don ohoy nnd E. S. Torwilligor for tho coming Jury session. Tho Jury is cnllod for March 29, nnd a number of casos nro sot for trial. In this last nctlon plaintiff nllcgos that de fendants sold him Gl shoop, ropro sontlng thorn to bo clean nnd healthy, whon In reality thoy wore infected with scnblos. NEW YORK, Mar. 24. Twenty- two Ilrltlsh merchants, representing tno largost department stores or the United Kingdom, will soon sail from England for a six weeks' tour of the United States to study American methods of retail store management with a vlow of establishing its uso in England. Tho merchants, who will be tho guests of tho National Retail iry Ooods Association, will visit most of tho principal cities in the country. Chambers of Commerce through out tho country aro Joining with the national association and local mer chants' organization In preparing receptions for the visitors and giving thom an opportunity to study Amer ican mchods at close hand. Secre tary of Commerco Alexandor has promised to welcome tho visitors in tho namo of the country and pledged tho aid of tho department in making their visit a successful one. A special car will carry the visi tors on their tour. The itinerary In cludes stops at Pittsburg, Dayton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Toledo, Chi cago, St. Louis, Kansas City, the Orand Canyon, Los Angeles, the Yosomlto Valley, San Francisco, Portland. Seattle Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Milwaukee, Detroit, Buffalo, NIagra Palls and Boston. Side trips also will bo mado to Washington and Baltimore. Tho first religious housa of wor ship in Klamath county and one ot tho oldest landmarks of tho city around Which thn memnrlna nf all I the old timers arn closely lnltrwnn will soon be a thing of tho past and In Its place will be erected a fine modern brick residence that will bo In keeping with tho other new edifices. that are fast going up along Pine street. Contractor Wattenburg on Mondar morning began tho wrecking of the old First Presbyterian church near tho corner of Third and Pine, where St has stood for tho past 35 years. Instead, however, of following his usual custom ot building a home for somebody else, he has this time de cided to erect a hmoo for himself. and his friends agree that ho has chosen one of the most sightly points In tho city for this construction. Mr. Wattenburg will erect a brick residence one story and a half In height and containing eight rooms. The cost is estimated at between nine and ten thousand dollars. Work will commence as soon as the old build ing can be removed, but no predic tion of tho date of completion can ba made at this time. While everyone will rejoice to sea tho fine Improvement announced, there are none of the older residents but that will heave a sigh of regret ' as they see the old meeting house fading from view. Y. W. C. A. CAMPAIGN FOR $3,000,000 FUND GROUND SQUIRREL IS COSTLY PEST Dr. and Mrs. Coorga Wright and daughtor, Henriotta, returnod"last night from an oxtenelvo trip throughout tho oast. Dr. Wright took post graduate courses at Har vard and Chicago, specializing In surgory and obstetrics, and during tho trip visited a number of tho big eastern hospitals to loam ot the ro- cont advances mado in tho Hold of medlclno and surgory. NOVELIST DEAD LONDON, Mar. 24. Mrs. Hum- nhrov Ward, novelist, died tndnv at a hospital horo, ot heart dlsoaso. society. PORTLAND, Mar. 24. The aver ago obsorver docs not think of tho cunning little ground squirrel as a dostructlvo pest, but it really is n icoetly pot, and, in largo numbors, a real monaco on nny farm. Such is tho conclusion reached by William T. Shaw of tho division of zoology of Washington Stato college. Mr. Shaw has made a close study ot the subject aftor many experiments on tho agri cultural experiment station farm near Pullman. With whoat at $2.10 an annual cost of a squirrel is $1.76, says Mr. Shaw. Whon it Is recorded that in sevon years 7,000 Bqulrrels havo been trnpped on tho 416 acres ot College farm at Pullman, a fair idoa may bo gulnod of tho damago dono by tho squirrels in tho intestod districts, un less proper atopa aro taken to chock thom. Mr. Shaw rocontly lectured on the aubjoct boforo tho Portland Audubon RANGE STOCK SALE HERE APRIL 13TH Saturday, April 3rd, tho range men of Klamath county will bo of fered as good an opportunity for purchasing Hereford bulls of high quality as was offered to the ranch men March 13th, when tho shipment of Shorthorn cattlo was sold. Arrangements havo been made for tho consignment of twenty young Hereford bulls to be sold at auction at tho O. K. Barn on the date above mentioned. Theso bulls aro all reg- Tho national organization ot the Young Women's Christian Associa tion is out with a World Service program for raising funds to carry on the enlarged after-war work among girls and women, not only In the United States but in many lands overseas, particularly Prance. Tho French government has asked tho y. W. C. A. to remain la that country and train their women for leadership in this work. At General Pershing's request, hostess houses aro being erected near tho big American cemeteries In France to provide food, shelter and comfort for American tourists visit ing the graves of our brave boys. All this means that tho women of this country must stand behind the national organization and assist in securing funds and the work is en listing the sorvices of such women as Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Jr., of New York, who is chairman of the na tional education and finance cam- , . , .... . . . """ ouucunon ana iinance 1 Istereil nnd slinnlil mnVn nTi-nlant ""-u ... .. Paign committee, and Mrs. J. p. animals for rango purposes. There w u 1 . 1 ..11 1 ... DjDruauor, ot xacoma, who Is :r of bulls in the ccn- ,, , . . .. ' ffnanco Chainnnn nf thn Vnrlh... aro a number signmont that would mako good animals to head puro brod herds. Most of theso bulls aro clred by Lord Donald which tact Itself speaks for tholr quality. This consignment is from tho K. II. Holowny ranch near Albany. Full particulars may bo obtalnod from tho County Farm Bureau office. m CAXDV AND CAKE sale nv r. w. o. a. Ladios of Klamath Palls will hold a candy and enko sale Saturday from 10 to 5 o'clock at Roberts & Hanks' storo to aid in raising this county's quota ot tho Y. W. C. A. national 3,Uui,uou fund. The share asked of Klamath county is only $300. MUSICAL STUDY CLUB'S FINAL CONCERT ON APRIL lflTH Tho Musical Study club announces tho third nnd final concert of the winter sorlos for April 16, with Tho following well known artists. Mr. Bulottl, tonor; Miss Boatrico Barlow, pianist, and Miss Allco Qenovluve Smith, harpist. Tho concert will take place at the Houston opora house. WASHINGTON, Mar.. 24. Con gress has no constitutional, authority 10 pass over tno President's veto tho Joint roEoultlon declaring a stato of peace botween tho United States and Oormany, Senator Thomas, Democrat, of Colorado, doclarod to tho Senate today. field. The slogan of the campaign Is "Servlco for Girls Everywhere" and tho national goal is $3,000,000. Of this, $80,000 has been assigned t,o tho Northwest field, which comprises tho states of Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. Oregon's share ' is $21,600 and Klamath county's" share is $300. ' Mrs. W. S. Slough has been asked to take charge ot tho work in Klam- ath county and undor hor direction intorested girls and women are en-? deavorlng to raise this monoy within the next few days, as tho campaign $ closes March 31. ,, The raising or this $300 at this ' time will probably be a long step toward socurlng a Y. W. C. A. or- ganizatlon in Klamath Falls. The Northwest Hold staff sont a field socretary hero last summer to look . this field over and it is tholr hopa to effect ap organization In this city 'n tho near future. $ i WHOLESALE SIIP.AR PKICEIS 16 CENTS 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Mar. 24. Cane , sugar supplied Pacific Coast points by the Western Suear Reflnlnir Com. U pany advanced from 15 to 16 conts 1? pound today, tho second rise in four days. Executives of thn California Retail Grocers association said tho use orougni sugar to tno highest ' point since the Civil war, As a re- ', suit of today's advanco, sugar will retail horo at 18 cents a pound. """